Download - THE DAlbY I-OW AN




mtlnued from page one)

no faith In the ordinary

the word, but all who stood


" . - .'


.. ~ 'r' .,. , f t . 't

• 'f . ~

him knew that In hllon ~::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~==::::~-=:::::=::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::~:::: ~ way he was devoutly reU,. VOL. IX lOWA CITY, IOWA, FRIO Y MORNLi G, MAY 17~ 1,10 rIB'tol said of him, 'He "If" a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=:===;=~=:::::~~~=~=~~~~;:;~~

Numlwr 159

In miniature.' Lincoln "lfU , iI-------~~-~----III!'I---IIII!II------... -------.. -II!II-----~IIII!I-~IIIII!------~--__________ ~~-.... action, not a dreamy Idealist. SA'l'URDA Y MABANA AND


absolutely nothing for EVENING . ". STDENT',S DANCE AT

SUEPPEL'S AUDITORIUM at any tlme In his life. By MAY 28 . , I I.

he was disposedtoa~"""""""""""""~~""""""""""~"""""I1111!"""""""""" ................ -' ........................ ~ .. ...

ever walked the earth:'




OUR aily Iowan bscription IT NOW! 1 Che,ek or

at 23 E. ashingtol1 St.




Irving Will Dl8c1l88 EntraDce fit·­

qnlrelDellte to Ut.enrJ 8oclede<t




Will Repreeent Iowa

At the Elllott 'Hotel In Des Moinel,

OBDi G. LIBBY DEL1VER8 .u~ . DRBS8 DSTBRDAY A. H. Should only men with hl,h IChool



at 7:30 Friday evenln&" May 27, wl1l records In debate or oratory be p r-M.., PapeIW BMd by Pl'omlneat mltted to join ""'llege forensic "'L AldermaD ~ to 1Ila a .. Leu& jIbI Lee Webster of Omaha )leUven.

8ecoDd Addre8B on the Relation

of the State to History.

be held the aprlDg banquet of the "" .-r'

~ of the!eiIRppl cletles! This Interesting Question Ii1tbf. Pobate la Wt'....-College Press asaociatlon of Iowa.

This association hu been organ­

'!zed ~or a llttle over one year, and

Valier-Meet Yet Today will be discussed tblB venlDg by

Inlng Institute. The Zeta wlll de-The ftrst two sessions of the mf!et-

"The fundamental conceptions at 'haa Jielded much beneftt through bate a stricter lmm1lral1on law. In, of the l411.luJppl Valley Hlator· -hlle the Phlloa -111 take up the IOn, Baer, and John J ... , accom-

Thll mornlnl at 8:03 Banon, WIl-

erlcan democracy were born In the the Intercour\18 of Ita memben. ""

f J leal UlOClaUon were held ,elterday proposition of p .. leeS br Tralner O'Brl 0 aDd Dr. eetabll8hlng a IY8' liBB\IBippl Va,lley," aaid Pro el8Or. Following fa the proposed pro'"

l'IIer in his addresa before tbe Mi.-

il\Ppl V~lley Historical aasoclatlon

WIt night on the slgnlftcance of tte

xi.!.ippl valier In American hlll-

mIT. Prof. Turner 18 one of the moat

gram: J- J •

, Tout' »uter. Karl Knoepller, eel-

tor Normil Eyt,. ~t •

"The fl&chanre Table," CorneUan ·,LI .u:. .... repreaentllUTe.

mornln, aDd afternoon In the Alaem'

bl, room qf the hall ot llberaJ arta.

.. larre number of paper. were pre·

iented by well known bl.torlanl

hom all~rts of the MI811ppi VII-

ley. The papan dlaculled a .arlet,

tem of parcels pOlL O. E. Van Epp., w11l 1 aYe tor Del

These debates, togetber with other )loin .. , arrlnD, In the ea,ltal city

enjoyable featurea w111 be Nen 14

the tollowln, procrama:

at 11: 111. Tbll afteraOOll at 4

o'cJook the Jowa athlet .. w111 run

in ~ prellminarlea la lbe duhea

ud the hurdl ... !IlDent authorltiea III the Unlte4 "BuBlll~'I , ~ropoeltloJlI:"

I.' of lubJeet8 and were of a hleh de-Statet on the aubject ot tho hl8to1'1 or Mau,er Drake Delphic.

lnln, lDItltute: Kualc, Speecb,

Stewart; Debate, "R8IOlYeel, tbat

~h lChool torenalc recOnll .hould

be made the bu1a for a4m!uJOJl to

The MCond cleJepUon will I Ile

at I: 40 thia afternoon, Iac:lulln, 1M MI181sslppi vaUer. He 18 at present "Carteatur .. iJl Journalfam," /. N.

the preaident of the AmerlClD Hlator- Darllng, "Din,," of Regilter and

kal aBlloclaUon. Leader.

gree ot exe-Uence.

Thameetln, of the UBoclatll'n lIaa

opened on bebalf ot the unll erllty

br President George E. )laeLan.

colle,e forenllc IOCleU .. .', Alllrm- c.ptala Bnptrom, Paul Ju., a..4,

aUn, H .. , Pownall; Nep.t1n 8m1t.b., Gt.dbul'1, Stelnber" Camp­bell, Hammer, Rorick, BaUer, Ald .....

Humphrey, Mena,h. Optional, Mc-"Moat great wane of popular de- "Stair )[anarement," Robert A. r The prealdent at the Mlsll181ppl Val-

mand b~ve arisen In the Mississippi McBain, Editor Simpeonian. Connell. Kullc. maD. Swan, O'Brien, l4cOoDn 11 Ind

Burkhelmer. They will arrive at

Colfax at 5: 15 thla IftDin, wber lilley," .be continued. "The luOSt

ley Historical A810clatlon, Professor CIA Missouri Valley Assoclatf01l," Zetagathlan Soclety-)(uelc, DflC'

Orin G. Libby, of the State Unlvers· lamaUon, Nathan. Debate, "Re-Dcoltlcant fact of Misalsslppl valJey Frank Swan, Dally Iowan.

tty of North Dakota, gave the ad· they will sPeJId the nl,hl the ntlre I1It01'1 lB its Ideals. The people of "The Coming Year," J. M. Fuller, lolved that lhe interelta of the Un it- '

I dres8 of the morning on the subje t .quad leavln, for Del Moine. at

lki$ ijlctlon haN led In all movemeD;te editor I, S. C. Student. eeS etates would be promot d by pi ('-of "Professional IdeaI8." Protessll r 9: 30 tomorrow mornln,.

ror pOlitical and social reform. "Tbe Morrow's Trllck Meet," Scar- blbltln, the imml,ratlon of lin· ~=========~ I The Granger movement, the Green- let and Black representative. Libby made a telling speecb that .k11led laboring classe • .', Affirma. The bl, me t be In. tomorrow al-

sounded the keynote of the meeting. ternoon at 2 o'clock with the one back movement, Bryanlsm and Roose- A business meeting, Including 01·

lelt republlcani&m found their orIgin ectlon of officers for the coming year

In the great middle west. will follow the toast program.

Uve, McDowell, Baker. N gatlH', Papers were read In the morning 11'._ hundred yard dal h tbe llrat vent on

Bennett, Anderson. Oration.. .... session by Mr. Albert Watkins, lUs-

son. Music. tbe program. Accordln, to tbe pr

tori an In tbe State Historieal do· lImlnary dope anyone of the v ral When first discovered the Missls8- Newspaper men from Missouri, Phllomatblan SOciety. - tusle.

clety of Nebra8ka. on "the Evolu~un MlllOurl Vall y team. look. to bls Ippl valley had a profound effect on Kansas and Nebraska, whose schools Reading, Beach. D bate, "R olv d,

of ebraska;" Professor Shimek or the wiDDer of tomorroW'a eont .t. the world's history.; It became the are competing In the Missouri Valley that the UDlted Statal Ihouid .. tab-

this university on "The Pioneer and Mi.ourl, Kanlaa and Nebruka have bone of contention for th~ world pow- track meet will also be present by lish a system of parcela post." f -

the Forest ;" Mr. Cbarles E. Brown, tbe best chane of carrying away frs In the western hemisphere. The spec\al invitation. H. W. Wagner, tlrmatlv ,Field. hapman . Negatlv . •

cblef of tb Wisconsin state hlsttlr- the honon with Mll lOurl lightly ancient Bourbon monarchy and the editor of the I. S. C. Student at Ame@ Buffum, Foley. Oration. Spauld;ug

leal museum, on "The State Hlstor· in the lead. Napoleon empire all contemplated IR president of the association. Music.

Ical Muse.m." Haddock of Ka.n.... w111 probably , the addition of this great territory.

The afternoon se66lon was first de-"Tbe progress of the Mississippi , , Deb.~ ·J-OU·D J 8

" a...,.# to une voted to a conference of teachers cf talley was rapid and Irrisi&table. At The try-outs ·or the i te ~oll~ , n r-.. ,,- history, Professor James A. Jam~8. first Insignificant, It soon held the bal· glate debaUng teams will be held on of Northwestern University, presld·

take the century duh, havlnr eov-Freehment Go to Aledo ered the distance In : 09 4-6, with

The t, .. hmaD track team wll go WUllon of Coe, Reed of Nebruka,

to Aledo, Ill., to meet the W11llam~ Farrell of MI880url and Baer of ance of power and was the object of Wednesday, June 8, beginning at Va-bitl college athletes lng. The paper of the afternoon WaR - Saturday. Simpson a]lo In the ruoln,. The

The squad wlJ) leave this afternoon ume meJI wlll compete In tb 220.

at 4: 45, golng part of the way by wbJle Reed of Nebruka, Bermond of

much contention for political alE- 6: 30 p. m. Those who wish to ap­ read by Profe88or Andrew C. Mc-anee. Before long It grew to hold the pear at this try-out should hand In Laughlin, of the University of Chi-controlling power of tho'! country. their names to Mr. Jones at Unity. C boat on the Mll8llslppl. The (0110"'-cago. on the subject, " hlet Feat· MllIOurl, WlIlon of Coe, and J . Jan 1'he Industrial industry of the United Hall not later than 1 p. m. Thursday, ures o. the Report of the Committee Ing men will make the trip, accom-, of Iowa wl11 lI,ht. for the quarter . . States bas been transferred to th~ June 2. All contestants will meet of Five ot the American Historical lJanled by Mr. E. G. Scbroeder: Fife, With Campbell of Jowa out of the new country. The center of polltl()al at that time and draw for places. W I WI b d J 1 R k Y t Association." e B8j 8 ar, os yn, oc, - race, Bermond of Millourl w111 bav~ Inlluence has followed untll now It Anyone desiring Information In re- t 101 C b 11 Fit Id R The remainder of thl8 part of thfl er, . amp e. zgera. ogel euy wlDnlnr in the halt mUe, with bolds In Its grasp the future destlnlt'll gard to the try-outs should see Mr. seRslon was taken up by discussions. Streeter, ThomlUl.

Kraft of Ame , Dawkine of Grin­

nell and others taking the remain­

Inr pOinte. Steele ot Mluourl, New­

In of Cornell , R d of Iowa, Clark of

Grinnell and Thompllon of Drake,

look the best In the mlle. In tb

two mlle Steele and Snider of Mia-

of,Amerlca and of the world. W E. J . ones. The ·Gnt aubject considered was to , "Tbe significance of the Mississippi

valley has been felt In every epoch

cl our history .In the Civil War it

furnished not only the frontiersmen

who were trained to fight but It fum­

Ilbed the leaders of both south and

(Continued on page four)

++++++++'1"1"'1111"1.11"11'111.11 I' + + + MOrning Program. + + + +i ·t· t"I"IOII"I"t"I"I"I-t-++++++

FrIday. May 28. 10 A. M.-Hall of Liberal Arte

Paper, "The Significance of the Louisiana-Texas Frontier," Isaac, Joslin Cox, I)rofe8&or In the Univers­Ity of Cincinnati and president of tbe Ohio Valley Historical associa­tion.

Paper, "The Bid of the West for the National Capital," Olynthus B. Clark, professor In Drake University.

Paper. "Detroit and George Rogers Clark, 1780-1781," James A .. James, professor In Northwestern UnIversity.

Rep()rt, "The, Marldng ot Historic Sites," committee of the association.

w.hat utent can an effective use or

Unveil HrOOk l\f.onup1ent June 26 the sourcel be made In secondary

June 26 Is the date set for the un· teaching. This was dlscused by

veiling ot tbe monument erected In Professor Guernsey Jones of !>Ie-

Cedar Rapld8 to the memory of Jet- brash; Profeseor Edward C. Psgc,

frey D. Hrbek, a graduate of this ot Northern lllinois State Normnl;

university and later a member of tbtl and Mr. Jay T~ Colgrove, teacher or

University of Nebraska faculty. history In the Cedar Rapids hi,;h

1\Iany Iowa City people, members of --------------

tbe Komenlan and C. S. P. S. lodges.

and former university friends w\lJ

attend. Several of those In attend­

ance at the National Komensk~ c\ln­

venUon to be held In Iowa City on ., t

the tbree preceding days, will go' to

Cedar Rapids for the ceremonies.

Iowa IJO~ to St. JO!ieph.

(Continued on page four)

2 P. H.-Hall of Liberal Arts Paper. "The Need of a Compre-

hensive Finding Hst of Western Manuscripts," Clarence W. Alvord. professor In the University of lllinois.

Paper, "Emgy Mounds and Mosaics Dubuque, Iowa, May 26.-(Spel'lal In the Valley of the Mississippi," Ar­

to Dally Iowan )- St. Josepb defeated low B. Stout, Instructor In the State

Iowa here today In a close gam

to 1.

:l Unlver81ty of Wisconsin. Business session of the M IS81sslppi

Valley Historical as&Oclation .

Baccalaureate Subject AnnouncOO

Pre8. George E. MacLean y ster­

day received a letter from Blsbo!)

Edwin H. Hughes, the dlst\ngulshel\

educator and mlnllter wbo Is to de-

liver the baccalaureate sermon to the

graduating class. Rev. Hughes has

lOurt have the best. recorcn of thla

year with Cummine 'of Nebruu and

lIelected as his lubject, "The Muter's Smith of Iowa clole behind.

Recipe for Power." Arlo Wnson of Iowa ahould have

The class of 1910 has been es- I an easy time In the high burdles,

peclally fortunate in obtaining Blsh bavlng clear d the high Itlck. In : 16

op Hughes to address them. He I lIat. with Corrie of Drake, KIMer ot

an Iowan by birth and has dlstln· gulshed hlmaeIr both In tbe educa- (Continued on page four)

tional field aDd In tbe ministry, bOld- I Ing 8uccesslvely the presidency ot Il oI-ll(oOIHoI'~IOooJIIoo. 1oo1"+1,0I11ooIHoI4100101 ·t I r I 1 ~

DePauw University at Gr encastle, + EYeDing Program. + Ind., and the blshoprick at San \' t 11 t. 1 H 1"1 'I 1 I I 'In In! I I,t Francisco, Calif. 8 P. !(.-HaU of Liberal Arts

The baccalaureate sermon will be Address, " Past and PTe ent SUck-

given at 4 o'clock In th

of Sunday. June 12th.

afternoon Ing Points In Taxation." Frank L. McVey. president of the State Uni­versity of North Dakota.

THE 'DAILY rDWAN Ralph Lawton's Recital. +++++++++++++++++++ ---------: +++++++++-1-++-1.+-H­+ VOL. IX. • '0. 1 ~ '.

Every morning except Saturday. ,mll ltlondays. Of t e Vldette-Report. er the torty-fi'J'st year and ot the S. U. I. Quill the eighteenth year.

Edltor-In-Chlef HER.BER T M. HARWOOD

The Staff: Desk Editors

Ralph Lawton wlll glvo a pluuo

rccltal In the Methodist Episcopal

church this e\'enlng at 8:1:1 p. nJ.

The fOI!owlng program wlll be I (;n'

arnhllls-Sonnte, F. M\nol'. Allegro

maestoso, Intermezzo, Scherzo. Bee-­

thoven-Menuet, E. Flat. Beethov~l\-

Monday ... .. ... Lloyd G. Normu Rubenstein-Turkish-March. Chopl;1 TuesdAY .......... Frank F. S"&8 k "'. ng I -Mazur a, nO. ;l. mpromptu F . VJ Ine d y ....•. P. N. HauihteUn 'l, lursday .. ...... . . Karl D. LoOI Sharp. MacDowell-Novellette. S!n-S,turdllY .. .. .... G. K. ThomplOll ding-Song without words. Poldinl--

Associate Editor!! e. '€. Van Nostrand Paul S. ColUer Etude Japonaise. Leschetlzsky-Un .John A. Fu llerton Walter Cardell moment de trlstesse. Octave-Intermez. T. ll. Tapping . Cbester A. Corey

Fred M. Pownall. zoo Tschaikwosky-Concerto, B. Flat

Women Editors minor. Yndla Goodwan Audrie Alspaugh Andante non troppo e molto maes-

Reporters H. C. Langland Paul Mather loso-Allegro (on spirito. C. O. SjUlln M. D. Roller Orchestral part for concerto played

on the organ by Miss Ethel Dentun. .. "ot all tha.t Is good, Iowa affords

tte best." Girls' Glee Club CtlJlCCI't

:dAILY IOWAN PUBLISHING CO., The Girls' Glee Club concert publishers (Incorporated) the university will present IL unlcl'Jc

ItO BERT B. PIKE, BUSiness Mgr. _ ... . , ' Iogram next Tuesday evening in the

Entered a8 seconli-clas9 mall mat- ,·atural science auditorium. SeJec­tel', November. 12, 1903, at the Post-Ilions will be given from ":\Jadaru 0[11('(' lit Iowa City, Iowa, under the • I act'q!,'congress o! March 3, 1879. Butterfly,' "The Flying Dutchman,"

.,- .,..-- "Folly Shop," and others. Artistic I

scenic efl'ects have beeu arranged . I I l?~l',, .I?a,ia" ~efore Nov. 15, S2.26 .,1.: ~J('r 'ear, paid after Nov. 15, $2.76 _ )·1 -.'Ill' 'i5t>mest-Elr I . i. ',. , .•....... $1.26

~;~r,,},!Opth ··'··Ii ···· 'I' . . .. .35 I I' Slogfe Copy . . . . . . . . . . .. .05


. ports on a~hletic eyenl

the prell iuaries In . hS$ourl Vull y . Jif'ld mo t at Des MoinE'9 and the

res1J1t of tho I t;o.\ a-AIlnr()sp ta baSt

ball gaUle at :'tlinn apolis. In tile

gundp.)" mor 'ng c:iition th filII tell'

grallh accouuts i the fro limen mee4

th'e lil!lloUri Valle) an th SO'ent!

Iowa-. inne.oUi ;tallle "ill be ginll

if there is no hitch in tile wire s -

vile. Owing 10 facilit!Nf here, hoI\' .

ever, all wire reperts are unc('rtain.

'l'clephOne lis to the office for lu­

formation will be gladly answered

and the program promises to be un­

usually attractive.

tlAIL ORO E ltS (;1\'1<:. ' PRO:\fPT ATTEN'!'lO, .

, ,

Our dock ' Is one t)f th~ mORL desirable line In the west, because W3 carry in atock all the time, all seas­onable aportlng gOQds,


Write ror New Fall Catalogue Ii lS-G20 LOCUST

J)('~ ~Iolnes. Jowa.

w. L. D U

OXFORDS $3-$3.50-$4

Latest styles in Gun Metal, Tan, aDd Patents. Windsor, King, and Cadet Lasts.

Fenton & Thomas 109 South Clinton Street


JOHN R. THOMAS Dealer In aU kinds at

Coal, Coke, Wood, Flour and


Feed ... Coal yaras and' Foed MlIl Cor. Wash­

Ington and Van Buren Sts. Johnson County Telephone Hi

Iowa Telephone 452-R

CapItal . • ..••••.••.••. . $126.,000 SurpluB & UndIvIded Prot\tsU6'O,OOO' checks tor sale. Good as cash; no Identification required .

Four per cent in.torest paid on tlt)11! deposits.

Hourlv Trains Dailv




IOWA CITY t(1nigl1t though there is

tomcrrol\' morning. ++·!··tntorHnH .. tut·++++-H·"1·#+++++++++++++++++"

Hr. Royal in New' York

Dr. Gorge Royal, dl:lan of the

homcollathlr colJega, leaves this week

to attend the graduation exercises of

the New York Homeopathic medical

owa (ttt~ Bca~em~ Prep3re~ Students for' State University FIliI' opportunhy to make up deftclencles

'l!'(ll. B. mIllis \prtncipal


college. Dr. Royal Is presIdent or ---===:-;:=----==--::;:::;::::=;=======--==-===~

the alumni associattbu of the college

and will preside at the annual meet­

ing on June 1.

- FuUh on Goo to FOJ't Uodge

1111'. John A. Fullerton , L. A. '13,

has left the untversl ty to accept a

position Oll th rel}Ortoria I staff t)f

tbe Ft. D d e :\tes , nger. Mr. Fol­

lerten . waR fl'rm I'ly \\1th th SlOtH

City Journal anil whlle at til 1111/-

verslty wa

Iowan staff.

Alumni Get Offices.

Attorney WJJllam Ohamberlaln

form erly of the coll ege of law, waf!

elected city solicitor of Cedar Rapld q

last night Olrer J . H. Croaby, dl strJct

dE'puty of the K. C., also a vllrs!ly

alumnos. A tblrd graduate of the ~ol­

ll'ge of law, Frank C. Byel's, wue nam­

ed assIstant City soHeitor again ..

You must ... see ALDOUS If you want the beautiful and exquisite in FLOWERS. He is a florist of excep­tional knowledlte in this particular line and you (let the benefit of this when you order your flowers.



SWig01"t Bros. Cleaners and Dyer .. ~


2 11-213 E. College ~t. r}ell PIl l-me, J 7


Steam Laundry

r C. J. TOMS

IOWA AVENUE New Location,


A gentleman asked II friend "Have you ever had appendicitis?" "No" was the reply, "I've never reached a

+ BUSINESS DIREOTORY + :1-+++**++~+++


DRS. DEAN &; nOILJm Practlet> limited to diseases of ~

Eye, Iilar, NOle and Throat. Both 'phones.

DR. FRANK L. LOVE 'Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat

Office over Novak's Drug St,q" Both 'Phonel

DR. W. H. DONOVAN Physician and -Surgeon 117 1-2 8. Dubuque Bt

Office over Wflldnson'. Groeerr 'Phones: Bell 106, J. C. 3fT. NI&hI

eaUs answered 'Cram olllce.

• OHARLES S. GRANT, II. D. Office 17 1-2 S. Dubll,que 8t.

Over Stach's Shoe Store Residence 229 BwnmIt II&.


Office 'phones-Bell 380R. J. C. hi Residence 'phones-Bell 678R. J. C,


DR. W. L BYWATER Vl eases 01

Eye, Eur, Nose and Throat No.8 N. Cllnton St.


c. M. RENO 11 0 1-2 Washington St


Des MoInes. Iowa F. W. JlO1D[ANN, Agent,

528 N. Dubuque St., Iowa Glty, Iowa.

stage where I could afl'ord it." ------------I've beard It said there are four

great problems-hunger, thirst, shElI­tel' and tie In the ninth Innings with two out and bases filled. Did you ever think of thnt when you sat on tbe bleachers waiting for the Ump to boller, "pl-a-y Ball!"

I thlnlt the funniest prolJlem in life is the SRmpl suIt man who pro­fesses to Fell you drummers' sam­ples at less than manufacturer's C(1;r. You'Ye often wond red hew tiley could get enough of these suits to grl ar(1und; that is if you ('vel' thought of it at all; baven't you? The demand would ' bo Simply norco Ie tbey WI; IC

~rst ciao,s suits, and any ettort to SlIP­

ply the demand would reAult In put­ting the fnctorles nil out of buslneas after about one yenr of the trollr.. Well, sIr, a regular clothing drum­mer put me wise to the game. TJ


A general banking business traot acted.

114- S. OUnt.on Bt.


Palmetto Chocolates our speci­alty. All Candles Home-made. Ice Cream made in all shapes and furnished for Parties aDd l{eceplions. -

ALL LATEST DRINKS said, "!lfy boy, tbe factories do not ~~~~~~~~~;;~~ make up sample snits; they send out = what Rre called 'swnt('hes', and thr.L Is nil the traveling men carry." T asked him what he moant by "swntc'1 es" and he said th y wOI'e pattorns of the cloth used In the sult&-thnt was a ll.

Well, I wonder If a man 1,(,1'

reach es th e stage wb re he can (If­ford to be stung by another ll1 un'~ game? I gueRs th e answer Is, "Once taught; never caught." A man ('an not get caught even once In th!s fashion l'lbop. He doesn't have to pay for any experience that we have bought- that's sure. You trade with

don't yon?


.+~(o+~(o+.~+ '~·+-I-·H[.!.,!.o! I +++++++'1+1-'1"1'+ '1"1"1'01"1'+ + + + BUSINESS LOCALS' . + + +

,,f.,t..t.,.t..t..t..t. oI-olo.J.ot., 0l00I001001..1': I ~-1II"r+*'I"l"H-1.oJ. *++++ PHYSICIANS. Iowa Olty State Bank, acro~ street

!rom Interurban station. tr DRS. DEAN " JjOILIR Phone Murphy's livery for swell

limited to dlseasea 01 II. Eye, Ear, NOBe and Throat. turn·outs.

'phones. Go to the Iowa City State Bank

DR. FRANK L. LOVI ']fye, Ear, Nose and Throat

over Novak's Drul Sill" Both 'Phone.

DR. W. H. DONOVAN Physician and -Burgeon 117 1-2 8. Dubuque Bt

over Wllldnson', 01'Oee!7 Bell 106, J. C. 3fT. NIcbI answered trom omu.

Vtulu.\LdI.~ 8. GRANT, If. D. 17 1·2 S. Dllbll.que 81.

Over Stach's Shoe Store Residence 229 Sumrult lit. 'phones-Bell 380R. J. O. !II

,Ith your account.

Join Graham's Pantorlum club.

Good service. Reasonable prIces.

Have your clothes pressed at Gn·

bam's pantorlum.

Students wanting tJank nccomoda

Hons should go to IOWA CITY

sTATE BANK, under opera housi

Student dance at Majestic I1Ionday,

Jlay 30. 5-30.

Buy your tlcl,ets now for the

Woml\u's Glee Club Concel't, Tuesdal'

evening, May 31. 5-29

there is not a merchant in town

who would not gladly accept

the Sole Agency for

Cha~e & Sanborn's Coffee

Why? They know that the

Chase & Sanborn coffee is

the best that money can buy.



man, university dmory, 10 a. m.

June lU. Annual cnlor hop, univer­

sity armory 8 p. m.

Without d ubt get your meals at the 8lYlllpian

Mostly for the faStid-ious people.

Regular meals 0nly 25 and 30


A. G. Spalding & Bros are the IArcest JIWlnlaetureJ'll III til.

'phones--Bell 678R. I. C. Selections from "Madame Butter- - ... ~---.. --.. - ..

6y" and "The Toy Shop" at the

world of

DIseases 01, Nose and Th.roat

No.8 N. CllntOD St.


women's Glee club concert. 5-2~

Tickets are now on salo' for the

Womell's Glee Ch!b concert at Wine­

te's book store and Whetstone's

drug store.

'WASHBURN & WASHn~ " IVAr-;TED:~ bIcycle In

E. Washburn, D. 0 , rondlUon. Telenhone 135611 . S. Washburn, D. O.

r esidence, 102 S. Linn St .• CHy, Iowa. Both 'Pbones

M. RENO 11 0 1-2 Washington St

n,SUHANCE Two Propositions for Students.

Both are winners. Make YOUI' auro-

r vacation prOfitable. Iowa Salc3



June 15. Commencement. Addre<;s

by Vice-President James S. Sber- Geo. D. Barth Des MoInes. Iowa ., Box 84, Iowa City. tf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

W. JlOIDIANN, Agent, buque St., Iowa Olty, IOlla.


BANKERS ............ .. .. $.'50000

banking buslnes8 tran ..

CONFECTIONER to Chocolates our speci·

Candles Home-made. made ill all shapes

rni!>hed for Parties aod =-


IVANTED:-Student during sum-

lef vacation. Apply 330


60~ to lOOi profit

and monthly prizea to

our 8at!DU

jlMpendtnct for T.,chtr. and Stud.nt, tho leI! and IldVtll'tllO Ollr PAT"~NTEO STJ:.JA~)! !XJOKEU aDd complete Une 01 Pl111& ALUMIIIl1U

'COOKING UTEN81I._. An opportunity to make 111.00 and over every month. Experience noC ~)'. Write now for partlcu"'.... Addre ..



Money Made Easily by subscription seeking for

Scribner's Magazine or particulars regardi vg Li beral h Commissions, etc., addre sat

ce Desk SO, Scribner's Magazine, 5 Fifth Ave., New Ycrk City.

+++++++'1-','" 1"1'1,1'1"1' +

COMING EVENTS + ~-++++++-I-lo"'~oJ.++~ ~y 28. May Day F'eta, Iowa field,

1:30 to 8 p. m.

~e 2. Baseball. Minnesota vs

Iowa, Iowa fielcl, 3:45 p. m.

De 10. Annunl graduating exer­

eI~ or the literary societies, L. A.

Nature's Own Remedy Fry's Pure Colfax Water

In bottles and jugs. Shipped only by D. C. Fry & Co. tram the origIn&! Fry Minerai Springs located at Coltax, Iowa. HENRY LOUIS, drunlal, and J. W. MILLER BOTTLING WORICS, agents for Iowa CIty, have the

water tresh tram the Springs always 00 hand and will fill all ordera promptly.


Hemy Subln, Elbrldge JIr. Sabin, Prest. Sec. & Treat.

Has been particularly successful In securing good po"ltlonB as teach en (or Jowa students and graduates. Covers the entire Northweat. A registration lasts for two years. Write tor full Intormatf ... n. :\fanhattan Bldg. ~ Mobles, low.

Bttention Seniors Special rates gt~en to all Seniors at

Cowns~nds Studio ~*+++++~ +oJo'H"I' t '!nI-I'I'+ i Students Interested In I t Fraternity Jewelry t Sorority Jewelry

-=~=================== t will do well to look over our pring ovelties ~ b B t e-! b t before ordering elsewhere. The line has been \J.t e r ~ " P t greatly 'enlarged since last year and OUR PRICES +

FINE PHOTOS AND FRAMES + certainly deserve your consideration. ~ U ~ C " m bet In addition to our standard line of Fraternity ,.lI.J ~ + Jewelry with the rai ed Greek letter we have CuJr :-........ ----------------.;....;~~ t Links, Scarf Pins, Etc., with the Fraternity and


One, Two, and Three Strap Slippers, Sandals, and Pumps in Patent Leather, Kid, Demi·GJaze, and Gun Metal.



oJ. Sorority Crests on in Sterling Silver. of. * .T .. t ·1"1"1"I,,t"I-I .. I"I .. l"I"I-I .. l"l .. t"I"J .. t"I·+'H·+·H I 1 1 J 1 I I ·r

* t~.:7.:':~~:':::~!~'~=:';1~1~'~=~~ Iff • "The Store of Quality"


Morrison ,s.f.if7~;;'/_O" 203~. Block • _ Washmgton

~L£Af)ING JlW£L£R ... Street ~ ...

oJ. + -I-lu! '1'1 1"1,,1"1,,1,,1 1 1 I' I 1'+ + + +'H H"H 'I I' oJ"l I I I I He or

.. :-1011"10 1"1"1"1"1"1"1"1' I' I' 1"1011'+:1: ~-----------------------~ Thomas F. Moran of Purdue; Pro- Knowles of Grinnell MunaOa at Ne-

+ PJ:JUlONAL aDd SOOUL + NHOERWE I '" e d d 1- n d \ Day ~ fessor O. M. Dickerson, of Western braska and Cooper of MllIO\rI are + + YY~' 5 Illinois State Normal; Mr. L. A. Ful- picked to wnl the broad Jump til * ++ I-a I U III I J 1,,11 1'1'++ wider, principal of Freeport high order named. Grahp.m of Nebrub,

MIBS Bessie Ken enjoyed a visit ~8~~~ ICommencement Days school; and Mr. H. C. Wright, teach- Thompson and Johnaon of xu. from her mother yesterday. er of civics In the J. Sterling Mor- are the beet vaultel'B In tbe Valle7.

The Octave Thanets and Ph!l(>· I THESE OCCASIONS REQUIRE mathlans will enjoy a picnic Monday.

Miss Helen Randall of Epworth, a

former student, Is the guest ot Mlu

Edith Ketchum.

The :Erodelphlans will entertal'l

tJle Irvlngs at a dance at Sueppel's

ball June 4.

MI88 Jessie Ruser leaves today to

spend a few days at her home In


Paul Mather, L. A. '12 has been

confined to the hospital where he will

undergo an operation on his eyes.

Miss Lulu Utley has gone to her

home In New Hampton to remain un­

tll commencement, when she will re­

turn to graduate.

White Silks for Entire Gowns, Linin,! and Trimminlfs

. ' White Silks and Dr~ss Goods were :never

more faehionable than they are this season; White Taffetas; Messaline; Peau-de-Chine; Crepe-de-Chine; Satin-de-Chine; Silk Down; Silk Poplin; Silk Benlfaline; Crystal Benlfaline.

~~~~at 59c to $1.50 per yd Our assortment of white Silks and Dress

Goods offers a selection that in Quality Beautiful Patterns and Colors; is not equaled in Iowa City or all Southeastern ·Iowa.

ton high school, Berwyn, Illinois. Shonka .of Nebraska Is putUn, 1M At 3: 30 the session was given over shot In fine style while Alderman or

to a conference of the Mississippi

Valley Historical socleUes. Mr. Ed·

gar R. Harlan of Des Moines, pre-

Iowa and Anderson ot Mlaaonri an'

doped for second ayd third. Al4er.

MU 11 expected to, take the dllCUI

siding. Brief statements were pre- with Smith of Arne and Roberta of

sen ted for the various hl9torleal so- Missouri next best. Kansu, Ne.

cieties affiliated with the MisafsslllPi brallka and Missouri should capw. Valley Historical association. the relays. ,



(Continued from page one)

CollUllbla Honol'S Iowa GradIIIae , Frank Dunn Kern, o~ Lafa,.ue.

I Ind., a graduate of the University of

Miss Florence Lichty who has

been visiting at the PI Phi house the

------------ Iowa, '04, has been given a felloll· Grinnell and Herzog of Missouri as ship In botany by Columbia Unlv8rto

close competJItors. Quarnstrom of Ity of New York. He took hll II-.

Morn1Dplde Is doped to take the ter's degree at Purdue University ~

low hurdles, with Herzog of Mls- 1907, and later became a reard I

sourl, McCreight of Drake and Ham- scholar In the New York BoitaDy

1~'\\~~, ~,,\\,~ lIton of Kansas pushing him. Gardens.

)last week, returnll to ber home In French of Kansas Is picked as win- Revel Hull Sylvester of OIk1lOo1a,

Waterloo today. ..------------------------ ner of the high jump, with Herzog la., L. A. '08, received a .r_eareb "I All H '" • ..,. at Missouri, Engstrom of Iowa and Icholarablp at Col mbla In ...... ., • .. 88 ce aney ",aa .ccep.-& a cesatully directed the destinies of the most vivid form. This can well hI: OIl -,

.... U I th 0 1 e1 hi h -'- I Lea or... tt,prtng atllOnrty· list of appolntmenta. .. on nee ,w n g ..... 00. United States, It II to be expected done by aleZtng every opportunity

The Heaperlan-Zetapthlu plCDlc that In the t.ture It wlll haTe a Ilg- to portray some great historical eTent wiD be held lIoad.,. at Ltttle Duteh I th I d I tId nlfleanee In the world'. hi.tory even n e mora an BCU p ura econ.-

ball. more profOUDd." UODB of public bulldiliga and places.



(Continued from Page one)

After the llnt addreu, Mr. John This II the atate's dtitr to Itself Imd

Lee Webster of Omaha, prea1dent ot to ita people."

the Nebraska State Historical societ,y

spoke of the "Duty ot the State In Ita <X>HMlilNOJA MEETING'OF

~~~.,.--------.... '-- RelaUon'to History." msromOAL SO<JIm'rnS 11 ~h in DaTls and Llncotn. (Continued from page one) "History," be 'aa1c1, "lies at the , ·~ua an economic empire hu

foundation of all nature and of all school. The second discussion took been built up west of the Alleghanl81l

Interest; It Is an Instinct with every up the question of the extent to ud, bJ Ita position It furnishes th~ c:o~munlty of fnterMt thit w1U pre- human. being. In view of this rac: which the teaching of history Ilnd

I hit 1s the atate's duty to gather and clvlee may be correlated and how

vld~ the I\separable bond o( t e '

Unit"'" Stat A it h h 'd t ' present to the people, all kinds of this 'may be best accomplished. The 'qU es. s as a grea (jlg-

fR " ., ~ 'h I 'h history in its most Interesting and discussion was led by Protes801' 11 "cance n ,~ e past and as so suc- . I .

,. . , ,'. I

" / f • • . .. , .. "4'\{

, '. ',. . .. ,' .. ; .; :

• .!', •

1 '. '. ( • il , ... ~ t It ~ •

... 'j~ ~.


UTgbNm G(;ede Motion Pictures'.

And Dlustrated Songs JOOO Feet or Three Refls of Pictures aod UluatntedSonp

f Earb Show Program Chan~ed baily-Good Pictun. GM MIllie Hours··J 4; 7:~0 ~o to .. Cbildreo Sc, Adults, tOe

. .. ' OJsn '" I oJ

C~:da:t' Rapids ·Lire, Jo.surance .' .. C()mp'a~y' OEDAR'RAPIDS, IOWA

I. ". . '!I , ,

l ,

I I • r

OSCAR CASEY, President . . J. H. TAFT, Vice-President J. L. BEVER, JR., Treasurer. C. B. SVOBODA, Secretary C. B. ROBBINS, Chairman Executive Committee Dr. G. E. CRAWFORD, Medical Director

JANPARY 1, 1910. Assets ................................. $ Liabilities ..................... . ...... . Surplus to Policyholders ................ .


104,820.60 40,848.34 63,972.2(i

Insurance in force ....................... $1,905,370.00 Net increase ....... .\................... 51,714.33 Admitted assets ......................... 100,493.26 Net increase ............................ 50,612.01 PNre~ium income........................ 60,176.55

et mcrease ............................ 23,145.21 Legal liability on business in force ........ 39 812.00 Covered by interest bearing securities de- '

posited with Auditor of State ........... 78,691.05 Paid to P~licyholders during the year in

cash and reserve additions ............ . 25,212.35


, ,


HOW WE ARE GROWING. Insurance in Force.

At end of 1906 ......................... . $ 95,000.Qo At end of 1907 ........... : .............. 659,669.00 At end of 1908 ......... ,................ 1,120,495.00 At end of 1909 .......................... 1,905,370.00

All information will be gladly furnished by E. OLYDE ROBBINS,

Iowa. Oity, Iowa. Or directly through the Home Office, ecurity Bldg .. Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

:::::: va




