Download - The Client is not always right! How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

Page 1: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

The Client is not

always right!

Michael Schwartz, CEO Gluu

Page 2: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.


Page 3: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

Level setting

Page 4: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

User Agent,

UA, BrowserClient,

Relying Party,



sub, User,

End User,



OpenID Provider,

Identity Provider,

Authorization Server,


Page 5: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

Source: Nat Sakimura, CIS 2016

Supporting low to high assurance with OpenID

Page 6: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

back channel token front channel token

public clientConfidential client

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Basic Client Hygiene

Page 8: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

No access tokens as query parameters

BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD!!!!(I know none of you would do this…)

Don’t forget about Form Post Response Mode: the fragment

shows up in the browser history

Page 9: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

Not all client creds are created equal

Method Secret Not

Sent in the


Signed Only

client has




client_secret_jwt X X

private_key_jwt X X X

Page 10: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

Cross Site Request


1. Use non-static state

values to make sure the

response received at your

callback corresponds to a

request you actually

made. Verify either state

or s_hash in response.

CSRF: The Most Common OAuth 2 Vulnerability

Page 11: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

2. iss - verify that the

token was issued by the

correct OpenID Provider

3. aud - verify this is

your client_id

4. nonce - verify it

matches the nonce value

you sent in your request.

5. exp - verify that the

assertion is not expired!

Minimal id_token claim validation


"iss": "",

"aud": "9bac-4ada-9c64",

"nonce": "1d58c9a9-cb05-4e7f",

"at_hash": "77QmUPjzWtFAnKRQ",

"exp": 1494702905,

"sub": "3046f517963f"


Page 12: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

6. Verify the signature!

TLS is not perfect...

Symmetric - use your

client secret to verify

Asymmetric - use the

public key of the OP to



Page 13: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

9. iat- Maybe you want

an id_token that was

issued with a certain

time frame?

10. auth_time - check

if too much time has

elapsed since the user

authenticated. If

necessary send the user

back for re-

authentication with the


authorization endpoint


Optional id_token claim validation

{ "at_hash": "ae09d...897d91b",

"s_hash": "febb18...29802",

"iat": "1494702905",

"auth_time": "1494323431"


7. at_hash - verify that

you are using the correct

access token. Required

for implicit.

8. s_hash - in lieu of the

state param, verifies the

state without leaking it.

Page 14: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

OpenID Connect Implementer’s Guides

Basic Client:

Implicit Client

Page 15: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

Advanced Client Hygiene

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Hybrid Flow

“response_type”: “code id_token”

Returns id_token from authorization endpoint in addition to code

Adds c_hash, enables verification you got the right code.

Send code only to the token endpoint of the issuer to prevent IDP mix-up attack.

You can also request a token, but why?

Don’t ask for an access token unless you can answer that.

(And please come see me after and tell me your use case…)

Page 17: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

Request Object or Request URI

Prevents attacker from tampering with your request parameters.

Examples of this attack are the Malicious Endpoint Attack and the IDP

Confusion Attack

Some OP’s may provide a Request URI endpoint, where the request can be

registered (enables state and nonce to be dynamic)

Page 18: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

Distinct redirect_uri per OP

Check to make sure the response was received at the endpoint intended for this


Cross reference with the state and nonce

Page 19: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.

Do you need to protect the id_token from the browser (hybrid flow)?

Will a JWT be passed to parties that you don’t want to see it?





Do you want to protect the request from the browser?




Page 20: The Client is not always right!  How to secure OAuth authentication from your app.


Use for all public clients to prevent Authorization Code

Interception Attack

Require this if third parties use your OP from mobile apps

Use SHA 256 as the code challenge method

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Mutual TLS

Protection for the token endpoint

TLS 1.2 or later as defined in RFC 5246 following best

practices from RFC 7525.

IETF Draft: “Mutual TLS Profiles for OAuth Clients”

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Token Binding to TLS


Channel 1


Channel 2

OAuth 2.0 Token Binding: add SH256 hash of TLS Channel ID to id_token

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Specifying ACR (authn context class reference)

acr_values param can be sent in the OpenID Connect authentication


default_acr_values can be registered for a client

Verify id_token for acceptable acr claim


attacks--authentication stops if the browser and server are not directly


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Crypto guidelines

RSA keys with a minimum 2048 bits if using RSA cryptography;

Elliptic Curve keys with a minimum of 160 bits if using Elliptic Curve


Client secret should have a minimum of 128 bits if using symmetric key


Sign with PS256 (RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256) or

ES256 (ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256)

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Trust: how do I know the public key is authentic?

OpenID Connect Federation Draft Spec:

Client can download the signing_keys ahead of time, or obtain

them from a trusted source like a multi-party federation

(check out Kantara OTTO…)

Signature enables client to detect if jwks_uri is not authentic

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Software statements

Restrict client registration...

“JWT that asserts metadata values about the client software as a bundle”

Use OpenID Connect RP Metadata Statement as software statement

during registration?

Extra claims: scopes and claims

Signed by federation

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OIDC Client Hall of Fame



OXD (Middleware)

App Auth (iOS / Android)

Bias Warning… This is Gluu’s client software.

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