Download - The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Page 1: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Order of Worship

The Cragin Peal The McGaffin Carillon George Leggiero, Carillonneur

Prelude No. 1 for Carillon Mathias van den Gheyn David Christensen, Carillonneur

Prelude Toccata in F major, BuxWV 157 Dieterich Buxtehude Jonathan Moyer, organ



April 12, 2020

Page 2: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Welcome & Announcements The Rev. Mark A. Medina

Joys and Concerns Celebration of Community

All are invited to light a candle for the duration of the service

as a symbol of our community of faith. Introit Victimae paschali laudes Anna O’Connell, harp

To the Paschal victim let Christians offer up their songs of praise. The Lamb has redeemed the sheep: Christ who is without sin has reconciled sinners to the Father. Death and life have fought a huge battle; The Prince of Life was dead, but lives and reigns. Tell us, Mary, what did you see on your way? The tomb of Christ, who is alive, and I saw the glory of his rising; Angels standing as witnesses, the shroud and linen cloth. Christ my hope has risen: He has gone to Galilee before you. Truly, we know Christ has risen from the dead: O King and victor, have mercy on us. Amen. Alleluia.

Call to Worship re:Worship

Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed!

Give thanks to the Lord, for the Lord is good; God’s steadfast love endures forever!

The Lord is our strength and might; today, the Lord has become our salvation!

The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

This is God’s handiwork, and it is marvelous in our eyes! This is the day that the Lord has made.

Let us worship the God of salvation.

Page 3: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Hymn 123 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today EASTER HYMN

(recorded on Easter 2018)

Page 4: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Call to Confession Trustee Ann Williams, Lay Worship Leader Corporate Prayer of Confession

Gracious God, we confess our sinfulness, our shortcomings and our offenses against you. We struggle to be faithful disciples. You know how often we have wandered from your ways, wasted your gifts, and forgotten your love. Forgive us our pride, calm our fears and transform us into trusting disciples. Fill us anew with your presence and with your purpose. Free us for joyful obedience through Jesus Christ, our sovereign Savior. We ask your forgiveness as we silently confess our sins.

Silent Confession of Sin Declaration of Forgiveness

Hear the good news! The saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, that we might be dead to sin and be alive to all that is good. Friends, believe the good news of the Gospel. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

Gloria Patri Hymn 579

Glory be to the Father** and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

**or Maker

Page 5: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Anthem Monteverdi Choir & English Baroque Soloists Wir sind erfreut & Preis und Dank from Easter Oratorio, BWV 249 J.S. Bach

Bass recitative Wir sind erfreut, We are delighted Daß unser Jesus wieder lebt, that our Jesus lives again, Und unser Herz, and our hearts So erst in Traurigkeit zerflossen und geschwebt, which first dissolved and floated in grief, Vergißt den Schmerz forget the pain Und sinnt auf Freudenlieder; and imagine songs of joy; Denn unser Heiland lebet wieder. For our Savior lives again. Chorus Preis und Dank Praise and thanks Bleibe, Herr, dein Lobgesang. remain, Lord, your hymn of praise. Höll und Teufel sind bezwungen, Hell and devil are conquered, Ihre Pforten sind zerstört. its gates are destroyed. Jauchzet, ihr erlösten Zungen, Rejoice, you rescued tongues, Daß man es im Himmel hört. so that you are heard in heaven. Eröffnet, ihr Himmel, die prächtigen Bogen, Open, O heavens, your magnificent gates, Der Löwe von Juda kommt siegend gezogen! the Lion of Judah approaches in triumph!

Time For Young Disciples Kaori Hongo, Coordinator of Children & Youth Ministry

An Easter Reading Elder Mary Ann Bromelmeier

Prayer for Illumination New Testament Lesson Acts 10:34-43

This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Gospel Lesson John 20:1-18

This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Page 6: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Sermon The Glorious Morning of Promise Rev. Mark A. Medina Time of Quiet Reflection Hymn 111 Good Christians All, Rejoice and Sing! GELOBT SEI GOTT

(recorded on Easter 2018)

Page 7: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Prayer of The People Matthew Garrett, Music Director

Michael Peters, Assoc. Music Director

Liturgy by Jill Duffield - Presbyterian Outlook Almighty God, your promises are sure, your love unrelenting, your power unmatched. We bow before you, humbled by your grace, awed by your mercy, rejoicing in your kindness. We do not pretend to understand the mystery of resurrection, but we cannot help but recognize our risen Lord among us, present in our suffering, visible in new creation, made known to us in the breaking of the bread. Gracious Lord, we cannot meet you on the outskirts of the graveyard and not fall on our knees and worship. You suffered and died to forgive us. You became incarnate to show us God’s love for us. You healed and fed, taught and preached, prayed and ate with sinners to show us God’s will for us. You went to the tomb and were raised from the dead to defeat evil and bring life eternal for the sake of the world. Hear our praise as we shout alleluia and tell all the earth of your glorious resurrection. You call us by name, Lord of all. Hearing our weeping, you refuse to leave us alone in our grief. Trusting your compassion, we share our deepest hopes and our greatest fears. We lift up to your light those crying in the night. We give thanks for those who have fallen ill and then recovered. Comfort the many who mourn, families unable to hold funerals, doctors and nurses confronted constantly with death, people longing to touch those isolated by this pandemic. We remember your call to care for the least of these and ask that you would give us the wisdom to serve in ways that show your love for all people. When we cannot physically be present, send your Spirit as we send our notes, make our calls and do all we can to visit those in prison, house those without shelter and heal the sick. Help us to feed those who hunger physically, spiritually or emotionally. May your body, the Church, be united in our caring, radical in our generosity, and stalwart in our advocacy. As this public health crisis lingers in the spring and likely drags into the summer, grant us courage for the living of these days. When our patience is slim and our frustration is misdirected, gently correct us. When we hurt those closest to us and fail to be our best selves, forgive us and remind us to forgive others. When this season of isolation and sickness comes to an end, do not let us forget the lessons this forced physical distancing have taught us. Take this trying time, these struggles and hardships, and use them for good in ways we cannot now envision, but that you have the power and will to enact.

Page 8: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

On this day of resurrection, filled with fear and joy, we worship, we sing, we weep, we give thanks, and most of all, we marvel at your unwillingness to leave us to the consequences of our actions, your tenacious desire to be in relationship with us and your amazing grace through which you have saved us. We make our prayer in the name of the one who taught us to say when we pray, Our Father... The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever, Amen.

Invitation to the Offering Anthem Stuttgart Festival Ensemble Hallelujah from Messiah Sven-David Sandström

Hallelujah, for the Lord omnipotent reigneth. King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord, and He shall reign forever. Hallelujah!

Festival Doxology LASST UNS ERFREUEN

(Hymn 455, Verse 6)

All creatures, your Creator bless, and worship God in humbleness. O sing ye! Alleluia! Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son, and praise the Spirit, Three in One! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Prayer of Dedication

Page 9: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Hymn 122 Thine Is the Glory JUDAS MACCABEUS (recorded on Easter 2013)

Page 10: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Benediction Amy Loving. The Worship Closet

(based on 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4 and Acts 10: 39-43) Remember the Good News that we have received and proclaimed this

day–the Good News in which we stand and through which we are being saved.

We will remember and hold tightly to the truth we proclaim with joy! Christ died for our sins, just as the scriptures said that he would. But the story doesn’t end in death. Christ was raised on the third day, just as it was promised! We are witnesses to this Good News, and God commands that we do not keep this news to ourselves! We will testify to all that Christ is Lord! Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia! Amen! Choral Benediction Exigence Hallelujah from Christ on the Mount of Olives Ludwig van Beethoven

Hallelujah unto God's Almighty Son Praise the Lord, ye bright angelic choirs In holy songs of Joy. Man, proclaim his grace and glory, Hallelujah unto God's Almighty Son Praise the Lord in holy songs of joy.

Postlude Symphony No. 5, Opus 42 Charles-Marie Widor V. Toccata Jonathan Moyer, organ Carillon Postlude

Invicta Stefano Colletti Keiran Cantilena, Carillonneur with the Art of Brass


Page 11: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

MUSIC NOTES: We emerge from the season of Lent with a quiet rejoicing as Chancel Choir soloist and harpist Anna O’Connell plays one of the five great liturgical sequences, originally published in the 16th century. As you listen to an instrumental version of this medieval chant, consider the awe that must have been felt by those who first discovered an empty tomb.

Johann Sebastian Bach’s (1685-1750) Easter Oratorio began as a secular cantata in 1725. Just one month after writing music to celebrate the birthday of Duke Christian of Saxe-Weissenfled, he reworked some of the music and changed the text for use on Easter Sunday. He would alter his composition one more time (secular to sacred) before completing his 1735 work, that we hear as our Easter anthem today. The 40-minute work presents the perspectives of Mary Magdalene, Mary of James, and the apostles Peter and John. The final two movements are excerpted for our worship service, with John proclaiming that all should rejoice in the resurrection Christ, and the choir and orchestra responding in-kind. Our worship service concludes with two settings of Hallelujah! Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie Stuttgart to compose new music to the English libretto used in Handel’s Messiah. The result was a 2009 world premiere at the Oregon Bach Festival, with our own Associate Music Director Michael Peters singing in the professional chorus. Sandström’s work is quite challenging for the choir, as vocal parts are often set in the upper part of the voice ranges for extended periods of time. When Sandström was asked why he wrote the music so high for the voices, he responded that the choir was singing to God and how could they possibly perform in any other manner! The choral benediction features Beethoven’s (1770-1827) setting of the Hallelujah text, taken from his 1802 oratorio, Christ on the Mount of Olives. The professional ensemble performing in the YouTube link is EXIGENCE. The organization highlights music professionals from Black and Latinx communities to promote diversity through musical performance. Beethoven also realized a sense of musical diversity as his setting of the Passion story is a deeply personal account of Christ’s emotionally wrought time in the Garden of Gethsemane. The final chorus occurs after Jesus accepts his fate, as a chorus of angels sings a jubilant Hallelujah, proclaiming that the loss of one life would save infinite other’s lives for eternity. Hallelujah, indeed! Our Lay Worship Leader is Ann Williams. After attending the beautiful Christmas Eve service in

1999, Ann started attending Sunday morning worship where she found inspiration from the preaching and the music. She felt very welcomed. She joined the church in 2002. Ann has served as a Deacon, an Elder and is in her second term on the Board of Trustees. You can also find her in The Cache’ every Tuesday, sorting, pricing and helping customers find great buys.

Easter Egg Hunt!

TODAY——VIRTUAL EASTER EGG HUNT!! If you have signed up, please remember to meet Kaori virtually through Zoom at 2:00 PM today!! There’s still time to sign up by contacting Kaori at the email below. We will be hunting through different spaces for Easter Eggs!! If you have any questions, please contact Kaori at [email protected] HAPPY EASTER!

Thank You

Our thanks to Kaori Hongo for all her help organizing events to help us continue to stay together as a community during Holy Week and especially for her instructions on making the beautiful Origami Lilies! Thank you Kaori.

Page 12: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Update The church is closed and all worship services are cancelled until April 30th. This is in response to the Coronavirus pandemic that’s affecting our country.

We Keep in our Prayers: Thelma Everhart, Theodis Fipps, David and Edward Houry (relatives

of David Gressley), David Keltner, Pat Owen-Keltner, Greg Madison, Reathel McWhorter, Gene Papp, George Peters (Michael’s father), Liam Stewart, Lyn Cooper Tomaszewski, Erin Tomko, Kim Voss, Kate and Paul Williams and Gabriel (Jenny Conner's grand-nephew). We pray for those struggling with illness, convalescing, or homebound; patients, family, and staff in our surrounding hospitals; and those who left prayer requests in our Carpenter's Box.

Our Prayers are with Jenny Conner and her family on the death of her father on April 8th. One Great Hour Of Sharing

The ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING Special Offering is received during the SEASON of LENT, especially on Palm Sunday, April 5th. One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) is the single, largest way that Presbyterians join together to share God’s love with our neighbors –in-need around the world. Each gift helps to improve the lives of people in challenging situations through three impactful programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), and Self-Development Of People (SDOP). We hope that you will all give generously to this wonderful and effective Special Offering, the One Great Hour Of Sharing.

Rev. Medina

Rev. Medina made a request (which Session has approved) to return to his home in Chambersburg, PA during this time of “shelter at home.” This puts him near his primary care doctor. He is contributing all work remotely and staying in close touch with Ruling Elders, Deacons, staff and members of the church. You are welcome to contact him at [email protected] or his cellphone at 269-303-2205. Thank you.

Extra Easter Music from the Carillon Coalition With a home base in the heart of the city’s University Circle center of healing and medical

research, the Friends of the McGaffin Carillon have coordinated Cleveland’s carillonneurs to perform music every week from all of Greater Cleveland’s carillon towers as a safe, social-distancing solace to a public suffering the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the regular schedule below, two carillonneur members of the FMC board of directors will add music this week. Sheryl Modlin at Church of the Saviour (Cleveland Hts.) will also play early Easter morning (9 am). David Osburn of St. Paul’s (Cleveland Hts.) will play an extended “Easter Suite” of hymns and carols (11–11:40 am); and an Easter evening concert featuring “Peter Cottontail,” “Easter Parade,” the children’s hymn “Jesus Loves Me,” and the folk song “Jesus Loves the Little Children”—reminding us all that Easter Egg Hunts and other joys of spring will one day return (6–6:30 pm). Each venue has ample parking, so you can listen from the comfort and isolation of your car. Here are additional details:

McGaffin Carillon (11205 Euclid Ave.). George Leggiero & guests Fridays 12:15–12:45 pm Sundays 10–10:20 am

Page 13: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Church of the Saviour (2537 Lee Road, Cleveland Hts.) Sheryl Modlin Saturdays 10–10:20 am Sundays 11:30–11:50 am PLUS Sunday, Apr. 12, 9 am St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (2747 Fairmount Blvd., Cleveland Hts.) David Osburn Sundays 11–11:30 am PLUS Sunday, Apr. 12, 11–11:40 am and 6 pm St. Christopher By-the-River (7601 Old Mill Road, Gates Mills) Becky Everett Sundays 10:15–10:35 am

Online Donations

Our website's Giving page is up and running. You can now make donations and pledges from your phone or computer. Check it out at:

This Week at Covenant (April 13 – April 18) Monday: No scheduled activities. Church Building is Closed.

Tuesday: No scheduled activities. Church Building is Closed.

Wednesday: No scheduled activities. Church Building is Closed.

Thursday: No scheduled activities. Church Building is Closed.

Friday: Lunchtime Carillon Concert, McGaffin Carillon, 12:15 pm. Church Building is Closed.

Saturday: No scheduled activities. Church Building is Closed. Covenant Student Ministries has moved online.

Due to the COVID19 pandemic CSM has moved online with Virtual Gatherings on Sundays and Thursdays at 5:30 pm. (contact Kevin for login information). In addition Kevin is available for individual conversations and spiritual care in-person or virtually. You can connect with Kevin by texting or calling 330-988-0490 or by email [email protected].

Family Promise Needs Our Help.

Lisa Fritz, the Volunteer and Donor Relations Coordinator for Family Promise wrote a letter indicating how people can provide support , during these difficult times, for the 20 families housed at Family Promise at E. 150th St. and Kinsman Ave. She indicated that the items of greatest need are as follows: hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, disinfectant spray cleaner, paper towels, toilet paper, disposable vinyl or latex gloves non-perishable food items and diapers (size 4,5,6 only).

Family Promise is a Mission Partner of the Church of the Covenant. For additional information contact Bob Ault at 440-565-7710.

Page 14: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Students Welcome Here Church of the Covenant is a welcoming and inclusive spiritual home as you navigate your educational journey. We are here to help you flourish during your time in University Circle. We would love to get to know you better! To connect with our student ministries opportunities contact us at [email protected].

Ministry of Faith Formation Shares Remote Worship and Fellowship Resources AND Extends a Helping Hand to Access Technology for our Covenant Community

MoFF has three ideas for our Covenant Community as we worship and engage in fellowship remotely: 1. Consider lighting a candle as you begin worshipping with our Interactive Bulletins. The light

is another way we can remind ourselves that we are united together through faith. 2. Visit THIS LINK to learn about resources from the PCUSA for remote and online devotional

materials, bible study materials, and ideas for faith fellowship gatherings. 3. Consider gathering remotely through group telephone calls or videoconferencing applications

as a way to stay-in-touch. Covenant 8 groups could easily gather using a little bit of technology, and enjoy hearing or seeing other members of our Covenant Community!

If you need some help accessing technology to engage with one another, please send us an email at [email protected]. MoFF members are ready and willing to help with technology access or challenges so that we can still fellowship from the comfort of our homes.


Below is the list of Easter Lilies that were ordered before the cancellation of the order and presented to the glory of God and in loving memory

or in honor of loved ones.

Presented by In Memory of

Brown, Zoe Ann Raymond L. Brown

Burtner, Hugh W. Marilyn Burtner

Dahm, Arnold and Susan Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dahm, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dickey

deConingh, Anne Wombwell Edward H. deConingh, Gilbert L. and Mildred S. Smith, Robert D. Wombwell, Mary Frances “Ky” Wilson

Denbow, Tom and Barb Clint Bernard and Wanda Clint, Patricia Natchuk, Jim and Jane Lightner

Dress, Henry Marvin and Trudy Dress

Ganger, Jean Dutch and Marge Ganger, Jack and Mimi Henry, Milt Ganger

Garrett, Matthew and Michael Peters Helen and Charles Richards and Linda B. Peters

Greene, James A. John L. and Evelyn Blakeney Greene

Page 15: The CHURCH of the COVENANT T WORSHIP OF G...Apr 04, 2020  · Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström (b. 1942) was commissioned by the Oregon Bach Festival and the Internationale Bachakademie

Gressley, David and Nessa Members of the Miller and Gressley Families

Holbein, Beth Gary P. Holbein

Jarjisian, Catherine Gustav and Suzanne Strese, Julianne Baker, Kay Hardesty Logan and Mark Brown

Kallay, Keith and Virginia Joseph T. Smith (Elizabeth W.), Donald Kallay (Regina)

Knowlton, Karen Les Knowlton

Miller, Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Carpenter, Beatrice H. Miller and Margaret J. Harbert

Moon, David Miss Alice M. Cole, Miss Ella G. Cole

Nelson, Suchi Samuel and Rani Nelson

Shriver, Elizabeth David Shriver

Shuskey, Norma and Gary Irene Shuskey, Frank Shuskey, Marjorie Crone Hale and F. Frederick Crone

Smith, Portia Miles The Reverend Kenneth Lee Smith

Takeyama, Janet The Glory of God Presented by In Honor of

Denbow, Tom and Barb Clint Joseph and Patricia Denbow

Garrett, Matthew and Michael Peters Covenant Choirs

Gressley, David and Nessa Happy Birthday Grace