Download - The Cross & the Sword · PDF file11/12/2017 · After a long but enjoyable weekend ... She makes fun of me ... sinner.” Breathe in, "maybe he needs to go out again," breathe out,


The Cross & the Sword

The monthly newsletter of Saint Alban’s Parish Family Vol. XXXVI No. 12 December 2017

Vol. XXXVI No. 12 December 2017

ADVENT QUIET DAY Saturday Dec 2, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.. Please come and join us for a quiet day to begin the season of Advent. This is always a hectic time for many and we forget to take the simple time to reflect on what is important. There will be simple reflections and quiet throughout the afternoon. We will end our time with a simple light supper provided for you. Please sign up if you plan to attend. If you have any questions please contact Jordan Trendelman or Dan+

QUIET TIME WITH JESUS After a long but enjoyable weekend of traveling and visiting family I was quite looking forward to Monday morning. I'd be lying if I said I was looking forward to going to work, more so I was looking forward to my morning routine, that short amount of time I put aside for myself before heading to work. I always set my alarm for a little earlier then when my wife has to be awake. She makes fun of me because she has to be at work before me but here I am getting up hours before I have to leave. I always jokingly tell her that I do it for the people who have to be around me all day, not myself. A few cups of coffee and a bit of silence helps me to be a much more tolerable person.

My Monday morning was off to a good start, while sipping my coffee I had checked my emails, narrowly avoided a Facebook rabbit hole of cute animal videos, and by my second cup I was finishing up the daily readings. Hearing my wife's alarm go off I knew it was time to take the dog out, after giving him and the cat a treat (I still don't understand why the cat gets a treat for the dog going outside). I proceeded to do my best impersonation of someone attempting to do stretches. My wife gives herself very little time to get ready for work. My theory is that she's already perfect and that's why, but within 15 minutes of being awake she's out the door. I'm sad to see her go, but I'm excited that it's time for the pentacle of my morning routine, silent prayer.


I did a lot of meditating in my twenties, but it's only been since helping Dan+ with the evening prayer service the first Sunday of the month that I've felt inspired to return my daily practice of silent prayer. I set my timer and begin to sink into my favorite part of the morning. I think it's a common misconception that meditation is some sort of blissful state in which the mind is always calm and relaxed.. My mind, however, typically feels like several dozen teenagers snap chatting each other at the same time. Thus, I often enjoy a simple prayer to help bring my mind back to a place of stillness where I can truly hear what the spirit is saying to me. So as I take a deep breath I say silently to myself, "Lord Jesus Christ son of God", and exhaling fully, "have mercy on me a sinner". I continue to, breathe in, "Lord Jesus Christ son of God," breathe out, "have mercy on me a sinner.” As the chatter of my monkey mind begins to subside, I'm left only with the prayer silently moving with my breath. Outside I hear a subtle rain playing melodic xylophone on the autumn leaves.. Though my eyes are closed, I see than rather I feel them. It fills my mind’s eye in perfect surround sound. Breathe in, "Lord Jesus Christ son of God," breathe out, "have mercy on me a sinner.” Breathe in, "Lord Jesus Christ son of God," breathe out, "why is the dog

licking my fingers?” Breathe in, "I already took him out once, " breathe out, "have mercy on me a sinner.” Breathe in, "maybe he needs to go out again," breathe out, "fine I guess I'll stop my timer." He never acts like this, he usually goes back to sleep after he goes out in the morning. So I knew something must be up. Sure enough as soon as I let him outside he began to do his business. Unfortunately I was paying more attention to him doing his business then where he had done his business the night before. "You got to be kidding me," I say aloud. I don't know who I was speaking to but perhaps I was letting God know if this was a joke, it wasn't funny. One minute I'm listening to God speaking to me in a language of raindrops and tree leaves, and next thing I know I am cleaning dog poop out of the treads of my shoes. Had it been summer, I would have just sprayed them with the hose and moved on with my day. However the chilly autumn morning left me no choice but to be present with my task. Here I thought I'd be silently working out the details of my immortal soul and instead I'm cleaning my shoe. I was still determined to sit though. So once I had finished cleaning my shoe and it passed the smell test, I returned to sitting on the floor and set my timer.


Breathe in, "I'm too worked up to be doing this," breathe out, "this is a waste of time.” Breathe in, "I should have set the timer for ten minutes instead of twenty," breathe out, "I'm going to be late for work.” Breathe in, "maybe there's a lesson in all of this," breath out, "there has to be.” Mid breathe it hit me. God wanted me to let go of letting go. The whole purpose of setting a timer when you meditate is it's an act of faith. Faith that the universe will function just fine without Jordan doing anything for twenty minutes. That if I truly believe that God is in control of all things then I can turn this little part of my day over to him

and it's going to be ok. Have faith that God has a plan, and if we just wait patiently in silence God will reveal his intentions to us. To have faith that sometimes when we are at peace God plays music to us with the rain, and other times we have to get up and clean up our own souls through the dirty work of life. Either way it’s all God’s plan.

Breathe in, "Lord Jesus Christ son of god," breathe out, "have mercy on me a sinner.” Breathe in, "Lord Jesus Christ son of God,” breathe out, “have mercy on me a sinner."

Peace and Blessings, Jordan Trendelman

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them. (Luke 2:6-7)

There are many great Christmas messages. Christmas is about peace and joy. Christmas is about a light that shines in the Darkness. Christmas is about giving and receiving gifts. However, I think the most powerful message of

Christmas is a simple and yet profound one. . God comes. God shows up. God fulfills.

The birth of Jesus as told in the Bible is interesting. It is interesting because only one sentence is used to tell of the actual birth. Everything else in the narrative in either Luke or Matthew are about events around the birth. Mary questions her worthiness. Joseph wonders what the right thing to do is. Mary and Joseph have to travel a long distance. Angels visit Shepherds who wonder what this all means.. Wise men from the East follow a star to pay homage to a new leader born that they do not understand. Herod tries to have the child found and killed.


In the midst of all of this incredible drama, a child is born. Luke simply says, "While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth." No matter what goes on around the birth of Christ, the birth still takes place. We cannot stop God from entering the world. God is born the way God chooses to be born and when God chooses to be born. It seems to me that our decision is whether or not to follow the things we feel called to follow. Do we decide to praise the message we have heard, or try to cut it out of our lives? I pray you may have a wonderful Advent and Christmas season. How is God breaking into our lives? Are we listening? God Bless, Dan+

Monthly Activities

YOUTH GROUP PLAY PRACTICE. will meet at 6:30 on Sunday, December 3. Will meet at noon Decemer 10. THE PLAY WILL BE AT 6:00 p.m. on Sunday December 17. The cast will report December 17 after church.

Children’s Christmas Pageant: The pageant practices will be as follows: December 3, December 10, and December 17 All practices will be held immediately following the 10:15 service and will last approximately 30 minutes. Pageant will held at the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve service.

Daughters of the King gather for Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 19, followed by a meeting.

The Heart and Hands group meets at 10:00 a.m. on Fridays December 1, 8, 15 and 22..

Wednesday Bible Group meets on Wednesdays mornings at 10:30 for a study of the next Sunday’s Bible readings. We set aside time for prayers and at 12:00 noon we have Holy. Eucharist. Please consider joining us for this wonderful time of sharing and learning.


A Men’s Bible Study, which looks at the lessons for the following Sunday, meets at 10:00 a.m. on Saturdays December 2,9,16.

Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship meets at 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 7, 21, at the home of Marilyn Rafter.

Bible Study and Fellowship Group meets at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 14 at the home of Jack Rademaker.

Altar Guild

Altar Guild members will clean and prepare the sanctuary for Christmas on Saturday, December 23 at 10:00 am. We will decorate and hang the greens for Christmas after the

9:00 a.m. service December 24. Many hands are needed Please join us as we work together to prepare for the joyous Christmas season

FOLLOWING THE CROSS A few months ago, after I returned from my mission trip, I gave a talk that I called “Following the Cross”. I talked about giving out the 100 crosses, that Norm made for me, starting in the airport in Houston as we flew out, and ending at the airport in Honduras as we left to fly home. There was the story at

of the Hope Children’s Home, as told by Mike Miller, the person that took a piece of mountain jungle and turned it into this outstanding facility. He talked about the leaded glass cross that he had purchased for the chapel, how it came in broken, how he pieced it back together, and how he was able to make it whole


again except for one small missing piece. The sun shining through the cross was spectacular despite the missing piece. Michael said that he purposely did not replace it to represent how we come before the cross and are often times broken and hurting. Through the redemptive power of Jesus, we are made whole again. The second story is about the cross made from two pieces of rebar that our welder Pablo, made for me as a gift to remember our working together and becoming friends. My dilemma because I didn’t have a gift for him. I remembered the cross that I had worn around my neck for the mission trip, and as we sat together for lunch, I reached inside my shirt and pulled out the cross and gave it to Pablo. As we descended the steps of the church to leave for the last time, I looked back to see Pablo working with a smile, the cross hanging around his neck. I knew that I had made the right choice. Recently I was able to help Dave Krocker, and three Amish workers, mount our new cross at the north peak of our Church roof. My initial thought after seeing it was, “this is smaller than I thought it would be.” however after we finished mounting it, we looked up and with the

beautiful blue sky as a backdrop, a few wispy clouds, and the beautiful sun shining, it looked glorious.

I’ve given this cross much consideration since, and have come to the conclusion that it is not too small after all. It’s just right! The positioning, at the peak, is as if Jesus is looking down and looking after us. The white color represents the unblemished Lamb that was sacrificed on a cross for our sins. The positioning on the north end of our roof, reminds me of how sailors and journeyers use the North Star to find their way home. Hopefully we never forget that our way home is through the cross of Jesus. Jesus washed the apostles feet at the last supper . He mingled with prostitutes and beggars. He taught us that “the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.” These are so many examples of His humility represented by the cross. Nope, I think the size, position and color are just right! God’s Blessings George Shamp



Thanks to all of you who took the turkey tags from the front door for Thanksgiving.

NOW FOR THE CHRISTMAS TREE TAGS "Christmas Meals: Please pick one or two tags from the doors and bring the item(s) and tag to church by Sunday, December 10th. Please remember if you take a tag to bring item to the food bank with the tag. Refrigerated items go in the upright refrigerator in the boiler room and frozen items go in the chest freezer in the Food Bank. The tree tags can go on the desk in the Food Bank. Thank you for giving these families a joyous Christmas.


St. Alban’s, like most churches, provides Sunday School classes and youth activities for our children to give them a basic foundation for their Christian lives. At the appropriate age they are prepared for confirmation through a separate series of classes. But as adults, are we now fully “formed” Christians? We worship an infinite God, and we can never come to the end of

learning more about Him. Christian life is not a destination we have reached, but more like a journey we are all on. Most of our lives are very full and busy. Perhaps we only have time for some spiritual reading on our own. But it can be very rewarding to share and discuss what we are reading with other pilgrims on the same journey. St. Alban’s offers several opportunities for such shared learning. In addition to the regular Wednesday morning, Thursday afternoon, Thursday evening, and Saturday morning groups, this year there is a special class on our Anglican roots in England being offered the third Sunday of each month at 6:30 p.m. If you are not already involved in one of these activities, consider whether one of them might fit into your life.

Elaine Fazzaro, Christian Formation Director


Christmas Pageant Rehearsals

Calling all children! Christmas will be here before we know it and it's time to start preparing for the annual St. Alban’s Christmas pageant held on Christmas Eve. If your children are interested in being a part of this wonderful pageant,

please plan on joining us on the practice dates listed below. The pageant practices will be as follows: December 3, December 10, and December 17 All practices will be held immediately following the 10:15 service and will last approximately 30 minutes. Pageant will held at the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve service. If there are any questions, please contact Janine Steinbrunner at [email protected] or 797-7598. Thank you.

St. Nicholas Party – December 3 The St. Nicholas Party will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 3. Lunch will be provided. Children will decorate cookies and Father Layden will explain the Jesse Tree. Please see the signup sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex.

YOUTH PLAY: Mark your calendars now for our annual Youth Play on Sunday December 17 at 6:00 p.m. This year’s play is called “A CHRISTMAS DOWN UNDER” It is filled with funny characters that will prove to be inspirational as well as hilarious. We will start off the evening once again with the youth

serving you a warm bowl of chili with all the fixins and of course lots of delicious desserts. Then sit back and relax for a fun filled show with our very talented youth. Tickets go on sale Sunday, December 3rd, and will be sold every Sunday up to and including the day of the show. We will sell after the 8:00 services and before and after the 10:15 services. Prices are


$10.00 for adults, $5.00 for ages 3-10, with 2 and under free. If you have any questions or would like to help in any way please contact Cindy Spice (348-7061)

SPECIAL SERVICES: Holy Eucharist and Pageant – 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eucharist will be at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 24. At this service our children will share with us the good tidings of great joy, the news of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Holy Eucharist – 11:00 p.m.

On this solemn night in the life of the Church we gather together at 11:00 p.m. for a service of worship, adoration and wonder at the great love of God in sending his Son into the world to be our Savior. Incense will be used at this service.

Christmas Day – 9:00 a.m.

Worship with us at 9:00 a.m. on Christmas Day. We celebrate the Babe who would exchange the wood of the manger for the wood of the cross.

Church Directories

Updated directories will be sent electronically the first week in December to all members for whom we have e-mail address. If somehow we have missed your contact information, then please tell us. We want the directory as complete as possible. A few hard copies of the directory will be available in the narthex


Contribution Statements Contribution statements will be mailed the first week of December to all who pledged for 2017.

Vestry Stewardship

Operating Fund Operating income October $11,879.16 Operating expense October 13,409.34 Net loss for October ($1,530.18)

Operating inc. for 2017 $120,750.97 Operating exp. for 2017 134,827.92 Transfers for 2017 130.00 Net loss for 2017 ($13,946.95)

Vestry Highlights

Not offered at this time since the meeting is scheduled for November 28.

December Birthdays

4 Sonja Primeau 10 Norm Grams 11 Jane Spice

14 Melissa Renner 18 Jo McMahan 23 Laura Michael 25 David Krocker

and Anniversary 21 Ed & Mary Brooks

If your birthday or anniversary has not been listed, please notify Debbie at 485-8022, so that we may add your date to our records.


Ed Brackmann Peggy Brandes Christina Connelly Dick and Bonnie Camp

John Diver Dick Donnelly Denise Freed Tammy Gillig Anita Grams Carolyn Grate Gloria Guindon Shirley Johnson

Frances Krauskopf Don Mefford Carol Newell Gene Pettibone Larry Sanxter Cindy Spice Rick Spice Les Stath Bill Townsend Jim Trueblood Paul Wiseheart

For those unable to worship with us: Ed Brackmann, John Diver, Frances Krauskopf, Tom Kurtz, Gene Pettibone, Jim Trueblood, and Paul Wiseheart.

Food Bank In October we served 26 families, 86 individuals, and 1290 meals served.

Deadline for the January newsletter is Thursday, December 14.


Altar Flowers and Candles for 2018 Altar Flower and Sanctuary Candle charts for 2018 are posted in the narthex. Special envelopes are found beneath the charts. Please include on the chart in the narthex the information you would like listed in the bulletin More than one family may sign for the same Sunday. Not every Sunday is sponsored by a specific family or person. If you would like to donate to the flower fund in general for the open Sunday, please submit any amount of gift to the flower fund. We will hopefully then be able to cover the expense of the open Sunday. Make your check payable to St. Alban’s and place your envelope in the offering plate. Cost of flowers is $35.00. Cost of sanctuary candles is $5.00.

Christmas Reminders

May the Christmas presents remind you of God’s greatest gift - His only begotten Son.

May the Christmas candles remind you of Him, who is the Light of the World.

May the Christmas tree remind you of another tree on which He died for you.

May the Christmas cheer remind you of Him who said, “Be of good cheer.”

May the Christmas feast remind you of Him, who is the Bread of Life.

May the Christmas snow remind you of the cleansing power of Christ.

May the Christmas bells remind you of the glorious proclamation of His birth.

May the Christmas carols remind you of His glad tidings which we are to proclaim to all mankind.

May the Christmas season remind you in every way of Jesus Christ our King. Author Unknown


Sunday Services 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist 10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Sunday School (Sept-May)


10:30 a.m. Bible Study 12:00 noon Holy Eucharist

Vestry Cindy Spice Senior Warden John Lorenzen Junior Warden

Dave Krocker Property Mary Ann Krocker Fellowship Pat Stath Worship Josh Miller Finance Jordan Trendelman Membership

George Shamp Stewardship Phil Mayer Outreach Elaine Fazzaro Christian Formation

Christina Connelly Communication Director

Marilyn McClure Care Connection

Church Staff Rector The Rev. Daniel K. Layden Office Administrator Debbie Grosjean Organist Michelle Kyrou

Office Hours 9:00 - 1:00

Monday through Friday Office phone 485-8022

Fr. Layden’s cell phone 579-5555