Download - The Cold War Heats Up 1)Define Containment. 2)Examine the Korean War as a Cold War Proxy conflict. 3)Reflect on McCarthyism and its detrimental affects.

Page 1: The Cold War Heats Up 1)Define Containment. 2)Examine the Korean War as a Cold War Proxy conflict. 3)Reflect on McCarthyism and its detrimental affects.

The Cold War Heats Up

1)Define Containment.

2)Examine the Korean War as a Cold War Proxy conflict.

3)Reflect on McCarthyism and its detrimental affects on American society.

Page 2: The Cold War Heats Up 1)Define Containment. 2)Examine the Korean War as a Cold War Proxy conflict. 3)Reflect on McCarthyism and its detrimental affects.

Truman and Containment

- (1947) Communist rebels trying to take over Greece.

- Truman opposes this!

- Containment:

- Countries already Communist left alone.

- US would oppose Communism from spreading.

Page 3: The Cold War Heats Up 1)Define Containment. 2)Examine the Korean War as a Cold War Proxy conflict. 3)Reflect on McCarthyism and its detrimental affects.

Expansion of Communism

- Chinese Civil War.

- Nationalists vs. Communists.

- Communists win under Mao Zedong, Nationalists retreat to Taiwan.

Page 4: The Cold War Heats Up 1)Define Containment. 2)Examine the Korean War as a Cold War Proxy conflict. 3)Reflect on McCarthyism and its detrimental affects.

The Korean War

- After WWII, Korea was freed from Japan.

- Divided into 2 occupation zones.

- North Korea became Communist.

- South Korea became Capitalist.

Page 5: The Cold War Heats Up 1)Define Containment. 2)Examine the Korean War as a Cold War Proxy conflict. 3)Reflect on McCarthyism and its detrimental affects.

The Korean War

- (June 25th, 1950) N.K. Under Kim il Sung attacked S.K.

- U.N. Security Council support war against N.K. Aggression

- U.S.S.R. Boycotted vote, could not veto.

Page 6: The Cold War Heats Up 1)Define Containment. 2)Examine the Korean War as a Cold War Proxy conflict. 3)Reflect on McCarthyism and its detrimental affects.

The Korean War

- U.N. Forces counterattack.

- (Sept. 1950) Inch'on Landings.

- U.N./U.S. Army almost to Yalu River.

-(Nov. 1950) Communist China attacks!

Page 7: The Cold War Heats Up 1)Define Containment. 2)Examine the Korean War as a Cold War Proxy conflict. 3)Reflect on McCarthyism and its detrimental affects.

The Korean War

- McArthur wanted to expand the war, attack China.

- advocated using nuclear bombs.

- Truman wanted to keep Korean War limited, not attack China.

- Removed McArthur from command.

Page 8: The Cold War Heats Up 1)Define Containment. 2)Examine the Korean War as a Cold War Proxy conflict. 3)Reflect on McCarthyism and its detrimental affects.

The Korean War

- 1952, China/N.K. vs. U.N./U.S. Has stalemated.

- New POTUS Eisenhower signs an armistice, ends fighting.

- War Casualties

- 58,000 U.S. deaths.

- 2.5 million Korean war deaths.

- 152,000 Chinese deaths.

Page 9: The Cold War Heats Up 1)Define Containment. 2)Examine the Korean War as a Cold War Proxy conflict. 3)Reflect on McCarthyism and its detrimental affects.

Cold War Hysteria and McCarthyism

- Fear of Communism abroad led to fear of Communism at home.

- (1947) Loyalty Review Board.

- House of Un-American Activities (HUAC)

- Investigated groups for Communist ties.

- Is this Democratic?

Page 10: The Cold War Heats Up 1)Define Containment. 2)Examine the Korean War as a Cold War Proxy conflict. 3)Reflect on McCarthyism and its detrimental affects.


- Senator Joseph McCarthy.

- (1950) Claimed there were Communists in govt.

- Americans believed him!

- (1954) Claimed U.S. Army had Communists in their ranks.

- No solid evidence.

- Discredited.

Page 11: The Cold War Heats Up 1)Define Containment. 2)Examine the Korean War as a Cold War Proxy conflict. 3)Reflect on McCarthyism and its detrimental affects.

Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs

- (1949) Soviet Union exploded an A-bomb.

- Now two atomic powers in world.

- (1950) U.S. Starts working on hydrogen bombs.

- Cold War becomes a Nuclear Arms Race.