Download - The Complexity of Information-Theoretic Secure Computation Yuval Ishai Technion 2014 European School of Information Theory.

Page 1: The Complexity of Information-Theoretic Secure Computation Yuval Ishai Technion 2014 European School of Information Theory.

The Complexity ofInformation-TheoreticSecure Computation

Yuval Ishai


2014 European School of Information Theory

Page 2: The Complexity of Information-Theoretic Secure Computation Yuval Ishai Technion 2014 European School of Information Theory.

Information-Theoretic Cryptography

• Any question in cryptography that makes sense even if everyone is computationally unbounded

• Typically: unconditional security proofs

• Focus of this talk: Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC)

Page 3: The Complexity of Information-Theoretic Secure Computation Yuval Ishai Technion 2014 European School of Information Theory.

Talk Outline

• Gentle introduction to MPC• Communication complexity of MPC

– PIR, LDC, and related problems• Open problems

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How much do we earn?

Goal: compute xi without revealing anything else








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A better way?







0≤r<MAssumption: xi<M (say, M=1010)(+ and – operations carried modulo M)



m3=m2+x3 m4=m3+x4




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A security concern









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Resisting collusions








r12 r16




xi + inboxi - outboxi

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• P1,…,Pk want to securely compute f(x1,…,xk)– Up to t parties can collude– Should learn (essentially) nothing but the output

• Questions– When is this at all possible?– How efficiently?

More generally

• Information-theoretic (unconditional) security possible when t<k/2 [BGW88,CCD88,RB89]

• Computational security possible for any t (under standard cryptographic assumptions) [Yao86,GMW87,CLOS02]

Or: information-theoretic security using correlated randomness [Kil88,BG89]

Secure MPC protocol for fSimilar feasibility results for security against malicious parties

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• P1,…,Pk want to securely compute f(x1,…,xk)– Up to t parties can collude– Should learn (essentially) nothing but the output

• Questions– When is this at all possible?– How efficiently?

More generally

• Several efficiency measures: communication, randomness, rounds, computation

• Typical assumptions for rest of talk:* t=1, k = small constant* information-theoretic security* “semi-honest” parties, secure channels

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Communication Complexity

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Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Gentry ‘09

• Settles main communication complexity questions in complexity-based cryptography– Even under “nice” assumptions! [BV11]

• Main open questions– Further improve assumptions – Improve practical computational overhead

• FHE >> PKE >> SKE >> one-time pad

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One-Time Pads for MPC

• Offline:– Set G[u,v] = f[u-dx, v-dy] for random dx, dy– Pick random GA,GB such that G = GA+GB

– Alice gets GA,dx Bob gets GB,dy

• Protocol on inputs (x,y):– Alice sends u=x+dx, Bob sends v=y+dy– Alice sends zA= RA[u,v], Bob sends zB= RB[u,v]

– Both output z=zA+zB

0 1 1 0 12 1 0 1 02 0 1 2 00 1 1 0 1













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3-Party MPC for g(x,y,z)

Carol (z)










• Define f((x,zA),(y,zB)) = g(x,y,zA+zB)

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One-Time Pads for MPC

• The good:– Perfect security– Great online communication

• The bad:– Exponential offline communication

• Can we do better?– Yes if f has small circuit complexity– Idea: process circuit gate-by-gate

• k=3, t=1: can use one-time pad approach • k>2t: use “multiplicative” (aka MPC-friendly) codes • Communication circuit size, rounds circuit depth

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MPC vs. Communication Complexity

a b


Communication Complexity MPC

Goal Each party learns f(a,b,c)

Each party learns only f(a,b,c)

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a b


Communication Complexity MPC

Goal Each party learns f(a,b,c)

Each party learns only f(a,b,c)

Upper bound O(n))n = input length(


MPC vs. Communication Complexity

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a b


Communication Complexity MPC

Goal Each party learns f(a,b,c)

Each party learns only f(a,b,c)

Upper bound O(n))n = input length(


Lower bound (n) )for most f(

(n) )for most f(

Big open question: poly(n) communication for all f ?

“fully homomorphic encryption ofinformation-theoretic cryptography”

MPC vs. Communication Complexity

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Question Reformulated

Is the communication complexity of MPC strongly correlated with the computational complexity of the function being computed?


All functions

=communication-efficient MPC

=no communication-efficient MPC

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1990 1995


• The three problems are closely related


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database x {0,1}∈ n




Main question:minimize communication

)logn vs. n(

Private Information Retrieval [Chor-Goldreich-Kushilevitz-Sudan95]

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A Simple I.T. PIR Protocol







q2 q1

a2=X·q2 a1=X·q1


q1 + q2 = ei

2-server PIR with O(n1/2) communication


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0 1 1 0 1 1 1

0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

Tool: (linear) homomorphic encryption


a b a+b =





• Client sends E(ei)E(0) E(0) E(1) E(0) (=c1 c2 c3 c4)

• Server replies with E(X·ei)c2c3

c1 c2c3



• Client recovers ith column of X 1-server CPIR with ~ O(n1/2) communication

A Simple Computational PIR Protocol[Kushilevitz-Ostrovsky97]

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Why Information-Theoretic PIR?Cons:• Requires multiple servers• Privacy against limited collusions• Worse asymptotic complexity (with const. k):

2(logn)^ [Yekhanin07,Efremenko09] vs. polylog(n) [Cachin-Micali-Stadler99, Lipmaa05, Gilboa-I14]

Pros:• Interesting theoretical question• Unconditional privacy• Better “real-life” efficiency• Allows for very short (logarithmic) queries or very short

(constant-size) answers • Closely related to locally decodable codes & friends

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Locally Decodable Codes

Requirements:• High robustness• Local decoding

x y


Question: how large should m(n) be in a k-query LDC?

n}1,0{ m

k=2: 2(n) k=3: 22^O~(sqrt(logn)) (n2)

If < 1% of y is corrupted, xi is recovered w/prob > 0.51

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From I.T. PIR to LDC [Katz-Trevisan00]

• Uniform PIR queries “smooth” LDC decoder robustness

• Arrows can be reversed

k-server PIR with -bit queries and -

bit answers

k-query LDC of length 2

over ={0,1}


Simplifying assumptions:• Servers compute same function of (x,q)• Each query is uniform over its support set

Binary LDC PIR with one answer bit per server

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Applications of Local Decoding

• Coding

– LDC, Locally Recoverable Codes (robustness)– Batch Codes (load balancing)

• Cryptography – Instance Hiding, PIR (secrecy)– Efficient MPC for “worst” functions

• Complexity theory– Locally random reductions, PCPs– Worst-case to average-case reductions,

hardness amplification

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Complexity of PIR: Total Communication

• Mainly interesting for k=2• Upper bound (k=2): O(n1/3) [CGKS95]

– Tight in a restricted model [RY07]

• Lower bound (k=2): 5logn [Man98,…,WW05]• No natural coding analogue

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Complexity of PIR: Short Answers

• Short answers = O(1) bit from each server

– Closely related to k-query binary LDCs

• k=2– Simple O(n) upper bound [CGKS05]

• PIR analogue of Hadamard code

– Ω(n) lower bound [GKST02, KdW04]

• k > logn / loglogn– Simple polylog(n) upper bound [BF90,CGKS05]

• PIR analogue of RM code

– Binary LDCs of length poly(n) and k=polylog(n) queries

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Complexity of PIR: Short Answers

• k=3

– Lower bound• [KdW04,…,Woo07] 2logn

– Upper bounds• [CGKS95] O(n1/2)• [Yekhanin07] nO(1/loglogn) • [Efremenko09] nO~(1/sqrt(logn))

Assuming infinitely many Mersenne primes

More practical variant[BIKO12]

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Complexity of PIR: Short Answers

• k=4,5,6,…

– Lower bound• [KdW04,…,Woo07] c(k).logn

– Upper bounds• [CGKS95] O(n1/k-1)• [Yekhanin07] nO(1/loglogn) • [Efremenko09] nO~(1/(logn)^c’(k))

Assuming infinitely many Mersenne primes

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Complexity of PIR: Short Queries

• Short queries = O(logn) bit to each server

– Closely related to poly(n)-length LDCs over large Σ– Application: PIR with preprocessing [BIM00]

• k=2,3,4,…– Answer length = O(n1/k+ε) [BI01]– Lower bounds: ???

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Complexity of PIR: Low Storage

• Different servers may store different functions of x

– Goal: minimize communication subject to storage rate=1-ε– Corresponds to binary LDCs with rate 1-ε

• Rate = 1-ε, k=O(nε), 1-bit answers– Multiplicity codes [DGY11]– Lifting of affine-invariant codes [GKS13]– Expander codes [HOW13]

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Best 2-Server PIR[CGKS95,BI01]

• Reduce to private polynomial evaluation over F2

– Servers: x p = degree-3 polynomial in m≈n1/3 vars.– Client: i z F∈ 2


– Local mappings must satisfy px(zi)=xi for all x,i

– Simple implementation: z(i) = i-th weight-3 binary vector

• Privately evaluate p(z) – Client:

• splits z into z=a+b, where a,b are random• sends a to S1 and b to S2

– Servers: • write p(z)=p(a+b) as pa(b)+pb(a) where deg(pa),deg(pb) ≤ 1,

pa known to S1, and pb known to S2

• Send descriptions of pa,pb to Client, who outputs pa(b)+pb(a)

• d=O(logn) O(logn)-bit queries, O(n1/2+ε)-bit answers

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Tool: Secret Sharing• Randomized mapping of secret s to shares (s1,s2,…,sk)

– Linear secret sharing: shares = L(s,r1,…,rm)

• Access structure: subset A of 2[k] specifying authorized sets– Sets of shares not in A should reveal nothing about s– Optimal share complexity for given A is wide open– Here: k=3, each share hides s, all shares determine s

• Useful examples for linear schemes– Additive sharing: s=s1+s2+s3

– Shamir’s secret sharing: si=p(i) where p(x)=s+rx

– CNF secret sharing: s=r1+r2+r3, s1=(r2,r3), s2=(r1,r3), s3=(r2,r3)

– CNF is “maximal”, Additive is “minimal”

• For any linear scheme: [v], x [<v,x>] (without interaction)– PIR with short answers reduces to client sharing [ei] while hiding i

– Enough to share a multiple of [ei]

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Tool: Matching Vectors[Yek07,Efr09, DGY10]

• Vectors u1,…,un in Zmh are S-matching if:

– <ui,ui> = 0

– <ui,uj> S (0 S)∈ ∉

• Surprising fact: super-polynomial n(h) when m is a composite– For instance, n=hO(logh) for m=6, S={1,3,4}– Based on large set systems with restricted intersections modulo m [BF80, Gro00]

• Matching vectors can be used to compress “negated” shared unit vector– [v] = [<ui,u1>, <ui,u2>, …,<ui,un>]

– v is 0 only in i-th entry

• Apply local share conversion to obtain shares of [v’], where v’ is nonzero only in i-th entry– Efremenko09: share conversion from Shamir’ to additive, requires large m– Beimel-I-Kushilevitz-Orlov12: share conversions from CNF to additive, m=6,15,…

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Matching Vectors & Circuits

x1 x2 x3 xh


mod6 mod6 mod6 mod6 mod6 mod6

2h^logh < << 22^h

Actual dimension wide open; related to size of:• Set systems with restricted intersections [BF80, Gro00]• Matching vector sets [Yek07,Efr09, DGY10]• Degree of representing “OR” modulo m [BBR92]

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Share ConversionGiven: CNF shares of s mod 6

s=0 s’0s0 s’=0


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• Goal: find N subsets Ti of [h] such that:– |Ti|1 (mod 6)

– |TiTj| {0,3,4} (mod 6)

• h = query length; N = database size • [Frankl83]: h=, N=

– h 7N1/4

• Better asymptotic constructions exist

Big Set System with Limited mod-6 Intersections

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h= N=|Ti|==551 (mod 6)

|TiTj|=, 3t 10 {0,3,4} (mod 6)

Big Set System with Limited mod-6 Intersections

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PIR MPC• Arbitrary polylogarithmic 3-server PIR

MPC with poly(|input|) communication [IK04]• Applications of computationally efficient PIR [BIKK14]

– 2-server PIR OT-complexity of secure 2-party computation– 3-server PIR Correlated randomness complexity

• Applications of “decomposable” PIR [BIKK14]– Private simultaneous messages protocols– Secret-sharing for graph access structures

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Open Problems: PIR and LDC

• Understand limitations of current techniques– Better bounds on matching vectors?– More powerful share conversions?

• t-private PIR with no(1) communication

– Known with 3t servers [Barkol-I-Weinreb08]– Related to locally correctable codes

• Any savings for (classes) of polynomial-time f:{0,1}n{0,1} ?

• Barriers for strong lower bounds?– [Dvir10]: strong lower bounds for locally correctable codes

imply explicit rigid matrices and size-depth lower bounds.

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Open Problems: MPC

• High end: understand complexity of “worst” f– O(2n^) vs. (n)– Closely related to PIR and LDC

• Mid range: nontrivial savings for “moderately hard” f?• Low end: bounds on amortized rate of finite f

– In honest-majority setting– Given noisy channels