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Page 1: The Consistency of English Learning Materials With the English Basic Competences Stated for Grade x of the Vocational School




This chapter will discuss background of the study, research questions, purpose of the

study, scope of the study, and significance of the study.

1.1 Background of The Study

This study was aimed at reviewing teachers develop English learning

materials for Vocational School majoring in accounting as compiled in the module

entitled “Successful Communication”. Since the era of School-based curriculum,

teachers are responsible to develop the learning materials for the students needs. The

materials were developed in relation to the achievement of the Basic competences for

novice level semester 1 and 2, known as Kompetensi Dasar in The National Standard

(Standar Isi). For that reason, the materials were reviewed from the point of view of

Basic Competences stated in The National Standard.

Materials provide for much of the language practice that occurs in the

classroom. The instructional materials can guide the students in practising the

language. They also give guidance to teachers on both the intensity of coverage and

attention required by certain content or pedagogical tasks (Richards and Rodgers,

1986; Nunan, 2000:208; Richard, 2002:251; Tomlinson, 2012:143). Besides,

interesting materials that can facilitate and support learners can make them become

motivated in learning (Cunningsworth, 1995:1). Learning materials can be developed

by the English teacher to make it relevant with the achievements of the learning.

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Standard of Competence and Basic Competence become direction and principle to

develop main materials, learning activities, and indicator of competence achivement

for assessment. (Standard of Competence and Competence Dasar of English for


Unfortunately, there are materials which are learnt by students still

inconsistent to support their needs. Studies found that there is a textbook for

vocational students year 1 which provides only 50% learning materials which

relevant to four basic competences, while in vocational school year I there are eight

basic competences that should be achieved by the learners. The rest of learning

materials did not fulfill the needs of the achievement of those basic competence (Asri,

2011). There are some previous studies related to the consistency of learning

materials. The other study found that there is also a textbook designed for vocational

school student year III which provides the materials which are consistent to the six

basic competences. The other one of basic competence cannot be achiveved through

the learning materials which is not given exposure to the learners (Retiyaningsih,


The previous study found the textbook which was used in Sung Kyun Kwan

University in Suwon, South Korea has many notable and worthwhile characteristics.

The book was analyzed through the questionnaire for the students and teachers. The

result showed that it is very attractive and organized in a clear, logical, and coherent

manner. It reflects a multi-skills syllabus and manages to integrate the four language

skills without neglecting other important aspects of ELT, but the book has

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shortcoming (Litz, 2001). The other previous study in terms of evaluating and

adapting materials for young learners. The coursebook were analyzed by using

checklist-based, requiring responses indicating levels of agreement or disagreement

with statements about the materials. The finding showed that the materials are clearly

laid out, easy to be used, the language and topic content is generally consistent but

sometimes need to be adapted for the local context. In terms of teaching

methodology, the teacher’s book is not compatible with either learning-or learner-

centered approaches (Dickinson, 2010). The other previous study found that material

development in writing business letter for vocational school XII grade are good,

interesting and consistent for them and it can be used in learning. It was analyzed

through the validity from English learning materials experts and learning media

design experts. The study showed that the content of the module is valid, the writing

techniques and the stuctures of language are good and it is approved to be tested in

the experiment (Diselita,, 2011).

The previous studies mentioned above using different instruments in

reviewing the materials from the textbooks and point of view. The first textbook

evaluation conducted by Litz (2000) attempted to determine the overall pedagogical

value and suitability of the book towards this specific language program by using the

questionnaires which were spread to the students and the teacher. It was begun by

conducting Need Analysis to the students. The result of the Need Analysis become

the comparison to the content of the textbook. In this case, there were some

categories of questionnaire, such as Practical Considerations, Layout and Design,

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Activities, Skills, Language Type, Subject and Content, and Overall Consensus.

These categories were ranked from 1 until 10 by giving statement from highly agree

until higly disagree. The second study were analyzed by using checklist-based,

requiring responses indicating levels of agreement or disagreement with statements

about the materials. The evaluation assessed the materials in relation to the General

Appearance, Layout and Design, Methodology, Activities, Language Skills, Language

Content, Topic Content, Teachability and Flexibility, and Assessment. It discussed

ways in which these materials might be adapted for these particular learners. The last

previous study by Diselita, et. al (2011) was conducted based on the point of view of

the requirements from the statement of Basic Competence for Vocational School

Students Year III. The module was developed by using development model which ws

proposed by Dick’s et al. (2005). It used validation which was conducted by the

experts of material and expert of media, an English teacher, and the students. The

result gathered by tecniques of the one-to-one evaluation, small group evaluation,

field trial, the attitude questionnaires, interviews and observations.

In this research, the writer reviewed the content of English module which is

given by one of vocational school in Jakarta majoring in accounting by using point

of view of Basic Competences in The National Standard.

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1.2 Research Questions

Based on the background of the study, the research questions of this study is

“to what extent are the English learning materials developed by the teachers

consistent with the Basic Competence of Grade X of the Vocational School?” The

sub questions of the research questions are:

1. What topics does cover the Basic Competences of Grade X of the Vocational


2. What materilas are covered in every topic?

1.3 Purpose of the study

This study was aimed at reviewing learning materials developed by the

teacher. The focus was analyzing the completeness of the materials in the module of

“Successful Communication”. This study attempted to identify the consistency of the

materials to the Basic Competences stated for Grade X of the Vocaional School.

1.4 Scope of the study

The scope of this study was the materials which were developed by the

teachers in the module entitled “Successful Communication”.

1.5 Significance of the study

The result of this study is expected to be beneficial for other researchers who

want to carry out reseacrhes on dealing with the materials review. Hopefully, this

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study could make the educational institutions such as State University of Jakarta pay

more attention in the field of developing materials for the vocational school. The

results of the study are also expected can give better insight to vocational English

teachers about how to select and develop materials in the teaching and learning


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This chapter contains theory related to the study such as learning objectives, English

for Vocational School, principles of material organization, material evaluation,

related study and theoretical framework

2.1 Learning Objectives

The term of objectives relates to the goal and aims. Goals and aims are used to

refer to a description of the general purpose of a curriculum. They describe the

purpose in general, while the term objective refers to more specific and clear

description of purpose (Richards, 2002:122). The objectives are the statements about

how the goals will be achieved that describe the particular knoelwedge, and/or skills

that the learners will be expected to know or perform at the end of a course. They

have some characteristics such as describe what the aim seek to achieve in terms of

smaller units of learning, provide a basis for the organization of teaching activities

and describe learning in terms of observable behaviour or performance. (Brown,

1995:73; Graves, 2000:76; Richards, 2002: 123).

Stating the objectives explicitly is needed in order to know what students have

to get from the course, develop consistent materials and to choose to teach need to fit

the goals and objectives (Graves, 2000:73-74). It is important to state explicitly what

the teachers want students to gain from the lesson. Teacher should put the objectives

of the lesson first before they make a lesson plan Brown (2001:150).

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Statements of objectives have to describe a learning outcome. For example,

objectives can be describe with phrases like students will learn how to, will be able

to. It also should be consistent with the curriculum aim. In stating the objectives

should be exact, means not ambigous. The objective also should be possible to be

achieved in terms of time available during the course (Richards, 2002:123-124).

To state the objectives, Graves (2000:87) explained about Brown’s

components of performance objectives adapted from Mager. They are, subject,

performance, conditions, measure and criterion. Subject means who will achieve the

objective. Performance can be infered as things that have to be able to do by the

subject. Condition means the way in which the subject will be able to perform.

Measure is the way the permormance will be observed or measure. Criterion is the

value about how well the subject will be able to perform. The objectives should be

stated in clearly because a clear set of objectives provides the basis os assessment of

students learning (Graves, 2000:94). It can be seen that the statement of objectives is

important point in planing course.

2.2 English for Vocational School

The role of teaching English is to make the learners are able to communicate.

As stated in Permendiknas no 22 Year 2006, English is classified as adaptive subject

which the time allocation is adapted by the needs of skils program and can be held in

time block or other alternatives. The goal of adaptive subject is to build

knowledgeable individual. Moreover, this subject has objectives to provide students

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English commmunicative competence in the context of communication materials

which are needed by their skills program either in spoken or written. In addition,

English provides them communicative competence in daily life with the global

requirement and to develop communication to the higher level.

Furthermore, in Standar Kompetensi and Kompetensi Dasar of English for

SMK stated that English is divided into three scope of communication aspects. Those

are novice level for first grade, elementary level for second grade, and intermediate

level for third grade. As stated in Competence Standard and Base Competence of

English for SMK or vocational school, the objectives of English subject are:

Mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris bertujuan agar peserta didik memiliki kemampuan sebagai berikut.

1. Menguasai pengetahuan dan keterampilan dasar Bahasa Inggris untuk mendukung pencapaian kompetensi program keahlian

2. Menerapkan penguasaan kemampuan dan keterampilan Bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis pada level intermediate.

In novice level (Grade X) of vocational school, there are eight basic

competences that should be achived by the students. Belowa are the basic competence

for the students grade X.

1.1 Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan1.2 Menyebutkan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun1.3 Mendeskripsikan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun1.4 Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar1.5 Menjelaskan secara sederhana kegiatan yang sedang terjadi

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1.6 Memahami memo dan menu sederhana, jadwal perjalanan kendaraan umum, dan rambu-rambu lalu lintas

1.7 Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta kalimat sederhana berdasarkan rumus

1.8 Menuliskan undangan sederhana

To achieve the objectives of learners, English should be learnt to meet the

students with target needs. It can be done by giving materials based on their major in

vocational school. Materials which are taught for facilitating them in their major

should be perceived by them as something relevant and useful. This might be

achieved in ways which could facilitate the achievement of the task outcomes desired

by the learners (Tomlinson, 2011:11). In this case, the materials should be given in a

course which can meet the needs of the learners based on the major, that is closely to

English for Specific Purpose (Dudley-Evans and John, 1998:4).

In terms of teaching for vocational students majoring accounting, the

materials should match their need. For instance, the reading texts can be given in the

work situation such as description of good professional accountant. In writing task, it

might be given to make a job application letter. Those materials can be developed not

only based on the learners need but also the requirement of the Standard of

Competence and Basic Competence.

2.3 Principles of Materials Organization

Organizing a course is deciding what underlying systems will be that pull

together the content and material in accordance with the goals and objectives and that

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give the course a shape and structure (Graves, 2000:125). The possible organizations

of the materials for a course relates to the syllabus organization. It can be linguistic

skills, situations, topics/themes, communicative functions, competencies, notions task-

or activity-based, four skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and genre.

(Brown, 1995:142; Graves, 2000:46).

Linguistic skills or Structure focused on the systems that the way language is

structured. The materials organized arround grammatical structure. Situations are the

context where one uses langauge. The materials which are organized with this

principle mean they are organized within various setting where the leraners are

usually use the language such as at the restaurant, at the bank et. Topics/Themes are

what language is used to talk or write about. This principle organizes the materials

based on theme or topic, such as occupation, food etc. Communicative functions

means organizing materials in for the purpose of communicative function, such as

describing, greeting people, introducing someone etc. Competencies unite situations,

linguistic skills (grammar, pronunciation and lexicon), and function which intent to

specify and teach the language and behaviour needed to perform. Materials are

organized based on the specification of the competencies learners are expected to

master in relation to specific situations activities, such as how to open job interview,

how to open bank account.

Notions organize the materials arround set of conceptual categories such as

duration, size, quantity, location etc. It relates to the functional organization. Task- or

activity-based organizes the materials around the activities that students might be

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required to perform in the language. For example, drawing maps, following

instructions, writing resume, making an appointment etc. Four skills:speaking,

listening, reading, writing organizes the materials aroun language skills such as

listening for specific information, reading text to find the main idea of a paragraph

etc. Genre organizes the materials around genre or text to involve studnets in

understanding and analyzing texts on a number of level including the lexico-

grammatical level, the discourse level, and the sociocultural level and also to create

text (Porter, 1991:144; Brown, 1995:142; Graves, 2000: 46).

In organizing the materials, there is one thing that should be considered,

which is the sequence of content. Sequencing means to decide which materials is

needed early in the content and which should be provided later. At the course level,

sequencing involves deciding the order in which teacher will teach the units and, to

some extent, the order within each unit (Graves, 2000: 135).

2.4 Materials Evaluation

Materials evaluation can be refered as a process to measure the value of the

materials whether or not they help learners to be able to use them and enjoy the

language learning which encompasses judging about the effect of the materials to the

learners and teachers using them. It is basically a straightforward, analytical

‘matching process: matching needs to available solutions’ (Hutchinson and Waters,

1987:97; Tomlinson, 2011:3; Tomlinson, p.15).

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Some scholars in the field of ELT textbook design and analysis agree that

evaluation checklists should have some criteria pertaining to the physical

characteristics of textbooks. Harmer (2002:31) argues the criteria to assess

coursebook in terms of price, availability, layout and design, instruction,

methodology, syllabus type, language study and skills activities, topic, cultural

content, usability and teacher’s guide. While, Cunningsworth (1995) focuses on aims

and approach, design and organization, language content, skills, topic, methodology,

teacher’s book and practical consideration. Other important criteria that should be

integrated are methodology, aims, and approaches and the degree to which a set of

materials is not only teachable but also fits to the curriculum (Litz, 2001:9).

Moreover, Graves (2000: 176) argues, to investigate the materials can be done by

retracing the author through the question how they conceptualizes the content, what

the organizing principle (s) is, how the text content is sequenced, waht the objectives

of each unit are, how the units are organized.

Evaluating the materials has some roles to be done in the process of learning.

It can be useful for the materials users, in this case the eacher because when they

evaluate, they judge the consistency of something for a particlular aims. By

evaluating the materials, the materials writers can learn a lot in terms of providing

ideas for plans and techniques. It is also professional activity for all EFL teachers to

be able to evaluate the materials effectively (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987:96;

Graves, 2000:173; McDonough and Shaw, 2005:59).

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Evaluating materials has important roles in learning. Therefore, teacher should

evaluate materials that they develop. It can be done by using their own evaluation

scheme which is suitabale to their local environment because some of the criteria

which proposed by the theorists might inapropriate to be conducted in certain


2.5 Related Study

Studies which focused in textbook evaluation have been conducted. As the

writer has mentioned in the previous section, there are some previous study relates to

textbook evaluation. In this section the writer will discuss further the methodologies

which were used in the previous study.

The first study used the questionnaires which were spread to the students and

the teacher which was begun by conducting Need Analysis as the an additional

component of the study that was conducted at the same time as the textbook

evaluation survey. It could give accurate representation of classroom description in

terms of students aims, concerns, interests, expectations, and views regarding

teaching methodology would assist in the overall textbook evaluation process by

creating a clearer picture of the compatibility between actual students' 'needs' and the

perceived goals and objectives of the EFL program. It was felt as though the

questionnaires would be extremely beneficial in specifying aims and analyzing the

teaching and learning situation more clearly, gathering additional ideas, and acquiring

a variety of opinions and concerns that may have otherwise been overlooked.

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The second study was conducted by using checklist-based, requiring

responses indicating levels of agreement or disagreement with statements about the

materials. In this study, learning centred approach to teaching influenced the

evaluation criteria which were used by the researcher. However, accepting that all

evaluations are ‘essentially subjective’ (Tomlinson, 2003:15) this was unavoidable.

The evaluation scheme was designed with the aim of evaluating the ability of the

materials to promote learning in a particular context. The researcher thought that

some existing evaluation checklists provided some relevant and useful examples,

many criteria were irrelevant to my purposes and context. The last study that the

writer mentioned is evaluation of teacher developed module for vocational school.

Here, the materials developer used by using development model which proposed by

Dick’s et al. (2005). The reasons are because the steps which have to be done in

developing procedure are clearly planned so it can be followed. To evaluate the

materials from the modul the researchers used tecniques of the one-to-one evaluation,

small group evaluation, field trial, the attitude questionnaires, interviews and

observations. Those steps are good to be conducted, however, they involve many

sides who take a part and time consumming. If the researcher have the adequate time,

those kinds of techniqes can be done to make the evaluation much reliable.

The writer concluded that all the scheme which has been applied by the

previous researchers were effective in terms of evaluating the materials. In this study

the writer used the statement of Basic Competence as the reference to measure

whether the materials developed by the teachers in the module of “Successful

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Communication” adequate or not fro the vocational students majoring in Accounting

by using a framework which were proposed by Graves (2000:17).

2.6 Theoretical Framework

English for vocational school students has objectives to provide students

English communicative competence in the context of communication materials which

are needed by their skills program either in spoken or written. To achive the

objectives the materials which are given should be developed to fulfil the needs to

achieve the goals stated in Basic Competences. In this case, the materials should be

given to meet students needs majoring in accounting.

In the statements of Basic Competence, the communicative competence which

are required the by the students are still general. Hence, the writer made the eight

Basic Competences become real. One of them is Basic Competence 1.1 Memahami

ungkapan-ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan. In this

Basic Competence, materials related to expressions of social interaction can be given

more specific, such as self introduction, greeting and leave taking, giving, and

accepting or refusing service and goods.

Since the English is classified in adaptive subject which held based on the

needs of the skills, the materials should be given based on their needs. The materials

here, what will be taught to the students from the module entitled “Successful

communication”. To measure whether the materials that have been given consistent

or not with the Basic Compettences, the materials will be reviewed from by using

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Basic Competences stated for Grade X of the Vocational School. It can guide the

teachers and materials developers to reflect whether the materials have been

consintent or not to the Basic Competence.

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This chapter discusses research method, time and place of the study data and

data sources, instruments, data collection procedures and data analysis procedures

which were used in this research.

3.1 Research Method

As stated before, this research focused on review the consistency of English

learning materials in the English coursebook to the planned objectives of Basic

Competence for vocational school students majoring in accounting. Thus, the method

of this research is content analysis. Leedy and Ormrod (2001) argue that Content-

analysis review several creations of human including books, news, films, and

newspapers. In addition, they state that the function of this method is to reach the

highest possible objective analysis and involves identifying the body material to be

learned and defining the qualities to be explored. Content analysis is also useful for

examining trends and patterns in documents (Stemler: 2001; Retyaningsih: 2011).

The researcher focused on the written materials from the module. The materials were

reviewed by using Basic Competences stated for Grade X of the Vocational School as

stated in chapter 2.

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3.2 Time and Place of the Study

This research was conducted from May to June at one of SMK in Jakarta

involving the documents which were English learning materials.

3.3 Data and Data Source

Data of this research were English learning materials in the module entitled

“Successful Communication” and Basic Competences for Grade X of the Vocational

School. Data source of this research was English module entitled “Successful


3.4 Instruments of the Study

The instrument of the study is developed by criteria stated in Basic

Competences. The consistency will be found by reviewing the learning materials in

the module from each unit according to the basic competence.

3.4.1 Table of Materials Analysis

To answer the research questions about the consistency of the

materials to the planned objectives of Basic Competence, this research

reviewed the materials by using the table of materials analysis.

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3.5 Data Collection Procedures

To collect the needed data, the writer used English materials from one SMK

in Jakarta which has their own English module as learning resource.

3.6 Data Analysis Procedures

Data analysis was done in order to find out the answer of the research

question about whether the teacher developed learning materials consistent with the

Basic Competence. After finding the English module that will be reviewed, the

researcher used Basic Competence as a reference for the data analysis procedure to

find whether the materials were consistent or not. Then, the researcher classified the

topic of the module. Below is the example of the points used in classifying the topic.

Table 3.1 The Content of The Module

No Topics Headings

1. Greeting and Leave Taking

A. Greeting and Leave TakingsB. Introducing Oneself and OthersC. ThankingD. Regret and ApologiesE. Simple Present Tense

After that, the researcher broke down the Basic Competence into detail to

develop the criteria of materials analysis. Then, the writer analyzed the what topic

that covered the Basic Competences by using table of topic analysis. After that, the

resercher analyzed the materials which were covered in every unit by using table of

materials analsyis. The researcher reviewed the module using instrument, interpreting

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the data based on the instrument, and judging the result whether the module

consistent or not with the Basic Competence. Below is the table of Basic

Competences, table of topic analysis and table of materials analysis.

Table 3.2 The Basic Competences

No. Basic Competences Possible Materials Activities1. 1.1 Memahami ungkapan-

ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan

- Expression of Greeting and Leave Taking- Expression of Introducing oneself and Others- Expression of Thanking - Expression of Regret and Apology- Expression of Symphatize and Response- Expression of Command and Request- Expression of Offering Things and Services- Expression of Asking and Giving Permission- Expression of Asking and Giving Direction- Expression of Making Invitation and Response

- Listening conversations about the expressions from the audio or video- Reading the examples of dialogues of the expressions- Practising the examples of dialogues of the expressions in pairs.- Explaining about the use of the expressions- Writing simple dialogues using the expressions- Performing the dialogues in front of the class

Table 3.3 The Topic that Covered the Basic Competences Analysis

Topics Basic Competences

Unit 1: Greeting and Leave TakingA. Greeting and Leave TakingsActivities:a. Listening: Listen to the dictation. write all the words or phrases dictated! (p.1)b. Speaking: - Practice the following dialogue with your partner!(p.2) - Suppose you meet your friend. what will you say? (p.2)c. Reading: Answer these questions based on the information in the passage! (pp. 2-3)d. Writing: Notice the used of to be in the following sentences. To be is commonly placed after the subject of a sentence.



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Table 3.4 The Material which were Covered in Every Topic Analysis

No. Topics Materials Principle of Materials Organization

1. Greeting and Leave Taking A. Greeting and Leave Takings Function-Expression

Personal Pronoun Structure/Grammar

B. Introducing Oneself and Others Function-Expression

C. Thanking Function-Expression

D. Regret and Apologies Function-Expression

E. Simple Present Tense Structure/Grammar

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This chapter presents the finding and the discussion of the research. It

answers the research question about to what extent are the English learning materials

developed by the teacher in the module of “Successful Communication” consistent

with the of Basic Competences stated for Grade X of the Vocational School.

4.1 Data Description

The data were English learning materials from the module entitled

“Successful Communication: An Integrated Study for Vocational School (Business

Management and Technician) Novice Level”. This module is written by the teachers

as learning resource to help students achieve the objectives and the requirement stated

in Basic Competences. The format of the materials is written materials. The total

Unit in the module is 8 Units. The module consists of 75 pages. In order to analyze

the consistentnes of the materials, the writer reviewed whether the materials are

consistent or not to the statement of Basic Competence.

4.2 Data Analysis

This research used table of materials analysis to investigate whether the

materials consistent or not with the Basic Competences of Grade X of the Vocational

School. The table of topic analysis consists of Topic and Basic competences and the

table of materials analysis consists of Topic, Materials and Principle of Organization.

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4.3 Findings and Discussion

This finding presents about English materials organization and its description,

the topic and materials analysis to answer the research question about learning

materials developed by teacher are consistent or not with the Basic Competence and

its description.

4.3.1 The Topic that Covered The Basic Competences

Before analyzing the materials to find their consistency with the Basic

competences, the researcher broke the Basic Competences into detail to develop the

criteria of materials analysis. The Basic Competences are broken down into detail to

see what are the possible materials which should be given to the students. The table

of the Basic Competences can be seen in Appendix 3, while the analysis of the topic

which covered the Basic Competence can bee seen in Appendix 4.

1. Unit 1 “Greeting and Leave Taking”

There were six materials given in this unit. The materilas were about

the Expression of greeting and leave takings, Personal Pronoun, Expression of

Introsucing Oneself and Others, Expression of Thanking, Expression of

Regret and Apologies and Simple Present. The materials are consistent with

three Basic Competences. The materials about basci expressions are

consistent with Basic Competence number 1.1 Memahami ungkapan-

ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan. The

materials avout Personal Pronoun consistent with Basic competence number

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1.4 Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar.

Then, the materials about Simple Present Tense consistent with Basic

Competence number 1.7 Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta kalimat

sederhana berdasarkan rumus.

Although the unit are consistent with the Basic Competences, some of

the activities have not support to achieve the Basic Competence. For

example , the listening activity should be not listening dictation but listening

the real conversations from audio or video. There is no activity that relates to

the materials about Personal Pronoun in this unit. The activity is only about

Arranging the jumbled roles. The researcher suggested that should be writing

activity , such as writing sentences using Personal Pronoun.

2. Unit 2 “Cardinal and Ordinal Number”

There are two main materials in this unit which are Cardinal and

Ordinal Number. these materials consistent with the Basic Competence

number 1.2 Menyebutkan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan,

dan tahun. However, in this unit the materials about telling time only

provided in short note. The researcher concluded that this unit has not meet

the consistency woth the Basic compettence, because some of the materials

such as adjectives, telling time, days, dates, months and years were not


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This unit only focused on the Cardinal and Ordinal number. The

researcher suggested the materials about ordinal number should be more

elaborated with the materials about date, not only provided in some examples

on page 17. The materials should be provided completely because the

competency is telling things, people, characteristicis, time, days, months, and


3. Unit 3 “Introduction”

This unit provided three materials which are Adjectives, Expletive

There and The Preposition of Location. The authors stated the Basic

Competence number 1.2 to start the materials. It can be proved through the

activity 1 task I that support the students to mention the characteristics of

things (p. 22). The researcher argued that this unit also consistent with the

Basic Competence number 1.3 Mendeskripsikan benda-benda, orang, ciri-

ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun.

The authors provided materials about Expletive There by giving its

pattern that the expletive there followed by singular noun/plural noun.

However, the authors did not provide some vocabularies about singular and

plural nouns. The researcher suggested that there should be some vocabularies

about singular/plural nouns provided in this unit. I

n this unit, the authors still do not provide the materrials about telling

time, days, months, and years. The materials about Profession and Nationality

Page 27: The Consistency of English Learning Materials With the English Basic Competences Stated for Grade x of the Vocational School


to describe people are also not available in this unit. The resercher concluded

that this unit are still not consistent with the Basic Competence completely.

4. Unit 4 “Expressions and Adjectives”

There were two main materials in this unit which were about

expressions and grammar. The expressions consisted of five expressions

which consistent with Basic Competence number 1.1 Memahami ungkapan-

ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan. The

materials about grammar consisted of Adjectives of “-ed” and “-ing. They are

consistent with Basic competence number 1.4 Menghasilkan tuturan

sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar.

The materials about Adjectives of “-ed” and “-ing” were not provided

sufficiently. The authors did not explain the function or the use of the

adjectives. They also just gave two examples of Adjectives of “-ed” and two

examples of Adjectives of “-ing”. However, the materials about Modal

Auxiliaries are given sufficiently. The authors classified the modal in some

classifications, such as modal auxiliaries which are used to express capability,

possibility, prohibition etc.

The researcher concluded the materials in this unit are consistent with

the Basic Competence, however the activities given should be added. Since

there are five expressions discussed in this unit, so the activities should be

varied. The explanation about Adjectives of “-ed” and “-ing” is also should be

added to make it clearer for the students.

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5. Unit 5 “I am Studying English Now”

There were two main materials given in this unit which were about

Grammar and Present Continous. The grammar talks about There Is/Are and

Preposition about place and time. They are consistent with Bassic

Competence number 1.3 Mendeskripsikan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri,

waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun and 1.5 Menjelaskan secara sederhana kegiatan

yang sedang terjadi.Those materials relate to description of things, so they are

used to describe or explain the events which are happening. The materials

about Present Continous Tense are consistent with Basic Competence number

1.5 Menjelaskan secara sederhana kegiatan yang sedang terjadi because as

has been known that Present Continous Tense is used to explain activity that

is happening. In this part of Present Continous Tense, there are the materials

about Question Words which are consistent with the Basic Competence

number 1.7 Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta kalimat sederhana

berdasarkan rumus.

The activities given in this unit are varied both for the first and the

second part. The authors focused on the reading and writign activities. In the

part of Present Continous, the task is not only to complete the sentences but

also make a paragraph. These activities are consistent with the Basic

Competence stated.

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6. Unit 6 “Sign and Symbol”

There were 4 main materials provided in this unit. The materials about

short functional text which are Traffic signs, memo, and menu. The other

materials are about Grammar, consists of Degrees of Comparison. The

materials about short functional texts are consistent with the Basic

competence number 1.6 Memahami memo dan menu sederhana, jadwal

perjalanan kendaraan umum, dan rambu-rambu lalu lintas, while the

Dmaterials about Degrees of Comparison are consistent with the Basic

competence number 1.7 Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta kalimat

sederhana berdasarkan rumus.

The activities related to the short functional texts in this unit mostly

focused on reading and writing. There is only one listening activity and there

is no speaking activity. The researcher suggested the activities should be

varied in terms of listening and speaking about short functional text. For

instance making dialogue about ordering food by using the menu. In terms of

Degrees of Comparison, the authors also gave the little activities which about

writing comparative and superlative of some words and compeletng

sentences. It should be added to make the students more understand about the


Although some materials about short functional texts were provide

here, there is another material that is not available in this unit. There is no

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itineraries materials given here, while the Basic Competence stated one of the

short functional texts that should be mastered is about understanding

itineraries. The researcher concluded that the materials in this unit are still not

consistent completely with the Basic Competence.

7. Unit 7 “I Preper Studying English to Mathematics”

There were threee parts of the materilas in this unit. The first part was

about Expressing Preference, second is about Conditional Sentence and the

third part s about Expressing in Asking and Giving Direction. The materials

about Expressing Preference and Conditional Sentence are consistent with the

Basic Competence number 1.7 Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta

kalimat sederhana berdasarkan rumus. And, the materials about Expressing in

Asking and Giving Direction are consistent with the Basic compettence

number 1.1 Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk

kepentingan kehidupan and 1.4 Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup

untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar.

The authors explained the materials about Expression of preference

briefly. They just gave one example for one type of expression of preference.

In terms of Conditional Sentence, the authors explained the definition, the use

of the Conditional Sentence, th e pattern and one example for each type. The

activities for Expressing Preference are only given in Competency test, while

for Conditional Sentence providedd in Activity 1 (p. 52). However, the

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activities are not varied. They just identfying the type of Conditional Sentence

and Completeng Conditional Sentence Type 1. It should be added by giving

the actvity about writing sentences using Expressing Preference and the three

types of Conditional Sentence.

The materials about Expression in Asking and Giving Direction were

given in the table with 9 examples of the expression for asking direction, 7

examples of expression in giivng diretion and 2 examples of the response in

terms of AskingDirection. However, the expressions of giving direction and

response are in the same coloumn. It should be separated because the function

is differrent. The athors did not give the example of dialogue in terms of

Asking and Giving Direction. Here, the activities provided only in True False,

Naming the building, and filling the missing preposition based on the picture.

It should be there is an example and aso the task about Asking and Giving

Direction to make studetns more understand the materials. However, the

researcher concluded that the materials are consistent with the Basic

Compettence because the materials can be found in this unit.

8. Unit 8 “Writing an Invitation”

There were five parts of materials provided in this unit. The materials

were organized in genre-based. The first part was Learning. The researcher

argued it should be Listening, because the activity is Listening short

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conversation and the letter. It is consistent with the Basic Competence number

1.8 Menuliskan undangan sederhana.

The second part was Speaking that consisted of the materials about

Making Invitation and Command and Request which are consistent with the

Basic Competence number 1.1 Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan dasar pada

interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan and 1.4 Menghasilkan tuturan

sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar. The activities were given in

form of completing dialogue and creating dialogue absed on the situation

given. It should be Listening activity to make the students more understand

the materials. The third part was Reading which is consistent with the Basic

Competence number 1.5 Menjelaskan secara sederhana kegiatan yang

sedang terjadi. However, the researcher argued that the text given is close to

descriptive text and it should not in this unit because the topic was about

Writing an Invitation.

The fourth part was Grammar which talks about Command and

Request, Future Tense, Modals, Prefixes and Suffixes, and Indirect Speech.

The materials about Command and Request are consistent with the Basic

competence number 1.1 Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan dasar pada interaksi

sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan and 1.4 Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana

yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar. The materials about Command focused

on The Imperatives Words. The activities are not varied, but there are some

activities relate to body movement activity (Activity 5 first and second task on

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page 61). However, the activites in terms of Request are varied. It can be seen

in Activity 6 on page 62.

The materials about Future Tense were consistent with the Basic

Competence number 1.7 Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta kalimat

sederhana berdasarkan rumus. The authors explained clearly about the two

kinds of future Tense which use “will” and “be going to”. The activities given

were also varied in terms of changing verbs, changing forms of sentences and

making questions and asnwer based on the jumbled sentence. The materials

about Modals, and Prefixes and Suffixes are also consistent with the Basic

competence number 1.4. There is no explanation about Modals but the authors

gave an acticvity which is suggesting possibilities by using “could” and

“might” based on the picture. While, for Prefixes and Suffixes the authors

gave some examples of words that formed by adding preffix and suffix and

the activity which was completeing the sentences by using the word provided.

The materials about Indirect Speech are consistent with the Basic

Competence number 1.7 Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta kalimat

sederhana berdasarkan rumus. This unit discussed some kinds of Indirect

speech such as Tense changes, Changes with modals, Questions and

commands. The activities were given for each kind of Indirect speech,

however there is no explanation about Tense changes and Changes with

modals. Mostly the activities were changing sentences from direct to indirect

speech. The researcher suggested that should be more explanation about all of

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kinds of Indirect Speech to help students reach the competency about

understanding foreign words and simple sentences based on the pattern.

The last part of this unit was Writing with the materials aboutWriting

formal and informal invitation. The materials are consistent with the Basic

Competence number 1.8 Menuliskan undangan sederhana. The authors did

not give the explanation about the parts of invitation and the differences

between formal and informal invitation. The activity of this unit focused on

reading and Writing Invitation. However, in the reading invitation, the activity

is only reading, there is no question related to the invitation given, It should

be given some questions in order to measure the students understanding about

the invitation. The researcher conclude the materials in this unit were

consistent with the Basic Competence. However, there should be some

addition in terms of the explanation and the activities for the materials.

Based on the finding, the researcher concluded that materials in 5 units of the

module of “Successful Communication” are consistent with the Basic Competence,

while the 3 units have not been consistent with the Basic Comptences. This happened

because the materials are not available in the module.

In this module, the writer found some text related to vocational school, but

there are no materials about specific vocabularies which were given in certain part.

This module mostly provides materials about Expression, Grammar and Text. In

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order to make the module have more consistent materials, itthe writer suggested to

add some technical vocabularies and terminologies in terms of Accounting program.

4.3.2 The Materials which were Covered in Every Topic

The materials organization will be discussed in this chapter. Before analyzing

the organization, the researcher clasified the headings of each Unit from the module.

The table of the content of “Successful Communication” module can be seen in

Appendix 2, while the table of the analysis of the materials which were covered in

every topic can be seen in Appendix 5.

1. Unit 1 “Greeting and Leave Taking”

The materials which were covered in this unit used Function-expression

and structure/grammar principle of material organization. For example, in Unit 1

page 1 the authors began the materials by the expression of Greeting and Leave

Taking which means the materials were organized based on the function-

expression. On page 3 the authors organized the material about Subject pronoun.

It can be reffered as structure/grammar, while on page 4 to 11 the materials were

organized based on function-expression. They were about Expression of

Introducing Oneself and Otehrs, Thanking and Regret and Appologies. On page

12 the materials about Simle Present Tense, which meant organized based on the


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The authors mostly provided materials about function-expression in order

to make it consistent with the Basic Competence number 1.1 Memahami

ungkapan-ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan.

In terms of the structure/grammar they gave the materials which were consistent

with the Basic competence number 1.4 Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang

cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar.

2. Unit 2 “Cardinal and Ordinal Number”

In this unit te materials given were organized in Notion. They were

about Cardinal and Ordinal Number. The authors gave the materials to make it

consistent with the Basic Competence number 1.2 Menyebutkan benda-benda,

orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun as they stated in the first part of

the unit.

The materials scopes in this unit mostly were about the cardinal and

ordinal number. However, the authors gave short explanantion about using

“quarter” in telling time and examples of sentences about the use of ordinal

number in writing the date.

3. Unit 3 “Introduction”

The materials in this unit were organized in notion and

structure/grammar. The materials relate to notion were about the Adjectives

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and Preposition of location while the materials relate to structure/grammar

were about The use of expletive there to describe things.

The authors combined the three materials in this unit to make it

consistent with the Basic Competence number 1.2 as they atated in the first

part of this unit. However, the researcher argued that these materials given

more consistent with the Basic Competence number 1.3 Mendeskripsikan

benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun because the

authors stated “The use of the Preposition to describe things”.

4. Unit 4 “Expressions and Adjectives”

In this unit, the materials weere organized in the combination of the

three principles of materials organization. They were in function-expression,

notions and structure/grammar. The materials which relate to function-

expression were about the Expressions of regret and Apology, Sympathy,

request and Commands, Offering things and Sevices and Asking and Giving

Permission. The materials which relate to notion were about Adjectives of “-

ed” and “-ing”. And the materials which relate to structure/grammar were

about Modal Auxiliaries.

The researcher found that the materials were combine in such

principles of organization in order to make it consistent with the Basic

Competence number 1.2 and 1.4, where the studdents are required to

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understand about the basic expresion of social interaction and producing

enough simple utterances for basic functions.

5. Unit 5 “I am Studying English Now”

In this unit, the covered materials were organized in

structure/grammar. The materials were about There Is/Are, Preposition,

Present Continous Tense and Question Words. The authors stated the learning

objectives of this unit/topic were to explain about activity that is happening by

using the materials such as there is/are in appropriate ways, understanding the

Present Continous Tense and to talk about events. In this case, the materials

about there is/are and Present Continous Tense will guide the students to be

able to explain about activities which are happening.

Based on the finding, the researcher argued that the materials in this

unit/topic were given in order to make it consistent with the Basic competence

number 1.5 Menjelaskan secara sederhana kegiatan yang sedang terjadi.

6. Unit 6 “Sign and Symbol”

The materials in this unit were organized in two principles of materials

organization. The first principle is genre-based with the materials about short

functional text such as Traffic Sign, Memo and Menu. And the othe principle

is structure/grammar whis was about Degrees of comparison.

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Based on the finding the researcher concluded that this topic was given

in order to mae it consistent with the Basic Competence number 1.6

Memahami memo dan menu sederhana, jadwal perjalanan kendaraan umum,

dan rambu-rambu lalu lintas because this unit provided some materials

related to the Basic Competence. Howeever, there was no material about

itineraries in this unit. The materials about Degrees of comparison were given

to make this unit consistent with the Basic Competence number 1.7

Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta kalimat sederhana berdasarkan


7. Unit 7 “I Prefer Studying English to Mathematics”

The covered materials in this unit were organized in two principles of

materials organiation. The first principle was structure/grammar with the

materials about Expressing Preference and Conditional Sentence. The second

principle is function-expression with the materials about Expressing in Asking

and Giving Direcction.

The researcher concluded the authors gave the materials about

Expressing Preference and conditional Sentence to make it consistent with the

Basic Competence number 1.7 Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta

kalimat sederhana berdasarkan rumus. And the materials about Expressing in

Asking and Giving Direcction were given to make it consistent with the Basic

Competence number 1.1 and 1.4.

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8. Unit 8 “Writing an Invitation”

The covered materials in this topic were organized in genre-based,

function-expression, and structure/grammar. The materials related genre-

based can be found in the first partabout a letter in Listening activity, Reading

in the third part, and Writing in the last part of this unit. The materials related

to the function-expression weere about Making an Invitation and Command

and Request. The materials related to structure/grammar were about

command and Request (The Imperative Words), Modals, Future Tense,

Prefixes and Suffixes to Form Verbs,and Indirect Speech.

Based on the finding the reseacher concluded that in this unit the

authors combined more principles to cover the materials that can be consistent

with more than one Basic Competences. Although the topic was about

Writing an Invitation, the authors gave more materials that might not relate to

the topic. Here the materials related to function-expression are consistent with

the Basic Competence number 1.1 and 1.4. The materials about Reading on

page 59 are consistent with the Basic Competence number 1.5. And, the

materials about structure/grammar in this unit are consistent with the Baisc

compettence number 1.7. The last materials about Writing Invitation are

consistent with the Basci competence number 1.8 Menulis Undangan


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Based on the findings in terms of the materials which were covered in every

topic (unit), the researcher concluded that the materials in the modul entitled

“Successful communication” were given in each unit in order to make it consistent

with the Basic Competences. The materials were organized based on the number of

Basic Compettence. For example, the topic of Unit 1 is about “Greeting and Leave

Taking”. It was given in the first unit of this module, because the first Basic

Competence is about understanding the basic expression for social interraction.

The other example can be found in Unit 5. The topic is “I am Studying

English Now”. The materials given about Present Continous Tense because the fifth

Basic Competence is about Explaining simply the activities which are happening.

Although the authors have been organized the materials in every topic based

on the sequence of the Basic Competence, the writer could not found some materials

in three units as the researcher stated before in the first finding about the topic which

covered the Basic Competences.

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This chapter contains the conclusion of the whole research, implication and

recomendation that based on the writer’s findings and discussion about The

consistency of English learning materials with the Basic Competence stated for Grade

X of the Vocational School.

5.1 Conclusion

After the data had been analyzed, the result is the materials in the module of

“Successful Communication” were organized in more than one model. The authors

combined Structure/Grammar, Function, Notion and Genre principles of material

organization. The other finding related to the consistency of materials with Basic

Competence stated showed that there were materials from three Units/Topics in the

module “Successful communication have not met the requirement of an consistent

materials yet. It is because some of the materials cannot be found in the module.

Some of the unit need to add explanation and activities in order to make the students

more understand about the materials. The other findings were the covered materials

were organized based on the sequence of Basic Competence.

This study analyzed the consistency of the English learning materials to the

planned objectives of basic competences. The focus of this study was only to identify

whether the materials are consistent or not with the Basic Competence. This study

also only used 1 instrument which was Table of Materials Analysis. Those are the

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weaknesses of this study. So, it is better if the next researcher of the same topic

consider including the other criteria of materials evaluation and more instruments.

5.2 Implication

The implication of this research is expected to the vocational teachers who

want to develop their own materials. The materials which organized by using more

than one principles the students will learn language not only about the structure but

also function, skills and other competencies. In order to make students achieve the

objectives, the materials should be given consistently with the Basic competences


The materials that have not been consistent to the planned objectives of Basic

Competence might not help the students to achieve their objectives. Therefore, the

materials should be given consistently. The brief explanation of the materials and

tasks which are not given varied might not help students to understad clearly about

the materilas taught because they just learn a little about the materials. Therefore, the

materials should explained clearly and the tasks and activities should be varied.

5.3 Recommendation

Based on the findings, the writer makes some considerable suggestions. The

first suggestion is addressed to the materials developers of the module “Successful

Communication”. There are some mistypings in this module such as in Unit 1(page

3, 9, 10 and 12), Unit 3 (page 21) and Unit 8 (page 57, 65, and 70). It also happened

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in some texts. Besides the mistyping, in this module there are some texts given

without title, such as in Unit 1 (page 3, 5, and 11), Unit 5 (page 39 and 40), Unit 7

(page 51) and Unit 8 (page 59). Also, the materials developers should add some

materials related to technical vocabularies and terminologies.

Second, it is recommended for teachers who want to use the result of the

findings to be a reference before deveoping the materials. The material developers

need to revise the materials. Also, the teaching and learning activities in the

classroom must also be improved. The last suggestion is addressed to those

researchers who are interested in conducting a research about materials evaluation. It

is recommended for them to use interview and questionnaire to the students and

teachers as their instrument and conduct need analysis to the target learner in order to

make the better research.

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