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Page 1: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED

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THE DAILY NE . .. .:..-._..

\'nl 68. No. 244 TliE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1961 ~~----------------------~----

(Price 7 Cents)

United Nations

UN Nears AlgTen

Scores Die A.s Algerians Celebrate Rebellion Day

·. Agreement Hurricane


ALGIERS (Reuters)-At least 79 persons were killed and scores in·

On u Thant jured in Algeria Wednesday as ~tter clashes between French forces

; and Moslems marked the seventh anniversary of the war in the North

I African territory. ·

Hits The French put their own losses at three dead and 16 wounded. ·· ·

The clashes developed as Mosl :m:; staged demonstrations to mark

As Sec. Gen. the anniversary of the Algerian conflict despite a French ban on meet·

- · .·· .. ··. < . · , . .·.. C Amer·ICa . ing~ an.d the mustering of 400,000 troops and police with orders to .J ... ~ ... :-. ,..... -. . . .. · ·· · · · ·· .. · .·.. ·· . ,·. •' • mamtam order "at all costs."

·· · .. · .. ~·········~·········• .. ··•·· . < ·. >.. ··•·· ........ ·• ···•· • GUAn:MALA CITY IAPl _ 1 Olfici~ls said 22. ~!oslen;s I were three de~d. o~e hospital

· · · i Hurricane Hattie ruined 45 per ' were killed and 12 '.nJurc1l m reported treatmg o5 InJured By JOSEPH MacSWEEN UNITED NATIONS NY -E . 1 .. d' h t t • cent of the British Hondur<ts • claslws n~ar Constan.tme ldtere Mo. ~lem demonstrators. .

• . , · · xp 0 mg as e urns o . . .· Al~ertan msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED NATIONS (CP) - The United States reply to Adlai. Stevenson's condemnation of Russia'> cl aptttalll of Behze. anth~'1140 ~Yt · mingled with ~loslem rlemon·; led at the small town of ~lcdia.

• I b b S . d 1 S cas persons m co ' slral I' rired l the r. ·I . ' f' h . . . I nd Britain offered the Soviet Union an Import·' 50-megaton om test, ovtet e egate em yon and in the ncirrhboring repuh· i r 0 S, d ad 'I er;c I .~ 'rene ~ommumque sau C1 d · T · .. k' l .· ht) dd · .. t] UN p lT 1 C r, f H 1 " d G 011 1 orces an hurle lJ<ttHI ::ren- that the Algenan msurgcnt call ant compromise Wednesday in thtl hope of en • · ~atap 111 ,ug a tesse~ 1e : · 0 , 1 tea o_m· tcsl· 0 omur~\ an u\ ed · adeo. Ten of the ~toslems \\'err lot· big-~calc demonstrations to


B/o'it' Up I . t f mtllce Oct. 30th. The volattle Russtan netther dented n~a r· ~escue 1101 era r~pnr e i killed when the french fired , mat·k the anniversary \\'aS ~

ing a long strugg e over appomtmen ° a not· confirmed that the latest test was the advertised 1'gt~es ay. ·t . d' 1 d th ~into a crowd. I ·'semi-failure." · . successor to the late Secretary-General Dag 50-megaton explosion. At the left is the United Arab , deat~c~ollre~:l:l;~ b~n ~~a ~i"h a~ 14 nm, _I_!I: CLAS!I ·. . • Prior to Wedncsda.v _the Tunis· IJlant . . . , . ; . . .. . " I At .\1 S1la also 111 l·.dslcl n AI- ~ based Algcnan Proi'JsJOnal Gov· Hammarsktold. • Rcpubhc s Omar Loutft .. -(UPI Photo)· oO 10 Bn~tsh Honduras al?ne.. gcria 14 .\losle1m were listed as ~ crnment . ur~e<l its ~los! em fol·

dl • The estimate of destruchon Ill · k'l d · 1 1 1 Tt -1 • . BliE.'-105 A!RI::S • ncutersl u 5 Ambassador A OJ Stevenson, announc- . Belize hardest hit city in the ! I c Ill a cas I a a ml I ar)' I owers to keer demonstr:lhon,; Striker in Rosario City in cen· ' ' • , h • . 4 8 D e I . ' . . bl . I post. i peaceful, hut the French made : . . , ...

~~~' t:~r::~:~~ ::'a~:~:~:~ s:·;~~a:~~~~;e~~ . I e n lfr~d~~~r~~:it~~~~a-~fo~:c~:ll~·~~~! ~~~:I~:d ~;,~t~ee?\,~~ft 1~\fP~~;~~ i ~~~~;~?:~~~~;~~~~~~~~tl~,;~o;:,in~OI~~: ~~dltu;~'tl~~~t~~~~·~cl~~:l_~~~:\r~~s~~ Thant for t.he position of actmg secretary-gen- s~t tve or more persons wele i'lem demonstrators at lleida· • . ; an se som~ ve_uc es ?~ Ire. .

, , , d • k11led there. Rordj, Eastern Algcri<t. 1 The right-win~ f:uropcan Sec· The explosiOn tmmoblhzed. !hr era I and the question of pnnc1pal a VJsers can ~he. Guatemalan gove~nmc~t In. anotlter accident, " ; ret Army Organization, the OAS, :street ca~s and a .lar~e sechon

b I ft to him smd ftve ~ers~ns wet:e k!lled m lem drmonsl!·ator was cntshed i which opposes French President I of Ros3no-Argenhn~ s s,eco~d-e € • . p I c h Guatemala s JUngle provmce of to de·Jth as a French half-lr<tck i de Gaulle' ll"eri· n self d l . :largest ctlY lpopulahon 610.~.0• "'" tfl)' Deputy Foreign :'11111·' expressed n•gret they were un l a· n e r as Peten, adjoinin~ British Hon· vehicle b~cked over llim 'at ' minalfon 5111 ~, ~ tot\ El . e Cl: 1 -was left without light and v·~·

i<tr:· \'alel'ian Zorin met ~or able to gel. the Russians! 1t1o duras. Most or the houses at. ~lostagane~ Western "-l"eria I to s'tav "lpl .. , h 1' 1 btro~.eans. te.r. . I \\' dnesda w1th agree on appointment of a u • 11 'll 1 'I · th : · ·' ' · · " · 1 · •. " 1ome u o c prn· : 011 . th h t \.

'''"l"'t an lour e . 'y fledged sect·etary • «eneral but le VI age o "cncos on e! In Algiers itself. where there dent and vioi!ant." ' Ier .umons rou~ Ol'. . ,. 11 Th;ntl. Later Zorm told re· • border were swept away by . " · ~cnltna, m wh~t :mnearo hkc a p1r!m: "The situation is Ne stressed lh:_1t U Thant would wind and floods, and scr.rce!y' fi~ht to the finish with Prc"idc!l! m nr~r to ~greemenl." Asked ~ave the ftul powers of _the of· RECIFE, tAP\ - A Portuguese sea captain helped a house in the prol·ince was left • ,,.,. '··'" , ·. ·'-. ,\rturo Fron-lizi's ~~~·crmncnt. "hru t h c agreement would flee, He wotdd serve unlit ~pr,tl four-engine DC-7 , Brazilian air· survil•ors s c r a~ b l e through with a roof. rleclm~<l a I11J·=c • de!' ~~!mal cntnr. hr said "~la)'be tomor-~1963, w h 1' n Hamm~rsk)old s liner smashed into a hillside flames and lwtsled steel . to The Honduran government at, : strikr, to slOJrt nc::t Tuo"da!'. · rm•. m:J)'be today,".. . . term was to .h~~e exp~red. . ncar this northeast Bt•azilian safely hefore.n second e~plos10n Tegucigalpa said one personi ;· .·· 1 The n':Jnti£d striRe is in ;uo-.Jo~rph Godber, Br!hsh Mu.ns· Ste1•enson. 1ssumg ~ts state citv Wednesda)' and an airline· ended hope l~r the. o~tets. was killed on Hondrn·<~s' north. , port of railroldiT'cn. 1 •. 1!0 ~."F

lr~ or slaiP for fore!gn affa!rs, I mc~t alter tlte latest m ~ lon~ sp~kcsman said 4R of the B~ per· ~lo_s~. of the pass.en,ers were coast, several persons w.ct·e in· I ' already. on strike throu;lcout U!e '"'d in a statement 1ssued s1m· sertes or conferences .. declared. sons aboard perished in the ex· ~wzth<1ns and P?' tugucse [~)'·,jured and heavy dama~e was . counln· for more pay and IH

ult:meous!y that the Unit~d! "Ther.e will be no tr.~tk~, and no ploding, flaming wreckage. mg the c~l-rate fllgl~~ lro.~l Lts·! done to banana plantntions. I · pro!c,t. "'ainst a "stream linin~·· Kingdom a~ well as the U.~ .. ts; \'elo m the secretmmt. . I Officials of the line in !.is- h?n to 1!10 de Jancuo, 11a Re-I IIA!\IS REPORT DEATHS , plan 1 .. hieh me<ns closl!re of .., rarlv In leave the dcctsmn I El'en hefore Han:marskJold bnn, Pm·tugal, lro!ll whNe the ctfe. . Reports from amateur radio I : ;en·~ branches ~nd workshops ~hout · the number or principal' was killed in nn Afn~~n pl~ne plane look off, smd tl!Crc. were . The plane,. 01:ned by the ~an operators in British Hondm·as 1 · or th~ s~dc-o·.me1 railways. adl·iser.~ and the scope of con· crash Se~l. .lR, the .soncl Umon GR persons aboard when 11 !ell: ntr Do. Brust! lme, 1~as makmg put the number of deaths in the ,:,!tal ion to the secrck1ry-gen· wanted ·his JOh ahohshed and .re· lhcre-79 passenge1·s and mne n landmg appro.ach m_ th~ pre· British Crown colonv as high as ~r.,l. where in fact they he· , placed b_y a three·m~n trotka crew members - but the plane d~w~ darkness when ..'~. !Ht the iiO. One operalot· s'aid Zi 11,er~ lrn:.. i representmr ·con;munts':'l, the 1 made o~c slop en route and may htll 111 t!1e s~burb of 11JIPIO ncar , killed at the communitl' nl Stnnn REGRET ! West and :1cntrahsm w1th l'eto !' lwl'e ·discharged some passen·: the Re~1fe an·porl, exploded and · Creek down the coast' from Br·l

);o!h Stel'cnson and r.odhcr , powers for each. gers. I . . , hut·st mlo flames,. an ohsr~rer lite, ~nd ;wother rml:ocd that I -· .. _ : -- --.. ·-----.. -· A slcwarde~s and n h!eedm~ 1 on the ground sa1d. , 23 had been killed in Belize it·:

Hopes Brighten ~~fenbak~ ·~~~reighter .

I~ or Peace l11 Laos ! To Announce Major. Driven ld::\f:\'.\ r nentersi-Commu·, u.s~nusSI.\ C!.ASII

n; 1 <'hin:t hinted Wednesday\ The session was mar_ked hy A ( • '"Oll/l([ 11t,1! the !on~ task or finding 11 ! n clash hclwcen nuss~<m co· G t D • • s · r ·b I '"''IIlli!" f 0 I' neutrality ami\ chairman GcOJ·gi Pushkin an~ ov· e·CISt.ons o·on pracr 111 !.nos may be nearing!' U.S. delegate IV. Averell Harn·t • :-IA:>IAI~!O, B.l'. ICPI - 'Fhe 1l< rnrl mnn. 7.2~7-lon Panama . t•egistcred Thr hint came a~ thr. 14-nn· ] Push kin. accused the pro-West.' J · ny .IA~IES l\Et.SOlli ; in a scl'ics or 111 cetin~, Wednes· ! freightet' Bel~areil ll'as drhcn '"" ronfcrcnce on Laos ap· fern Laolt~n forces 'of Gen. OTT!\\I'A ICPJ _ Prime ,\lin· dav and there were indicntions i n~round at i\anoose Bay, nmc rrn1rr! text~ ~n the statu~ of

1 Phoumi. :"J~~a~an ?f "provocn· ister Diefenlmke1· rcl'iewed no- :he· will announce mnjor gol'crn·/ miles north of h_e,·e, \\'edncs<~ay

thp Jqtrrnahonnl Control Com· : live achon:; mchtdm~ the shell· mcsl ic and international affairs ! ment decisions soon. i when she was htt by a liO·mlle· "''"1011 in the Indochine;c king. lng or Xieu,:: Khouan~. the head· The prime minister, who re· an-hour northwestcl'n while at rlnm. quarters of the Lnotwn nentr~tl· tnrncrl Tuesday night from a nnchor.

CtJ1s.o ;lsh i p t~ot ·Best ~Veapon

TOI :o:--:ro 'l'l' •-J::ducation, not c~Jm>:·:;iJip, is tl1c best wc:~]Hin J~;:in~t the sale of ob· s~en~ litent\ure. ,\rnold Ed in· b•Jrou;!h, editor nnd publisher of lite Srturday Night >:lid \l'cdncod:~y night.

1 ~h·. J~diniJorou~h. a member · for [il c years of the attorney· ;encr~rs committee on inde·

· cael til ~n1lUtT. was speaking to the 41st annual meeting or the Catholic \\"omen's League.

Rrrl Chinese Deputy Foreign ists and the pro • Commt!mst L • five-day state visit to Tokyo, ar-)lin:>trr Chang Ilan·fu told the Pathet Lao. He 'held Amertcan en ll') ranged to hold a series of cab· The ,Jnp<•ncse · owned ship, l lle criticized a system that . rn11fmnce that "alter mo1'e "macllinations" responsible. :1- inel meetings over the next few 1 commande1~ by Capt. T. Iwata teaches reading <!S a tool, ''as thao fire months or work, the Ilurl'iman retorted that the days. and carrywg a crew of ~o. a mere mechanical skill instead ~hnre i1 in sight." first shells fired "came from L • He declined c 0 m men t on dragged he1· anchor 800 yards of letting the students see Ch:tn~ urged that et•en though Xicn~ Khouang, not from tl!e l es speculation of cabinet changes, in 'Nanoosc Bay, IT!isscd a : that reading is a soul-enriching

' unified Laotian go,·ernmcnt outside" and hlnmed Pnsl1~m except to joke about some of bl·eakwater and was dtwen hard ' vital experience which can take has ) ,•t to be formed the dele· !or the fact that the Laotmn the extreme ideas being re- aground on a sandbar. I them into the 1·ery deepest re· ~ate, should "still come to an control commission or Canada, A I ported and said there had been . . , . . cesses of the human mind and a<rPrment on all questions and Poland nnd India had not been one· no dc~ision made yet. on the She began taking _Willer .and MOSCOW-So\'let Premter Ntktta s. KhrushcheY spirit." tht'Ott~h appropriate steps_ ~rin~ z~llowed I~ carr~ out its func· · date. of the opening of the next' pumps wer~ bt·ought ~nto act1~n·1 (right front) delivers a speech at the unveiling of the . Tbe approach to normal. adull our conference to a prot•tstonal ll.o~s of eontrol~mg ;md s~per· sess1on of Parliament. The ca~tam and ctew ?ta~ed long-awaited monument to Karl Marx-started in hfe was made so unsabsfying toncluston." v1smg the Laohan cease-lire. By PRESTON GROVER His next major public appear· aboard. m an effort to hghten 1920 S, dl k S h O t b 29 h T that only the off-beat or the per---- ;<..IOSCOW IAPl - Lenin lies ance will be Friday, No''· 10, t~e sh!P and take her off on a -~n. \ er . oa quare ere ~ o er t . a~s, . verted could arouse them.

R · • f N pt alone today in the tomb he when· he addresses the Nova h1gh bde. the offiCial Soviet news agency, said that a street m 1 Ussla. 5 ew ressure shared with Stalin for eight s_cotia Pr.ogr_ess,ive Conserva- Extent of damage to the ves- the center of Moscow was·ren.amed "Marx Avenue" I ld years - and Stalin lies in a t A t 1 t I k h T H grave ncar the Kremlin wall, mg m Halifax. He wtll address .tve. ssoc!a 10n s an~ua. mee · set was not immediately known. to mar t e event.-(UPI Radwtelephoto). o o

Puzzles Finland ::,~:f~i;l~~ A~~~~~~il~~o~~~e q\~~~~ ~~:~~~~Iiv~e~~n~Vi~~i;~n~~~ C' ails For New'. Approach !ITa-lks had happened in the tomb and n,. t:AR:\IAN CUMMING ance pact, bears an unholy- re· went through along with the l'!.ANS ADVANCED

Cana1tlan Press Stall Writer semblance to the Stalin-l\lolotov crowds. They had all read that High on the cabinet's agenda Finland, alternately c u f l e d invitation of ioJ9. . the Communist congress had or· was reported to be the question I

and patted by its giant Russian On lha: occasion a Finnish dered Stalin's body remo1•ed. At 1 of setting a date for opening tl;e T F • • d • i • . neighbor for 212 centuries, has i delegation to Moscow, after re· long last the whole of the Rus- next ~ e s s i 0 n of Parliament, 0 In a~ (I n g E t i OTTAWA !CP) - 'l'he. Cana-'IIOd cause to wonder what lies !' jecling a series or Soviet de· sian people had been told or. which may be the last before n u 6" a I 0 n 1: dian Labor Congress and ·Que-he hind the new pressure from j mands,· barely had lime to get ficially of the scores of thou· general election. II was re· ~ . bee's C~n~ederation of National the Kremlin. . hack to lfelsinski before the al· sauds who had been done to ported that the gol'ernment is • Trade Lmons are expected to

The Sol'iet Union's invitation 1 lack thai launched the lamed death nt Stalin's m:dcrs. well advanced in its planning ! meet soon to talk Ol'l!l' a no-lo dclcnte consultn~ons - about wintel· Wllr and· led to Finland's From nfair . it could he seen for the session, with depart- By RUSSELl. EI.MA!II , adult and c h i I d I' en's field.' diate ass i m i 1 at ion of im· r raiding pact, labor informants ~n alleged threat from West defeat after JQj days of hitler that Slalin's1 name had been rt!- mental spendin~ programs for OTTAWA tCPI - Senator should not he afraid to stand t migrants," said Rev. Peter I said Wednesday. t,ermanr-has brought constcr- fighting. . moved from the Jon• black 1962·63 all in hand. Donald Cameron · of Albet'la up and ask for more money for Xearing, director of the Cana· i ,: notion lo Finland and through· ·But the sttuation is somew.hnt stone over the entry to ilre tomb


.\Vedncsday called for a com- more and better education," he dian Catholic Conference Sociatl An approach is being madt to out Scandinavia out o[ all pro- dillercnt now II n rl Russm:s in Red Squm·e. When 1 came Then he spent 30 minutes with pletely new approach to !inane- said. Action section. · CNTU President Jean ~larch· Portion to its face value. plans-w~mtcver they ~re-wlll 1 closer, it wns clmtr that it was External Affairs Minister Green I ing education in Canada. I . I . / ~nd to set up a ?ate for a !pte!· . In the West it is variously- develop tn a more subtle way. only n temporary job. A sort of before going to the cabinet The final meetmg also heard I Recurrent themes ra1sed by , mg between officers of the 9~. mtcrprcted as a move to wean black tar or plastic had been mllCting which lasted 211 hours. He told the closing session of '!a suggestion that Canadians I several speakers were the im· 400-member Quebec confcdera· ' Fin)~n~ away from its nculml · stuck over the face of the stone Afterwards, Mr. 'Diefenbakcr the Nation a 1 Conference on must revise their thinking that portance of relt·aining unem· lion and the 1,070,000 • member Posthon and into the Warsaw fire fund on which used· to be in~cribed said there were no announce- Adult Education there is some- immigrants who come to Can·. ployed workers, the extension CLC. : Pact: a clumsy plot to panic I Lenin, and below it Stalin. menls to be made immediately, thing wro!J!: with Canadian~' ?da sho~ld be_ encouraged to re·j of ~anada's _un~erstand.ipg and , ~llch neutral nations as Sweden DonationS Now the single name of Lenin, but there would be one or two sense of values when more 1s )ect thmr nahve cultures.. pa_rtrc1pahon 10 ,nter~abonal al· THE COUNTRY PARW.N o; a hid to regain bases in Fin· in Russian letters, is painted in to he made Thursday. Another


spent on tobacco, liquor and SEES BAD APPROACH farrs and the educahonal prob· nt~h territory. Canadian Catholle Conference red paint across the black- cov· cabinet meeting was scheduled cosmetics than education.· "It i~ a psychologically bad !ems created through rural un- · t ~upcrficially at least the· invi· $5,000, Dr. John E. Robbins $50, cring. for Thursday. . "Educationists,. both in tho approach to seek the imme· employment. 3)mn, made under terms of a Edward Roy & FUs Limitee

friendship and mutual assist· $10, First Baptist Church $56,

Weather Sunny, few cloudy per·

lods. Colder today. High 42.

Min Max Temperatures·

Nlght llav Toronto . .'.... .. 47 55 ~lontreat .. .. . .. 44 i>l Moncton .... ,'.; 42 48 Halifax ....... , 48 57 Sydney ..... ; .. 34 • 51 St J h. ' . ons ..... 35 46

Pentecostal Assembly, Lauren· eeton, NDB $17, ·Pentecostal Assembly, Ge'orges Brook $4, Pentecostal Assembly, Claren­vllle $11, A friend $5, Robert L. Martin $5, Prowse Family $3.50, Mrs. C. Bailey $2, Mrs. Clara Noseworthy $1, Reginald Greenluim $2, Ronald Burry $2, M. Taite, R.N. $10, John Perrin S2, Mr. and 1\trs. Herbert llali lett $2, ,Job Murphy $1, Miss Ethel Barrett $5, 1\lary Shave $2, 'Anony-mous $6, Anglican Church Workers Association, Pasadena $25.

Total: $117,442.42 .


May Test 'Neutron Bomb In Nevada Caverns· By ELTON C. FAY I But the theory . or an N-bomb [neutrons-without also creating

WASHINGTON lAP) - The seemed to suggest strongly.lhat the. intense shock, heal effects first tentative experiments to the first effort would be to find and radioactive contamination try out n,e theory of• a neutron out whether the nuclear rene· of present bombs.

nuclear physicists ha1·c specu· lated similarly.

Senator Thomas J. Dodd IDem. Conn. l, urging rcsump· tion of U.S. nuclear tests in the bomb, to kill men but leave tion, in actual test, would be

everythin~ else untouched, may like that worked out by slide he mad; in Nevada under- rule, ·computers nnd the projec-ground 'nuclear test caverns. lion of nuclear physics facts.

When preliminary field re· The idea is that a precisely search might start or whether It


harnessed nuClear detonation had begun was n tightly , held ~:~n be m~e to produce a burst Unlt'ed States government sec· of intense , radiation by high­ret Wednesday, speed, deep-penetration, lethal

SOVIETS SPECULATE TOO atmosphere, said the U.S. must Various papers and comments press "ever)' possible effort to

by non . government and lor- convert the neutron bomb from mer )!ovemment experts during ;~ theoretical -concept to a prac· the last several years have sug. tical reality." gested that such neutrons could penetrate steel armo'r and even several feet of concrete. Soviet


Unollicial bul informed specu­lation seems to be that an N·

bomb might lmve a lethal ra· dius ranging out from a thou­sand yards to a mile or so. As· suming that a useful weapon could be refined down to the proper si7.e, delivery could be made hy c u r r e n t missiles, planes or artillery. '

The Atomic Energy Commis· "The happiest folks are•:tllose sion has been particularly tight." who, when they've sufferei!;j try lipped about the current under· to 'prevent the· same : sUfferinc ground nuclear tests in Nevada. ever· happening to,other_s.~;

' ! ' ~ . ~ ·r . : .



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Page 2: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED

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Conceptio11 Bay News Mr. And ~frs. Karl Rind


' . Mr. and Mrs. ~arl Rind following their marriage which took p~ace ~t the United .. Church, Harbour Grace, on September 30th, 1961. Mrs. Rmd 1s the 1ormer Shirley Taylor of Bristol's Hope, and the groom is from Frankfurt, Germany. Attending the bride was her si~ter, Pauline, and ~he groom ":as supported by Mr. Ross Coffin. The flower-g1rls were Judy Skmner and Z1ta Frichte.

R.C.M.P. Investigate Break-ins

HARBOUR GRACE - On Monday the Harbour Grace de· lachment of the R.C.l\l.P. \Verc Investigating two break • ins

Ann·ual Fair Ope111s On November 4th.

HARBOUR GRACE-The an· nual fair sponsored by the men of the R. C. congregation at Harbour Grace opens at St. Francis auditorium, Carbonear

Drama Club May Be Formed

HARBOUR GRACE - On Sundny evening, October 29th, a meeting of several interested in the promotion of a drnma club in this town was held at St. Francis Regional High School. The meeting was at·


r- World-Wide Mormon Church Centers in Salt Lake City

. . I

.. \ .. : . ~-- : . . ~- _;_,

. ·; . __ , "' . _,·

TOP: Salt Lake City, nestled between the Rocky Mountains and the Groat Salt lake, is head· quarters of tlw Church of Josus Christ of Latter· day Saints (Mormon), having a membership of about one and three-quarters million throughout the world. LEFT: "This Is tho Place," Brigham Young's prophetic words, aro pre$orvod on this monument commemorating tbe arrival of the

Mormon Plone11rs in tho West in 1847. RIGHT: Temple Square, marked by lofty spires of the Mormon Temple and dame·rooiod Tabernacle. BOTTOM: Famed for ovor 30 years of national weekly broadcasts, many recordings and fre­quent concert tours is the 375-voic• Tabernacle Chair. The choir and equally renowned organ are Latter • day ,Sainls cultural cchiovomanra.

tended by Mr. Palmer of the Extension Service of the Me· moria! University and by a fair representation locally.

Personals week to spend a vacation at Fogo.

Following much discussion a committee was formed consist­ing of Sr.rgt. Kevin Lawlor, (R.C.M.P.) as chairman; Rei'. Father Shallow, Rev. L. A. Ludlow, l\!rs. G. W. Simmons,

HARBOUR GRACE - 1\trs. Wesley Skinner, Garnish, spent the· weekend as guest of )Irs. H. Gordon Skinner, Harvey St., Her daughter Sadie is attend­School at Harbour Grace this ing the Anglican CdJtral High

Miss Kay Freeman, lllr. W. G. year. Kennedy and Illr. James

Mr. Frank Dunn~ who had spent a month's enjoyable va· cation with his mother and sister, lllrs. Alice and 1\!iss 1\lary Dunne, returned to New York on l\londay,

[Classic Ways To Fool Husbands


knows it is a! but impossible today for a husband to fool his wife.

I. But how about wives fooling husb<mds? i On the evidence, it's getting

1 easier for them all th~ time. Fooling a husband 1s both a

"arne and a duty to a wife. She ~caards it as a maritial neccs­sit~ for she !eels if she doesn't

! kee~ him fooled she can't keep :him happy, ' The classic ways by which women fool their husbands are (! l by actin~ dumb, and (2) by saying one thing to them when they mean something else .

Example of the first way: Husband (goin!( over cheque

stubs\: "Here's one you wrote for $150-'frammis ogleserack.'

"Guess you're right at tlrJt. 1 . will."

Here what the wife really m e a n t wasn't, "You too( · shabby," but l feet shabby'' AI soon as he buys one new suit, · she'll buy two new dresses. EVASIVE ANSWERS

There is a third way most wives usc to fool their husbands -the evasive answer.

Example: Husband: "l'll bel that

hat cost aT! of $15." Wife: "Sill:·, it's a real bar.

gain. In Paris you probabii • couldn't touch it for twice th~t:

The husband grunts, hr.:r, pleased. What he ham't (orr. . out. howe\·er, is what his w:: · really paid for the hat-$3~.

. .

Postpone Conference :. What in the world was that OTTAWA, CP- Fcdcra'·J!rc i for?" vincial discussions about watt ·. TERRIBLY DlPORTA;\;TQ snfctv regulations have forcE'

Wife (innocently\: "Oh, dear. postponement of the small ho1 · 'you kn~\Y I can't read m? own safety conference usually he~: handwntmg, but I ~now 1.1 wao; in ottawa at • this time for something tcrnbly 1mpor· vear it was announced Tues tant " 1 "' ' •

A ·t 11 1 t 1 d'd .1 dav. 1\o new date for the co: c ua y w 1a s 1e 1 wn e


· h b t down w~s "frammis oglese· fcrcnce as een sc . rack." To her it stands for SliiO • lor 10 charm school les,ons to Property Se1zed improve her personnlilY. But she . i knows that if she told her h1•s- CAIRO, AP - The new; : i band she spent the moncv for paper AI Ahram Tuesday re- ; this vital purpose, he'd go ported a government decre1 throu~h the ccilim(-lhus.· , ordering ~eizure of the pro, ing an unnecessary repmr h1ll. : erty of 255 more persons AI

Example of the second way: Ahram indicated the new seiz

Wife: "Dear, you're looking a bit shabhy, and you really can't afford to in your business. Promise me you'll buy yourself a new suit today.''

Husband <nattered by her in· teres! in his a p p e a r a n c e l:

ures were ordered for the same reason, because the propr.rt1 holders were "reactionary capi: alists who persisted in exploit ing people" in defiance ( President Nasser's program <·~ Arah socialism.


r\l_~.PiRe isRISH ro~~je~~an 1 n \\'''~/ a manl • ~ ~ . \I_.;;; A ' . TECHNICOL.OR®• from WARNER BROS. ·1


tr. JC

COPS LOV when they 1

Armv- th of Members of little extra~ Blind was p William Kie Smith, Sco1 fence Photo

Healtl ~·aarit Todav

Canada's roy,, health services in St.· ,John's to

At least six lo will present IJr commission's t11 Brief> to IJc hc11 member commi to he suhmiltcd ci<~l Dep11rtmenl Victorian Orde1· !\cll'foundland F• our, and the :\e ical Association.

Tlic commis; chairmanship l

Emmett H<~ll c 11·as established government to hc,.th facilities recommend me; that the best po: aid a\·aiiable to

· -which occurred on Sunday night. One of these was at Cupids where Ackerman's IVholesale and retail store was broken in and $1,500.00 taken. The second occurred at Hawk· er's Store at Carboncar.

Road on Saturday evening and ---------­wll!- continue until November of games of chance each night. 11th with Sunday excepted. · The fair will hold a games

O'Brien. This committee met again on Mr. RichJrd Walbourne llf

Monday and it was decided to Fogo has arri\'ed at Harbour investigate the amount of in· Grace to spend the winter with !crest in the town and to 1 his son, 1\lr. lllauricc Walbournc

Mr. Albert Downton, field organizer Canadian Cancer So­ciety, visited Harbour Grac~ on 'I

Monday and met the executive of the local branch and the teachers of the Anglican Ccn· tral High School to discuss the promotion of an educational


.. ~ .. . . • • 4

··~··.. . ......... ......

. . ' . . .. .· > ,:: ' .

... ··.

'~--~ ....... ·.

The lair promises to be the 10ight on November lOth, to biggest yet h'cld here, and there l wind up what promises to be wil be many attractions to one of the most successful draw the crowd for the variety events of the season.

hold a meeting on November : and family. 13th. when finqings of the j committee will be reported on. 1\fr. Peter Barnes left this programme.


Recognized by Winter·Wise Motorists as the "GOING·ist" Tire Anywhere

CANADA'S NO. 1 SN·OW TIRE SUPER-LASTIC H IWA y- BYWAy built with "SARCA*" NATURAL RUBQER and ',·NYTEX.'' (The engineering achievement combining TYREX and NYlON)

( *Supc·r Abrouion-Resi stant Carbon Alloys l




NO TRADE.NEEDED Ride safely, securely, silently on HIWAY· BYWAY- rated tcp choice for bad-weather driving - 12 months In the' year. Now -no miller when or where you drive, you

can depend on the HIWAY·BYWAY to get

you going, keep you going and get you back , ufely. Power-grip "SARCA" Natural Tree

Rubber Tread gives gre•ter GO, more post­

: live STOP. Only HIWAY-BYWAY gives you


premium safety - at less than premium

prices , , •. Actually less than you'd expect . to pay lor standard "new-car" quality tires.


Sin Mfr's Reg. List


Your Cost

I No Trade Needed) ----1 -----.

5.90/15 21.50 -. s:6o- \ .. __ _ \ 6.00/13 21.30 -------6.00116 21.85 -----

6;40 6.50/13 22,45

. •, . 6.70/15 -13.70 -·--~- ---7.10/15 27,20

7.50/14 23.70 --·--·--7.'60/15 29.60

8.00 . 8.20115 32;00

15.95 -

13.95 ----17.95 -~


18.95 ----20.95 ----18.93 23.95

25.95 l zo.os 23.95 ---27.95

S.:00/14 27.20

~.50/14 29.60

9.00/1-4; 35.45-



Sln~ilir nvlnga on Tubelen ind Whitewalls Add SOc for Installation 'TUBELESS TYPE ONLY .

.... ,.11-a. 111114 ............ 1.8 fWfiiiJ.. .. .................. a; fiiiGII •n• fr111tnac ,f880:82 .... . . tllt.a .................... 8. . Dllfl •n• Pllllllh 1817·82 710114 7;98

---·----------------------~------~~ ' .







·· 'ENING:- 6.15- 9.00. MATINEE: - 1 P.M.



- SPECTACLE. . . . .. .. \ ~ . ' ~ -:..: '~ ~.t, ..... ; .. ·' ,: t; • • '


UlfrlO&RlroHIWUl ID'.m~ · Nffil~ rnm1 . it. ml$n ·lll'lllllltl11tUli"Uiiil I gliii!U!·I!lol~•::., ~..,,..., .. ,,...,_eor





The folloll'in of Pricsls in tli St. .lohn's arc His Grace th~

Re\'C1'cnd Er be Parish Pries! as of Dcccmhcl

Reverend na to be Parish Bride's, P.B., as 1961.

Reverend Jar be Parish Prie! hour, as of De<

Reverend Jol assistant priest Parish, St. Johr her 2, 1961.

Reverend Th be assistant pr hacl's l~rish, F as nf n~<'t'lll her

PGiicc 5 Arrel

Five arrests city police ycst

Three men 11· <lrunlicnncss. nl one l:i\'cn in c drunk an<l dbl home.


., BoY, COME



. - ---·-- --------- ~--·-· : '~~-·-·- -··~p1-•~: ···~.r ------------·••11

Page 3: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED




~ really "' look >hy '' As ·~w suit, ~sses.

:.y most husbands

r en! bar. probab!v

tCC th~t.; t~. h::~r 11'! for•r. his wH -$3~.


1l'r~'·Jlr< •ut walt . e forcu· Jra!J boJ :11\y hc)r i me ead ·cd Tues

the con


.c news. ·~day r~ .I decree he prop. -rsons. AI · new seJz.

· the


·-"'" :u







i.,., ·----


~m:;,o~·: . ... EWS


,~y ,,


Orchid Display For Watt; Stl'eet West Traffic Prob!em Seal Sale

P<1tricia Murphy o! the

I Candlclite Restaurants, New York, and a renowned orchid grower, has informed the New· loundland Tuberculosis Associ· ation that sue will send a dis· piny of living orchids for the opening cercm·onics for the annual Christmas Seal Sale.

(ampai,gn· boldt, music director at ::1-!e·l moria! University is to arrange a musicale. It will be per· formed before the special gath· ering, and promises to be highly

council considerations cnj.oyable. . The Water Street West area hindered in loading. The Coun· , matter or the deslrucllon of th~

'lhc patients at the. Sana· came up for some discL<ssion I cil decided however, to Jet the I ~!ill Bridge and the placing or ~orrum wrll have a spccral treat II ~·estcrday at the Crty Council set-up remain as it is, but a I' another on~ across the river. tn store for them when the meetmg. ~!ensures have been little more attention will be '' • • opening ceremonies are held .. tnken to tr)· nnd alleviate the 1 gh·en to businesses when tak·! (•J:'-;DEMSED ·

On November 14th, in the !he orchid display will be s?nt ! lraffic . con::cstion there, but II ing time to load or unload ! Final reports were submitted Newfoundland Hotel, the Seal tn to the San for drsplay !111· complamts lta1·c followed. . trueks. lo the Council on the poor con· Sale campaign will he offici· merlrately after the Hotel show · The Engineer reported llwt: Difficulty will be expericnc· · dilion of number 14, Nunnery ally started. Present for tl1c mg. ! ":\'o Parking" zones were put · ed in the area now that the :\lill . Hill. The building inspector nnd ceremonies will he His Honour ur on the south side of the · Bridge is out. Councillor !len· : the medical officer have made the Lieutenant Go\'Crnor and I

0 , ~treet ami parking meters \\'l:re: lry suggeoted that a tcmrorary' inspet'lions. The owner, Mrs.

)Irs. Macpherson. I T ~ mstalled on the north srdc, wllh , hndge he put up there so that . Rose Rrchards of New Gower rr U' nrt:g a no parking zone hctwenc the 'pedestrians ean cross. !olotorists: Street has, according to the The' orchids will be _flown. in; IW\r \~~ ~ :two meter zones on the \\'rst; ltowei'CI' will he required •to: report. taken no action . when

I by ,, spccral flight ft om :\ew 1 0 0 ""~· . · me the Long Bmlgc or Syme's. ; ~dnscd to rcparr the hutldmg. York They \\'Ill ari'IVe duty ; r Sei'CI'al have complainer! of The temporary bridge will he :The medical officer stated thai

I free on the 13th.,_ nnrl will be 'JI. nmm~SSIOn !he no rarl;ing on the south in usc pending the completion: the hou~e is dangerous to life 1 fresh and at the nght peak for . "'U srdc of the street, and hu"· ,,f the ol'erpass. The solicitor ;md health, and not fit lor

COPS LOVE KIDS-Policemen the world over take special care of children ! the display on Tuesday, the. ; nmes ha,·e been allegedly for the Council will take up the human habitation. tt is oecu·

\\'hen they meet them during their duties and the policemen of the Canadian :1, 14tAhl.Stl ,·,,,,,·ted tr> tile ~··e·,, .. In Ptur~s ,-c·~ty .. -~ .. And ... -_M_ .. __ e·-.--t-.. ro--. P .. l_a, n--·-s·~ 0 .t~lit~rd •. ,ra?.,~.· tc~I~III.'IS.dgrre~nl·l·n.ds:~~~r a~~ :\rm~· - the Canadian ,Provost Corps, are no exception. In fact the blind ,, f'\- ~ ~ , ,, children of Canada get special atten lion from the Provost the year round. I found land Hotel will be approx· , Newfoundland's royal com· . 1 he Counctl decided that tire r,fetnbel'S of the l:Orps \\'hel'eVCl' ~latiOll ed, C011lt'ibute to a fund to provide I imatcly 400 \'Oiuntcer workers mission on trucking scrl'lces house >honid be destroyed or little extras for the blind kiddie:;, Here, in Halifax, The School for the who participate in the seal sale. 1 has returned to St. .John's· fol· ' · rcmol·cd wilhir. seven days.

Another special feature of I lowin~ meetings with officials ' I $ · " ' Diind \\'C\S presented with a cheque for $350 as this year's donation. L/Cpl. the opcnin:; has also hcen an-I of the trncking industry in 'the 1 1 .p. 2000 000 00 "1'\0 P.\RKI!\G SIG!'\S" \\'illiam Kielly. of St. John's, Nfld., plu res the cheque in the hands of Valerie nounccd by the Tuhcmrlosis I i\larltimc provinces. 0\0 A resident of Cornwall Cr<'s· Smith. Scotchtown. N.S. and Teny Kelly, St. John's, Nfld.-(National De- Asoociation. ~lr. l~natius Rum·l The commission, set up to in· · I • cent wrote to complain or th~ [en~·e Photo 1. I rcstigatc the operations of the . . . plaL·in;: of a No Parking li~n

----·-·--·--·-·-·-· .. ---·---·----------- " trucking industry in this pro\'· .A long l~sl M l~~lllrltr.rg plans bungalow for .\lhcrt Clarke of ' in front of his house. He coulri i I ---- J • incc, is scheduled to hold its ' bt ought tills \~cck s c,tm~atcd , Topsail Road: prirate garages ~ut understand why signs \•'Cf~ I 1 y F D b Of 0 Ins ! final hearing in St. John's, No· 'value to S 179,aOO.O~. The Conn- for Bernard Gosse, Turlny placed on both sides of the l ' ·~! ~ ~ 0 r e ut II . \'em her 28 Before this date it . ctl yesterday sturhed the lrst noad, and for D. Furncaux of; Crescent. and the sign by hi! i ~- Q jj 1 will hold ·hearings at Clar'cn· : submitted by the City Engineer Portugal Con' Road. A dwelling 1 dri\'cway and in front of hii ' , s h rille and Bay Roberts. I and appro\·c_d Ure mnctcen ; exlcn>ion h;rs hccn permitted house hinders the residents an~

P. . I A It w b e ~ rc A report on its findings is separate appllcatrons. I Wm. Bartob of the Goulds any caBers. L·~_r"rllfl":g.-:. i. 1\.(~c--~u I a an·a g' expected early in the New Thteret~rere tern plabns for] the; Road. and a >'Cptic tank wi11 be: The Council agreed that \It€ • ,..- 1 I~ ,p Oi- U · :-.lew Year. cons rue tun o unga Oil'S. ~ installed by George Bambrick sign should be remo\'ed from

B~ok~~~~~s~~~~~~~tctt~fon~o~~~~~ Glee Club far Brother 1

50 A

1 r::~~~~:c~;~~~1~i~Jter:~~~J~~i:;or~e r.outds noad. i'in rrontorthisproperty. Today- in prison Tuesday on a charge I y Snook, lot 82 Kerry Street: Dr./ [\1 T A

of indecent assault. CORNER BROOK (CP) -. pn William Green Porturtal Cove ·1'1. , , l';lltada's roYal The man, Cecil Pitcher, 23, was. The ncwly·for·mcd l~'abana Glee I Archibald Pitcher, 20, left tus 1 I" Road; William' Badco;k, \\' cx-1

. · commission on 1 arrested ty police Monda): and Club on ~ell !sland Is. schedul~d hospital bed Wednesday to ltelp I ,. 110 ford Street; E. )Iiller lot 91 E I 11 • heai.tit scn:tces opens hearin;:~ ~ charged with indecently assault· to stage. liS !trst puhhc show m search for his 13-year·old broth· To t PI !i"f·t·C r . Dundas Street; Garland Clarke I ll.i:! 1' ""' r ~ ~ s m Sl. .Johns to-day. IJ ing a young girl on )lount Ber· St. Johns tlus month. er who has been lost in woods l . ~ ~ ~ '4tol Limited on lots 64 65 66 on 8 ~ •!:. i, L ~. ~ I

· nard ,\venue the previous night. A sp~kcsman lor,.the group said in the nearby 7\lid!and area " Dorset Street: \\;m. ' Clarke At le;tst six loe<tl organiwtions, lie was con\'iclcd in court at the performance \I til probably he since they went hunting satur·l w k Limited lot 138 II' ·f d St

"ill present briefs during the ' the west coast city 1\londay and held around the latter part of d . I ' ex or ·· 1 s ~ Q t • cor.nmi>sion's lii'O·day stay hcr·e.i was rcmmulcd until Tuesday for November. a) 0 0 r s and from A. Perry on lot 18, ~ . !ti wy u ·!!Is I 0 n Brtrl.· to he heard hy the scl'cn- sentencing. I Wexford Street. I U IQJ D U ~ mt·mhrr commission to·da~ me The group is not yet fully or·· Doctors ·permitted Ar~hihald, 'I · Other building plans indnde: . • • • to llr ,ultmitted by the Prol'in· )!anizcd, and then• is still room· fuumt_. by searchers 'lucsda: A spokesman for the l"rol'ln·; Renol'ations for a doctor's sur· ; , , •. • . . . ·"" ,. . : . c:a; ur1,arlment of J(n:rlllt, the' R d d fur· a few more baritone and I suffc1111g from shock and ex· . 1 D 1 t f , 1 .. 1 'f 1 "cry for Doctor G H Fii"h! lhe annual Ltll mrclm~ nf (,t;Lf SPLAKLII .

.,_, I ' I ' 'I Cia CIJCIL' men ° .\ Ulllt:lpa .. , -' ~ . • ~ iII "t 1 I . I' ,. I h I I' 11 . 1 I t' [ ff' \';Lturian Order of .:"'ttr.•cs. lite I (£ trlla n e tenors pusure to fly Ol'er the ~ltd land f . I s l ., \\' d d I on I c:.Iarchant Road· cxten<ron te ~ . 0 0 Ills ,c~ltma rant• I 0

0 owmg t lC c ec lOll 0 0 I. · . • . . arrs am upp v sui! e nrs ay, " · ' · · .. f 1 l\ .. . · [ \rllfountllmtd Federation of Lah· 1 • area rn a hcheoptcr rn the hope ! 1 .• ,111 . ·lh· •0 1 ... 1 tor a doctor's surgery lor Dr .. o t rc ' .I.A. was helrl l:tst "''~''· two ·Important Items o

. I II I II t . 1. . . sIn t y more .tn o app tea 1 • . \l 1.. . . " . t St I' l . I·'_ 1 . . . 0. d \I o:tr. and the :'\cwfoundland )led·' " re wou '. JC a J c o In! rc.Jlc. lions from :'-iewfoundl<tttd munici·. :\. ,J. Lush, Le)larchant Road: . nm d~ eiCillllo a .. a rrc,, nrsme>s \\ere Iseusse .. r. it;J! .\s,ociation. • . James. ,Joseph ~a"a.nabh .. or , Celebrate where hrs. brother mr~hl he.: palitics wishing lo par·ticipale in I a ba,;emcnt apartment for )\. Hall Awhto:rum. The outgomg .Alec. Henley adc!rcsscd the

St. J~llll s.was char ned Ill lllab_rs· ~ l'oor v_rstbi.hty prc\'Cntcd htm the t9liJ.Ii2 ~lnnicipal Winter: J. ~fichaels on llnwlctt /\\ e· . pr·esJrlent, 'I homa.~ Laskey, was ·mcctm;! on the ~ub.tect of ~roup Tne commission, under the ', Irate~ Court yesterday Wtth i !rum prnpomtJng the, sr~e. :Works lncenli,·e Program hal'e: nue; rear extension for num- · tlrc_ charrman for the meetm,:::. ltfc msurance for \cache~ ami

cbairmnnship of Chief .lust ice 1 bre~kwg -and c~rterms, and :A • Mt ! Ahout ao searchers auled hy :been submitted to Ottawa for' her 43. r;o(f A1·rrnre: aiHI a rear : ll'h~ch elc<'led four new slates of proposed a tcntatr~·e • plan r:mmctt Hall of Susbtchewan. : thelt 111 connection \\'llh a ' nnlversa~ 1' ! an HC\IP aircraft and hcltcnp· 'consideration i extension for 30 Pierce Are- : offrcers-a rc~IOilal cxeeutli'C whereby teachers mrght: he wa~ established by tire ledc 1·al · SL.OOO ro);hery from a tavern at l ; 'tcr, will concentrate on the The spol;c;man said to elate, 'nuc. ; and three !neal rxccutircs for come. cligihle for low-cost ~roup ~ov~rnme~t to. study existing Bay ~ulls ~londay. . . . Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Tucker,· arc~ t?day. They were to. re· approximately 3o applications I Sign~ will he erected by .the hr.:::h ,c_hool. elementary ltfe rnsuranc~ througl,l ;:thct.r hr-~th !acrlltlcs m Canada and to I Pohce said ·the Sea Vrcw ! Tepsail Road, arc today cele· ; mam tn the woods overmght lrm·e been approved. Reid's Hardw~rc on Li\'.crpool . >chool. and prrmary school local mcmb_ershtp 111 the. St. .J•ohn > recommend measures to ensure 1 Tavern was entered through , bra ling their 2?nd weddinn: and begm search at dawn. Under the prortrnm the Fert.l Avenue and Lawlor's Buildinrt :branches. Brancn of NTA. Hrs t~lk wa.• th<il the best possible hcnlth care i lower windows and $1,023 was . anni\'cr<ary - b 1 Archibald told searchers eral Governmcr/shar~s half the; at Carter's Hill and Le~larcha;t I ELECTIOl'iS :followed hy a· Ji1·ely question aid available to all Canadians. i t.akcn from the cash register, ! • ' • , • : Tuc~day he had left his bro~h· total cost of projects undcrtakcn.J Road, I. Elceled President of the Reg·! period. during whi~h _h~ ela·

1 )nke box and a shuffle board 1 They were ~tarneo m 1939 1

cr m an abandoned cabrn. It's anticipated this season's. Permission has been granted tonal Branch was Rev. Bro. J. J.l borated on the possrlnltties of


Cusiness I

PRIEST for trial. St. Thomas' Anglican Church. ' boy in the cabin Wednesday. sire one on record. Road. to operate a second hand CollC!le. He will be assisted by· her of pomts on which -mem·


APPOINTMENT Tltr following appointments

0f I'm,!; in the i\rchdioce~c of St .. lllhll's arc an11ounccd by lit• (;l'«t·c tltr! Archhislwp:

I alley. Ka·;anagh was remanded i by the late Canon Howitt at : Searchers found no trace of the program will be the most exten-~1 H. St. Clair of 32 Freshwater Enright, President of St. Bon's 1 the plan, ~nd explained a num-

---------·-------- . ------ - furniture 5tore. ~lr. Wm. Bishop of Curtis Aca· bcrs desired clarification.;-.

d d R. C. Anthon)', Waterford dcmy, Vice-President; Rev. Bro. SALARY .INCREASES j ·

G r a n d , p ro·v l ) g e c y B f-0 r m f) ' ~:i~l~~st~~:~ ah~~nhpeoer~hal!~\~i~ I! ~ch~~l.L~~~·;~:~~/!n~~~ir. \~,~s e/ a m~~:~~s~~~~ t~~ f~~~;~p~~: i • · · ·~ ; residence. Fitzgerald of St. Patrick's I creases Cor teachers, and the J·.

. • . ~ Hall School. Treasurer. 1 meeting war:nly supported the • nmmo PIX'IIS I The hi~h school hranch chose ,tdca of pressmg for a pay hike, I'

Plans to the value of S20,!iOO. 1 :llr. r;corge Compton, principal i nntin;: that there had be_en no ! :

were passed for the St. .John's 'of Booth ~lemorial High School,' overtures made by the teachers I' ~lelropolitnn area. The follow· 1 as President. with Re\'. Bro. in this direction for over three i 1 ing were appro,·ed; I Goodland, Vice·President, ~lr.

1 years. Plans were tentath·ely !I·

ol I

. I '

. 1

. :

! .

. ' . ' .


l . '

.. ! i

. 'I

,, I •

lirltTcntl Er·ic n. Lawlor lo I br l'<tl'lsh l'rie>l of Pouch Cove, I '' of December 3, 1961. I

nr\ crcnd Daniel 1'. ,\lurphy I to he Parish Priest of St. :

A bungalow for Ril'he and j l!edley Burrl~n. Secretary, and: laid for an investigation ol the ii Chafe of the Goulds Road; a Flliss :l!ary Fitzgerald, executive matter. . j :iJ· ,I ----------- , member. A MEETING ,

Bride's. I'.B., as of December 3 1961. '

Rnercnd James O'Dwyer to he Parish Priest of Petty liar· bour, a, of December 3, 1961.

Reverend John Wallis to be assistant priest at St. Patrick's Parish, St. John's, as of Decem· her 2, 1961.

Re\'erend Thomas Cooper to be assistant priest at St. Mic· harl's Parish, Rrl! Island, C.B .. ~s 11[ lit•t•!•mhl•r !!, I!Hil.

Pc.licc Make 5 Arrests

I' I . I\'e arrests were made hy 1 fll:': police )'Cslcnlay. j , I hrcc men were arrest~rl /or ~ t,runkrllnt•;s, one lor theft <IIIII I

tlnr :.:i\·pn in char~c S~H· h('in::: j tlrunk anrt disorderly in the ; h"nte ' . I


OFF.iC:ERS OF THE FIRST PROV. GRAND ORANGE YOUNG BRITON LODGE, FORMED AT HARE BAY ON OCT. 27 and 28, 1961-Front row, left to right: R.W. Randolph Fifield, Grand Secretary; R.W. Ralph Roberts, Grand Master; R.W. Russell Nicolle, Deputy Grand Master; M.W.'Carl Wm. Smith, Grand Secretary of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of British America. Middle row, left to right: R.W. Charles Batten, Grand O'rator; R.W. Fred Robbins, Grand Treasurer; R.W. Roland Abbott, Grand Chaplain; R. W. Wilson Foote, Grand Deputy Orator; R.W. Eric Richard, Grand Director of Ceremonies; R.W. John Noble, Grand Auditor. Back row, left to right: R.W. Lewis Collins, Grand Auditor; R.W. Winsell Snooks, Deputy Grand Secretary;' R.W. Edward Roberts, Grand Junior Orator; R.W. William Simpson, Deputy Grand .Treasurer; Absent from photo, R.W. Victor Harpmond, Junior Grand Master.-(Gander Staff Photo) •.

I What Is considered til be one Ontario, Secretary· of the was delivered at the S.A. Tern· Victor Hammond; Grand Secre· 1

of the _great· steps 'In New: Sovereign Grand Lodge of pic by 1\!r. George Warren, De· fary, R. W. Randolph Fifield; foumllar.d Orange!sm took place British America (O.Y.B.), who puty Grand Master of the Grand Chaplain, R. W. Roland at Hare Bay during the latter was chairman of the meetings Sovereign-. Grand Lodge of Abbott; Grand Treasurer, R. W .


part of last week. A Provincial leading up to the election of British America. . Fred Robbins; Grand Director Grand Lodge was formed from officers. The two day session of Ceremonies, R. W. Eric Ric· Orange Young Breton delegates . was climaxed by a gigantic The following i~ the -first hard; Grand Orator, R. W. from. all over the Island. 66 parade on Sunday afternoon, slate o£ officers for the Pro· Charles Batten; Grand Auditor, delegate; attended Hare Bay, when members from various vincial Grand Orange Young R. W. John Noble; Grand Audi· the site of the historic event, branches of the Orange family Breton Lodge, formed at Hare I tor, R~ W. Lewis Collins; Grand and ele(,tcd a splendid slate of gathered at the Hare Bay Bay, Newfoundland on October Deputy Orator, R. W. Wilson officers to guide the young Orange Hall, and paraded ap· 27·28, 1061. Foote; Grand Junior Orator, Orangcmen of Britains oldest proximately one mile down the , R. W. Edward Roberts; Grand colony. On hand for the for· inaln street ·of Hare Bay, afler . Grand !l!asler, R. W. Ralph Deputy Secretary, R. W. Win· mation u( the Grand Lodge was which they returned for divine Roberts; Deputy Gr'and ~laster, 1 zcll Snooks; Grand . D~puty i Carl Wm. Smith o{ Kitchener, service at the Salvation Army I R. W. Russell Nicolle; Junior I Treasurer, R. IV. William Simp

. Temple. An inspiring · ~ddress Deputy Grand Master, R. W. son. ..

The Elementary School Branch An executive meeting was or· ii Th C II will be presided over by )lr. dered for all new officers W. lay ;1

'1. ree a s Patrick . Pickett, with :l!r. :I fax plans for another Cull regtonal I: . ! nicloout, vice-president, :l!iss gathering to he he.ld as soon as ,j··

·Three calls were received by [ ~larjoric Reynolds, secretary; is feasible, in o~der to iinple· city firemen yesterday. ·Rev. Bro. W. G. Imhoff, execu· ment the group msurance plan : .

One call was to a house in / til'c member, and :\Irs .Alan I and t.o discuss further th4 sa.l· i , Wickford Lane where an elec· ·Whelan, social cotl\'enor. 1 ary Increase proposaL 'This i tric water pump had caught In the Primary School Divis·: meeting should be sehe~uled 'I fire,. There was no damage. ion, )!iss ~largaret )lurphy was ,for early in November. ; 1

elected president, Miss Harriet A brief gathering of new~offi. · 1 ;

The other calls were a car Fre<'ntatJ, \'icc-president, ~l!·s. rers was held immediately :after ; ,. leaking gas un Wulrlcgravc \!.aril• l!otlrlc•r, sr•aet:1ry, ~!iss the full meeting adjournet~ fol· Sln>el ?"d .boys lighting fin's I l'l·ofl, trra:;urcr, and ~lrs. tinnie lowed ll)' rcfn•shments rrv all on Md,ay Str,•el. Noel. e~ceulti'P llll'lllb!'t'. I member~. l




DRAWERS . Size 2 Onl)'






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Page 4: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED



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THE DAILY' NEWS Newfoundland's Only · Morning Paper


Canada .......................... $12.00 per annum

United Kingdom and all .foreign countries . $14.00 per annum

Autho~izccl as second class mail, I'ost Office Urpartmcnt, Ottawa.

The DAILY NEWS is a morning paper established in 1894, and published al the News Building, 355·359 Duckworth S!rcct, St. John's, Newfoundland, by Robinson & Company, Limited ..


The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to the use for rcpublicnlion of all news despatches tn this .paper credit· ed to it or to the Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news publish· cd therein.

All Press Services and feature articles in this paper arc copyrighted and their rcrrolllll'tion is prohibited.

• '

~lembcr A1111it Bureau of Circulation,

THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1961 --------And For Unlucky Fishermen

While the case 'for some kind of_ resolved in large communities special works projects to help fish- where federal public works are in ermen who had a pom· season is one need of construction or repair. But that deserves support, the fact re- it would present immense difficul­mains that it is possible also to see ties in small fishing settlements. the dilemma of the federal Minister However, when means are found to of Fisheries. help western farmers who suffer

The local suggestion appears to be that enough work be provided to enable fishermen unable to find other employment to build up their insurance stamps to the · stage of ~ligibility for seasonal benefits.

That means that there would have to be a highly selective oper­ation involving a variable length of special assistance employment in proportion to the number• of stamps needed. That part, however, would be easier to organize than a system of fall Ot' winter work which might. have to be applied to hundreds of coastal communities. This would impose a \'ery hca\·y burden of organization and supcr\'ision.

The situation is capable of being

from drought, it should be possible to discover a way of giving aid to fishermen who have failed to catch enough fish to give them a fair sea­sonal reward.

This is an immediate problem which may have to be tackled on a basis of expediency. But the basic problem remains. That is to develop a national plan that will allow better use to be made of the nation's .resources and that will attempt by degrees to substitute useful winter employme'nt for sea­sonal unemployment insurance. That is the only means by which the economy of any underdeveloped region can be given new vigour and a greater security on an accept­able level.

And Now If s November The swiftness with which early

darkness descends with the return to stand time is almost shocking in its suddenness. Now even the period of an extended Indian sum­mer has come to an end and we are faced with the realities of gradually approaching winter and the long dreary months that separate us from another spring.

The cady fall has been pleasant enough. The leaves have been turning and falling slowly, so much so that the lovely hues of autumn, the browns and l'he reds in a wide range of variegation, are still inter­mingled with the greens of summer. There has been little frost as yet and the optimists are hopefully predict­ing a mild winter ..

Bul in the workaday world therE: are now the pressures that ad-

vancing fall imposes on many activities. Haste must be made to complete those open-air jobs that cannot be continued throughout the winter. And while the extension of the highway system has dim­inished the isolation of the north, there is still the need in most places to have heavy supplies trans­ported by sea to meet the demands of the Christmas trade and to antici­pate the closing of navigation.

November may be counted on therefore to be a very busy month in which a great deal of activity must be concentrated into a fairly short period of time. There is some leeway to make up but a good working season in November l!an do a great deal to repair some of the losses that were incurred in certain areas of economic enterprise during the summer.

Canada And !Economic Union The. arguments put forward by of the border.

George Hees in opposition to thl! That does not alter tlie fact that idea of economic union between if such a union were to be consider­Canada and the United States an~ ed, there would be no need for Can­not at all impressive. adian manufacturers to be alarmed.

Mr. Hees has said that it would Some would suffer, of course, but require only an increase of ten per others would grow. cent in American production to There is even more needless supply Canada with manufactured alarm about the effect on Canada of goods. Britain's membership in the Euro-

That might be true. But there is pean Common Market. If some another side to· the picture. Can- Canadian exports might be detri­adain industries would have their mentally affected, others would potential markets so greatly en- enjoy much larger outlets. It is larged that their production could hardly reasonable in any case for be very substantially increased to · anyone in Canada to expect that meet American demand. • the economic welfare of the fifty

The· question of U.S.-Canadian million people in the United King­economic union may be quite dom should be sacrificied out of academic at the moment. Any pro- consideration . for those Canadian posal for lowering or abolishing export industries which might be tariff barriers would meet wit;h temporarily harmed by Britain tremendous resistance on both sid·es joining the ECM.

Britain To lncr•~ase Arm:;d Forces· The Queen's Speech at the open­

ing of the new session of the United Kingdom padiament bas disclosed the government's firm decision to add to the. nation's defensive strength,

· This will include both an exhin­sion of service for some of the preEent members of the armed forces and an additional call up.

The point made by Mr. Mac­millan waa that the West could not countenance a pennament mUitnry inf&riority to the. Soviet Union.

He added that Britain would approve resumption of tests of nuclear weapons by the United States if ·this should prove neces­sary as a means of underwriting Western security •.

The general effect of all this is to. convince Khrushchev that Britain will not be h1timldated by Russian threats and bluster. Only by con­vincing the Russians of this will a basis be found for negotiati9n of the Berlin crisis.

. Atlantic Pr•!miers To Meet lt cannot be saii:l that no good

has come out of the meetings·of the premiers of the Atlantic provinces which have been taking place for a dly or .two each year for aome years .

past. At the first one, APEC was born.

But since then the meetings of the prem'iers do not seem to have achieved l 1reat dul in spite of the



In 1938, at the time that the people of Windsor, in search of the amenities

so desperately needed in their fast· growing township on the edge of Grand Falls, applied for incorporation uncler the Local Administration Act, there was one town council in all Newfound· land. That was in the city of St. John's. Today, in a variety of forms, there are one hundred communities or thereabout which have accepted the obligations of local government. Nothing could better image the change in popular thinking in llie past twenty years. These people in incorpnr;llcd towns, in rural districts and in local impro\'cment areas, have disco1·crcd the virtues of modern amcn­itic~. l!al'ing acquired a desire for watcrworl;s, for electricity, for good Inca! roads, they ·round that· the best and nhnusi the only way to obtain them was thrnugh collective effort. ·That meant the acceptance of that ancient hughear, local taxation. It has been lhc means of changing the pattern of life in many Newfoundland communi·. tics although progie~s in some may be filow and the low taxable values limit. the ambitions of many councils.

Interest in the elections that are to he held soon in forty of these incorpor· atcd communities is reflected to some degree hy the number of candidates who arc seeking civic office. lllore than three hundred hnve been nominated. These arc three hundred people who arc willing to suffer the criticism and sometimes even the hostility of some of their neighbours in order to do a joh of public service It is a cemmcnd· able spirit and one which proves the case of those who, a quarter of a ccn· tury ago, advocated local government and predicted that it would he a fine training ground for political under· standing, People arc much more in· clincd to appreciate the problems of g01·crnment when they can sec some of them in their own community.

• • • There is here in St. John's, however,

a curious apathy. This does not reveal itself necessarily in the number of aspirants for municipal office althou~h there arc not so many to whom this appeals. Nor docs It show itself in ~cneral conversation although it must he said that most of those who talk about a municipal election arc inclined

to take a lighthearted rather than a serious view of it. But unless someone has a special gripe of his own, he !1 not apt to trouble himself too much about policy. He will pass congested slums every day and give no thought to the blot they arc on the city or to the nature of life as it is Jived within t~ese battered, crowded, ugly rows, of dila· pidated houses that leon against one another for support as they try to cling to their perches on the !tecp In· clines of the centre of St. John's. Urban renewal is a name, and one that doe• not too well define itself, to most citi· 1cns. Yet urban renewal was mentioned by the mayor in a recent appearancli on television as one of the major pro· jccts of the moment. If it comes to ~omcthing, and there is generous federal aid available for undertakings of the kind, the old city of St. John'~ will take on a new and far more attractive shape. 'fhc people 1vho Jive In it will have a healthier town. broader street~. lJCtter living conditions, more parkin)( space and many other thin~s that will gil·c a new lease of life to thi! ancient community,

• • • St. .John's is growint:. Its boundaries

are extending in all directions in which there is room fur expansion. Dormitory developments are increasing in the metropolitan area and must ultimately be brought within the city limits. But in the area that incorporatcfi the old town, readjustments nnd improvements nrc possible that will provide better housing for more people, more open spaces, more neighbourhood shopping centres, and a new vitality and vigour for the downtown area. But while it may be assumed t hnt members of the present council who were nssociaterl ll'ilh the poliry that brou~ht the urban renewal report and the plan for the northeastern de1·e!opment will continue to promote these thin~s if elected all candidates for thr council nrc stan;lin~ as individuals. Those. who hn1·e an. nounred programmes have done so as individuals. II might be thought that with such large changes in the making, some of the councillors would make united cause with colleagues or with like·mindcd persons among the new candidates lo present a co·ordinatcd pro~:ramme and seck a mandate for its fulfilment. This would he good for the policy and would help also towards the creation of a better-informed public .



Something's Wrong Needs 50-Megaton

If K Bomb


Khrushchev is adding 50·mctaton bombs to his arsrm•. it may indicate his mis· silc program is in fJr worse shape than had been suspected here.

A 50·mcgaton warhead is needed for military usc only if the intercontinental ballistic missiles that will carry that warhead arc somewhat inaccurate. That is, a iO-mcgaton warhead is needed if the 6,000·milc JCBMs are going to miss major missile sites by two to three miles.

If Khrushchev, in a· war, wants to knock out "hardened'' Titan, Atlas and :Minuteman missile sites, his intcrcon· tincntal missiles will have to be accur­ate if they're small. So·callcd hardened sites arc protected from all but the most direct hits, If Red missiles are not so accurate, they will have to be large enough to make up for their in· accuracies.

Some scientists have calculated that a one-megaton bomb must land within five-eighths of a mile of a hardened site to knock it out. A 20-megaton bomb or warhead would have to land within one and two-thirds miles.

But, they calculate, a 50·megaton bomb or warhead could knock out a hardened site if It landed within three miles of target.

Present Soviet ICBM accuracy is not believed great enough to count o_n hnocking out a hardened U.S, missile site with the first shot.

If Soviet war plans call for starting with a sneak attack, Khrushchev must mak~ certain that his first ICBMs knock ·out the major U.S. missile sites on the first blow. · :IJY the second strike, U.S. missiles should have been fired and the sites empty. ·

This means Khrushchev must have

fact that they have many things about which they could make com· mon cause. · One problem seems to exist in the facts of party politics. Premiers of the same party as that in power in Ottawa are usually reluctant to follow any course that would make them appear to be in conflict with the central government.

But the needs of the Atlantic region in . very ·many important fields should take precedence over affiliations of a party nature be­tween provincial political leaders and Ottawa, The Atlantic region Is underdeveloped. It requires fed­eral help in a variety of forms to enable it to underwrite regional prosperity and make a larger con­tribution to the national wealth.

These are the things the prem­iers should discuss on a .good, sound and practical basis.

accurate ICBi:lls or he must ha1·c big ones.

Recent reports seem to indicate that J{hrushchev is having trouble with his intercontinental missiles.

They don't seem to be hitting close to target. ;'\lust of this Inaccuracy will be corrected 'with time, of course. nut there is some thinking that Khrushcliev is convinced that his missiles arc not go­ing to he accurate enough to do the precise jobs for some time to rome.

There's another aspect to the Rus· sian nuclear testing and the 5Q.megaton bomb. The bomb, exploded at a Rus­sian test site and not out in space could deposit quite a hit of rndio·activc, hu·' man-damaging strontium 90 in the So· viet wheatlands. A considerable amount might be taken up by the next wheat crop, now being planted.

Already, the Soviet Union may he having Its troubles as a result of the 20·plus tests already conducted.

Scientists here understand that in the majority of the important blasts, tricky wind currents-"high pressure cells"­have funneled the fallout down ancl over some of the major wheat areas.

U.S. Department of Agriculture men are anxious to get famples of this wheat, to see just how much dange:ous stronti­um 90 has been absorbed into the grain.

The. Department of Agriculture re· searchers note that strontium 90 is a radioactive element which can cause a great deal of harm to men, women and children, even in small amounts-if they take It internally as In bread or milk.


GOD HOLDS THE FUTURE It has become a cliche to say .that we

are Jiving in a dangerous age. Nations have never built up as much armament as we and some other nations now possess without u'sing !t, and If we started using all we have-or tf our enemies did-not only cities but civil!· zation might very well disappear. Fur· thermore, we might easily blast our· selves off the planet. And this fits in with the Biblical statement that "the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." (II Peter 3:10). The same pnssage refers to this as :'the day of God."

Nostradamus, who Jived in the middle of the slxteenth'·eentury ancl was so un· believably accurate In his prophesies concerning the French Revolution and some events of the following century, wrote that things would begin to get had in the world about the year 1961. There seems to be plenty of disorder supporting his contentions. He said that

- 1'Y ou've Got Problems? · ·

EA C I Don't Even Have a Job!"



Auld Lang Syne (From the files of '.Ghc Daily .:'-lews)

~ovEmmn 2, 1931: WELCm!E COLO:'I:EL

Three successful meetings were held in one day after the· arrival of the Chief Salvation Army Secretary for Canada, Col. Dalziel. A l<lrgc crowd was on hand to greet the Colonel, and welcome was c~tcndcd by .\lajor Fagncr, Cummandent ~t;1rch and Ensign Brown

A COi\'CEHT After their successful tour of New·

foundland centres, the ~Iount Cashel !land will give a concert in the :llajestic Theatre tomorrow. The program in· eludes a duct by I. Rumbold! and A. Felix on the violin, and a ministrcl show with J. Gardiner, I. Rumbodlt, f. Brien, J. Power and A. Rumbold!.

... ~· .. WIN FOOTBALL CIIMIPIO~SIIIP In the final gnme played last Satur·

day, St. Bon's achieved the sixth suc· ce>sive football championship by de· fcating the United team 2·1. They will hold the shield, in place of the trophy lost in the United fire of 1925. The 1931 series was a great one, supporters say,


· The Warren Construction Company is now in the progress of cleaning up Duckworth Street. 1\luch mud and de· bris has collected and must be rcrnored before the asphalt is laid. The con· crete foundation is down, hut l':ork was held up because of poor weather.

November 2, !94G: KEEN INTEREST

The Canadian Government is watch· ing with keen but neutral interest the deliberations of Newfoundland's Na­tional Convention which will decide the Colony's political future. It is holding scrupulously to its policy of non·inter. fcrence.

• • • FUNER,\L

The funeral of the late James Kav­anagh, founder of the Longshoremen's Protective Union was held yesterday afternoon. lllany members of the L.S. P.U. as well as the Union President were in the cortege.


The Annual Sale of the Queen's Road Presbyterian Church will be held on November 4th. The sale will be opened by 1\!iss Frances Steele, and a variety concert has been planned by 1\liss Ruth Halfyard.

The Word Of God David said to the men of Benjamin, "If

you have come to me in friendship to help me, my heart will be knit to you; but if to betray me, may God re· buke you."-1 Chronicle~ 12:17.

Whether between persons or nations friendship is impossible when there is distrust. A friend is one in whom we can confide and in whose presence we feel comfortable.

Gems Of Thought There is no readier way for a man to

bring his own worth into question than by endeavoring to detract from the worth of other men.-John Til!otson.

The Battle of Armageddon would be fought in the last ye~r of this century. This contest would be veritably earth­shaking. Those who are now past sixty would probably not be here to experi· encc this. Present-day middle-aged sons and daughters 'might he. Grandchildren certainly would he.

Whatever the future hold>, let us live each day in God's hands and according to His· purposes.

Letters To The Editor


As n matte•· of policy, The Daily News has decided that letters dealing with the ~luni­cipal elections will not be published unless the writers are willing to allow their names to he appended.

TilE WARD SYSTE~l Editor Daily News,

Dear Sir-A few days ago I was speaking to a former resident of St. John's who has returned from the !llainland. He recalled that when he lived here formerly there -were six Councillors and a ~Iayor at City Hall, but he was amazed to find that the same system existed, that is to say, there was no Ward arrangement.

He remarked that the present system may he feasible for a small Town Council, but it doesn't make much sense

'Read} ncscc ·•rr::itRA "

\. ,. Cadets have now set 1 , • . tO the seasons tram1r

ldl visions are . busy : khots ancl splices, c~tions arid basic, et

• i Sea Cadets arc par~ : Jt.M.C.S. "Cabot" R.( :tonight N ovembcr 2nc , pjonial, divisions. .

; We will be paradn urday, ~?I'Cmber. I other nuhtary umL; Royal Canadian Lcgi 6'en·c Armistice Day . i The Pct.ty Officers fog a social on Satt vernber 4th. in the

. dunce. East cadet will in:i another couple a mission is .50c. per c sandwiches and CO)(C!

:affair will be held r deck of Building Nfi is the first social aft .c~dcts for this year Sen Cadets are nrged · l We arc sorry to r

IP,.ctty Ro?crl presently a patient Glare's 1\lercy Hospi

1Paint 'Jord

. MO"TREAL I CP I painting of .Jordan's boyish • looking Ki Is being crated her ment to the ro)'ai Amman.

The ;>ortrait is lhc rey ;\lcNaughton, · work on it durin~ , with the king while ious ~Iiddle East co1 UNICEF adviser.

''King Hussein wa and most co·operJ ltfrs. :llcXaughton. . lakville. Ont.. who with her hushan•l Ste. Anne de BeiJcq

"He sat for me from the sketch I portrait has cvnJI·cc It· when I came b: be shipped off to .1<

The sitting w11s 0111

spots of the artist' journey in the ~lid•

As UXICEF a helped organize me Cor mothers anll chi dan. Lebanon, Syri,

in a City the size of St. John's with its expanding growth. He further remark· ~

eel that if a St. John's citizen should 1 have a complaint to make he just about has to toss a coin under the cxistin~

arrangement to sec which Councillor he should contact.

The Ward system is long overdue in St. .John's. It mal;cs good sense to have each Councillor represent certain designated sections of the City, similar to the Electoral District principle in the Provincial Go1·ernmcnt. With such an arrangement a Councillor would then ha1·e a direct responsibility toward hi! Ward and would not be concerned with any other Ward. At the present time each Councillor is badgered by e1•err· body and his dog, so to speak, from all sections of the City and it must he ;; trying experience at times.

A short while ago a resident whn lives on the fringe area of the Cit)' and over which the Municipal Council has jurisdiction. made some additions • to his house, hut he did so unfortunatP· ly without a permit. Council demanded that the addition be removed hut one Councillor went to bat for the resident and mentioned that he was in his Con· stituency. The Mayor or course had no other alternative but to rap the Coun· cillor's knuckles for mentioning his pn· litical affiliation in the Council Cham· bcr. Unconsciously the Councillor in question was exercising the Ward ~.1·s·

tern, and if it was in existence he could ha1·e fought fur his Ward resident with· nut having to mention his political ron· stituency.

Herh Coultas, :; canclidatc in lht forthcoming Election, is the only one of the fifteen candidates who has said a word about the Ward system, and if he were to keep stressing its need, it wouldn't surprise me a bit If he were elected on that issue alone.

I thank you in anticipation of your giving space for this letter.

(Sgd.} N. J. CONRAN,

13 Larch Place, St. John's, Nfld.

STRIKES SHY Brockvil\e Recorder and 1'imes

"Not Everyone Wants To Strik~­thcre are thousands of workers in Great Britain happy with wages and conditions of employment. We 2re -management and staff, LtiL•arno, Derby."

This was the message or placards car· rled by employees 1J1 a Derby ballroom to. government headquarters in. While­hall, London, England, recently.

It would be an understatement to s~Y . that this kind of behavior is unusual in Britain's present·day "I'm All Right Jack" society. But it is certainly rc· freshing.

Included in the parade w~re a boun~ ' er, charwomAn and two bandl~ade!1.





--·---· ... ,.,__, ... ,.,, .... , ________ _

Page 5: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED



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i' nd 'l'imes To Strikt­workers In their waces

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I placards cat• !•rby ballroorn ~rs in Wltlte· ~ently. :.tcment to sa1 · is unu'sual in 11 All tUghl ' certainly rc·

w~re ll bl)unc­on ndl~adert. ·



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so low yo.u'll be amazed!· .. 'II(. · ··• .. - --··· r.w~t1an1udby

A>o4 Houttll!piiiJ.

Whnt a beautiful, economical way to enjoy space· • .,_....,.,..,.. aaving luxury: These folding doors give you more exciting decorating features than you'll find in doora costing mimy times more. -· .... ,.::,·A···· •

Easy to install •.• you can do it y~ursel£ in minutes with only a screwdriver. Easy to operate. Door! ali~e a~ay silently on nteel track.

. .. . . ' . .. -·.· .. . '.. . .

· · · O'LEARY'S . . .· . ,J ;. :' . .· ' ' ~- ' .' . '7

. B.UILDI.NG···_ .. ' ·. IYIATER.IAI.S · ....•••

. ·-. . ' • ' • . ·.: ·• ·_, =. '

. SHAW STREET . ; . TF.L. 6'0291 ': .









' '1STEELITIE" by Tower

Grey, Mahogany, Beige ....... .t...ONLY $11·95 Each

"SPACESAVER" by Tower Mohawk, Brown, Beige, Champagne, Pine Frost, Green, Oyster White ................................ ONLY $18·95 Each

· "ARISTOFOLD" by Tower Grey, Beige ................................. ONLY $20·95 Each

111MPE~IAL" by Tower Off white ............................... :. .. ONLY $28.95 Each

~:·------------------------------. ' DOORS


in a full1·ange of siles pticed at .......... : ... $22·20 Up


li ,, !i I

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I i I

' '



Page 6: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED

I ',•

'' : .'1 ~ \ ...

'. ' .· ,·,



I ' I ' '

i I I


i I I I I I


5=========:====~~======~--------~.~~~~~~~~~~ THE DAlLY NEWS. ST. JOHN'S. NFLD. THURSDAY, NOVE1\IBER 2, Hlol

----~~--~--------------~~ By Ceean

Mix .With

10 YEARS OLD tcrcd at KarwouJ ·Cabi.ns. Many happy returns of the

day to Donna Cluett, 91 -St. 8 YEARS OLD Clare Avenue •. who celebrates )!any happy returns of the ~cr lOth birthday to-day, Nov. day_ to Jclnnc Huntct', 10 l'alk· ~~d. · celebrated her land ~trctll, who celebrates her b1rthday w1th a fancy costume 3th birthday Nol' 2 1 Halowe'cn party on Tu~sdny, Jeanne. will cclcbrat~ h~r bir~j1 : O~tol!cr 31st-. Love an_d best day w1th . a supper party and wtshcs come trom her mommy; greetings come from her r'amll 'lladdy and sister Barbara. and all l:cr little friends.' Y

MORNING COFFEE TO·DAY'~l BlltTIIDA YS l\lornl~g coffee and variety Many happy returns of the

stalls will be held by the St. day to Joan TovJor ·r,· 'I J , W , .. , , lla " ur· ames oman s Fcderatlon to. phy, Grc-~ Stack,· Donna King

day from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 Yvonne Hawco and Joyce ~ose' noon, at . St. James United w.orthy, who celebrate thci; rhnrch, Eh~abcth Avenue. \!llrthdays to·day, Nov. 2nd.

n:mnLE BIRTI!UAY I -i!appy birthday greetings to I CARll PMlTY

·r<";·:·y Brinston who celebrates I St. .~I~ry's Home and School h;s Sth birthday to-dav. and ~n·l;\sr_arwhon will he holding ,\t''l Ramona Ilrinstcn. who will' r.:lr month_!)· card oarty at the b? three years old today. Terry s;Jr.ol IO·lll~ht · at B o'clock. 1n\l Ann live at 226 E:npir.• i 1 hnre arc ma.ny valuable prizes . ,\':,·nue. . and . greetings come i lll<~ ex~cn51VC. preparations

··:·•1 their family. lhaH hc-;.1 marl~ to ln~urc a . ,mo~t en lOVable evening for all

T!l BF.LL ISLMm ~who nltE·nd. '<r. and ~Irs. C .• I. O'Nei11


a•··~ f~mily of Town Square Bell i -1 YEAHS OLD fsl:md, were in t_hc City Tucs- I • ~irthday greeting-s to Judy day and 1~cre registered nt. Kar· Ka,nna :llurphy, 25 :ltcKav St.. wood Cabms. ·who cclebrat~s her 4th hirth·

-- ?ay to·!lay, Nov. 2nd. Greet· 17TII ANNn:ERSARY ln,?s ~omc from her mommy,

The Mature


!\IRS. l\IURIEL LAWRE:>ICE He cume home the other day tu

inquire anxiously into his' par· ents' plans to build an atomic bomb shelter. Anyone who failed to build one, a play· mate's lather had snid, was "apnthctic" toward the pos· sibility of atomic atbck: and! w~nt on to talk rousingly of I the cour11ge of our co'onial forebearers who did not evade I the obligation to build stock· 1

ades aga'inst Indian attack.

To their youngster's anxious questions, his angry parents said, "We arc thinking about the problem.''

CongratulatiOns to :llr. and i dadd), b~other and sisters. and Mrs. Gcor-~e Fronde, Lc:llar·l nil her little friends ·attending 1 Cll

"nt no d h 1

l1er b' tl d n their behalf I am an~. r." too. .._ a , w o are cc chrating · 1r 1 n)' party, ··· •

the1r 17th wedding annil•ersary I to-day, Nol•cmbcr 2nd. ThPI' 1 Atom~c attack Is not attack by i . . , lndmns. When colonial :\mer· 1

---- ------ --------

For Thursday, November 2

Present-For You .,nd Yours .•• Creative endeavors can really pay off under pres· ent vibrations. Try to write, paint or build something. You may surprise yourself--and your friends. Health must be guarded now as \here arc malefic in· fluenccs. Even though a feeling of insecurity plagues you, avoid changes at this time.

Past ... Last year American tr;vele~s spent somc.thing l!kc s_ btlhon abroad whtlc forct•n visitors in the United Stat~s spent only half ihat much. This di;parity is a factor of consid· erable imparlance in the U.S. balance of funus '.lith other nations.

fit~ ~'7.1!

~ ~:; r~ '~71 ~ :_t j " •

' ;' . -:-::\ --..; ,_.~· ;::· .. :<. ' ., ' . I ., .

Future • • . Within IO,ouo years it is entirdy pm1iblc that such Iorge cities as New Yurl; and Moscow may be buried under a thousand reel of icc. That would be carrying the "cold war'' pretty far, woul~n·l it?

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (Borr. M"ch 21 to April 191 LIBRA [5 T,rr l"OUr L~,·<;t I? avoitl_ pl:.ying the role . . t-pf, 23 to Oet. 221 o pelc:t-mJ.:er m 3 dt~JI:.!t~. 1t leeilnt; undt-r p.r, t.L::e it t-i·\'. \'f)•:"Jt llo b~tlrr a~ heJllh imprr:n~. ·

TA~RUS [AprH. 20 to Moy 20) SCORPIO 10 Dnu t fed sc!f·pLty, lour preolic:am~nt 1 . . ct. 23 tD Nov, ·21) \\.lS LrnL1~ht on by yuur own atlitmle. l:e.;uler~.up IS '~un, b~:t ro:•<d~t ·o~i."t ~,(jlJ mu~t ,:,.lcnl!c-: to alt.lin 1t.

G_EMINI IM•y 21 to Juno 21] SAGITTAR U 1 CtH· wmttr .Jt".ltlnttlts yoa t:o lon .. ~r , . I S Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) to charlt3ble org.1nitatinn. b Don t gwr '\-'f to ·l~:-t,air .\ •():u•·'l· lo the t'roUlwl i.; in the ~Hn:t;·. .. "

SANCER (Juno 22 to Joly 21) CAPRICORN 1 ~?udhl.-e a fOO!I ch•nce to chaogc the • Doe. 22 to Jan. 20! mm o! an nh~tmate person. Don t take :Hh·anta;:;e; b~ -sur-· 'o"r "' rang~ment~ :are f•ir to all. · · -

LEO (July 22 to AU<J. 21] A9UARIU ( ~l'hend<>111e!l ur.o~, "'" rracdcol .;.1 5 Jan. 2t lo Feb. 19] lnSIC'3 0 mdettnste ~ur,ge-;.tions, Onng forgotl.en ~kiiJ'I intQ fh" .a.t<i you may &~I 1r.e::c::w~d income. ·

VIR_ GO (Aug. 22 lo Sept. 221 PISCES IF b 2 ln-.• . .s P!"'"' prcLicms. Try nol to • • 0 to March 20) s.ay acytbmg- you'll regret. Th~1; is a g00d time for chan~c of 1ob 0 • resatlence. Leek at tong.raoge aspec:t 5. ·

iA Home Away :From Home?



,Dear Arlhw·: ~!y wile and 1 i hal'c been thinking about in· I'

1 l'ltmg my mother and father

® 1~61, FieM Interprist!, Jne.

Good News Here!

.. ZESTFUL, well·st noodles lo provide


Egg noodles arc , 1 very versatile £1

~: j on the plentiful I

1 ber. All we nc< ,! a delicious trian :: and different rcc

: Well, here it is-. pork sauce. FID

matoes, oni:>n, and lemon juict pork is served with tender nood


11;ct:c marncd at Cochrane St. j' OJ"\ T\' PANEL ·. icans cmergctl [1·om tl1c1'r I t:mted Church by Rev A 1 . • . Bart·ctt n \ n D ·N · ·I Paul 0 Nelli, CUC School stockades llftcr Indian attack, i her 2nd, 10'4.i'. · ·· on ovcm·l Bruadcusls Producer-Organizer they could inhale lhe outsitlc I

·--- for the Newfoundland region, I ail· as pure. Tl1e water of 1·IN , · · d t tl G H


''E,\RS OLII returned to lhc Cit)' by air vcs· theil· brool:s could still be used . I'l1 1_A!~ON-On fl\1onday mght, the tl_md year st1u cnts 1a1 1e Rrace1 os1•

tL·•·dav fro1

c · to_ slake ll_leir thirst. The icav·l P.•ta itHhated the. irst year ones. In l•hts photo, ta, \Cil 01_1 · at·vey oa< , o.u. ·

~!any happy rrturn~ of thr. . . •. • n urn~r Brook f l d day to Hcnthcr \\'tscman wh~ :'~-~~~CI h_c tuo.k (Wrt 1n R tclc· cs 0 lle11· orchards ;IIlii fol'·l stdc the Post Offtce, arc:-Joan SJHtrrell, St. .Johns (tlur year), Palncm

~. to come and 1i1·c with 11s. Our children are in colle~e. the I

· hou'e ts large, and if the\' ~~·ould like to come, we would

1 like to have them.

<Makes 4 s 1 tablespoon sa! 1 pound ground 1 medium-sized l clove garlic, c V. teaspoon orc1 ~~ teaspoon ros 1 teaspoon s~lt V. teaspoon ; :'>1 l can (10\'· - ~ cclr.hl'alcs hel' 4tll h

1·1·tll<l'.,,. to· ·

111.sukm <hscusswn earlier in the csts·l still h~ew fresh and green Banis St. .John's (third year First year studcnts:-Eiizahcth Mills from

"' 11 cc 011

11 1

111 c can wmds. . ' . · • . • · . . . • , ,.,. Lo'< '"' '"' ""'" , ;, , ' r . " '"'" of "'" .. I ""' V "I o, "'"" F>[ "I d f nom W "I' y ..,n,, "~ul Lo "','no G ?" bto of S I. J o lm '• I'"" '" '""""

1·. d, d.J,..

1t, "" I ':~" '~ " 'd "'~ r;.,, 0~" ""''" lh•k '"' ;,, "" d """ • o nd o I I h' ox I como "gb It ""I lm G til f mm l<oh tn>nn ' It hml Y"') · Tl""

Karen and Jennifer, a'nu from iL~neJsts. on. the ~!3YT Mcmor· hm.·ncd, they knew that tile fire three girls had to (1) polisil toe-nail~.· on· a City bus, (2) cat J'elly with knit·

It's ~t.ran~c. hut all of our friends I

adme 11gainst this. Thev say I lllal it will only lead to trouble

her Nanny Cluett 1 . 1111 erslty Extcnswn Scr· 1 1 1 f ·' · v1~c telecast were Mr. Cttombs, ~ 11 ct~ 1

1111 <11~stroyc.d them tin:;: needles at the Candle lite, and ( :l) ~:o to a local doclor's home and pol·

\FTE·n~·ooN '. pnnclpal of the Corllc. B k lias. a same u·c which ,,·oul<l • I tl 'I (~·I "·I PI ' " , 1 EA 1 run a"nm wa 11 · h th IS 1 lC Sl vcr .- h ax h erccr wto).

St. David's Ladies' Guild Amalgamated High School, nml nlght nn lelr cur s at

, and real grief. 1 thought I'd ) wntc and ask you how we

\ should behal'e i[ we do make -- I lh1s im•ilation to my parents.

tomato soup ~· cup stock or ~~ cup chopped 2 tablespoons l1 1 tablespoon sal 3 quarts boiling 8 ounces medlu1

(about 4 cu1

Won1en hal'ing afternoon tea un Sat~r~ ~~~;r~~s\~f the National Film · I -------------da~·. Nol'embcr 4th, at 3.30 p m hall h'our ~· mml~rator for the As they loolicd over their ruinct!l Shopping For Hl'm We The ~ St. David's Church. Elizab~th For;n pri~~~us~IOn f was Br. crops, the:• knew <lS surely as


venue. Pantry and Apron Broolc:s Ren· .pa . ° Curner spring would cume again thnt Stalls. olna High School. their [ields could be resown to N Shoes Give F oo:.:

1 My wife's mother and father died \ , f"j"~Q~..!

I SCI'CI'a] years ago, !

FilED .

I Dear Fred: You should he\ , aware of several things. •. :•4 . ")

Heat salad oil. onion and cook heat, stirring 01 ttl pork is brow

corn and squash, tllUt grass of ew lie, oregano,

'l'U:\NSFERRED 11nolher season would return 1

Flight Scrgt. :11. A. Fraser D "} R • to heal the wounds of the 1

hls wife and children hav~ a I y ecipe scorched earth around •. their IT been transferred rro:O the homesteads. •

And Sll•ffi Look,, :\A)II:\G BABY BY THE I>ool\ Fi;·st, don't discuss prh·ate ram·

\1'0:\'T SOL\'E ALL \ 1ly af[au·s like this one with PROBLE)IS the neighbors. Seldom do they \

know what would be best [or i Mary Brook~

RCAF Station at Greenwood J(A\''S PARTY PIE rim N.S., to the RCAF Station at 3 egg whites Such co-operation by the earth Tor bay. They arrived in St ! o tsp. h.nldng powder we have been told, will not

RUTH :\IILLETT • you. 1

. JJELEN JIEN:-<ESSY · \ which arc rising in fm·or. 13elicl'c it or not, there's a new 1


IV1th men's trousers hal'ing their I hook out called "A :\ew Trcas· i Second. be prepared for arc rus-

l 1

\Love So ~~·e arc not "apathetic," 1

John's yesterday and arc regis: I cup sugnr be ours after atomic attnck. 20 round cocldall crackers lo cup chopped nuts

Beat egg whiles and baking pow· der until starting to form soft peak:;. Add sugar Nradually Fold in crushed. cra~kers and n~ts .. Spread in buttered glass p1a d1sh and bake for 40 min· ulcs at 300 degrees.

Thi_s soun_ds odd, but rcsuJt5 in 11 ncl!, shghllr chewy pic lh~t is

1 at 1ls he~t serl'cd warm and

-~----------~PCI~~~-·it_h_i_c~:':_C_;1_m. __ _

thmk, to recoil from the thought of such attack.

Though before In humnn historv ~an has turned upon man und his constructiions _ the homes we have built, the familles we have begotten, the crops we hal'e S?wn, never before in hu· man h1story has man threaten­ed to turn upon his· Earth it· self:. his liOIII'ishcl', the giver or Ius !ish, _his meat and hreml -that prnnordinl malrrn<'ll substance of which his own 1 horly is made. I

If \I'll .~mcricans shrinl: from the i lhou;:ht of ~tomic all<~cl; it 1s ~~~ because we arc "ap<,thet· IC . hut because You have to be ~ little crazy to entertain the Id~a of ~ life hatred so all-en· compassmg as such attack re­presents.

We'll coine along. But as we struggle to comprehend mad· ness,. we don't want om· chil· dren used as bomb-shelter salesmen. They represent our trust in life. We begot them in love of life

own new look and "'hemline" II eel interest this bl! is not con-I ury of :\ames for the Baby''. i a! of your kind inl'itation. Your length this [alJ tno break on fined lo women's shoes. ~lany: designed to help parents decide parents may be perfectly happy the shoe, shorter and slimmer! men's styles ha1·e slighlly what to name the lilliL• new· where1·ct· they are.

shoes have taken on a different hig· tapering heels to con· comer. appearance, too. Without sac- form .,;th the continental stvl· Third, if you in\'itc them and thev rificing the slim lines and ing or the rest of the shoe. Parents. supposedly. can go thr- 1 do come, follow these ground flexible feel introduced earlier This doesn't !llean he'll look ough the book anti choose just· rules: this year, designers hal'e like the good guy in a western. the rigllt name lor sis or jun· given them a more-shoe look. Nothing so drastic. As a rc· ! ior-m·oitling all such pitfalls Treat ~·our parenl~ as friends /, /J ./} 1

• suit of !his designing, the whole: · · '· · .. ; .. ,~ im~:or's initials spell and equals. not as another •en- ·'·'/·/tnt14- "'f17/fM'It~ As trouser cuffs-or cuf!less loot looks slimmer and trim-~ out RAT, or sister's spell out er~t}on with specinl rules ~cr- •

trousc1's-wenl up slightly. the mer. OLD. tammg to them. Insist that Collar with a cape's flour.:· { low tiplinc shoes showctl too they become useful members -:-wonderful topping lor the {: ~ much sock, and lhe sho~ pco· It i~; prrdiclrrl 111;11. .hl;trk will 1 .\J~o. h)' r~rrfu1 ~llcntiotl lo the~. of the household. I hues tlwt re,·cal your figtll'' · •I P}_c 'reti~si:m_er1 Hcconhn~ly, -conlim1r. lo hr the 1110 ~,, pnpu- i hool;, piirruls t•an slerr rlc«r · . _ ; heautifull~·. Choose faille o1 11:· \ \amps I'I'C ln~ltrr on the front lnr ~!toe clwicr, wilh hlnrs ~ntl; of n~ntrs thai hn1·-. ~~~ mid· 1 :\nil~II1C lrml' fn IJnh<'PI'Y (;mJ-' ler colton fo1· now:-~ htXJIIR ·


of the foot. nn~lc down ,;lwrp· ~ra~·s !carlin~ in men's suils., hnl! >nunr1, or thiil arc fil;rly i II) life f<~s.lrr lh<JII lrs--llwn- i brocade for the hol1daYo. 1:· below th;- ankle ;~nrl_ then I Tltc nrw fall hrowns nrc r~u;tl- · In hr~cl nnforl~111"tc nit:k·! full participation in family 1 . _ j I ~>C to a higher heel !me. I ly at home wilh these fabric n~mes, or tit;~! _nu~ht b~ con·, hle. l ·. Prmlcd Fall ern tfi,G: _.II;·;·: ~ . . . . shades. l3!1Y·Itcrry hrown, onr' fll>lllg as In SC:\. 1 'tzcs 10. I2. 1·1, 16, tR. Sll• .. ,

ll s mtercstlll~ to note tlwt men's new, rich ~!lade. h:ts just· a· . I Allll rc,pccl your p<Jrcnts' de-\ lakes ""' yards 39-inch faimc ' shoe _fashions have changed to trace of green in it.


. Sounds Hllllple doesn't il'! lTn- strc for mdcpendcnce and pri·l · a _pomt where there is some· fortunately, namin~ a hahy, l'acy JUSt as much 11s you ex-, Scud FIFTY CESTS lin roi:· tlung to talk about. Not too Probably the most welcome note I usually isn't as simple as jw:t 1 pert them to respect yours. : fs~amps cannot be accepted• f· long ai!o, men's shoes could • for actil'e men is the inside I . drawuu( a name out of a hat I 1 tins pattem. Please print plo: . h<.lVe been descrih~d as. hi'Own story on comfort. cushion in-\ or from a book of nnmes for Dear Arthur_: J!other just be· ly SIZE. ~A~IE, ADDRn 01 black, neal and serviceable. soles. made o[ specially pro· , hahy. , came a wtdow. :\lost people STYLE NUi\IBE!t. Tllat was that. cesset! foam rubber anrt col'· · woulrl have said that their Send order to ANNE AD All'·

ercd with soft, full grnin glove . There Js the "junior" business to father diet!, but I don't knoiv c~re, of ST. JOII:>\'S DAll: · leather, gil'e a slipper reel to , . S h o u I d or any otl1cr way to express how :-<E\\S, .Pattern Dept. 6D FllOl ·. many £111! shoes. i' should not t~c first-born son be attached mother .was to dad. ST., \\EST, TORO!'iTO, Today, are many trends that

should please the 'men and the Indies who help them choose their footwear. ·

... !lr l11s [ather and. per· He was the enhre world for haps, his grandfather before 1 her. Whatever he wanted she can't seem to adjust lo life .. him; The arguments for and I did. ' agamst the use o[ "junior" can \\1lat should we three sisters · ,

~: ,. ..

So, in the name. of Life and the hope of it, let's try and kce ,bomb shelter talk and p!annin~ grownups' business.

The plnin to~ looic is mcdominant in both the pop1ilar s1i~-ons and the three-eyelet shoes

To these men familiar with the old type cushion in orthopedic shoes, this treatment will be a delightful surp1·ise. It is smooth and soft the full length of the ohoe. tt ndds n spring to the step el'en on the way home from a hard day's work.

keep a couple arguing for nine I As children. we hnrt to Jearn 1\'e are all in our late oO>. months. • from our father that mother NEE WEBSTER~ ,

, . really DID lol"e us. You St't', ; flwn. there i' tht• questi,ln of! ~he ll'ot!lli sometimes gire the 1 Deal' \\'Ph>lers: Fortun;~li·ll'. r:.' · ~Becomlngnl

;~·I:It'h, .frandmother the !ir:;t 1 ml[lresston that the only per-\ people arc nut like the 1;,i . L'" d \\'til be nanwtl [OJ'.\ son she loved was father. \'ow ses uf the [nirY tales wlw t•;r,1JQ•uei\Isi.Ai~R;;Y; BROC


H h ld H• Tlus can-and often docs-end . I !tnt ralher is dead. mother' their lil'es awav th, •. comin1 ouse 0 IntI 111 a draw. ~-- of their_ tol'ed ones. Rc~l r:c .. ~os~a~nt:!

,. i Then r . . - on' ; • pte., adJUSt. Some, It pa t \I mdows will stay clenn longer

1 · sca;·ch ~0 . ~out se. 1!c6ms tl~e ! If II were as simple as choosin~ Otl~ers. latflr. The speed be stfr~ ~f 5~~

1! screens arc \'acuumed [rc· 1 j1e credit 1

1 at na~~~ 1 Ja~d can~ i a name _out of a book. parents I ad.1"stment depends on il:c sew? ..... How ~

q!lently. ! 11

£ .1el ° Cl ICr Sl c o i could JUSt consult lhe telc· and intcrcsls you show a Y_ou need to se

. ____ ___ _ >e am1 y. phone directory. : reai'Cd person. ncs.

r---- - . I

Beautifulla~ies' nylon stocki1_1gs simply by ..


1. . . ---------*-' -BlG--SAVJ-N-:-G--S----0--N--.-.. -,1

1 l y,~~:·cmu~!~~i·c::~~t~~0~>·;.r"nr yonrself and your sisl

. this colun ymte several i In selecting th ~arefu! plannir Jng the right and the right design, pressin fore it joined on.


'.­,. ,. ,, ·' .. • i

• . ' .. ~

. {_

', '· ;'.

., v .J

"j .

~~~~-='=a=v=m=g==en~l~p=t~y;·e=n~v~c~lo~p~e~s~o~f~~-~-~·1 FLEISCHMANN'S YEA.'ST

~tnrf l?day to save your ·e~pLy pack· ~ges,; For ,JusL 3S empties you get one . FREE pa1r. of bc~utiful long wearing, nylon. scr~ICC•Wclght or dress sheer _stockmgs .m lovely sl)ndcs of Miami

. Ton, Mocha, or· Smoke Grey, Sizea . ore .from 8!-S to 11.-lt's easy to ~avo­

Fietschmunn's now gives you one • FREE package with every 3 you buy! . W~cn you've saved as empty envelopes

tJ!O'l!i.!""~~iift. U- matt, thim, (state colour and size) with · · . your name and address, to: FLEISCHMANN'S YEAST NYLON m·FER Box #2333, 'fermlnnl "A", Toronto, Ont. .


Gral1111ln ordinary y•ait 8re lrr•l· . · ularl Coii!P•re tho omall. finer

I · r.•l1111 In Flebtchmann'a! They'ro 1 ner, far ra.-actlni and noUct• : ) ably fa•tor rioing than an~ other ' yeut you .can buy, Your baklns ' II laatlor, more llavourful Utaa : e~er before. . . , :

. . · . · ·"When you ha~e -ai FLEISCHMANN'S .NEW,


-~ Ordinary Yeast·

~ · · Flelschmnnn'e Ye_aat

· becai.m it' 11

~--~ ·- -I

; ... · 1:. '. ~ .

an_ purse .• carrytng case

. ~·---·-·•·"'~··-""···


• l~v~si~le nylon lock zipper :won't slip .or SJ1ap hose. ·

• Non-sl!p vinyl soles. • Vfashable. • Fits all heels. 1.49 1 Available


in: I


R• I I ~hie. allowin~ your mol

·lC l('"li•d J-{ll,.-l-.·lut 1, · ~i,-~ yci·u the ~real lorr •lie lU within her, and permilllll: · to do the work that it alone

'>- Hair Products! ! n::~ Arthur: I live in ., lLA3

J·:~l see. Can my Social · : . .; . -~ ..... -~


RICHARD HUDNUT EGG CREME SHAMPOO The original Egg Creme Shampoo made from real eggs to beautify your hair as it cleanses In two.typcs: for Dry hair: for Normal to Oily hair.

RICHARD HUDNUT CREME RINSE A cream~ fragrant rinse that adds a glossy salon type fin1sh to all types of hair. Eliminates tangles and snarls. ·

RICHARD HUDNUT CREME RINSE'N SET A !Jni9,ue CO!J-ditioning rinse with "setting a~t10n. So s1mple to use-just shake on hair d1rectly from the bottle after &hampooing and comb through.

.1:t .~II Drug nne! Dept. Stores

- ;

check be sent to me at a ' SAVE friend's home in 1\lissouri

wile has take'n all the 1'1·e ever earned and I

0 N want her to get ahold of SHAMPOOS AND RINSES I !\Iy little gal in Missouri

derstands my problem will help me kee~ my

$2.00 VALUE ••• NOW $_12 9


Dear G.: Before you get ." self· caught in a cia!! squeeze play, why not · check sent to you in care your own post office box:

CONCORD, N.H. CAPl ~ torney • General Gardner Turner of New Hampshire


signed late Tuesday "for sonnl reasons." Turner's

, nation was accepted b)' ! nor Wesley Powell 1 ~overnor met behind 1 doors with his executil'e cil.

--- ... ---··-------· - -

HOW· look at "r

IOOII deslgner1 beat names ar ;:son, Test

lures for y lhe yard lood• help YOU do : ~:'ses costln

at :vou can


Page 7: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED


Tt-tF. OATI .Y NE:WS. S'f lOHN'!\ NFl.D THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1961 ----- _ __..... -7'


Mix Pork ~)atice With Egg N··oodles

Lipstick And Polish Make A New Duq

I il, llllll : 1k tiMt '\ Y l'rk

hmicd ,,f i~c.

"'; the ' l 1 .:h.!n•t

:) y,.q'll

.. ,zl) . '. \1 ..• 1

Alicia Hart's Holiday Whirl

Plan Ahead For Party Appearance

Qo,, 21] ZESTFl'I., wrll·sca~onctl pork sauce surruundctl with egg noudlt·s to 1•rovlde a \'CrY appcli; lng nutunm main dish,

],,, 20\ ~ ' ''Lr .H·

'b. l?J :I"' 4.od

20) r! Jr·h ru

• 1 -; ~C. IS.

•r.' lne.



) ,'4676



.1), l~· -~., '.:,..:.

'E.\TS !In : •e accepted l':t:<e print IE, ""'"'cc lt.

GA\'SOR MADDOX E-·~ noodles nrc a populnr and ~·cry \'ersatile food. Pork is on the plentiful llst for :-/ovem· bcr. All we need to complete a delicious triangle is a good and different recipe.

Well. here it is--noodles with pork sauce. Flol'orcd with to· m<ttocs, onion, garlic, herbs nnd lemon juice, the ground p!>rk is serl'ed on a pkttcr with tender noodles,

t~nspoon salt, pepper, tomato soup, sto;:k or bOll ilion, parsley II

nnd lemon juice: mix well. Col'cr and cook ol'er medium 1 heat 40 minutes, stirring oc· 1

1 cas!onnll)',

~Ieanwhilc, add 1 tnb!cspoon salt 1l to rapid!~ boillnl( water. Grad­ually add noodles so thnt water 1

continues to boll. Cook un· covrrcd, stirring occnsioua!ly, I until tender. Dt•n!n in colnn- j

dcr. Scrl'e noodles with sauce. I

t\OODI.ES WIT!l PORI\ SAUCE i !~Iukes ~ scrl'lngs) -·-----~-'

1 tablrspoon Ralnd oil {!; lll~r/1HJ111td., I 1 l'ound ~round pork 11, ~~ lt(J ~tflltfi-C/ , 1 mcttlum·slzed onion, choppc111 • ·• r'l MAKr. f,.,IENC .. 1 clo,·e ~arllc, crushed '!;; K ! •, teaspoon oregano •; teaspoon rosemnty 1 tcast•oou s~lt 1; teaspoon ; ;•1per


A new and handy beautv duo has a lipstick in match­ing shade set into the. top of a nail polish bottle.

AUCIA HART I for the woman who travels, too. Fishing through the drawer of The pair can go in I o a

your dressing table for nait en- 1 little cosmetic kit. and save amcl and llpslick in a matc;l·l that awful rm~nu::ung through ing shado can be time consum- handbag or smtcase. ing The same is true .of ~·om· : de;k drawer at the of£ice. These two beauty producls come

in a choice of twenty fashion-Knowing this, one beauty house right shades for fall and win-

'd ter. So there's no excuse for has come up with a new 1 ea. I Your turning up with lipstick in A lipstick is custom-fitted in· I o' ne sltade and nat'! polt'slt In an­to the cap of nail enamel, keep-· in~ the duo together and ready! other.

1 can 1 10' .- - ces I condensed 1 tomato soup

': cn1• stock or bouillon • i cup chopper! parsley Z tahlcspoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon salt , l quarts bolllng wnter 8 ounces medium egg noodles

!about 4 cups) .. , ......

The round of holiday festivities is not so fa::- off. It's the time to look your prettiest and advance planning will take care of this. In combing out your set before a party, use a heavy comb (left) with coarse teeth in order not to break or split hairs. Give your face a thorough cleansing (center) be-

fore you apply make-up for the evening. Tell your escort in advance your color preference in flowers. Both color and arrangement should be suited (right) to the dress you're wearing. So it's quite in order to drop some broad hints as to what you would like.

for instant use. It's perfect , ---------------- Thi~ is of course, the hme nf

nings to jewelry, and try them ' year 'to Sll'itch shades. Your all on together before the big summer tan has faded, your event. skin is lighter. Your clothes

come in colors deeper and Give voursetr plenty of time for more !!lowing than those of

a relaxing llnth, and, don't start summer. to dress so late that you hal'e

To look pretty Is th~ goal of l!ent 5alnd oil. Add pork and nearly ever~· woman partlcu-

onion and cook Ol'er medium !arty when the gay festivities Brcad·and.'Jutter notes arc al- 'd h heat, stirt'ing occasionally, un- of the hoh ny season npproac •

111 pork is browned. Add gar· wnys a "must" If you've been And since most of us reallze He, oregano, rosem~ry, 1 a house uuest. that good looks are more often ----~~--~~----~~-----------

Mary Brooks Picken On Sewing

Love Those :Beautiful Clothes!

the result of planninl( than the gift of nature, there's still time to make the dream come true.

First, tnke a look at your fig. ure. Is it less than perfect? Then exercise now. Yo u r exercise routine need not be a strenuous one. Use the bend· ing and strtching combina­tions that will best h lm down your own bumpy spots, and do them dally,

Get busy on hair care. Ha\'e your hair professionally cut, and styled to suit you best. Shampoo and brush it frequent­ly to give it life and luster.

tant. Your face should be thoroughly cleaned two or three times every day, a n d certainly each time before you apply fresh make-up.

to rush the job. You'll leave This calls for a whole new ap­for the party feeling half yut 1' proach to your make-up color together, and the uncertamty scheme. Better check up on will rob you o[ poise, I your face powder, too. You

I probably need a lighter shade. The wise girl will tell her escorl1 •

To look your best when you dress the color of her costume so I M.aster the art of setting your lor a holiday party, take ad· that when he sends her flow- I' Accidents are, by far, the

hair with large roll~rs, so that vantage of the colorful n e w ers for the el'ening, they will 1 leading cause of death amo~~ an invitation to a holiday eye make-up. Your eyes can be right for her dress. I children and young adults m party won't throw you into a do nore for your appearance Canada. tizzy, than any other feature. So· .\ll told, the secret of beauty is :

whether you key your eye lin- good grnoming. And l.hi! set•rct i When you comb out your hair er and shadow to your cos· of good grooming is planning. i BE WISE

Watch your food, too, You won't after a setting, use ·a heavy tume or the shade of your So now, while there arc still!' 1\IAHTINIZE have to starve yourself. Count comb with coarse teeth, so eyes, do your dramatic best weeks in which to get re~dy, , The most in Dry Cleaning your caloric intake. Let your that you woh't break or split with them. why not "plan" yourself the I HUl;HF.S-MA YNAiill common sense and the vision hair ends, sleek apnrarance you've just I CLE1\~lSERS LTD. of the dress you'd love to wear Decide ahead just what you are dreamed of in past holiday sea- Phone !12186·1·5241

-::d::l::ct=at::e::a=h=lg=h=p=r=ot=e=ln=di=ct=. ==S=k_in_c_ar_e;_' .,,, =i_s __ m_os_t _r_m_.:_p_or_-:._g:.o_in..::g:._to_w_ea:.:..r.:__, _rr_o:.:..m _u:d:pin- ;~.:~~:~~;- -·-::_s ... ~·;;; . : .. :::~=;;:::~t-

1 ....... _.....,.._.,.,..,_;;t¥40-~ ",,~,"--'"'~-·

"'' •1' •• t·. . . ' . . ~ . ,. ' ' "" ; ":' ... ~. . '),;: . ' . . '


.\:\\'E 1\U.I\•"'• .1011\''S


tnd BAKING PLEASURES llept, 60 ··""·",. OHOSTO,

three sisters ' IHtr late 3Ds.

:1: \\'EBSTERS

I lii'C in 1v Socinl 1lt to me at a ·.e in 1\Iissouri. ';rn nll the ·,rncrl and I ~rt ahold of

1l in ~lissouri ·ny problem e keel> my

'ore you 1t in a ::, why not ha"e I o you in care ·o't office box?

. N.H. CAPl -··ncral Gardner : ew Hampshire Tuesday "for s." Turner's ;tccepted bY

Powell •ct hehind l1is executive

Buy pattern to your right size. Ask fo~ help, Be sure, Do not guess at your size,

pin each pattern piece on pre· ciscly as directed. With good, sharp· scissors, ·cut, and notch, and chalk-mark or tailor-tack each piece as directed.

When this column began I did · Take pattern to the best fabric :ovritc several Items about care department In your city: ask to

Remove the pattern, Open out the pieces, pin seam lines to· gether and baste with stitches %·inch long, Do this on a table so no seam edges are stretched. Usc plenty of pins before basting,

In selecting the right style, of see thu nicest .fabrics in the ~arelul planning, and nf choos· types your pattern calls for. Jng the right. fashion for you Don't ,;huddcr If they say $6 or and. the right fabric for the $9 per yard-buy the one you testgn, pressing each senm be· like best. Dresses today do not Gre it Joined ,\1otber, and so requlr!! yards and yards, Many Try the dress on-make sure

that Jt flts. Usually you need only to take the seam deeper, or, if dress Is snug, stitch out· side the basting,

Gn. slim dresses require only two

Since then, many questions have come In I've wanted to ans·

7er personally, but sine~ that 5 Impossible, here Is my

thought about what makes a good dress:

HOW: look at ready·to-wear by dealgners. See what the

, name, are offering for the :tson, Test the colon and

urea for you. A mirror In tel Yard IOOds department can

Jl YOU do thla. Loolc at ~:14• costing 3 to 5 tlmea

t You can spend. ~· .

tnd a pattern with lines simll·


. Buy fabric that you can really feel excited about-the kind you will hold up In front of the mirror . and practically wish into a beautiful dress,

When satisfied that every line is , right, test your machine stitch on a scrap of fabric, The more sheer the fabric the shor· ter the stitch; 16 for chiffon, 10 'for wool and brocade,' 12 for crepe-to the Inch, that is.

With pattern and fabric in band, buy m niching thread and seam bindln;J, and a zipper In the right leneth and color. Go home, lay fabric out, open the Have· an Iron nearby. Remove pattem and read every . word baetlng after stitching, Press on the j:nvelope and the In· each seam before It joins an· stroctlon sheet. other,

. \ \ . Yes, retld · every word. Make Put In 1ipper according to In·

any a·~Justments in the pattern strucllon and with care. 10 . that rtre necessary to hove It edles of placket cannot catch. ; cOnform to your- measurements.

NOW, ~·o WORK Now ulc someone to ride herd on

the cltlldren, while YOU spread fabric on the table. one end I atrallhlened and selvages pin· ned ·tdgether...:rabrlc nat or

. \

Have someone turn the hem for you, Give equal attention to finishing as you 'did to cutting and fitting, Press your drets carefully and th~rougbly, and enjoy the wearing, with com· pllments from all aides,

.ON. A

Fawcett brightens your kitchen with these

EXCITING FEATURES ' e Full length, fluorescent light~d hackguard. e "Picture frame" chrome backguard of modern styling with frosted

glass light diffuser. e Exclusive Fawcett Syncro-i\<fatic Draft <;ontrol ... saves up to 26% in fuel dollars. . .

e Temperature controlled oven, with "fingertip" control on back- · guard. · · · ·

Q "Mirror-bright" polished cooking topr inter-locked to prevent odors escaping. ·

fir Lighted oven with non-fog window. 8 Combination "Time·of-Day" electric clock and four hour timer. e Non-tip, four posit~?n chrome oven rack. . . _ . e "Floating-in-Flame oven allows perfect roastmg and bakmg _w1th

even "all-round" heat. · () Roomy storage drawer ... opens silently on nylon bearings.


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Page 8: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED

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Dial 3ClO 1 to 3005 .

THE GREA~T EASTERN OIL CO. LTD. ••••••••••••••••••••• ' • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 .•.• • •••••

T·V • RA,D~ lOG- . C B N

. THURSDAY, November 2nd ..

7.30-CBC News

8.25-News 8.30--Hit Tunc of the Day 8.35--World of Sport 8.40--The Bill Allen Show 8.55--Ncws 9.00--MorninG .Meditations 9.03-The Bill Allen Show 9.JO-Ncws Headlines

10.00· -News

7.35-Top of the Morning 8.00-CBC News and Weather 8.15-;l!usical Clock 9.00-~!orning Devotions 9.15-Show Stoppers 9.30-CBC News

10.05-Stork Club 10.08-Thc George Cawdry

· Show and N cws

9.36-Direct Reports 9.45-Records at Random

10.00-Thc Archers 10.15-Doris Janes 10.2.:>-ltor Consumers 10.30-Nfld. School Broadc~st I 10.45-Sacred Heart Program 11.00-BBC Variety


11.30-Nfld. School Broadcast ; 11.45-Sacred Heart Program 1

12.00-BBC News 12.10-Announcers Choice 12.30-Farm Broadcast 12.45-Mid Day Serenade 1.00-Doyle Bulletin · 1.15-Stu Davis 1.30-CBC News and Weather I 1.45-Tommy Hunter Show I 2.15-IIIusical Rendezvous . 2.29-Dominion Time Si~nal ! 2.30-l\!usical Rendezvous I 2.45-Atlantic School Broad·!

cast 3.15-John Drainie Tells A

Story 3.30-CBC Nell's 3.33-Trans Canada 1>1alinee 4.30-News 4.33-!llusic from Halifax 5.00-Music in the Air 5.30-Fisherics Broadcast 5.45-ll!usic from the Albums 6.00-News 6.05-Intermezzo 6.45-Light ~lusic 7.00-CBC News and Weather 7.15-You and Your Home 7.30-'l'ops Today 7.45-Doyle Bulletin 8.15-Roving Reporter 8.25-l\!usical Program 8.40-lllines and Resources 8.55-Weather for Mariners n.OO-To Be Announced 9.30-CBC Symphony 10.30-~lusical 'Program 11.00-Bill of Fare 11.30-National News Roundup

and Midweek Review I 2.00-Sign Off, 0 Canada, The


~-------------------VOCM THURSDAY, Nol•cmher 2rut.

• 8.28-SigD On 6,30-News and Weather 6.35-The Bill Allen Show 6.40-Morning Meditation 6.45-World of Sport 6.!\5-News 7.00-The Bill Allen Show '1'.15-World .of Spar. '1'.30-News and Travelcuid• 7.45-World of Sport 7.55-News <Local) 8.00-Torbay Weather Report 8.03-News (Natlor,all 8.08-The Bill Allen Show 8.15-Sports Capsule .

All in ~y's Work

12.45·-.Fishermans Forecast 12.5~-News 1.0[1-'l'he George Cawdry

Show 1. Hi- \V orld of Sport 1.3!1-News (Locall t.4:i-Thc George Cawdry

Show 2.00-Ncws Headlines 2.01-The Sage Brush Sam

Show and Nc11;s. 3.00-The Bob Cole Show and

News 5.01l-Supper Serenade 5.311-News Headlines 5.3.1-Suppcr Serenade 5.4!>--Fishcrmen's Forecast 5.5!i-News 6.M-Bulletin Board 6.11}-J\Iovie News 6.15-Sports Report and

Travel Guide 6.30-Early Evening News

Roundup 7.00-Sagc Brush Sam Show

and News 8.0 1-Cream of the Crop 8.30-News Headlines 8.H-Crcam of the Crop 9.C,D-News Headlines 1).(11-Cream of the Crop 9.i;Q-Ncws Summary I Locall 9.::1-Crenm of the Crop 9.:i5-Ncws

10.00-The Night Show, Sports and News Headlines

12.tll-JI!idnight Sports Scores 12.55-News Summary, 1.115-Sign Off. ---·------

CJON-TV 'f&IURSDA Y, November 2nd.

iil~3tl-l'astol"s Study 1U.35-Womcn's News 1U.~5-Cartoons 11.00-Rumpct· ltumn • 12.UU-I.ocal and National

llcadlinc News ........ 1:t.15-Si~n Off 2.011-I Married Joan 2.30-Chez llelcne 2.45-Nurscry School Tlnte :l.UU-NaUonal Schools 3.30-Shirlcy Abrcair 4.00-0pcn House 4.30-Dramatic Anthology 5.00-People and Places 5.15-Rope Mound the Sun

· 5.30-Razzle Dazzle f;.oo-captaln Jack 6.20-Thc World of Sport 6.30-Ncws Cavalcade 11.50-Polnt of VIew ~·.oo-Yancy Derringer 7,30-llave Gun, Will Travel 11.00-Believe it or Not 11.05-Dayton Allen 8.15-Natlonal News. 11.30-The Detectives 9.00-Tlgbthope

~1 Shiff 42Garmeat 43 Emplo)'l 44 M&IICIIIJDI 45 Rail 46Joumey 47 Greek1ettera 49Tu1 .

9.30-Prlme 1\llnlster Dlcten-bakcr

·9.45-TBA 10.00-CBC 25th. Annh•ersnry 11.30-Wrestling. 12.30-Sports Calendar 12.35-News Headlines and

Weather 1!.4~Pastors Study 12.50-Sign orr

CJON TllUitSDA Y, Nol'embcr 2nd.

6.30-Tbe Bob Lewis Show­News, Sports and Weather Reports

9.05-1\lusic for Millions' 9.20-Star Time 9.30-Austin Willis 9.35-Wcatber Forecast

wives Choice 9.40-Top Tunes and Golden

Hits 10.01-Martin's Comer 10.15-Whal's Coo1\in' lO.UO-Ncws Highlights 12.30-Sports Calender 12.35-News and Weather 10.30-Jerry Wiggins House-10.33-\Vhat's Cookin' 10.45-Homemakers News 10.50-Housewives Choice 11.00-News Highlights 11.05-Robin Hood Bulletin 11.15-The Right to Happiness 11.30-National News 11.35-Nfld. Quiz 11.45-'l'own and Country, 12.00-Ncws Highlights and Bob

Lewis Town and Country 1.05-Weather Forecast 1.15-Ncws 1.35-Don Jamieson's Editorial 1.40"-Sports 1.45-Art Baker's Notebook 2.00-Ncws Highlights 2.03-JIIatinee 3.00-N ews Hil!hlights 3.Dl-Western Jamboree 4.00-News 4.05-Raneh Party 4.30-National Ne1va 4.33-Ranch Party 5.00-Ncws Highlights 5.01-Dance Party 6.00-N cws Highlights 6.02-Weather Forecast 6.05-Bulletin Board 6.10-National News 6.25-News 6.30-Club 93 7.00-News Highligh!s 7.01-Ciub 93 8.00-News in a Minute 8.ol-Best from the West 8.30-National News 8.31-Bcst from the West"' 9.00-Ncws Highlights 9.03-Nfld. Soiree 9.40-Salt Lake Choir 9.45-Dosco News

!0.00-National News 10.15-Pick of the Pops 10.30-National News 10.45-Sports 10.55-Letters and Messages ll.OO-:<ews Highlights 11.01-1\lusic in the Night 12.00-News Highlights 12.0 '-1\lusic in the Night 1.00-Newa in a Minute 1.01-Sign Off

Capitol Now Playing

"I' ARRlSil"

Centering on the romantic entanglements of . a restless young man with three extreme· ly different teenage girls against a background of bitter family rivalries, Warner Bros.' Technicolor production of "Par· rish," starring 'l'roy Donahue, Claudette Colbert, Karl Malden, Dean Jagger, Connie Stevens, Diane McBain and Sharon Hugueny, now playing today at the·.capitol Theatre.

Delmer Daves wrote, produc· ed · and directed the screen adaptation of · Mlldred Savage's best.selliog novel, filming It on location in Connecticut's fam· ous Tobacco Valley, against the historic setting of the lOth Cen· tury whaling village at Mystic and at the luxurious Terra Ma5 Boatel and yacht club at .ola br'ODk,

ponahue Is top-cast in the title-role of "Parrlsh"-as the restless young atavist who dis­plays a II of the resourcefulnes! and determination of his pio· neer forebears .In· setting out to ~'Onquer the crop blights @nd grower rivalries endemic to the verdant Tobacco- V31ley.{

Returning to the screen after a five-year absence during which' she starred on Broadway



NORTH ... A6 ., Q 10 3 + A98 "'KJ 1082

WEST (D) £AST • 10 7 53 ... Q J 9 8 'IAR 'I.J642 • K. 10 6 2 • J 1 5 "'AU "'53

SOUTll • K.42 \IK.975 +Q43 "'Q94

No ane vulnerable West· North Eaol South 1 + Double 'Pas~ 2 N.T. Pass 3 N.T. Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead-• 3


South's two no-trump re­sponse to North's take·ollt double was ra!her unusual, but it got them to a reason~hle . three no-trump. 1

The bidding could not have 1 been too bad because it went

the same way at both tables. Both Wests opened the th1·ce

of spades and the play went the same at each table with South taking the second spade in · dummy ancl knocking out the ace of clubs. West continued spades and South cashed two clubs stopping in his hand and led. the five of hearts. West plared the eight and right hen' came the p11rting o[ the ways. One South played the 10 from

I. dummy and , wound up going 1 down two tricks. ! The other South went up with dummy's queen and after . cashing the last !wo clubs was able to lead the 10 of hearts and finesse successfully against

I East's jack. This ga,·e him ·

I enough tricks for his contr;~et. i 1 Some might call this luck. · ' but the second South had a

I good reason for his play. West had bid iliamonds and clearly shown four spades and three clubs. It was likely that he also held four diamonds which would leave him only two • hearts. One was the eight; the • other had to be the ace, there- · fore East was marked with the · jack.

CARD SENSE Q-The bidding has been:

North East South West


2 \I Pass 2 111 Pass 4 ¥ · Pass ?

You, South, hold: o11K Q 10 8 7 ¥2 + K 54 oToK Q

J2 What do you do? A-fass or ask for aces by

bidding four no·trump. Either bid depends on just what you know about your partner's bid­ding style.

TODA Y'S QUESTION Your partner has jumped to

four no-trump over your two spades and then bid five no­trump after you show no aces The way you play this guaran­tees all the aces. What do you do'/

Answer Tomorrow

Keep your figures ::iris, if you want the boys trr call your numbers. ·

in hits liko "The Marriage-Go· Round," Claude!tc Colbert por­trays Donahue's mother, Al­though she had no intention of resuming her screen career, Miss Colbert was attracted by the challenge the character of the mother represented. Karl Malden stars as the self-styled ruler of the Valley who mar­ries Miss Colbert and finds himself first spo"ioring the career of his stepson and then In bitter conflict with him.

·Connie Stevens, Diane· Me· Bnln and' Sharon Hugueny are spotlighted as the rivals for Donahue's affection.


rhe most tn Dry Cleaning HUGHES-MAYNARD

CLEANSERS LTD. Phone 9218&.'7-5241

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t.JOT~I~G ~EALL'I, I'/.1, SUI<E T~l' II.OMAN I~ OI.IE HUS6Afl01S 9USII.IES$ ACQ·U~Ifll· Af.lCES, 011. HE WAS l~li,~VIEW· 11-JG Hfi~ FOR A STOf'.'l.


WHAT~ eAR Il-l AR6 YOU DOIN~ ?I rnN~P 11151<61


I~'IUK& MY ROOM Atfl MOK'S' • ., I CAN'T ~ATeA?e INT~.

. I

TOROSTO CLOoiSH 91 Tbt Canadian

'[oronto stork E~cban1 (.;umplcl~ tabulatiOn 0

marl<cd s. z.-Odd Jut 1\r-Exr.l;:hts :"l"'·

ch<Ut~c 1!. fom pr )

Salc:r; IIIJ:h 1.1

~tt"t;s 1rl0ll 12

jJJOO 11 :i;)O :'iRO .il

41:;;2 llj 11 l:!UOO 3' ~ -1,000 2:! 1 ;: '

71!\l tiO uoo 7-UJ 7

"He's not a public speaker!"' HSOO 13 48~00 134 1 1000 R

121WA LL '{, A$ A. II' LAST RESOR'1: D'/NAI.IITE IS US Ell TO BireAK UP THE JA~\ ...

\rct~dia :!9H15 47 • .\rc:ad Bw ~O{)O 1]

Cop ~;.71 11~ 1

J~~~~~;·;·~~ SilCO 11

'2: ~~ 111:.10 12 Jt)r)O l1

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· )1.roul Reef_ ·J)fUR!:iWk })uifad

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Page 9: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED


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-----------------------------------------------------------------·-----------------. The Daily News StQck · · Mark~t · .Rep.or~

~ '.. ; ~ , ~ . .

lnoplroln 3500 13''> 42 43 Trlbag lnt Moly !OI<l ! S S Trln Chlb lnt Nickel 2631 183 B:lli 82·<1 Ull·Sltuw lrl•h Cop 251\tl 110 110 1111 U Mlolng Iron flay ]00 17.5 175 17.5 -~ U t\hbeiilO!i ho 6MOO 76 65 73 +lO Un Keno J Waite 3j00 2.4 23 24 +:1 Un Fort

wnu,to fLOSISU ~lOCKS j•:;;hu:;x1,1 if~ ~i ~i ~~ :\~ B~~d~~m 11) rhr ('.tn•dlan Prt~." 1 J lH Oe- :!COn 'il 5 51,!, t- 1,-2 \'cnturrs

lnrol\11'1 :!~lod• J:\chancr-,,oT, e c • • t •niPll'tl' tabulalltnl of Wech1C!Iday Jobl1rke !\11100 '"'.192 298 10'h ; H'J \l:f,.'l"t:r ,\m

• r~>rtl ' 1.--Wld Jut. xd-Ex-dt\'1· Joliet 3~100 28 + Hl '" .. " 1111 ~ 1 -l:xl.I:Zhl" :."-1-::\.·WarrAnt~. Jon~mllh lOfiO R1'1 8\"'..1 HI,~ Wasamae

1 h, 1n .. \ ,., tom prevtou!l days Ktrr Add 1.11il 915 910 915 Wcrtlon

1 litr~; :\Un -\100 42 39 42 Werner Stt 1 Koran 101100 11 11 11 11 - t.:.a W :\1alar

~ill!'" 11\~r:h\· Clo•t Ch'Jr I.Hh :"-tin 635 $26 1 ~ :!614. ~fi~ -r 1 4 Wlllrov mst:s II t. llufauiL 15'HI)I tiHI :;zo :'1'10 .;.(ij \\'iltr-ry

tltlll 1.! 12 12 l.nke Ling l:ll('lt) 11 JOI: 101'l- 1r:1 Wr llar,l ·,lUlU 11 8'. HI ' 1' ~ II I. o~u 1~!{H1 2fi :.!.! :H 4 :1 \'k Bear

>1o !JOO :.Rfl )EO t j" ltfi"10 ~6 ~3 !l!i '1 Yuun.: liCi n:·.~ ll.'i 110 11:\ I :l I' f.atln Am 33100 ~:z ~10 :,.n 7.eatmuc I:' ,~1 J', J 3 _ '· l.t•lll'll :.nn !55 155 !55 + 2 Zulapn

550n 52 !2 52 !1000 101> 81> 10\> ; 2'.'• 100011 W.i 6\'i 6h T 1 1000 10 I' 19 -1

535 600 GOQ GOO +I 1795 $121> ll'l 12 + 14

ISO 13 12 12 -2 I lOO 166 165 lfi5 -! 500 6 li 6 R4J S~9l.4, 59h 5914 + l'4 :

1000 15 15 15 - ~~; 500 56~ 5CO 560 I

SIJII 66 6ti 66 -3 • 150U :H~ ~~ !& ~~~ i 11100 l:i''l 1~ 15

• 21so :w.o~ :1~~ :~ 1 :.1.- ~~ 5.i00 1::17 132 lJ7 4-4

13'4200 20 ljl} 19 ·111 :1

uno too too tnrl 22!0 lliJ IOl II +I 620 -13 42 42

1000 1fi1,-j )h'l 1[1~ 1- h m;oa 35 Jl 35

\,tort~.!~. 2fl ::n .. ~·~l,('lllotllt 3000 ll'1 !Pl lU 1 1 ~ curb 71 :-l ~ 1,n .)ti ~6 -2 Lt. l.ilc 1 too Hill 185 1!'10 .... ~ nutnlo son 7oo jOil 700

t orado :~zc~nu 187 17i lAli -:.! Rukon Con 3000 5-1 5J ~3 Httr illlll ~4\1 jJj i:IS ' ' ' 1 ".100 1'.' 1211 !'.'• ~2 011 "' !iSUO 13 11 t:l , 2 1 LOIOH o uts ... .:oo

-l'IWO 13-1 1 n 124 , 13 I l.o\1' ict ::uoo ti 1 ~ ~ fi\2: -t 1 Almlnex 1590 20fl 192 192 -3 ;1}(10 11 B R ; :! LYntlh!t t(l!,jl)('l lj ll 1 ~ 15 +'2 Am Leduc 4!)00 71'2 7 7 -l

.•:tli~ 47 4'1 47 t ~~~, '-t<~cas~a 200 3~0 3~0 340 An,;lo Am tOO 925 925 0~5 -11 11 ;, 11 aJ ll I '-lnruon t:•700 25 24~~ 25 +I r\~;unr-r,, 1500 112 110 112 !;j 11 i ll:\ ltl ~ta1hen t~OUO 27!1 248 :!fiO -13 11alley S ti200 820 aOS 605

:. 11 ,'n l':: jt~ ;t, 1 ~htlilrtlc z.500 R:i fiS 85 Hall ')1,. pr JOO $241,. :.!~!'1" :?\!'14 111,1,1 12 1:! 12 -1 ;\1an Uar '1:1Cil 3ti •J2 33 •1 Bilnlt 200 130 130 t3U





1"""1-t,H-1-+-i-Hf.l.. THIIil" Gl.l'fS IIIECK, BUT NO-·Ii1S A P~ GOOF'




,1,r.n fl R R ' \!au·on :.!500 51'.1 512 512. nata I.'OO fi fi fi

:\Ill Jo·, JOS JO; - l ~torhlme I 1100 96 ;; ~~ llrltah• 400 ~M 261 261 - 4 IIC \'hone 2n; m ~~ '• ;,n I ENDS VOYAGE I plicants or this Mn!IUI!t t11S l~thl .-~ 41 .\.1 ;\tartm liij!jO no . .). Calallu ljfl!l :in 30 lO 1\ru\\JI non St·P., tg4 lP•- I, I s T E AM s H I p M 0 v EM EN T s ~ , , . 2 ~,1 1(\ 1;, t4 1:. '-liltt-:mt :'i:?S 9jO !Ill 9.1o C;~t t:d 11iiO sts 17 71\ HI -1 ~ Cnl Pnw 1w0 sts', :.?-P~ :!~~ 1 - 1 2 ' l QUEBEC <CP) - The Ice· 000,000 com 11 from. NleJ

~ ''" 10n t;n tm -~ "·''1""" 12"011 190 I !Ill 100 · 1 c 011 til• 71" ''" 911 90 c.m com m sz• "'• !a • '": • 1 urcnker D'lbervt"lle arrt'1•ed t"n ·through the payroll a••"ng• .!lll :!II~ :.!tt,_ I~ ~lclnl>'r~ ~GO SU 14 ~~~~ H'•~ 14 c \)['lhl :liOO lOll :wl 1110 .to 1;, t I "' 1 fl

,1 i•~ rJ ~1c\\<~t 3lfiO{l -19 ~fi 4fi1;,- 'h c 1:' Gn,; ~:ou l:ii liO t!i:.! r llnm Stt~ ami ~231 ~ 11 :n•, ,J~' 1 t' -.~~~;; 9 ~ ~ I ~trt<,en ;,;on IR m, 17'>- '·' Cdn llrv lJoo 4on 370 loo ' 15 cun ccm PI SiH'' ~"'' "'' • '• : N JILD GREAT LAKES FUllNESS WITHY and CO., ' Quebec Tuesday lmm a three- plan, an increase ef 1.1 "'e•

;•:;~:~ ·,,, 4 - i _1 ~tc 11 t.•r IIRIKI m lR 4R c num.,1,1 1500 "" 7, "' , 6 t~/ndry Eo s21•, 21'' 21'. ' '• STEA~ISHIPS !'\ova Scotia due St. John'o month supply trip through Can-1

cent Ol'er last 111ar'1 total a'

·~~~~:~ 1.~~ 1 ~~ 1 ~~ ~ ~ tl ~::~n~urr ~;~n S\·;~. 1 ~~. ~f1 a :'2,1 ~~~~.::ct 011 ~~~~ ~~~ ~i~ ~~~ ,·Jo ~c~1 n l~rt' 1 ~;:~ ~~If: ~i ~i~,. , '• •'~l.S. Dundee loading al Tor- Nm·. 3. Leaving for Halifax ada's Arctic - and the crew: this time. '""' 11 11 11 _1 ~~~ 1\rl>ht 11n llO IH +S c D10•on 11110 13 111 ., 12 ,, "' _ '.' •. 1·< ~n '''" '" • Jl ;:;• ·- 1< onto ami ~lonlrcal :'tlo1·. 9/10lh . and Boston Nov. 4, due Halifax reported they didn't !ee any ice I 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-1 ~"'"''' 7,., 7 ; - ,, •1 'lultl·)l ~;no ~' ll 25 C'Mic ~toe mt 3os 108 2~n ..:~ · ~ V'. 1

1''P11 ,jf; $ii'• 3;'• ·;;' , ant! ~lontrcal Nol'. 13th for St. Nov. 6 and Boston Nov 9. despite going several hundred' ;."'' ' 8 ~tuno)' )! ~n!On Ill; ton too -4 c ll'l·•t P 17&<1 :ol IOo I'll -tl I ; ''"'. ~!,oo s,,,, ,;,, ! Lcanng Booton Nov. 10 and miles north of the Arctic circle ..

ilt'l h t! 11 1~ t ~ilntll Cr 1000 1:1 1 :l 131"'l 13~'2;- ~~ llc\•Pill 15!100 5l 5::! 12 -2 g n~;~~~ Jill '1.1 lllJ 1~ 1 ~: 114 .John's. I

,;," W'• '"'' 18'•- '• ~<·nton Zlon 4',, ,,, l'> llomo Pelc 111.1 5!''' 1.1'• I"-' '• t: ln;t, Ilk c "" ~;o wo, 711 '• ~ ·SIIS. Nol'aporl loading al ·llalifax Nov. 14, due St .John's The D"lberl"ille stopped at 30 lt ;.! t> ,~ ti"O 1110 . ) :-icW ,\th Jli!\00 38 :IS 37 + \~ DU\l'X jOj(J 11:; ~ •It:.~ t 1~ • • • n t ls d · •t JJ

•· - ~~·w Uld 10110 ;,, l'' ;'> o5·numlo ·•-no ~r ll lo Cll. mn SH'i 1"' 11 '•- '· Montre·1l Nov. 14th for St. Nov. lfl. Sailing ~am same day, bo~ernme.n P0~ urmg 1 s ,-~~~~ ~~~ 4~~ ~~~ :r~ ~cw Cal 50n 28 :ZR 2B +t Far~o 2~oo :.~n~ 2111 2fl5 -t-11 CI r,ow. . ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ I.!'~ r


1 ' for Li\'crpool. I, 000 - mile tnp and !Jnload_cd

:'~Ot1 u th. 6 61~ ~ t:z X Jlarrl 3601 8 8 8 - 1 ~ Gr l'),tln~ 30Ji oiii;\P• I~'"' J4:'1~ ~ t'.l ~~ lU\\ 111 Jj·, .John's. th d f t f } !~r. 1 :u :-~In 2j 11 27s .,. 25 ~l·w uo~ro :non 74 72 74 -'-4 Grldnll zoo tsu Ifii 1no c :'.lanu111 ;(;(~ ~;~~",: J~~~: 3::: ~ 1~ • S.S. Gulfport loading at i Newfoundland lea\'ing Liver 1 ousan 5 0 ons 0 supp tes. 1

fol S •. ~cw Jasou :!COO 6 li ti + 1·'2 Homr A fiUill s, 11 1014 _liP.., - cc'r1,0rt Oil 4 l f St I I ,. 1" I St J 1 ' I ' 1 ' ·' l" 20 .. :m s!;', ~-·'• 2; ~Iontreal Nol', 3/ t 1 ot• . poo "!ll'. a, < ue • , oms !.tOll ii(l ;:m i~1 -~ ~cwlund ~·noo ~ 1 ~ ~ +.. lJom(• n 501.! .l~O. 9ill n1o. -1:1 C'ttt·k~lmtt IDH 'l\1"" 1'•,. H'·N • ~k I h . N ry I • STRIKES COSTLY

lB., 180 1•0 -"· ~ ~t.•n lion :11 J.i .17 • n n Chi c: :r1211 ~Hi.,_.. Hi 1G·~.;. ''k 0 11 , O\' .... 1. .. eil\'111~ ror Halifax· . . . . 1 !,,','01 ~~, 11 •. \1 "I .. __ ,_ :-... ~tylan1a 'Wf\75 Sti .53 M ,lum1, .Pnd ;,no · li Ji 17 -1 c~nt::h1 1111 1 . 1 "l.!~ o1:!i ~.!j ~ 2 :' -~o ' · ' 01 T i\ \\ \ ( CP) St k d I - ·' ., , 1• l'" 1 . """ " ,;; 'II'• 11•, 111, , s.s Gowrie loadmg at Tor· and Boslon No. 22. due Hah[ax . · : , . - rt·es an

1,'1;,,·, :.!!1::. ~fiJ :?7A ~ 21 ~. SC"natllr .!"1tl ' · ~ ·-:- .Tuplt{"f wn .,iln 23u ::'RII -5 I c Its" '.180 '·-'-' 1 ·v• lockotlls tn10!1ed more 1vorkers ~,)111 p1 2 !l~~ ,11 , • 1 ~t·w Tnkn ion 14 H t-t -11'J LJ Petr ;;on"' s . 5 1 1111 • - 2 • unto and Hanulton J\'O\'cmber .Xov. 24 and Boston Nov. 27.

1 • ,

1·,tn:1 1q1. ttot. 17 ~ 1 ~tcl\rl ~ts :116:.! u1 -\B 4ll l.onJ! Pulnt r,oo :12 JU ~~ f.<~~~:~::"<t ~~; 5 ~::,1:' 2 ~~~ :!~~~ . . I", 114th and ~lontrcal Nov.~, Leaving Boston ~ov. ·2a and,· ~nd a grcate_r loss of man·d,.ays l.lii)Ll :1.!. Jn- 11 .. 111 S.ld.: Rim 10011 m ~!) 4~ -l ~1arJJ.:ohl :r"l . )11 ~~~ ·,I~ " ,) In Septemhct than th rei!OUS

.ill\1 10) JOj lo."l -5 ~lpl.lsinR 1:!00 15:) 151 13:t -2 :\la)f;&\r l:.!l 1ll11 1!l11 1'10 -10 t:~~~~~ Nt. ~~;·; ~i~:l_ ~~~1 :~1 P-& 17th fur St .. John's. HaHfax Dee. 2, dnc St. ,John's~ tl . r· . e p I 1.'!; m tz·, 13 . '• ~1'1" ;uo ·' ~- _4, ' )INI.Il ;;,n m lnl 211• I Clu>h lnt "" ~R " > ,, S S r !fp rl loading at Dec 4 Sailin" agaltl same day mon 1. a pte tmmary summary ;rln tji l;)fl 1:1-1 .. .f. l~ur.~mla 1000 Sltl'l ~~,ln .. 1- l ~1ulrtln :l-Utl ~~~ .!lo :!h 41 JlJ~l Sl'ol\.! AJII $4!.'~ 4fi ... 1 .... ~·~~ '0 "2 l' f ~t for .Li~·crpool~' I iof work stoppages by the labor·

:!.~:.l~l ':"'' til~ ~orbc-nu .,:!Oolu !ll ~n 4~ +~ ~ tllnt 11(1(1 :!~ .!~ 21~< I ll1Hllt· PPie lOU ti.l'' 1:,1 .. I .• - ,M ~lontrcn .:~0\. .. tH or .:) . dcp"l'tm"nt shol•·nd Tu d·' !~100 :n 2R :ln -2 I ~orr•·1'\ 4~~~~ ,; 1:1 13 ~ \2 ~ lJ.l\IC!I ljOII 13 lJ "1 1 'n <.:o,d pr ·1.) '!j 0

) ·, .John's. i ?\0\i] Sentia lcmin~ Liver·' l~. 1.: • n: (1 cs <1.~ I

Ut'OII l:i ~~ t·, -1 ~~or;u~rl U:!hi, ~fiil .?hO IXmlh(•iJI HAiRr,,~ i'" ·'~--~'"1. D t"mil, 1llll%i1Jtii. S." I I" at,ducSL.John'sDcc.\In .. ".·l.wor•k· sl?, 10,66.4· ~:t>t"lll 61 t'l(l hU ~I I. OIOH' a 1,~ II tO' II PRe )'('le ton-2.3 ~ll lth II .. K I u Ch!.~ fll I 141 I~' .I.- 1,. OJ Highhncr oalmg II k n I d f

11.11 .l. ·r t 1:; _ 5 ~,,rp"" n"" l Pal' rete w -1uo r,75 li~1o hill 2~ 1 '· · ~ • :\ov l2. Lea\'mg fnr Halifax nnd m e1s \h;te t_mo \e or n, :'l.!i:1 ~~~ ~~~ :i:w . :..: t[lld~trnl 11n2n 7:1 71 i:! -1 Panw\l J~iin H -1: \! - · ~ l:(111{L.)I~t~r ~ 1, 1~: \ill> :~~ .. i/ ,1 ~\. Torontn and Hnnulton . , Boston Dec 13, due Hnlifax loss .of 82,900 man ~ days, The, q·no l!l ,);.~ :li I !'\otthpiP ;,8400 .\7 :;o 57 .. 10 I Permo 4~1111 ~7 :li ~~; -1 It \ -nl ii ;~:;·H 9~~, !)1 -I 21!22nd and jJontrcal ~m tl lh .-, 1~~:,~ ~; ~6 ~~ ~ H~~~rrt ~~~~~ ~~ ;; ~~ :~ I ::~r~~i o,t!i 4;~lg ~~·~ J:,~ ~~~~ +!i I tn( \il~~~ ~:).? 'BPl n2~~ ;;~· .. ',•. 24th for St. .John·:;. . . Dec. 1.1 and Bm;ton Dec. 18. pl'e\'lous man 1 . ere. wel'e "t~ I

iOo ~~ :!" l~ol"'P :\ "'t~ 2000 it 71 71 +t PhiiiiPII itm :11 :Jl ~~ ., tm Pnp %.~~ ~li·~ .17'~ .17'~ '· "~l.S Dunclce loading at Le;nmg Bosttm Dec. 19 and workk· stoppadgc6s4~~volvmgd8,0U': :~u.~.~ !~2 t!l li.J 11 :xnrth Can 4011 :!.i.! 2-~~l 252 +2, 'Pl,tl·e 41J!lO :IR .Ill .!H ~~it .. :~i ~~~:: PI !<-~ ;~~'~ ~~-·· ~~;" 1'~ 2Bth for llalifax Dec. 2:1. Sailing d1rcct ''or ·cr~ an ,aiO man- ays.

ir)t) R': A'-a f\13 r1 \~Of\"[ll\r t5nn 81~ Rll--to~ll'tmdrr hJU(l ~~ 5~ ia i tnlrl Pl. ltlli S'"9 j71~ ia - h ~lnntrcal 1\lor. St.' r f 1-, 011 •• 1-, .•to :!ll I~ Ueauc IJ!HO ao liO 7° -r P1o\n G:~~ tilhfi 210 .!Ni :!10 1 ·' 1 I ' : rom llali itX for Li\'£~rpool, lllU 17 17 -1 f'udul :lt10 12 1:! 12 I Ralll:('l ~Oil lH li~ li1 I 1 .l.un.lica PS !11!1 1..:~11 \l) 111 • 0 111 s. no~o SALES UP I 111 -on l~ 41 ~~ -t-1 1 o·nr\en :wou fi4 6~ ra • 2 norJ.y Prt,. 1o:n 4 4 4 i ::~~;~ttnn ~~~e,; :~~,: IP, :i ~ (S.S. Novaport loadm;:! Ill om1tting St. ,John's call. OTTAW.\ ((PI Finance: !2~n ~l ~:J 1:\ -11: O'Lcar~· :;~n t:1 B~~; t!'i +1 I s,mt•e j!~, 1\.? R.! 1!2 ·2 t..nn 2oo -~,~ !3i s·.o ~~~",! ~~;·· 1z :\lontrcal i\o\'. 30th for St. Newtoundland lcaring Li\'er- ~Iinister Fleming said Tucsdavi .!tfiiJ us 1:1:1 1:1a -:.! I gpe::'l5ka ~~~ ~~~ 16 ~ t~:~ J ~ j ~erL;r J'r('e 1!11H ~q-1 ~~i ~rl I.t)ch ~~ l.!i Sl'l 1~1 l!l 1 1 . pnol Dec. ~0. due St. John's II t 1 f C d S . · ' lb.:(' S:.!:Pt :.!2 2:.! \o~~n::l'a '1[)(10 .il~ :J1~ ·~~'2 +·~~ Soutt l~~:~~ tn ~ .. ~ 10 4 ~~ :'\1n PH t~hi Slfil~ 1514 l~'l 1~ • om:-:. Dee. 27. Leann!.! for Palt'f,".·· Ja saes o ana a avmgsl

3~~ 1 (1 us 11:1 tW 5 I ( I k ~soo ·a !'IS ·6 . pounrr 10 tn .j 1 :.LISS•F l!l)li 511 )(PI! 11 1.-1 ~ Rcfngeratton .. l. llolo Bonds drc running 2 3 per cent I

to;no :!9 :1 :?9 - "~ 1!55 ·'~r 60- 110 ~ti 76 ~6 +1 St:-tll\\tll 2:100 32 12 3:! Jl :'.1Jrnn J>r :uu !r.~" r.' .. :-~- ~~ GULl•' 1\NU ~Oit'l'IIEHN ~ illHI Boston Dec. 28, due Hali- 1 i th' lJit 191 lOti 197 -2 l P~~c:n"rt w7oo u 121-:: 14 ihlnl c ij~~ ~~ i~ 75 ·4 :'<1ol!.on A :.!at S!P'l !S'• ::!&•o.t tax Dee :Jo and Boston .Jatl. 5 a tcac of last yea!'. So far IS I

~~1'6 ll 12 IJ " 1'> I p" d 1100 ln ~o 30 ~I """ on 'R ~R )lol'"n n "' '~" '' ~11 - ,., S!UI'I'l:'\G CO 1 TO )"Car bonds worth $223,000,000: bO()O 30 :!A :m tt .,nf, t'C :\t 1'00 5'Bu ... r 530 -5 Trlaf1 011 2j00 liO llii 1jll :\1rmt J.ocu -Hflh S1(,1~ rP. 1!_,1 ... - ]1• "F""'l'"\1' l•:al "S r"t.CI.OII • '"s rem in~ Boston .J;m 6 nnd Hnli I I I t 'i:iOO 7 ; 7 a no • ~ · ~s2. .,5., 18 V Can"o \t lOOi 117 143 U7 -lll :"\ St c 1r :;lin H'i l.i h . 1 l .... ,..., ,, .... , .._ , ' '·· lll\'C JCCn sod o 540,000 ap-mo Sfio 510 :mo •11 l'alo xd 200 ~~~ -Ill, "t4"- lin Oil• 17401 137 IJ2 D< -3 .Placer t·o >!I'' "'· 'l',. ,, 'Ocl. 26, lcai'C Charlollclown fax 10. <Inc St. ,John's Jan. -----~Joo IG IS ll l'a)ma>l 140oooco 4[~ 4" '6' +I Wnyn, 2100 r. • 6 l'nw Corn ;uo s;r. --- '" ' ., S"ll'ttl" a""l'n sam I f rndw-rrllcctiVC belt around thr t'I)J411'"' I:.!R ll' +4 ~reerlr~s a " .. ,:~" Wespne 11'01) ll•.t 111~ Jlt~- 1: Pm'l' nr'' ~~i~ "it illt• ;Jt~·-)l.C. Ott. 27 arrirc St. Jc,hn'~ Oct 1 ..... ,, be<\' ccay or ~~~. ~: ~~ ~~ ~1 ~f:~oncrow ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~. +1 \~ gg~ ~G 3~~~~ 1~; l~~~~l~~ -~~ ~~ g~~ pr ~~~ ~~~1~ b'" h'4- ~~ 30, lcii\'C sumc day. Ltn~rpool. :ar;.~·a~~o~~~ad~~~l~:i~~re~h~: 100 5151 2 t:itl 1~12 + •8 Placer ;J:\S 5-4 4 ~Htt. ::1 ~- 4

11 W!!.burne 1100 50 jO 10 , (lue ~\p1s 11 s fh!Jln sn ] 11::. 4 ;~ ~ ~~ 'Fcr,!.!us lca\'CS Ch:wlottetowti J\TL.\NTIC :\l.\RJTJ:\IES

:!nuo 4~~ ! '4 ' 1 Pow Rou 1000 56 56 ~., - W!'!tiltrro 187~ tin -4 , r-,,,_, 111 .,. ~~o.· •1 1 p ,r co ,.... such a belt was "a danger fo• Jl,'l\'1 ,.0 9 9 !l Preston IA3S70~o itO 8•1 .. o +30 I w Ect·~Un 3 ~, 1i g.n ~1:! 91 I " •• 1 nO\' ., cn\'C ICtnu, ·"·u. i."O\'. LINE LI:\,JI'fi'.D

~· p o \lr 3000 8 86 1 · J 1 • N 1 the progress of astronomy and f-:'rf'~~~n ~~~ z~,2 z~~:, :!~;~ Q~c" /~sc-ot tllifi 11-:t ;t~ jl~ ~,:~~tl~~u 21J~Lo n.5t:!"l~r ttt«i • I ~m ~~~~·~·irs too ~;'~ 7'':! il~ I 4. arrt,·e St. . o 1n s J. or. 6, ~t.V. Theron lca\'ing New raclio. astronomy." The 350.· ''" Ill•rn ,eon 20'' 29 29 Que Chlb zo:.u 18 18 18 -1 Wespoe tooo m; 11'; 1\1,- ': ~~ IIII~ht IO:,:,:ol41'" til ''11; '•' lcal'c same day. 'YorJ; C\ol·cmber 8th. Saint ,John, 000,000 copper needles were nnctona ~ooo !) Blh ~ QQuo L,lth t;~~ 5I~1- .'ii~ ~;11 :\-:z \\' Ci!n nG :~ooo 107 IuS Joj -:J I ~.,tiona! ,. tou ~i·~ ···~ i1,~~. '"I Fergus )care Charlottct(m'n :"J.R' .:\0\'''mb"r lltll, l!alt'fa•.··, llcl~l Par "01!0 ..,.fi '141 'Itt- th: ' uc "an l l:l I \V COG w RfiO 13 :12 12 :n J 2 ' ~ Jrk ·~ t .... 1.: o'l fired into space Oct. 21. 1!tw(ln .. !02! ;;03i "1o~ iol~- I Q Metal, JJ:!:tl 92 90 92 -:.~, W!~.hurnr 1\~o ~o so ~o :'\ s.lutlnl!o ~~~~ ~~J ~ R -1 I ~ov. 17, lCil\'c Pictou, :'\'.S. Nm N.S. November 13th arrivino


Commercial Industrial

Community lUll: us to ohow rou tbt

lowest co&t war to buDd weD,

ENGiNEERING Springdale Street

1''''1110 '·"'/\ ~os ~(}~ 40~ +" I Qunslon 40~ H 14 14 - 2 Wsti\trl! Ia_.~ Ill J!'iO t:.n -4 ,''I ol•li • 3 • 1! I 18 a!"l'li'C St lollt1's NO\' '10 • ' I . ' 0

" 1\"' "1 "" ... Qu mont :1 o 88:l BHn 8RO 10 ,, ·" to~to e1· 15 ti -l, ' ' • • · ... ' St. Jo tn's ". <>I'CnliJcr l"lh, 1","1. f!,:r1 t::!.\ S23'• ~Sl& 251 1 c ·,) - \\' Decalta 36,5 !It 9! .. :-;,1 R;u l I ·" u \,..;<1

1~ r.11rla ~Mo .. 1 7 Radlore 10100 Ill 60 ~0 -l \\' I.ea"e 2011 4:1~ fl'i 41'i -jO :-.~, 1 l'(m~ 211 ~~ s~~~ :\i :lfl ~ 2 1 ea\'~ same < ay · ing i\ O\'cmbcr 16th for Cornei-n •a:~ i)~oon 'g 9 9 -\'.1 na~·rotk J!l:lo 7!1 76 ,1'1 - 1 Windfall noo 111~ 11 11 1

1 01,.1,1,1 ~ 1 31 • I• er•rus lca\'e Clnrlottetown • · -toou 5 5 5 Realm lJ2iOO :!:\ 21 2t -4 Yom can ~000 3 3 :::ou1 fl 1 '' · 1 • ('"J ' • • • • Brook and New York.

1 \r.'~ 111 Rf'x"-pilr il~Ofl 16 1:1 16 .o.J C\1rb · :J 1 Orrm 1~xp J(l-,on :!'i 2.! 2! -J !'\ov 10 le·wc P1ctou :\ S ~O\' ro~u '1"1 ~;~~ ;~~ 22;\ 2:1o -s IUo Ah:om 1i"1H $11 101~ 11 + ,~ DallH,uslt O!WtnlsJ.ia 110 11:u ~~~o 11n -ill ~ • .' '. h .• ·; · · . · :\1 V. ~\alcsund lra\'ing :'\TC\\'

Furness, Withy & Company, Ltd. :r;;r ~ull 500 l~i l~~ ~~~ ;~ ~lo lhtp 51'00 !1 :i 5 1 ~ori.\sl~~~ If>'~ Hi1'.1. ll'atnn 7 1•r 1-m S!l .!1 ~1 .. I 11, arrt\'C St. .Jo n s Nm·. 13. York Xovcmbcr 16th satlin~"~

'"., 1, 1,_ , 0,, 6.t'• Tl Rlx 1\th<~b ~oo :t7 17 :Ji + t"l : ~111, 1 'J1aud.1"h ti1Wn 10 1n 10 leave same day . ' "

L .. h.r•:1 ·'1 "~ .. " • ltockn 1n :lOtlll 14 14 14 • · ss 97 ~ ~U!J7A G[U~ 6!F,. · 3M 1 PrnnhN· 1000 l.!'1 1:.! 1.!1 .. - 2 ~ R 1 . l ' dll'cd to St. Johns arnnng l.or:\rln 200 17.5 .,_l~S .,_1~5 - ,,, Row.:m Con!l ~1100 4•2 ~~l 41i I C fmn 253 Si'9'" i!l'" i!lr_., ,. 'K I Pill PrUil \ tort Sln t 11,1_. tot - ~~ C flgcra 100. ~ , , I 4J! t I . .., ,. ium.1 ~noo 2!1 ., " ~. 1 ,.HkCti7iS7nl,fi!JI~iot,J3''Q C'hlt fijOJ:n "~o 3w _5 ~·r·'ID C\"'\ll·\ Sl'\". ~o\Cill1Cr .. ~. C:l\'lllh~"o''Cill· t b h li5() JO 10 10 Ryanor !i50fl J1 10 10 - Uo~tal HlU6 $1101 "'9:\ flO lie .o a "' ,, ~ ' ' • ., ' • ~ l.t I'• I , • ')•) I r c B k I r,~r~~~·:.,"' ttOIIO 10 91 ~ 1fl snn Ant 1501 181 181 JBl -1 Tr.Dom 10s1 SGS311 " 6h~~ 68 ... 1' Ou1· 011 illO 1 :1 1 SHIPS 1 1:\HTEn )Cl ... -n< Ol" orncr. roo· iliH <itlf) \tntt~ ~07•1 52114 :!1 21 ,, ..._ t 4 Satl'lllle 1fil97~ ;o 47. 4:\ Qu1• Smdt .'lUflll H 14 U -2: .. ' 1

' • ~C\\' York. r; 1dt't YK I:.!OO 11 t-, 11 11 _ 111 S1.errlu tOl:!fl it5 s1o .'it5 +10 llatt~an 1 1HHIO :t~ -~~ ;:;,; -1tJ ~l.V. fauvcttc en ron\C' from :\I\' Th . l . :\ r,dttf'T 1000 n 12 13 st~:ma tun nl ~j.~ 47~ 1 .st • cnum !llti i3~ ~~~ ·-• H·tltfa•· <ltl St 1 lin' '" 1 • . . etun ranng . f'W \.ol~alr !OOn 'J'• "l :l'' "!'; Sllmaq !32ton 4' 41 48 ·6'\' s.,uc llc•· ~""" 115 lin 112 -3 ' ,,, c •. 'o s _,o 'Cill· I York :'iOicmhcr 28th. Saini r.r \!inlrt• two 19 i7 1813 .,.lti su ~tlllrr fi60 _, 111;,1~ 4212 4212:1

1 ShopS;'"" 3·,o Sd 1 ~ 31"' fil.;- 1~ her lst. J I "

1, •!C1ra' 1100 zc. 1 ~ 2:1 :.!l __ 4 Slscne ll015 1_01 .. 1

198 206 S1~cor 1

liOO :?On ::'110 200 1\t V C b 1' f 1 , 0 ln. :,,B., Dcecmher 1st, lea\'· l.un~l\· "wo SWl 11~~ 14,1~ ~ 3f.. Stanrck 5iU 7 ISO !\n :i~':l s nufau t lljoO !l ~ll\ !II •1 ~~· 't • I ,~·Te c bsat 1121~ l rlllln Ill~ lttllfax, ~.s.. Dcecmbcr totar\d'(l\ i1(100 2!1 2.\ 26 -1 Stnrralt 4l000 4') i -5 Sp,utnn j350 14.1 un 115 ·'on rcn nOvem cr lH' lliC 4th arrl' nn St J l . D ' latanduc ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ +lS ~~~~~,~~ ~~~ j~~ 6i~ 6i~


~!IW l"ORK CLOSINH ~TOCI\S \ i~~·~l:le ~f~~~~ ~~12 ;~ ;~ 7 ~~- St. John's, ~orcmbcr Hlh. I ' ', 1 Ill n : ' 0 InS C~Ctn·

~:~~1r~~~ -· s d cot tiOOII R fl R + 11 IIY The Auorlntrd rrt'~l1i Tlh Fxp jOuo · 41 2 -11:~ -ll ~l.S, Bedford 11 saiJwn frnm _Jer flt_ 1, ('a\'lllg Dcecmhcr 7th ll•rd "otk i:?~ n Is I 5~11\vi'nn :!:199 ]7j 175 1i5 -~ flt•th Strrl ~p" l<cnnecou jljl~ I 1'!t.m ' IOOU 10 lfl 10 . • • ~ lor Corner Brook and ~('\\'

" ''"~ 14 4 4 1 .•• ,., 1·.w, _''I nor~ Worner 43'• ~lonll' II' Jl'-· l'ft'' corp ~~· !7' ·,41 .. "•·' 'llnhfax Nol'cmber ,lrd, due St y I flu 'hn 1 ~no ; n• 1 fi1-)- 1"l Sunbur~t 36{111 1~ " ... · J .. • " or\ H~shr..z~ :li(){l JU 112 ll:J +S Svh·O\nlte SlOU l:'i H 3\ El Autn r.1 5R Soulh Par: :!Po~o 'T'r c Frrr1r tnn JjU JJ() 3JO • :io I )ohn's NovemOer 5th ! • !I M I ~'t.,.~ IOOO 3 R 8 Taurcnn 1i2011 411 '17'. :IR -3 Gcn F:h.>c 74!\" SUI Oil ~.r 4to1 .. U Tm\m; 1':1 z5 "1'11;~. W~ l:Jt~ ~~ V F tl .1·. [ I J!~ .. ~~~~,. if'OO 49 47 4!l 41 red<·H 1400 ttm ua 160 Gondye;tr -15 14 Utd Alr('r,,H 4.1~~ \'nuzc nnJo t45 137 tn 1 n I u • • auve c sat mg rom · F h C 't' • U S llmh ;oo 4 4 4 Temn• 150 107 107 107 +2 Gt ~or Ry 47', Vunnlllum 2"• I Vir~··'· 1000 " 6 6 ~I I Halifax November 6th due Sl '1° rene n ICIZes •• ' lil~h Rrll !iJun :!9'1 2a.t'J ~~5'. J.6 Terrltor,1 3000 15 H 14 [nt T T S:! 1a Westng.!!e 39 Weedon jQtJ 21:l •11~ •II~ ' ·

I.'Pool To St . .John's To St. .John's llfx. & B'lon

· i\0\'A SCOTIA" :-; 01". 4

"XEWFOt.:!\DLAl\D" :-:ol'. 15 1\ol'. 22

"l\0\' A SCOTIA" De~. 6 Dec 13


De~. 20 Dec. 28

Boston To llfx.

::\01" 10

:"\01" 28

Dec 19

.Jan. 6

Hfx. To St. John's

Nov. 14


St, .lohn'1 To L'Pool

Nov ·~

Dec 4

Dec. 23 d.irect to L"pool

Jan. 10 Jan. 12

Persons contemplating passage ·o Europe should make book· rngs well tn ad1 ancc.


.Toronto .. 1, :1."" t~on 126,, 26 261, _ '•j Thom L 11<9lO 85 70 ao -2 Wcnddl 2ooo 2'2 i,, 2,, • \, ,John's November 8th. • , , ltld connecting Airlines. n,,,,, 1500 ~07 2o6 ~os •6 Tomblll 38aB so ss so +2 l"nllslr~l M.S. Bedford 11 sailing from: PARIS, Rcutc~s-'Ihc !•rcnch 11.·1 ""' 310 sw. 52'< S21>- '• Tormnnt 11612 29 27 27

8,. =11• Alia Tnk A ' 0 mr, ' 1'' w, HaJ1·rax No\•cmb"r lOth <llle Academy of Sciences Tucsda" Consult us regarding your tr:n·el problems.

~~~~r~ F:'1 7400 36 34 34 ~2 Towag ~000 B'h 81': "1'"41 " Camp Chlb 200 7-'5 i-13 745 -~ \.; .J

_ _:.:_::.__::_~~-------·------ c Delhi 100 m 39j m ·~' St. ,John's November 12th. 1

condcmn<;rl a rcc;nt U_nitcd 1

' ~~~t ~~~ a!.~~:~ ~:~ ~;~ :~~ I III.V. Fatll'ette sailing from S~t~es ~lt_das expcr_n~cnt 111 or- Furness Travel OffiCe MOST ACTI\"t: TOnOSTO i'TOCKS

By Tht. Canadian Prtu

c Paper JGO sn m, 4J - '·• Halifax Nol'embcr 13th, due St. I btl!ng mtlho.ns o[ tmy copJer 1 Con Gns 600 $2l~e :H!ttl 2Pti + ~~ dl d d Ford sn $155 155 m John's November 15th. nee cs cslgnc Ia sprea a Ncwroundland Hotel 'Phone 56%1


Cfanac!ianct&~ ., • ...,nltlltf

,. -, WIO:::o•r"O..u• 1\111111'11"

....,. • .,. .., •conN• Cut• ..­

-•a~.~~~a .... un~~

tNot Inserted liy the Board ol Liquor Control)·


Slodr. ~nlu lli~h Lnw Cluse Ch'lt I~DUSTJUALS'

Trans '1t C llu~kv UC Pow AIJ;oma Dom Tar

14170 $15 14\1 ll·t2S SGJB 6 823:t SJJI.·: 331" 7491 !~!l~" 4Bh 6835 $U1!8 183.


l·l!i + ~ IPR •%

3J12 ... 14 49~2 + 1 18~5

174111 13i 132 133 -3 14875 ti~ 5~~ 51-i - 1,".1 12750 44 4:! 42

lJolll.nJ:I!'r 700 $:!6 2514. 26 - V.t _ ------------llfl ou G 7011 516)1 lt~R JfiS! +- lft Lob Co A 700 Sll l01 a 11 + 1411 Shtraton 3100 17\8 17:;~ t7l~- ~~~ Lob Co B 400 $11% 11 11 + It~ Sinclair 9JOO :Jf.~~ 331~ 31P·a- ~~ !.OU\Ict 1500 G 6 6 ~2 South Pac n200 2i~ 8 2~14 2iJt- J 11

Mnclnren A ton $23~~ 231A 231.4 - ¥4 Sperrv R 14COO :!J 223' 22!'1 l\!0 Paper 130 S2B~k 27~11 2i~~- ,,II Sld Drnnd 2!100 BJl4 011,.~ RJ:l 4 _. 21 4 :"ttoore 200 MBl/.., ~8 48 - ~'8 Std Cnl 19700 50~4 50 501:4. - 1':! Murra~· 1500 10~ lOS 105 +2 Sid 1ntl i600 t83-t 'lt:l,~ 131"'- :1~ Que Tel 50 100 $20 20 20 Std N.J Hl200 461~ 4G1,(o 461 4 - 14

!In Oils Northcal I' amnii South !l Pac Pete

12000 10 91h. 10 Que Tt·l 51 50 $20 20 2 Stutl Pack l:IGOO 1J to:~ to,~

+ L-2 Que Tel 55 15 S201 ~ 20 1" 201-8 Sun Oil !'iOO 5::!34 .'i21~ 5.?' 4 ~ 1: + :I.?. I Steep ll lOU 700 ':"00 'iOn +5 Tt•xncu 1:.!~{)0 it=> 11 ~t•,. 51~~~.._ :~..~ 10~5 11 10~ 11

Cdn Dvno :\brlln Satellite

ni!NJ;S 1G97t.i5 :!!15 :!:Gl 1Gfi2:50 fiO 57

278 59

Tr:\'nS Mt 627:-i $1) 14;i 14't~ ... 1' Tl'X Sui 4~1JO ::!2'~ 22'11 !:tl"-+2~. Un '.Gn!!. 45 ~1U1 !! 2014 20': -1 \4 Thlokol 4100 :J~J~ Jj1,2 :JBI:a 1- :~_.

1'nley,tr 900 19~11 191 11 19'1! ..1 111 lli1~7!i 50 42 ~· C\oslnl( sale~: Industrials t:J:!.iOO: THllk('n :tiOO j~l~ ~j~~ jfll_ .. P"

L Vut:mu l:i-HOl 610 ~U .1911 H5 mines a-nd tl\ls 699,9()11, T\\ent C 2600 341 1 :rP4 :t3,~- 14 Un C.1rh xd 18011 1~~~! 1:!7 Ul - r~ utd Alrc 2000 4'i~~~ 4-P4 4j"i~ + ~.

Mutual Funds 1 Ultl Corp 2!100 JP~ R"·~ 8 ·~ us Gvps .1600 10.! 100 1oo1.l-114 us ttuhh fi~Oo :1i1, 5~1" lTS Steel l!jOO 7h'H j6JI!

New York· \'ilnatl 80n :!P~ 21'': Walkers 100 5J3~ 5331

~ti'TIIAI, FUSIIS Nt~\\' YORK CJ.OS.l~'G STOCKS \V Un 'Trl :t.lOO 40~11 40'2 n,. Thr Anllrlatf'd rrtu Whs El xd 1-lOOO :J!)1 il 39

:';j1 ~ I I" 'l(j:olj,- ~,..

21:'1~ + =·~ J:l't 4- I II 407 s + '" 39 - 11,: 83~ -llc

llr The C1nadlaa l'r!1'1i~

All Cun Com Hid 8 52 6 :iO 9.23

32.40 10.22 4l.!i1 6.06 9OS R.l2

10.09 l.OB8 441

17.60 5 Ol 4.:il 6.16 5.51 6,43 3.71

A•" 9.31 6.!11

10.06 JS.!A 11.22 45.70 6 65 9 92 8.90

11.02 7.76 4.A~

17.98 5.51 4.95 (j ti9 ~.69 • 99 4.05

~ew York stork . xrhnn,r-Sow. 1 Woolwth 1400 8~ 1 ::z t!J11 xd - Ex dl\'hJend, xr - E,..·rll:h ts, I

All Cdn Dlv American Growth Ucaubran

xw-Ex·warrants. Net change hs from Total snit~: 3.210,000.

Canadlon ln\·e~tment Canafund Chnmplon ~lutual Commonwealth Jntror. Cpmmonwcalth Le\'fr~J:e C"orporntc lmrstors 1-:uropean Growth Dlver;tned ~c:les R Dominion Ec!Ully Federated Growth OIL nnd Gn1 Foml• Coll•clll A l"omls Collrctll n Fonda Collecur c Group Inc. Group Sel ectlf A Growth OU nnd GA'f R 45 8.A6 lnvcstore Growth fund 6.9fi 7.~6 lnvcslol'!l Muluol 12.86 13.98 KeyMtone . . . • Muluol Accumul•tln~ . lund 9.01 9.85 Mutunl Income lund 5.52 6.03 N. American fund of Can. 10.62 11.61 Rodl•son 4 77 5.24 Regent fund S 22 S.71 Sa\'e and 1,1vest of Canntla

previous day's close. Set

Slod: Salulllgh l.ow Clo!lr: Ch''e ACF tnd 1200 GO 5~\" S!P a- ~~ Allegany 2fi00 J()-li 10''8 101'..,

Allis Ch 13800 ::!07 ~ 21)1 " :!Oh + '8 Amerada 7600 !W't 92:0.4 94 + ~~ J\m Cnn 4300 ~ tg7 ~ n steel xd ]4:200 421,8 41 41%- lh DU Pont 2100 232 Zl01't :1.3:! 4- g, East Hod 8000 I09h toa;, lmP~ + ~~ Eaton Mf xd 400 J7\'l 36¥1 3611 . ,. ~~ El Auto L lOB 58 58 58 -1 E1 Pn!iO 9~on 25,~ :.!6;i 26'4 + Jll E'lrcstn gao 47% 47~1. 473 11 -r % Fnnt 1300CI 104h to:~a;J 1ons "'I"" ~• Frueh Tra i4700 233• 223~ 23 + Jif Gen Dyn t3700 28- zy., 71!~ +%. lnl llarv 2200 .50'!~ 50th 501,~ + 1h tnt Nick 5700 RMi\ 79~'5 7918- 1;8 Jnt PaP i'200 Jlnil; :15:;4 36 + 111 1nt Tel 11400 521/a 51~'. .521/a + 11 J(resee 1400 :l41h 34~1 3· Lib MeN L 4600 1211 12'!1 121'1- V. Loew'o 8600 34Y• 33\1 33\1 -1 Marsh Fld 1000 4H4 431,l 43'4 + ~· McKee 1600 2211 211> 22 Merck 6900 77\f, 751'1 77\1 + 1

Supervised Amer. fund B 09 8.17 Mlnn M~! 18400 731'1 72 72\li- I> Supervised Exee 55 • 46 34 Supenlsed Exec .515 38 03 Suprvlstd Exec 57 6.51 Supervl 'Bf't.l EKer 58 6.58 Supervlstd. Growth fund 1.9B Supervised Income: fund 4.54 TV t:teclronlc 9.19 Timed Jnve!ltn'Jf'nl fumJ li.:-!5 JnllPII Ae· !olive "18.32

6.95 "2 00 l.59

!0.1).1 6.75


Montreal .

Mlnn Ont 4300 271> 2G1'a 27\1 - 14 Mont Wrd 12200 311> 31 311> + ;> Nat Avlnt 400 ZS% 281.4. 28~11 Not Cash 3100 1141< 1131> 114'"• +l'A Nat Dlst 9700 25tl 2M~ 25% Nul Gyps 2200 GO 59ll 59ll N\' Cent 3l00 161~ tli% 163 4 N\' NU 400 2~lt :.!~'If 2'& Nnr 1Jac 2500 Ui',. 4:1. 41 l,'il +- 3\t OJdu Oil 1500 JD\H :18\" 381~t + v, Uutb Mar 21100 )8 1Btl 181,:4,- \~ Parlee Da. 21900 36~· 3S :l~~~ + 1" l'cun JlR 4000 14% 14th 14~,- 1,8 Phelps D 1500 59\,i 4S\I 59 + Phllc:o BOOO 2:1:~~ 21%. 22~1 -i w._ Philip Mor 400 108\~ 1D7Y4 lOB\4 + t Pit Plate :!600 li51h 6'i G51,.

!leU Phone Bow· 5 p llowater ·Brazil

3621 S~7 5ti~l !i6V1 Proc Gam 4~00 94 9:Hi 931/J t 1\~

1\m nank B A Oil

300 S40~i 491,'2 49!~- !1.4 Pullman 2100 331,~ 3J1l! 331,~- ~• 100 $6~4 fi=}., 6~1 + \h RCA 12000 551'2 54~1 5J~it •l~i

1193 :1~-, JiO 3~0 , Rr1mh Stl 4600 5~:1.• 5!1 59~, 2:i S57lf,~ ,')iii 571.-~·-21,~ Rry 'Toh .'itOO · lm\11: BO nO~'J + :t~

lOJJ 3Wt JJ~;. 33'14 + ~J Ro)'HI nut 1:moo 31a• :11 3P." + 1, :n~ :Jt17A 13~· .A1~"- h. Sran R 45110 R1~• fl:?~• f.2~J- \~

. .

American·. - . . '

A)IERIC.\N CLOSISIJ ~TOCK5 Br The Auorlatt'd rre,"

xd - Ex·dh'ident.l. xr - Ex-ri~:hts. xw-Ex.warrant!5. Nrt chan~::e Is: from prc\'lous day's clo3e.

Nrt Stock Saltsllllh J.nw Clost Ch'~r.

Anoono 3500 9·16 ~; ~-t6-1·16 Bell Phone 200 SS~R 55 551 ~ + r,~ Brazil 4100 31'1 Jl/, 311- \I BA Oil 1200 32 1 ~ 31'1. :\21k + ~-Dunk flill 400 uv._ 121,11 t2V. nurry· nts 1400 211-s 27~ :ms + \1 CS P•tc 8800 2 13·16 2 11-16 ~ 13·16 + 1.16 Can :\larc · 900 5 4111 4~~ Con MS 200 211i 21\i 211>- I> Creole 3200 381h: 38~8 361,-4 crown CP 100 IW• 1611 16\'• + !o Dcv-Pat 2GOO 1> 7-16 I'> Dome Pel 4200 1311 ml 13 - \11 Gldlfd 400 2\il 21> 2"•- I> Jlo111n~er 8110 2518 25 2m + lo Imp 011 600 441> 44'> 41% Imp Tob 3100 15 15 15% + \• Jupiter 3-100 23,, 2% l~R -1·16 Ins N A 1400 10s1; IB8" 10B81 .• - lk JJ Shore 100 2:~ 21)1 2~1- ~) Massey F 1000 10~-is 101h 101-1 ' Mead .John 1000 J4-J1h HHl Hlt,:J -2 Moly ~~~oo 32 30\-4 30~4. -11'ot Nat Pet 2J002:l.1621·1G21·11i-1·16 Nat Rub 100 :m2 21YJ 2H~ NU Zinc 1900 30'il 30 30'i + 'lo Pnc Pett 11500 103~ 10% 10~" + =l., Pnc Pete w 3800 63 4 61,( 51: r ~j Pnnteptc 600 11.16 ~~ ~~~ Pnw Corp 250 5H4 54 StL.:., +3' Prc510n 150n 6!8 liiS 6'" + 1+ Shor Wms '1200 Ill 113 1!7 +4 Sl Pt'n 0 1400 ;l::!ltl 32 321'11 Technclr 8!'!00 277,1! 26\+ 261'4, -1'~ Tr·Cont "' llfln 40r11 4!l7• 4n'" + ~~ Waco Air lOll 1'.-' 41/.~o 4~~ t ~4

(; t"ore"t BC Pow 64;3 $33Y, J311 44Y< Sh•ll Oll 1800 39f, 39\) 301> + I> Total aalC$: 1,350 000.

.. -------- ------·!(""-~ ..... -·- ·--. -- - . \' . . ~ .

12 IS 14 15 16 17 18

19 . 20 21 22 23 24 25

·26 27 28 29 30 I •

Your savings earn 4% interest on minimum monthly balances ,




Brant~es Across Canacfo


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Page 10: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED

:.:: . · ...

I ' I ~ . 10


nm n.~ T1 V 1\JFWS. ~T lOAN'S. NF 1. n THURSDAY NOVEMBER 2,

:.BOWLING • · Avalon League Sof1 Pr~


. ' . SECTION (Al Electric Utilities •. 27 15 12 Pts. Steers Ltd. • . • • • .27 15 12 20 Dom. Machinery.. .. 21 10 11 21 Dun & Bradstreet •. 27 16 11 20 B.·A. Oil. ...•.•. 27 16 11 20 J. B. Mitchell . . . .27 16 11 18 Can. ~larconi Co ... 21 11 10 16 T. McMurdo;. • • • .24 14 10 10 Can. Pac. Tel. . • • . 24 14 10 15 Gus Winter Ltd. . . 24 14 10

i 'I

. p L · ·l~nnett Brewery •• 27 1

:::'Parker & Monroe· .. 27 6 :Brookfield .. .. .. 27 7 Light &: Power.. • • 27 7

. . Royal Stores. • . • • . 27 9 ::~~cinada Packers.. • .21 5

'Col. Cordage .• , , , .27 11 Comm. Cables , , •• 27 12 Nfid. !lrewery .. ,.27 12 G;· E. Oil ........ 27 12 E .. F. Barnes • , , .24 10 Avalon Telephone •• 27 13 Nfid. T. & E. Co ••. 24 11 Nfld. Coal & Oil .. 24 11

15 Chas. R. Bell.. .. .. 27 19 8 15 Daily News . • . . • .27 19 8 14 Colonial Garage. . . . 27 21 6 14 · Top·Tone C.leaners . ,27 22 5 13 Clayton Con. Co. . ,21 16 5 13 Model Shop • . . . . .24 21 3 13 SECTION (A). 13 Highest Singles:

· · Harvey &: Co. .. •. 27 14 Imperial Oil ...... 27 14 Furness Withy.. ..27 15 Evenlnt Tele11ram •. 27 15

12 W. O'lteilly 12 (Hal'ris & llisock) .. 385

· Jfuria &: Hiscock .• 21 10 c .. A. Hubley .. ..21 10

11 G. ~tc:Kay 11 (Bennet Drewery) .. 370

· :Bowrlnli Bros. , , •• 27 17 I. ·F. Perlin., . • • .21 13 O;Keele's Grocery •. 24 16 Ayre'a Limited, .... 24 16 T. N. Motors •••..• 21 14 Ayre'• Supermarket 24 17

10 J. Kieliey 8 (Nfld. Light & Power) 3GB

. JJ;' E. Bakery.. .. .. 24 lB Walsh's Bakery • • . . 24 19 London, New York 24 20

·. :rurlty Factories •. 24 20


~ 8 7 7 6 5 4 4

. .. P L Pts. :lalne.Johnston.. • .27 6 21 !JI.immy's Bakery .. 27 7 20 Import Motors .. ..24 5 10 'Nafel.. .. .. .. .. 27 8 · 19 :Bursey's Trucking .. 27 9 18 Can. Gen. Electric .. 24 7 17 :Merit Insurance .... 27 10 17 C.N.J.B. .. .. .. ..24 8 16 Standard Mfg. Co. • . 24 8 16 United Electric Co. 27 11 16 A. Harvey & Co ..... 24 10 14 .Job Brothers. • • • . • 24 13 13

: :lrownlnJ.Harvey •• 27 14 13 G. S. Doyle ...... 21 9 12

'' ... .. ~ =·· . . .. · ...

. --

. : .

Il!ghes't Three Frames: G. Wadden

(Bennett Brewery) W. O'Reiiley

(Harris & Hiscock) G. McKay

(Bennett Brewery)

.. 932

.. 917

.. 860

Highest Team Single: Harvey & Co. • . • • • .1104

lllghest Team Tl1ree Frame: Bennett Brewery . . . .3013

SECTION (D) Ilighest ,Singles:

J. Cranshaw (1\Icrit Insurance) ..

A. Breen (Import M~tors) ••

C. At:dns ( Chas. R. Bdl)

lllgbest Three Frames: J. Cranshaw

.. 401

. . 380

.. 352 ~~-

·.itS light! it~-. _,


.. · ...

• t

Racoons-:1: w. Kina · v. King A. Andrews B. Mercer

I Moore-3: 181 184 199 564 Bob 140 148 126 414 Pearl 167 157 131 455 Margie 197 197 121 515 Kelvin 685 686 577 1948 I

146 223 176 95 166 140

138 72 127 178 155 153 557 616 596

He Gives W eightlifters Prestige 'l'igers-1: E. Moakler J. Moakier S. Reynolds J. Reynolds

Wolves-0: 226 214 233 673 Allan 109 120 164 393 Bea 125 125 125 375 , 1\lary 180 191 231 612 i Ray

185 194 213 166 153 142 126 207 253 ' 174 167 194 651 721 802

The senior ~ will hold its an presenta· ion ton co:onY Club o'clock.

Mr. Dec M1 rtastcr of Cerci 111usie ·Will he !

Len ~lkhaels o Dean is a musculal' young mun whose accomplishments have given a big lift to the fallen pestige · o! Vancouver weight· li!lcrs.

The fame of 'local strongmen has dwindled since the heyday or Doug Hepburn, who retired seven years ago from active competition.

more than Dean's native B.C. I Empire Games. record and five pounds more AIM AT GAMES than the provincial open mark 1 And it's the games next year established in the 1954 British . at Perth, Australia, Dean and

his weightlilting buddies here at'e aiming al,

Parker Ma(D.,,nald Dean has a great clwnce, says · U Sam Kennedy, !l.C. weightlifling

representative on the AAU.

Sent To tJ\~nors Kennedy says that if he con-

Dean, a product of Hepburn's gym In nearby Cloverdale, re· ccntly led a surprising British DETHOlT ICPl- Left wingel'l1 Army Takes Columbia team to 10 champion· Parltcr ~lacDonald o! Detroit w ships at the W~shington slate Red Wings has been sent to Sud· I wcightli!ting !innis at Everett, bury of the Eastern. Pro[ess:onal Rnn uansen Wash. The pcrfo1·mnncc was the Hockey League, 1l was au· U ll1l ]!rovince's best eve1·. nounecd Tuesday; He will join I

the team Friday. I BALTD-!ORE IAPl-Ron Han-At 20, the handsome Dean is !llacDonnld, 28, replaces Bill sen, Ba!Umore shortstop and

a foul'·)'ear veteran of weight· Dillabough, a zo.year-old left I Amct'ican Leag11e rookie of the lilting competitions. In Everett winger who has been called up year in 1960, will report lor ac· he scored his gl'eatest successes from Sudbury by Wings. , live military duty Thursday at so far, captul'in.,~ the medium · d ~lacDonald had only one as· Fort lllemle, ~I . Hansen, 23, hem·ywei~:ht division and being sis\ in nine games with Win~s: wa~ ordered to repol'l for a one·

.VANCOUVER ICPl - George named best lifter of the show. this season. Last season he 1 year tour.

1 scored 14 goals and picked up -------'fo take the honors he m<j to 12 assists in 70 .,~ames with De· CHANGE Ul'

lift a total of BOO pounds, 245

tinucs his improvement Dean will lilt more than 940 pounds by 1962-300 in the press, 260 in the snatch and 330 in the clean and jerk.

That, adds Kennedy, will be enough to win Dean a place on the team and a great shot at the medium heavyweight games title.

Dean's training purtnm·. Bill Gladstone, and huge John Fra· ser also arc given excellent chances by Kennedy in compcti· lions for team berths.

Gladstone finished b c h in d Dean in the Washington state championships and Fraser won the heal'ywcight dil'ision with a total lift of 300 pounds. However, Fl'aser wao not challenged oeri­ousll· in tile crent and has sho1i·n better form in B.C. meets.

Warren Gi~es

Lynn-2: Cunningham Cunningham F. Burgess R. Burgess

Caribou-1: C. House S .House E. Rooney F. Tizzard

Lions-3: G. Rollings A. Rollings L. Churchill L. Churchill

Rabbltls-0: 1'. Dowden E. Dowden D. Rabbitts J.V.R.

640 650 753 2043 I ' 1 Wildcats-2:

226 180 162 568 i B. Driscoll 155 135 160 450 I D. Driscoll 202 169 138 509 1\1. Driscoll 175 317 169 661 D. Driscoll 758 801 629 2188

105 165 167 437 125 125 125 375 161 126 203 490 163 100 151 414 554 516 646 1716


Foxes-I: H. Grant R. Thomas D. Thomas E. Thomas

103 152 162 137 152 170 157 220 205 197 165 219 S; . 594 689 756 20; .

153 138 154 4\ 114 73 116 3 .. 191 144 210 5\ 205 179 178 5'. 663 534 658 lei .

I Lcopards-2: . j 167 188 179 534 'I W. Guzzweli 141 207 187 5] .. 212 190 124 526 R. Guzzwcll !55 258 223 6'' . 93 166 198 457[ Le~lcssurier 174 143 170 4;: ~

248 168 16-l 580 ! Lci.llessurier 136 238 247 €l . 120 112 665 2097 I 606 846 827 22::' ·

i Kangaroos-I: J · 150 150 150 450 ! C. Rogers 185 212 191 :>; .· 125 125 125 375 \ !.II. Rogers 203 175 182 · 140 123 179 442 J. Phi\li]Js 145 180 184 1:1 146 184 169 4991 N. Maher 187 112 160 1; . 561 582 623 1766 720 679 717 21:~

Twcnty-sc,·en be presented wl· di,·idual prize; 111ClllhC1'S t1 the .o\ccs tc:un. tl VODl tl'Ophy, Jlriwic Mcd;er Champs and tc dual winners. 1 a list of winner the trophies.

First Place 1 b,· VOCI.l, winn • Champion<hip

ed by Howi~ ~ Aces.

)lost R~ns : donated by th, winner, Gary R

Top BattinG donated b~- Nfh ncr Ray Blair.

pounds in the pl'ess, 220 in 'the troit. BALT!illORE, (NEA) - A . th 1 d I >pectatnr. at th. c E;astcrn Open 1 p • d .

snatch and 335 .m e c ean an LUCKY SLIP at the Pme R1dge Golf Course ·~ reSi ent jerk. The 335 pounds was 12 SAN !IIATEO, calif. (NEA) I in Baltimore, was jingling ·

For Commercial League;·\.

Con1 Po.

(:'rierit Insurance) .•.. 973 -The !illy :11om's All was van· change in his pocket as Doug : L. Gosse ned 36 hours from ?cl !.liar to Sanders stepped up to his ball Ten years

(Mammy's Bakery) .. 936 Bay l\leadows. Tram or C. B.' on the green.

Commandoes 'I 't I 3 n 1 St ., team Local Pol

D. ~loore (Buddy) Leavitt intended to Sanders addressed the putt, (J.IIerit Insuranc~) .... 862 scratch the entry because he 1 hoping the action would quiet

felt the Iiliy wasn't up to the the coin jingler. It didn't. Jligbcst Team Single: race she was entered in he· Sanders solved the problem

Mammy's Bakery .. , ... 1003 cause of the long haul. with diplomacy.

Illghcst Team Three Frame: ~lammy's Bakery . . . . 2695

JOHN ADEY, Secretary.

Somebody in the stable for· "Say, friend," he said. I'll got to make the scratch until gladly give you $1 for that after the deadline. change."

~1om's All won - and paid The noise stopped. $31.60. Sanders dropped his putt.


ST. JOliN'S:


Phone 1345 or V359

GANDER: K. L. Griffin Ltd., Phone 8·2387

GMND FALLS: Bond Beverages Ltd., Ph: 2141

BELL ISLAND: Tom 1\lurphy, Phone 2186

CI:'-<CINNATf IAPl _ ''Mr. " en nsurance- : I oya orcs--· ., Crosley has very considerately D. ~loore 99 194 228 521 J. Pender 105 288 205 5\: ; guc at the I'

d 't 'bl f B. Day 126 225 122 473 1\ P. :\!organ 198 203 184 i; :l Arena ycsterda:

ma e 1 poss1 c or me to ac- 1 a 3·1 decision cept, and I feel honored and am C. 1\laddigan 198 187 137 522 L. Blundon 189 144 201 51,·. , The Com man happy to accept." J. Cranshaw 341 340 247 928 A. George 173 196 212 5~ ·1

That was part of the wire 764 946 734 2444 665 831 803 22~. '! first period 3-l completing the agreement that ~Yodel Shor-0: --1: held off the Do put Warren Giles in the presi· K. Fleming 1!i2 172 139 463!' L. Soper 258 154 201 61' , cond stanza, alto dency of the National Leagu~ 10 K. Walsh 150 154 117 421 J. Laite 178 203 237 61' ! one goal. years ago, .1. ~laher 170 170 156 4911 R. Rcyno]r;s 157 227 BB ;~: ; Games will I

It was the turning point after H. Husk 194 219 171 584 'I F. Soper 182 241 215 5;· ; Wednesday aft bitter disappointment for the 666 715 583 1964 775 825 801 2K. j 5.30 and 6.30 ' man who had just given up his 25 minute pen< chance at baseball's biggest job. A. Han•ey & Co., Lt<l.-3: Bennett Brewing-3: Harry Chipn·

Tuesday was the lOth anni· W. Dalton 227 207 194 628 .r. White 268 224 306 iE gun for Art I' vcrsnry of Giles taking O\'er the .J. Corbett 145 202 194 541 C. Doyle 199 212 217 6" docs and he l league presidency, and the 2iith · :11. Walsh 208 202 268 678 G. ~lcKay 199 217 254 67' while Ralph R: year as a major le~gue execu· C. Piercey 177 107 201 575 G. Wadden 264 224 208 6~ the other. live. · 757 808 857 2422 . 930 877 985 2i9: llombers, wl

When Powel Crosley Jr., late Dun & Bradstreet-0: Colonial Cordage Co., Ltd.-0 three shots 1

owner of C inc inn at i Reds, fl. Aitkcns ... 192 174 3661 B. Dooley 183 221 286 69' goalie Bill R1 needed a· good general manager P. O'Brien 115 186 107 408 ~1. ;\leadus 197 174 254 6! ; Lewis scoring in 1936, he looked to the Inter· ~1. .Jackman 134 163 195 492 .J. Dobley, .Jr. 214 244 230 60: j er. national League where Giles B. Jackman 224 223 267 714 J. Dooley Sr. 236 227 199 6€: l was both league president and 473 764 743 1980 830 866 969 265' 1

a club chief. Giles, in 10. years has head

of the Rochester Red Wings, dro\·e the club to four pennants and three second-place linisbes. REBUILT CLUB

The Cincinnati club needed re· building when he took orer, and his first ·year thev finished dead last. Three years later, how· ever, they won the pennant. The next year, 1940; they did it again and won the world series from Detroit.

He also put the Reds in the black alter inheriting a $700,000 deficit.

That background of shrewd, frudent success was why he wa£ nominated in Chicago 10 years ago to succeed A. P. !Happyl Chandler as commissioner of maio!' league baseball. His op· ponent: Ford Frick, then Na· tiona! League chief.

Neither could win the ncces· sary 12 votes of the 16 club own· ers.

Giles heard o[ the vote dead· lock and went back to his hotel room to think about it. Finally. he returned to the meeting room where he withdrew as a candi· date.

Giles came back to Cincinnati where he still had a contract for six more years with Corsley and the Reds. "Yes, I'm disap­pointed, keenly disappointed," he said.

A few days later, however, Phil .Wrigley of Chicago wired him the unanimous offer of the rest of the National League clubs to succeed Frick as league president.' Corsley cleared the way by tearing up his contract.

Orioles Renew Agreement

BALTIMORE (AP) - Balti­more Orioles have renewed their baseball working agree· ment with Rochester Red Wings of the International League, the Baltimore club announced Tues­day, ,

Purity Factories-2: ~litclwlls-2: D. Chafe 192 327 237 756 .J. Williams 151 174 191 52' ; L. Rowe 253 159 300 712 C. Knight 152 172 185 fie,· ~ A. Rogers 217 260 178 655 A. Spcarns 159 147 184 4J' l' F. avenor 197 219 275 691 S. Moore 138 202 149 46' .

859 965 990 2814 600 695 705 210' ·t Telegram-1: Colonial Conla~e-1: E. O'Neill 265 218 265 748 I w. Elton 179 210 171 s:·: .l M. Finn 155 165 212 532 .!. Quinlan 198 127 169 4~ . J. Ryall 238 193 195 626 J. Hol!owey 154 155 124 4f~ ! C. Power 210 163 178 551 N. Foley 185 201 185 STif l

868 739 850 2457! r :-._-:.::~-.. --.:.~~,'""'. s:~ :~~~ ·l·,

Unite~! Towns-3: ! \ V. Withers 201 189 276 666 ; , .... ··, · . i · H. Lacey 259 146 189 594 ' ' · · 1 l F. Hall 226 146 288 660 ~ · I \ R. Murphy 250 215 231 776 I ,·,

936 776 984 2696 I I Electric L"tiliti~s-0: t ·j\ H. Field 138 164 149 451 \ B. Daniels 212 247 189 648 W. Daniels 238 153 120 511 A. Chafe 207 186 252 645

795 750 710 2255

Top Tone-2: J. Tilley 183 143 307 633 \ G. Flight J 230 141 164 535 J Herbinson 144 188 146 478 1

R. 1\lnnland 149 235 225 609 1

706 707 842 2255 i C. R. Bell-1: ! ;\"oseworthy 183 285 219 687\ A. Cook 151 135 190 476 T. Barron 158 195 178 531 ' G. Kelly 204 196 228 628

696 811 815 2322

Nfld Tractor & Equip.-3: R. Johnston 231 278 249 758 D. Pippy 239 199 154 592 V. Gourman 197 201 304 702 T. Benson 237 199 233 662

904 870 940 2714 E. F. Barnes Ltd.-0: C. Mercer 220 163 197 570 D. Brophy 178 189 257 6241 F. Peckhan1 182 218 164 564 A, Holloway 209 174 161 544 I

789 764 779 2322

Commercial Cables-2: B. Perry 133 202 191 526 R. Stapleton 167 194 256 615 W. Abbott 247 247 241 735 E. Withers 208 243 216 667

753 886 904 2543 N. L. Power-1: B. Whittle 150 223 216 589 N. McLeod 240 159 252 651

NICE WORK-Gregory Pee~. holding Debbie Reynolds in . his arms during the filming · of "How the West Was Won,"· seems to relish his work­and why not?


ister Mohammed Shoaib of Pak· •1·

is tan will arrive here today to. begin three days of talks with! Canadian o!ficials, it was ar.· nounced Tuesday.


identity - card system will into effect D~c. 1 in the


T.obson, deCem Goodland; for• man, R. Steele O'Neill, A. Pik Clarke, T. Fra! JJnes.

Oriole president-general man· ager Lee Macphail also an· nounced the reappointment of Clyde King as Rochester man· ager for the 1962 season.


game and water fowl question· nairc returned to the Colorado Game and Fish Department car­ried the following information:

J. Kiellcy 181 210 273 664 R Murphy 198 192 162 557

769 784 903 2456

bee mining towns of Rouyn Noranda to keep person's un"''' •:.~ 21 out of hotel bars, · and other drinking establish· ..

"All I kilied was a chicken· killing cat. I hope you won't tell my l)eighhor."


Vatican radio said Tuesday that a meeting next week under the chairmanship of the Pope will discuss whether observers from non - Roman Catholic churches will be invited to the Ecumen­ical Council. The meeting of the central preparatory commission lor !he council will begin Nov. 7 to examine questions of ex· pediency and procedure in send· ing ' • , • an invitation to the

1 separated brethren to assist nt the council sittings."

Canada Packers-3: ments. A. Pinksen 232 256 248 706 0. Sullivan 203 219 194 616 R. N oft a]\ 160 224 198 582 B. Jackman 220 203 234 657

815 902 844 2561 East End Bakery-0: A. Janes 159 179 145 483 P. Holloway 183 149 215 547 C. Haynes 120 70 208 398 A. Joy · 208 203 183 594

Canadian l\Iarconl-3: R. Hutcheon 213 256 168 647 A. Hindrof£ 211 159 188 558 D. Bishop 171 154 178 503 T. Hollihan 158 223 144 525

753 802 678 2233 1\lc~Iurdos-0: J. McGuire 194 136 159 489 Noseworthy 155 95 96 346 R. Spurrell 113 138 144 3951 M. Lewis 170 188 185 543

632 557 584 1773


f3sy-going Doug Harvey swtS tl1il year as playing coach of the Nell' York Rangers, Can nlce·guy JJool fll'o up a hockey team which hasn't won a title in20 years? 'Ihe Rangtt players boasted openly they would get tl1elr last two c.oaches fired and they succeeded. Is Hariooy nexto:• lhe list or will he md:o llle pe'

· You'll enjoy' tl1e Jim HUDt spor · profile in the current issue of'Ihl ' Star Wecld,)\ !Jet.Y;>Ur ~py ~l'·


---- ________ ,,. ___ ., ... _.,__~.,~1~-""~-.--------------· ..

A · BLA~

Page 11: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED

176 140 127 153 596

. 213 I H2 . 253 . 194 . 802

~ 162 ~ 170 ) 205 j 219 ) 756

l 154 l 116 I :!10 I 178 I 658

i 187 1: ~23 :; 170 II 247 li 827

:! 191 :; 182 II 184 :! 160 !I 717

:l 205 'l 184 1 201

:I 306 1:! 217

:!i 199 :iG 969 2665 .

74 191 52f ·~ 185 50" !7 184 49f 12 149 48' )5 705 200( 1.: 10 171 56r 2i 169 49l ;;;; 124 4B' (ll 185 571 ,gz 699 2106

·e gory 'Pcc1>, · Revnolds in th.c filming

: \\"as Won," his work-

TALKS ·Finance Min· .hoaib of Pak· here today to of talks with , it was an·


·1stem will go t in the Que· o! Rouyn and person's under bars taverns

ing 'establish·

'E-GUY 1riRE UP WERS1 ; la!\·ey ztartS tid$ 1a<l1 o£ th" N~ 1 nice-guy J}oug ·am which hasn't an? Tho RaurW ;cul)· !hoy would o:ohes fired and· s Hnz\ooy nlat 111• m Ll:c 111c p•; J i :n Huot a par·

1-cr.t Issue etf'lbc )'<•ur copy tadff. . - . 'im!-•·;,.,,


Softball Dance, CANADIENS lOSE fiRST ['resentat:ion ASLEAFS TAKE 3-2 WIN Tlw ~cnior Softball League Runs Batt1!d In Trophy, do·

will hold its annual dance and lnatcd by P. E. Outerbridge, }ll'i'·••n!n ion tonight at the Old won by Gem Martin. l'o'on~· Club starting at 9 , Home Run Trophy, donated u'dtd. 1 I by CJON, won by George

Mahovlich Gets )lr. lJc•e ~lut'(lhy will he I Crewe. TORONTO (CPl - Toronto

~t.•,t<'l' ul Ceremonies am! the, !lest Pitcher 'fruph)', don~ted ~laplc Leafs put UJI an cllcdil'e "'~ 1 ,w will he sUPJ•lied by the ; by Bennett Brewery, won by t'oad • block on l\lontrcal Cana· 1."" ~Ji"lwels orclwstra. I Ccc Pierson. !liens' undefeated otl'ing in lhe

'['llt·ni,I'·Sl'l't•n lrophies arc to i No llitter 'ft•oph)', donated Nnlion;1] llockr.y Lcngue Well· l•c· prt"<'tlll"l whkh includes in- hy the Lea.~ue. winner Peter ncsday ni~ht by clcfealin~ the d" 11 1u;d t•rin•, to the fi!tccn· Llenl~ch. lc:lt:Uc·lemlcrs :1·2 in n hrislling, o~C'Ill!lt'L• 1·1 lhe Clwmpwnship Strikeouts Trophy, donated wide-open game before· l:l,GOl \,·,·· 1n1n. the .fit·~t place h)· the League, won by Ray fnns nl P·1plc Len! lim·dcns. \'Ill'\[ lrnphy, to ncAF. the. llhlit•. The ... nud Cnn;!diellS, v,'l~o !i""'r ~:cd;cr trophy fnr the. 15 Championship Trophies, comptlc~l a ~e,·en·wm, one ·.he

t,'\1.1111"..~ and tc.n. other .indil'.i: : dn~wlcd h)' the League,. won by i ~~~~~[d 1\~w',:us 1~0~:::fg cn1~11(!,~~~~\; (1'.1:11' 1\ ,nn~rs. ~he !olio\\ lllg IS ' Al ~s. .· n . ' :they \'/ere oulplaycd-particnl· a ~:.-. 11[ ~~ mne1s and donors or, 1 he [ollo\1 111~ wmncrs arc to , ;1rJy in the opening period-hy tlw .II'UPlnes. , ll~c announced at the prcscnta· the third place Lea!s who lm~·

t-'tr>t !'lace frophy, donated : twn: ~c·.l a. goal a period for their h) \'11!.'.11. win.ners, RCAF. i ~I.V.P. [or ·regular season, fifth win in eight starts.

i'llam~:nn<lup Trophy, donal· tlonatcd by D~ILY NEWS. It was a close one rigl1t [rom d h)' llnwi~ ~lecker, 11'011 h)· ;ll.V.l'. tp:ayol!s) donated by the drop of the first puc!; nnd ,,,,., . n~~ -Caughic•. !lie big crowd gol its monc)"s

"'"t Ibn' Scored T:ophy, Comeback of Year, donated worth as players o! both clubs d,,:tall·d by the Sports Shop, by Al Andrews. . handed out soine hefty hody· " 111 m·r. l:ary Richards. Tickets w.ll be on sale today ch~cks. Refet·ee Frank lJcll'tU"i

Top llaltinr. A1·e. Trophy. and if ;·ou want to go but can· cnllcd 16 penalties - eiglll to d<lll:tt~d b.l' :\'!lei. Brewery, win· not buy one loday, you ma~· b~lY each team, including a li\·e· n('r Hay Dlair. ' t:JCm at the door. minute maior to Toronto de·

W~rmer, Prov.~st Nets 100th .

.... " •. , .. ., ' of Bonin who ri!lcd it ri~ht hack. .. ·. · : Spectatoi·s had hardly taken

: 'their ~cats when Canadiens al· . ,; ! most scored. Lou l'ontinalo, the : \ I b:ul man ol the ni~ht with three ) I pr.nall ic,, shot lmrn just inside .j lhc blue line nnd the puck hit ·'.; I the po>l. Horton .i.ust managed 1

.; to ~lect· the puck mlo a corner ·; 1 be!m·e Donnie ~larshall. prowl· i 1 ing around the Toronto nels, ·.' : could get a slick on it. 1

i Fl'om that point on holh clubs I I skated in high gear until the I ! !ina] whistle.



~cw York Toronto Dctt·oit Chicago Boston


7 1 I 44 24 15 6 4 2 39 35 14 5 2 1 2R 15 II 2 4 3 31 37 7 1 4 5 21 30 7 17227494

·---·--· --.. -- lcne~mnn Tim Horton. 1

J:o''h)' Pulford, Bob Nevin and I Com111andoes Wi11

I)olice Opener I biu Frank ~laho,·lich were the 1 ~11 rutl AcfS'on ! Toronto scoret·s while Claude D'~ n PrJ. Ill Proro't mtd ~larccl Bonin net- I ted for Cnnmlicns who hm·e a one-point hul~e Ol'et• the second· I Boston Bruins iul'aclc :.Jonl· plat·c :'>;cw York nnnger' who I real tonight lor a game a~ainst

, wet·e .idle. Leafs. with 11 points, 1 the Canadicns. while The New ' c .. 111 ,11andoes opened a three 1 llO~lllEHS: goat, A. Hobcrts; 1 arc lour behind the league le:1d·j j' York Rangers arc in Detroit to !

1,.,., 11 l.or;il Police !Iockey Lea· i defence, D. Foote, D. Roberts, I Cl'~. , t ·l 1 , .. 1 meet the Red Wings. I BASKE:I'BALL EXECUTIVE-The St. John's Basketball League held its ~n-~~~r al the Prince o! \\'ales .


n. Lcw~s, _,J. Gathcrall; for· assis~~~~' n'~~~l'~ s;o,~t~'~,~~ h~~ . / nual meeting and election of officers last night. Elected to the executive: for .-\n•11a y~·stenlay ~ft~rnoon wuh . wards, I·. t crham •. J<;. Bussey, 17 points on eight goals and nine , l"tt~ l the coming season were: Front row:. (left to right) George Sorenson, Presi-a .J·I. d:mwn 01:~ Bombers. t R. LeGrol~, R; Shott •. J. Gather· nssisls, just one point behind. FRANK MAIIOVLICII ' i ue eagua dent; Jack Walsh, vice-president. Back row (left to right) Steve Ane:el,

tile lommandoc~ bmlt up a all, ~!. Kcll), G. Fcrhan, T. Andy Bnth•nle of Rangers the' . l' J Pl t l t G T I (R l Ph t S . ) ·'i' ftr,1 ;wriml 3·0 lead and then Riggs Jr. league's' leaod' 'tnn scoJ.'cr • hmd

1 goa 1c acq1ue~ t'lm e1 w1 ~o i B b ~~ rea surer; eorge ay or, secretary.- oya o o erv1ce , · .·

· ' " · · mm c 3~ saves ( urmn 1e tcc tc 1\cld ,,ll lhc Dombers Ill the sc· Action \\'3S sustained from the .' d' ' 0 ase a ers G s u d wnd ,:ama, allowmg them only opcnin~ ll'histlc. Pul!onl shot Pl~~~~.0~~g~,ot that one back at · eo ~'ge oren son ea . s· ot:·· ~ .. at. ~5uil ·Service Lca!s m !root at ~:21 when he G:35 o! the second period with Mnnore.a I I

,;;mit•; will be played every vi V took a pnss nlmost at the ~lm~l· Pulford silting out a board· Ill 111 U \l'cdn,·,day afternoon between 1 , real gonl mouth from Eddw checkin• penalty, He snared his ~ 5311 and 6.30 and will sec [1\'0 I Pftck~ry Opens i Shack and dro\'e the puc]; he- own rebound off the backboards Basketba l 25 mmutt• periods been played.· JiV ~~· ' and rt'fled the pttclr past Bower:

I • The champions or the Little I !larry Chipman was the big Patterson Wl'll It \\'US Iii's 1ooth goal J'n seven

Executive League and Babe Ruth Baseb;.ll

~un lor Art Pierce's Comman· ;\IlL seasons. leagues arc to be honored with George Sorenson was elected : for the intermediate teams last 1 to the formation of a new Re· um•, ;uul he fired two .tallies, The 1960.61 Civil Service hoc· Kevin put Toronto ahead to a dinner and presentation of President o! the St. John's ' year, but the senior circuit had 1 ferce) school. They will ap. lllulc llalph RJndcll registered I key league starts tonight at the s T • • slay noarly fi1·c minutes later prizes won in the pl:1ygrounds Basketball League at its annual 1 to suffer as a result of no gym. · proach Doug Eaton, Physical the (!\her ' tart I ra•n!ng when he look a pass from de· meeting held last night at the .1 !loWe\'Cr, the past year was a Education teacher at l\lemorial.

llomhc~s. who had a mear Prince. of Wales ARrcna when i 1 C 1 13 during the past season and in· 1 three ;hots on Commandoes dc[endmg champs CAF. mc~t enccman , a~ . rc\\'et·. eluded in the party will be The home of passed President Ed;:ar , great socia season for the · to conduct the school. n nn r 111 Mental llospll 1 In -- , SCORES .\\I;I;:"ER :Lions team which won the Squtrcs, who declined nomm· haskethallcrs. They were hon- 1 The school will be to qualify

~naltc llill Robson, had Dick 1 ~ s 1 . a TORO!''TO tCP) l'lo,·cl P·tt ·

1 ~laho\'hch got what turned out 1 L' 11' L h . 1. . · alion after one ,·car as head o! d ·u d d 1 f h ·

L . th . 1 k the ftrsl cnamc whtch nets under " - , , · t h lh -· .· . _ 1 l tt e eacnuc c ampwns 11 p m.. . . , • uure WI I a ance an lrop lY ; some o t c semor players lo

t'lll' •conn" ctr on,. mar • "' terson \Yorld ltea"''l"et'nht o c c ~.tmc-11 111111n;; l(oa a IO'O Tl ff . .11 t k 1 • I the hoop ctrcurl. t t. f 1 · r· h dl h · d · · • · way at 7 o'clock and the second • ., • c 1.,2 1 11 I' 1 .· 1 ·I 1 0 . 1e a atr w1 a c pace, .. prescn a Jon or I 1e1r tnc an c t e mterme iate league cr. J.I",· 'E'UPS.· !(arne will sec Buckmasters tan· champion, wilt. start trainin.g t~~k ~ P~~s ;:~~mp~~~~\\~l!~"a~~ at llcll's Cafeteria,_ \\'atcr I }n: or. the sel'cn ~eam.s that thruc year efforts and also were and some of the senior loop, if

· " gle with CNR at 8.30. 10tcre ear~yl ne.xl week. for his sank it behind Plante from 'about street, on ~londay, :\ovembcr : 11 tll ~~.ak1 ct.t~p the c!rtcutt had ~t"1t0tcnsto!a 1o11fes'.\rgcntia for exhibi·; ocdu.tsidc refereeing is not receil'·

cmD!.-\:'\DOES: goal, B. ec. 4 \it e fight a"amst llos- . 11 1 t t j 6th at 7 p m. jJembers of the; rcprescn a 1\CS prcsen. r.,,b,un. defence, A. Carew, J. Before the official opening ton's Tom McNeeley cit was an· cJg13

1 . cc otuC. d' b . t chamJlion icat~ are a<ked to! SECI\ETAH\"S IIEPOI\T ELECTIO:\ Of OFFICERS 0:\J.Y ONE GYJ\1 ( II t I d I Ch. t . th t' ' omn pu ana 1ens ack 111 o ' · : L S G 'I s · 1 d d 'f) I · · ;uuc all(; orwar s, } . IP· at ccn er tee e prcsenta ton nounced Wednesday, th t 1, ._ ·h h contact i\lr. Jack Walsh bv dial· • caguc ecretary, corgc ,, r. qmrcs t 1cn con uctc te eaguc 1s bankmg on the

n St l G R d 11 D f I h. t 1 t • · p · e game a 1 ·"" 11 en c • 1·r 1 h' t · 1 · l tl l · f rr· f th OLD 'I · l · man, •· ce e, . an e , . o rop tcs o as years wm attcrson wtll work out at the . d 1 h t r in" 3169 or OOB!l ay or, ga1·e 1s rcpor m w m 1 rc c cctwn o o tcers or c . •• emona gym for the t~cr· () .... ·11 \ P'k R Oldf d C 'Jl k 1 Th I p 1 · scmc 011 an ang ~ s 0 rom t- • · h d I · f I 1 I · ' orr· d · d' · b 'f · ,,c; . ' . 1 c, . or , . ncrs WI ta e Jl ace. c ea· a ace Ptcr, an over . sized "bout 10 1 1 t 'f 1 t· The city 1~hampions o! Little e roa Ire nunutcs o t 1c ast , cunnn~ season. leers eleele . me mtc scncs, ut 1 not a1· Jl·

I ' T F L Ell' t C '11 I d bl h d d b u ee on · oron ° ne 1 · d b 1· ' 1· ll · ll 'll h C ar,;e, • raser, . tot , . gue WI tavc a ou C· ea er a nee. all o~erlooking Lake mintier Johnny Bower clenred n League ll~seball for 1961 were annua -~Jectmg an. , roug It: are, as. o' ows:. n. . . : a • e w1 ave t.o tur~ to a hotH J:mc~. every Thursday night, Ontar10, drive b, Pro ·osl 01 to th t' k the "Pepst·Cola" team sponsor· the dele 0 ales up to date on the' I rcstdcnl, (,eoroc Sorenson, and home senes wtth one ol

__________________ _:::.:.:_::._::~l~:::_':::_·~1 c s lc · cd by Browning Harvey, Ltd. various functions or the past; Vice Prcsi~cnl, Jack Walsh; Sc·l the teams accommodating eith· In the Babe Ruth League the year. , cretary, lieurgc Taylor (re· er the Guards or St. Bon's, who

\ I I

' Size








I Reg. Price

I 21.30

I 22.45

I 26.80

I 29.80

I 32.20

I 21.50

I 23.70

I Trade-in Price

I 15.95

I 16.95

I 19.95. ·----

I 22.95

I 25.95

I 16.95

J 16.95




"Dodgers" sponsored by the TREASURER'S REPOIIT elected); Treasurer, Steve do nut have home courts. phty•rounds were champions. Former treasurer, George ' Angle. , Team ?elcgates present at "Th:. Lions'' sponsored by the , Sorenson, brought the Lcag~e Holy Cross delegate, Barry the meetmg were: St. Pat's. st John's Lions Club were I members up to date on the fm. ~launder, proposed the renewal Steve Angle; Holy Cross, Barry Little League Champions in ancial status. or the league ~nd of the old constitution with ~launder; Fcildians, Max Burt; 1960. rcv1ewcd lhcJr expenses dunng scl'cral changes and a few addt· Guards, George Taylor; St.

the year. The league will start lions. Graham Snow seconded Bon's, Da1·e Barrett; United the new year $15 to the good. the motion. A.A., Clayton Collins and l'AS'l'·I'IIESJDENT'S SPEEUl ;\cwly appointed president Gralwm Snow; )lemorial Un1

Edgar Squires made his last £;t·or~c Snrl'nson, tu~elher with l'crsity were without a repre· ~peech from the Prcsidrnl's Barry ~launder and (;raham 'cnlalil'e, hut srnt word that

Ti -Cats Star G G R chair stressin~ that the main, Snow for'me<l a l'IJmmitlrc they would he entering team:; et arne est objcclii'C of the Jca~Ur this '~a- i Whil'll Will report to I he lea~nc in both sections.

son slfonltl be to prol'idc plaY· : on the pro~re's of the proposed The league has fieheduled IIAMIJ,TON tCPl-Co<~ch Jim'! ing facilities for both the in- j constitution. another meeting early next

Trimble plans to rest some of. tcrmediatc and ficnior basket·: A committee romposPcl of week and arc hopmg to get the his rogulars and recent cripples 1 ball lea~ucs. . ' .\!bert llayncs, Dare Barrett . intcl'mediatc series underway when lhe Tiger-Cats meet AI· A pinyin!! court was al'ailahle · and Graham Snow will look in· ' within the next two weeks. ouctles in ~lontreal Saturday. I 11

The g;rmc me;rns nothing to 1 H Yo g o Th either club. Hamilton hilS I ow I e lUI n n ' e ~~~~~edinfirt~;c p~~~~~~.~~d ~~~lb~l~ U · Conference basement, out o! the[ 0 t Wllth . R . d w· pl~~~~~~rback Bernie Fnloncyi u s ~ e 1ngs and middle guard Vince Scott will sit out the game. In addi· lion to resting his ace signal· 1\y JACK SUI.I.l\'.-\:-i I 'io11·, lhc• 1\'in~s hJre ~o11e! control his temper." caller, Trimble would like to Canadian Pn·ss Sports Edito1· >our un him :llld this week put i It is just six months since gile hb rcser\'CS some playillg .lack Achnns says lhl•re's nu· ! him on waivers. "The kid is' Adams spoh~ those words. lime. thin~ ~·Tong wilh . sonw. got1tl: nli~"t·tl up,'· Ad:rms s:lid, "1\'t•'\'e 1 "'l'ht• l;id wunls ltl nwke good.

Jo't•unk Consentino will slarl in clean li:;t.,wwg'lng ll;;hls 10 lile I ~oiH' al .. ng \\'Jill 111111 u,; bi' as hut :mnwllung ntust huppen to l~ulom•y's pluce, wilh Tom IJnlJ· :-.;ational liOL"ko•y l.eugtte. Ht•· lit• t1111lct." ! hi111 when he hils the it·e," ex· I. sid<'s, he sav,;, l:ms lUI£' thcnJ. I, ll'lll'll lht• news 111:11 \'<Hiil"··'·il•lainccl 'l'rllllihllll. mski sl:muing h)'. '

llnl[llack l;em·ge Scott, put 011 The titi·year-old Detroit Hcd II was heing Jlllt on wuivet·s hil . Uoe thing is sure: when his the suspended list when he re· \\'ing general ma11agcr hasn't the IJclruit newspape ·,;, the Hetllfaee becomes llu~hed, it's time ceived a u.s. army draft call, any time for stick - swingi11g, I Wing switchboard st;;rled flash· lor opposing players in the im· was restored to active service spearing and slashing. ··nut a ing. mediate vicinity to get out of this week by commissioner Syd good hare knuckle light, well, "!low come?" asked indignant there. Otherwise, they are likely Halter arter the army told Scott that's di!lerent," be has said on subscribers. "The kid's great: Ito ~ct it from this hot-head. he wasn't needed. occasions. you guys must be out o[ your I That's the book on him.

Scott, howe 1·cr, mny not play It folloll'cd that Adam~ 1\'0U!d mind~." w~s one t)'pical com· • until tltc two-game, total-points take a fatherly interest in Howie mcnt. !ina! with r.ithct· Toronto Argo. Young, a burly youn~ defence· What happened~ "Youn~ ;:ot; J h nnuts or Ottawa Rough Rider~. man who was a terror Ill. the 50me chippy penollics tl1is ye;n· 0 ansson Tile s<1me goc5 for enrl llal Pal· Western, Quebec. and Amcncan and. finnlly, a week ;u;o against 1

Ready terson, who has missed fii'C


h.ockcy leagues m a. rambunc· \lonlrcal, he got two minors IT f' h A • ~ames with a, shouldr.J· in.iury ho11s ,.three-year. pcnod belore and a misco~duct and Coach .Sid I 0 19 f gam bnt has been ready for action. the 1\ 1~gs got h1m last :cason. Abel sent hun lo the ctresmg· !or about 10 days. The Wmgs knew he ~Jght he," Red. Win~s Publicity GOTJ::BOllG Swcdrn (API-

tOUAh to handle hut, 1f anyone Dtreclor l'lhott Trumbull ex· ' . · · ;

Parker Gets ~Another Point

REGINA (CP)-Jackic Par· ker, quarterback with Edmon­ton Eskimos, Wednesday had his Western Football Confer· cnce leading point total incrcas· ed by one for a fumble into the end jonc.

Bull Hawrylack of Regina, of· ficial WFC statistician, an· nounccd Parker received credit for Eskimos' last point in their 20·8 win over Calgary Stampe· ders :Monday night. The point had at first been credited to the Edmonton team.

Edmonton got the point after Parker fumbled into the end zone at the Stampedcr goal line and the Calgary player re· covering was roughed. .

Parker's point-total of 99 is 22 points better tl1an Winni·

I pc~ Blue Bombers' Gerry James in second place .

could do it, Jack Adams was plaincd. "Besides, he reported Fo:mcr hca\·ywet!(hl cha~p~on the man. Ol'crwei~ht to camp. He wasn't ln~cmar .Johansson. of Swc en ,

"He keeps those other plaY· in top condition.~· s~Jd Wednesday he JS 1~1lltn~ In crs' heads up," Adams enthused Adams was enthusiastic about fight West Germany 5 Ha~s during last year's Stanley Cup the Toronto-born dc[enccman's Kalbfell 1D late December Ill semi • finals when the Wings play )ast year. And the first Gotebofg, knocked off the favored Tor· thing Adams did when he re· The 29-year-old Johansson onto Maple Leafs. Young kept ported to Detroit was to get presumably wants to take on his temper in check and played him into his of!ice !or some Kalbfell as a tuneup before sound games. · advice. embarking on tougher tasks· WENT SOUR like Sonny Liston of Philadei.

"His rapid development and liARD TO CONTROL phin. Ingo is anxious not to get fierce, aggressive play was one "Every time somebody hit too rusty as he has not fought of the reasons for our making him, he wanted to belt them in over a year. I the playo!!s and for our fine right back. I just told him he'd "I have not yet gone into al' showing in the Cup games," have to take 3 lot of pushing details of the fight arrangemen · Adams said. "However, he still aroun(l in this league ~nd that with Edwin Alquiet, Johans is not a polished National Lea· he couldn't be lighting all the son's adviser but we ba1•e di~ guer 'and must wo"'· hard to tim,,;1· , 1 d . h . f c. ussed t"t a great deal beforr

n< , c s ta a roug go o prove himself." things and he thought the world my trip. I have agreed to Ec'

St. Bon's Hockey The St, Bon's junior hockey

squad will drill Friday night at 6.30 at the Stadium. This will be :.n open practice and all players are asked to be on time. 1


win's conditions." was against him. I've tried . to convince him that he owes· it to The fight is scheduled for himself and his family to play one of the days between Christ­good, solid and rough hockey- mas and New Year's Eve, pos· but that he can do it without sibly the day after Christmas. lighting every time he's on the Knlbfell is not ranked ainong · the world's 10 best heavy· ICC. ,

"I! somebody knocks him weights on any lists, while down, he can return the favor .Johansson still ranks fifth in time. He'll he in this lr<1~ur amon~ Patterson's chal!an~ers. a long lime. and he'll he a In the European ratings wonderful defenceman if he can Johansson is first, Kalbfell fifth.

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Page 12: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED

.... ' . . ,.·, ''··· ., .· .

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. I

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Page 13: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED

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A light pressure on 'the brake pedal is all ·you need in the Acadian! These are big man•sized brakes, air•cooled for constant driving safety,


Finger•tip shifting is a breeze with Acadian's 3-specd Syncbro•Mesh! For a das'h of extra convenience,. proven air· cooled Powerglide Automatic is optional at extra cost with both 4 and 6-cylindcr engines I



At Your Library TWO NOVELS that may truly be called re·

When Joy, the young Aus· llgious." tralian girl, had carried Step· her, her mother had said 'Ger· FALL-OUT

in the morning." -From The Moxford Book of

English Verse.

man!' in the same way-the war Public anxiety about the ef· WAVELESS SHIPS had only been over five years- feels of radioactive fall-out has According to a report in the some people still said 'Japan- Increased since the recent Rus- Canadian Fisherman the possi· ese!' But It waBn't until the sian explosions in nuclear test· bility of creating ships that young couple villted Berlin that ing. cause no waves was one of the Joy began to reallze the effects In a recent number of the matters discussed in Tokyo, Nazism had had on the per· New Scientist Dr. Peter Stubbs Japan, at a meeting of the sonalit!es of many Germans- points out that the ultimate dis· FAO. Including her husband. With In· tribution of fall-out depends on The meeting heard Professor credible Awittnes• she finds her· the altitude the dust reaches Takao Inui describe 1 bll.lbous 1elf faced with ugly forces as the result of the explosion ship's bow he has developed which had been hidden from and the circulation of air in which completely eliminates the her, in her husband's words, by the upper atmosphere. Fall-out bow wave. It has already proved her 'BrltiBh talent for hiding from very large bombs, he says, practical for a passenger vessel her head I nsand' - a talent is likely to be less intense but as an aerial photo of two iden· which wu to dissolve In the to persist longer. tical moving ships showed: one face o£ traglo reality. Thus Other articles of interest in ship had only a thin spume of Dymphna Cusack in Heat Wave the same iasue (Oct. 5th) of white tailing from Its stern and in Berlin. this magazine which is publish· no bow wave because of its bulh

If Dymphna Cusack's story is ed in England deal with space bow. about evil, M. L. Pascai-Dasque's research, and prospects for VANISHING HERDII novel is about good. Luclne is linean induction motors, the de· A recent Unesco Courle1 outwardly the tale of a young velopment of which could re· notes the grave danger of an· nun who is a member of a suit, for example, in a wheelless nihilat!on facing the wild life small group of French nursing train suspended on air jets. . of Africa, the continent mo~ sisters in Algeria. Jts . true remarkable for its wealth ol meaning lies in the progress of YON PEEl, large animals. Alarming reduc· ~ distressed soul as it blossoms "D'yc ken yon peel, tions in wild animal population into spiritual serenity, ·with its coat so gay? has taken place and it is now

The author, a Frenchwoman, D'yc ken yon peel possible to travel hundred• ot Is concerned with sanctity and on the pa\'cment lay? miles in Africa without seeing

I the miraculous and has written D'ye ken yon peel any of the animals so closely as· what has been described as · where I fell today? sociated in our minds with the

I "one of the very rare novels o_n_m_:_y_h_ea_d_a_n_d_m_y_ha_n_d_s __ ''_er_Y_.n_a_m_e_or_A_m_·e_•_· __ _

Tltousands Expected To Attend World Council

Of Churches Su11 . ., Nov·. 19 By DeCOURCY H. RAYNER general secretary of the Mis· Youth delegates-Bruce Rath·

TORONTO rCPl-A huge lent sionnry Society; Canon H. L. bone, Toronto, past-pre1ident of is being erected in New Delhi PuxleY, president of King's Col· the ~n~lican Y_o~ng Peoples' to hold the thousands of Chris· lege, Halifax; F. A. Brewin, Assocmhon: Patnc1a Han n a, lians who will attend the open- Toronto lawyer, and :\!iss Mary Toronto htgh school teac~er; in~ service of the third D. Rendell, executive secretary Joan Ledger, Toronto, assoc1ate assembly of the World Council to the Dominion board of the secretary of the All • Canada of Churches Sunday, Nov. 19. Woman's Auxiliary. . Confer~nce O! !he Churches of

No building in the Indian United Church <61-Rt. R~V·j of C, !DISCiples), and ~ev . capilnl i~ large enough lo nc- Hugh :l!cLeod, formerly of Wm-1 D a\ 1 d . ~!acDona\d, ltal!fax, commodate the crowds expected nipcg and now of Toronto, the past-president . of ,t~e NaboMI at open sessions. All other moderator: Dr. Ernest E. Long, Yo~ng Peoples \.mon of the meetings will be held in Vigy. Toronto, secretary of the Gen· Umted Church. nnn Bhavar Hall. era! Council: Prof. R. C. Chal· TWO _ADVISERS . I Several language~ will he mers, Pine Hill Divinity Col- Adv1sers are B1shop H. H. used at the openin~ ser\'icc lc~c. Halifax: Prof. R. 11~. Hunt, Toront~. ~nd Dr. Geo_rge whicl1 wi11 he led by the live Clark. professor of the Theologl· Johnsto~. prmc1paJ of Umtcd presidents ol the Worlrl Council .. cal College, Indore. India: Prof.. Theological Colle~e. ilfonlreal. n u B H · f tl B . 1 L H Cra·~ ,·ice-president of


Rev. Floyd Honey, Toronto. r. a ymm 0 lc U1 ma · · · ~. · d •ecretary of I he United Church

rlaplist Conrention will preach 1' the Univcrstty of Alberta. an b d 1 . . · D the sermon. Tlte net of lltanks- Dorothy Youn~. Toronto, on the Joahr 0 ovder~~r m~ssl~n1s1 • r. •· ·· .-11 h 1 d " D <laff of the Woman's i11ission- o nson a~ • tss en e are ,111~g. \II e e •1Y r. c •• , representatives to the 8ssembly Chl'l~llan Bact a of Ghana ar;• Soclcl~: of the International Missionary chairman of the International Preshytenan Church <21-Dr. Ctl .1 • ~lissionary Council. E. H. Johnson, Tor?nl~, secre- ~~~~ ·R M Bennett Toronto

While oflicinl dele~tnles of tary for 0''erseas miss tons, and secret~ry · for evangeilsm a.nd Protestant, Anglican and Orlho· Rev. S. B. Coles, _Toronto. sec· overseas missions for the Can· ' do,; communion~ number 625, retary of lay st~dles. . . adian Councll of Churches Mr. there will be almo~t that num· Church of Chml <D!!clplesll Honey and Miss Rendell win h-. ber of advisers and observers. Rev. 0. W. '!\fcCully, !(ene~ representatives to the cnmmi~· They will r e p r e s c n t 175 secretary n! the ~11 • C1ln~ n sion on 1~orld ml~sions and churches in 50 countries. confc~ence. . cv~n~eli~m. 35 FRO~l C~~ADA . Snr1cty of :,nenrls-Dr. F.dwln Rev. Dr. F.mlyn DnviM, Tor·

Thirty · five Canadian~ w11l V. :\hhott. \\•ll011 rlalc. Ont. onto Baptist clcrgym~n .. Rnil attend. 17 of them volin!( dPie· l'nit_crl Lulhcr~m Chu~ch 1 In Haroln c. Smith, Toronto United gates. They are: AmcriC';, rcanarlwn section - Church layman will so ar

Anglican Church t:il - 1\~o;t Cnrl ~- \\'cher. Kilchencr. On~. guests. ' Rev. W. L. Wright, ~letropohtnn Grcrk Orthodox - ~lctropoh­of. Ontario: Canon A. H. Da\'is. tan Athcna~:oras. Toronto.

Y. W. C. A . Notes CABOT PIONEER CLUB !3rd, that the Nominating Com·

Cabot Pioneer Club opened, mittec had three new members its doors on October 3rd, with l for the Tioard, that the Pro-

. ~!iss Alice Payne, President,igramme Committee has started conducting the meeting. After 11a ~!other's Morning-Out each the business of the night was Thursday by taking care of chil· !!ispensed with, a social hour dren ages 3·5 years from 9.30 ended the meeting. a.m. to Noon The World Ser-

October IOth:-On this meet vice and Christian Emphasis ing night the Cabot Pioneer Committee is makin¢ plans for Club entertained the visiting World Fellowship Week to be naval men with ! dance held at held November 12th to the 18th.



It's runny how often we're afraid a barber iz going to make our hair look like hb.

• • •

the Y Club Rooms. The month of October had __ .... October 17th.:-Arraogements been a hu~y month for the In a ~estern eolleae Jirla

were made to hold a Card Party YWCA. Ee;irles the abnve ac· lake fencm& Iesznns betweel! on October 31st, and after the tivitie~. the Genrge Street W. A. morning and afternoon cluset. meeting· the memberR gathered held a Coffee Party on October Their lunge hour. around the card tables for a 6th, and the Unitarian Service • • • game of crazy whist. Committee held n Card Party

on October 23rd. Many private VICTORY CLUB parties have also been held in Gets Montreal Post

The Victory Club have had the Y rooms-in fact the Y three meetings since October rooms are ·opened seven days a 5th. On October 12th, a Bring week. and Buy Sale was held to raise The big event of this fall wlll money !or their annual Hal· be our Mammoth Bazaar to be lowe'en Party for their silent held on November 11th in the friends. afternoon. -CO·EDS MACDONALD FELLOWSHIP

The Co-Eds have been meet· CLUB ing on Wednesday nights and The MacDonald Fellowship have held an open record dance Club of the YWCA resumed Its on Saturday nights to raise regular weekly meetings on Oct. money for their club. 4th. at 6.30 p.m. at the Club

Rooms. PRE Y·TEENS The President, )!iss Muriel

VATICAN CITY, Reuten -Pope John haa named ~­menia's Gregor)l Peter C1rdm· al Agar,ianian of the Roman Curia, to be the protector of th• Missionary Sisten of the Im· maculnte' Conception at Mon· treal, it was announeed Tues­day. The Cardinal heads the Vatican's Missionary Congre· galion for Prnpa~ation of the Fail h.

Meetings are' held on Mon· Evans, was chairman for the days after school-their main' evening and expressed her project these past two weeks pleasure in seeing so many bas been making tally cards for present after the summer rc· their mothers and for the Y cess. Bazaar. During the business period ~

the progr~mme of atcivities for JUNIOR Y·TEENS the coming months was discuss· 11-f/

Meetings are held on Thurs· ed and special attention drawn : A girl will walt for the right day afternoons after school. On to the Bazaar and Rummage lcnctocomeoiCIISicillalgasthe october 13th the group visited Sale of the ''Y''. Before the \one she's gotng wllh cloesn~.!l! the Archives in the Colonial close of the meeting, mfembhe:s ~Ill get cway. . _ ·-Building and October 20th saw gave a brief account o t e1r ·----Ml'!l. Tom Butler busy teaching summer vacation. T · E • eer Killed them to make baskets out of Mi5s Flo Adey presided over ram ngJM A

o sieal stieks the meeting of October 11th. PINE BLUFF, Ark. AP -. P P · Miss Faith Mercer of the Cabot Missouri Paclfie freight tram,

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Pioneer Club was guest speaker travelling in dense fog, slam· The Board of Directors held and gave a very interesting med into the rear of I passen·

their monthly meeting on Oct. illustrated talk on an extended ~:er train two 1_11iles :st ~~ ~~~~ 4th, at which twelve members tour taken durillil the sulllll!er Tue~day, kl111~2 e e I . · were pre6ent. The business of in Holland and the Scandinavian engmeer _and mju~in~ ~2 Pi~ the ·month was discussed and Peninsula, ' having Marguerite sons. En11meer ~-1 ·R \, o~a k • reports from the various com· Dawe with her. The sincere 42, of North L tt e ~c l ·• mittces revealed that the Pub· thanks of the Club were ex- was trapped In th~ engme wh ch !icily Committee held a success. pressed by Miss Minnie Pol· overturned and shpped down an ful morning card party ort Oct. lard. embankment.

' . .. '.

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Page 14: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED

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1: ••

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Public Notice PuUished By Authority




!llfld. Arma'ture




\ I (:HESTEH DAWE, Ltd. Proposed Shop Closing Mea- \

!'ouch Co,c, St. John's North· I Under nnd by virtue of the ,


I For all your llmlding

VOTE I ; Hcquircmcnts call -- i powers conferred by Section I

lie presentations ha1·c recently I ( 11: ll •of The Crown Lands hl'cn submitted to the DctJ.Ir:- ! (~lines ar.d Quarries) Act, the mcnt of Provincial Alhlll's rc i Act No. I of 1961, His Honour questing the implemcntathlll of I the Lieutenant-Governor in The Shops Act in the foll•LVIIlg j Council has reserved as from area to be known as "l'l!>ich I the 14th day of September, Col'c Shop Closing Area" :hut 1061, from the operations of the s to say:- I said The Crown Lands (Mines

I 80161 - 91171


For cars on Polling Day 1

1 A po;l of Cook tfemnlel will HEAP & PARTNERS be l'acant at the Home for the . 1

'''All lhat area situate and I and Quarries) Act, all minerals being at Pouch Co\'c m the

1 in the area of land in the prov·

.Electoral District of Sl incc of Newfoundland describ· John's North bounded by the cd as follows:

DIAL 5831 • 80399 · \Aged and Infirm, Sudlmry I l'< FL?.) L,tL . 92319 • 91222 and ~-Street. The salary for the post I Wl~m, ~latenals, .Wire _and

91132 is $1420 per annum with ap· Cables Motors. :Starters, propriatc deductions for com· I Lamps. Swltthe>. I,Jghtmg

oct11,lmth I F1 ·turc tc I plele or partial livin" in The ' ' x s. ~

~~~~=~==~===' workill" wcclt consists ~[ 40 _! \\' .11UIJIOUSE: PltlNCE'S ST. arc of a circle of a radius of one mile ha1•ing J; it; centre the point of Inter· section of the ccntrch;u ul the highway extending !rom Flatrock to Cape St. ~'l'alll'IS and the centreline produccll , in a northeasterly direction i of the road extending from the said highway to Baulinc I but excepting therefrom tr.c


waters of Pouch Cove out­side of highwatcr mar!:."

Beginning at a point being S " AL '-088 II . . AUCTION ALE il'lli~S: . . .


1 Dl a 1c llltl!rsccllun of Jifty.four ' degrees thirty-five minutes Lmng Ill accommodatiOn IS I FIRE INSURANCE north Ialitud( with sixty-one Part Household Furniture available if such is desired hut , ----------degrees west longitude; and Effects at the Hesi- is not compulsory. Uniforms CHOSBIE & CO Ltd thence running south along deuce of Mrs. Llcwell\'11 Will be supphcd. ., •• meridian of sixty·one degrees · Applications in writing, stat- ·


1 .Agents for west lon;:itudc to its inter· Crant!, 2H :\lonkstown ing age, marital status, and ex· I UNDERWRITE~S AT section with parallel fifty. Road pcriencc should be addressed to 1 LLOYDS. four d<·grccs north latitude, The Administrative Assistant,, LOW RATES thence west along the parallel On Thursday, DetJt. or Public Welfare, ' DIAL


fifty-four degrees north lati- Confederation Building, H W R STORES 11...1 b 2 d St J I • ARD A. E

tude tO its intersection With .-~ovem er n • ' 0111 s. sixty-two degrees eight R. I.. :\NilUEWS, 1 TOOL HENT AL

Electnc Sabre Saws.



1 WAI':TED TO RENT ;- A three bedroom bungalow or a three bedroom. furnace-

' healed apartment. For , family of four. '!'hone 1 953815 nr 947/H. i -----' 1\'ANTEU - fomics, "!ag­l azines, l'ockrl Nnl'cls anrl

Books. ·.John D. Snnw, !I 1\ cw Gower Sl rcct. oct30,1mth

I--------·--·-·----I FOR PRmiPT and cXIICri· : cnccd serl'ice in Auction·

cering, Please contact John J. Fitzgibbon ,Auctioneer, 127 Hamilton Ave., Phone 3284. oct24,1mth

STOmi WINDOWS made to I order. Phone 48494. I oct3,lmth ~~~~------------1 TilE CENTRAL BARBER I SIIOP-\Vc arc now opcrat-1 ing 10 chairs, you can be

I assured of prompt. cfficl· em, sanitary service No waiting problem, 24 New

I Gower Street oppo(tP. Ad~'· 1 !aide Molars, Ltd.

FOH "BOB" BAHRETT FOH COUNCILLOR ~------------------_-_-:.-:.-:.-::.-::.:,!GLADY'S BEAuTY SJIOI'PE

.- i cor. Bond and Prescott Sts.


IIARVEY IIOAD Open 7 da\'s Weekly 12 Noon to 12 .Midnight

daily . Now you can enjoy Chinrsr Food in your own home

Dial 5815

Phone 4951 • 7898. Special· izing in cold waving, hair styling, cutting and tinting, manicuring, facials etc., 14

1 operators, no waiting. I ocl20,1yr

I DO YOU NEED your Spring· i filled mattress rc-condition-


ed or your All Wool mat tress re-picked, and recov·

; ered, your bedspring or day· 1


· bed re-wired or your furni

~- mmnuoc~ DINING · Lounge 12 a.m.; Club 5 1'V Lnunge 4.30 p.m. • I a.m. ·


CONTEST Win: 2 Weeks Holiday

NASSAU, BAHAMAS I:UrJ t'DIIomu ellrtblt,

6f11'!claJ Uance eacb ~Vedntld&l r.tu Broadca1t Satordar

Clnt:m• ~cnpe I l'.M. P&dt SaahJ' BIGGESt !I(ESIJ IN ST • .IO~·a

UNIQUE and INTIMATE Catering to Private

CALL 90026

' SUVERSandK~OTHOU ~ .,- . -- .

·· iJI:tuks fcilas! Now I :nake someone happy h~· .. mg our Kitchen .:.lodrrnil cd !"

• • • But YOU don't need to wi: a .Jackpot to brighten your home with :llodcrn In:

I prol'cments. Just come ir' and sec us about our Extend,.

. cd Credit Plan and you 1 likely get your bome

Kll Be

NewsJ SE


8 I 5 l'i

15 21 9 2(

11 21 2'

4 2: H

2. It is further requested u.a:. in respect of the above mctJti•JII· ed area, the following Sctll•Julc of Holidays and ol Opening ,111d Closing Hours of shops be de· clarcd effcctivc:-

minutes west longitude; at 10.30 a.m. I Dc!Juty ~linistcr.l thence south along the said • · 1

1 nol'2.4 · t d Living Room-1 Upnghl . ____ ... _____ ....... J

SIX )'·two egrees eight "Leach" piano and stool, 1 Old I

Portable Sanders and Skill Saws.

For Free Home Dclil'cry 6 lo 12 p.m. daily,

octl8.lmth lure re-upholslered. If so

' Call us. Items called for '=========~~=' and delivered. Rates lowest

provcments started ,.·, ~~~--~·! • away, Don't delay-see m·; ---~-

20 CONSOLJ minute! west longitude to its English mahogany drop leaf V QTE 1

intersection with Iifty-thrce table, 1 chesterfield and chair, SCIIEDULE "A"

Reasonable Rates 11.\ltlt IS I!.: lliSCOCK LTD.

Days, etc Hours of Opening degrees fifty minutes north 1 O.E. (mid-Victorian) walnut H I X latitude: thence west along framed sofa, 1 mahogany drop en ey General Hardware

Sporting Goods.

obtainable. Keats Mattress Factory, 16 ~lount Royal Avenue. Phone 92753, 2656.

1. Sundays No opening hours fifty.three degrees fifty leaf occasional table, 1 small I • • 2. Jlixcd Whole lloliclays: minutc1; north latitude to its settee and arm chair to match . EHNEST CLOUSTON, New Year's Day (Jan. ll

St. Patrick's Day (l\larch 111 St. George's Day (April 23) Good Friday Commonwealth <Empire

Day) (May 24> Memorial Day (July ll July 12th

Labour Day Amiistice Day <Nov. II> Christmas Dav IDee. 25) Boxing Day i Dec. 26) i One additional day which I may be fixed by a Town ! Council or Rural District Council. if any, for cacn Municipality, if any, in a Shop Closing Area.

No opening hours

intcrscc:tion with meridian (mahogany finish), 1 magazine


1 LIMITED I sixty· three degrees west longi· rack, 1 electric healer, 3 oil 1 McCLARY AU'fO~IATIC tude; thence north along the paintings, 1 Westinghouse 'fclc· 1 WAR~! AIR CONDITIONING; meridi< n sixlY·Ihrcc degrees ,· . S t 21 . ·h I DIAL 4183 west IIJngitudc to its inter· nston e ' me · I 216 .\VATER ST.

section with ~i£ty-fo111: de- Sitting Room-4 Sets urapcs, GROCERS (Retail) grccs ~lmty·flvc nunutes 1 set velvet drapes, 1 lri·wny north Iattt~1dc thence running floor lamp, 1·3 pee. chesterfield L HEALEY atll~l .. tS·f', flrt~:·four dcgr~cs I suite, 1 O.E .. mahogany framed PASSENGEH NOTICE Cross Roads and Water Street

lll >· ae nunutes north !all· wall clock, p1ctui'CS and frames, , ; REGULAH ll~de t•l the point of begin· 1 O.E. mahogany inlaid Sheri· I CONNEC'l'ION sot:Til COA~T I DIAL 3026

mng, c;ontaining an area of ton card table (reversible top). I SEIIVIC!!: \'~A I'?.R'f AUX I INSURANCE AGENTS approximately 4474 square 1 Green carpet square (9' x 14' ), llASilUES 1

m1Ics EXCEPTING NEVER· 1 mahogany billet box, 1 oak i Train "The Ca1·ibou" leaving AND l:lROKERS 'fHELI!:SS out of the above (5 section) sectional bookcase, I Sl. John's 12:01 p.m. to'day, I -~o;,.;. ______ _ des.cri_bcd lan.ds all Jan~s 1 oak desk, 1 mantel clock, 1 Thursday. No1:cmber 2nd .. will! JOB BROTHERfl _(wJthJ:1 th~ satd a~ea desmb· Remington portable typewriter, I malic connec.twn at Port aux i & COMPANY, Ltd. ed) the mmerals Ill and un· 1 oak curb 11 vols. Grolier Basques ll'lth S.S. BAll 1 \\' t St •


of ·

Prompt Delivery On • STOVE OIL • FURNACE OII, • HARD COAL • SOFT CO,\L • IRO:'oi fliiE~lA:-1


3. Alternative t'lxcd Whole Jlolldays:

d h. h I ld h ' . . . a cr rc£. cr w 1c arc 1c at t e I Encycloped~a, 12 vols. Universal I HAVEN on So. ulh Coast Serv1ce. IJIAL 2658 _ 4123

date h e~eof upd~r any srant; Encyclopedia, sundry books, 1 CONNFC'fiON SOUTH COAST I ;.;.;.;...__..;.. __ lease, r1ght, or title from the Silvcrtone table model radio, 1 . SER\;ICE ''I,\ ARGE~TIA I HEG. T . .MOHGAN


(a) The day after New Year's Day, St. Patrick); Day, St. George's Day, Commonwealth (Em·

Crown, wicker arm chair, 1 smoker Train "The Caribou" leaving lNSUHANCE Ltd. Dated at st. John's this 23rd stand, 1 humpty. st. John's 12:01 p.m. to-morrow, Tcm11le Bldg., P.O. ox 168, frank McNamara

day of October, A.D., 1961. Dining Room-l O.E. mahog- Friday, Nol'emher 3rd., will 3U Duckworth St. , pirc) Day (1\lay 241, l\!cmorial Day (July 1 ), July 12th or Armistli·e Day when any of these

J. G. CHANNING, . any inlaid Sheriton china make connection ''ia Placentia DIAL 803i0 or 7756

Cle~k ol the Executive council. cabinet, 1·8 pee. oak dining Junction and Argentia with DRUG STORES

days falls on a Sullflay, noV2,4 (b) The 27th. day of lle· ----------­

ccmbcr when Christmas Day falls on a Sunday

No opening hours Days etc. . Jlours of 011ening

4. Itcgular llal£ llolidays: El'cry Wcuncsday except durins the Christmas Period · and except when there is a Whole Holiday in the same

room suite, consisting of-buf- S.S. BACCALIEU on South fct, oval table with lcav'es and Coast Scn•icc. 6 chairs, ·1 oak silver chest, 1 M.V. CL;\REN\'ILLE SAILING M. CONNOHS Ltd. walnut dinner wagon with glass : NOON FIIIDA y Prescriptions Picknp and tray top, 1 walnut ar~ chair, ' M.V. CLAREXVILLE on the I delivery service. 1 house plan_!, 1 sn;oker s stand, St. John's . Lcwisporlc Service : __ _;P:..;l:;;;IO;:.;N,;.;E:;_;2;:.;20.;..6 __ _

1 oak moms cha~r, _1 carpel will sail from the Dock Coastal! RADIO-TV square, 1 record cabinet w1th Wharf NOON to-morrow, fri- • ...;.~;..;.. ______ _ records, 1 oak curb. 1 marble , day. November :lrd. Gl,E' ·1· I' \S'fERN mantel clock, 1 pr. candlestick:,, ~ l A "' l ornaments, 1 coal vase, sundry 1 ti.S. BUIIGEO tiAILlNG ;-;oON! COMPANY, Ltd. chinawarc and glassware, etc., 1 • FltlllA Y ' REPA!HS TO RADIOS, TV

Limited QUEEN STREET DIAL 5143 - 5144


CO., LTD. Iladio, Television, Washers, Rcfrigcratorb, Deep Freezers.

Electr'c Ranges, Floor Polis,JCr~.

Gramophones Public Address Systclllll.

Tape Recorders Rt:•' AIHS AND Sl::I: VICE

5 LINES DIAL 3001 to 3005

WATER STREET •: .; week 9.00 a.m. to LOO p.m. ·~:· Salurdays:

1 clcctrolux vacuum cleaner. 1 S.S. BUHGEO on the South I 1\ND ALL ELECTRICAL antique silver plated candle· Labrador Scrl'icc regular ports DIAL 3.'101 to 3UU5 slick. to Goose Bay will >ail from th( APPLIA "'CES


E1·ery Saturday, not being a . Whole or Half Holiday

9.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. 6. Fridays:

When Saturday is a Whole Holiday only

. -~ 9.00 '8.m. to 10.00 p.m.

7. ·Other Week Days: All other week days except

· Saturday, not being Whole .. or Half Holidays

9.00'a.m. to 6.30 p.m. 6. Christmas Period:

The twelve clear working tlays immediately preceding Christmas Day . · ·

. 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. SCHEDULE "B"

List of trades or business re­f~rred to in Section 7:­(a) The sale of refreshments

for consumption on the premises. .

(b) The sale of newspapers, magazines and periodicals.

(c) The sale of motor, cycle, and aircraft supplies and accessories.

(d) The sale of tobacco and smokers' requisites.

(e) The sale of photographic films. · ..

(f) The ·sale of medicines and medical and surgical sup· plies and funeral furniture.

<ill The . sale · of milk, ·cream, bread, eggs, fresh · yeast, frul t and like rapidly per· ishable foods, not tinned , or otherwise preserved and ' cakes, pastries and' the,lik~

') The • snle of confectionery and ice creain.: .

I The sale of aerated waters. · The sale of pens, pencils,

Ink, erasers,· scribblers, ex· • ercise· books and other like

school supplies. · 1 l Barber Shops. ' 3. 'Any persons wlshinj! . to

!Oinment on this proposal are ' asked to communicate with the llnderslgned. Such comments :lhbuld be submitted on or be­;rore the .8th: day, of November, 1961. . . '

J. C. · CHANNING, Depuly Minister. of Provincial

Aflilrs. ·


?'·1· 4'':1 ~- • • I '



" , , . , Dock Coasl<ll Wharf NOON to· 1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 Halls-1 Anli<!UC banJo morrow Friday Novcmbel' 3rd

shape, mahogany framed wall ' ' · barometer, 2 wall barometers, CONSEC'l'ION WEST RUN 1 clothes tree, 1 oak hall seat, PLACENTIA BAY 51 Rennie's Mill Road


Regular sao:oo· 1 O.E. mahogany framed Grand· Train "The Caribou" leaving father's clock, 2 large and 3 St. John's 12:01 p.m. to-morrow, I other hearth rugs, 1 stair car· Friday, November 3rd., will pet and clips, 2 carpet runners, make connection via Placentia 1 hooked niat, 1 davenport, 1 Junction and Argcntia with bamboo bookshelf and books, 1 1\I.V. PETIT FORTE on West pr. drapes and 2 pictures, 1 Run Placentia Bay.

SPECIAL ........ $45.00 for limited time only.


self-contained unfurnish­ed APARTI\1ENT, com­prising 6 rooms. Adults only.

NAVIGABLE WATERS R" 2505 combination safe.

Bedrooms-! large, O.E. ma· hoganY wardrobe with 2 full length mirrors; 1 blue carpet (12' x 18'), 1 d~ublc, brown tube bed, s.f. mattress and spring, 1 single, brown tube bed, s.f. mattress and spring, l double and 2 single bedsprings, 1 double and 2 sttlglc spring filled mattresses, · 1 mahogany


All work performed by licensed ~lcchanics. PROTECTION ACT 1ng

S.S. NORTHERN RANGER on special trip calling at Twill· ingate, Great Harbour Deep, Roddickton, Conchc, :IIain Brook and St. Anthony will sail from the Dock Coastal Wharf 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 7th.

inlaid dresser with bevelled FlilliGHT NOTICES mirror, 1 bentwood _rocker, 1 oak table, 1 oak dl'csscr with I full length mirror also wash· l•'REIGII'f SOU'fll LABRADOR stand to match, 1 carpet square, , SERVICE 4 chairs, 1 wall mirror, 1 pr. Fr~1ght for South Labrador skiis and poles, 1 globe Atlas, Service· regular ports to ~oose 2 trlnks, 1 clothes hamper, 1 Bay per S.S. BURGEO wtll be folding stretcher, 1 carpet accepted at the Dock Coastal sweeper, 1 radio cabinet, 1 Shed to-day, Thursday, Novcm· table lamp, 2 small tables, 1 ber 2nd., from 9:00 a.m. t~ w.e. bookshelf. 5:00 p.m. and to-morrow, Frl·

day, November 3rd., from 0:00 a.m. to Noon.


and BODY SHOP Cor. Cowan and Topsail Rd! Canadian-British Engineering

· Consultants on behalf of the Phone 93410 or 92381 ' Rural District Council of oct6,1mth, Springdaye hereby give notice

that they have, under Section ----·--- -- 7 of the said Act, deposited

CITY .OF ST. JOHN'I with the .Minister of _Public Works, at Ottawa, and m the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Newfoundland at St. John's, Newfoundland, a description of the site and the plans of two Sewer Outfalls proposed to be laid in Springdale as follows: (1) From the shoreline at the

Office of the City Clerk foot of Butt's Lane to a ST. JOHN'S distance of approximately

1\IUNICII'AL COUNCIL one hundred (100) feet into Kltchen-1 "Moffat" electric range, 1 . "Gibson" electric re· frlgerator, 1 table model, -radio and gramophone combination (Phil co), 2 chairs, 1 roll top desk, 1 electric coffee urn, 1 electric coffee percolator, 1 brass kettle, 1 desk lamp, 2 stands for roll papc~, sundry kitchenware, utensils, china and glassware, etc., 1 electric mixer.

Tl!'.!NDERS Hall's Bay. SPECIAL FREIGHT &;; (2) From the shoreline near

lnspe~tlon 9 a.m. morning of sale

All goods must be paid ·for and taken delivery of lmmedl· ately after· sale, ,


Dl~l 7481 56 Spencer Street nov1,2

'ACCEPTANCE Tenders arc invited for light· the mouth of Huxter's Frcigh,t for forwarding via St. ing the _St. John's Memorial Creek to a distance of ap-

John's and S.S. NORTHERN Stadium Parking Lot. proximately three hundred RANGER on -special trip for Plans and specifications arc and fifty (350) feet fnto ports, 'l'willinga~c, Great .Har· available at the office of the Hall's Bay. bou.r Deep, Rodd1ckton, ,Conchc,

1 City Engineer. Copies may be And lake notice that after the.

M~me Brook and St. Anthony obtained upon payment of a expiration of one month from ~111 be accepted at the Dock $lO.OO fee: · the date of publication of this Coastal Shed Monday, Novem· Bids in scaled envelopes notice, Canadian-British Engin· her 6th., from 9:00 a.m. to marked "'fender for Lighting- cering Consultants will, under 5:00 p.m. St. John's 1\lemorial Stadium Section 7 of the said Act, apply

-Parking Lot" must be delivered to the Minister of Public Works at the office of the undersign- [or approval of the said site

J ed not later than 9.00 a.m. and plans. ; Wednesday, November 15, 1961, I Dated this 2nd day of ~ovcm· ~ The lowest or any tcnde1· not her, I~GL 1 necessarily accepted. , \ CANADI.I\N-BRlTISII I E. B. FOR:\!\', E~GINEER!:-IG j 1 , _ ~ • . City Clerk. CONSUL'l'ANTS,


:.:Ull - 5 LINES·

tiiQf INlllTID IT M LLC.




D. Stewart A)Te

I am votin~ for


and will nominate him on Saturday be· cause when I nomin· ated him befort> I did so as my assol'ia· tion with ·him in· dicated t]1at he had the ability, energ1· and integrity to make a successful City Councillor. His pe1:fonnance during the past four years has justified n1y opinion of him.



xxxxxxxx XXC XX .

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11x QxxxxxxxQ xx.~ lXX XXXXXX ~




~)(X xXII )()(XX XlOCX ~ x xxxi< XX X Y, X XX ·x

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\ -------·--------- ..... _,;,. """""""''~··-------..

Help K1

Expert CHBONOM.t:Tt;.W




· c.o.D. " JRDE~ ~~ Ghen t'rumpt





Re~ To-t



Any Ora


. ' LADI

Comme1 at 3:30 I at 7 p.rr



Page 15: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED

%1 -

naw ICING , ~ p.m. · 1 a.m. !DAY

T Jliday ~~AS ~I hi I.

illlttd., 11ftl!l7

b ~naday

· .IOHS•a

I MATE ParlitJ

6 ~

ni\' 1 ran '\' h.•· ha , .. \lodcrhl!·

d to win .hten up .IIIL·rn Jm.

•·ome In I' Extend.

' you l'an :10mf im.

r1 right ~·-see US

T WEST .ill



t Ayre

ug for


nominate n·day be· T nomin· before I

•: RSSocia· ·him in· t he had , energy ~rity to 'nccessful ·illor. llis e during

t1ur years icd n1y him.





KINSMEN Boys' Club

Newspaper BIP~GO SERIES No. 53


B I N G 0 5 17 31 52 62

15 21 37 5,1 69 9 20 45 59 67

1l 28 35 53 72

4 27 32 49 65 23 42 48 71 18 40 58 68

60 66

57 f3 64


Help Kin - Help K~ddies

Expert Watch Repairs CUKONOM •. :Tt:RS



c.o.D. JKDI::ft!o

. . .




Regular, Meeti,n~ To-Night, 3 p.m ..

Victoria Hall, Gower Sb·eet.

Special Business shall be dealt with.

Any Orange Brethern in St. John's will be welcome.



Y.W.C.A. Commencing on TUESDAY, Nov. 7th, at 3:30 p.m. or on THURSDAY, Nov. 9th, at 7 p.m. Phone 5897 for registration.

Classes open to the General Public. · ·


......... flrttfODt


Nfld~ Armatur~ W'orks Ltd MMB~ICK Sl. DIAL 7191 • 7192


Today's Timely Topic

ONLY 3 BIG. NIGHTS LEFT to have fun . at the

FALL FESTIVAL and don't forget the '62 Chevy - Drawing Saturday Night.

Following Door Prize Numbers, Worth $50 each, are Unclaimed: 15641 - 16288 - 18891

N.B. - All Certificates on the Goods Wheel must be redeemed not later than Friday night.






for - Councillor

For Car­

Phone 96721, 90700


1000 gal. capacity, in excellent condition, licensed and insured. New motor and new clutch. Must be seen to be appreciat-ed. . .

PHONE 4947 or 4424 or Apply

Symonds Service Station EMPIRE AVE. and NEWTOWN ROAD


RABBIT DINNERS 3 course Rabbit Dinner (Nfld. Rabbit)


Regular 3 course Roast Beef Dinner $1.00



BARGAINS (Bottom Theatre Hill)


USED COAL RANGES ............ 25.00 up . USED WASHERS ............ : ......... 25.00 up USED REFRIGERATORS ........ 70.00 up USED. OIL RANGES .............. 100.00 up USED TV SETS ........................ 60.00 up USED OIL HEATERS .............. 20.00 up USED RANGETIES, CHESTERFIELD . ( SUITES;' KITCHEN. SETS and many other items at Real Bargains. . ·


' . (Bottom .Theatre Hill)

Advertise In The News 1



73rd. Anniversary Services

' CondUcted by


YOUTH RALLY and WELCOME SUNDAY-11 a.m. - 7 p.m.




TICKETS ... ..... .. ...... $1.25







Fellow Unionists, Here in Verse


* Three Union members lost their jobs To "SCAB" just wasn't their style. They chipped their money into the pot, And s'tarted UNION OIL.

'.J.! ~

So, now Dear Friends, ifs up to you, Keep "UNION" busy whate er you do.

Dial 2822 UNION OIL Co., Ltd.



SCRATCHED GOODS 2 Only Phillips Hi-Fi Stereo Radio Com­

bination Sets-Reg. 399.95. Sale 269.00 1 Only Admiral Hi-Fi Stereo Radio Com­

bination Sct-Heg. 349.95 .... Sale 239.00 1 Only Admiral TV-Floor model. Reg.

389.95 ............... Sale 219.00 with trade 4 Only RCA Victor TV Sets-Reg. 269.95

Sale ......................................... 199.50 4 Only Coffee Tables-Beg 12.50 Sale 6.25 2 Only Admiral Refrigerators-Scratched.

Reg. 259.95 . . .. . . ......... Sale 179.00 1 Only Piano Accordion-Reg. 359.00

Sale . . . .............................. 199.00 1 Only Space Saver (Torn)-Reg. 69.95.

Sale ........................................ 39.88 4 Only Beatty Washers (Scratched)

He g. 239.95. . .................. Sale 138.88 3 Only Panel Beds (Scratched)

Reg. 26.50 .................. : .... Sale 15.88 2 Only Quilted-Reg. 59.95 ..... Sale 29.88 Also Bedroom Suites, Chesterfield Suites, Davenport Suites, Bedding, Chairs, Tables, Kitchen Sets, Vacuum Cleaners,, Polishers, Phonographs, Radios, Transistor Radios and hundreds of other items at CLOSE_OUT PRICES.


297 WATER ST. and at 176 QUEEN'S RD ------------ ---······-·-

FOR SALE 1 Soda Fountain with motor and gai

cylinder. 1 Only Soft Drink machine (Dry). 2 Only Ice Cream Cabinets. 1 Only Electric Scale. 1 Cash Re!lister. 5 Only Soda Fountain Chairs.

Call at

. REID'S CONFECTIONERY 23 Rowan Street or Phone 91054

---------·-·---·-· - ···---WANTED

Bookkeeper (Female) ALSO ·

Stenographer Experience preferred, but not essential.

Apply to:


Tenders For Pickled Trout Where To Stay Balsam Hotel. Tenders are· invited by the undersigned for the purchase of approxi­

mately 355 barrels (of 220 lbs.) Pickled Red Trout 304 barrels {of 220 lbs.) Pickled Pale Red Trout · 16 barrels (of 220 lbs.) Pickled White Trout

. 76 barrels (of 220 lbs.) Pickled Net Marked Mixed Trout 5 barrels (of 220 lbs.) Pickled Salmon

produced at Northern Labrador settlements during the 1961 season.

Quotations should include unit prices on each variety ex storage St. fohn's. Delivery of the full complement will be subject to safe arrival of the M.V. "Trepassey" around 15 November.

Inspection will be arrang~d in St. John's on request. Tenders should be at the office of the undersigned not later than noon, 23 November, 1961.

BARNES ROAD .. Situated in the fteart of he City.

Quiet, Comfortable Atmos­phere.

For Rt..<!rvaUons and Information:

Dial6336 MRS. JOHN FACEY, Resident Managere•



. I '

' I I ! '' . ' ' '

't i!

! l


: ; . .

! ':

'. . '

I ' lj 1: 1: . d 'I

lr I' ,I ' . . , I ~ :I·


li II II li I

'1 ! : 1'


' ! '

I. ' '

I· r i· .·j I

! ' ',. I ' ! \ : ~

Envelopes containing tenders should be clearly marked "Tenders Northern Labrador Trout",

The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ELECTRICITY ...



Confederation Building,

St. John's, Newfoundland.

is CHEAP in · .: ST. JOHN'S·-: r J ... ~·:·i [JlMPAfiiV ,1*'411(]

I Cheap i<eliabl~ E1ectricit1 In 01'1 ' Around St. John·! i , _______ ,

Page 16: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University of msurgents m umform I :\me demonstrators we1·e kti-U NITED

.·, 'r'!'

: :~-~~=~ ~.·.): ·~~: .:; . ;;·~ ..... • .. ~ ;'.1' t ··~ •'U .. '·: .. ·.·


===-~=================~======~~---­Port Blandford








Italian Senoritas Cho·ose Own Husbands




YELLOW ........ $6.98

COLOR FED . $7.98


OF CAGES etc., etc.

Notes _____._

PORT BLANDFORD-On Oc­tober 24th, at the opening of the new regional high school at Busgravetown. Miss Janel Adams or this place was pre­sented with the Ross Barbour Scholarship of $50.00 by Pre· micr Smallwood. Janet secured the highest marks in Grade X in the Bonavisla South district

DOCTOH ON TOAST Richard Gordon . $2.75

A CIVIL CONTRACT G tt ll 4 00 Passed peacefully away on

eorge e eyer . October 24th, ~!r. Albert


THE GAHFlELD Greening in his 80th year. He () _+- __ ~ -35 rJ HONOR leaves to mourn three sons. 'KODAK~ 0 CAMERA

F k v l l 9~ Lewis and Gilbert at home, and . 'ran • 1 er J\' · · · · •• '!. Alpheaus at Cia renville: two , . l · n ·/ · I 1 THE HOUSE OF I daughters, 1\lrs. Harry Warren Electru:-eye cnntro .... autnma/.IC !'as r sclltng, too.

JUSTRITE FOODS OLD VINE , of Clarenville and Mary at Now you can have both 35mm precisian ond aim··and-shaol

Norah LoHs ...... 1.25' ho;:~~cral services were at St. . simplicity. Outdoors, ti>e electric eye sets exposure aulomati.


A PASSiON IN Aidan's Church on Thursda:·l' cally. Indoors, the lens adjusts automatically for flash shots as H.O.ME

1 at 2.30 p.m. Deepest sympathy . yau dial lhe distance .. Signals in viewfinder for focus, flash,

I C 11 1 4 9~ 1 is extended to the bereaved 1, and when light's too dim. Fasl f/2.8 lens, single-stroke film Mor C)' a ae: 1an ..> 1 d d bl ,. I' · load'ng HIDERS IN TliE · relatives. _ I a vance, ou e-


8osure preven ton, easy s ip·tn 1 •

I CHARIOT 1\lr. Brooklyn Locke has ar· 1 CAMERA $ .50 FLASH HOLDER $4.50 , Patrick White 5.9.j . rived home from Carol Lake, 1

F Al\EWELL TO THE ~~~hs s~~~~~;~gpla~~~ summer T 0 0 T 0 N ' S-WHITE COCKADE _

'---------~ Jane Lane ........... 4.50. ~!r. and 1\!rs. E._ Crocker of I , j Harbour Grace paid a short

Phone 43ZS, St. John'•

!X-Ray Unit In Bona vista

KIDNAP-T le Story I visit here recently. of The Lindbergh Case -

Ceor"e \Vall~r 7·.50: :Mr. Herbert Grecni~g spc~t ,. ,..,U , 'ALO , tl1e week-end at home. He ts II-IE B I• 1• i attending Vocational School at HEAD ' St. John's. .

R. l\I. Patterson 5.00 A REPORTER

: ::llrs. Gilbert Peddle arril'erl : : home from LaScic recently to ·

HEBE AND THEBE ! spend a short while with her . E. J. Kahn, Jr ..... 5.95; ~arents. ::1\r. and Mrs. Edward i

STORiES FOR I Grccnang, i

The llf.V. Christmas Seal LATE AT NIGIIT Visiting St. ,John's durin~ tho' floating X-ray unit of the New: Alfred Hitchcock 5.95 'week were ~Irs. E. Harris.

I foundland Tuberculosis Associ· TilE SANDS OF . 1 .Janet Ad~ms, ~lr. E. :villiams,



a lion, is presently conducting • • , 1 ~Irs. C. !• orr!. ::llal'le t_ord, ~lr. a mass chest X-ray survey at De NKTHK and ~Irs. Roland Grcemn~. Dex- , ChaJJlcr XXVIII as that was. it ;.till came ou: Bonavista. Rieh·u·d Collier 4.25 . trr and Vivian Greening, ::llr~ A 'J'cxas c~r came in to !'ink·· ~23 erery ltmc.

RO::ItE I Reuter~ I - The old hriitc being led Io lhc altar to· persons lcal'ing and finding After completing its business ' C. Stanfi!'ld. Gordon Forrl. ::llr. 'Wnler's station. Holzapfel could, .\II rigltl, he thou~hl. I'm ;, ~ustom of parents selcctins day is probably nearing hea· their own marriage partners. at that community, the vessel DI'(I(S & (O., ltd I' George ·Elford. : tell hy the way at crippled liP haJJPY 50-ccnl crook and ;, their daughters' Imsb;mds is dY· mid·twcnties, instead of· being Whether the IOI'e·matchcs nrc : will visit Catalina and Clarcn· ! , --- ' lhc ramp thai the driwr h.1d. >hal;y S23 nnr: ami then .incx· mg out here as the Italian sen· in her late teens as she used to more. salisl~ctory than aman~cd 1•ille to continue the survey. 1 ~Irs. Alphrau, Wdls and 'on ·or lltou~ht he had. t!'tTihlc orahly. he went I he rest of I he ,rita_s show. a greatca· tendency 1 be. Hct· groom will probably be mamages ts hard to dctermmc More than 200 persons have The BOOkSellerS Rohcrt has an-ired home from : trouhlc. The car casecl o1·cr 1o- · way: he w;b a th1ef at an; :o ptck thetr own males. · about 28. since divorce, which would be a been X-rayed at Bona vista to En~land, where she spcn t the : ward the grease room. Horse· prire.

The economic boom ol lhc last /J'hey may have mel in an of· good indicator, is not allowed in dale. S · 44'~• 2008 3191 s11mmcr months risiting her 1 collar came forth. .\fler a timr he rrturncd In til ycaa·s has given the gil'ls the ficc, ot' in a colfee bar or res- Italy. 1 Pill . ~iJ or or mother. ' The Texan wa0 ,.ayin~. "I ran tile ~rc·a>e ruom 111111 a t'l\IIC'II :hancc of economic indepen· tam·ant at lunch. Only alter they There· I~ legal separation but i""cr this bunch of Joo;e ro~~' of money and an adtlrc,scd rn-1cnce. :\ow they find plcnl)' of become well acquainted rlo their it is not a porular way out of A TRIB.UTE ~lr. David Fellham. l.'. C. • up on the pas>. occ'! There 1\'a>. 1·cJope. "You ~o to the pu,l jobs whca·c lhry mix freely with I parents mct)t their luture son or an unhappy. marriage .~n~ ·it . IF YOU W~NT A PAL teacher. spent 1:~>1 \rcek-encll an a11·ful dunk. After that,: office right now. Ilorsc~ullar >!her ~·oung ,persons. They are 1' daughter · in • law. does not !tee Lthet pmtacs 1to -- VOTE FOR AL- l'isiling friends at l'rcnchman'.; · crcrl' lime 1 Jut the Jca>t dip· and send that guy hb do·1~h 10 longer the home girls they This phenomenon is more marry agaan. as year on Y Rev Fr \\' v s Ill p p c . 1 • · · · 1 · · 1 , bo t 9 •00 1 gl t ft • • • • u van · • 1 F . C '11 U\c. 1 or mmp, tl >IHIIHlcd h~c :;ome· :\o cxp anatwn, JU:;t 11c 1nce were, meeting only the· common in the cities than in a u o coup c~ sou 1 SoP· · Th d h f 01 ounct or ·

arat 'aon '. a 1011, f'·e com".arcd ! • e · eat . o Rev .. .Fr. Sulli· _ 1 1 . . . , think was coming apart.'' . money." !Uitot·s selected by lather and the country, hut even in rural ,. d I ALBERT E \''DRE\\ S 1 · . that I an was sa tnformatton for the, ' ', 1 l~ • • ~Jr. Stcllw~· Gt c; spent the : Horsccol!ilr nodded sa~cly. • Jlorsccollar >lartcd to ~1'111 mother. areas the lure of work In the 1 with the 400,000 marnnscs r · d f h' h 1 k 1 · ·1 r · d l 1 " ·

The reoult ha5 been that the towns and c:ities results in young 1were recorded. ncn s 0 IS sc ooldays who -·-·------ '"?c ··ell( "1"1 mg ncn 5 a f ''I'll run 'er up on the rae!; and and then lC ;:rew >o.,cr a, nc

I. __ · always admired· his many ad· lhts place.


hal'e a look." · loo~cd at Pinkwater narrow!~. mirable qualities. His parishion· "You_ think you can fix it'!'' A respect that Hor;ecollar ,eJ.

N H F B C ! crs at Pouch Cove and Flat I "l thmk so. It'll Jake a little dom felt for any white mon !I ew ·Omes ()f • •· Rock where he struggled c h 0 time, mayiJc.'' Hoa·sccollar look. gleamed in his eyes. ''Ok .• y.

through times difficult, and for I . r S e S n · ect at his watch. 'If you rotk> boss."

I whom they had reverence and I a ~ ' want to go get something to With Horsccollar dispalchc•l. "M d• I s h I gratitude, mourn his death for l ·eat while I'm-·• . Pinkwater told Bobby Arml· l.. • e ICa (', 00 SIZES 9-17 their spiritual welfare and their i 'lt-7"--, olo flt.ght I "Let's do. Henry," the wife. tage, ''From now on, we'll ~ell

well being was constantly tais " said. : oil only when they need oil' · concern and formed a great It look Horsccollar three · "Aw, gee, Pinky! I'm hittm~

)io~~e~•1tCOf0UrV11·EaRrd s(ClcPpl si-nce T1

hhee c1ain



1th\c·e bnatsias d


8tst .·'~.',L •. f,··•,'.·.8\··-:...J~ '.·.' • part of his life's work. At St. minutes to find the trouiJie. a 80 per cent the way-··

"b " r• Y#\} Bonaventure's during the days A pilot on his first crosS· large rock fragment wedged ! "When they need oil. That' L bl' h t f th d' 1 f · h t ght ··:4{ < ·. of his.youth he gave us ample countn· solo flt"ht escaped i between the frame and bodv it."

:~h~oisa~1~~e U~il'crshy ~e ~~~- ~~.ars ° CKpertence ave au . .· · .· ~-/,.:.#:,, ': evidence of the brilliant mind seriou; injury yesterday when 1 in such a way that any dip ~~ ' "~ul the contest-'' sh Columbia will he taken "Thus in an open hospital In :; '•' • ·:; ~~~:' :· which he assiduously trained he crashed into woods betwe'en the body would cau>e a thump· ' "1 ho>e ;lltckey ::llouse 11 ':-

lhorll)' when it is moved from I which thousands of doctors are I A:., .. , :!\. ,\ :i:· and carefully developed. The Port Blandford and Clarenville' ing impact of frame and rock. thcs aren't worth· hal 111 q tid wooden huts· into a $2,800,. working, where teaching must ... '.' 'i · ~\ :: ... ·· facility with which he ·slorcd MacCORMAC'S in Trinity Bay. i Horsecollar pried the rock ·around.'' , * • lOO group of new buildings. be ol secondary importance, the: ~·~· • ·• .·; .,, ,'ifll'· i):.' '· detail and the clarity with The single engine Piper Colt i loose. He cleaned the rear. . .

The new medi~al sciences ~en· medicnl student is !old 1~hat to, ~-,,•, •: )' f{OJ};· }.(.:t which he expressed matters GEAR STREET owned by the Avalon Flying, ~hock absorbers and sprayed. Dr. Snoddy actumpumed Gr" re now ncarmg complellon, do. but se!!S somcthmg dtfferent ~ , ,• • ~~~, • · 1 ,.Q·!. I , •. · H· difficult to present made him ~E;:ir~gE ~i~~~~ Club was located by an RCAF them with quick-dr~·tng hlatk ~c[Jgy 2C on 1

11> bcxpeddtllhon:, 11 1'h

vlll house departments of bemg dotw. every hour. •, ~. •. I' • :, .,. :> .. !· 1 · ,,,_ ;[f an entertaining and informative Dial 0 . Lancaster from ncarb\' Torhay ~ pain I. · ·'.'" nw;:l l. est e 1111• ·'" 1harmacology, pathology, physi· "There is a great tendency ' , · • . , :· <,, conversationalist and a forceful, 5181 • 3 shortly alter it was· reported When 'lite returned , ntal were lm mformal IHII·,' 1Iog)', biochemistry and an· for him to do what he sees "'•, .;, • orator. Time and again he I BIRTHS I ol'crdue at Gander. ' the car wa• st:ll un the hot:<t. ahuut the lmtory ol the can.1 ttomy, a 11 d library, lecture rather tha:1 what he is told. He - ...... ·,•1,_.. . would urge the benefits of the! --:--. ----- RCAF search and rc~cuc' "You ''· rctkcd a shock." us recorded II\ tts rock, ih:il heatres and a·esearch quarters. is encouraged to run before he ~;-' · scholastic approach which he : PARSONS-Phtltp and ;\lary · hc.tllquarters would not immed· :Iorsecollat >aiel. "I hac! to put :.Itckcy :md 1\o('kabtlly be~·111

t answers one of the school's has learned to walk and the "" ~~IiJ'I&iJ forcefully used 1·n controvcrsv Parsons JOylully announce the · t 1 1 th .1 t' in new one<·· lrn11!ng alon~ wllil the ;tudenL · r ' · , b' h f 1 · J 1 PI .1. ta e Y re ease e pt o s name. · · . · . nost p r c s s 1 n g problems - total e fed on undergraduate .·· ... •< ,. but in ail he was a careful It's· trt o t lctr son. om Hlp, It .. 1 1 1 . . 1 11 t th . Th~ Texan took :1 c1uirk hok. Ju,;t to hear h11n lalk.

. d d t' f t 1' . " ... ,,. 0 t b 'I I I Sl Cl· ' 11 '15 a er cat net Ia e · · .. !' · • . ·l · 'I' .. C ,.,·11 t· I !IJUippe accommo awn or rc· eac ung t:! poor. . /i ''·<· tcner to your pot'nt of vt'elv. ·\ on co cr ,, s, a . ares 1 •1 1 . \,,. 11 . E 1. 1 ·'O ··11 5 all rt"hl 11011-·· 1e1 tnus 1. ·'ass o11n1 1"' I t t l th SE II II E . •·· .. ~~. " '\ H 't j }ll 0 lS ·t 1 Jam '11'' IS 1 a -:t • o • · .

. earc1 cams o prc1•cn em RE ARC Al\tP •RED i )~'"'''N"' friend from youth from whom 1• ercy ospt a. , 1 year-old St John': l~acher "Good a; new." llur,ccollar. always eaten \l'llh her sl~idPn:-rom being lured to laboratories A sccontl problem is the stu. it was always pleasant to ob· KELLY-Born at St. Clare s ' Th .1 1 ·1 k f h · ' Jet the hobt' down and the IJut now ;he and Dr. Snudd:-n th'e United States. dent in medical research being t · Mercy Hospital on October 31st, I, • e ·k~ 1 "0 ' 1w 10

11 5,po ·_cl trunfl 1

1 e ·1 Texan backed toward lh" 1,1111111 fell into the habit of harm: In medicine as in other 'pro· too conlint:d to the laboratory. am an explanation he will be t A tl d J K 11 IHCt aoc 0 lc P1 0 0 tlc ' 1· 1 · · · missed not only because tile o r mr an 'can. e y, a ' Lancastea· bv t·adt'G sa·l<l he d'ad i to get gas, while lloroccollar . l an ncr ale. ~omciJme> tnt·.

essions, Canada has proven a This, says Dean McCrear", datl"hter a d son (tlvtn) • • · t k 11 rt ·alk ft 1 d ·1· 1 ' ranks are tht'nnl'ng but because b 11 • t · d' 1 1 t· went into the office where on > o 11 · s a en ·ar " '' aatnral reservoir of ·trained is because method of treatment no reqaurc me :ca a ten 10n. . ' 1 l'd h · few walked along the path of DEATHS An ItCAF spokestnan sa'ld Pmkwater was makino" out his not a ways 1 1 I ey dt>t\1" ;kills for the U.S., says Dean can not be evaluated on wards 1

lohn F. l\!icCreary o( UBC's where p 11 tie 11 t s are being life with us with qualities fresh the plane was down about 10 monthly sales tax report. gco ogy. ;chool of medicine. treated b!l dllfcrent physicians a~d rar~ as his. A chess player ROBERTS-Passed peacefully miles west of Clarcnville and "Shocks and lahor on that I (To_ Ile Cm~inucdl

The U.S., besides being bigger and where pressure is strong to Wtth the touch .of an expert he away early Wednesday, Novcm· ' three miles from the main CNR Texas car, 23 bucks." . CALL ~lEETI:->G 111d richer, also spends more on discharge the patient as soon as carried on games by corres· her 1st., Mable (1\lab), wif~ of i line bc'tlveen St. John's and "What?" said Pinkwater. 1\'ASlll:\'GTO:\' lAP! - l':t:· ncdical research than Canada- possible. pondence as far away as Aus. Edgar L. Roberts, Woody .Pomt, Gander. He said the Lancaster "New shocks." quay called Tuesday for au ~:.· ·1.90 per capita io 19 cents. It is hoped that I he constnlc· tralia. My winning games were Bo~ne Bay. Leaving to mourn parachuted food, clothing and The Te:<an .. was coming lo· ! tra?rdinary n;eet!ng of the 2i· iROWJNG RAPIDLY lion of a $16,000,000 university few.. bestdcs her ?usband, three a tent to the pilol who will be i ward the o!ltce, shu!fhng a nation organazallon ol .-\mer.· The loss of trained and highly hospital within the next . six There was another side daughters, Munel, 1\!rs. Gordon . picked up by helicopter today. , ha~dful_ of credit cards. I can Slates to condemn tesl, ol

1killcd research tenms has im· years will meet both problems. known better to those who were H. L. Thomas, 30 Shea Street, 1 : I thmk I gnt out that mc>s nucleaa· weapons. The 1eded the UBC medical school's The m'~dlcal school is also closer to his priestly acts and St. John's, Hilda, lllrs. Robert easy. The way the ear sounded, ; council is expected to mrcl Ievelopment, which Dean Me· laying the groundwork for a his intense devotion and piety. Brouilet, Minneapolis, Min., and c h ·~~ d ! don't thtnk it was safe." ! here Friday lo consider the pro· ~reary says will take at least department called "continuing ·Those tendencies were easily Mary at home .. Also three sis· Pinkwater made out the bill : posai. · :; years. education," supported by a $60,· descernable in his college days tcrs, Marion GclLl', Arlington, and took the money, and then :

In the 11 years since the 000 grant from the W. K. Standout 'n s h 1 t and later brought a grealer per- ::\lass., Emm at home and Sylvia he ran through a credit card · ' HOLD FU:-iERAL :chool was .rounded it has gro-:vn Kellogg Found.ntio~ ~~ Battle, party.:....this f;at:in~ 0~hc:[lel~drcs: fection which endeared him to Deans, Vancouver, B.C., and St k for ·17· gallons of gas. When I LA:'IIARI\, Ont. (CPI - Fun· 0 81 full-tupe tca~hlng PhYSIC· Creek, Mich. Its aam IS to keep dress with the demure leated the people of his parish. His three brothers, AI Tapper, Deer rue the happy Texan drOI'C away era! SCI'\'ic was held here Tue!· ans and 280. part-tame teachers t~e doctoc ·up to date and help dickey, ~boose crisp ~hicks in brilliance impressed but his Lake, Harry 'Tapper, England with his family, his car once I ddy fo!· l~n·oll 1\'. ~lason. ;;, rom 14 lull·llme professors and htm prepare for advanced de· colton or taffeta Make 8 party personal holiness was a qualift'· and Geo. Tapper, Glendale, 1\U. more in safe operating condi- who ?ted in hospit~l SatuniJY mly 1 hanqful 1of parltlme g_rees and specialist qualllica· dt·css version 10' 0' p 1 F 1 f th 8 c t' p· k t 1 d · t th 'followmo a lengthy tllne<s \lr cation which lend you to him. ear . uncra rom e y a r wn, Ill wa cr rus le Ill 0 e 'I 0

• - •• ;

aelp. laons. ' ' Withall, he was not a book- Anglican Church, Woody Point, grease room. "Horsccollar, 1\lason had ~een pubhshcr 0•

Its program inchldes research Printed Pattern 4952: ,Junior h . Friday November 3rd what have you donel" lthe Lanark Era, weekly nclli· •n cancer, arthritis, rheuma· Miss Sizes 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. Size .wolrtm,dnor a t eomt. The di~fi- STEAD-Passed . al~ay on "You saw me oet the paint." paper here, for the last I> ism and heart disease. Original! F1'1re Ha•ard eu ays of the dcpresston . c · , o . • years. l'ork is carried on in high .a. 13 lakes 5% yards 35·inch fabric. years found him planning with 1 Tuesday mornmg, Oct.obcr 31st, arrte Clarke, 13, of St. Yeah, but _1 d~dn t know . . ·--- __ •lood pressure, heart diseases, The Safet~ Council. has drawn his parishioners in the effort at the General. Hosptlal, Jllary .John's, is receiving treatment what you, had ,m m~.nd. \Vhy-liseascs of the aged and young, the ~ouncll s attcntton. to ~he Send FORTY CENTS (in coinl to solve their problems and im, Ann, beloved wtfc of Job Stead at the General Hospital for in: why, that s crooked. " tiochemlstry on mental illness tra£f1c hazard at the JUnchon (stamps cannot be acccptcdl for prove their means of livcJi. ?f Salvage, aged 80 years; Jcav· juries received when she was Horsceollar gr;nne~. You llld the effect of drugs on tM of the New Cove Road and the this pattern. Please print plain· hood. He set about assiduously mg to mourn besides her ·~us· otruck by a motor vehicle on could have told In~ you had, a aerl'ous system. Portugal Cove Road, in the ly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, learning the ways and band, four daughters, Joscphme, Hallowe'en night. shtfty Ind1an workmg for ~ou, Althoug~ UBC medical school northeastern section or the city. STYLE NUMBER, of an involved business ~~~~~ Mrs. Gco_rgc Lodge of . J'!cw The little girl was struck and and. that it was all a mistake."

·anks third in Canada in volume The main hazard, they say, is S d the studies of his calling Y?rk; Ehzabcl)1, Mrs •. Wtlham knocked down by a car on ,, Pmkwater shook ~as he~d. •f research and size of 'grants.· the molitrist driving north on 'end or cr to ANNE ADAMS, H1seock of St Job R ti Elizabeth Al'enue around 7 Who taught you trtcks ltke

care of ST. JOliN'S DAILY. naturally did not include. Such · n s; u 1' o'clock Tuesday night. She rc· ?" nedical l,eaders here are con· Portugal Cove Road and enter· NEWS,. Pattern Dept. 60 FRONT were . his convictions that he 1\lrs. Arthur Young of Toronto; ccived a fractured leg and a th7,t. ' ·erned because achievements lng New Cove Road. He Is actu· ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT. ·made their problems his pro· Nora, l\lrs. Arthur Brown of broken nose. . r;, wasn t on the rescrva· all short of rasonable goals. ·ally drh·lng across the traffic blcms. "Expericl!ce is by in· Salvage, one so?, John of Salv· bon. Lack of facilities for teachlnl! which hns access to and right· dustry achieved" and to it he age, 19 grand~htldren and three "No more of it, under-

lnd research has bt:en ene of of-way to either New Cove or ROUYN, Que. (CP) · _ An gave time and industry, great-grandchtld~en. Another s •11 · s k stan_d'!" he underlying reasons. l'ortugal Cove Road. identlt)l' .• card system will go An enduring monument rc- daughter, Drusctlla predeceased tl e· · e Horseeollar shrugged. "Okay. ~EEDS OWN .HOSPITAL. This matter wa·s apparently into e[fect Dec. 1 In the Que· mains, constructed on lines h~r 2 years ago. The funeral How about the oil?" Teaching has been hampered completdy discussed by the bee mining towns of Rouyn and boldly conceived and rough wtll. be held at Salvage to-day, · ·• • •

•Y lack of a hospital controlled Safety Gouncil In an October Noranda to keep persons under h f h Thursday B I · "That's different. Four bits .Y the· school, where students meeting, and it was agreed thai, ewn rom 1 e stern rock line • u r·g a rs \ f 21 out of hotel ·bars, .taverns which hurls back _the onrush of or a can of oil ain't going to ·an be taught bY. exnmple. . the appropriate authority and other drinking establish· th b d TV ruin nobody." Dean McCreary explained it sliould '.le contacted on the menls. e roa Atlantic, it is the "Twcnty~three . bucks didn't

his way: problem. shrine .of Our Lady, dedicated, REPAIRS . h T 1 . · rum t e cxan either." . "In em·ly years or medical The Council considered the Founded in Mexico In 1524, am S!Jre, to the encourage. RCMP are still investigating · Pinkwater almost said that


HOSTESS :chool, di.a!lnosis ··Is taught. This maitcr and then decided to .the hospital of Jesus of Nnzn· ment and preservation of the . the theft of a large quantity of $22 · ~ay the ~tudents, cnn bp asso· bring It to the attention of the relit is the oldest. institutiQn- faith of his parishioners and in . REASONABLE RA cigarettes from a hotel in Cupids ··50 was the difference. He· Will Knock at your Door ·tated wtlh patent t k perpetuation of his own de- TES on October 29th. went back to his desk to pon· 'tl G 'f•· d G ti' crs • · 1 s, n e a Traflic Commission for their with continuous service in the T der. He -"ondcrcd about the Wl 1 1 '"" an ree n . ., ·areful htstory, ·make a com· views. Americas. votation, made pos~ible by his GUARANTEED WORK hicves broke into Ackerman's degree or" cheating involved. from Friendly Bu ;iness •Jete physlc!ll examination, per· ----------- earnestness and the help of his Hotel there and made off with ap. orm a complete laboratory yet." Local police and the parishioners ,who will gather PHONE 941·23 proximately 20 cases of cigarettes Everyone ·chiseled in business, Neighbours and Your nvestlgatlon, produce a· list' or New Evidence RCMP are ,_Investigating a to say an Ave for the repose of The incident occurred some lime b_ig and little, sta\_es and na· ...,ivic and Social Groups Iia~noses and· then with pains- OTTAWA, CP-Dcputy pollee splurge .of blu~ writing, urging his soul. · Electronic· Sunday, ' taon. ).... th · f ak1n1 care discard one after chief A'IJ Cavan said Tuesday that Quebec leave Confcder· A zealous priest, a learned • RCMP have urged residents in Clipping customers at four n e occasiOn.~ : C 1nolher until the true diagnosis that new evidence has turned atlon, scrawled In nearby Gat· person and an intimate friend· Ce.ntre ltd. the area to keep an alert watch bits a thww hadn't bothered New Comer to ule it)', Dmes along. · up irl the investigation of sign. ineau Park and on the · ap· now enjoys the plentitude o£ out for any pcr.son or p~r~ons h_im. Why was. he balking at a The Birth ,..£ a Baby. . ".But this. is npl. the way ll't. paintings by Quebec separatists proachc~ to the downtown Nat· th M t' I i3 d 90 CA-'~PBEU AVE. who mtght he scllmg an unhmttcd bigger transaclton? PHONE ''64273 90943 'I Jrlelltlcmera practise. medi· ....:.but ":lot enough to move on lonal War memorial. e ys tea 0 y, supply of cigarettes at reduced 1 He kept dividing 46 custom· " • • · '

l.A.G. 'fter hour. 'PHONE 7313 ·pnces.· . ers by 50 cents. Unorthodox and 3582

. I . I

.,...._~--. ·--~_,,...,,,.,, _______________ _

983 u by us so far

· YOUI Terra Nc


. I [J

::'1 K~ ; I i . ·l f'l : ·1 :, . ~ .. , ··.1

t:J LEOPOU n~ommander-i1 ' ,:·aid Thursda )iJha~ 35 miles : :siomst Katan~ ; katanga om l .. ,

~ ·: KatangCJ ; ~told a press c . :bf Elil:abethv . !

·. Mobutu were i Kimba s

·fng the attac1 the Kaniama \vest of Eliza : .\ rlispatch frot iir base anrl < tnll'n JjO miles Elisabethville. s drive was launch' ene battalion, wil In reserve in 1\a U1rust apparently railroad from Lui .lai. through Kani Inside the Kalan ~·ard Elisabethvil

.&TART WEEK A . 1 Mobutu decline · ihe size of his f position or ultin ~ut 1aid the launched 1 week

· : Premier Cyrill aounced Monday

.. : undertaking "pol ; l~_ • <lnd the K 1 t a 1

i >,khich Tshombe ~~·' is mineral-rich ~· fter Congo in ~~ nths ago. !.-, Small UN fore 1· jpupport, met un

~ ·;ance from Katar ;;\I'd by white of fshombe when

~' and attempted

; · e :~ecession t. fler f'ight dayl r ',:UN-Katanga cea ! t!lotiated. : .. ·.! All offensive b~

l -·:crea i


.. i ~EW YORK rhurber, the ~ ~nd artist, die Doctor's Hospita been 11 patient s 'tration several

· ! A hospital : ·Thurber, 66, diE lory failure foil .

Although Tt depended

it in a 1''<-.tvl~ and was ~

book as mat word seer

his sentenc New Y1

he joine1 his main

-.~1Umt~ro1us ideas k~.i:ulallion when t

made into were ThE

i!:WI~Ii... Milly, ~reatmirag of a

Male Anir life on

aborated with at

pieces l'hur·h~r·. yout

his birt' hook W1 Night t

Day t 'l'ho>.L.. and

for ThE early day:

essay were at

B. White t

Thurb on fact, 1

the happenin

Wet Clear, ivl£1

Vals. Cooler.


Toronto tMontreal. ·: Moncton .•. Halif

· Sycln:; : :·: St. John's