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The Citizen Portal A Window into the Smart City of the Future


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Page 2: The Citizen Portal - · The Citizen Portal A Window into the Smart City of the Future ... Sciens Consulting –Overview ... Focus is stable people, process

Your Presenters


Ernest Pages, PartnerSciens Consulting

▪ 30+ years of national public sector systems experience

▪ 30+ systems acquisition, implementation projects

▪ MBA, MS in Industrial Engineering, BS in Mechanical Engineering

▪ Certifications: MCSE, IT Auditor (CISA), CGEIT, ITIL, FEMA NIMS Communications and Information Management

Stephen Gousie, PartnerSciens Consulting

▪ Project manager and business analyst for 30+ years

▪ 25+ years of ERP systems acquisition, implementation projects

▪ MS in Management, BA in Economics

▪ Assistant Controller for a non-profit

▪ Led organization to ISO 9001 Quality Management Certification

▪ Certifications: Project Management Professional (PMP), Certified Process Design Engineer, ITIL

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Sciens Consulting – Overview

▪ Management Consultants

- Established in 1989

- Headquartered in McKinney, Texas

▪ Specializing in Municipalities and Counties

- Helping to Transform Government through streamlined technology.

▪ Best Practices and Experienced Based

- Process, Technology and People

Industry Affiliations


Alliance for Innovation

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▪ What Citizens Want…a Citizen Portal

▪ Challenges to Citizen Portals

▪ Overcoming the Challenges

▪ Incorporating Smart City Capabilities

▪ What is a Smart City? Do I Really Need One? Examples of Smart Cities

▪ Risks & Costs to Smart Cities

▪ Questions & Answers

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Citizens want Cities to…

▪ Offer many different types of services & provide information on-demand – regardless of fees

▪ Provide a VIRTUAL presence to take care of business

▪ Maintain a PHYSICAL place to take care of business

▪ Enable them to pay once for all municipal services –without dealing with different departments

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Challenges to Citizen Portals▪ Most City websites focus on the City, departments –

not the needs of Citizens

▪ City departments often act as separate businesses

▪ Non-integrated, silo systems do not share data

▪ Business processes are different from department to department

▪ Payment processing is different for each activity

▪ Data sharing difficult because some systems in the Cloud, some


▪ GIS is considered a mapping tool, not an integrating system

▪ Data/information is flat – limited detail or research capability

▪ Branding on website is the only commonality

Examples of Dis-Integrated Systems

Where do I go to…

▪ See my daily water usage

▪ Sign up for a yoga class at the recreation center

▪ Renew my dog’s license

▪ Get a permit for a new deck

▪ Request an inspection on the deck

▪ See how much I owe the City…all from different departments…then pay?

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Effective Citizen Portals Build Upon Solid Foundations

▪ Foundation of all municipal technology ▪ Focus is stable people, process and technologies ▪ Solid infrastructure, hardened and redundant

▪ Build upon the stable technology foundation▪ Focus on productivity improving integrated applications ▪ Begin to provide citizen access to internal applications

workflow (e.g., utility bill payment)

▪ Build upon solid integrated application systems▪ Focus on deploying citizen centric portal▪ Extend internal applications online, mobility, self-

service and data analytics (e.g., smart meter data)




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A Citizen Portal of Today

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How do we take

a Citizen Portal

into the Future?

▪ The Engage Level of Digital Government

▪ Integrated Citizen Portal

▪ But what’s next?

▪ Most Cities already have some form of Smart Devices (Internet of Things (IoT))

▪ Example: Smart meters

▪ Most redirect citizens to a 3rd party site for data (e.g., water usage)

▪ What if the City captured the data? How could you use it to improve City operations and the services you provide citizens?

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What is a Smart City?Definition

▪ An urban area collecting data electronically to be used to manage assets and resources more efficiently and effectively


▪ Better manage a variable infrastructure

▪ Better utilize resources (power, water)

▪ Improve public health & public safety

▪ Improve services to residents

If I don’t have a Smart City, what do I have?

▪ Capture data real-time & ongoing

▪ Analyze data to identify need for changes

▪ Notify a person to make a change

▪ Make changes automatically

▪ Analyze data for predictive purposes

How Does It Work?

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Smart City Technical Framework

A Smart City Applications Framework from the National Institute for Standards & Technology

▪ Early in Smart City adoption

▪ Initial Smart City concept defined by vendors selling networking equipment

▪ Technical scope of IoT complex

▪ Smart City concept not driven by the needs of Cities

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Smart City DomainsEnergyPublic Safety


Solid Waste


Buildings& Land



Current major Smart City areas continue to evolve

Smart City Branding

• Creative City• Digital, Virtual City• Humane City• Information City• Knowledge City• Learning City


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Define objectives & goals for first few years.

Define who will oversee Smart City implementation.

Establish Policy & Governance

Define what Smart City means to your Community.

Getting Started: A Smart City Strategic Plan

Smart City Planning

What do citizens, business & organizations want? What

does the City need?

How will our quality of life benefit from Smart City


How Smart City-ready is our technical infrastructure?

Assess the Environment

Who are we? What kind of Community are we?

Define metrics to evaluate progress.


Start small. Choose a project from one domain with high chance of success, low risk.

Define success. Before we start, identify criteria for


Reduce risks. Upgrade technical infrastructure that

will support initiative.

Report to stakeholders. Evaluate & report progress.

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Mobile, Alabama

Code inspectors used Instagram & smartphones to inventory the city’s 1200 blighted properties in 8 days. A map was provided to the public, and a plan was developed to address the issue.

Examples of Smart City Initiatives

New Orleans, Louisiana

Predictive data analytics about fires allowed the Fire Department to focus on existing program to distribute smoke detectors, targeting areas most likely to experience fire fatalities.

Bristol, England

Infrared sensors added to street lamps recorded shadows of pedestrians & projected them back through streetlights.

Los Angeles, California

Sanitation Department used video & smartphones to monitor illegal dumping of trash and abandoned items for enforcement of its Clean Streets program.

Louisville, Kentucky

Sensor-equipped inhalers of asthma sufferers mapped where the city’s poor air quality was triggering breathing problems.

Kansas City, Missouri

Sensors & controls added to new dimmable LED streetlights lowered costs.

Sensors collect information about traffic & available parking to post on website.

Chicago, Illinois

Department of Public Health used data analytics to focus its 36 inspectors on the food establishments most likely to have violations amongst the 15,000+ businesses.

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Issues & Risks of Smart Cities

▪ Today, Smart Cities are perceived as having a benevolent purpose

▪ Privacy▪ As IoT devices are deployed, concerns increase about the use of

facial recognition & automated policing tools

▪ Concerns increasing about citizens’ inability to escape from the ubiquitous web

▪ Security▪ No one’s data are safe from hackers

▪ Even scrubbing data of names & identifying features can still be mined

▪ How can we ensure our citizens’ information is protected?

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The Cost of Smart Cities▪ Obvious Costs

▪ Infrastructure buildout (fiber, wireless mesh)

▪ Sensors, other data capture devices

▪ Hidden Costs▪ Increased IT staffing to maintain infrastructure

▪ Increased staffing (IT, GIS, Departments) to use data

▪ Cost to replace all equipment every 3-5 years

▪ Cost to replace infrastructure every 7-10 years

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Summary▪ Smart Cities build upon solid foundations …

people, process and technology.

▪ Develop a Citizen Portal and then see what else your Citizens want. Each City is different.

▪ When you’re ready for Smart City initiatives:◦ Start with a Plan and establish Policy

◦ Pick one initiative

◦ High value, visibility to your citizens

◦ Low risk to the City

◦ Decide what success looks like beforehand

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Questions & Answers

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Contact Us

Stephen Gousie

[email protected]


Ernest Pages

[email protected]
