Download - The Dangers of Not Seeking Hearing Aid Help

Page 1: The Dangers of Not Seeking Hearing Aid Help

Professional Hearing Centers (352) 419-0757

The Dangers of Not Seeking Hearing Aid Help

Realizing that your hearing is starting

to diminish can be hard on you

emotionally, leading you to delay

taking action for fear of what you’ll

find out or what the cost will be.

However, putting off making an

appointment with the

audioprosthologist may lead to several types of dangers that you

want to avoid.

1. Greater Potential for Accidents

Your sense of hearing is one of the biggest alert factors that can

let you know you’re in danger of an accident. Whether you’re

hearing a vehicle coming while crossing a street or hearing a

warning call from someone else, you need to have a sharp sense

of hearing to alert yourself early enough to take action. If you

don’t seek hearing aid help, you may not get your early warning.

2. Impaired Relationships

Personal relationships are built largely on verbal interactions, but

if you can’t hear, you won’t be able to communicate very well.

Failing to get hearing aid help when you aren’t able to hear

clearly may make it difficult for you to maintain relationships with

the people who matter most to you. When relationships become

distant, this may wreak havoc on you emotionally.

Page 2: The Dangers of Not Seeking Hearing Aid Help

Professional Hearing Centers (352) 419-0757

3. Neural Atrophy

If you don’t use the part of your brain that processes sounds, the

nerves there may begin to atrophy over time. Therefore, if you

need hearing aid help but delay getting it, you may suffer

additional hearing loss during that time that the hearing

healthcare provider won’t be able to recover for you, even with

hearing devices.

Making an appointment now with a hearing aid provider can help

you avoid these dangerous situations. A great hearing healthcare

provider will not only test your hearing and identify problems, but

also explain to you all of your hearing aid options.

For More Information Call Us at (352) 419-0757 or Visit