Download - The Children of  · Web viewMara opens her briefcase and nods towards the three panelled screen

Page 1: The Children of  · Web viewMara opens her briefcase and nods towards the three panelled screen

Clackers R. Arundel


Endings are always ragged. Complicated, messy, awkward, sharp — whatever word you use, endings are painful. As I drive to the mall thinking about Josh and how I will end it, I realize this isn’t an ending because it never began. We went on one date. As my younger sister, Sophia told me, only a seventeen-year-old who’s never dated, would ever date a guy she’s been friends with since fifth grade. Sophia knows best, I should have kept Josh in the friend zone.

Snow on the road, but the driving is good. Usually, this time of year is warmer but January can be iffy. The clouds are covering the sun making it even colder and grayer. The highway is not too busy, just six lanes of dark gray concrete bordered by thick gray metal rails. Finally, I pull off the interstate. What am I going to say to Josh? Keep it quick and


Page 2: The Children of  · Web viewMara opens her briefcase and nods towards the three panelled screen

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simple. I put my hand in my pocket for the tenth time; the letter hasn’t moved.

Big trees zip by and then give way to the gray concrete low rise buildings; the shopping mall looms ahead. The mall is not very large, not by big city standards, but it serves us well. A big box and a few chain stores, nothing too fancy, just some basic retail. All I can think about is the statue in the food court: the place I meet Josh. The place where I crush his dreams into itsy, bitsy pieces. All the kind words and half-truths won’t hide the fact: I’m not into you and it is over. The bronze statue is a man on a horse that has reared back on its hind legs. The man on top holds a large sword and on the blade is written, ‘Home is where the heart is’. The bronze horse and rider are in the middle of a large bronze bowl. I will meet Josh on the circular bench around the bowl and I will smile and I will rip his heart out.

Far, far down the hallway, I see the bronze statue. Josh is touching his brown hair, short on the sides with a big pomp on top. Pretentious is the word to describe the hairstyle. I duck into a store filled with yoga pants and sweatshirts, Josh can’t see me but I can see him. The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can enjoy my weekend. Was it wrong to make him think this meeting was going to be a second date? I couldn’t tell him over the phone it was over, no one deserves


Page 3: The Children of  · Web viewMara opens her briefcase and nods towards the three panelled screen

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that. I squeeze the letter in my jeans. At times like this I freeze or don’t say what I want, not that there have been too many times like this. This is the first time.

Josh looks at his watch, I’m ten minutes late. He must know something’s up because I’m always on time. Everyone at my College will know about this, but it can’t be helped. I remember the gallons of body spray he used on that first date and I get a little nauseous. His small brown eyes are darting all around the mall and I hide behind a pair of green yoga pants. My palms are wet and my face is reddening. Time to meet. No worries, if it gets too real I shove the letter into his hands and get out quick, just like I rehearsed. Josh looks at his watch again and then down the other end of the mall. Now is the time to go; when he turns, I’ll be right in front of him. His hair is thick but looking at the back of his head something tells me he’ll have a big round patch of baldness by middle age. It’s just a matter of time.

Josh is still looking the other way. Friday evening is a busy time at the mall and most people have a bag in hand. The bronze horse is spouting water out of its mouth. Eight big spurts, eight o’clock. The mall is closing in another hour. He’s at the exact spot and Josh is very still, as if he hopes that if he doesn’t move I will appear. I don’t appear so he presses his lips together and paces. He pulls


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out his cell phone and puts it back in his pocket. He’s called twice, I felt the vibrations.

I parked my car around back so he would not be expecting me from this way. It is time to go; I can do this. I leave the yoga pants and head towards the fountain. Each step gets heavier and heavier and I turn my head to the jeans store I’m passing. Going out of business sale; it’s a good sale and I should stop but I force myself to keep going towards the fountain. People brush past me and my feet shuffle forward. The conversations around me are fast; although I can hear bits and pieces the words jumble in my head. I unbutton my jacket because I feel hot. What will I say when we meet? The stores spin around me and vomit is in my throat. I’m having a panic attack, they always come at the worst time. This isn’t going to work so I sit down and put my head in my hands. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up. An old man with pure white hair cut to shoulder length is smiling at me.

“Are you alright?”The old man’s voice is soft.“I’ll make it through,” I say. I hope the

smile I give him looks more confident that I feel. I stand and walk in the opposite direction of the fountain. I hear him say something as I walk away but I’m not sure, maybe he said, ‘Safe journey’. I turn down a hallway in a half jog. Follow the yellow brick road. It’s not


Page 5: The Children of  · Web viewMara opens her briefcase and nods towards the three panelled screen

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yellow or brick but it leads me away from the fountain. My heart is racing and my breathing is constricted. Try to think of something relaxing. I remember the Wizard of Oz, an ageless classic, seen the movie twenty-three times. Sophia thinks the Wizard of Oz is lame. Don’t care, how can you not get excited about Dorothy, a young farm girl from Kansas getting magically transported to the Land of Oz. My breathing eases and I’m almost free. My car is outside the large glass doors and when I reach it and sit, my pounding headache subsides.


I don’t remember how I arrive home, it was a blur. Turning into the gravel driveway of our bungalow I can see Dad at the kitchen table reading the newspaper through the window. The fireplace is going and it makes his skin look more yellow.

I’m sure Sophia told Mom who then told Dad, so the entire household knows where I was. Dad doesn’t need the worry. The heavy wood front door creaks open and it is impossible for me to slink into my room.

Dad, “How’d it go?”Dad gives me a big smile, his bright blue

eyes shine, the white part of his eyes have been yellow for some time now.


Page 6: The Children of  · Web viewMara opens her briefcase and nods towards the three panelled screen

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I say,“Aren’t you even supposed to pretend you don’t know where I was?”

“You didn’t think Sophia would keep a secret?”

Believe it or not, I was hoping she could this one time. I disappear into my room, as I close the door I mutter, “It went well.”

Dad says, “No panic attack?”I turn to the left to kind of face Dad. There’s

more gray than black in his hair these days.I lie, “No.”I hop onto the bed and curl up beside

Buddy; her chocolate coat is soft and her big wet tongue never misses my face. Buddy is getting old these days, before she would bark as soon as I entered the house. I hold her tight and just close my eyes; I’d like to stay here longer but the door opens. Mom sits on the bed. I sit up, my chocolate lab finds her way onto my lap.

Mom wants to talk about what happened at the mall. She assumes I dumped Josh but I’m not ready to talk. I need to distract her.

“How was the doctor’s visit?” I say.Mom’s smile is wide. She puts a hand on her

stomach and puts the other around my shoulder, “Baby’s doing well?”

“How’d Dad do?”Mom laughs, “He cried.”“Like always,” I say.Mom says, “But a good cry. A happy cry.

Your father has accepted everything—his


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health, our soon-to-be new edition. I could see that today. It’s so weird how this is all turning out, but I believe things happen for a reason.“

Mom and I both look straight ahead and our shoulders brush. In seven months there will be five of us in this small bungalow. Dad’s liver is not working and he needs a new one. I’m not sure if Dad is the luckiest or the unluckiest guy in the world. Mom’s the perfect donor. Lucky. Getting Mom ready to give Dad a piece of her liver they find out she is pregnant. Unlucky. Now Mom can’t save him until the baby is born. I’m not sure the birth of a baby should ever be called unlucky but looking at Dad’s yellow skin makes my moral compass waver. My parents were not planning to have another kid and if Mom wasn’t pregnant she could give Dad a piece of her liver right now. That kid will be sixteen years younger than my younger sister Sophia. I shake my head.

Mom’s liver should get rid of Dad’s jaundice and bring him back to health, but he has to wait until Mom delivers the baby. Dad should make it, if you trust the crisp white coats, but they’re so polished with smooth talk and velvety words I’m not sure what’s truth and what’s spin. Hope, it’s what keeps moving you forward and doctors know it. Mom is in her own thoughts looking straight ahead.

Mom breaks the silence, “Dad said things worked out?”


Page 8: The Children of  · Web viewMara opens her briefcase and nods towards the three panelled screen

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For a second I’m not following Mom. Then I remember: Josh, the mall. I sit at my desk and look out the window, “Josh took it well, I guess.”

Mom says, “No silly crying by you?”I say, “No.”“I’m proud of you Emma, you’re making

progress.”If I told my mom I had a panic attack and

ducked out of the mall without speaking to Josh, she’d be less proud.

Mom says, “How did he react?”I say, “It was almost like he didn’t hear a

word I said.”Mom says, “That’s fine, he had to be

surprised, it was so sudden.”My cell phone vibrates, Josh; I hit decline.Mom says, “You can’t answer. Josh needs

time to heal.”You have to know you’re wounded to start

healing, right now he’s just clueless. Josh has no idea why I didn’t show up.

I say, “I’m tired and tomorrow will be long.”Mom says, “You’re right, it will be a long

day. Can you take your father?”The drive out to the liver specialist with Dad

is always agonizing, especially when he talks about the baby coming. Sometimes he talks about how this whole illness thing is affecting his girls; he never talks about how this illness thing is affecting him. He’s a middle-aged


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man, most people his age are long past diaper duty and don’t need a liver transplant.

“No problem Mom. I will take Dad.” Mom faces the real prospect of raising this

kid without Dad. Lately, she finds a way to get out of taking Dad to see the liver doctor.

I say, “I’ve got a gig tomorrow night.”Mom brightens, “We’re all coming. What’s

the club called?”“Hecklers.”Not the greatest name for a comedy club.

Never played it, but a friend of mine told me to be ready. The crowd is nasty and bottles have been thrown. The name Hecklers encourages the audience to harass and humiliate the comedians, that’s why they come.

“I’m fine on my own Mom,” I say.“Wouldn’t dream of it. You’re doing the new

bit about the ‘Big Banana’. I can’t wait to see how it goes.”

I never like the family to come when I’m working new material. Comedy can go sideways fast.

“I need to get some rest.”Mom looks at her watch, “You’re right, it’s

almost eleven.”She kisses me on the forehead, “You did the

right thing Emma. In matters of the heart, if you’re not feeling it, let it go.”

Feeling it? She closes the door. I put away the yellow pad I used to create my comedy


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skit and pull out the letter I had written to Josh. Every word is perfect. Should have emailed, it’s much easier? No, the letter was the right way to do it. Whenever you want the right words, they are always off behind a rock somewhere. Not with a letter. I re-read the letter and it is on point. I will give Josh the letter on Monday.

“How’d he take it?” I startle to hear Sophia’s voice. Her eyes are

wide open, even though she’s ready for bed her hair looks perfect. How did this tall stick of red hair with the perfect oval face, sneak into my room without me hearing a thing? Although we’re sisters we couldn’t look more different. Sophia is tall and straight and I’m vertically challenged and curvy. I used to say I had thick thighs but Mom didn’t like that, something about negative body image, so I stopped— but it didn’t make my thighs any thinner. I fold the letter and place it in my desk. Sophia stares at the desk.

Sophia says, “Good for you, you didn’t need the letter. And no panic attack. How’d he take it?”

I heard the first time, I stay silent. We've never been able to hide anything from each other.

Sophia says, “You didn’t agree to another date? No, don’t tell me that. Em, you didn’t? A pity date is pathetic.”

“What do you know about dating?” I say.


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Sophia says, “Maybe more than you know Em.”

Is Sophia just bluffing or is something going on? She’s been acting funny of late when Mom mentions the baby. It was always Sophia and me, but as Mom says: life happens, handle it. My chocolate lab comes to my side. I rub Buddy’s floppy ears, and she nuzzles my leg.

Sophia says, “Em, details. Details. Did he go down hard?”

I look straight ahead.Sophia says, “Did you eat at the food court,

share a final meal? No, you couldn’t have, from the time you left our place to the time you came home you wouldn’t have had time to do much. You would have barely had time to….”

Sophia's big blue eyes lock on my face, “Em, you didn’t tell him?”

There’s no point in hiding it from Sophia, “Worse,” I say.

I show Sophia the cell phone. He’s called seven times.

“You didn’t go?” Sophia says.“I did go… I just didn’t meet him. I left.”“Whaaaat.” Sophia’s mouth hangs. She lets

out a slow stream of air. Buddy is the only one who understands. She turns her head from side to side and whimpers.

“Say something.”


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Sophia, “I’m sorry but this is colossal. Don’t you guys have Psych 101 together Monday morning?”

I nod.Sophia says, “Well you only have two

choices: disappear before Monday…"“Or?” I say.Sophia laughs, “You can wear a wig and a

fake moustache. Don’t, don't, don't give him that letter you so neatly folded in your desk. He’ll freak and cause a scene at class, guaranteed. Send him an email or text tomorrow morning. Text is best. He’ll have the weekend to get over it.”

“That’s all you got?” I say.Sophia has a funny look on her face but

says nothing. Josh and I sit side by side in class. Just dropping a letter on him is not the best—but it’s all I have left. Text or email just seem wrong for a guy I’ve known since fifth grade. I’ll slip the letter in his backpack at the end of class.

Sophia gives me a hug, “Em, you can’t be afraid of disappointing people, Josh has a right to know how you feel. And you can’t get panicked every time you need to confront someone.”

Sophia looks at me and smiles and gives me a hug, “Anyways, you did what you did. That’s it. Own it.”

Sophia gently closes the door. Buddy is on the bed sleeping. It will be awkward on


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Monday, I need the weekend to last forever. I pull out my yellow pad to work on my routine but I stare at the door. It’s midnight. The comedy sketches sound flat. The crowd will crush me tomorrow. I put my hand to the side of my head; the arteries are pounding. Rest is what I need, I’m driving Dad tomorrow. I’ll spend a half hour re-working the skit and then bed.

I change into my bright orange jumpsuit pajamas. My prison suit, few seventeen-year-old girls can pull off orange jumpsuit pajamas, but they remind me of my favorite show. Not sure I pull it off, but I like them anyway. I’m left handed so I put my pen in the right hand; makes you more creative, I read that somewhere. I underline with two big red strokes ‘Last Banana’. Not sure why Mom thought I named this skit Big Banana, but it sounds funnier than ‘Last Banana’. I think of making the change but it doesn’t matter; no one will know, you don’t go out on stage and say, ‘Now I will do my sketch called ‘Big Banana’. All the crowd cares about is one thing: does it kill.

After finishing my edits, I put my pen down. This routine is not bad, the delivery is smooth and my facial expressions are funny. I keep a mirror on my desk to look at myself when I practice stand-up. All comics are paranoid so I spend another hour reviewing the routine and do some of it standing up. People don’t realize


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how physical comedy can be. I’m finished, but now it’s late and I’m exhausted. The refrigerator's hum is the only sound in the house. I pull out the letter in the drawer. I squeeze my eyes shut. Sophia's right, What’s done is done, own it. I need rest so I'm fresh for Dad. Who knows what the news will be tomorrow. Every word, every little change in the doctor’s voice I will replay in my mind on the way back home. I will rewind the whole conversation over and over in my head and at the same time make small talk with Dad.


The sound is powerful, it vibrates through my body. I am now standing in the middle of a road. Naked. I’m being gawked at by people on a restaurant patio. Is this an awake dream? We studied this in psychology, hypnagogia, a dream when you're still awake but going to sleep. This must be a dream, how can I instantly be naked in front of a busy restaurant? No one has seen me naked in real life, not in a long, long time. The loud clack I heard before I ended up in front of this patio still rings in my ears. What just happened?

The sun burns high in the sky and is a funny red color. It’s the middle of the day. The sign above the restaurant says Atticus. The outdoor patio has rows of square tables. Luxurious linen tablecloths are on each table,


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arranged to cover only the middle to show the smooth, rich mahogany tables. Large bouquets of red roses are on each table. It’s scorching and I wipe sweat from my forehead. The surge of adrenaline wears off and the truth rolls over me: this is no dream. I say to myself, “Dorothy, you’re not in Kansas anymore.”


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Atticus is full of young people and this is a hip, stylish crowd. A woman in a white dress catches my eye. She has her eyes locked on me like she’s never seen a seventeen-year-old pop up naked in front of her while she eats at a restaurant. The woman in the white dress has big green eyes and thick pale blond hair. The blunt ends caress her narrow shoulders. I can see her long legs under the table; her dress makes no attempt to hide them. The woman looks at me so I turn to the left.

When I’m nervous, I turn to the left. Five years ago I tried to catch a baseball with my nose, so forever my nose is a bit twisted and you really notice it if you look at my left side. Whenever I’m nervous, I always turn to my left to show my good side, the right. The woman puts down her fork and wipes her thin lips delicately with a napkin. If this was a


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dream the woman would represent what I would want to be: tall, slender, elegant. My reality: five foot five, muscular thighs and short black hair.

A slight breeze is hot on my thighs. A girl of around twelve runs up and squeezes my arm. This young girl looks like me at that age— she has the same black hair, the same blue eyes, same oval face. Is this the re-imagining of what I looked like around that age? This could be an awake dream caused by all my stress.

Little Emma hands me a towel which I hastily wrap around my body, "Follow me now. They’re already on their way.” Little Emma tugs urgently at the white towel. “There’s no time to waste.” Her voice is high-pitched and melodious. Not so long ago my voice sounded the same. I ignore Little Emma’s plea and stay fixed in front of the restaurant patio until she runs away.

Two boys approach the blonde woman sitting at the table and they couldn’t be more different. The one in the lead is short and a little soft in the middle, but he walks with confidence. The taller one is broad-shouldered and muscled. He is not overly bulky, just well-proportioned and athletic. Both boys are around my age. The short one bends over to kiss the blonde woman before sitting. He has a scar that runs diagonally across his face. The scar splits his face in two; his nose twists slightly where the scar runs across it. The


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athletic boy gives her a smile. A big, open, handsome smile; then he sits.

The tall blonde woman is now talking feverishly into her cellphone. I didn’t notice the green necklace around her long thin neck until now. It matches her eyes perfectly. The man with the scar cutting across his face pulls the plate that is in front of her towards himself and eats the sandwich. The woman continues to pluck at the salad. When I look at the man with the scar my skin tingles and I smell metal.

Little Emma reappears, “I can save you,” she says and pulls the bottom of the white towel. The word Atticus is written on the bottom. This is not a towel — it is a heavy linen tablecloth from the restaurant.

Little Emma takes my hand and pulls, “If you remember, you need to be a runner — that’s the best chance.”

I take a step away from Little Emma and she disappears behind a building. I’m sweating all over but it’s from fear, not the hot sun. The sun never looks like this.

Where is this place? A loud siren jolts me back to the here and now. Focus on something, clear my head, and think.

A red-headed boy of around fourteen is standing near the Atticus cash register. He has small brown freckles all over his brown face and curly brownish-red hair standing like four inch corkscrews on his head. The boy


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wears a double-breasted tailored black suit with gray pinstripes. A black shirt and a black tie complete the look. Very stylish but it's something an old guy would wear, not a boy of fourteen. The red-headed boy mingles with customers and tries to keep the waiters working; he is the boss. The activity at the restaurant has come to a stop because they are all preoccupied with the half-naked girl in the middle of the street.

The wail of the siren is close and Little Emma has returned, "This is your last chance. Now."

The girl almost pulls the linen tablecloth off my body but I don't move. Little Emma looks at me hard. Her face is so soft, so innocent, but the eyes… they seem mature.

Little Emma, “You will be captured. If they ask you about home, say you remember nothing.”

The words come out with such force, they stick in my head. Little Emma disappears.

The white car approaches and the siren is turned off. The car has no booming exhaust note. Not a sound comes from the patio. I exhale deeply.

A boy gets out of the white car. He wears a blue police uniform and has a long narrow face and pinched nose, he's about the same age as the boy with the corkscrew hair. There is no smile on his thin lips when he looks at me and then to the short man at the table


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with the scar that cuts across his face. The short man gives him a cold stare.

The boy in uniform stops about ten feet away from me, clears his throat, and then makes a fist with his right hand which he puts out in front of himself about waist high. The people on the patio make the same gesture, but they are all laughing. It’s funny but I’m not in on the joke. The boy puts his fist down.

“Sorry, I just gave you the standard greeting of Saffire. It is customary for you to do the same, but you can’t know this since you just clacked onto Saffire.”

What? The boy is going through puberty, his voice cracks when he speaks. How can he be a cop?

“My name is Merrick, Chief of the Intelligence Service.”

Merrick pulls out a gobstopper and removes the wrapper. The hard candy is red swirled with yellow on the end of a six-inch stick. The ball of candy can barely fit in his mouth.

Merrick takes a lick, pulls out another and holds it out, “It’s a gobstopper.”

Does he think I’m an idiot, of course it’s a gobstopper. He takes a step towards me and I take a step back. Merrick stops. He tosses the gobstopper lollipop, and it lands at my feet. Merrick eases his hand down and unclasps the holster of his gun. He tried to distract me by throwing the gobstopper. When I was ten my parents gave me a magic set. The secret to


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magic tricks is to get the person to look at the wrong thing. Distraction and misdirection. I tighten the white tablecloth around my chest.

Merrick says, “Try it, I love them. Do not run. I am here to help."

The gobstopper is so large Merrick has to take it out of his mouth each time he speaks.

I turn my head ever so slightly when I see Merrick looking again at the short man with the scar across his face. The other man who exited the police car is behind me. I can faintly make out his reflection in the metal of a nearby building. He made his move when Merrick threw the gobstopper. The man is short and heavy, somewhere in his late twenties. He has a gun aimed at my back. Two things are certain. Number one: the man with the scar on his face is the one with the real power, Merrick can’t stop looking at him. Number two? There’s an excellent chance I’m taking a bullet in the back.

I can blow past Merrick; I’ve always been fast, these thighs have to be good for something. The man behind is the problem.

Merrick sucks his gobstopper slow and hard, "You are not dreaming. This is real. Please listen."

Little Emma waits at the side of the building so I will make a run. My instincts tell me to avoid the police. The guy behind me may shoot me in the back but he can’t know what I’m going to do.


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Merrick says, "As strange as this may sound you have been transported to another planet. You are on Saffire."

"This is not real. It is a dream," I’m not sure why I say something I know is not true. The words come out hollow.

I shift my head so I can get a better look at the man behind me. He widens his stance, bends his knees and grips the gun with both hands. His big red cheeks move up with a slight smile and layers of skin cover his small eyes like a baby walrus. I resist the urge to adjust the back of my tablecloth dress.

Merrick takes three steps forwards. Good, it will take less time to run past him.

Merrick’s teenage voice cracks, “Everyone thinks it is a dream when they clack.” He gets control of his voice, “We all have the urge to run. Don’t be a runner.”

Merrick motions towards himself and his thin lips elevate in what should be a smile, "Come with me. Let me help you."

I breathe to myself, "This is cracked."Merrick says, " Just kneel with your hands

behind your head. I will not harm you.""No," I say.”The instant this whole thing started you

heard a loud sound, a loud clack,” says Merrick.

I keep silent.Merrick says, “Then you were here, naked.

This is how we all come to Saffire.”


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I tighten the tablecloth around my chest. Little Emma gently beckons, mouths ‘Run here now’.

In a few strides I can knock Merrick down and make it to Little Emma around the corner before the other guy can shoot me in the back. He can’t risk hitting the people in the restaurant. I like my chances. Well, I don’t like my chances, but it’s the only chance I have. I shift more weight on my front foot. The muscles in my leg tense. Out of the corner of my eye I see that the heavy man has moved closer. No, this won’t work. The restaurant spins around me and I wobble on my feet. There is vomit in my throat. I try to control it, I cannot.

The force of the impact smashes my face into the ground. The warm gravel on the road tastes salty.

The man on top of my back says, “Don’t move.” The voice is high pitched and thin, it doesn’t fit with a man of his bulk. I can barely breathe; he puts me in handcuffs. Still pressing on top of me the big man leans forward and says, “If you were a little taller you’d be perfect.” His hot, wet breath is on my ear.

Merrick stands directly over me and turns to the restaurant patio, “It's over. Go back to enjoying your food.”

Merrick hisses to the man on top of me, “Get off her Jeffri, she’s going to be a citizen,”


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Merrick looks at the man with the scar across his face, “Jago is watching.”

The bulk on top of me eases. Merrick positions himself so no one in the restaurant can see and gives me a kick to the left cheek. My head snaps back. The aroma of the dirt and leather from Merrick’s boot is sickening. I raise my head to see his big, satisfied smile. Merrick bends down to pick up the gobstopper. Merrick brushes it off and puts it in his pocket.

Jeffri pulls me to my feet. The boy with the red corkscrew hair stares at me from the restaurant. The blond woman is now standing and her dress clings to her body in all the right places. She is holding the hand of Jago, the man with the scar, who smiles. I crinkle my nose because the metallic smell returns when I focus on Jago. He whispers into the blonde woman’s ear; she kisses him and leaves. The great-looking, broad-shouldered boy on her other side has a pained expression.

Jeffri shoves me into the back of the police car. A mixture of booing and clapping comes from the patio until the car door slams shut.

Merrick takes the gobstopper out of his mouth and turns around to face me in the back seat, “If you had taken the gobstopper when offered, all the unpleasantness could have been avoided.” Merrick looks straight


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ahead, "Go to processing.” The police car signals and then silently moves into traffic.

The car is self driving. Merrick folds his hands neatly in his lap. Jeffri is in the passenger seat.

I control my breathing and force myself to unclench my fists.

Merrick says, " You are in the city of Brehn. Right now you are confused; suddenly you’re here and can’t remember where you came from. The first day’s the worst."

Merrick stares at me waiting for a response. I want to tell him I remember exactly where I came from, but I remember what Little Emma said.

Why is everyone so young? Tears roll down my face and I turn to my

left. At least he’ll see my good side.


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Lately I’ve had the same dream every night. There is going to be a new edition to our family and naturally I'm nervous. In my dream the baby comes out as a tiny little girl, she fits in the palm of the doctor’s hand. The doctor says, “We’ve never seen one so little.” The baby girl has big blue eyes and a full head of black hair. Then she starts growing and growing. I am in the birthing room which is weird, Dad should be in there with Mom, but it’s just me and Mom. The baby keeps growing and eventually fills the entire delivery room and I can see my face pressed up against the glass wall trying to breathe, but the baby keeps getting bigger. My sister Sophia yells from the other side of the glass, ‘Get back over here’. I scream at this point in the dream and I fight my way out of sleep. I


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awake hyperventilating, sweat running down my forehead.

Sitting in this windowless, gray room I keep playing that dream over and over in my head. I see all the people in the dream and they all feel real. A noise from the other side of the gray door startles me.

I have had time to re-arrange my tablecloth dress. It’s a decent sleeveless dress that stops a few inches above the knee. The door disappears and the same pale blond woman from the restaurant walks in. The door re-appears. The antique white dress she wears has an intricate pattern embossed into the fabric: lines and swirls that make the dress come alive up close. I stand when she enters and the woman is a good five inches taller than me, and that’s not counting the high heels.

“My name is Mara.” I return to my seat.Mara says, “To answer your question

before you even ask. Yes, I was at Atticus when you clacked.”

This woman is striking up close. Around my age, but she looks like she walked out of a fashion magazine.

Mara says, “Welcome to Saffire. My job is to help you get orientated.”

While we were riding back to processing Merrick explained clacking and the next steps. Atticus is one of the finest restaurants so all of


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Saffire’s big shots got to see me naked. Mara takes a seat behind the large steel gray desk and folds her hands in front. How does she get her nails so smooth? They match the dress.

Mara says, “I’m sure the boys filled you in on clacking while they brought you to processing.”

Mara talks but I’m not listening. What is my family doing right now? Everyone back home was asleep. What will Mom and Dad think when they wake up and I’m gone? I grit my teeth and wrap my arms around myself. Crying is no longer an option, I’m all cried out. What will Sophia find when she comes into my room to wake me up for Dad’s appointment with the liver specialist? My heart races and my mouth becomes dry.

“I want to go back,” I say it right overtop of something that Mara is saying. Mara pauses, “Tell me about where you come from, I can help you get back?”

I remember everything about home but I also remember what Little Emma said.

“I don’t remember,” I lie.Mara says, “Only the runners remember

home. They try to escape with the Underground, but we get them.”Little Emma just saved me.

Mara says, “You’re confused now, but confused is okay. Confused is how we all feel when we get here. I will help you.”


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How do I get back to the bungalow nestled beside the mountains where I live with my family? Buddy, my chocolate lab, is too old to walk so she spends most of her time sitting on the end of my bed. Her ears sometimes twitch when she manages to sneak under the covers with me at night. Did she bark and wake the whole place up when I clacked? I can smell Buddy right now.

Mara says, “Now you need a name. Without a name you’re nothing.”

My name is Emma.Mara says, “You look like a… Veronica or….

Demalynn." Mara gets up from her desk and grabs my face. She moves my head side to side likes she’s judging a cow for market.

Mara says, "Maybe Ashley… Veronica is very cool. They could call you V."

Veronica is kinda nice.Mara goes back to her seat, “No, you’re

definitely not a Veronica.”Mara is going to give me a name without asking. I squeeze my lips together. This is a strange place and I need to be careful. Mara doesn’t even think I should get a say in my own name.

Mara, “You’re not a classic beauty.”Thanks.Mara says, “But your face is pretty enough.

No, you’re not an Ashley. Demalynn? Demalynn…”


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Mara turns her head side to side looking at me. I can imagine the different names rolling around in her head. At least she’s spending a little time thinking about my new name.

Mara says, “Demalynn it is.”Just like that I’ve got a new name? Mara put

more time into choosing her dress than she did giving me a name but I can’t risk letting anyone know I remember home, so I have a new name. I need to embrace this new name—for now. Demalynn… Strangely enough I don’t mind it. If I wasn’t so upset about this whole situation I would find something funny in here somewhere. My life provides lots of material for comedy, usually of the laughing at me rather than the laughing with me variety. Why should now be any different?

Mara says, “So, Demalynn; you will be in a holding cell tonight.”

It just keeps getting better. Mara opens her briefcase and nods towards

the three panelled screen at the back of the room, “Put these on.”

I’m happy to get out of my tablecloth dress. The heavy navy blue pants and shirt fit well. I slip on the pair of black sneakers and reappear from behind the screen.

Mara says, “Looks good.”“Fits perfectly, even the sneakers,” I say.Mara smiles, “I’m good at judging size but I

was a little worried about the pants, those hips of yours…”


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Thanks. My face tightens at the comment about my hips but I keep a smile on my face.

Mara says, “Relax pony, it’ll all come good.”Did she just call me pony? Keep the smile

pasted on your face. Mara says, “You know, when I saw you at

the restaurant you reminded me of a little pony. A short, cute pony.”

Just keep smiling.The gray door disappears when Mara goes

through and becomes solid again when she is on the other side.

Mara says, “Don’t worry the door recognizes you.”

I walk right through the door. When I get to the other side I tap the door; it is solid metal.

The corridor is long and narrow and I stay a half step behind Mara. Finally we reach a door with two guards in navy blue uniforms sitting at desks. The men are in their early twenties. One guard presses a button and the door disappears. We stop in front of a holding cell.

Mara says, “These cells have come a long way. When I clacked they were small windowless boxes. Now there is a huge window with a view. Even the wall between cells is semi-transparent.”

The holding cell has a small bed in one corner; on the middle of the gray sheet is a little red book. ‘Octavo’ is written in elegant black script on the cover. The back of the cell


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from floor to ceiling appears to be open to the city.

Mara says, “Invisible window. Don’t worry: you can see out, but no one can see in.”

The window looks out onto a large grassy field. There are tall, gleaming towers framed by mountains in the distance. The only thing in the blue sky is the blood red sun. In the distance, there is a high metal wall surrounding the city. Outside the wall is unruly forest.

“The city has a wall around it,” I say.“Yes, it keeps the O-30s out.”Mara wants me to ask, ‘What’s an O-30?’ I

don’t.Mara continues, “These walls connect the

holding cells, they’re semi-transparent. You can see shapes but you can’t make out the other people.” Mara taps on the white plastic-looking side wall, “Each cell is private but you're still connected.”

A force field stops me from leaving the cell behind Mara.

Mara stops and turns around, “It recognizes us, only I can leave.”

The reality of my situation is sinking in hard.Mara says from the other side of the

invisible wall, “We’re going to be fast friends. Bye for now.”

A guard enters the area after Mara leaves. He puts his hand through the invisible wall


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and leaves a small stick with a container on the floor of the cell.

“Swab the inside of your cheek and put it in the container, we need your age.”I push the swab into the little test tube container.

The guard says, “When you see the blue square, pass it out.”

A blue square appears in the invisible wall. “Get some rest.” The guard points to the

little red book, “Read the Octavo, there’s nothing greater.”

“What’s the Octavo?” I ask the guard.“The most important book on Saffire. Read

the section called The Coming. I was in your position not so long ago and it gave me hope.”

The guard pauses to speak to the person in the cell beside me and then disappears. I lie on the bed and stare at the ceiling. This is crazy and the madness is pressing down on me hard. I keep opening and closing my eyes hoping it will all go away. Am I a missing person back home? My family must be paralyzed. The thoughts come fast and jumbled one with the next, each slapping the earlier thought away.

I remember the last long conversation with Mom about two days before I came here. I told Mom I was too old to have a new sibling. I also hinted — well I said — Mom was too old to have a baby, or something like that. I was


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cruel and stupid and childish. I said things you say to someone you love when you imagine you have years together. Years to tell them all the kind, generous and supportive things they deserve. If I can’t find a way home, I will never see Mom again. She never once complained when a gig ended at two in the morning and she had to pick me up. The tears flow.

Eventually I stop crying and just pace. The invisible window frames the distant mountains that surround Brehn. The buildings are now dimly lit and in the fading light create a magical skyline. They rise into the sky to ridiculous heights with large windows and shiny steel frames. Other buildings are dug down into the ground with large skylights and grass on the roof. The mountains in the background remind me of how much I miss home.

The floor is heated and I put my cheek to the ground. The warmth goes through me and I lie spread eagled on the ground. Time has lost any relevance for me and I’m not sure how long I stay in this position. I sit up and pull my knees to my chest and rock. My mind is blank, I need to snap out of this funk and get control.The tall, broad-shouldered boy with the kind smile at the restaurant pops into my head. He was not with Mara, her boyfriend was the one


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with the scar. I need to get back home, but first I need to get up from the floor.

A woman cries softly in the cell next door; her slumped shoulders and sobs cut right through me. I understand: we didn’t ask to come here. It would have been nice to see the other woman but I cannot through the semi-translucent side wall.

The woman’s sobs only break when she swallows her tears. She is sitting in the corner of her cell with her head against the semi-transparent wall.

I’m happy a wall divides us. What would I say to the woman if I could look into her eyes? Not much. Crushing loneliness mixed with intense fear is not the starting point for being able to offer comfort. Hopefully, she can't remember home; all the people she has been ripped away from. The woman is staring at me. Behind the semi-transparent wall is an outline of an oval face.

" Hi," my voice is rough from all the crying. The woman on the other side does not respond. I tap the wall and her head jerks back. Sorry.

“I can't see you properly so I’m guessing you can't see me either." I say.

No response.I say, “We’re only here for one night;

tomorrow it will get better.”


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She will not speak; she will not stop crying. Talking to this woman will not help. She has to do what she has to do to get to the other side.

I say with a confidence I don’t really have, “We need to be strong.”

The woman puts her palm on the semi-transparent wall. I put my palm against hers. We enjoy this moment for some time.

The mattress is thin and covered in a gray fitted sheet supported by a gray iron bed-frame. I crawl under the covers and pick up the red book: the Octavo. I flip to the section The Coming.

One day, in Saffire’s time of greatest need, a baby will be born. The first child to be born on Saffire. That baby will be born of a special woman, pure of mind and body: the woman shall be known as the Gravidarum. The child shall be called the Unum and will have no father of this world. The Unum will save Saffire.

No kids are born on Saffire? That’s just bizarre. I re-read this opening paragraph.

It’s always the same: someone great and powerful will come and save us. A hysterical cackle I can’t control brings in the guard. He takes a quick look and goes back to his post. He’s probably heard much worse; I continue reading The Coming.

The Helper will guide and protect the Gravidarum until the Unum is born. The Helper will be present to witness the birth of


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the Unum or no child shall be born. The Unum shall change Saffire.


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Everything looks better in the early morning light; every new day brings the chance to see things in a new way. I don’t believe that—not for a second, it’s what Dad likes to say. It's the advice he’d give me now. Stay strong, it’ll get better. He said it each week when I’d take him home from the liver specialist and each week his eyes would get more and more yellow. His words sound like they did back then, a joke. I did survive the night in the holding cell but I’m not so sure about the woman beside me. She didn’t speak, all I heard from the cell next door was quiet sobs. Sometimes I’d look over to the sidewall and see her face pushed right up against it, the lights outside our cells making her oval face appear long and narrow. Then I’d hear her back in bed, sobbing, always sobbing. In the


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morning I tried to say good-bye but the woman was gone. Guard said she left early.

The holding cell is behind me now and the first step in orientation is my new apartment at the Palladium. It’s great to be out of the prison blues and in a nice dress with comfortable shoes. The dress is expensive and has Mara written all over it. The sun is blood red and the heat is oppressive.Finally I see Mara step out of her all white car to greet me in front of my new apartment. She walks right by me and opens the door to the apartment, I think she mumbles a hello but I can’t be sure.

Mara says, “Not bad, eh?”She speaks to the empty apartment, certainly not to me. I always dreamed of my own apartment and this space exceeds all expectations. The first real smile since I’ve clacked onto Saffire crosses my face. The contemporary cabinetry in the kitchen is a gray lacquer. The walls are pure white and the floors are a pale blond hardwood.

Mara says, “When I clacked I was dumped over on South Block. Never liked it. This end of the Palladium is much nicer.”

Mara sits on the dark gray sofa. I choose a luxurious red velvet chair with high arms across from her.

“I can’t believe this is my place,” I say.“I worked with my designer on the colors.

All high end furniture.”


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“Thanks,” I say.Mara’s cellphone rings, “Gotta take this.”The photo that popped up on the cellphone

is the man with the scar across his face. The man she kissed at Atticus. I try not to listen but can’t help hearing bits and pieces of the conversation. “Just get it done,” the man says. Mara looks at the phone then returns to the gray couch.

Mara, “That was Jago, the Eminence. You saw him with me at Atticus.”

The tall broad-shouldered boy seemed more Mara’s type to me. What a smile he had.

“There was another guy at your table?” Mara says, “Aiden. He’s amazing.”“When did he clack?” I say.Mara says, “Not too long ago.”Aiden is a very cool name. I pick up the little

red book on the side table near the window, “The Octavo.”

Mara comes over, “Did you read it?”“Part of The Coming,” I say.Mara says, “Good. Then you’ve already

begun your orientation. There are eight sections of the Octavo, each tell us about Saffire. Past, present, and future. No child is born on Saffire. We’re all clackers. The Coming is a prophesy that's the most important part of the book. One day a child, the Unum, will be born to save Saffire.”

“But when?” I say.


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Mara says, “When there is need. A special woman called the Gravidarum will bear that child. All citizens hope to be that woman.”

“What about the Helper?” I say.Mara laughs, “Everyone who reads The

Coming asks about the Helper. It’s not clear how this all works. Most interpret The Coming to mean the Helper protects the Gravidarum until the Unum is born and then the Helper dies. The Helper must be with the Gravidarum for the Unum to be born.”

I wait for more but Mara is looking around the apartment; she is happy with her work. Mara has long delicate fingers, a slight upturn to her nose. Mara’s blouse flatters her slim shape. A stark white to contrast the tailored navy blue skirt.

Mara says, “I’m looking forward to orientating you. Your age test came back: seventeen.”

I could have told you that. Mara says, “You’re only a year younger than

me. It’s been a while since I’ve orientated a girl my age. We’ll be like sisters. Me and my pony,” Mara laughs.

Ouch. Mara’s got to stop this pony thing. It’s not funny. It’s not cute. It’s….Back home when I told a funny joke my sister Sophia would laugh so hard that she’d make a high pitched squeal like a pig. I need to get home to Sophia.

Mara says, "How do you feel?"


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"Not sure. How are you supposed to feel?" I say.

"Everyone's different. One of the good things about clacking is that you don't remember where you clacked from. Makes the whole thing easier."

I must be the only person who has clacked and remembers home. Mara’s got one thing right: remembering home makes things much more complicated.

Mara goes to the cabinet and takes out two glasses and pours a bright red drink, “Try it.”

Strawberry soda that is not sweet with a hint of mint. Nice.

Mara sits on the gray couch and pats the spot beside her. I sit down.

Mara says, "I’ve found over the years that the best way to handle new clackers is to just tell you the big things up front and then if you have questions, feel free."

I’m not sure I want to hear what comes next.

Mara’s smile evaporates, "Saffire takes some getting used to.”The bomb is about to drop.

Mara says, "On Saffire you will age, but in reverse. Each year instead of getting older, you will get younger."

I grip my glass tightly.Mara continues, “You will reverse age and

as the years pass you will become a child.”“So in ten years I’ll be seven?”


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Mara says, “Yes. And no. You will look like a girl of seven. The same size, same voice and you will go through all the life stages in reverse, with one exception. Brain power is not lost, it increases.”

“In ten years I’ll look like a seven-year-old girl?”

Mara says, “Yes. But a very, very smart seven-year-old.”

My mouth hangs open.Mara says, “Reverse aging occurs only for those who clack under thirty, that’s why age is important. You get younger and smarter. The Octavo tells us that long ago on another planet we all aged and children were born.”

“What happens to the over thirty people?” I say.

“The O-30s continue to grow old and don’t get smarter.”

I say, “They grow old and die.” Mara says, "Yes."Suddenly much of what I’ve seen on Saffire

falls into place. The young people are in charge.

Mara says, “The Octavo has record of many things. In the early days you could go back and forth between the two worlds.”

“Not now?” I say.Mara says, “No. Sometimes I imagine it

would be amazing to visit the other world. Sadly, once you clack you never go back.”


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Before I have to live any of this weirdness I will find a way back.

Mara continues, “Saffire is a wonderful place but we are a warrior society. You will learn this soon enough so you may as well learn now. Some of the things that happen here could be seen as violent, brutally violent.”

Is Mara trying to shock me? Her tone is so casual it makes that talk of violence more intimidating. Her words demand more explanation and I wait. She provides none and suggests we take a stroll around the Palladium. I feel like she’s trying to freak me so I stay calm.

Mara says, “The Palladium holds all the essentials that make up Saffire. The people who clack under thirty stay here until orientation is complete. Grand Council and the Practice center are also here.”

The Palladium is constructed from small brown bricks with large square windows; it blends into the surroundings rather than imposing on it.

She stops in front of one large window. “This is the Practice center. The Practice center is one of the oldest parts of the Palladium.”

All the windows have the invisible glass like the detention cell where I spent the first night. The room has light coloured hardwood flooring.


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Mara says, “All Practice or combat arenas are identical. A thick red line marks out a rectangular border twenty-one by fifteen feet in the center of the room; a single bench, a cabinet and a water fountain are the only things in the room.”

The room has a simple but handsome appearance.

Mara says, “This is where Sentius will train you in combat.”

“Combat? Who is Sentius?” I demand a reply.

Mara says, “Pure white hair cut to shoulder length, that’s Sentius. Combat? Don’t worry, we all get trained. You’ll never need it. Only a special few ever show powerful Ki.”

Ki? Mara’s made nothing clear. This should be called a dis-orientating session. She enjoys watching me struggle. Mara seems to assume whatever Ki is, I won’t have much of it.

I say, “Why’s it always so hot?”Mara looks up at the red sun, “Our’s sun’s

dying. Did I mention these days we get some freaky storms, Shangokas?”

Mara leads me back to the apartment. I sit in my beautiful chair, turn off my fancy light and cry until I fall asleep.


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Mara says, “Did you cry yourself to sleep?”A very direct question and it’s too early in

the morning for me to think up a good lie.“Yes,” I say.Mara says, “Don’t feel bad, everyone does

that. It’s the reality of your new home setting in, it’s normal. Today is a new day and I’m going to show you the rest of the Palladium.”

I close the door of my apartment. Mara is wearing a white suit and holding an expensive leather bag. She heads off so I run down the gray cobblestone pathway to catch her. The landscape of the Palladium is beautiful. I bend down to touch the grass that is so precisely trimmed it looks artificial.

What are Mom, Dad and Sophia doing? Sophia must be taking Dad to his liver appointments. He desperately needs a piece of Mom’s liver. Mom will deliver the baby and


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then donate some of her liver. Will I find a way back before then? Just thinking about home makes the world spin and I feel nauseated. I can’t afford a panic attack. I want to crawl up in that beautiful apartment, close the curtains, and turn off the lights for the next month. I bite my lower lip, shake my head and smile at Mara.

Mara says, “The Palladium is a massive rectangle. By the time we get back from going all around it, you’ll have had quite the work-out.”

Mara has long strides and it takes effort to keep up. How does she walk that fast in those heels?

Mara points, “The main entrance is from the south, you can get into the central courtyard from there. It is the inside of the rectangle. The best residences are the cottages in the north wing.”

The Palladium is an enormous building, you don’t quite get the size since it’s built into the ground. Flowers and grass are planted on the rooftop garden. I breathe in deeply, the citrus smell of flowers scents the air.

“It’s great you’re taking the time to show me around,” I say.

Mara, “This is what friends do.”There is an amazing stone arch above the

wide south wing entryway into the courtyard.


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Mara, “Let’s go to the north wing, that’s where the luxury apartments are, and the gorgeous cottages.”

“The courtyard looks so nice. Please…”Mara sighs, “If you must.”People sit in small groups laughing and

talking in the courtyard. Others relax on benches. Two men sit together reading a book. One woman naps under a large tree. It reminds me of my college campus where I would read a little on a bench and then close my eyes and let the sun warm my face. A few people are swimming in the river. Others sunbathe on the sandy shore.

Mara says, “I used to come out here and swim. It's one of my favourite places in the Palladium. Just remember the water is deep. Every few years we lose a new clacker in the river Tems.”

“I’m a strong swimmer,” I say. Mara says, “The Tems is deceiving, the

current is sometimes fierce. It has parts that are shallow and others that are super deep. Many of the walking trails run along this river.”

The Tems river is perfect. I’ll spend a lot of time out here.

I say, “If we keep reverse aging what happens when we’re six-month-old, or one month? How do we reverse to zero?” I say.

Mara, “Little pony you really, really surprise me. Few of the clackers ask that question.


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They’re too swamped with all the other things I tell them.”

Little pony. Uggh. Mara says, “Around age two you go to the

Infantotel. All the young citizens of Saffire stay there until they make the final clack. You lose language and keep reverse aging. Eventually you are just a babbling baby. Around six months you take the final clack. A loud sound is heard and the baby disappears.”

Wow. Mara continues the tour, “This is the oldest

part of the Palladium, it was the earliest building erected on Saffire. Grand Council chamber.”

This section of the Palladium reminds me of an old courthouse. I can see where the newer brick joins the old structure. Eight steps made of a solid pure white material that looks like marble lead to the entrance. A large solid wood double door towers about twenty feet up. There are some ornate carvings on dark metal plates on both sides of the door.

Mara says, “Jago as Eminence leads Grand Council. He rules all of Saffire.”

I get it, your ‘friend’ Jago is the boss man on Saffire.

Mara smiles, “Grand Council chamber also has a practice area. In the early days they settled problems with Concetar right in Grand Council.


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What is Concetar? Mara drops bombshell after bombshell. She’s not explaining anything on purpose and I suspect enjoying it. A long series of steps lead up to massive wooden doors. Although it is all part of the Palladium, there is no mistake this is the most formal space of the building. The newer structure has been built to include this older part.

Mara says, “ We can’t go in but we can see the council table from here.”

There is a large eight sided table, the windows around it are stained glass.

Mara and I sit on a bench carved out of a large tree stump.

Mara says, “Sentius will train you in Concetar.”

Mara and I walk together side by side. Mara, “We’ve made it,” she stops and opens

her hands wide, “Paradise. The north wing.”The Palladium is beautiful, but it’s taken to

a whole new level in the north wing. More flowers, more vibrant colours. A row of tress with orange bark and purple leaves line the side of the building. The branches are trimmed in perfect geometric shapes. A circle, a rectangle and diamond. The trees repeat along the cobblestone path.

Cottages dot the landscaped north wing. Each is painted a bright solid colour: red, blue and green. The splash of color in the greenspace works well. The verandas are


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generous with two rectangular windows on either side of the door in the center. A wooded ravine borders the grounds.

“Who lives in these cottages?” I say.Mara grabs her purse tightly, “Only the

best.”We stop in front of a freshly painted blue

cottage with a bright red door. Mara says, “Jon, a Grand Councillor lives

here but he’ll be moving soon. All the Grand Councillors have lived in north wing at one time or other.”

“Why would they leave?” “Either they’ve made lots of vallerian and

it’s time to get bigger. Or they’re pairing and the partner wants to live elsewhere.”

I nod. Mara walks into the ravine, I follow. A few steps into the towering black-barked trees I can see the Tems river. The clear blue water hisses and swirls. The river undulates out of view. Heavy blue-gray jagged rocks rim the sides.

Mara says, “Follow the Tems and it takes you right out of Brehn. It cuts through the Meka Gandi gorge if you go far enough and ends at Eppingten Common.”

Mara goes back and stares at the blue cottage. I can see why she likes it. It would be a beautiful place to live. The ravine and the plants surrounding all the cottages are gorgeous. Mara and I walk briskly back to my apartment.


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Mara says, “Tomorrow you start training with Sentius, someone will come for you at six in the morning, be ready.” Then Mara laughs, “Just remember we do it a little different on Saffire.” Mara jumps into her car and leaves.

What does that mean? Different? Compared to what? I walk into my apartment and sit on a chair. No tears: I’m all out.


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Four weeks have passed since I began training with Sentius and I cannot believe I am standing in the amphitheater behind metal bars looking out at the combat arena. Sentius has done the best he could, I know what to expect and I will fight hard but I’m not ready for combat. I was chosen for this match, an offer I couldn’t refuse. Whatever happens today, I hope it is quick and painless.

The S shaped knife feels like a piece of silly putty in my left hand. Sentius stands in the center of the amphitheater. He opens his arms wide; he trained me as well as he could in the short time, but it’s not enough for the job at hand. All combat begins the same, I know what he will say but the words still sting, “Let the Concetar begin.”

I wear a red leather glove on my right hand to grip the metal net that hangs at my waist.


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The net makes a jingling sound when I nervously move side to side.

The square metal bars keep me safe in this cage at the far end of the amphitheater. It’s not really a cage, its a decent sized grotto. The black metal grate rises making a sound like fingernails on a chalkboard. The spiked ends glint in the hot Saffire sun and I enter the packed amphitheater.

Be careful what you wish for in life, it may come true. Destiny has a cruel sense of humor. The tall boy with the nice smile and the broad shoulders that I saw when I clacked, Aiden, is the undefeated gladiator on Saffire. Here he is: we meet in Concetar. I hope the crowd is prepared for a short battle.

‘There’s always something good in the house of straw; if you are in trouble, get there,’ those were the words of Sentius. The far end of the stadium has a straw house, it looks like a large storage shed. I need to remember everything that the tall man with the straight white hair said. Sentius Kolo reminds me of a monk: he speaks in a slow soothing voice and he always makes sense. If, or more likely when, I get into trouble, I will get to that straw house. My chances are slim, but that’s what they want: blood.

Aiden is already at the center of the amphitheater. The crowd chants “Ay-DEN, Ay-DEN, Ay-DEN!” They are wild with anticipation


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of my defeat. I swallow hard because they may not have to wait long.

When I get to the center of the amphitheater I marvel at the size and enthusiasm of the crowd. Everyone here is under thirty, all citizens pumped for this match. I wonder how many are watching on holovision. Weig and Axel, my practice partners, are glued to the holovision right now.

The amphitheater is open at the top but the air is stagnant. All these bodies packed in such a tight space have the stink of sweat mixed with bloodlust. Sticky droplets of sweat form on my chest. Instead of the warm smile I remember when I clacked, Aiden's face is grim and determined. I avoid his gaze.

Sentius stands between us. His pure white hair contrasts with his dark brown skin. It is parted in the middle and the ends fall bluntly on his slight shoulders. He wears a loose-fitting white tunic and pants.

Sentius calls, "Greetings, children of Saffire."

The stadium is silent.Sentius continues, “We are in for a great

battle between the undefeated Aiden and the newcomer Demalynn.”

I don’t know who chose my outfit: thin red t-shirt and black shorts. It is skimpy and would work well in a marathon, not a battle to the end. A skintight leather leotard covers my


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right leg to the ankle. This protects my leg from the razor sharp nettles on the net tucked into my waist. Aiden wears solid metal armor. A huge metal belt covers his sides and back. The large shield he holds protects his chest. Aiden is bigger and stronger, but also slower and heavier. His legs are exposed. This may be more interesting than they think.

Sentius raises Aiden's hand in the air. Aiden raises his shield with the other hand and turns in a complete circle, embracing the entire crowd. A huge cheer erupts. His muscles tense up: he is ready. Aiden unsheathes his sword and swings it through the air. The light of the bright red sun high above makes the steel shimmer. The wide curved blade is razor-sharp and makes a humming sound as it cuts the air.

Sentius raises my hand with the red leather glove. There are a few hollow cheers. Saffire is eager to see another win by Aiden. I am a prop in this play and my role is clear. Aiden's face shows no emotion. He looked so friendly when I clacked in front of Atticus; that boy is not here today. I grip my knife and swing the metal net smoothly. I return the net to my waist fluidly.

Mara is in the royal box sitting one row below Jago. Mara looks fantastic in a short black dress with a matching broad brimmed hat. They are relaxed and look like spectators


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at a horse race, not a brutal fight to the death of unwilling clackers.

Did Mara know about this match? Mara is sneaky and could have set me up. Only recent clackers are forced to fight the Concetar. Sentius was surprised I was chosen after only a few weeks training. Just another unlucky coincidence? I can’t believe someone would do it but Mara might be trying to get rid of the little pony.

“Ay-DEN, Ay-DEN, Ay-DEN,” the crowd chants as he raises both his sword and shield. The crowd goes wild and the ground shakes.

Sentius says, “In this battle there can be only one who conquers.”

Is it fair I should battle someone like Aiden? I push thoughts of home out of my mind because I must focus.

Sentius says, “For this match we are honoured by our Eminence, Jago Malcon.”

The crowd claps and cheers. Jago stands up from his ornate chair and takes a bow; Mara looks up adoringly. Jago’s purple robe shimmers in the sunlight. The scar across his face pulls half his mouth sideways. Mara whispers something in his ear when he sits.

Sentius grasps both of our hands and holds them high. The crowd grows silent. Sentius drops our hands and we move apart, “Game On.”

I attack. The knife glances across Aiden's chest, a minor nick. Aiden has good Ki, it


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protects him from what would have been a fatal wound.

I wasn’t comfortable when Sentius first introduced me to Ki. He said it was my gift from Saffire and only those who clack under thirty possess Ki. Some are more powerful than others but all citizens have the ability to create an invisible forcefield that is critical in battle. It is like a three-inch plate of armor.

I attack again. This time Aiden uses his shield to knock me to the ground. Ki protects me from the full force of Aiden's blow, but the ground is hard. The metallic odor is strong in the air. I am not comfortable with the smell of Ki and I crinkle my nose.

The crowd roars, “Ay-DEN, Ay-DEN!”Aiden is smiling. Good, relax, keep thinking

this will be an easy win. I rush him, fake a move right. Aiden sees it coming and smashes me to the ground with his shield. I am dazed and on my knees. Aiden puts his sword and shield down and lies on the ground a few feet away like he is napping. The crowd roars with laughter. Aiden gets up and takes his weapons. He does a small dance. The crowd howls. It takes some time for me to get up.

Aiden opens both arms wide to taunt me into attacking and I take the bait. His sword blocks me but I swing my knife left aiming at his heart. He turns, but I land a deep gash on


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the left side. The crowd goes silent for a minute.

The noise in the amphitheater grows thunderous. “Dem-A-lynn, Dem-A-lynn.” Aiden looks at the blood oozing from his side.

Ki is the life force that all citizens of Saffire have that can protect them in combat. Sentius was right: I have good Ki.

The sight of his own blood turns Aiden into a beast. He charges, swinging his sword wildly from side to side but I easily evade him. Aiden runs forward to knock me to the ground with his shield; I roll and get back up. When Aiden turns, I throw the metal net. Aiden falls heavily to the ground and I jump on him with the knife aimed at his neck. Aiden spins away but the point cuts his right shoulder. Without the Ki, this blow would have sliced his arm off. I tuck the net back into my waist. Aiden tries to attack but I keep throwing the net. Each time Aiden falls the razor-sharp ‘bells’ slice his legs.

Aiden retreats; his legs are bleeding from the small but deep cuts. The whole amphitheater is standing. The raw newcomer is making a battle of it, more than anyone could have ever hoped.

Aiden may be stronger but the cuts are having an effect; eventually I will win. The crowd is divided now. My knife keeps Aiden from attacking but it is the metal net that is doing the job. I practiced throwing and


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retrieving the net with Sentius and it’s working. The crowd senses the tide is turning towards the end.

Aiden is backing up and landing no blows. The net makes a grating sound when it touches his metal armor and a slicing sound when it touches his skin. He uses the shield to protect his chest, but this exposes his lower legs. Aiden unclasps the metal belt that protects his sides and back. He throws away the heavy shield and sword. What is he doing? I pause for a second. Has he given up? Aiden sprints to the house and is bent over on a bale of straw.

I stand at the center of the amphitheater and thrust my red-gloved hand in the air. The crowd chants, “Dem-A-lynn, Dem-A-lynn!” I enjoy the rush of victory. The match is over and I didn’t have to put my knife through his heart. Sentius lifts my arm. The crowd screams louder, but they are all looking at the straw house. Aiden has emerged from the straw house holding a long thin sword. The undefeated refuses to be defeated. The crowd is happy to see Aiden has not given up and shout his name. “Ay-DEN, Ay-DEN, Ay-DEN!” The noise is deafening. I pick up my net and knife.

I have to keep doing what works, so I swirl my metal net into Aiden’s legs. Even without his heavy armor I am still quicker. There is pain in his deep blue eyes. Just lay down your


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weapon. Aiden will not surrender so I pounce when he slips. Aiden kicks me in the chest, even with the Ki it hurts. I roll to the side. Aiden sees an opportunity and jumps with his sword out, he swings for my exposed neck but realizes his mistake too late. The knife is concealed under my side. I trip him and he falls hard on his back. His swords rattles on the ground and comes to rest six feet from him.

The crowd jumps to their feet, it is over.Aiden looks at Jago and Mara in the royal

box. Mara frowns at him and Jago smiles.I straddle Aiden’s chest with my legs and

raise my knife above his chest. Aiden closes his eyes.

The crowd is silent. Aiden doesn’t move, he says, “Do it quick.”The knife wavers in my hand. I look to the Royal box. Jago’s hands remain at his side. Jago’s expression is easy to read, ‘get it over with’. Mara has worry and fear on her face. Our eyes lock and there is no doubt what she will do next. Mara puts her right hand in the air with the palm facing the sky; she doesn’t turn around to look at Jago. The crowd roars. Aiden will live and I have won the match. I don’t wait to see Aiden’s reaction, his eyes are still closed. I drop the weapon and head to the grotto. The crowd cheers my name but I don’t feel pumped up—I feel humiliated.


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Aiden and I ride back to the practice arena of the Palladium; the back of the van has a hard metal bench and two chains hanging from the ceiling. On turns you must grab the chains to avoid getting smashed into the walls.

My choice was take a life to save my own. I’m ashamed at how hard I fought to save my life when it all came down to it. The moment I won was exhilarating. On the ride back with Aiden, I am forced to confront the reality; I would have killed a man in a heartbeat to save myself.

I remember the look Mara had at the restaurant when she was with Jago and Aiden; I knew she’d spare Aiden’s life. Mara spared Aiden, not me. I was powerless. If things had been reversed would Mara have put up the open palm for me?


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Aiden is not talking; he stares. It's weird, there is no anger, no resentment; he is relaxed. I look at the floor and only occasionally glance at him.

Aiden finally speaks when we approach the Palladium, “Don’t worry it gets easier.”

“I’m not doing this ever again,” I say.Aiden says, “Yes, yes you will, because in

the end the drive to survive tops everything else. Decency, compassion, all those good things you thought you’d never abandon go out the window.… So you will do it again.”

“Never.” Aiden says, “That’s what I thought the first

time. Some advice: the first is the hardest. Do it quick.”

Aiden hops off the van and walks with a relaxed, easy stride; like the Concetar never happened. I enter the practice studio and Aiden follows. My two other training partners, Weig and Axel, sit crossed legged at the edge of the thick red line. The rectangular outline in red on the blonde hardwood floor marks the boundary where we train for Concetar.

Sentius walks up and hands me the red glove I used in Concetar, he whispers in my ear, “You’ve earned it. I have confirmed Mara was the one who asked you to be in this Concetar.”

I thought Mara may have been behind my selection. She tried to get me killed. I turn the glove around in my hands, the leather


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scratches my skin. I hand it back to Sentius. Weig is wearing our standard practice outfit: loose fitting white pants and tunic. For Weig the pants are snug on his waist and the white tunic curves around his tummy. I sit beside Weig and I am surprised Aiden sits beside me. Axel is at the far end beside Weig.

Sentius sits on a purple pillow cross-legged, “Demalynn, congratulations on a scintillating victory over one of the most distinguished gladiators on Saffire.”

Aiden says, “Thanks for not rubbing in it.”The rest of us keep our heads down. Aiden

laughs. Not a hesitant or sarcastic laugh but a big full laugh. We all laugh, eventually we become hysterical. Even Sentius is laughing. Finally I wipe the tears from my eyes. It’s been the best laugh I’ve had in a long time.

Sentius says, “Laughter heals all wounds and releases all tensions. Now we get back to training.”

Aiden has handled this Concetar in a way I could never have imagined. He lost and is fortunate to be alive but he's not bitter. I don't think he's even relieved. It happened and he’s moving on. Had I beaten an eighteen-year-old guy back home even in a game of soccer, must less this kind of match, he would have been mad, crazy mad. Even more humiliated by being spared by a girl. Not Aiden.


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Sentius says, “The people of Saffire take great pleasure in watching the new clackers battle. These are the most watched events on Saffire.”

“It’s bloodlust,” I say. Sentius says, “It’s the way Saffire releases

the tensions that bind our society. Welcome to Saffire.”

Axel rubs his smooth dark brown bald head, “What is the Concetar?”

His angular features are striking set against his full red lips. Handsomely brooding, that is Axel’s vibe.

Sentius says, “Concetar means struggle. Aiden, tell the new ones.”

Aiden says, “Concetar is a fight between citizens.”

Weig says, “That means the under thirty group.”

I say, “Correct.”Weig is round-faced, maybe mid-twenties

about five years older than Axel. Weig’s black hair is cut around his head like someone used a bowl. Axel looks around the room, he’s not listening.

Sentius says, “Soon you will all be citizens. On Saffire combat is an acceptable and in some cases the preferred, method of solving a dispute.”

The beautiful buildings and the manicured lawns are pretty window dressing covering up the warts on Saffire.


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Sentius says, “Aiden has made himself a household name in a short time. It is my hope you new recruits can do the same. Every house on Saffire is talking about Demalynn right now. More Questions?”

Weig says, "What is Ki?"Sentius says, “The energy that all those who

clack under thirty possess.”Axel says, “It’s what separates us from

you.”Sentius says, “Yes. I clacked at age thirty-

six many years ago. I do not have Ki.”Axel says, “Many of those blows would have

killed an ordinary person.”Sentius says, “Ki protects you, like an

invisible force field you can call on. A blow that would ordinarily kill, is a mere bump. The energy of the Ki dissipates the force of the strike; it’s like a big cushion around you. But beware: if the combatant has a stronger Ki, they can penetrate you. I will teach you how to use your Ki to fight without contact.”

In the four weeks of training I have done little to find a way home. Now that I’ve survived the Concetar I can think of a future.

Axel says, “How can you throw your opponent?”

Sentius says, “It is only possible to throw your opponent if your Ki is much stronger than the other person’s. If you are evenly matched in Ki, you must fight person to person. That is why we train you in combat.


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Combat training strengthens your mind, strengthens your body. It makes your Ki stronger.”

“The O-30s?” I say.Sentius says, “Those born over thirty have a

different path; we get older every year. Most of us will spend our lives in the mines harvesting thallamite to fuel the coolers that keep our planet livable.” His face tightens, “We do not have Ki, so we serve in a different way.”

Sentius stands, “Pick up the sticks behind you and spread out.”

We space ourselves around the rectangular training area. Sentius goes to the middle and holds the wooden stick in front of him with both hands. The Co, the most common combat weapon. It is a sold piece of wood six feet long, one and a quarter inch thick.

Sentius says, “Watch my feet.”The pole turns in his hands, gradually

increasing speed until it becomes a blur. A steady whirring sound fills the air.

Sentius swings the pole at Weig’s head. Weig raises his own pole awkwardly in defence. The metallic smell is in the air. Weig’s Ki is now surrounding him. Sentius gives him a thrust, which bounces harmlessly away.

Sentius says, “Ki will protect you: surrender to it.”


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Sentius swings more vigorously, his footwork is quick and intricate. Weig tries to defend himself from the blows.

Sentius uses his stick to knock Weig’s legs out from under him. Sentius brings his pole high above Weig’s head and starts the downward motion that will crush his skull. The stick stops an inch above Weig’s forehead.

Sentius says, “Ki is good, but it can’t protect you from everything.”

Aiden is twirling his Co. The big stick moves easily in his strong hands. I always traded advice with Sophia about boys. It is clear we have pathetically little experience with boys and all the ‘advice’ was just empty talk. It’s still fun sharing with Sophia.

Aiden takes off his white tunic; he is very muscular with broad square shoulders. A single vein runs down his biceps. Aiden looks at me and smiles that wide toothy grin. My face goes red. Was it only an hour ago that I had a knife to his throat?


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In the few weeks since the Concetar, Aiden and I have been spending more time together. Aiden and I are standing beside a horse drawn carriage in the middle of a huge barn full of horses and carriages. Today is a free day, no training with Sentius and no jabbering by Mara. Aiden is taking me to see Clappam Common, an Out town.

“We’re going in this?” I say.The horse snorts and stomps her feet to

protest my comment. “This is really a surprise,” I say.

I’ve never been out of Brehn. The wild land outside the cities is called the Fray and it can be treacherous.

Aiden says, “These are the traditional horse-drawn carriages used outside of cities.”


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The carriage doors are ornate with carved moldings. Inside the bench seating can easily hold four people. The carriage roof is a shiny dull gray metal, with space up front for the driver.

“It’s beautiful,” I say.Aiden says, “When you attend the Black and

White, this is how you go.”The Black and White Masquerade Ball is the

high society party for Saffire citizens. It is the event to attend. Everyone wears masks and elaborate costumes. The Black and White happens once a year but people talk about it non-stop. The word is I will be invited due to my defeat of Aiden at Concetar.

“What's it like?” I say.Aiden says, “The costumes are amazing.”Aiden climbs to the top of the carriage and

picks up the reins of the horse. Aiden says, “You coming up here or you

riding in the carriage?” I squeeze in tight to Aiden. Our carriage is

empty. Training has been very strenuous both on

the body and the brain. I am pumped to go on this little trip with Aiden and have thought of little else in the last week.

Aiden says, “Are you okay, you look tired?”“I didn’t sleep well,” I say.Aiden says, “The Dream.”I nod yes. I don’t get it every night, but the

Dream panics me most nights of the week.


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The baby comes out as a tiny little girl, she fits in the palm of the doctor’s hand. The doctor says, ‘We’ve never seen one so little’. The baby girl has big blue eyes and a full head of black hair. Then she starts growing and growing. I am in the birthing room, it’s just me and Mom. My sister Sophia yells from the other side of the glass, ‘Get back over here’. I scream at this point in the dream and fight my way out of sleep.

Aiden says, “Did the baby take all the oxygen out of the room?”

I say, “It’s the same dream all the time, she just keeps growing and growing and my face gets plastered against the wall. At the end I always feel like I’m suffocating.”

Aiden says, “There’s nothing better than some good country air, you’ll sleep well tonight. I promise.”

Aiden looks at me and I smile. He understands I can’t control this dream and it seems so real, it shakes me every time. I’ve already shared enough with this young man. The wind on my face is nice. We take a path through the city that runs beside the river Tems. Other couples are also using horse drawn carriages. Some use a driver but most sit up top like us.The super-hot sun shines on my face and it feels good. The horse clops along the path at a relaxed pace.

Aiden says, “I'm not good at steering this carriage. Let’s take a break.”


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I don’t agree, he’s doing an amazing job. We sit just off the path under a tree.

“How old is Sentius?” I say.Aiden shrugs, “No idea. From the people

I’ve talked to Sentius has been old forever. I’m guessing around seventy.”

I wipe the sweat off my forehead, “I love this spot.”

The Tems undulates in a lazy S. The path weaves through the city of Brehn but with so much green space and trees, it feels like you’re in the country; I rode my bike along paths like this at home. I look over at Aiden.

Aiden says, “You’ve gone silent.” I don't have a plan to get home. I feel like

I’m just floating along. I can’t risk telling anyone I remember home. None of my other trainees remember home. Weig is looking forward to becoming a citizen. Axel is not thrilled, but he doesn’t look forward to anything.

Aiden says, " This carriage is a great way to go slow."

I want to share my secret with Aiden, he’s the obvious choice but I don't want to put him in danger. Saffire fears rebellion if people were to learn of a better place. The fear is people would want to change Saffire, or worse yet: find a way home. Jago and all the other members of Grand Council have been very effective eliminating anyone who remembers home. There is the Underground. It is a secret


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group of citizens that helps miners escape to the Fray. The Underground does not believe O-30s should be forced to work the mines. They help miners escape and probably could help me. The people who remember home when they clack want to run. The Underground, when possible, approach the clacker and offer an escape. Little Emma was a member and if I had run when I clacked the Undergroud would have hidden me. My panic attack cost me my chance to flee.

“I’m really excited to see Clappam Common,” I say.

Aiden says, "Clappam is just a mess of old wood buildings. But there’s something neat in going to a place with open air markets and no cars. The Common makes you forget; the place is like another world. Speaking of which, you’ve been in your own world lately."

“A few things on my mind.” “What?” Aiden says. “Just getting used to Saffire. This trip should

take my mind off things.” I say.“I promise you’ll have a special day.”The guards at the exit gate are polite. Just

another pair enjoying a day out of Brehn. It’s not busy since most people who live in the city rarely leave these gates. The city provides all that citizens need; the gate provides security from the Fray.

Heaved up gravel and large potholes make up the so-called road in the Fray. The carriage


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was the smart choice but even it sometimes lurches severely. Dense trees surround us.

“What’s out here?” I say.Aiden says, “In the Fray there are scattered

Out towns. The Fray is wild country. A few wealthy citizens have large farms out here. And the cooling stations of course. That’s pretty much it.”

The Fray has an untamed beauty that is raw and exciting, but I would not want to be out here at night.

Aiden says, “I can’t wait to show you Clappam Common.”

“Who lives in the Out town?” Aiden says, “O-30s who gained freedom

from the mines, they sprung up in the Fray and formed these communities.”

“Why were they released?” I say.Aiden says, “They did something special or

showed some talent that made them more useful above ground.”

“Brehn is almost too clean. I think I’ll enjoy the Out town.” I say.

Aiden says, “Clean is one word no one’s ever used for an Out town.”

“Anyone ever escape to an Out town?” I ask.

Aiden says, “Yes, but if you have no papers, the Fray’s the best place. Escaped miners sometimes find help in Out towns but sooner or later the Centurions find them.The Fray is vast, you can spend your life out here if you


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know how to survive and no one will find you.”

How long would I survive the Fray? Aiden says, “On the way back, we will stop

and visit my friend Ella.”I say, “She runs the Infantotel?”“Right. She’s got a nice farm not too far

from Clappam.”Ella is close friend of Aiden so I’m surprised

he’s taking me to meet her.“Does she know we’re coming?” I say.“Relax, we drop in on each other all the

time. You’ll love her. Jon will probably be there.”

“Jon?”Aiden says, “Jon Sander. Good guy all

round. Jon's on Grand Council with Ella. With your Ki, you will be on Council one day.”

Sentius has told me the same thing. Grand Council members take a spot based on superior Ki. Jago has the most powerful Ki and is the Eminence. Sentius hopes I can challenge Jago one day. I haven’t told him I am planning to escape and go home. I haven’t started planning yet, but soon.

Aiden and I leave the city far behind: the few motorized vehicles give way to only horse drawn carriages and the beautiful glass towers to small wooden cabins. A man sits on a small buggy pulling a cart with fresh vegetables. He wears a pair of thin brown


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cloth pants and a gray loose-fitting shirt that falls to his waist.

Another man with gray hair walks along the dirt road; he pushes a wheel barrow full of jars filled with white liquid. His dark brown robe is tied at the waist with a thick gold rope. Both men wear the same thick-soled leather sandals. Walking behind him is a woman pushing another cart full of bottles.

Aiden stops the carriage and we get out, “Welcome to Clappam Common.”


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Aiden and I walk along the wide dirt road to the center of Clappam Common. Tiny cabins made of thick dark wood planks are scattered along the way. The spaces in between the planks are filled with thick lime mortar. Each house has two small windows on either side of a wide center door. I’m amazed at how similar they all are. The homes are simple, but well maintained.

Aiden says, “You look amazing.”That kinda came out of nowhere, I totally

wasn’t expecting that. My face warms. “Thank you,” I stutter.

What am I to Aiden? Friend? Close friend? More? A bundle of feelings is what I am, most of which I don’t understand. Sophia would be great to talk to right now. Aiden has strength and kindness. He’s special. I love his toothy grin; it looks like it belongs on a six-year-old


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whose mom has just given him extra candy. He comes closer to talk and my palms grow sweaty.

Aiden looks at me.I try to tell myself there is no room right

now for silly school girl antics. I’m trying to act like nothing’s going on, but it’s not working. My head turns slightly to the left. He looks at me like he wants to say something. Aiden pauses and then bends his head, “We’re almost there.”

That’s not what he wanted to say. What was he going to say before I looked like a nervous little kid and messed it up? I’ll never know since we walk in uncomfortable silence towards Clappam Common market square.

“Do you believe a child will be born to save Saffire?”

Aiden says, “I believe in the Octavo. It’s the one thing we all believe in on this planet. Will the Unum come in my lifetime? Not so sure.”

“Doesn’t it seem like a big fairytale? The Unum. The Gravidarum. The Helper.”

Aiden says, “Don’t you believe in fairytales?”

“Not since I was six years old.” Aiden looks at me funny. I've slipped up. I

shouldn’t remember when I was six because I am supposed to have no memory of home. I wait for the obvious question but he didn’t notice.


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Aiden says, “Before you know it, you’ll be six.”

“What do you make of the Helper?” I say.Aiden says, “Not the greatest job, that’s for

sure.”“It’s the only person I can’t follow in The

Coming.” Aiden says, “You’re not alone on that one.

The Helper must be present to help the Gravidarum survive to give birth. If the Helper dies, then the Unum cannot be born. But after the birth of the Unum, the Helper is not mentioned. The Gravidarum cares for the Unum, the Unum changes Saffire.” “Confusing,” I say.

Aiden says, “It’s written like that for a reason. Any way it turns out The Coming can claim it’s correct.”

The Coming is a story and nothing more. It’s just a little too convenient. Someone magical will come and save Saffire from all its problems. Just too Wizard of Oz perfect for real life.

The farmers market is at the center of town. Vendors have wheelbarrows filled side by side. The smell of fresh vegetables and cheeses intermingles with the fruit to produce a unique aroma. The square is alive with the vendors talking over each other, each proclaiming their stall the best, the freshest.


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Aiden says, “Different Out towns are known for different things. Clappam Common is known for cheese.”

Aiden and I stop at a large cheese stall. Balls of cheese are packed high on wooden shelves. Some are pure white, others orange with red bits in them.

Aiden points. A man in a white apron about fifty years old, stands in front of the stall. A piece of cheese hangs out the side of his mouth, “Thirty vallerian.”

Aiden says, “Fifteen.”The vendor picks up the ball of cheese and

puts down his knife, “It’s the finest cheese on Saffire. Aged for two years. Twenty-five vallerian.”

Aiden says, “Twenty.”The vendor winks at me, “Treat your pair

to the best. Twenty-five.” I’m not Aiden’s pair, but before I can speak

Aiden gives the vendor twenty-five vallerian. An escape to Clappam Common wouldn't be

such a bad thing. For now I enjoy the moment: being around Aiden is fun. When we get to the carriage Aiden gives me the cheese. I put it in the carriage and climb up top to sit scrunched beside him. Is it my imagination or did his hand linger a fraction of a second longer than it needed to when he helped me up? A tingle goes down my back. Aiden's fingers are soft.


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Aiden says, “Let’s get to Ella’s. We take a slightly different route but it’s on our way home.”

I'm nervous about meeting his good friend. Aiden reads my mind, “Don’t worry Ella’s amazing.”

The Fray is complete unspoiled wilderness. The lands outside the walled off cities are untouched and there’s a certain purity in that rawness. Burning in the sky is the red sun and the oppressive heat is choking me. Sweat forms in between my shoulders. Neither one of us fills in the silence. But it’s different than before, the silence is not awkward. I lean into Aiden. Soon Clappam Common is well behind us; we climb a small hill and see a huge white building with no windows. It spews out mist.

Aiden points, “That’s Cooler 28.”“That’s where the thallamite goes.” I say.Aiden says, “These cooling stations keep

the temperature down.”The building is massive. The cooling

stations are the biggest buildings on Saffire.“It doesn’t seem like they’re doing that

great a job,” I say, wiping sweat from my forehead.

Without a constant supply of thallamite to power these cooling stations Saffire would overheat in a matter of hours. Does that justify forcing all the O-30s to work the mines? The building is massive and I feel like


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a speck of dirt. It is big and gray and menacing.

A wall of mist spews from the top of Cooler 28. The droplets of water tickle my face. Very refreshing. A clear blue color fills the sky above the cooling facility.

We ride past thin trees with white bark, and the path widens ahead. Aiden almost goes off the side of the carriage when we hit a deep pothole. I grab him. We laugh and enjoy the adrenaline rush.

“How can I get home?” I ask.Aiden sighs, “Here we go again.” Aiden hasn’t been on Saffire that much

longer than me but he knows quite a bit. By winning at Concetar he became an instant celebrity and made friends who have power. I had hoped he would know someone who could get me back home. He’s told me many times there is no way to get home and that I should embrace Saffire. Our conversations always end the same.

I say, “There must be a way. Early people on Saffire travelled between the two worlds.”

Aiden says, “We can’t do that anymore.”“If we clack here, there must be a way back

home.” I don’t like the desperation in my voice.

Aiden speaks with finality, “There is no way home.”

“What if we could get back?”


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Aiden says, “We can’t. Why would you want to go back to a place you can’t remember? It could be a lot worse than Saffire.”

The road curves and the surface becomes more even. I stare at Aiden and then turn away when he returns my stare.

I say, “Aiden, I remember where I came from. I remember it all.”

Aiden's mouth hangs open. His body goes limp and I’m afraid for a moment he will topple over the top of the carriage. I remember Sophia’s face when I told her I didn’t meet with Josh, it’s the same look Aiden is giving me.

Aiden and I sit on top of the horse drawn carriage and turn onto a dirt road that weaves through the forest in silence. He’s made a sharp turn down a very narrow dirt road and we are no longer on our way to his friend Ella’s house. I wait for Aiden to pound me with questions about life back home. To say something, anything. He guides the horse down the lane quickly and does not speak. Aiden avoids looking at me, not that easy to do since I'm right beside him.

Aiden says, “I’m not taking it well, but I guess I’m the only one you can tell. I'm sorry for giving you the silent treatment.”Not what I was expecting him to say. For the way I dumped on him I didn’t expect that response.


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Aiden says, “You’ll need a plan to escape. You can’t stay in Brehn. You should have been a runner.”

I remember Little Emma and my panic attack when she asked me to run.

Aiden says , “If you slip up and anyone realizes you remember home you will be in danger.”

“I won’t slip up.”Aiden, “When I asked you if you believed in

fairytales, you said not since I was six years old.”

I say, “I didn’t think you caught that.”“You’re lucky it was me. Demalynn Chase is

a hero to the citizens of Saffire, your Ki is off the charts and for that reason they can’t let you run. Everyone on Saffire saw you defeat me in Concetar. If people start talking about a place where things are different from Saffire, it will cause people to get uppity.”

Aiden stares at me with the eyes I remember from the amphitheater when we battled in Concetar, “The place you come from is obviously less violent than Saffire, that’s why you’ve been asking so much about a way to get home. Citizens already question our violent ways, O-30s will want out of the mines. If someone was to tell everyone there is a better place, I’m sure it would cause a revolution. Grand Council and Jago will never let that happen. He’s a beast, I know him. He


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killed thirty women when one of them was rumoured to be the Gravidarum.”

“He killed thirty women?”Aiden says, “You’ve read The Coming. He

will never allow a baby to be born on Saffire. The Unum would lead Saffire. All of Grand Council would disappear. Jago would not be the leader. Rather than take a chance, he ordered the killing of thirty innocent women.”

“That’s just rumor.”Aiden says, “It is true.”I remember the metallic taste in my mouth

when I saw Jago, and his eyes. They were penetrating and frigid. The dirt road is now gone and we are rumbling through a forest of trees and no clear path.

I say, “Were any of the women pregnant?”Aiden says, “No. Every one of the women

were examined. None carried a child.”Aiden pulls the carriage over by a small

cluster of white flowers which are almost my height.

Aiden helps me down and puts his arm around me, “We need to talk,” when he speaks his tone is soothing, “I get it now, the memories of home are torturing you.”

“I want to get home.” I wanted this day to turn out different, but

here it is. Aiden says, “There is no way back home.

Sorry. What we need now is a plan to get you to disappear. A plan to get the girl who has


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been seen by almost all of Saffire for her amazing Concetar win, to slip away with no one noticing.”

Put in this harsh light he’s right: getting home is the least of my problems. I will need to disappear first and then find a way home. I wrap my arms around myself; it’s suddenly cold.

I say, “No one has—“Aiden says, “Listen.”“I don’t hear anything.” Aiden says, “The birds have stopped

singing. And it's cold.”The sound of thunder rips through the air.I say, "Shangoka."

I’m not sure Aiden knows where he’s heading, but we run. Bolts of lightning rain down all around us. Branches crack. Fallen branches block the path and we zig zag through rough terrain. Trees are on fire. The area looks like it has been hit by thousands of huge fireballs.

Aiden says, "We can’t go back to the carriage; the lightning will strike the roof.”There is no doubt we are experiencing a Shangoka. Saffire’s sun is dying and the atmosphere is changing. That’s why it’s always so hot. Now and then the atmosphere breaks. This causes a vicious combination of extreme lightning, thunder and pounding rain: Shangoka.Aiden and I are soaked from the heavy rain so


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we huddle together. Water pours down our faces and the ground shakes.

“This is my first Shangoka,” I say.Aiden says, “We’re not in a great place.We

need to head for open ground.”A bright flash of light blinds me for a minute and a roar of thunder cuts out my hearing. When I regain my senses Aiden’s voice sounds hollow and far away.

Aiden says, "I can’t move!”Steam rises from the broken tree trunk that

is across Aiden's chest, pinning him to the ground. The heavy rain pellets continue. I take my dress off, roll it into a ball and force it under the piece of the tree that jabs into Aiden's chest. His breathing improves.

Aiden looks at me. I am now wearing only my white camisole which stops at mid thigh.

Aiden says, “If I'd known this would happen I would have wished for a Shangoka.”

“Enjoy. This is as much as you’re going to see.” I say.

Aiden tries to laugh but grimaces instead. I try to move the heavy tree trunk but it is too heavy.

“I’ll be back, hold tight.” I say. Aiden is pinned and not going anywhere so

my comment is redundant. The rain is beating down even heavier. Every other second a lightning strike hits a tree. A blast of fire lights up the sky. Trees are toppling over everywhere in explosions of roots and dirt.


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I find what I’m searching for: a thick six-foot-long branch. Perfect. The driving rain slows my return. Aiden’s eyes are closed.

I shake him, “Aiden.”Aiden opens his eyes but his breathing is far

worse. "This is going to hurt,” I say. The splashes of lightning and blasts of

thunder make it feel like Saffire will break apart. The flames in the trees light up Aiden's face. If another tree doesn’t fall on us, the fire from the burning trees will roast us.

Aiden is more alert and his chest moves regularly. The next lightning strike is right beside us. It’s as if someone is reminding me I need to get to the open field, I don’t need a reminder. I put a large rock just in front of the fallen tree trunk that is pinning Aiden. I put my six foot branch on top of the rock and wedge the thick branch under the fallen tree trunk. The crude lever moves the tree up very little.

Aiden gasps, “It’s not working. Harder.” A longer branch would make it much easier to pry the log off Aiden. Snap. The end of the lever breaks and the tree trunk presses down even harder on his chest. Aiden does not scream but his eyes widen.

“I’m sorry,” I say.Aiden clenches his teeth, “Leave… me.”The Shangoka is not easing up and if I don’t

leave soon, I will be trapped. Aiden would


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already have stopped breathing if I didn’t relieve some of the pressure from the log that pins him, but I’m out of ideas. His Ki is the only thing keeping him alive at this point, that tree trunk would have crushed him on impact.The two pieces of branch from the previous lever are now too short to be of any real use. There is no fear in his eyes. Aiden speaks but the words come out hoarse and muted. I put my head down to his lips.

Aiden closes his eyes, “Enough. Time for you to leave.”

The fire is closing in on us. There is still a path to the open field. How long will it stay open?

I wipe dirt from Aiden's face, then stand, "This will hurt."

I take a piece of the branch. It’s so short I’m not even sure it will work as a lever.

“Aiden, on three I’m going to push down as hard as I can. Hopefully the tree trunk will move up enough for you to wiggle out. We’ll only have one chance, I can’t push anymore and this branch could break again. Understand?”

Aiden nods towards the open path. I say, “We’re both going to take that path.

On three.” Aiden closes his eyes. Has he given up?“One. ..Two…. ..Three.” The trunk is pushed higher than I expected.

My Ki surges. Crack. The lever splinters. I fall


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to the ground. Aiden rolls from under the log; he is holding his side and takes short quick breaths. Lightning smacks the ground all around us.

I pull him up, “Let’s go.”We make a break for the open field. Aiden

still holds his side and falls before we’ve made it very far so I piggyback him through the burning trees and dump him on the grass of the open field. We lie side by side, our heads touching, looking at the sky. The grass is cool.

Aiden says, “I’ve never been piggybacked before. It’s fun.”

“Don’t get used to it. That was a one-time deal.”

The rain has not stopped, but the lightning is slowing. The noise of the thunder is still intense. Aiden finds my hand. My white camisole is soaked, I’m cold and damp, but I don’t care.

Aiden says, "Thanks."The lightning and rain stop.

“No need to thank me,” I say.Aiden says, “Provo.”I don’t know the name.Aiden says, “Provo works the Gallenhurst

mine. He’s kind of the unofficial leader down there. He’s part of the Underground and you’ll need that if you’re to have any chance.”

I squeeze Aiden's hand.Aiden says, “My friend Ella is a major player in the Underground. I’m also Underground.”


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Life is comedy. All the time I’ve been so sad because I missed my chance to contact the Underground when I clacked and refused Little Emma’s offer to be a runner. I was too afraid to ask about the Underground for fear of someone guessing my secret. My Underground contact has been with me the whole time.

Aiden says, “I’ll get Ella to set up a meeting for you with Provo. Some say he knows a way to get back to where we clacked from.”

We stand huddled together. Aiden is so well adjusted to life on Saffire there is no way I would peg him for Underground. Aiden has given me hope I’ll live to see another day, and hope I can get home. He flashes me his toothy grin. The ground shudders. I think it’s the thunder. Aiden and I make our way back. The lightning has destroyed the carriage. It is just smouldering, charred wood.

Aiden says, “The horse is loyal, she’s waiting for us.”

The brown horse stands just off to the side of the steaming metal roof.

Aiden rubs the horse on the nose, “She’s fine. A little shaken but no injuries,” the horse whinnies.

Aiden removes the bridle, wraps up the reins, and throws them on the ground. He pats the horse on the side, she trots away.

Aiden says, “Every living thing wants to be free.”


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Ella set up the meeting for me with Provo, the unofficial leader of the miners at Gallenhurst. I have no idea why they smuggled me into his tiny, dirty cabin on the mine campus. Why not conduct the meeting somewhere else? Did they want to impress me with the skills of the Underground to smuggle people? All my hopes are pegged on this O-30 miner. Looking around Provo’s dirt floor cabin I’m not confident this guy is the answer.

I can’t sit still, my hands are sweating. This place is barely livable. An overturned box is in the center of the one room cabin with a copy of the Octavo placed precisely in the middle. Where does Provo sleep? The walls are paper thin, lashed together from branches and leaves and castaway plywood. There is a white paste that fills in the gaps. The roof is made of dirt and straw. A heavy smell of wet soil permeates the room.


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I look out the window and see six men lifting a stretcher out of the mine shaft. The men are shirtless with grim faces, their t-shirts completely cover a body. They struggle to keep the stretcher upright on the uneven ground. A slight dip causes the load to shift and a hand flops out. The hand is missing the thumb. I press my face to the window and I can see that the thumb is hanging by a single tendon six inches from the hand. There are gray hairs on the back of the hand. The thumb bobs up and down on the tendon. The man had a big nose; the protruding outline clearly visible under the t-shirts. One of the shirtless men realizes the hand has come loose and forces it under the T-shirts.

Provo is holding one end of the stretcher, he talks to the man beside him. That man shifts to take the full load and Provo walks to the cabin. He has a slim build, short dark brown hair and medium height. I pull the dirty gray curtain closed and sit on a wooden chair in front of the table made out of a box. The chair looks like the only piece of furniture that is solid. It has a thick square back and the wooden arms are wide. A wooden bench with three legs is propped up beside the door. Bricks piled on top of one another take the place of the missing leg. A small dented white refrigerator is tucked into a corner; it makes an irregular hum.


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Provo enters and sits on the wooden bench, “I saw you looking out the window.”

“How did he die?” I say.“He died mining the red rock to keep you

citizens cool up above.”The emotions are raw. This meeting is not

getting off to a good start.Provo says, “You people up above know

nothing of what we O-30s endure.“ “I’m sorry.”

After a few moments Provo speaks, “Taylon was a good man. Seventy-four years old. Had arthritis in those big mitts of his but he mined the red rock good. Sliced himself today. Yaz made him keep working. Near middle of shift he collapsed, probably the heat. Yaz kept us working till shift’s end. Didn’t want to lose production of thallamite. Just another day in the mines.”

I can feel the rage about the death, but also the acceptance that this is something that happens every day.

Provo says, “That’s the life for someone who clacks over age thirty. You stay in the mine until you die. Taylon was down there thirty-nine years.”

“Can you help me escape Brehn?” Provo says, “A man has worked his whole

life below ground. He’s dead and you can’t spare him a minute. All you want to know is how you can be saved.”


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Provo is mocking me but I'm not ashamed. I’m here for me. If Provo can help me, great, if not, I’m going to find someone who can. Getting out of Brehn is the first step to getting home.

Provo looks at me and nods, "We all have our problems. You in no way played a part in Taylon’s death. I was shaken by my loss. To answer your question, I can make you disappear."

“How?” I say.Provo says, “You will drown in the river

Tems. At least that’s what all the witnesses who are present will say.”

“How can you make sure I’m able to hide?” Provo says, “The Underground has a vast

network in the Out towns.” There is knock on the door. Provo says, “I think the boy at the door will

be able to add more detail.”The boy with the red corkscrew hair who

was the boss at the restaurant Atticus when I clacked is standing in front of me. He is wearing a black suit with a black shirt and tie. In the lapel he has a fresh-cut red rose. He must have also been smuggled into Gallenhurst mine but he looks like he just got out of a limo. Provo closes the door behind him. The boy puts out his right fist. I touch with mine.

“Hi, I’m Atticus Creaver. It’s great to meet you Demalynn Chase.”


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A very formal and awkward introduction. Atticus was the name of the restaurant? I wore that tablecloth with Atticus across my chest long enough to never forget it. He reads the puzzled look on my face.

“I own the restaurant and it has my name,” Atticus says.

Provo says, “Atticus is the leader of the Underground. We have much to discuss, sit.”

Atticus takes out a handkerchief and wipes the dirt off the stool, “I get miners out of the mine and into the Fray.”

“That’s illegal,” I say. Atticus smiles, “Very.”Provo says, “No one knows who we are or

how we work, but we’re everywhere.”Atticus says, “We can get you out. No

problem.”When I was twelve years old, a group of

girls were the ‘It’ girls at school. They never talked to me, never knew I even existed, I became a heavy metal drummer to impress them but it didn’t work. One day they started talking to me. The next day they gave me candy. The day after that they asked me to steal for them. I was surprised, but one girl, she had black short hair with deep brown eyes, she said, ‘you didn’t think you get something for nothing, did you dope’.

“What do I have to do?” I ask.Atticus says, “I need you to free the miners

here at Gallenhurst.”


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Sentius has tried to keep my powerful Ki under wraps but after the win over Aiden, it has not been easy.

“I can maybe get two out, possibly three. Do we have a deal?” I say.

Atticus says, “All the miners at Gallenhurst.”Provo's eyes are as wide as my own.I say, “It’s not possible: Gallenhurst is the

biggest thallamite producer on Saffire and it's well guarded.”

Atticus looks at me and remains calm. I can’t read his face.

“It’s impossible,” I say.Atticus says, “Every single miner must be

freed.” You didn’t think you get something for

nothing dope. Atticus says, “Your Ki rivals Jago. Soon he

will put you on council. He needs to keep an eye on you, he knows it is only a matter of time before you can take him in Concetar. Aiden’s Ki is close to yours. Together you can free the miners of Gallenhurst.”

I have been training hard with Sentius and he has told me the same things but I had no idea I was being considered for a Grand Council seat so soon.

“I will not risk Aiden’s life,” I say. Atticus says, “We are willing to put the

entire Underground at risk to save your life.”Provo says, “You must do this, Saffire

depends on it.”


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“Why does Saffire depend on it?” I say.Provo looks at Atticus, but no one speaks.I say, “How many miners have escaped

Gallenhurst?”Atticus goes to the refrigerator, pours a

glass of a dark thick drink and then stands in front of the bench, “Not a single person has ever escaped Gallenhurst.”

This is going nowhere. Although it would be nice to have friends in various Out towns to help my escape, this is an impossible request. I have powerful Ki but I can’t get a whole mine free. The place is too well guarded. Why not choose a smaller mine with a better chance of success? What’s so important that it has to be this mine? Why would the leader come to this meeting? Why identify himself right away as the leader? There are too many questions, something stinks. I will take my chances and just make sure no one finds out I remember home.

Provo walks to the fridge and gets two wood mugs, “I can show you how to get back home.” He pours the dark brown drink.

Atticus says, “I should have offered you some Demalynn. I’ve forgotten my manners.”


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I take a big gulp from the wood mug, it tastes like root beer. I usually don't like root beer but this has a hint of something I can’t quite place, possibly cherry. I look over to Provo who is sipping the drink, he is smiling.Provo is good cop and Atticus is bad cop. This meeting was carefully planned.

“How do I go back home?” I say.Provo says, “The Way Back.”“What’s the Way Back?” I say.Atticus says, “The only way to get home.

Provo is the only person on Saffire who can get you home.”

No chance Atticus will explain the Way Back. Can they get me back or is this a bluff? I get up to leave but Atticus motions me to sit. There is a loud knock at the door. How many people can this tumble-down cabin hold?


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Atticus says, “We brought someone who can tell you about the horrors of life in the mines. Jana did not choose to clack over thirty, but since she has no Ki she must spend her entire life in the mine.”

A woman stands in the doorway. For a moment I feel just like I did when I first clacked: in the middle of one bizarre dream. Do they know who this woman is?

Provo says, “Demalynn, this is Jana. She’s thirty-eight.”

I can tell you much more. Jana married young, against the advice of her parents to a much older man. She had her first child at age twenty-one. I am that child.

I give Jana a big hug, “Nice to meet you, Jana.”

Mom lifts her eyebrows in surprise and pulls away, “Pleased to meet you.”

I sit back on the chair and Mom takes a seat between Atticus and Provo on the wooden bench.

Jana says, “We’ve met before?”“You’re—” I cut my words off. I’m not sure

what is going on here and I need to be careful.

Jana says brightly, “I recognize your voice. You were my cellmate.”

Your cellmate? That’s it? I’m your daughter.I say, “That’s right. We were in processing

together, but you didn’t speak.”


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Atticus says, “That explains it, the moment you two saw each other I could see Demalynn change.”

Jana says, “You wouldn’t recognize me. We couldn’t see each other through that wall. You’re right: all I did that night was cry, wishing I could remember home.”

“The first night is the worst,” I say. A meaningless filler. I cannot keep staring at Mom. I take a big drink of the cherry root beer to give myself time to think.

“It was a hard night.” Jana looks at Atticus, “Demalynn did her best to make it better, I remember your soothing words. Thanks. I should have said that then, instead of doing all that silly crying.”

The same phrase Mom uses at home: ‘silly crying’.

Provo says, “Jana is in my pod. I thought if you met a miner it might persuade you to help. Jana, tell Demalynn how you live. ”

Jana says, “I don’t live, I survive. The mine is hot and there’s no ventilation. They pack us in. Sweat and stink is all you smell. Hammer thallamite all day, get a few hours sleep, then repeat.”

Mom’s face is worn, her shoulders are rounded and her eyes are not bright.

Jana says, “Yaz is assistant director of the mine. The director never comes underground. Yaz carries a whip with steel razor-sharp balls, the cat o’ nines. He calls it the cat. If you’re


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not working fast enough or sometimes just because, he’ll give you the cat.”

Provo says, “Yaz is an animal.”Jana says, “A thin, wiry beast. The other day

I tripped, he came over and tried to kick up my dress.”

The heavy burlap material looks more like a sack. The dress is dirty with large sweat stains around the underarms.

Jana says, “I haven’t been in the mines that long but my life is over. It is just a matter of when Yaz will take it. First, he will break my spirit, then he will take my body. I’m the one he’s chosen.”

Dad will die without a piece of Mom’s liver. My palms are sweaty and the room begins to spin and my face goes red. Vomit is in my mouth. I close my eyes tightly, I can’t have a panic attack. I must stay calm and figure this thing out. I open my eyes and the table is no longer spinning. Atticus does not know Jana is my mother and neither does Provo, I’m positive. ‘Jana’ has no memory she is my mom. Like everyone who clacks onto Saffire she has no memory of home. Everyone except me.

Atticus says, “Demalynn.” Then a little louder, “Demalynn.”

Jana smiles, “She’s just surprised to see me after our night together.”

I’m not sure if I missed anything, “Sorry. Go on.”


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Jana remains my focus despite efforts to look elsewhere. Atticus is staring at me intently.

Provo says, “I have some information on schedules, security. Atticus has some ideas on how we can get the miners out.”

“How long is a shift ?” I say.Jana shrugs, “I’m in the mine ten hours a

day. It’s hot and dank. And then there's Yaz.”“Yaz is the assistant who runs the mine,” I

say.Jana nods. “He's set on me. Every day I go

down there, I think,is this the day?”I control the urge to cry and scream. My

heart is beating so rapidly it might pop out. The prophesy of The Coming has begun.

I say, “Jana,” the name sounds awkward in my mouth, “you've lost weight.”

Jana frowns. “That’s an odd thing for you to say. You couldn’t make me out through that wall. How could you tell I’ve lost weight?”

Atticus and Provo both look at me strangely. I don’t even try to make up something. All my focus is on Mom.

Jana says, “I understand the citizens have beautiful apartments?”

“My apartment in the Palladium is nice,” I say.

Provo and Atticus don’t know that Jana is my mom.

“I’ll do it,” I say.Provo says, “Do what?”


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“Free all the miners. In return you will allow me and anyone else who wants to return home to go with me.” I say.

Atticus has not taken his eyes off me since Jana has come into the room. Atticus smiles, “Agreed.”

Atticus and I touch right fists.I say, “Call your men to take me out of

here.”Provo taps on the window and two men

enter. When I get to the door, I turn to Jana and

open and then close my mouth. There is nothing that can be said.

Jana is my mother and she is pregnant. I remember The Coming that is written in the Octavo.

One day, in Saffire’s time of greatest need, a baby will be born. The first child to be born on Saffire. That baby will be born of a special woman, pure of mind and body: the woman shall be known as the Gravidarum. The child shall be called the Unum and will have no father of this world. The Unum will save Saffire.

The Helper will guide and protect the Gravidarum until the Unum is born. The Helper will be present to witness the birth of the Unum or no child shall be born. The Unum shall change Saffire.


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From Provo’s hut I went directly to Aiden’s apartment. It was the middle of the night but he understood. I’ve been bending his ear with my problems and he hasn’t complained. We talked all night and I thought I would have been more freaked, but I was calm. Aiden listened and said very little. He then walked me back to my apartment in the Palladium. Since we both live in the Palladium we’re not that far apart but the blackness of the grounds and the rushing sound of the river Tems made it fell strange. Aiden dropped me at my door and I was supposed to get a couple hours of sleep before morning practice but I couldn’t sleep so I called Aiden. He stayed up talking with me most of the night in his apartment and then I woke him up again. I only realized what I had done when I saw his eyes flutter closed due to tiredness. I had the


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guy walk me home, go to his own apartment, and then come back to talk at my apartment. He didn’t complain. By the time I was all talked out it was too late to go to sleep so we have made our way to the practice facility.We’re very early for morning practice with Sentius but the physical activity will take my mind off Mom.

At first I thought Mom was pretending not to recognize me, but I am sure my Mom has no idea who I am. I gave Mom a hug. Mom hates hugs from strangers and she pulled away from me. Like everyone who clacks onto Saffire she has no memory of home—everyone except me. The first night in the cell I talked to Mom constantly. If Mom remembered home she would have recognized my voice. Mom didn’t speak that night in the holding cell, she only cried. If Mom had said one word in that cell, I guarantee I would have recognized her. I would not have left that cell without her, I would not have let her go to the mines. It would not have happened. I have a comfortable apartment and Mom lives in mud hut. What’s going on back home? How are Dad and Sophia taking this? They must be way past frantic.

Aiden smacks his Co on the ground. That sound returns me to the here and now: the practice arena in the Palladium.

“Sorry,” I say.


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Aiden says, “No worries you have a lot on your mind. Let's get in some practice before Sentius and the other students get here."

I grab my Co and meet Aiden. I defend his thrusts easily. Aiden and I have practiced together many times; I own him. My footwork is now exceptional and with my superior Ki, these days it’s not even close. Aiden is never bummed out about losing. I will never meet a boy like this ever again. I knock the Co out of his hands.

Aiden says, “Break time.”Aiden hands me a glass of water and gets

another for himself. Aiden and I sit side by side on the bench.

“Mom was pregnant when she clacked,” I say.

Aiden says, “Your mother is pregnant now, that’s for sure. Why else would Atticus bring her out to meet you? My guess is he was deciding if he had to tell you she is the Gravidarum or if just showing you a miner who is forced to live in the mine would be enough. If you hadn’t agreed to help he would have told you that Jana was the Gravidarum.”

"I was always talking about going back home and my mother is right here. In fact, the first night on Saffire I was right beside her the whole time."

Aiden says, “More irony: she would not even know you were her daughter if you told her.”

“I’m not sure how’d she’d react.”


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Aiden says, “You are a total stranger to her.”

“I’ve got to get her out of that mine.”Aiden lies on the bench and looks up at the

ceiling, “Things get even more complicated.”“Mom is carrying the only child to be born

on Saffire. The one to save the planet. How much more complicated can it get?”

Aiden sits up and looks at me, “There is no chance Jago and Grand Council will let that baby live. If your mother gives birth, all the Grand Councillors lose their power.”

“Grand Council must respect the Octavo. If the Unum is to rule, they must let it happen.” I say.

“They all swore to serve the Unum. Easy to do when you think the Unum may come hundred of years from now or never. Will they keep their oath if they learn of the Gravidarum? Some might. But Jago? There’s no chance he gives up power—to anyone.”

It all fits into place. Atticus assumed that if he told me Jana was the Gravidarum I would have to help. If Atticus knew Jana was my mom, he would have brought her in at the start knowing I would do anything they asked.

Atticus wants to free the entire mine to protect Jana. Freeing Jana alone would be risky. The police would ask why only free this new clacker? It’s much easier to hunt one miner than the hundred in Gallenhurst. If she


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were caught they would discover she is pregnant.

The Coming was a ridiculous fairytale: a child being born of no father on Saffire. Now it’s a reality. The other person in the prophesy is the one who helps protect the Gravidarum until the baby is born: the Helper. This is the perfect stuff for a comedy routine. Just as I’m given hope to escape and get back home, I’m thrown right in the middle of the prophesy The Coming. There’s definitely some humor in this but I can’t see it right now. The one thing I have over them is that they don’t know Jana is my mother. As far as they are concerned Jana is just a woman who clacked on the same day I did.

Aiden says, “Your mother is the most important person on Saffire. Atticus is desperate. The longer he can keep the pregnancy a secret the better chance Jana and the baby will have of surviving. Jana had the perfect hiding place in the mine. No one would look for the Gravidarum in a mine. Even I assumed the Unum, if there ever was one, would be born from a citizen. No one would consider an O-30. Now her belly is growing and Atticus has to get her out of the mine before anyone notices.”

“The Unum must rule Saffire.” I say.“Not true. Different people interpret the

Octavo differently. Some say the child only needs to be born on Saffire. Others say that


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although not written, it is obvious the that the child will eventually lead Saffire. What’s clear is the role of Eminence would disappear. Grand Council ‘must serve at the feet of the Unum’, I'm quoting the Octavo.”I nod.

Aiden continues, “There is one more person needed to fulfill the prophecy.”

“The Helper. And I agree with what you’re going to say next.” I say.

“I haven’t said it.”"Then say it." Aiden says, “You are the Helper.”“I agree.”

Aiden is very solemn, “Destiny has brought you to a special place, for a special purpose.”

It’s a quote from the Octavo. I’ve been pouring over the pages lately, some of it sticks.

I say, “The Helper is a great job: keep the Gravidarum alive until the Unum is born. If I die before the Unum is born there is no birth. And after the baby is born there is no mention of the Helper living.”

Aiden says, “I always wondered why would someone be the Helper? Now it all fits. Who’s not going to save their Mom and their future sibling.”

I haven’t told Aiden about my Dad. I have to get Mom home.


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“I’m just a seventeen-year-old girl who until a little while ago went to college and did some comedy on the side.”

Aiden says, “To be honest, you're not that funny.”

“Now I’m the Helper and my Mom is giving birth to the Unum. I’m ignoring your last comment, by the way.”

Aiden says, “The Helper is just as important as the Gravidarum. Both must be present at the birth.”

I’ve read the passage so many times in the last few hours, I think I know every word.

Aiden says, “How are you going to free all the miners of Gallenhurst? You’re going to need to talk to the wise old man.”

“I will talk to Sentius, we’ll need him.” I say.Aiden says, “We’ll need him?”I put my arm around Aiden, bring him close

and whisper in his ear, “The Helper is going to need a little help from a certain someone with maybe the second strongest Ki on Saffire."

Aiden laughs. “You know I let you win all the time.”

Axel walks in, “Don’t you two look cosy?”I pull away from Aiden.Aiden says, “Just some good hard practice.”Axel says, “Is that what you call it?”“Yes. You should try it,” I say.Axel has taken to combat well on Saffire. He

is a natural for battle and has strong Ki.


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Axel says, "Hey—look." He takes off his white tunic. In bright red writing on his left chest is a tattoo. He reads, "Die for what you love."

The bright red ink contrasts with his brown skin. The script is square and bold. Axel has not had an easy time accepting life on Saffire. His anger is just frustration at being forced to live in a strange place. The tattoo lets him express himself. The words end at his left nipple.

"You realize you can never get rid of that?” I say.

“That's the idea, it’s how I’ll live now that I’m stuck in this place.”

Aiden looks at the tattoo, “It's kind of dark."Axel says, ”It’s not dark. Clacking to Saffire

and not knowing where you came from, that's dark."

Axel throws a Co to Aiden and then takes off his pants, he is wearing white boxer shorts.

Aiden says, "Whoa: why you taking off your pants?"

Axel grins. "Why not?"I laugh, “Go easy on him, Axel.”“Don’t worry, Demalynn: there'll be

something left for you.”Aiden charges and Axel counters with a

series of baton twirling moves and fakes. They are evenly matched. Axel’s hairless chest gleams with sweat filling every muscular depression. Even his clean-shaven head is


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damp with beads of sweat; his chest is broad and muscular. Axel’s thighs bulge with each strike and counterstrike. The metallic smell of Ki is strong; I am amazed at the intensity of the combat.

Aiden gasps, “You’ve been practising.” Sentius and Weig walk into the practice

arena. Sentius claps, "Sensational, both of you."Axel and Aiden drop the sticks. I grab a

glass of water. Aiden says, from right behind me, “I’ll take

one.”I turn. Axel puts on his clothes and is

breathing heavily beside Aiden. I pour them both a glass.

Aiden says, “Thanks.” Aiden, Axel, Weig sit cross-legged in front of

Sentius. I sit beside Aiden.Sentius says, "I will instruct you on throwing

your opponent with only your Ki."


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I was planning to take a day or two to plan Mom’s escape. Just sneak in with Aiden, blow the doors open on Gallenhurst mine and everyone’s free. It has not been so easy. Gallenhurst mine is a fortress. The initial plans have not gone well. Sentius has been very useful but the whole process is frustrating. Each and every day Mom is stuck in the mine, I worry. What is Yaz doing to my Mom? Will anyone find out she’s pregnant?

I think of Mom constantly but cannot ask too much about her when I plan with Atticus. I am sure this boy with the flaming red corkscrews for hair suspects something. From talking to Sentius I am certain that the Underground can get me out of Brehn and keep me on the run. My big worry is getting home with Mom. Sentius thinks Provo is telling the truth when he says he can get me home. Provo has been


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linked to a number of runners who escaped into the Fray but then were never heard of again.

I ring the doorbell to Mara’s apartment. Not thrilled about going to Mara’s apartment but it’s supposed to be our last meeting. A celebration of the end of my orientation.

Mara opens the door. She is wearing a short yellow skirt. Behind her, sitting on the couch like he’s at home, is Aiden. Aiden never mentioned he would be here. Why is Aiden here?

Mara says, “Come in, I invited Aiden over. You don’t mind.”

The look on Aiden’s face says he was not expecting me.

“What time did you get here Aiden?” I say.Aiden says, “An hour ago.”I take a seat across from the couch that

Aiden is lounging on.Mara says, “I almost forgot how very

charming and crazy funny Aiden is.”Mara sits beside Aiden and rubs his leg.

They are both slumped together on the couch. I feel like I’m interrupting something. Aiden seems to be enjoying himself.

Mara says, “You haven’t been here in a long time Aiden. Too, too long big fella.”

Big fella? Mara’s yellow skirt is riding high on her thigh. She crosses her long legs.

Aiden says, jokingly, "I cannot tell a lie. My story is true."


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Mara cackles, “That’s the funniest story Aiden.”

Her laugh sounds like a sick witch.Aiden says, “Let me fill Demalynn in on the

joke.”“Don’t bother,” I say.His head is practically in her chest. I don’t

care. He looks at me and sits up. Aiden takes another sip of drink, "This is

good.” Is he referring to the drink or something

else? Mara’s wearing a pair of yellow high-heeled

shoes and a tight blouse. Aiden goes to the refrigerator and takes out the jug. He’s in her fridge like he’s been in there many times.

"Another round?” Aiden says, holding the jug up high.

Mara, ”Yes, definitely yes."Aiden says, “And you.”I keep my lips together.Aiden pours for each of us, then takes a

slice of lemon and puts it on the side of the glasses.

Mara sips the drink, "Thanks. It is so hot out there these days."

Aiden says, “Our sun’s dying; it’s just going to keep getting hotter.”

Mara says, “That’s why we get the Shangokas.”

I hope I never experience another Shangoka. Lightning storms on steroids is the


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only way to describe them. Aiden has an embarrassed look on his face but he has nothing to be embarrassed about. He’s free to come visit Mara and do whatever he wants, I don’t care. I don’t. Not at all.

Mara says, “I’ve really enjoyed orientating you Demalynn.”

What did you enjoy? Not telling me stuff or was it calling me pony?No, I remember, it was trying to get me killed in Concetar.

“I’m glad,” I take a big drink to hide my face.

Mara says, “Of all the people I’ve orientated onto Saffire, you’re my favourite Aiden. Demalynn, you’re not too, too far behind.”

The doorbell rings. Great, who else has she invited and not told me about?

Mara looks at Aiden and I, “I’m not expecting anyone else?”

Mara opens the door. Jago enters. He is wearing a black tuxedo and holding a slim black velvet box in his hand.

Jago says, "Happy birthday." He gives Mara the box. The necklace

glimmers with a red dazzling light. Three large oval thallamite stones sit in the center, set in a white metal. Around each large stone is set twenty-one smaller thallamite stones. The number twenty-one has special significance on Saffire meaning excellence and perfection. The three large central thallamite stones in the center signify love, hope and forgiveness.


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For Jago to give Mara this necklace means he is very serious about the relationship. Mara picks up the necklace and stares. Jago helps her put it around her neck.

Mara looks in a mirror. Jago comes up behind her. Aiden and I stand back.

Mara says, ”This is absolutely crazy.”Mara hugs Jago, then turns back to the

mirror. She moves her shoulders from side to side. The brilliant stones come to life on her neck. It is an amazing piece.

Mara turns around and kisses Jago. A deep, hard kiss. “You’re a week early, but I’m not complaining.”

Jago says, “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I did it next week."

Mara says, “It is a surprise. You’re lucky I was home.”

Jago says, “I took a chance.”There is no luck to it. Jago’s following her,

he is not a man that depends on luck. Even when he smiles, I see a hard man.

Jago finally acknowledges that Aiden and I are in the room, “Demalynn, I’ve never really had a chance to congratulate you on you Concetar victory.”

Although he is smiling when he speaks I feel no warmth.

“Thanks,” I say.Jago says, “I’m keeping an eye on you.”I feel that strong metallic taste in my mouth

when I look at Jago. I can feel his Ki and it is


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like no other I’ve ever felt. Jago holds Mara’s hand.

Jago says, "I've reserved Ciagro." Mara says, “What time?""Now,” Jago says.Mara says, “I’m not dressed.”Jago says to Aiden, “Look at her. Doesn’t

she look just fabulous?”Aiden nods, “I won’t argue that.”Jago, “I guess I’ll be seeing you and

Demalynn at Ella’s party.”Ella’s party?Aiden says, “You sure will.” Jago opens the door of the apartment. A

driver tips his cap to Mara from the limousine. Mara caresses the necklace. It’s an exquisite necklace. Aiden and I leave.

“When is Ella’s party?” I say.Aiden has that embarrassed look on his

face, “Tomorrow.”


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Aiden and I are on our way to Ella’s party but I can’t keep my mind off how Aiden seemed around Mara at the end of orientation party. I must tell the truth, seeing him with Mara just bothered me, and I’m not sure why. I am not jealous because we’re not together or anything like that. I am not jealous.

The horse drawn carriage jiggles along and I sit up top with Aiden. The ride through the Fray is pleasant, but I just feel annoyed at every word Aiden utters.He stops talking. Finally we are at Ella’s farm.

Ella embraces Aiden. There is no doubt they are close friends.

Aiden says, “This is—”Ella finishes, “Demalynn. He tells me about

you all the time.”Ella extends her right fist. I turn my head

slightly to the left and extend my right fist.


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Aiden flushes, “You’re not supposed to tell her that.”

Ella puts her arm around Aiden and laughs. Aiden gives her a gift wrapped box. He didn’t tell me what was inside but said I’d know what it is when I see it. There are many horse drawn carriages beside the barn. The farm has a large white veranda with bright red flowers planted in front. A solid white entry door welcomes you into the home.

Ella says, “Your Concetar with Aiden was epic.”

“I’m forever to be known as the girl who defeated Aiden,” I say.Ella says, “When you raised that right hand with the red glove at the end of the match, I loved it. I still don’t know how you did it. Your Ki must be off the charts.”

Ella does not seem to connect the dots that if Mara didn’t spare Aiden, her very close friend Aiden would have had a very bad end. Does she understand I nearly killed her friend in the amphitheater? Ella and Aiden have the same casual outlook on the whole thing.

Ella turns to Aiden, “It’s a full house today. Come with me; there are people I’d like you to meet.”

Ella wraps her arm into mine and takes me to the kitchen.

Ella says, “Demalynn this is Zebulon.”Zebulon stands and folds the long thin

fingers on the right hand into a fist and gives


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me the standard Saffire greeting. He is extremely tall with narrow shoulders.

Zebulon says, “Loved your Concetar.”“Thanks,” I say.I make a fist and touch Zebulon's. He has

one green eye and one blue eye. Zebulon sits.

Ella says, “Zeb’s on Council.”There is another man standing at the

kitchen counter, who says, “Don’t I get an intro?”

Ella goes around the table and gives him a hug.

Ella says, “Of course you do. This is my Jon.”

No question they are a couple. Jon offers me some bread. The inside is soft and warm but the crust is hard. Jon has an wide honest face and comforting smile.

Zebulon says, “No doubt one day you’ll be on Grand Council, Demalynn,” Zebulon continues, “with your Ki, it will be sooner rather than later.”

Even when he smiles his long narrow face is serious; there is no warmth in his eyes. I try to return his smile. He must be in his mid-twenties, but it’s hard to know, he looks old.

“Nice to meet you both,” I say.Zebulon says, “Your Ki is something to

behold.”Enough already about my Ki. Aiden wanders into the kitchen, “Jon. Zeb.”


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Aiden fist bumps with both and they sit around the table.

Ella and I leave and walk towards two women talking. The voice of the woman in the high back chair is familiar. She is facing away from me but the voice is enough. There is no doubt who that perfectly styled pale blonde hair belongs to—Mara.

I can’t stand to be in the same room with that woman any more. The end of orientation party was supposed to be the last time I saw her so the sight of Mara makes me bristle. Two days in a row spending time with Mara is harsh and extreme punishment. The crowd is making me nervous, I wipe my sweaty hands on my hips.

Mara says, “Great to see you Demalynn.”I say, “Where is Jago?”Mara says, “Important business. He had to

take a pass on the party.”A woman of about twenty stands and

extends her right fist and I do the same. “Great to meet you, I’m Catalina.” Catalina is a bit shorter than Mara. Catalina

exudes genuine warmth. She is dressed in a simple but elegant green and yellow dress that is well tailored to her curves.

Catalina says, “I’m sure everyone’s telling you this, but you were amazing at Concetar. ”

Coming from Catalina it feels like a genuine compliment. Catalina and Ella are both around five-seven in height, same body


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shape. Even their faces are similar, same black hair. Sophia is much different from me: taller, more spindly; and no one knows where she got that red hair from. No one would guess we’re sisters. I take after Mom.

Catalina says, “Demalynn? You okay?”I blink and get out of my daydreaming,

“Sorry.”Ella still has her arm around Catalina,

“Everyone says it. We must have been sisters before we clacked.”

“Exactly what I was thinking,” I say.Catalina ruffles Ella’s hair. “She is like a

sister. I tell her to cut her hair short like mine and we’d be identical.”

Mara mutters something but I’m still fixated on Ella and Catalina. Mara is wearing the necklace Jago gave her last night and I hate to admit that it looks stunning on her. She probably bathes with it on. Aiden grabs a drink and joins the group.

Mara gives Aiden a tight hug, “It’s been too long.”

It’s been about twenty-four hours. Aiden says, “Where’s Jago?” Mara says, “He is working with his staff,

they’re planning some changes on Grand Council and he’s stuck in a meeting but I’m going to see him later.”

Aiden returns the full on hug. Mara smiles at Aiden. She might as well just say it, her face screams it: why don’t you stay Aiden and


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send Demalynn home? I talk to guests and mingle for a few hours. Everyone is warm and friendly. Ella pulls me aside.

Ella says, “Jago has told me to offer you a spot on Grand Council.”

Sentius had told me to expect such an offer but I’m still surprised.

“I accept,” I say.Ella is puzzled, “You don’t seem surprised or

excited?”I try to look both, “I am. It’s just such a

shock that I’m numb.”I give Ella a big hug to hide my face.Ella says, “Well don’t tell anyone. I haven’t

even told Jon. Jago will announce it at the next Grand Council meeting.”

“It’s all arranged?”Ella says, “Merrick is Jago’s right hand man.

He’s spoken to me, it’s a done deal.”“Great,” I say.Ella says, “I know everyone on Grand

Council will be very excited. I really believe one day you’ll be Eminence. Your Ki is incredible.”

“Thanks for arranging the meeting with Provo,” I say.

Ella lowers her voice even further, “Never talk Underground. Jago must never know.”

Mara comes up to us, “You two seem really serious.”

Ella says, “Just helping Demalynn with life on Saffire.”


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Mara says, “I thought that was my job.”“I’m already orientated,” I say.Ella turns to the crowd, “Why don’t you all

stay for some food?”Mara shakes her head. “Sorry, I have to get

back to town; meeting Jago.”If Mara is leaving food sounds good.Catalina says, “Zeb and I should go as well.

It was great to get together and see everyone. ”

Just inside the main entrance doorway, Ella holds Jon’s hand.

Ella says, “This gathering is special, it wasn’t just for drinks, we wanted to have everyone here to share something that is as special as each and every one of you is to us. Jon and I are engaged.”

Everyone’s eyes open with surprise.Jon says, “I’m lucky that this woman has

agreed to be my pair.”Mara hugs both Ella and Jon. All the others

clap.Ella says, “Mara can I tell them?”“I don’t see why not, you’re in the mood to

gab.”Ella says, “Mara has agreed to be my maid

of honor.”Everyone claps. I can’t imagine someone

choosing Mara to be a maid of honor but she does hang with a nice crowd. Maybe she’s not a complete witch. Maybe.


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Everyone gives their congrats and hover around the couple. I keep my distance and no one recognizes my sadness. The plans to free my Mom are going in the right direction and I will be on the run soon. I will not be on Saffire for too much longer so there is no chance I will see Ella and Jon pair. Aiden and I will have parted before we have had a chance to begin.

Aiden says, “Let’s stay. You should get to know Ella and Jon.”

“Sure, I enjoy the company,” I say.Truth is an evening like this is good because

it takes my mind off all the other things that are going on. What happens if Mom and I get caught during the escape? What’s Yaz doing to Mom right now?

It is a bit strange being in the house with only Jon, Ella and Aiden because they all have a history together. Aiden sits between Ella and Jon and talks non-stop until dinner is over. You can feel the closeness between them.

Aiden says, “This calls for a special treat.”The giftbox that Aiden handed Ella was the

cheese we bought in Clappam Common the day we experienced the Shangoka. Aiden and I go to the kitchen and cut up the cheese. Jon and Ella lounge on the sofa. He lightly strokes Ella’s arm and then whispers something in her ear that makes her laugh. A loud, rude spontaneous howl. I smile because these two are made for each other. The house is full of good energy. This is the first time on Saffire


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that I’ve experienced this deep down joy. The smell of the fresh bread, the surprise announcement, the genuine friendships; this is a different side of Saffire. Even Mara looked a little more real among her friends. Ella and Jon lose themselves in each other.

“Thanks for bringing me here,” I whisper to Aiden.

Aiden does not look at me, “Saffire is not such a bad place.”

I tense my jaw and look out at Jon and Ella sitting on the sofa. I am about to speak but Aiden grabs the cheese tray. He takes it out to the large wooden table in front of Ella and Jon. I follow him out.

Jon looks at the cheese and his face brightens, “Is that what I think it is?”

Aiden says, “From your favourite stall in Clappam.”

Jon puts a chunk of cheese in his mouth and his speech comes out garbled, “Perfection.”

Ella says, “Don’t eat too much, you’ll make yourself sick.”

Ella turns to me, “How are you adjusting to Saffire?”

“It’s a challenge,” I say.Jon says, “Things get better, you’ve

finished orientation and soon you’ll be a citizen. Have you thought about what you want to train in?”

“No,” I frown.


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Ella looks at me, “Why all the difficult questions for Demalynn?”

Jon says, “She should be thinking about the future. Take your time, Saffire takes some adjusting to. Not knowing where we came from is hard. We’ve all been through it.”

Ella says, “Leave the girl, let her chill.”Jon laughs, “Saffire is full of homesick lost

souls who can’t remember home. Irony of ironies.”

Aiden engages Jon and Ella in a very lively conversation about life on Saffire, and I quietly listen. The topic turns to the Octavo. I enjoy the conversation, the food. The playful banter between Jon and Ella reminds me of my parents. Before Dad went yellow. Although Jon and Ella are in their twenties, they are like an old married couple, a nice comfortable fit. For a time, I laugh and lose myself in conversation, but I cannot entirely remove the empty feeling from my stomach. What’s happening to Mom while I enjoy myself?

I say, “I can’t believe there has never been a birth on the planet.”

Ella says, “On the old planet we were all born, got old and then died,” Ella looks at me, “we know this from the Octavo.”

Jon says, “The Octavo says a birth is coming in our time of need,” Jon continues, “that’s why these prophesies have a hold on people: they can never be proved wrong.”


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Ella says, “Jon don’t speak like that about the Octavo.We shouldn’t take the Octavo literally, it’s a metaphor. Maybe we all together are the Unum.”

Aiden and I remain silent.Jon says, “Ella is going all deep and

philosophical on us now.” Ella says, “Just saying.”

Jon says, “Who knows if the Octavo is real.”Ella covers Jon's mouth, "Jon. Don't ever

speak like that about the Octavo. It’s bad luck."

Jon laughs, "I'm making you nervous challenging the red book."

Aiden says, “We’ve got a long ride back.”Ella, “I’m busy tomorrow at the Infantotel.

New babies coming.”Aiden puts out his right hand in a fist. Jon

does the same and they touch.Aiden hugs Jon, “Always.”


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My decision to accept Jago’s offer of a seat on Grand Council one week ago seems even more correct now that I am standing outside the chamber. I will be able to learn about many things which will allow the plans to free Gallenhurst to proceed more quickly and help me avoid capture. To refuse the seat would have aroused a great deal of suspicion.

I am very nervous and focus on the heavy black curtains that separate me from the Grand Council room proper. Soon the curtains will part and I will be the newest Grand Council member. Ella, Jon and Zebulon are on Council, so I know some of the eight people. Two fully armed Centurions in white armor are by my side; they are over six and a half feet tall. Large black visors cover their faces. The shiny body armor panels that they wear look


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like plastic and articulate with each piece at all the joints. They look like giant white grasshoppers.

I say, “I should go in soon.” The Centurion does not reply. Centurions

are the elite police force on Saffire. They have a proud tradition as fearless warriors and swear an oath to protect Saffire and uphold the Octavo. The Centurion will not hesitate to eliminate anyone in defence of Saffire.

I peak through the heavy black curtain separating me from the Grand Council meeting room. The councillors are sitting around an ornate eight sided wood table. Ella is wearing the formal dress of female council members, the same dress I am wearing: knee-length and purple, with the pattern of the coat-of-arms of Saffire embossed into the fabric. The intricate design of a rock and two axes crossed represents early thallamite mining. The neckline has a rim of black faux fur trim. They are presently discussing the death and damage from the recent Shangokas. I hear one councillor say that the dying sun will eventually cause Saffire to burn up.

A loud gong sounds. It has a deep, rich tone that resonates right through my chest. Ella told me to wait for the gong. It would be loud because, ‘Jon is gong crazy’. As chief scribe he brings meetings to order and makes sure rules are followed.


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There has been a good ten minutes of discussion and although the voices are hushed I feel the tension between the eight council members.

Jago says loudly, “Centurion, it is time.”Without saying a word the white

grasshopper puts his giant hand in the middle of my back and pushes me through the curtain.

I stand at the side of the Grand Council table. The double height ceiling soars upward and ends in a dome. The windows are twenty feet high and made of stained glass. Each window tells part of the story of the Octavo. One stained glass window shows a woman holding a newborn, this must be The Coming.

Jago smiles and points to the empty chair beside Ella, “Demalynn Chase, I appoint you, immediately, to Grand Council.”

No one claps. I walk to the chair and sit. The circular brass gong is beside Jon. Two lions are jumping to reach the sun. The sun is a large sparkling thallamite crystal. The same image was on the three panels in the processing room when I clacked. The gong hammer lies in front of Jon’s right hand, a simple black mallet. Ella avoids my gaze and no one in the room is smiling. My chair is the ninth chair around an eight-sided table. I scrunch in beside Ella. Merrick stands to the right and just behind Jago. Jon, who is sitting on the other side of Ella, frowns at me.


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Jon says, "This is totally improper."My mouth becomes dry and I cannot

swallow.Jago says, “Your own Ella organized it.”Jon turns to Ella who is sitting beside him,

“Ella?”Ella says, “Jon I just—”Jago leans forward, “She was acting on my

instructions.”Jago is wearing a long purple jacket; the

purple is so deep it is almost black. The jacket makes him appear taller, more trim. The lapel of the jacket is the same black faux fur that is used on my dress. Under Jago’s ornate jacket is a traditional white shirt and black trousers with fine gray pinstripes. Without the thick scar running the entire length of his face, he could have been handsome.

Jon shakes his head, “No one has ascended to Grand Council without a victory in Concetar against a sitting council member, or a member being challenged and agreeing to leave to avoid Concetar.”

Jon’s palms press down on the table. He is trying to control his anger.

Jago says, "We are living in unique times. The challenges Saffire faces need new approaches. Demalynn has the brightest Ki since my own ascension. We need her strength now."


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Another man at the table sitting beside Jon says, “I must agree with Jon; this is not allowed.”

Jon says, “You see, it’s not just me. Henry agrees, he knows this cannot stand.”

Henry has short black curly hair, full lips and bright brown eyes the same color as his skin. He looks around twenty.

Jago says, “Not only is she now a member of Council. I also grant Demalynn Chase a cottage on North Campus in recognition of her unique Ki.”

Everyone in the room gasps, myself included. The North Campus is a lush green space, a huge upgrade from the simple apartments in the main area of the Palladium reserved for new Clackers. Granting me such a luxurious and desired place will only make the other councillors angry. This is exactly what Jago planned. He has put me on council but set it up so that from day one every councillor will hate me.

Jon says, “Henry knows the laws of Saffire. He is one of the senior members on Grand Council. Henry agrees you can’t do this.”

Henry says, “Jon is correct. No one can appoint someone to Council. Not even the Eminence. If you want to give her a place in North Campus that’s your right but she can’t be on Council. I know of her Concetar, but she must still challenge one of us for a spot.”


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Ella opens her mouth to speak, Jago cuts her off with a raised hand, "Demalynn Chase is unique and different rules apply."

The members of Grand Council are silent and each look at the other with a mixture of uncertainty and worry. I thought when Ella asked me to join council everyone agreed. I see now no one knew of this plan except Jago. Merrick whispers in Jago’s ear. And Merrick.

Jon says, " You simply do not have the power to do this."

Jago says, "I make the rules."Henry says, “She is not a citizen.“Jago says, “A mere formality, her orientation

is complete.”I should have said no to the generous offer

from Jago by way of Ella. Things are now spiralling out of control.

Jon says, “Jago—“Jago snaps, “You’ll refer to me as Your

Eminence.”Jon says, “My apologies. Your Eminence, she

cannot be a Grand Council member. Not yet.”Jago says, "As the head of Grand Council

and Your Eminence, I say what is the law."Jon stands, “No. Saffire has laws. I will not

—”Jago says, "Enough."Jon says, " I have a right—" Jago stands, “Not another word.”Jon says, “I have a right as a council

member to call a vote on—”


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Jago says, " I challenge you to Concetar."


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I challenge you to Concetar.The words that Jago uttered stun everyone

and hang in the air. Any citizen can challenge another to Concetar but it is rarely done. On Saffire, Concetar is mostly a sport that citizens watch. The gladiators come from the ranks of new clackers; most have very short lives. Ella told me she would leave council after she is paired with Jon so the balance of seats would stay at eight. Everyone at the Council table is silent and waits for Jon's next words.

Zebulon says, “If Jago wants Demalynn on council we should all embrace it. Jon, let it be.”

Zebulon has one blue and one green eye, both are fixed on me. Ella told me that Zebulon is also on the Underground but Jon is not, and he has no idea Ella is Underground.


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I have the urge to get up and run out of Council. Each councillor lowers their eyes to the table when Jago looks at them. The only sound is the gentle hum of the cool air filling the room.

Ella holds her stomach; I know that look and she might vomit. Merrick is whispering in Jago’s ear. This whole thing is going sideways fast.

When Sentius guessed I would soon be offered a seat on Grand Council I thought it made some sense. Keep me close and happy so I don’t challenge Jago for Eminence. I am a natural rival to Jago and a better friend than enemy. After my victory over Aiden in Concetar, Sentius stopped me from going into any more Concetar matches. Sentius thought my Ki was so powerful I would smash all gladiator’s records and attract Jago’s attention. Jago’s rivals have a funny habit of disappearing. Sentius showed Jago that I am no threat to him. Ella was used to make the offer. From Jago I would have been sceptical to accept a seat on Council, from Ella I was only too glad to accept. Ella looks at Jon sitting beside her. She turns to me and then looks away in disgust. I had no idea about any of this, you offered the spot to me.

Ella pinches Jon under the table. She leans in close, her lips touching his ear, "Decline.”

Ella can’t control her voice and I hear. Jon looks at her.


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Ella says, "It's the law."Sentius has trained me well in the rules of

Concetar. Jon has two opportunities to decline this fight to the death. He is a citizen, not a clacker who must fight as a gladiator if commanded. I’m nervous, but positive he will take the first option. Jon is the scribe of Grand Council so he knows the rules of Saffire better than I do. He will take the first option and I will then resign my seat. All Jon must now say is, ‘I decline’.

All members of the council are looking at Jon. We are all thinking the same thing, this is tense but Jon will end it right now before it gets amped up. Jon rises and looks at Ella, then Jago.

Jon says, “I accept.”Ella screams.What is he doing? Jon has no chance against

Jago. The Eminence leads Grand Council because his Ki is the strongest, plain and simple. John's Ki is great but against Jago he will last a matter of minutes.

Henry says, “Jon. Jon. Don’t do this. Take the last out.”

I feel like I'm now experiencing a dream. The blood drains to my feet and the room spins, I grip the sides of my chair, Ella swallows. Having accepted Concetar there is now no hope to save his reputation. Jon must take the final option and can only hope to save his life. Both parties must change into


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white tunics and pants, the same clothes I wear when I practice. Jon must come out fully dressed and then take off his tunic and pants. He must stand naked before the Council, exactly how he was when he clacked. He will give up the match, he will lose his position on council, but he will live. Ella can still have a life with Jon although he will be stripped of citizenship and forced to live in an Out town. I see a glimmer of hope, even with this scenario they can live at Ella’s farm.

Jago and Jon are in the center of the practice arena.They have both changed into the white tunic and pants. The Grand Council chamber consists of a meeting table area and an adjoining hardwood practice area. It is the same fifteen by twenty-one foot wooden rectangle I train on with Sentius. The Grand Council meeting area looks directly onto this training area. I have been leaning forward on the edge of my seat this whole time; my back muscles spasm so I lean back.

Jago says, “I take no pleasure in Concetar. Jon, remove your tunic.”

Ella runs from the Council table and meets Jon in the practice arena. She speaks to Jon quietly. He shakes his head no.

Ella yells, “Jon take it off. Now!”Jon says, “No.”Ella says, “Why not?”“If Saffire has no rules, we may as well not

live. He’s just going to keep doing this.”


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Ella says, “If you love me take off your tunic,” Ella pleads, “we are to be paired.”

Jon says, “It is because I love you that I will not.”

Jon tries to kiss Ella but she pulls away. Jago watches her walk back to the meeting area and sit at the Grand Council table.

Jago says, “Listen to your woman. Stand naked before us. We want no blood shed in the Grand Council. Those days are long behind us on Saffire.”

Jago waits. Jon does not remove his tunic. Jago raises an eyebrow and goes to the cabinet and removes two sticks: Cos, the ancient weapon of combat. Jago stands casually twirling a stick with each hand.

Jago is giving Jon time to think about his chances for success. The Co is Jago’s favourite weapon after hand to hand combat; his victories to become Eminence are legendary. Jago is the best gladiator Sentius trained. Please Jon, take the last option.

Although each Co is six feet long, Jago can keep both twirling smoothly in each hand. The sticks make a gentle whirr.

Jon walks to Jago and says loudly, “Death before dishonor.”

Jago hands Jon a Co and says, “I will give you both.”

The two men slowly circle each other. Both are twirling the sticks and stand ten feet apart. The sound of the whirring of the sticks


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fills the air. They twirl faster and faster. Both sticks are a blur. A metallic smell fills the air and energy from both men’s Ki makes the room brighten. Jago and Jon keep circling as if an invisible string connects them. They are in perfect synchrony. I am mesmerized by the hypnotic effect of the slow movement coupled with the twirling sticks. It looks like a beautiful dance. Jago stops and closes his eyes. When he opens them they are bright. The scar splitting his face seems wider, more red. It pulsates. His eyes are focused on Jon.

Jon stops. The two men are now about twelve feet apart. Jon's teeth are clenched; Jago steps back and smiles. The smile is twisted, his nose slanted. Jago’s aura is strong; I hate the strong metallic scent in the air make.

Ella looks at me and squeezes her hands together atop the ornate table. Everyone in this room is great at Concetar. To ascend to Grand Council you must have strong Ki. At this level on any given day any of these councillors has a chance, but Jon cannot defeat Jago. It’s strange but I sense Jago’s Ki, not just the metallic taste but something else.

Is this whole set-up part of Jago’s plan? Kill Jon. Ella told me that Jon frequently opposes Jago and forces him to follow the laws of Saffire.

Jago holds his hands spaced on the stick, dividing it into thirds; perfect technique. The


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Co is out in front in a defensive stance, I thought he would go into attack mode. Jon lunges at Jago. Jon swings the stick low and then brings it up, hitting Jago in the face. Jon delivers three strikes in rapid succession to Jago's throat. Jago’s Ki is a forcefield that makes the blows land in slow motion, and they barely penetrate Jago’s Ki. Jago forces Jon back and rolls on the ground, coming up and stabbing Jon in the stomach with the Co.

Jon hits Jago in the side and Jago thrusts his stick into Jon’s chest. Jon is thrown across the room and his head hits the wall with a crunching sound. Jago runs towards Jon who staggers to get up and has lost his Co. Jago swings his Co and connects squarely with Jon's jaw. Jon grabs the stick and they fight for control of the Co. Jago lets go and grabs Jon around the chest. Jon struggles to breathe. He throws the stick away and tries to free himself from Jago’s grip.

Ella is frozen. Zebulon strains his neck to see, although there is nothing blocking his view. Most of the faces around the ornate wooden table are like Henry's: calm. I shrink in my chair. Zebulon puts his hand around Ella’s shoulder. Merrick has a large gobstopper in his mouth.

Jon breaks Jago’s grip on his chest and puts both hands around Jago's neck. Jago and Jon are nose to nose. Jon's fingers tremble, but inch by inch they are closing tighter. The


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room's metallic smell intensifies: it is nauseating. Jon still has his hands firmly around Jago’s neck. Jago is using both hands, trying desperately to remove Jon’s grip. Jago's face is turning blue and he is making gasping sounds.

Zebulon says in disbelief, “Jon’s winning.”There is no doubt Jago’s Ki is fading. Jon

spins behind Jago and puts Jago in a chokehold with his forearm. All eyes widen: a chokehold is the final move. The energy around Jago fades and the heat in the room diminishes. Jago makes a faint gurgling sound. Ella moves her chair back to get a better view. Merrick’s face is tight, and he is holding his lollipop.

Jago makes a low rumbling sound and then goes limp. A loud snap and the whole room shakes. Next, a sound like high voltage electricity fills the room. Jago springs to life. Jon is blasted across the room, his hands ripped away from Jago. Jon hits the wall with a loud bang.

Ella grabs my arm and speaks through gritted teeth. “Get in there. Jon did this because of you.”

Because of me? I never asked for any of this.

Ella says, “Demalynn, get in there and save Jon.”

Should I enter the Concetar and take Jon’s place? I would be fighting the most powerful


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Ki on Saffire. Jago is supremely trained and experienced in the ways of Concetar. Even with my Ki, the odds of winning at this point are slim.

I say, “This isn’t the amphitheater, Ella. I’ve never done a street fight.”

“Jon is about to die because of you,” Ella says.

Jon’s Ki is fading in and out. Jon finally gets to his feet.

Ella pushes me, "Now."Jon regains his alertness and is peering

around the room. His eyes seem to lock onto every person. Jon stops when he locks on Ella; he is trying to tell her something. Is he asking forgiveness for his foolish challenge? A plea for help? I lower my eyes.

Jago is now three feet in front of Jon. He raises his hand and makes a fist in the greeting of Saffire above his head and then lowers it. Jon bends down and then is kneeling as if the hand is invisibly pushing him to the ground. Jon makes a gurgling sound; the sound becomes louder. Jon's Ki is gone and he crumples.

Jago walks back to the councillors and slumps into his chair. His head falls on his chest. Sweat streams down his face. The glow that filled the room is gone and the air feels cold. The only sound is the hum of the air conditioner.


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All eyes are on Jon's body. He is at peace. It is the same look he had relaxing at the farm. Ella is silent; there are no tears. I turn away to give her some privacy. Finally they come: short powerful bursts of tears. I hear them but don’t turn to her. I can’t.


The sound pierces me. Jon disappears. The spot where he lay so peacefully an instant ago is now empty. This is how you leave Saffire. Sentius had told us, I never thought I would see it so soon.

Jon was twenty-three. He clacked onto Saffire at age twenty-eight. Ella was so proud of him; he ascended quickly to become a Grand Councillor. Ella was so excited about spending her life with Jon that she was planning a surprise trip after the pairing. Now Jon is dead.

Henry walks over to Jon’s place at the table; he picks up the mallet and strikes the gong.

All of us say, together, "We are the children of Saffire. Clack to clack. So we begin, so shall we end."

Ella stares at the metal gong. She told me to come early to this meeting so I could see the gong, it represents the history of Saffire. At every Grand Council meeting since a government existed on Saffire this gong is struck. Jon would tell Ella how he loved to


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hammer that gong. Jago walks to the gong, picks up the hammer and smashes the gong. The large red thallamite crystal sparkles on the gong. Ella wipes a tear from her eye. The sound vibrates in my chest.

Jago says in a loud, clear voice, “Demalynn Chase, congratulations, you are now on Grand Council. Let the record reflect that this was unanimous. Henry, I appoint you the new Scribe and you will give the oath to Demalynn. ” Jago looks to the spot at which Jon’s body lay before he made the final clack, “if anyone asks of Jon, he had a heart attack while practising Co.”


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I have been avoiding Aiden since Jago murdered Jon. If Aiden sees me he will know something is wrong and I would have to tell him the truth. To tell him about this murder would put his life in danger and I will not do that to Aiden. I’ve lied to him that Jon died of a heart attack. Crazy enough, Ella has kept to the lie. I can tell by Aiden’s calls he thinks I’m avoiding him because of something between us. It’s painful but I have to keep it that way.

Looking around our practice arena in the Palladium I realize this is the one place I feel safe. Axel is sitting next to Weig. Axel seems more pleasant than usual and is laughing at something Weig just said, not sure how long that will last. I am at the other end of the line from Aiden. He tries to catch my eye but I turn away. Sentius is sitting in front of us. He’s talking, but I’m not listening.


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Aiden talked to Ella about me, he asked Ella if anything weird happened on Grand Council. She said it was just the sudden heart attack of Jon, he had a thickening of his heart no one knew about. The whole situation has everyone acting funny. Ella then left me a message. She made it clear she had no use for me. She told Aiden the lie about Jon having a heart problem to protect Aiden, she told me in the message the only reason she didn’t tell Aiden I let Jon die was to protect Aiden. Ella only called because she wanted to make sure I didn’t tell Aiden the truth. She called me a ‘cowardly little girl, too weak to keep a secret’ among other things, she wanted to make sure I told Aiden nothing. She reminded me how she set up the meeting with Provo and Kikuyo to help me escape. She hopes I’m suffering just as much as she is and then she broke into a massive cry. Just the kind of support you need when someone dies a brutal death. I replayed the message over and over. Finally I saw the truth. Jon was a lovely man but I did not kill him. Ella was tricked into doing what Jago wanted, by offering me a spot on Grand Council Jago knew Jon would object. Ella feels the pain because she knows deep down I was not the one who killed Jon. Ella set off the chain of events that caused Jon to die.

I need to keep my focus on Mom and Dad. I need to get my Mom home. Everything needs to be just right so I can escape Brehn and free


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the Gallenhurst miners and the plans are now complete. After freeing the miners I will return to the my apartment in the Palladium. I will sleep in my bed and pretend to be another person who hears about this massive miner escape. If it all goes well, I will not be connected to the escape. A few weeks later, it will look like I took a morning swim the Tems and drowned. No body found. The Centurions will have all their resources focused on the mine break, no time to investigate the unfortunate drowning of Demalynn Chase.

I have found even more comfort in the practice arena of the Palladium since Jon’s death. From the first time I saw this room it has been one of my favourite spots. A simple place. The blond hardwood practice area neatly outlined by the thick red line. The long wooden bench at the side ending in a large cabinet to hold combat weapons. Solid wood, simple design. A water fountain at the far end are the only other things in the room. Everything that is needed and nothing more.

Sentius is correct: Ki gets stronger by improving the mind and body. I’ve been training intensely and the more I improve physically with the combat moves the better I can control my Ki.

Sentius stands inside the thick red lines of the practice arena and has his Co in an attack stance. He taps me with is Co and I stand.


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Sentius drops his Co and pulls out the gun. It’s a small rectangular box that emits a focused energy beam. Axel and Weig stop talking and are fixed on me. Aiden looks worried. Sentius presses the button. I am close enough to see he’s on vaporize. A slight hum goes through the air and pale blue energy flows around me. There is a slight tingle, but no pain. The metallic scent in the air is nauseating, my Ki is holding.

Sentius opens his eyes wide, “Impressive.” Sentius turns off the weapon and hugs me.

He pulls out the red glove I used in Concetar against Aiden. Does he carry it with him all the time?

Sentius says, “Take it. This is our last practice. A parting gift.”

I take the glove and smile because it brings back mixed memories, but finally I say, “No, I don’t want it. My time for battling is over,” I hand the glove back to Sentius.

Sentius says, “A true warrior does not choose her battles.”

I need a little book with all the sayings of Sentius.

Sentius says, “This is the most famous glove on Saffire, everyone on Saffire saw you raise it in the air when you defeated Aiden.”

Aiden says, “Are you sure you don’t like rubbing it in Sentius?”

Sentius laughs, “Aiden you are honoured by the defeat. Demalynn’s victory over you is


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only memorable because your Ki is so powerful.”

Weig says, “Only Sentius could make losing sound good.”

I sit beside Aiden. Not sure why, I told myself I’d sit away from him.

Aiden playfully bumps me with his shoulder, “It was an off day when I lost that Concetar.”

Despite myself, I laugh, I can’t help it. The others just stare at us.

Sentius walks by each one of us and says, “To everyone, congratulations. ” He touches us on the shoulder as he speaks, “You listened and learned. Concetar means struggle. Not just physical, but mental and emotional.”

Sentius walks towards the water fountain.I yell out playfully, “Am I better than Jago?”Sentius stops and comes back to the group.

He does not sit.The mood turns serious. Sentius says, “Jago was an intense student,

a great student in many ways. But he had deep within him a cruelty that couldn’t be erased. I tried to meet the cruelty with kindness; it was only met with greater evil. It is the fuel for his Ki.”

Sentius is upset talking about Jago. My attempt at humor has fallen flat. It happens.

Sentius says, "Axel.”Sentius speaks louder, "Axel.”Weig gives Axel a nudge. Axel has been

mute this last session. Is he sad that our


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group is coming to an end? You never know what Axel has on his mind.

Axel says, “Training’s over. Let us out of here, old man.”

I wait for Sentius to react. Aiden bows his head. Sentius has trained us well and does not deserve Axel’s anger.

Sentius says, “I did not bring you to Saffire. Read the Octavo and find peace young man.”

Axel scowls at Sentius and then walks off to the water fountain.

Sentius speaks to the rest of us who are still seated in front of him, “Indeed, you can now protect yourselves or fight using Ki. I wouldn’t bet against any of you.”

Weig says, “You’ve taught us well Sentius.”Sentius says, “Time will tell.”Axel returns to the group and sits down.

Sentius acknowledges him and smiles.Weig says, “I smell food.”Sentius says, “Training has come to an end,

so now we will feast. My final lesson is this: when you can run, avoid battle and run.”

Axel asks, “Is there nothing worth dying for?”

Sentius says, “The better question: is there nothing worth living for? One final Concetar.”

Weig is talking in my ear, “I’m a bit scared for the escape.”

I say, “We’ve planned this thing out. Nothing can go wrong.”


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Weig, “That’s what people say when something can go wrong.”

Weig says, “It’s only three days away.”“I wish it were tomorrow,” I say.I put my hand on Weig’s shoulder and

whisper in his ear, “Don’t be afraid, you have Ki.”

Sentius says, “We will give the final Concetar to Weig and Axel.”

I look at Weig who is also stunned; I was sure it would be me against Aiden. By the look on everyone's faces they thought the same thing: why Weig and Axel?

Axel chooses his weapon and saunters along like he’s on a walk in the garden of the Palladium. He is barely inside the red line that defines the combat zone but doesn’t care. His head is down and he doesn’t acknowledge the honor of being given the final practice match. Axel is tall and well proportioned; his muscles bulge.As if to further insult the honor, he takes off his tunic and pants. He is wearing only a white pair of boxer shorts. That tattoo on his chest stands out, ‘Die for what you love’.

Weig chooses his weapon and waddles to the center of the practice arena. His black hair in a bowl-cut fits well with the round belly protruding over his white pants. He looks like a monk late for church, not someone about to battle. Weig turns and looks at us. What to make of this pair? An uninterested bronze


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statue and a round pale monk. Weig puts his hands above his head. In his right hand is a short spear. In his left hand is a net made of chain. Weig's combat gear is very similar to what I wore when I defeated Aiden. I wonder if Weig chose these items out of the cabinet to beat Axel in the same way I defeated Aiden. Weig cannot match my speed but hopefully he can at least avoid embarrassment and make a match of it.

Axel places his weapons are on the ground in front of him but I’m not sure why. He picks up the sword with a wide blade that tapers to a black dull metal handle. In his right hand he takes a large shield with the Saffire coat-of-arms on it. I expect him to raise the shield high in the air, he does not. Can the others see the look of disgust on his face?

Axel runs at Weig and bashes him to the ground with his shield. The metallic smell of Ki is in the air. Weig lands on his back and then rolls onto his tummy. He looks so awkward that I have to suppress the urge to laugh. Axel raises his sword above Weig’s head. Weig keeps rolling towards Axel and somehow throws his net. Axel falls hard on his outstretched hand and the sword tumbles onto the dirt.

Weig slashes Axel’s side with the spear. The practice swords are dull so I’m surprised to see the slight blood on Axel’s side. Both have strong Ki so that sword must have been


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moving fast. Weig presses his advantage and takes another stab at him. Axel uses the shield to protect his side and block Weig. Without the sword his only move is to bat at Weig with the heavy metal shield.

Axel turns to keep Weig in front of him. Weig throws his net. Axel must be feeling dizzy; he has to keep spinning and jumping to avoid the net. As each minute passes, he becomes slower. Finally the moment we knew had to happen: Weig’s net catches Axel as he twirls and Axel crashes to the ground. Weig has learned from my Concetar and executed his moves well. Axel lies on his back stunned, his arms wide apart. His shield rolls in the dirt and stops a few feet away.

Weig brings out his dagger. Axel rolls into Weig and knocks his legs out from under him. Weig lands hard and twists his ankle. Axel takes the short spear from him and presses it to his neck.

Axel wins. I am amazed at how Axel fought. He immediately recognized that Weig was going to use my strategy to win the match. He then faked his fall and loss of balance mimicking what happened to Aiden. When Weig came in to finish him like I did to Aiden, Axel struck.

Sentius says, “Weig you fought well. Axel you were brilliant.”

Weig limps to his spot beside me. Axel storms out of the practice studio.


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Sentius takes Weig’s ankle and tries to move it.

Weig says, “That hurts.”Sentius helps him up, “Can you stand?”Aiden and Sentius take a side and try to

hold Weig.Weig says, “I can’t put any weight on it.”Sentius says, “Aiden help Weig. A nice meal

is waiting. We will break bread together for one last time, our last supper. Find Axel and have him join you. Demalynn and I will follow.”

Aiden has an arm around Weig to take the weight off his ankle. They leave the practice studio and I am happy to have time alone with Sentius.

Sentius throws me a Co, “Our final battle.”Sentius swings the heavy staff with ease. I

barely avoid his Co and then surprise Sentius with a low sweep. Sentius falls to the ground but I’m not concentrating so I miss my chance to put my Co to his throat to signify the kill. I’m in no mood to fight because I’m too worried about the Gallenhurst mine escape plan. My training partners and Sentius are my friends but I will risk their lives to free Mom. They know my story.

Sentius stands and attacks with a flurry of blows. I fall on my back. Sentius presses his Co hard into my throat.

His face flushes with anger, “What does this teach you?”


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I can barely talk, “Not to lose?”Sentius keeps the pressure on my throat.

“Even with your Ki, no one is guaranteed a win. No one.”

Sentius removes the Co from my throat and says in a softer tone, “Demalynn, you must kill when the time comes.”

“Yes,” I say.This is a practice match. Practice. I never

noticed the lines in his face. Sentius is an old man. Sentius pulls me up and holds my chin, “Promise me.”

I nod. Sentius says, “You’re worried about the

escape.”“Aren’t you?” I say.Sentius says, “We will all fulfill our destiny.”Sentius picks up the two Cos and puts them

in the cabinet. “You’re saving the Gravidarum; she just happens to be your Mom. Never forget that.”

I sit on the bench,“It seems too much.”Sentius sits beside me, “Read the Octavo; it

will give you strength.” “The Octavo is a series of riddles hidden in

puzzles.”Sentius laughs, “Perfect description.”“You think I should tell Atticus and Provo

that Jana is my mother?”“No. There’s an end game and you’ll need

all your cards to deal with Atticus. I’m not that worried about Gallenhurst. You’ll free the


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miners and get out of Brehn. It’s Atticus that will prove your biggest problem.”

I had already come to the same conclusion.I say, “Atticus has never told me Jana is

pregnant.” “He does not want you to know she is the

Gravidarum,” Sentius continues, “he must never find out Jana is your mother. He would use it to manipulate you.”

“When will he tell me that Jana is pregnant?” I say.

“When he thinks it’s to his benefit. His goal is to keep the Unum on Saffire. Your goal is to take your mother and the baby back home. You are on a collision course but he doesn’t know it yet.”

Sentius runs a hand through his head and sighs. He gets two glasses of water and motions for me to stand.

Sentius gives me a glass, “The Unum must be born on Saffire. The Octavo makes that clear. That is all that is required to fulfill the prophecy of The Coming. You will want mom and baby to leave Saffire but will Atticus let the Unum leave? The most anticipated person in all of the Octavo, the one person who will be seen as the true leader of Saffire?”

I say, “The ‘Unum’ is my flesh and blood. That baby is going home with me and Mom.”

I have not told Sentius of Dad at home and his need for a piece of Mom’s liver. Sentius thinks that Atticus will find a way to keep us


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on Saffire until the baby is born. Mom can’t give Dad a piece of her liver until she delivers anyway so that’s not a problem. As soon as the baby is born I will force Provo to take me to the Way Back, whatever that is. I take a long drink of water.

Sentius says, “Atticus doesn’t know Jana is your mom. Keep it that way.”

I say, “My Mom doesn’t know she’s my Mom.”

Sentius says, “I think you may want to tell her. Sooner rather than later.”

I will tell Mom who she is as soon as she is free and we are alone.

I put my glass on the bench, “What do you think Atticus will do?”

“You’re the Helper and must stay around until the baby is born. So in the short term he will keep you safe and alive. If he ever finds out Jana is your mother he will immediately realize you and he are on opposite sides. That will be a problem.”

“He’s not letting them leave,” I say. Sentius does not answer my question, “If it

was me, I’d keep you two separated. Near the time of birth obviously you have to be re-united. Remember for the Unum to be born, the Helper must be present at the birth.”

“If Jago finds out the Unum is going to be born things will get hot.”

Sentius says, “Not if, when. Jago is a brilliant mind. Somehow, he will find out about


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the Gravidarum. Jago will then stop at nothing to kill the Gravidarum before the Unum can be born. Naturally, Atticus will have a plan to stop this from happening. Your Ki alone will not be enough.”

“I find it hard to wrap my head around this reverse aging thing. How can a fourteen-year-old kid be the brains behind the Underground?” I say.

Sentius says, “Don’t be fooled, Atticus has freed many miners. That mop of red corkscrews is smart. Whippersnipper smart.”

“Whippersnipper smart?” I say.“Atticus will try to keep your mother one

step ahead of Jago until the baby is born.”“Great, after that kid is born, we’re

leaving.”Sentius says, “Speaking for myself, I

wouldn’t mind if you stayed.”“I’m leaving, and I’m taking my Mom and

the baby. But I will miss you, young man.” I say.

Sentius says, “Now you see why I want you to stay. Who else would ever call me young man?”

Sentius and I hug. “Tell me about Jago,” I say.Sentius tightens his lips and the edges of

his mouth turn down, “I trained him. He was the same man then. I saw it, but I could not stop it. Events made him the man he is. What he endured no man could endure without


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being damaged.”There is silence as I wait for Sentius to explain, but he just looks at me.Sentius says, “The only people who cannot die in the escape are the Gravidarum and the Helper. You and Jana must escape. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

I remain silent.


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One o'clock in the morning and the road is empty; all except my dark van that straddles both lanes. I can’t stay in one place. The Gallenhurst mine escape has started.

I stare into the black of the road ahead and hear the truck long before I see it; a low rumbling sound with intermittent metallic clicks. I review the plan. It will work. My mind plays tricks on me, the rumbling of the engine sounds like words. I can’t make them out. Finally, a large white truck comes into view. I wave my hands wildly for the truck to stop. It has no choice — my dark van is blocking the narrow road both ways.

The driver is an Asian man in his late fifties, white hair with a bit of black mixed in. He tries to swing left to go around my van but the steep cliff makes that impossible. The truck stops four feet from the van and the


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man jumps out.Rubbing his stubbly gray beard he says, " Bad place to get a flat.”

“Just my luck,” I say. “This road eats tires. Lucky you didn’t go

over the cliff.”Some stubby shrubs are all that separates

the road from the sheer cliff. They look like little men guarding the curve. The little men solemnly stare into the blackness.

“I can call it in, I can’t be late for my delivery at Gallenhurst mine. I’ll get you to the side and someone will be out to help.”

“I’m Emma by the way,” I put out my right fist and we touch.

“Chizen,” The man says.“Nice to meet you Chizen,” I say.“Likewise,” Chizen says.“Chizen, can you change the tire? It’ll take

hours before someone comes out here. I don’t want to wait in the Fray all alone.”

Chizen says, “You know you look a lot like Demalynn Chase. She—“

“Defeated Aiden in Concetar, I get that a lot.” I say.

“You’re… just a little shorter,” Chizen says kindly.

Thanks. People always say the same thing after seeing me on stage in a comedy skit.

Chizen says, “Let’s see how bad the tire is.”Chizen is wearing a white t-shirt with faint

lettering on the back. I thought it was the


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night, but I realize the letters are just faded. The t-shirt is worn to threads. He is now bent over the front tire. Chizen is a decent, hardworking O-30. Works long hours for short pay.

Chizen looks up, “Why is a citizen out in the Fray at this time of night? I don’t see a puncture, It had to be—“

I don’t feel great about sticking the syringe in his neck; Chizen slumps to the ground. He’ll be out for a few hours. I toss the syringe over the cliff then run to the back of the dark van and open the doors.

“Done,” I say.Sentius is the first out of the van with Aiden

and Axel close behind. Weig follows, he hasn’t completely recovered from the sprained ankle he suffered from battling Axel. Zebulon is out of the van last.

I take the keys out of Chizen’s pocket. Weig helps Axel lift Chizen into the dark van. Aiden re-inflates the tire.

Zebulon gets in the driver's seat; he will drive Chizen to a safe-house where he will stay until morning.

Zebulon takes out his phone and calls Atticus, “The ball has dropped.”

Zebulon speeds away. I approach Aiden who is standing with Axel and Weig.

Aiden says, “We need to hurry. The central dispatch will see that the truck has stopped. If


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it doesn’t get moving they will call to get an update.”

Axel says, “Hustle.”I hop into the driver's seat of the big, white

delivery truck. Sentius goes to the cargo bay to stay with Aiden, Axel, and Weig.

So far everything is on schedule; we are on our way to Gallenhurst and have lost little time. I lower the window; the cool air is invigorating, and my pulse races.

Chizen’s cellphone rings on the seat beside me. Eventually it stops. I wonder how the other part of the plan is going.

Chizen’s cellphone rings again. Five minutes later it rings again. I smile. The plan is in motion.


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Strangely enough driving Chizen’s big white truck is relaxing. My phone rings. Atticus says, "It's me."Just by the tone of his voice I can tell things are good.

“It worked,” I say.Atticus says, “The explosion at Allentow

mine went just as planned. The supervisor called a Fire One. Gallenhurst has responded and almost all personnel are on their way to help Allentow.”

Perfect. Allentow is the nearest thallamite mine but is a good six hours away. The explosion we set has pulled all the security and staff from Gallenhurst.

“Anyone hurt at Allentow?” I say.Atticus says, “No. Allentow will be battling

that blaze until morning, but we avoided igniting the thallamite stockpile. The director


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of Gallenhurst travelled to Allentow, he left his assistant Yaz.”

“The plan’s working.”Atticus says, “How far are you?”“We’ll be at Gallenhurst in twenty minutes.”Until someone realizes that the fire at

Allentow was a diversion we can control Gallenhurst for a few hours.

I say, “How’s Jana.”Atticus reveals she is pregnant and I try to

sound surprised. Atticus rehashes The Coming. I fake surprise; not sure I succeed. I know Atticus will protect the Gravidarum but I can’t wait to see Mom for myself.

The white truck comes around the final corner; Gallenhurst mine looms up ahead. It looks like a series of rectangular black boxes eerily illuminated against the black night. Out to the east a thick forest of trees is barely visible in the moonless night. To the west there is a cliff; it is hard to know where the cliff ends and the night begins. Security lights brighten the perimeter. The main entrance is a solid concrete bunker in front of a ten-foot-high fence with three feet of barbed wire on top.

The guard is in her mid-twenties and the uniform is tight on her broad shoulders. As she approaches the truck, she slows her step and unclasps the holster. The guard senses something is wrong. Was Chizen a regular driver and she sees he’s not in the truck? No,


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Atticus told me the delivery driver rotates. Of course, she senses my Ki. The delivery drivers are all O-30s, they do not have Ki; I throw the guard twenty feet back and she lands beside a light-post; unconscious but otherwise fine. I tie the woman up and put her in a corner of the guard post.

My heart is pumping but I try to stay calm. Soon Mom will be free. I continue on the narrow dirt road which is illuminated faintly by intermittent green lights indicating the perimeter fence is electrified. I stop behind a large wooden storehouse.

Provo comes out from behind the dense bushes, "Any problems?"

"None,” I say."Good,” Provo opens the truck cargo doors. Weig,

Axel, Sentius and Aiden jump out.Provo says, "The guard posts are using

skeleton crews. Three at north guard house, three at the main guard house.“

“It’s even better than we could have hoped,” I say.

Provo says, “It’s bending our way.”Mom comes out of the bush in the standard

miner’s sack-cloth dress and heavy boots. She’s lost more weight and her face is less oval, more angular.

I pull Provo to the side and speak through gritted teeth, "I told you she was not to come.


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Obviously the Gravidarum has to be on the first truck out of here.”

Provo says, “I tried to tell her. Jana's uncontrollable."

That’s a great word to describe Mom who seems amused by the entire discussion.

I approach Mom, “Jana, get to the loading dock.”

Jana says, "I don't take orders.”I’m right in Mom's face and she doesn’t

have a clue who I am. We’ve had this kind of standoff many times at home: over clothes, curfews, concerts. Mom has that look about her now, she’s not going to back down.

Jana says, "Do we waste time arguing, or do we get on with it?"

‘Do we get on with it?’ These are the exact words I’ve heard many times back home from Mom. There is no point arguing: Mom has decided. Even in the dark I can see the muscles around Mom’s jaw tighten, just like home.

“Ok, you’re with me,” I say.I was planning to take the main guard house

alone. Aiden was going to go with Weig to secure the north guard house; if I have to keep Mom safe with me the plans will have to change. I need someone to babysit Mom.

Provo says, “The other groups stay the same?”


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“No, Aiden will be in my group. Provo, you’ll go with Weig to the north guard house. Axel and Sentius will load the miners.”

Jana follows Aiden and I through the line of shrubs beside the mining road. Although it is dark, the silence is broken by insects making a peculiar crinkling sound. Twenty feet from the main guard house we stop. The guard house is a concrete square with large floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor. The guard house has a good view of the main entry road and the miner barracks. There is only one door.

One 'guard' stands outside the command center, he is wearing the bright yellow uniform of a quality control expert. They work at night to check air samples and mineral content of the mine rock. Thallamite is explosive, and the air is always tested to make sure the concentration of thallamite dust is low. Tonight he is the guard. The regular guard has gone up to Allentow to help with the fire.

“I’ll take him,” I say.Aiden says, “No, I can do it,” Aiden raises

his right hand and blasts the guard back against the concrete wall.

“Impressive,” I say. Aiden smiles back, “Demalynn, you’re not

the only one who learned from Sentius.”Jana says, “Are you two an item?”Item? Who even says that.


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“No,” I say too loudly.Jana laughs, “Of course not. Can we get

back to business? The two of you can go back to not being an item later.”

I remove the keys from the guard’s pocket and take the stairs to the second floor.

“Provo’s intel on these buildings is amazing,” I say.

Aiden says, “It’s like we’ve been here already.”

Jana follows in the rear. One large room holds the monitors

connected to the cameras that cover the Gallenhurst mine. A second much smaller room is at the back. The guard at the top of the stairs turns at the faint noise on the steps. I feel his Ki and smash the guard against the wall before he can draw his weapon.

Another guard fires his weapon at me when I get to the top of the stairs. The weapon is on vaporize and although the blue energy flows around me harmlessly, it slows my movement. The guard tries to use his Ki to force me to my knees. I raise my hand and slam him across the room. The guard lies motionless.

“There’s one more,” I say.Jana has moved ahead of me, “Provo said

three.”“No, there’s one more: I sense the Ki. Get

behind me Jana,” I say.Aiden says, “I can’t feel anything.”


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The fourth guard is hiding behind a metal desk and pops up right in front of Mom. She picks up a statue of Jago made of thallamite on the desk and strikes him on the head. His Ki protects him and he grabs Mom. I give her a little help so the man slumps to the ground.

Jana says, “So much for Ki.”Aiden and I look at each other. Mom is

happy so I don’t tell her that without my help that encounter would have gone in a much different direction.

“Let’s get moving,” I say. There are no more guards. Jana drags one

guard to the back room. Aiden is a bull; he hauls the other guard up the stairs like he’s got a sack of potatoes on his shoulders. He gives me a toothy grin, I’m not sure why but I flash a quick smile.

"Job well done,” I say.I pull the other two guards into the back

room and lock the door. We stand in the main control room. I shut down all the cameras, open the gate to the loading dock, and deactivate the electrified perimeter fence. All the green lights along the dirt roads turn red. My cellphone vibrates.

Atticus says, “Get to the north guard house. There is a situation.”


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Despite running at full speed it takes time to get to the north building. We stop occasionally to allow Mom to catch her breath. The door to the guardhouse is open and I run up the stairs. Aiden and Jana are close behind me, I freeze at the top of the stairs.

Weig’s round cherubic face is frozen in a smile. The black bowl-cut hair looks like a clown's wig. Any second I expect him to jump up and say this was a very stupid joke. Weig remains motionless on the floor. Provo stands over the body.

A cold squeezing pressure in my chest stops me from breathing and I look away. A man in black pants and a dark red t-shirt is lying face up beside a desk at the other end of the room. He is still clutching his weapon. I feel the vomit in my throat and the room begins to spin.


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Jana says, "Yaz." Yaz has a wide forehead and a pointy chin.

He is unconscious but breathing. His face seems gentle, almost kind, at rest. Not the monster I imagined.

Provo says, “We had it all taken care of, it wasn't easy, we had real guards, no fill-ins."

I need to take control of the situation. I control my breathing and the room stops spinning. The nausea in my stomach goes away. I took the main guard house so I could deal with anyone who remained. Why leave real guards at the north guard house, and use fill-ins at the main guard house? Why?

Provo says, " The guards are tied up in the back. Yaz surprised us, Weig fought like a beast but the weapon got him. I was able to get a blow in, but too late.”

I nod. Weig must have saved Provo. Weig had good Ki so he would have battled hard. Provo is an O-30, he has no Ki.

Aiden says, “What happened?”I know exactly what happened. The one

problem with the plan was the fence. There are green lights throughout the compound every ten feet apart. When you deactivate the electrified perimeter fence these lights go red. At this time of night with a skeleton staff, the hope was no one would notice. Yaz noticed and came to investigate. We had planned for this and expected him to head for the main guard house which controls all of Gallenhurst


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mine. Yaz went to the north guard house. I remember the map of the compound and I get hit with a ton of bricks. Yaz sleeps in a small cabin and the north guard post is closer to this cabin. I should have known he would come here.

Provo ties up Yaz. I should comfort Provo, tell him he did all he could, it wasn’t his fault and all that other garbage that comes out of peoples mouths at times like this— I cannot. Aiden and Jana are silent; we all stare at the body.


The body of Weig disappears.Aiden and I say together, “We are the

children of Saffire. Clack to clack. So we begin, so shall we end." Jana and Provo are silent.

The cameras show a stream of miners going to the loading platform. There are many trucks in the depot. The plan is working and I tell myself we are winning.

I look at the empty space where Weig’s body was a moment before, “Let’s get back to the loading area. There’s nothing more here.”

Back at the loading area things are progressing. Hopefully Yaz did not alert anyone else. The large trucks are filling with miners. Their faces show a mixture of


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disbelief and joy. Is this really happening or will they all awake back in the mines from some cruel joke of a dream?

Kikuyo is one of the miners who worked in the same pod with Provo and Jana. Atticus decided that none of the pod were to be told about the Gravidarum. Kikuyo has a wide face, a broad flat nose and stooped shoulders. Her eyes are puffy and the skin sags on her face. She’s been in the mine about thirty-five years. Kikuyo had a few years as a housemaid to the Superintendent of the mine back in the day, a man called John Bull.

Kikuyo runs up to Jana, “I’m finally free.”Jana, “Kikuyo, you should be out of here

already.”Kikuyo, “I’m leaving. Are you sure you don't

want to get on this one? There's only one more truck.”

Jana smiles. "No, I'm leaving in the final group."

Kikuyo hugs Jana.Kikuyo says, "Thanks. We all know we owe

you. And Provo."Jana says, "Get going."Many of the people are still in their

nightclothes carrying small bags stuffed with the few possessions they could pull together.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. Atticus. My heart sinks.

Atticus says, “A team of about fifteen armed guards is coming. You have at most ten


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minutes. Remember, you and the Gravidarum must survive.”

I gather the entire group: Sentius, Jana, Aiden, Provo and Axel, “We have five minutes to load the final truck and get ourselves out of here.”

We rehearsed this scenario and everyone springs into action. The orderly loading of the truck gives way to loud screams, pushing and fear. Mom now stays with me at all times. She wants to help load but I insist she remain at my side.

The miners are huddled together in the back of the next truck to leave. Faces of different shapes, sizes and colors. Tears roll down some wrinkled faces, other faces are just empty. Tonight they are beginning to taste freedom.

I hear a smooth hum. The energy weapons are being fired wildly and have scant chance in hitting anyone, but they are having an effect: panic takes over. The crowd begins screaming and pushing. Axel saves a woman from being trampled. Aiden carries an old woman on his back and deposits her in the truck. He doesn’t turn around to see her smile but rushes out to help another. The plan is unravelling.

Sentius appears out of the dark, “I’ve already called the trucks that have left to be careful; so far no one has called for outside help.”


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I was supposed to do that if we were discovered. In my rush to fill the last truck I forgot.

Aiden and Jana each take the arm of a man around sixty. He wears a tattered brown shirt and stained purple pants. The last truck is loaded and I pull down the cargo door. The driver speeds off into the night.

It is only a matter of minutes before the armed men are within range. We need to leave now.

Jana has tears in her eyes, "Weig, I never knew you, but I promise, whatever happens, I will honor your memory."

I open my mouth to speak. What am I going to say to help this situation? Nothing.

Zebulon pulls up with the dark van, “Get in.”

The guards are approaching and fire shots that splinter the trees two feet from the van. Provo, Aiden, Jana, and Axel all jump into the back of the van. I jump in last and close the cargo door. Zebulon punches the gas and off we go.


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The back of the cargo van is silent. Axel’s shoulders are slumped and muffled sobs intermittently get out. Aiden's eyes are closed. Sentius clenches his hands. Jana bites her lower lip, fixated on one black splotch among many black splotches inside the van floor.

Sentius breaks the silence, "We knew it would not be easy. Any of us...… we understood what could happen."

Silence.Sentius says, ”We freed the entire mine of

Gallenhurst. Weig freed the entire mine of Gallenhurst."

The words are empty. Weig did this for me. He was happy on Saffire and he had no memory of home. Weig would have settled into a good life on Saffire.


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The prophesy of The Coming states that the Unum will save all of Saffire. I have to believe this goal is worth the sacrifice. An hour into the drive we stop and I take over the driving. Atticus tells us there may be some Centurions ahead and I may need to deal with them. Zebulon has the final instructions so he sits in the passenger seat.

Driving the van takes my mind off Weig. No one has told Zebulon what happened to Weig but he has filled in the blanks. What nags at me is that Zebulon didn’t even ask, he just accepts that Weig didn’t make it and moves on. I turn the radio up loud so the noise can help me hide. The front of the van is much better than riding with the others; their faces are heartbreaking. Axel is taking it hard. Did the ankle sprain leave Weig unable to move quickly enough to avoid death? At the best of times he didn’t move fast. The truth: I am responsible for Weig’s death. Everything that happens, I set it in motion.

After an hour Zebulon turns the radio down,“What happened to Weig?”

“So nice of you to finally ask, “ I say.Zebulon says, “My first priority was to get

you and the others out alive. It’s not that I don’t care. It’s just that to care might have got us all killed.”

He’s right and my comments are way off. I should apologize; I don’t.


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“He got ambushed by a guy who wasn’t supposed to be there.” I say.

Zebulon remains silent.I say, “Yaz must have gotten suspicious and

started investigating.”Zebulon says, “The assistant

superintendent? Did you kill him?”I shake my head. “No.”Zebulon says,“This is a war, Demalynn.

Sometimes you only get one chance to kill. He can’t be left alive.”

What’s with these people? Everything’s a battle.

I say, “I had enough death for one night.”Zebulon is silent.I say, “And what was Jon? He was on Jago’s

side. Jago still killed him—for what? Sport.” Zebulon says, “Jon challenged Jago openly.

No, Jago never kills for sport: he always has a reason.”

“Ella and Jon were planning to pair. You don’t care he died?” I say.

Zebulon says, “Jon placed little value on his own life. He had two chances to save it and took neither. Why should I value his life more than he did?”

“What chance did Weig have?” I say.Weig had a warm smile to go with his bowl

of black hair. If he were in The Wizard of Oz movie he would be the Cowardly Lion. The Cowardly Lion when put to the test finds out he is in fact the bravest of them all. He carried


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his team on his back. Weig was a happy-go-lucky young man. Full of life and playfulness. He thought he was a coward for fearing this night. When it came down to it, he protected Provo with his life. Weig gave his life for someone else and I’m sure he didn’t hesitate. I often wanted to tell him the story of the Wizard of Oz. He would have enjoyed it, especially the ending. Weig loved happy endings. We ride on for some time in silence.

Zebulon says, “Not much farther?”I ignore him and turn up the radio.The red gobstopper sun has not yet risen to

cast its light on the small dirt side road. Zebulon points and I turn off onto an even smaller dirt track and head into the mountains. I look across at Zebulon.

“You and Ella are both secretly working for the Underground,” I say.

Zebulon says, “Yes.”“Jago has already killed Jon. If he ever found

out you and Ella are Underground what do you think would happen?”

Zebulon says, “We believe in our cause. No one deserves to spend their lives in the mines. They are just like us, but they don’t have Ki. And you’re right, I am putting Catalina at risk, even though I love her, I have to do something.”

“Does she know you’re Underground?”“No. That would put her at even more risk.”I say, “Doesn’t she have a right to know?”


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Zebulon is staring at me. I can see the pain and worry in his eyes. He turns the radio off.

Zebulon says, “We did good tonight.”I say, “Will any of the miners be re-captured

by Jago?”Zebulon says, “You know the answer, some

will be re-captured, just like some people were going to die tonight.”

I keep my focus on the dirt road.I say, “What will Jago do if he finds out who

is behind this?” I’m in the mood to ask questions for which I know the answer.

Zebulon says, “Somehow he will find out, hopefully it will take some time. You’ll have disappeared.”

“You’re not too great in the reassurance department.”

Zebulon says, “You’re upset that Weig was killed, so you’re asking a lot of uncomfortable questions, I get it.”

I say, “No one should have been hurt tonight.”

Zebulon says, “The most dangerous liar is the person who lies to themselves. Of course someone would get hurt.”

The words feel like a hard slap in the face. The truth always cuts deep. I’m not sure what to do now, do I tell Jana she is my Mom. How will she handle the news? Mom cannot tell Atticus. Does my Mom have a right to know who she is? I could always talk to Mom back


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home. She'd always say, ‘I was once a seventeen-year-old girl, not that long ago’.

Zebulon gently touches my arm and I stop the van. The dirt track opens into a small clearing surrounded by tall trees. Although it is still pitch black, the morning air is warm. It’s good to be out of the van. Everything looks better in the early morning light; every new day brings the chance to see things in a new way. Dad’s words and if I keep telling myself that, it may happen. The boy with the corkscrew hair appears out from behind the trees. We exchange a brief hug and walk along the trees.

Atticus says,“The plan has been a complete success. You, Aiden and your team will return to your homes in the Palladium. No one suspects any of you are involved. Continue as if nothing has happened and remember to act surprised when you learn of the mine escape.

“What about Weig?” I say.Atticus says, “I’m sorry he died. Weig

complicates things. We’re trying to float a story he left Brehn yesterday for Clappam Common alone.”

“I left Yaz alive, he’ll tell Jago.”Atticus says, “Yaz is dead.”The cold matter-of-fact tone sends a chill

through me. Who went back to kill Yaz? I say, “On the same night as the biggest

escape on Gallenhurst Weig disappears. Jago won’t believe it.”


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“Jago will have bigger things to worry about. He may learn the truth—eventually. He’ll be working on capturing the miners. One missing clacker shouldn’t be his concern.”

It’s not the greatest plan, but what can Atticus do? He’s improvising. Returning home is brilliant but when Jago hears Weig is missing, he will think it’s too big a coincidence. As soon as I ‘drown’ it will be blown wide open. Hopefully by that time I’ll be far, far away.

“What about Jana?” I say.Atticus says, “The Gravidarum will travel

with Provo. I want to mention something to you, now don’t be alarmed. The original plan was to have Provo take you to the Way Back after you drown but I now realize that you are the Helper.”

I want to just say, ‘don’t play me’ but I stay silent.

Atticus continues, “The Helper is very important. You must be present at the birth.”

He pauses. I try to act like this is all new.Atticus, “I regret to inform you that Provo

cannot take you to the Way Back until Jana delivers the Unum.”

“I was ready to go home,” I try to act upset.Atticus says, “It’s a change on what we

agreed, but there is no other way.”I’m glad the darkness hides my face. “Where is Jana going?” I say.


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Atticus says, “Don’t worry: you’ll meet up again when she is about to deliver,” He points, “go to the blue car, it’ll take you and Aiden home.”

Atticus disappears into the trees. Mom is at the other end of the field. I wave but she does not wave back. Maybe she didn’t see; I’m just another person to her anyway. Provo sits beside Mom. Other miners are getting into cars. The miners are free but they face the unknown.The atmosphere is a mix of euphoria and sadness.

Aiden opens the car door and gives me a playful bow, extra deep. I smile. The driver sits up front. As we re-enter Brehn the guards waves us through.

Aiden says, “We have to remember to go about our normal activities. Jago has no clue we were involved in the mine escape and no idea of the Gravidarum. You and Zebulon will know exactly what Jago is planning, you’re still on Grand Council.”

I remember how Jago killed Jon. I can’t stand the site of Jago but I cannot leave my spot on Grand Council. In a few days I will ‘drown’ and finally be free of the beast but I disagree with Aiden. Jago is far too smart to let Grand Council in on all his moves.

I say, “That will be perfect: it's all smooth sailing.”

Aiden does not catch the sarcasm in my voice.


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Aiden says, “Atticus is smart. He’s got this.” “Whippersnipper smart,” I say.Aiden says, “What?”“Atticus is whippersnipper smart. Sentius

said so.”Aiden shrugs again, “Whatever.”“It’s a fun non-word.” I say.


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For the last three days Saffire has been turned upside down. The Gallenhurst escape has caused so much chaos I won’t be missed when I drown. Atticus was right about the mine escape; it is the largest mine escape in the history of Saffire and the only thing people are talking about. Merrick is leading the police effort to track down the miners.

I wonder when Jago realized that the fire in Allentow was a diversion and the real action was at Gallenhurst. To see his surprise and anger would have been epic.

Besides the emergency Grand Council meetings since the escape, I have had a series of very strange ‘personal meetings’ with Jago that he says are to discuss follow the progress of the investigation into the mine escape. The meetings have been going on every night since the Gallenhurst mine break


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and are usually just the two of us. Each meeting I can feel Jago probing my Ki. Jago knows I can sense him but I have said nothing and remain calm. Sometimes Merrick joins us, he constantly whispers in Jago’s ear. They suspect me of being involved in the mine escape, I know Merrick has been asking about my whereabouts the night of the mine escape. Atticus somehow has gotten a few people in the Palladium who say they are positive I was in the complex all night.

Grand Council chamber is intimidating at night. Merrick is tense; I can sense it the moment I enter the room. Every time I come to one of these midnight meetings I fear Jago will make me disappear.

Jago says, “Welcome Demalynn.”Jago is holding a Co and in the practice

arena.“Hello Your Eminence,” I say. “How’s life in the north wing of the

Palladium?”After killing Jon, Jago granted me a cottage

in the north wing of the Palladium. The separate cottage is beautiful and backs on to a ravine. To refuse the cottage would have caused suspicion so I moved to this most exclusive area of the Palladium. Every time I sit in the cottage I am reminded of Jon’s death. I’m not sure if Jago planned it that way but I hate staying in the cottage. Jago always asks me about the cottage. He seems to


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really believe he’s done something amazing by getting me the fancy cottage. It’s all very strange.

I say, “The cottage is beautiful, thanks for granting me the cottage.”

Jago smiles, “It’s the least I could do for a friend. I can be kind to my friends. You’re just in time to witness a match.”

I say, “Great.”Jago says, “And that’s not the best of it.

Merrick says they have captured some miners and one will speak to us tonight.”

Jago always makes these strange midnight meetings sound like we’ve both agreed to meet. His tone is light and friendly. Just listening to him speak no one would guess that this is the middle of the night in the Grand Council chamber of the Palladium. It’s what makes these encounters chilling. I never know what will happen. My head feels a bit light at the thought of a captured miner. What will Jago make me witness. Is this a test to see if I will intervene to save the miner. I control myself, we set so many miners free they will have no real information to give Jago.

Jago picks up a Co and smashes it on the ground, “Ready Merrick?”

Merrick keeps his eyes to the ground, “I would like to decline. Why don’t we bring in the miner who will only speak to you Jago.”


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Jago laughs, “Come, come Merrick. This is not Concetar, there is no option to decline. It’s a friendly sparring match. These matches go on in countless practice arenas all over Saffire. It’s good exercise and good fun. The miner can wait. What I have planned for her is very special.”

Merrick says, “I must decline.”Jago has an edge to his voice, “This is not a

choice,” in a lighter tone, “Demalynn, you can referee.”

Jago motions me to come into the center of the practice arena. He throws a Co to Merrick who barely catches it. The wooden stick fits clumsily in his small hands.

Jago swings the staff with full force. It passes inches above Merrick’s head and smashes into the wood cabinet. Merrick tries to duck and sprawls on the floor, his own Co bumping him in the mouth.

Jago laughs uncontrollably, “I think I’d get a much better match from our newest Grand Council member. I’ve heard she practices hard.”

Blood trickles from Merrick's lip. Jago looks at me and smiles. The scar cutting across his face makes his mouth twist.

Merrick stands and looks at the wooden stick in his hands like he has never seen a Co before, “I am far too young for this anymore, your Eminence.”

Jago says, “Come now, it’s all good fun.”


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“Maybe a few years ago when I was older.”A slight electric hum fills the air as Jago’s Ki

surrounds him. Merrick swallows, “I must defer.”

Jago is smart and will not challenge Merrick formally. He knows Merrick will take the first opportunity to decline, and if that didn’t work, Merrick would take the last out. Merrick has no problem standing naked before Jago and myself.

Merrick says, “Your Eminence, you outweigh me by at least sixty pounds. I am fourteen; you are nineteen.”

Jago whacks him in the side with the stick, “Silly boy, by that reasoning we would never fight. In two years I will be seventeen and you twelve.”

Merrick’s Ki softens the blow, but it moves him back. The reality hits me: Jago is not going to challenge a Concetar. Jago is going to beat Merrick to death before me.

Jago says, “Defend or die,” and takes a full swing at Merrick’s head. Merrick counters with his staff and moves back. Jago will just murder him in the Grand Council, just as he did Jon. The door is probably now guarded with Centurions.

Jago swings low and trips Merrick. When Merrick hits the ground, his staff goes rolling to the far end of the practice studio. Merrick is on his belly.

Jago says, “Pick it up.”


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Merrick crawls to the stick but his face hardens. If he is going to die in this practice arena, he will at least put up a fight. Merrick picks up the Co and charges. Jago moves to the side and swings his stick backward, hitting Merrick squarely in the upper shoulders. A loud thump echoes in the room.

Jago says, “Good effort.”Merrick swings while turning around and

catches Jago off guard. He connects with Jago’s left knee. Jago rolls to the ground and stabs his stick up, it hits Merrick squarely in the chest. Even with his Ki, Merrick has the wind knocked out of him and gasps on his hands and knees. Jago raises the stick with two hands high in the air. He is over Merrick’s head.

Merrick turns his head and close his eyes, “Please. I beg…”

Jago brings the staff down with his full force. He smashes it an inch from the side of Merrick’s head. The Co marks the blond hardwood floor.

Jago says, “I want results.”Merrick is covered in sweat. He can barely

get out the words, he squeaks, “I don’t know what the woman will say, she will speak only to you, Your Eminence.”

Jago, “Hope she has something to tell me Merrick. Hope.”

There is sweat on the back of my neck. I control my breathing and swallow the vomit in


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my mouth. Jago looks like nothing has happened. Merrick is dazed and almost ready to cry. This was done to frighten Merrick, and it worked. I’m sure it was done to frighten me. And it worked.

Jago takes the two sticks and puts them carefully back into the cabinet, “Demalynn, I don’t think I ever told you how I clacked.”

Merrick is still on his knees gasping to breathe in the practice area. Jago sits beside me at the Grand Council table. Merrick follows and takes his position standing to the right of Jago.

Jago looks at the two of us, “Looks like you’re all ears,” he looks up at the ceiling, “I started in the mine. They didn’t have the accurate cheek test like now to get your age, thought I was over thirty. I was sent to Aushenbauer mine.”

Merrick's eyes open wide, he has not heard this story. I shiver at the word Aushenbauer.

Jago continues, “Yes, the rumors were true. It was the most sadistic place on Saffire. Within the first days of landing on Saffire everyone hears about Aushenbauer. The first day at Aushenbauer I saw the assistant superintendent of the mine whip an old woman to death. Ubel, that was his name, Ubel Baun. He kept beating the woman, lash after lash. We all stood there. Can you imagine? My first day, I couldn’t stop crying.”


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Merrick moves back slightly, holding his abdomen.

Jago continues, “Within a week I had seen enough death to last a life. I was crying all the time.”

Merrick says, “Aushenbauer was a hard place.”

Jago says, “Ubel picked me; there’s always one. Ubel Baun would beat me. I‘d be working some thallamite and he’d just put the cat o’ nine tails to me. Chunks of flesh flew off my back.”

I am mesmerized by his story. The emotion in his words is impossible to back away from.

“Why you?” I ask.Jago shrugs. “He said I was weak. Ubel said I

was weak and needed the cat. All the miners knew I’d be dead in a month. When he didn’t whip me with the cat, he kicked and punched me. I was black and blue all over after two weeks, but I still kept my smile. I had a nice straight smile back then.”

Jago smiles and rubs the scar that cuts across his face, “This scar doesn’t begin to show what I suffered.”

I bend my head.Jago continues, “Ubel Baun put me in

charge of hauling away dead bodies. No one spoke to me. They were all too afraid because they knew I had been chosen. It was just a matter of who would be picking up my body. Ubel whipped another woman to death when


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he found an inside pouch sewn into her sac dress. There was no thallamite in it, she was planning to steal some but said in the end she couldn’t go through with it. He still killed her. Candice was beautiful, thick black hair, big bold smile. About thirty-three, a decent woman. She had no Ki. Ubel Baun left her body in the mine where we worked for three days to remind us of what would happen if we even thought of stealing. Each day the mine smelled worse and worse. On the third day Ubel said, ‘Jago, get Candy out of here’. I cried. I couldn’t move.”

Jago’s eyes are glassy, “I went to Candy’s body. I looked into her eyes. She had told me one day we would get out of the mine and she would teach me to swim. We’d swim together in the river Tems and then get a nice cold drink together and sit in the sun. That was our dream. I liked her and Ubel knew it, that’s why he killed her. It was too much; I vomited. The pod knew my day had come. I couldn’t do it; I couldn’t take her away. Ubel laughed. ‘I give you a simple task Jago, she’s not that heavy’. Ubel yelled out to all the mine, ‘Jago’s weak, here’s what happens to the weak.’ The cat jumped off his waist. I remember the knots of leather singing as the whip moved through the air. My time had come.”

Jago pauses and takes a deep breath, “There was no flesh left on my back. I had to


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turn around. The next lash slashed across my face. Ubel Baun had finally taken my smile.”

Jago points to the long scar across his face, “I was done. A few more lashes and it would be over. Suddenly there was a tingling in my body, my face shredded and blood pouring down. Next thing Ubel Baun was thrown across the room, the cat ripped out of his hand. I saw the fear in his eyes. I knew what fear looked like and this time it wasn’t me. Ubel Baun tried to make nice, told me how I was placed in the mine by mistake. I was a citizen, not an O-30. I had Ki, the system wasn’t perfect, but now he would make my life heaven.

Merrick is standing and moving from leg to leg.

I say, “Did he beg for his life?” Jago does not seem to hear me, “I looked at

him and savored every moment as I choked his last breath away. Ubel had a powerful Ki. Unlucky for him, I had the strongest Ki of all. And I still do.”

Jago glares at me. Jago continues, “I still remember his eyes

when Ubel Baun realized that the man who he had treated lower than the lowest would now take his life. I stood over him and with no training at all finished him. Never been done before or since. That gurgling sound when Ubel Baun’s last breath passed… glorious.”


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Merrick whispers, “That was a very unfortunate experience.”

Jago says, “No, it was a great experience. It made me the man I am today. My smile came back.”

Jago smiles. The scar across his face pulls the left half of his lip down. “I promised myself I would never be weak again. Never.”

The color drains out of Merrick’s face.


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Jago sits at his place at the eight-sided council table, “What is the woman’s name who wants to speak to me?”

Merrick, “She calls herself Kikuyo.”I resist the urge to run. Kikuyo can identify

me, she saw me at the Gallenhurst mine escape. My mouth is dry.

Jago says, “Where was she caught?”Merrick says, “Near the farms just outside

Eppingten Common.”Jago, “How was she captured, Centurions?”Merrick says, “No, routine traffic stop.

Officer thought something was funny and called it in. One small van of five.”

Merrick pulls a gobstopper out of his pocket and sucks it hard, “She says she knows something that will shake all of Saffire, for your ears only.”

Jago says, “Get her here.”


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Merrick runs out. I get up to leave.Jago puts a hand on my arm, “No. Stay.”I say, “It sounds like the woman only wants

to talk to you.”Jago says, “I insist, stay Demalynn.”Kikuyo was in Jana’s pod and will have no

trouble identifying me. I need to leave but if I protest any more, he will smell something’s off. I fold my hands and when Jago is not looking wipe the sweat from my forehead. It takes about ten minutes before I hear footsteps approaching. It’s a long ten minutes. No doubt Merrick is trying to get a quick run down on what Kikuyo has to say.

Guards escort Kikuyo into the Grand Council chamber with Merrick following. His face is tense. The guards leave.

Kikuyo opens her eyes wide; she has never been inside Grand Council. The size and scale of the room demand awe. She stands in the middle of the practice arena and does a complete circle; she hasn’t seen me yet. This is nothing like the dirt floor barracks in the mine. The blond hardwood beneath her is spotless. Kikuyo sees Jago sitting at an ornate wooden table in the domed chamber area. She recognizes me. I’m hoping Jago thinks her look is due to his presence. I stay relaxed, if Jago detects my Ki he’ll know. Merrick stands to Jago’s right.

Kikuyo looks much worse than when I last saw her; the hope and optimism are gone. All


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that is in front of me now is despair. A short, wide woman with straggly brown hair filled with gray strands. The bags under her eyes are enormous; she has had little sleep.

Jago says, “Good morning.”Jago is right, it is now very early morning.Kikuyo says, “Good morning your

Eminence.”Kikuyo is terrified, but she is keeping it

together. She’s not looking at me. Is that good or bad?

There are two Centurions outside the double doors. They have Ki and are armed. Jago has massive Ki. If Kikuyo gives me up, my chances are slim. She smoothes down her hair. It is full of oil; dirt fills the wrinkles on her mouth.

Jago says, “Release Kikuyo from her handcuffs and leg shackles.”

Kikuyo says, “Most gracious of you.”Merrick walks down to the practice area,

releases the shackles, and then returns to Jago’s side.

Kikuyo says, “How old is your right hand?”Jago replies, “He’s fourteen,” looking at

Merrick, “you didn’t introduce yourself to this elegant lady,” Jago turns his full attention to Kikuyo, “his name is Merrick.”

Merrick says, “I did not introduce myself to this woman because she refused to tell me why she should bother your Eminence.”


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Kikuyo says, “My words are for you only your Eminence, “ she then looks at Merrick, “and anyone who you choose to share them with. Your right hand looks so pale.”

Jago laughs, “Too much time in the shadows.”

Kikuyo is feeling more comfortable. Jago wants to put her at ease. He has charm, and a quick wit.

Kikuyo says, “Merrick’s young, he must have been around long. That proves he was a smart choice for right hand. And you’re even smarter, your Eminence, for elevating him.”

Jago laughs again, “A most gracious compliment. I can see we’ll get along well, Kikuyo.”

Merrick says, “Tell—”Jago puts his hand up for silence, “Kikuyo,

you escaped Gallenhurst?”“Forced to leave is more accurate,” Kikuyo

says.Merrick says, “Treason is the only word that

can describe your actions and—”Jago puts up his hand, “Merrick, let the lady

tell her story.”I try to melt into the background but there

is nowhere to hide. Kikuyo says, “They loaded us all on the

thallamite trucks. We had no choice.”What a lie.Jago says, “Kikuyo, have they been treating

you well, now that you’re back with us?”


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“No, not really your Eminence.” Kikuyo says.

Jago says, “I can change that. Now step forward and please tell me what you know.”

Kikuyo takes a few steps forward. I bend my head.

Jago gestures, “No: come here and sit right beside the Eminence.”

Kikuyo walks to the steps and stops. She takes two halting steps up and walks into the Grand Council meeting area. Kikuyo looks up at the domed, double-height ceiling with painted murals and stained glass windows. Jago motions and Kikuyo sits beside him at the eight-sided wooden table. She brushes past me and I smell her strong sweat. The large wooden chair swallows up the old woman. Kikuyo looks at me, but I cannot read her. I clench my fists and keep my eyes locked on her.

Kikuyo folds her hands on the ornate wood table, “The Gravidarum is real and I know who she is."

Atticus was careful not to tell anyone in the pod that Jana was pregnant. The only person in the pod who knew Jana was pregnant was Provo. Kikuyo looks up at Merrick, his smooth face is without a line. Kikuyo is well into her sixties. Their eyes are fixed on one another. Jago watches each of them.

Jago says, “The Gravidarum is an imaginary woman who crops up when the people think


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they need her.” He flicks a finger at Merrick, who puts his ear to Jago’s lips. Merrick shakes his head furiously no.

Jago changes in an instant from the gracious host to a menacing beast, “How am I to regard this whole nonsense as anything other than an old woman trying to save her skin with yet another story of the Gravidarum?”

Merrick takes a few steps back and opens a gobstopper.

Atticus assured me the only person in the pod who knew about the Gravidarum was Provo. How did Kikuyo find out? If she’s willing to give up the Gravidarum, can it be much longer before she gives me up?

Jago says lightly, "Who is the Gravidarum Kikuyo?"

Kikuyo says, ”If I tell you, do you guarantee freedom for me? I want to live in Clappam Common. The four captured with me: I want no torture and a return to Gallenhurst as house servants, no mining.”

Merrick says, "How dare you try to bargain with the Eminence?”

Jago says, “Silence, Merrick. Kikuyo is an intelligent woman." Jago smiles at Kikuyo and returns to his gracious self, “Kikuyo is a woman of very great intelligence. Provided we can verify what you say is true, I will grant your request; I promise. If what you say is not proven… then we have a problem.”


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Kikuyo says, "Her name is Jana."I feel Jago’s Ki. I stay calm but now I’m at a

disadvantage: Jago is ready to strike. Jago says, "Jana? How do you come to know

this citizen?”Kikuyo says, “She’s a miner.”Jago repeats, “An O-30?”“She worked my pod,” Kikuyo says.Every person on Saffire knows The Coming.

Kikuyo has betrayed the most sacred thing on Saffire. My first feeling is anger but I realize I should pity this woman. She is desperate and afraid. She’s trying to stay alive. The only thing she has of value is this information. And my name.

Merrick says, "Impossible: a woman in the mine would be too old to have a child; the Octavo tells us so. An O-30 being the Gravidarum? The Gravidarum must be a citizen!”

Jago looks at Merrick, “Nowhere in the Octavo does it say the Gravidarum must be a citizen. A miner as Gravidarum would explain a lot about what happened at Gallenhurst.”

Kikuyo says, “She recently clacked. I saw her belly with my own eyes.”

Jago walks to the large arched window and stands with his back to Kikuyo. He looks up at the domes ceiling and the windows with the images of The Coming. I try to make eye contact with Kikuyo but she gives nothing away. Jago turns around and returns to the


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table. He bends down and puts his arm around her. He speaks in a soft friendly tone, “Now is the time to give me hard proof that there is a woman on Saffire carrying a child. If you fail to do so, this is over,” he looks across at Merrick, “for both of you.”

Kikuyo pulls out a cellphone and hands it to Jago.

Jago stares at the photo. Jago says, “When was this taken?”“Jana and Provo were acting strangely. I

followed Jana home and took this when she was changing less than one week ago.”

Jago says, “I see a thick cloth at her feet. She bound her belly with that cloth to go to mine?”

Kikuyo says, “She did.”Jago says, “Her belly is big with child. When

did she become pregnant?”Kikuyo says, “I have no idea, she clacked

not long ago. I’m certain she came to Saffire pregnant. The Unum will have no father from this world.”

Jago snaps, “I don’t need to be reminded of the Octavo.”

He looks at the photo, “Does anyone else know of the Gravidarum?”

“I have told no one, just you your Eminence. I think only Provo, the pod leader, is aware.”

Jago hands the cellphone to Merrick. Jago walks to the window again and stares for some time. Jago then goes back to his seat on


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Grand Council beside Kikuyo. He takes the phone from Merrick and then returns the cellphone to Kikuyo.

Jago says, “How did you come by that phone? It’s ancient, but lovingly cared for.”

Kikuyo says, “Years ago I was housemaid for John Bull, a brave and kind superintendent of mine operations. It was a gift.”

Jago says, “Kikuyo, there’s a story there, I’m sure. Perhaps you’ll share it with me one day.”

Kikuyo smiles, “Some day.”Jago says, “How rude of me. I didn’t

introduce my friend Demalynn Chase. You may recognize her from Concetar. She is now a Grand Councillor.”

Kikuyo looks me straight in the eye, “I do recognize her. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“Likewise,” I say.Jago looks at us both and then continues, “I

will grant your requests Kikuyo. You have my personal guarantee.”

Kikuyo says, “Most gracious your Eminence.”

Jago says, “Thank you, Kikuyo: you are a good servant of Saffire,” he turns to Merrick, “Take her from the prison and find her suitable accommodation, the best food and drink.”


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Kikuyo bends her head, “Most gracious, your Eminence.”

Jago says, “Don’t be sad: you made the right play. You saved those photos for precisely this type of complication. Smart,” he looks again at Merrick, “maybe Kikuyo should be my right hand.”

Jago calls, “Guards!”Kikuyo watches the guards approach. They

are Centurions, in the full white armor. Black visors hide their faces. The Centurions wear nothing under their armour. If they die in battle, the Centurions want to make the final clack only in their white armor. I picture the Centurions naked and have an urge to burst out laughing. It is almost uncontrollable and I realize it’s the tension. I look at Jago and the urge to laugh evaporates.

This was the first time I have seen Jago, I mean really seen him. Jago was everything he needed to be: brilliant, ruthless, charming. He handled a delicate situation with skill and cunning. I’m sure he will kill Kikuyo. He will grant her a day or two of food and give her a nice place to crash, but he will not keep his bargain. He should have kept the cellphone, they will need to go through the whole phone. The only reason to return it to her is if he is planning to kill her; he will retrieve it later. Why didn't Kikuyo betray me? She could have delivered two blockbusters. To find out about the Gravidarum shows Kikuyo is a smart


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woman. Then it sinks in: she understands. I realize I have twenty-four hours if I’m lucky. Kikuyo knows Jago will not keep his word. She will make one last plea when Jago comes to finish her. Kikuyo will tell him that someone in his inner circle, someone very close to him was involved in the Gallenhurst escape; then she will demand safe passage to an Out town and only then will she release the name. Kikuyo will be far, far from here when Jago gets my name. Jago is smart but Kikuyo is a genius. The Centurions take Kikuyo out of the room.

Merrick says, “Why not free just the Gravidarum, why go to the trouble of freeing all the O-30s?”

Jago says, “Don’t you see, it’s brilliant. We’ll be chasing all these miners now. In every direction.”

Merrick says, “If I hadn’t captured this miner we would not have known of the Gravidarum.”

Jago says, “Fortune smiled on you. The officers who stopped the vehicle are the ones who caught this miner.”

Merrick, “The officers who captured Kikuyo were my men.”

Jago says, “We got lucky. I hate luck, it can turn at the worst time. We must capture the Gravidarum; it is the only priority.”


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Rather than walk back to my apartment through the lighted halls of the Palladium, I walk outside; the early morning darkness will let me think.

During the daytime people laugh and sit on the benches, but now the benches take on a different look. They are empty and don't seem inviting. The shrubs and trees are beautiful in the day but in the dim light they look like little people.

I call Atticus and he agrees that Kikuyo will give me up when she needs to. Kikuyo has no loyalty to the Underground. Jago will try to check some of what Kikuyo has told him and he will realize she is telling the truth. Plans are already in place for me to disappear in a fake drowning but now Atticus will push things up so I will disappear two days from now.


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Atticus reminds me to act normally and do all my regular activities for the next two days.

Every noise outside my apartment makes me nervous and I look through the curtains every other minute. Finally I fall asleep. Two hours later I get a call.

Atticus says, “We have a guard who is with the Underground. Kikuyo didn’t eat her meal because she thought it was poisoned. Kikuyo met with Jago and she fingered you as the ringleader. She also named Sentius and Aiden. Any more information she will only give when she is sure she is safe.”

I say, "Kikuyo gave me up much sooner than expected."Atticus, “She was right, the food was poisoned.”I wonder, did Jago or Atticus poison the food?Why are they offering her food at three in the morning?

Atticus says, “Merrick is putting together a team of Centurions. They are coming for you, Aiden and Sentius.”

I want to drop the phone and run, “We all disappear?”

Atticus says, “We're monitoring the situation. They have to respect your Ki, it will take them time to put together a team that can take you. I will get you out of the city before then.”

“What about Sentius and Aiden?” I say.


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“Sentius has already disappeared. He is safe.”

I wait for Atticus to update me on Aiden but there is nothing.

Atticus continues, “We can’t risk your life, you are the Helper. Hold on...”

I can hear some noise in the background. Atticus returns to the phone, “There is a

team of Centurions on their way to your place right now. You have six minutes and I have no one close enough to help you. Make it to the safe house.”

“And Aiden?” I say. “I’m sorry. Go to the safehouse.” The line goes dead. I’m sorry? I’m sorry he’s

dead. I’m sorry he’s already gone. I’m sorry we couldn’t contact Aiden. What did Atticus mean?

Six minutes. I turn off the lights and look out the window. Four Centurions are marching towards the cottage. Merrick is not among this group of giants. Jago has made it clear what will happen to Merrick if he fails, so I'm sure he is waiting somewhere nearby and directing this operation. The commander is in the lead heading to the front door. He points towards the back of my cottage, two Centurions break off and go round the side.

There is no way they can know I’m not sleeping in my bed. I put two pillows in the bed and cover them. I wait in the closet in the main living room.


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Despite their size the Centurions enter the home with only a faint snap. Their visors must have night vision capabilities, they move directly to the bedroom. Through the crack of the closet door I can see they have their weapons out.

The Centurions enter the bedroom and all fire their weapon at the two pillows under the covers. They are under no orders to take me alive. I turn on the lights and hit the one closest with my Ki. The Centurion is thrown hard against the wall; my Ki penetrates his armor effortlessly. He lays motionless, his black visor is twisted at an awkward angle. The other Centurions all direct their Ki towards me and fire the weapons. The energy flows around me. I wave my hands and twirl. The remaining Centurions hit the walls. Silence. I wait for more Centurions to arrive, but none do.

I am not going to the safe house, not yet. Aiden does not have the power to defeat armed Centurions. I will give him a call and if there’s no answer, I’m going to his apartment. Looking out the front door I’m relieved: Aiden is running up the path to my cottage.

Aiden grabs my arm, “We’re lucky Mara warned us.”

What is he talking about? “How did she know?” I say.“She overheard Jago. Kikuyo was caught,

she —“


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“We need to get to the safe house,” I say.Mara is a real piece of work. She warned Aiden but she definitely didn’t warn me. No surprises there. We make our way out of the Palladium and onto the empty streets of Brehn

Aiden says, “Mara told me you were already on the run. Lucky I checked. I wasn’t sure she had it all right.”

Mara is a —. I can’t find the word to finish the sentence. Mara wants me captured so she can have Aiden for herself.


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Aiden and I have been on the run now for a week in the Fray. Axel has also left Brehn. Most nights Aiden and I sleep in a small tent or wood hut. These areas are uninhabited and bleak. Atticus has a runner meet us at various locations with instructions, we avoid cell phone contact. Jago pursues us relentlessly so we need to be constantly on the move.

Mom and I should be together. Atticus has given me no word on how she’s doing or her location so I can't protect her. I can’t ask about Jana too much because he’d use that to control me. For now, it has to stay that Jana is the Gravidarum and no special relation to me. As Helper, I must be present at the delivery, so Atticus has to bring us together sometime.

Aiden and I are sitting on a log at the side of a dirt road. The sun is hot despite dense trees crowding the road. There is thick green grass


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two feet tall interspersed with blue-purple wild flowers.

Aiden says, “Someone’s coming.”The boy is around sixteen years old. With

the reverse aging on Saffire I have to remind myself that this is a senior member of the Underground. The boy has a round face and big brown eyes. I have learned not to ask names.

“Thanks,” I say.The boy hands me the letter and jogs away.I break the wax seal and read. Jago has

proposed to Mara. This royal pairing is no doubt an attempt by Jago to distract citizens and O-30’s alike from all the recent trouble. Atticus says it is having an effect and much of the talk is about the upcoming pairing. The Gallenhurst mine escape has faded from many peoples minds. Mara has asked Ella to be her maid-of-honor. Mara has no idea that Jago killed Jon. Atticus has tried to convince Ella to tell Mara that Jago killed Jon. If Ella tells Mara the truth, maybe Mara will see the real Jago. Unfortunately Ella says Jago loves Mara and has never spoken an angry word to Mara. Ella believes Mara will have a good life with him after they are paired. Can living with a monster be a good life? I guess it’s not for me to judge. The last part of the letter makes me euphoric, I’m meeting Mom.

I walk to Aiden who raises an eyebrow.I say, “Mara is getting paired with Jago.”


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Aiden still doesn’t know that Jago killed Jon. Nothing in the letter makes me want to tell him his good friend Ella’s fiancee was killed by Jago.

Aiden says, “Mara’s getting paired?”I see something in his eyes. Did he wish he

was with Mara? I’m not sure what I see. I want to say something, but I know the best thing to say is nothing.

I say, “You’ll be happy. Next stop is not in the middle of the Fray. We are actually going to a cottage.”

Aiden says, “Nice, a bed and hot water.” I say, “Not only that, the best part of the

letter is the last line. Guess who’s at the red cottage.”

I don’t wait for an answer, “Jana.”


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Aiden and I are just on the edge of the Out town Wimbolden Common. The sun is setting and we’ve had a long hike through dense forest. I am not tired because I am excited to see Mom. The house is a small red cottage with large windows. I knock on the door.

Jana opens, “Welcome.”I grab Mom and cry. Mom does not pull

away. I’m not sure how long I grab my Mom. She is warm, she smells like Mom. I can’t stop the crying.

Jana is confused, “It’s okay.”I want to say, ‘Mom, it’s me’ but I know it

would be silly, and probably dangerous. Finally the tears stop. I look at the energy weapon in her hand.

Jana says, “You can’t be too careful.”Mom ushers us into the living room and

relaxes on the sofa in a stretchy white t-shirt


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and loose-fitting pants. She pushes the weapon between the seat cushion and the arm of the sofa. Aiden steps forward and does a fist bump with Provo. I sit beside her and watch Provo preparing a meal in the kitchen which joins the living room. Mom’s baby bump is big.

“How is it here?” I say. Jana says, “Good. Provo and I can take long

walks in the forest, no one's around. We’ve been moving constantly so it’s great to be in one place.”

“You look good,” I say.Jana says, “How have you been. Atticus told

us about your close call with Jago. Kikuyo sold us out.”

“She had no choice,” I say.Jana nods. We sit together in silence for a

nice while. I hope she doesn’t notice, but I keep my shoulder against hers.

Provo says, “This stew will be fantastic.”Jana turns on the lamp beside her chair. The

red sun has set. I’m going to enjoy this time with Mom.

Jana goes over to the pot and lifts the lid, “Delicious.” She smiles at Provo.

Dad is a bad cook but we had some of the most fun on Sundays. He always wanted to make the meal, most times it did not go well. We ate a lot of take-out on Sundays. Mom is giving Provo the same look she gives dad when he makes dinner. I’m just tired, I’m


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seeing things that aren’t there. She has no memory of her home, her family. I have to tell Mom about home, now I will get the chance.

Provo says, “Put the plates out.”I’m happy to do something to take my mind

off things.Jana says, “Sadly, we leave day after

tomorrow?”Mom does not want to leave this cottage. It

is isolated and peaceful, it reminds me of home. Aiden would like our home. I’ve almost forgotten about Aiden. He stares out the window.

I stand beside Aiden at the back window, “What’s up?”

Aiden says, “I’m not sure.”Provo says, “Get it while it’s hot.”We make our way to the table and enjoy a

very nice meal. The conversation is light and the time flows easily. Provo is not such a bad person; he certainly is a decent cook. After the meal we all relax in the living room. Mom and Provo are very comfortable with each other. They have been on the run for some time now and must have gone through many experiences together. That will bring people together. I must tell Mom about home, about Dad. The longer I wait the more complicated it’s becoming.

“It’s time to move on, delivery is not too far off,” I say. Provo and Jana are in their own world. Aiden nods in agreement.


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Jana holds her tummy and says, “Oh.”We all perk up.Jana says, “Its the baby, it has started

kicking like crazy.”The front door bursts open. Jago is standing

at the door. A Centurion crashes through the back door and we all jump up. The Centurion pushes Provo into a chair. Mom takes a step away from the Centurion. Aiden and I are standing next to each other.

Jago says, “Sorry to interrupt your dinner.”Provo stands. The Centurion moves to push

him down again but Jago raises his hand. My face is reflected off the shiny black mask of the Centurion. I know the Centurion has a camera in the helmet with face recognition software. He or she looks like a large white grasshopper in the armor.

The Centurion speaks in a monotone, “Identity confirmed: Jana Miner thirty-eight. Demalynn Chase, seventeen, fugitive.”

Jago says, “No confirmation needed. I’ve had this face burned into my mind for a long, long time.”

Jago walks over to Mom. Provo tries to take a step forward but the Centurion puts a broad white hand on his chest.

Jago says, “Don’t move Provo. Trust me, he doesn’t talk much, but he packs a real punch.”

Mom has her lips tight together and looks at the ground.


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Jago says, “It’s a pleasure to finally meet. I’ve been looking all over for you Jana.”

His voice is silky smooth. Jago sounds like he’s greeting a long lost friend.

Jago pulls up Mom’s t-shirt and rubs her belly. Mom resists the urge to slap his hand away. Does he have more men outside? Jago has a weapon on his side. The weapons Jago and the Centurion hold cannot stop me, but they will vaporize Provo and Jana; without Ki, Jana and Provo are naked. Aiden most likely will be able to escape.

Jago rests his hand on Jana’s stomach, “I never thought this would come to pass.”

Jago jerks his hand away. The baby must have kicked.

Provo says directly to the Centurion, “Jana carries the first child to be born on Saffire. The Octavo says the Unum will save our planet.”

The Centurion is confused; his black visor swivels between Jago and Jana.

Provo says, “All citizens bow to the Gravidarum. Praise The Coming.”

The Centurion bows. Provo looks to Jago.Jago says, “I am the Eminence, and I bow to

no one.” Provo looks again to the Centurion, “All

Centurions live by the Octavo. The Unum is the rightful leader of Saffire.”

Jago walks over to Provo and slaps him in the face, “I rule Saffire.”


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Can Jago count on the Centurion? Will the loyalty to Saffire overpower the bond to Jago?

Jago says, “Let’s go to the living room, it looks comfortable.”

Jago just broke into our house and now he speaks like he’s asking us to move to the living room for after dinner drinks. Jana walks to the sofa and sits; she slides her hand between the cushion and the arm of the sofa. She has her weapon.

Provo says, “Centurion, you are sworn to serve the people of Saffire. Not the whims of a murderous Eminence.”

Jago says, “I am Saffire.”Jana looks at the Centurion, “Centurion, you

see I carry the Unum.”The Centurion’s black visor tilts down to

look at Mom's belly. He turns to Jago and then back to Jana. The Centurion does this a few times and the head looks like a robot swivelling back and forth.

Jana continues, “The Centurions study the Octavo and are loyal servants of Saffire.”

The black oval visor reveals nothing. Provo says, “Jago, you cannot harm the

Gravidarum.” Jago says, “I will never harm the

Gravidarum. It is the woman who fled Grand Council that I want.”

By skipping out on Grand Council I committed a serious crime and more importantly in the Centurion’s eyes, I


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disrespected the Octavo. All citizens must serve Saffire, it is in the Octavo.The Centurion will not let Jago kill Jana, but he will allow Jago to kill the girl who neglected to serve Saffire on Grand Council. The Centurion will kill me and tell no one if that is what Jago commands. Centurions never reveal what they do in service of Saffire, their honour demands their silence. Jago has only travelled with one Centurion because he intends to have no witnesses as to what will occur at this cottage. He will kill the Centurion so no one can reveal that a Gravidarum ever existed. Jago’s plan is clear, he will kill everyone in this room.

Jago has put me in a spot. He hasn’t identified me as the Helper because the Centurion would not kill the Helper, but I can't prove I'm the Helper. Centurions are fierce protectors of Saffire and will die to uphold their honor.The ways of the Centurions are known only to themselves so I’m not sure what the Centurion will do. The strange ways date back to the earliest days of Saffire. The one thing that is most important to Centurions is study of the Octavo which they use as a guide on how to live a good life. Should I tell the Centurion that after we are all dead Jago will kill him? The Centurion raises his weapon to vaporize me.

Aiden jumps in front of me and the energy of the Centurion’s weapon flows around him.


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Aiden blows the Centurion back a few feet. The Centurion fires his weapon at Aiden. I point my hand at the weapon and rip it out of the Centurion’s hand. The Centurion charges Aiden, knocks him to the ground and tries to choke him. The Ki around Aiden holds which is good since I must deal with Jago who has focused his Ki on me. I remember the display of power Jago used on Jon. Jago requires all my attention. If I do not defeat Jago everyone in this room will die.

Jago’s Ki is like an iron grip surrounding me. Jago has a sneer on his face and moves closer. Mom is firing her weapon alternately at Jago and the Centurion. Mom fires a short blast at Jago and then has to wait for an opening between Aiden and the Centurion to fire a short blast hitting the Centurion.

Jago raise his hand and I am thrown across the room and land with a thump on the couch. The pain in my left shoulder is sharp. The metallic odor fills the air. Mom is being lifted off the ground. I am using all my power to protect Mom but slowly she rises higher off the ground. Mom drops her weapon. Mom is suspended in a mid-air tug of war. She looks like a marionette: she jerks up and then is jerked back down. My eyes are bulging from effort and my hands clenched. If I lose concentration for even a second, Mom will be thrown across the room. I grit my teeth. Finally Mom drops to the ground.


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I am panting, my chest burns. Jago smiles. I rise. I can feel his anger, his evil. And within this is a touch of sadness. Jago wants to kill me. Then he will kill Aiden. Then the Centurion. He can kill Provo and Mom at his leisure, they will pose no resistance.

I break Jago’s Ki and land on the ground with most of my weight again on my left shoulder. The pain is searing but I stand. I try to move my left hand; it works.

Provo tries to tackle Jago but the force field around Jago repels him and he bounces back like a rubber doll. What is Provo thinking? He is an O-30: he has no Ki. Provo hits the wall with a thud and remains motionless. Jana screams.

This has come down to a battle between Jago and myself. Only one of us will live to see Saffire’s red sun rise tomorrow. I am face to face with Jago in the middle of the room and keep an offensive stance for combat without weapons; just like Sentius taught me. I lower my chin and raise my fists. Keeping my abdomen tight, I twist my torso. Our Ki is too evenly matched so Jago cannot win without physical contact. I lick my lower lip, the blood tastes salty.

Jago punches and I am knocked off my feet, but I spring up. I kick him in the head but lose my balance. Jago pounces, punching me in the face. The punches land in rapid succession. Each eroding some of my Ki, each


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inflicting more pain. His power is tremendous and I have no comeback. I’m trying but how much more can I take? My Ki is weakening and the end is near, I’m surprised it’s over so fast but Jago has massive Ki. I have no choice but to surrender to my destiny; his Ki is too strong. An image of my father fills my head. Dad and I are hiking in the backcountry not too far from home. Side by side in shared silence watching the sun rise. Buddy is running back and forth yelping and jumping. I’m going home. Everything is warm and then it all fades to black.


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The baby comes out as a tiny little girl, she fits in the palm of the doctor’s hand. The doctor says, ‘We’ve never seen one so little.’ The baby girl has big blue eyes and a full head of black hair. Then she starts growing and growing. I am in the birthing room which is weird, Dad should be in there with Mom, but it’s just me and Mom. The baby keeps growing and eventually fills the entire delivery room and I can see my face pressed up against the glass wall trying to breathe, but the baby keeps getting bigger. My sister Sophia yells from the other side of the glass, ‘Get back over here’. I scream at this point in the dream and I fight my way out of sleep. I awake hyperventilating, sweat running down my forehead.I open my eyes and Aiden is caressing my head. Jana and Provo are also at my side. I’m on the sofa of the cottage.


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“What happened?”Aiden says, “We almost lost you.”“Jago had me, I felt it.”Jana says, “Aiden jumped in. You had

weakened Jago enough that Aiden could take him.”

Provo says, “Aiden saved your life. He saved us all.”

“Where’s Jago, the Centurion?”Aiden says, “They both fled. Relax, we’re

safe.”I lay back and close my eyes. I’m charmed

to be alive. Jago’s Ki is magnitudes stronger than anything I’ve ever experienced. There is a vicious forcefulness that just overwhelms everything. I take some slight comfort in the fact that I weakened Jago to the point that Aiden could save us. I want to nod off to sleep but I’m afraid of what sleep will bring. The Dream is back. I haven’t had it in some time.

Aiden wipes some hair from my forehead, “We are going back to Brehn.”

I’m sure they have already called Atticus and told him that I failed when challenged by Jago. He wants me back in Brehn to keep me safe since I can’t defend myself.

Aiden says, “We need to speak to Ella.”Great. Ella, she’ll be so happy to see me. Aiden hands me an envelope, “Atticus

wants you to have this.”


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How did he get a letter here so fast? I’ve been sleeping longer than I thought. It’s a short note. Atticus tries to cheer me up about losing to Jago. He tells me to stay confident and doesn’t blame me for almost getting the Gravidarum killed.

The reason we’re off to see Ella surprises me. I’m stunned at what Atticus has told me. Ella’s message she left after Jon died on my phone radiated hate, she’s not going to be happy to see me. Mom and Provo will go on a different path. I’m sure when Atticus heard that Jago almost destroyed me, he made plans to keep Mom and I away from each other. I have no bruises from my battle with Jago, but I have much to think about. Aiden caresses my forehead, “Go back to sleep.”


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Getting back to Brehn has been good. I feel much stronger. I now know that my Ki is powerful but no match for Jago. That is the truth and it cuts. The power that he radiated was brutish and savage. I owe my life to Aiden and have tried to thank him but he has reacted strangely. It reminds me of the van ride after Concetar. He said I was lucky and he wasn’t sure he could save me, it could have gone either way. He didn’t seem happy, he didn’t seem sad. Indifferent, that’s the word. Life and death seem like two sides of a coin and he’s cool with it going heads or tails. Aiden does not seem shaken by the experience of almost losing me, he never cried or told me he would miss me if I had gone. Can you be like that and really care for someone? What are we to each other?


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Brehn looks different in the evening and I only go out at night now that we have slipped back into the city. Aiden closes the door to the modest apartment and we walk casually along the sidewalk lined with bright flowers and thick green shrubs.

Aiden says, “Are you still having nightmares?”

He knows the answer to this question, I still scream out most nights when I sleep. My panic attacks are getting harder to control and triggered by the most ridiculous things. A man brushed by me wearing a black jacket that reminded me of the coat Jago wore to the red cottage. My world spun and I vomited on the sidewalk. I feel panicked if anyone comes around us or if I hear any loud noises. Aiden’s been good about ignoring it or just laughing it off but I’m sure it’s weighing on him. The nightmares have to stop sometime, right?

Aiden has rebounded from our encounter with Jago. Resilience: the ability to bounce back from anything. Some people bounce back—some don’t. Aiden told me about the fight with Jago. When I collapsed he jumped in front of me and fought off Jago. He had already crushed the Centurion. When I asked him why he jumped in front of me, it was the first time he became silent.

Aiden and I are close, but I am awkward around him. I don’t know how he feels about me. Does anyone know how someone feels?


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Where’s Sophia when you need her? I need to focus but my mind wanders. Aiden is my foundation, everything starts from that point; my conversations with Aiden help me work through things. At this point I can tell him all my feelings, but I don’t. Aiden listens well, I just can’t talk. How do I tell Aiden I’m now frightened and unsure? How do I tell him that I now know that this whole thing will not work out? Jago can take me. Jago will find me and this time he won’t make the mistake of only bringing one Centurion. He will bring a team to neutralize Aiden and any other citizen who tries to help me. Jago will then deal with me one on one. That is the future and I know how it will end.

Aiden says, “Snap out of it.”“Sorry,” I say.Aiden says, “Did you hear anything I said?” “Not a word.” “At least you’re honest. I said if Atticus sent

us to tell Ella to disappear there must be a leak in the Underground.”

The stunning thing in the letter Atticus sent me was that the Underground at the highest level had a leak. Atticus admitted that it is the only way Jago could have tracked us to the red cottage. He also told me that he has no idea who the leak is so I need to be very careful and trust no one, even the people closest to me.


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Aiden continues, “If there’s a leak, we’re in trouble.”

I’ve come to the same place, but how much can you worry? My worry meter is on max. Mom’s probably better off not being with me, Jago seems to be able to find me wherever I go. Atticus is very careful and if he cannot find the leak, we’re in trouble. I remember Yaz, if Atticus had found the leak, he would have plugged it.

“Atticus is whippersnipper smart. He’ll find the leak soon.”

I’m uncertain that he will find the leak soon, but I need to stay hopeful. I concentrate on our job. The streets are busy. The sharp edges of the buildings cast shadows made by the streetlights. Aiden and I walk in silence until we approach the entrance of the Infantotel.

“I can’t wait to hold the babies,” I say.Aiden says, “Our job is to give Ella the news

and get out of town.” Aiden has no idea of the hostility that Ella

has to me or why, but he can feel that I’m not too thrilled to be on my way to meet Ella.

“The babies will be adorable.” I say.Aiden says, “I’ve always thought it’s one of

the saddest things on Saffire. You get younger every year, and smarter. But at the same time you lose language and crawl.”

“At the time when you’re the smartest, no one knows what you’re saying.”

Aiden says, “This is where we all end up.”


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“Not me. The moment the Unum is born; my Mom, the baby and I are out of here. Provo is taking us to the Way Back, and we’re gone.”

I say it with more confidence than I feel.The four walls of the Infantotel are all

invisible glass: floor to ceiling and all the way round. Shiny silver beams form the framework of the invisible glass cube and outline the door. The outside is brought in: there are large trees in the building. The tallest tree must be at least forty feet high and since the ceiling is also invisible glass, only the cool, comfortable air tells me I’m in a building.

Flowers of all colors fill the room. I stop and touch a flower with bright pink petals with a deeper pink in the middle; it brings me right back home. We have something like this planted in a perfect circle around a large sequoia tree in our yard.

Natural stone pathways lead to areas for sitting. There are ponds stocked with bright orange and black fish. Attendants wearing navy blue uniforms walk around and ask if anyone needs information. The atrium of the Infantotel is pure peace and tranquility.

Aiden says, “This building was designed to invite people to just come and sit. This first floor is amazing and the rest of the building is underground.”

“Without a doubt this is one of the most beautiful buildings I’ve never seen.” I say. I’m


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trying to be funny since there are no walls, but Aiden doesn’t seem to get it.

Aiden says, “The idea is to get citizens comfortable with the place they will all end up.”

An attendant approaches and whispers, “Elevator 11, punch in the code 378.”

Gentle pulsations tickle my feet as the elevator rockets downward.

“How far down does it go?” I say.Aiden says, “At least twenty storeys down,

but I’m really not sure.”Aiden and I leave the elevator to meet Ella.

Atticus has told me what hallway to take and in no time we find Ellen. She is working at a computer and surprised to see us. She rushes to Aiden and gives him a hug, “Good to see you.”

Aiden says, “It’s been too long.”Jon's death still stings and I’m not sure how

Ella will react to me.I hesitate, “I’m sorry—”Ella says, “Demalynn, you are not to blame.

I see that so clearly now.”A gush of relief flows over me, “Thanks.” Ella smiles at me but her eyes are dull, her

shoulders are rounded and her walk less confident. Life has given her one of those wounds that will never heal. I can see in her eyes that she already knows that Atticus has sent me to see her.

Ella says, “Let me show you around.”


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Ella guides us down a wide hallway. There are huge floor to ceiling windows on both sides. We stop at a glass wall. Ella touches a small pad at the side and then the glass becomes clear. There are endless rows of white bassinets each on its own small black table. The bassinets are arranged with just enough space to walk comfortably between them. There must be thousands of babies in this room ranging in age from six months to a year. Not too far from the window is a boy that can’t be older than eight. He has short curly brown hair and wears a crisp white lab coat. The boy talks to the baby and types into the computer. A few other eight-year-olds in white coats are scattered throughout the room talking to babies or entering data into the computers.

Aiden says, “I’ve never seen this.”Ella smiles, “This is my life. I have loved

running this place. It’s where the brightest scientists in Saffire work with our most intelligent citizens.”

The research laboratory in the Infantotel is well known. The eight-year-old scientists are at their peak intelligence. Looking at these cute eight-year-old boys and girls in their lab coats I have to remind myself about the weird Saffire reverse aging process. Still, I find it hard to accept that these eight-year-olds are the top scientists on Saffire.


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Ella says, “As far as we can tell our youngest citizens become genius-level minds around age six months.”

“Just before they make the final clack.” I say.

Aiden adds, “The eight-year-olds are the sweet spot. Super- smart but not too young.”

Ella nods, “Exactly. The scientists are trying to communicate with the babies.”

“It makes perfect sense,” I say. No one gets my sarcasm.

Ella shakes her head, “We haven’t had much success but we’re convinced if we can figure out what they’re saying, those six-month-olds hold the answers to Saffire’s most difficult problems.”

The room is huge and each little scientist is immersed in the baby they are trying to communicate with. I wave at a baby that looks at me.

Ella says, “It’s one way glass so they cannot see you.”

I say, “Okay.”Ella says, “Why are you here?”“Someone in the Underground has turned

traitor.”I tell her about how Jago almost killed me.

Ella is probably compromised and Atticus wants Ella to disappear.

Ella says, “I am glad to leave. I haven’t been present since Jon was killed, not really.”


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Even as we talk I can see her mind is somewhere else. The loss of Jon was a hard smack.

Ella brightens, “You can’t come to the Infantotel and not see the babies.”

Ella takes us down yet another bright white corridor and through a doorway. After a few seconds, my eyes become accustomed to the dim lighting. The room is larger than a football field. There are rows and rows of white cribs. I pick up a baby boy wearing a purple onesie with writing on the chest that says, ‘Clacker-in-Training’. The boy coos in my arms.

Ella looks at the plaque engraved at the head of the crib, “Noah is six months young.”

Any time now Noah will have the final clack and disappear. Clack to clack. You enter Saffire with a clack and that is how you leave. Noah’s pink puffy cheeks are so big they almost squeeze shut his big brown eyes. I bring Noah to my chest and close my eyes. The baby is warm.When I put him down, Noah smiles at me.

“He’s beautiful,” I say.Noah’s eyes are locked onto me and he

babbles.Ella says, “Noah doesn’t make any words

now.”What was the baby saying? Noah is a genius

locked in a six-month-old body. I think he was telling me to stay strong and that everything will work out. The warmth of the baby


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transferred a warmth deep into me. The few wisps of hair stand up on his head, I stroke them down.

Aiden says, “We need to go.”Ella leads us back to the office, takes off her

white lab coat and picks up a back pack, “I’m ready.”

A small backpack that fit easily over her shoulders, that’s all she has in the world now. I think of her beautiful farm and the warm memories made with her friends at that evening that seems so distant. Ella’s life can now be put in a small backpack.

Ella gives me a hug, “Will we see each other again?”

I remember the message she left me after Jon was killed. The anger and the hate soaked through every word, but tonight I hear none of that venom. I could not have saved Jon. Ella understands and it makes everything easier.

I say, “Who knows if we’ll meet again, probably not, but let’s hope.”


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In the weeks since we have left Brehn, Aiden and I have stayed mainly in the Fray. We wonder when Jago will appear so we avoid contact with almost everyone and Jago has grown frustrated. Atticus still hasn’t found the leak and has warned us that as the date for the delivery of the Unum gets closer Jago will become desperate. I’ve had sporadic updates on Mom and she is doing well. Atticus wants to speak to us at his farm in the Fray. We’re almost there and the closer we get the more I wonder what news he has to share.

Aiden and I are on horseback travelling along a dirt path. It’s late in the evening.

Aiden asks, "How much longer?" “Soon,” I say.After a short time we turn onto a wider

gravel road. I point to the large white farm house in the distance, "We’re nearly there."


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Aiden says, “Atticus obviously is doing pretty good.”

The large farmhouse is framed with hedges. Large leaded glass windows with large moldings dot the front of the structure. The thick, green, waxy leaves are cut in geometric shapes. It is bigger than Ella’s farmhouse and much more formal. We tie our horses and I punch in the code; the gate swings opens. Two giant trees that must provide great shade in the day are in front of the farmhouse. The massive wooden front door swings open before I can knock.

Atticus says, “Welcome to my humble abode.”

I think that means welcome to my house in Atticus speak. I am happy to see the smiling freckled face of this fourteen-year-old boy with the mop of red curly corkscrews. Even though I understand the laws of Saffire and that this boy is a genius, I still think of him as a kid who likes to play dress-up in fancy suits but I remind myself that this is the head of the Underground. Atticus has worked hard to free many miners and he is working very hard right now to make sure Mom stays safe.

I hug him, “Atticus.”Atticus is thin, his skin looks washed out.

His eyes were brighter when I last saw him. “Where is Jana?” I say.Atticus says, “Jana is safe. My last report

was just a day ago. Jana and Provo are


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moving constantly. Certain days not even I know where they are going.”

Aiden puts out his right fist, "Good to see you."Atticus does the same, "Likewise."A large crystal vase sits on a cabinet which is the centrepiece of the entryway. The front foyer is about the size of half of my house back home. The vase radiates light from the cut glass edges.

Atticus says, “Demalynn, you like my vase?”I say, “It’s beautiful. Filled with flowers it

must be amazing.”Atticus says, “No time to cut flowers lately.”Aiden says, “Do you always dress like this in

the middle of the night?”Atticus is dressed in a light gray tailored suit

with narrow lapels. The pale purple shirt is crisp; freshly ironed.

Atticus says, “Only for you Demalynn.”I laugh. Aiden says, “How are the miners?” “Fantastic. The miners are scattered

throughout all the Out towns on Saffire. Some have chosen to just live off the land and roam the Fray."

“How many have been captured?” I say.“Some, we all pay a heavy price to make

sure the Unum is born.”Atticus nods towards the kitchen and we

follow. The kitchen table is full of food.


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I grab a sandwich, “I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”

Atticus says, “Not a problem.”The sandwich is delicious and I eat too

quickly but I don’t care. Atticus pours me a drink and I tell him about Ella. There is a long pause after I have finished speaking. Aiden still eats.

Atticus says, “I have found the leak.”Aiden says, “Who?”Atticus says, “Zebulon.”By the look on Aiden's face, I’m sure he

didn’t suspect Zebulon either. Zebulon volunteered to drive the van with the delivery man back the night of the mine escape. He was careful not to be seen by any miners.

“So Jago knows everything?” I say.Atticus shakes his head, “No. Zebulon is

feeding Jago only bits and pieces. He hasn’t revealed to Jago that he is in the Underground.”

Aiden says, “Why?” Atticus says, “Zebulon’s working both

sides. He was slowly learning about my organization. He used me to help guide Jago to Jana. Every time Zebulon’s tips prove valuable he climbs higher in Jago’s mind.”

I say, “And if the Underground is exposed, he would keep being the loyal Grand Councillor to Jago.”


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Aiden says, "And if the Underground succeeded he would have been placed to lead it.”

Atticus says, “I thought he would succeed me. We often don’t see what is right in front of us.”My mouth is open and I just listen.

Atticus says, “Ella convinced Zebulon to join our fight. I thought he was ours. Now I see he was playing me. And Ella. All the while Zebulon had his green eye on me and his blue one on Jago.”

“We all get played at some time in our life,” I say.

Atticus says, “It explains why Jana and Provo were always just one step away from getting caught. That’s how Jago found you at the cottage.”

Aiden says, “Zebulon knows what Jago will do; he also knows what the Underground will do. Zeb needs to go.”

Atticus shakes his head, “No. We leave him; he’s useful to us.”

Aiden says, “You have to kill him.”Atticus says, “No, why silence him? Let’s

see where he leads, what other friends he has. There may be more traitors in the Underground.”

I say, “As long as there is a plan to deal with him.”

Atticus says, “I have a plan for everything.”


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Things are getting too complicated. The more moving parts, the more things can spin out of control. Mom is close to the due date. The baby’s coming and I need to be there.

Atticus says, “Your next stop is Eppingten Common and after that the final one: Nicretia.”

“Nicretia?” I say.Aiden says, “It’s a good sized Out town. A

bit better than Clappam Common.”Atticus says, “Nicretia is out of the way.” I say, “Do they have a hospital?”Atticus says, “Yes. But obviously we can’t

deliver the Gravidarum in a hospital.”I didn’t think it was that obvious. A room

staffed by Underground in a hospital shouldn’t be impossible to do. You're the whippersnipper smart know-it-all. You can’t arrange a clean hospital bed?

Atticus continues, “I will have to lead Zebulon to the wrong place, but not too far off. There are only so many places that make sense. He already knows the options I am considering. If I try to send him completely off, he’ll know he’s been made.”

Aiden says, “The road from here to Eppingten is pretty decent. Not the worst of the Fray.”

Atticus, “It’s too direct, too many people use that. No, you’ll go through the Meka Gandi gorge then use back roads to Eppingten Common.”


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I say, “Meka Gandi is deep, deep Fray.”Atticus says, “The last place anyone will

expect you.”On the ride in the van after the escape with

Zebulon he was so caring. He pretended to be the loyal and focused helper of the Underground. He said many things that were true and that I needed to hear. I was planning to tell him that when we next met. Now I realize he has been trying to kill me and my Mom the entire time. During all my encounters with him I never sensed his Ki. Zebulon knew that if he tried to probe me I would sense him and he would risk detection. He completely had me fooled and I grit my teeth.

I say, “When will we deal with Zebulon?” Atticus says, “The Black and White Ball is

the perfect place to snatch Zebulon. Everyone will be in costume and masks. We can get in and out with ease.”

Aiden says, “Brilliant.” “I cover all the angles,” Atticus says.Atticus and I are on a collision course. I

want to get Mom and the new baby home. Atticus promised to get me home after the Unum is born; payment for freeing the miners. How will he react to me, Mom and the baby leaving Saffire? How will he respond when I tell him Jana is my Mom and wants to go home with the Unum? Will Atticus let the Unum, the saviour of Saffire, just leave?


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Atticus says, “It’s been a long day for you both. Take the first two bedrooms on the left when you get up the stairs. Sleep well.”


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The next morning the sun is high in the sky, shining through the window when I wake. There are clean clothes at the foot of the bed. The first good night of sleep I’ve had in a long time, no dreams.

From the stairs I see Atticus in the kitchen; he is focused on a screen. Atticus does not take his eyes from the screen while drinking from a white teacup. He wears a powder blue three piece suit with a crisp white shirt; a matching powder blue bow tie completes the look.

Can it really be him? I hurry down the stairs. There is only one bald head like that on Saffire.

“Axel!” I wrap him in my arms. Axel says, “What took you guys so long to

get here?”


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Did Axel almost smile at seeing me? I’m not sure since I can’t remember ever seeing him smile. I sit at the table beside Aiden.

“You were here yesterday?” I say. Aiden pours me a drink.Atticus looks up from his screen, “Axel was

sleeping when you got here.” Aiden says, “He got here a few hours ahead

of us.”Axel says, “From what Atticus has told me,

you guys were screwing up royally.”Atticus puts down his tablet, “This will be a

very busy day. Demalynn, get some breakfast. Then we’ll all do some gardening.”

The backyard is about as large as the house. The well-manicured shrubs and hedges form a fence that contrasts with the unruly tangle of trees in the Fray beyond.

Aiden takes a deep breath in, “There’s so much color in the garden.”

Axel says, “These are all roses?”Atticus says, “Every last one of them.”Atticus goes to the cluster of large red roses

at the corner of the garden, “This is my favourite spot in the garden. It gets the morning sun first.”

Aiden, Axel and I follow Atticus to a corner of the property. A rectangular hedge of peach roses creates the border; an arched trellis of blue roses serves as the entryway. We all step inside.


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Atticus hands us each a small pruning shears, “Just follow my lead; it’s easy. I like to do this at about three in the afternoon, but now’s fine. Choose a rose that is beginning to open, but not fully open. We will make the biggest bouquet imaginable.”

I approach Atticus who seems in deep concentration while cutting roses. There is a kaleidoscope of colours. Axel is pruning beside him.

I say, “Any word on Sentius?”Atticus says, “None recently.”“But you’re sure he’s not captured?” Atticus says, “Positive. If he were, we would

know.”“He could be making his way here.” I say.Atticus says, “Possible.”Axel says, “You don’t sound confident.”Atticus shakes his head, “He has no Ki. He

knows his role.”This is not what I want to hear and I’m not

sure what that means. Atticus seems content to let the hours pass pruning roses, just enjoying the hot day and talking with each of us.

Aiden approaches Atticus, “Are you coming to Eppingten Common?”

Atticus sighs, “Don’t worry about tomorrow,”then in a more cheery tone, “enjoy today.”


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There’s an underlying sadness in his words. Is this the calm before things go sideways? I try to enjoy the moment. Aiden is nearby.

Aiden opens and closes his rose cutting shears, “These things can do some serious damage.”

Atticus is deep in thought, “Axel, come with me.”

Axel and Atticus walk to the large red roses at the other end of the garden. After about twenty minutes talking Atticus is almost forehead to forehead with Axel. Both are talking feverishly but I'm too far away to hear.

Aiden and I put down our shears and sit on a bench under a canopy of purple roses. I am silent, gazing into the rose bushes.

Aiden says, “What are you thinking?”“Why are you helping me? You were

destined for a great life. You were undefeated at Concetar.” I say.

Aiden says, “Until you beat me.”I smile, “I wasn’t going to mention that.”“You were lucky.”“Really?”I say.I love Aiden's playfulness. We are going into

the most dangerous part of this thing and he can still joke around. Forget about the broad shoulders and ripped abs. Or maybe not. In any situation Aiden can see the humor. I stare into his big toothy grin. I worry for him.


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Aiden, Axel and myself dressed very early to start the day. Yesterday was very relaxing, we cut roses and talked. We enjoyed a great meal that evening. I think Atticus wanted us to cherish that day. We’re all dressed for a long hike. Atticus surprisingly got up last and lingered in the house. He is wearing dark green safari pants and tan boots. I am sure those shiny boots have never seen dirt. The dying sun is not up yet but it still feels hot — you never get past the heat on Saffire.

A truck drove us deep into the Fray. We were then picked up by a tiny horse drawn carriage. Axel and Aiden are stuffed together on one side; Atticus and I are on the opposite bench. We are heading to Eppingten Common by way of the Meka Gandi gorge. The woman who drives the carriage avoids large rocks


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and deep holes on the dirt path. The bumpy dirt trail gives way to open grass and the driver lets us out without a word.

Aiden and Axel are happy to be together and eager for the long hike. Atticus leads and despite carrying a huge green backpack keeps a brisk pace. Even after a few hours hiking, I still feel fresh. I don’t know who picked my outfit, but it works: a long, brown skirt made of rough fabric, with a dark blue t-shirt. Aiden and Axel wear dark robes with gold rope belts. They look like monks on their way to evening prayers but will fit in with the people at the Out town.

Atticus says, “We’re nearly there.”A small rural outpost is ahead: tiny farms

dot the road on both sides. Ramshackle wood houses sit on each lot. This must be a small settlement in the Fray.

Atticus points, “There’s your road.”We walk in silence. I see the stream and the

large tree stump that are our landmarks. The route we will take is up ahead and I will lead the group the rest of the way.

Atticus hands me the large green backpack, “My journey ends here.”

I will lead the group through the Meka Gandi gorge and to Eppingten Common. The green backpack is very heavy.

Axel turns to Atticus, “Where will you go?”“Sadly, not home. I need to keep moving,

no one can know where I am,” Atticus holds


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up his phone, “I took a few pictures before I left; that is all I have now.”

We all exchange hugs.I say, “Thanks.” Atticus opens his mouth to speak to me but

closes it.Aiden says, “Will we see you again?”Atticus shrugs. “If we don’t meet again,

know we’ve all left too much unsaid.”Is that an answer or a riddle or a quote? Aiden says, “True. True.”Atticus says, “Good luck. When you cross

the Meka Gandi gorge you’ll be almost to Eppingten. That’s the last Out town before Nicretia. Stay strong and just remember it ends in Nicretia. Demalynn will keep you safe.”

Atticus nods and heads back along the road. Within minutes he is out of sight; a small black shadow against the evening light. For the next hour we follow a winding path beside the stream. I have a map but don’t need it, I know where I’m going.

After another hour Axel breaks the silence, “This sucks.”

I was wondering when Axel would be Axel. I point, “Meka Gandi gorge.”

The steep cliffs on either side have stunted brown trees and thick brown bushes. The trail comes to an end as we enter the gorge. We are now moving in a wooded area with a no visible path. The flashlights are in our


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hands but I keep them off. The sidewalls of trees and shrubs loom over us. We are in low ground and need to get through quickly. There is total silence, not even insects. We enter a clearing and I lead the group to the river Tems. Near the Palladium the river Tems flowed fast and was deep, but here the water is shallow with large rocks scattered throughout, nothing like its course through Brehn.

I say, “Let’s stop for a drink.” “How much further?” Aiden says.“As soon as we get through Meka Gandi

gorge we’ll be close.”Axel says, “How Close?”I say, “Close.”Aiden says, “We need to rest.”Axel nods. “I’m gassed. Totally gassed.”I point to the steep rock ledges on either

side of the narrow path, “We move through the gorge in the dark and we move fast. No stopping. When we get through, we’ll stop for food and a few hours rest.”

Without the flashlights, we stumble and make slow progress for another hour. My skirt is torn in a few spots, I have scrapes on my knees, and the bottoms of my feet burn.

I put my hand up, “Rest here, I’m going ahead.”

The moonlight casts a glow on some flowers with large petals with splotches of red. In the night it looks like blood is dripping off the


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petals; I don’t think we have these flowers back home. We are vulnerable at this point since the high ground on each side has a good view of this river. I look at each side but see no evidence of an ambush. I walk up the gentle upslope and have a better view of the trees. If anyone was planning to ambush us they would have seen me and fired. I’m sure we’re safe and I’m back with the group twenty minutes later.

“We’re nearly there,” I say.No one replies, I understand. Everyone is

exhausted but we’re almost out of the gorge. They have all been able to get some rest while I went exploring and we need to push on.

“Let’s go,” I say.Aiden stumbles and we hear a thud when he

hits the ground, he says, “Can we turn the flashlights on?”

I’m sure there is no one here and if someone falls and breaks a leg we will be in more danger. I have just scouted this route and it’s safe but I can’t take a chance, “No, flashlights off.”

The only light is from the moon. The trees and bushes on the rocky ledges look like giants peering down. I lead the group away from the river Tems and we follow a stagnant muddy trail with large boulders on either side.

I say, “Spread out and keep to the middle of the mud bed.”


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There are various sized rocks on the river bottom. Axel falls and does not get up. I go back to check.

Axel says, “Nothing major. I’ll be fine.”We keep moving but now Axel limps. My left

hip is killing me but I keep a good pace. The green backpack feels like an extra body on my back. I stumble but catch myself before falling. Aiden falls and yells. He’s very tender on his left knee but he can walk. I turn on the flashlight and see that he tripped on a large rock the size of a basketball. The river bed is jagged and this could have been much worse.

I look up at the hills on either side of us. I’ve already scouted the route and it is clear. I’ve forced them to keep the flashlights off and everyone’s falling. There’s no reason to keep stumbling along in the dark.

I say, “Turn on the flashlights.” The stagnant water and plant life in the air smell like? Rotten vegetables with a sickening sweetness: that’s the best I can come up with. It leaves a bittersweet taste in my mouth. The only sound is the sloshing of the water on our boots. The stream widens up ahead; the water looks deeper, and the steep gorge gives way grudgingly to wide open flat land.

The first explosion blasts me into the water. I scramble and hide behind a big boulder. More explosions thunder around us.


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We all turn off our flashlights. The noise from the explosives is deafening. My Ki is activated.

Jago is here.


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In that instant of the explosion, my Ki was activated and I felt Jago. He is in the Meka Gandi gorge to kill me.

Aiden and I press together and take cover under a rock ledge. Axel is in the back between two boulders.

I take my weapon and fire up into the hills. Aiden and I move to another rock. A rocket-propelled grenade obliterates the rock we were just hiding behind.

I yell to Axel, “There’s some big rocks to the left,” I point but there is no way he can see me, “get there now!”

The weapons from above continue to fire and light up the gorge. A grenade detonates in the stream, spraying hot steam and mud on everyone. Fortunately we all make it to the massive boulder. My heart is knocking against my ribs. Axel’s eyes are darting everywhere.


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I point to the ledge of rock, “It’s all coming from up there.”

To escape we need to get through this narrow area and then climb the rocky up-slope. Jago has trapped us. We are safe for a little time behind the rocks near the stream. The stream lights up with more explosions. The attackers on the high ground are triangulating our spot.

Axel yells, “Can we go back?”I say, “No.”Aiden says, “We can’t go forward!”I say, “I don’t think so.”Axel says, “Then what?”I say, “We must go forward: the path widens

on the up-slope, we’re close.” Aiden shakes his head, “It’s too exposed.

That’s what they want.”I move out from the rocks and into the

open. The area around me erupts with gunfire so I retreat. The sound is so loud my chest vibrates. The pulsed energy from the guns makes a loud humming before it shatters the rocks around us. My clothes are damp with hot water and the wet mud tastes like clay. For a moment I cannot hear anything and I feel like I’m in slow motion. Axel is also holding his ears with one hand and has a weapon in the other.

I say, “Do not return fire: we’re not hitting anyone, we’re only showing them where we


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are. Run to the cave,” I point to a cave at the side of the stream.

We all reach the cave and huddle together on the ground. From the mouth of the cave I see blue smoke that slowly clears from the night air. The silence doesn’t last long.

Jago says, “Surrender. No harm will come to you; I give you my word.I only want Demalynn, the rest can go free.”

Jago comes through on the megaphone crisp and clear in the night air. I go back into the cave and talk to the others.

“Maybe we should surrender?” I say.Axel says, “How can he know you’re with

us, Demalynn? He’s too far to see us.” I don’t answer the question but say, “Jago

will take no prisoners, even if I give myself up.”

Aiden nods, “Jago will not let us live. Demalynn is the Helper.”

Jago will leave no one alive at this battle. Jago will soon unleash whoever is with him to kill us. As long as they get me, he will not worry about collateral damage. Jago will have only a few people with him; less people to kill when this is done. If Jago can kill me here, the Unum will never be born and no one will ever know that the Gravidarum existed.

I lie, “I don’t like the idea any more than anyone else, but if we surrender, they won’t kill us right away. Jago will question us.


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Atticus has contacts; he may be able to do something to free us.”

I hope no one can see my face because I'm a terrible liar. I have to give myself up after the others are far, far away. Jago may find my surrender preferable to taking me on in the dark. When the others are safely away, I’ll take my chances against the Centurions and Jago. I remember the cottage. I don’t like my odds but no one else will die because of me.

Axel’s face hardens. He walks behind me and unloads my green backpack. Atticus told him what was in the pack and Axel pulls out the weapons: guns, grenades and a shoulder-fired missile launcher. He lays them out in front of the group.

Axel says, “We fight.” Aiden repeats, “Fight.”I say, “As it stands now we have no hope of

winning. If I surrender, you’ll all go free. I can handle them.”

Aiden says, “No you can’t,” Aiden draws close and looks in my eyes, “you know you can’t.”

Axel says, “To surrender is sure death. Slow, painful death. Jago’s not letting anyone go.”

Aiden says, “Axel is right.”I say, “Jago will travel with a small group of

trusted Centurions but they will all be heavily armed. He will have assumed that Aiden is with me and will have three Centurions to


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make sure they take him. Jago knows he can take me by himself. We can hold them fifteen minutes, tops. We can take one or two. Three if we get lucky.Let me surrender, in exchange you go free.”

The loudspeaker blares again. Jago says, “You have five minutes to make a decision.”

Axel takes out his phone and sends a message. “Atticus wanted me to tell him if something like this happened.”

Aiden gives me a faint smile but I’m not sure what the smile says. Is it hope? Or is it the look of someone who knows there is no way out? Whatever it is, at this moment it seems wrong.

Axel says, “I’ll take the weapons and fire from this position. It will give you fifteen minutes. They will think we’re all here in the cave, making our last stand. The two of you go up the hill; all the attention will be on my position. Once over the hill you will have a head start.”

“No,” I jump to my feet.Enough people have sacrificed for me. Axel

is not going to give up his life. Aiden pulls me to sit back down, “Axel, you

understand you have no route of escape.”Axel kneels in front of the weapons, he

turns all settings on the weapons to vaporize, “This is the only plan.”

I glance at Aiden and bow my head.


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Axel limps over to the grenades, “It has to be this way.”

I say, “I’ll stay. I’ve beaten the odds before.”

Axel says, “No. You are the only person who must live. You are the Helper. The Unum must be born.”

The first time I met Axel he was training with Sentius. He was all muscles and anger. He was going to defeat Sentius. Now I see a nineteen-year-old kid who is afraid. He is too young for what I am going to let him to do.

Aiden says, “Then it’s me. I’ll stay.”Sadly the correct decision has been made.

Aiden has the second strongest Ki after me in this group. He’s already saved my life and forced Jago to retreat in the past. I must live so that the Unum is born. Only I have the information to get to Eppingten Common.

Axel says, “It’s the only way.”I begin, “Axel—” Axel is right. Aiden and I must escape. The

birth of the Unum will change Saffire. I say, “Axel, I—”Axel interrupts, “No time.” He shows us his

cellphone. Atticus has sent a picture of a large bouquet on the front hall table of his home. The bright roses overflow from the crystal vase. I remember cutting the peach-coloured roses scattered throughout the bouquet. Axel was so proud of the red ones he cut, they are in the middle of the bouquet.


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Axel smiles and puts the phone back in his pocket.“Did anyone see him do this before we left?”

I move the rest of the weapons in front of Axel. I hold up a large bright red grenade, “When they get within fifteen feet, use this,” I put the grenade in Axel's hand, “just pull the pin.”

I hug Axel, who says, “You know it has to be this way.”

Aiden pulls me away. Aiden hugs Axel. Aiden says, “Forever.”Axel replies, “Always.”Axel arranges the weapons. A tear rolls

down his cheek. He unties his gold belt and pulls the black robe over his head. Axel's broad chest heaves up and down, the tattoo on Axel’s chest flutters, ‘Die for what you love’. Axel is wearing white boxer shorts.

I lead Aiden up the slope. The rocky terrain is uneven and in the dark we stumble.

The barrage that Axel unleashes is impressive, directed in intermittent bursts. Axel makes it looks like a small army is firing from the cave.

I scramble over a small mound of rocks. Aiden is limited by his knee and sometimes I circle back to urge him to push it. A waist-high wall of boulders is ahead. I climb onto the rock and then help Aiden. We get to the top of the rocky up-slope. We are now safe and I


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grab Aiden’s arm to stop. We will watch the end.

The light from the explosions brightens the sky so we can see the huge white grasshoppers. Centurions methodically advance on Axel. The pulsed weapons fire in sequence, blasting rock as they approach. When fire from Axel hits the Centurions it is deflected by the white armor and slows them only for a short time. The Centurions look like dinosaurs stalking their prey. Axel is unleashing grenades and firing weapons continuously now; he will soon run out of firepower. The Centurions pause and take cover behind nearby rocks, then advance.

Aiden says, “Axel is doing a great job.”“What did you expect?” Maybe Axel can slip through a seam, get

between the Centurions in the confusion. A large ball of orange mixed with purple and blue hits the Centurions. They retreat and take cover behind some large rocks.

Aiden says, “He’s out of grenades.”That’s obvious. There are no more

explosions coming from Axel. There are a few caves in the area but the Centurions have now pinpointed Axel’s location. There is a brief lull and the Centurions advance on both sides of the cave. The Centurions charge and get to within fifteen feet of the cave. A red ball of flame lights up the position where Axel


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is hold up. The intensity is so bright I shield my eyes.

Silence. The entire gorge is dark. We bow our heads.

Aiden and I say, “We are the children of Saffire. Clack to clack. So we begin, so shall we end."

I turn around and begin a slow jog. Aiden follows. I feel Jago’s Ki, he did not lead the advance on the cave. Jago is alive.

We make the rest of the journey in complete silence. I give no directions, I just go and Aiden follows. No breaks for food or water.

At last we enter Eppingten Common. It is a typical rural Out town of dirt streets. Wooden houses held up by pride, honest labor and a few rusted nails. Some horses pulling wooden wagons populate the road; it is early morning.

Aiden says, “You made the right decision.”We hug.


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The two weeks since Axel sacrificed his life for me at Meka Gandi gorge have been busy. The pain of Axel’s loss whacks at me every day but I have to push on and finish the mission: for my dad, for my Mom, for Sophia. And Axel.

Aiden and I are holed up in a shack at Eppingten Common. I have been planning our approach into Nicretia and I mapped out a few different routes from Eppingten to Nicretia. The problem is that anyone who knows where we are going can watch all these routes. We are not going to try any wilderness trail, the Meka Gandi gorge was enough. Even without one or more traitors in the Underground it is clear Mom is either delivering in Eppingten Common or Nicretia. No other towns are nearby. The Helper must be present at the delivery so Jago knows he will have his chance.


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I have been wondering about the choice Atticus made to send us through Meka Gandi gorge. I didn’t question it at the time, it is the most rugged part of the Fray and at night it is hard to track a small group, but it was also a very obvious choice. It is the only way through the Fray to get to Eppingten Common. Meka Gandi was the ideal place to kill us, no one would have known. We were also funnelled right into Jago. I wonder how Atticus could have made such a major error. Going into Nicretia we will use the main road, it will be full of travellers. I have not told Atticus how I will get to Nicretia. If Jago plans an ambush there will be too many witnesses and everyone will know what happened. Jago cannot show up on the main road to Nicretia and kill citizens, even to get at me. He would lose his position. It’s personal between us and I think he will pick a spot where he can deal with me in secret. Some of the more remote roads into Nicretia may let us slip in unnoticed, but I think Jago will want to confront us on one of those roads. Why Atticus sent us through Meka Gandi gorge keeps playing in my mind.

I’m glad today we are finally going to Nicretia. Soon I will be taking Mom and the baby home. Dad will be so happy.

We slip into Nicretia on the main road among the many people on their way to the Out town. Nicretia is one of the largest Out


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towns, a mix of country, rural, and small-town urban. Eppingten Common was very basic, the buildings could have all used some paint, and a few nails. Nicretia is a cross between Brehn and Clappam Common. Horse-drawn buggies and O-30 farmers fill the dirt roads. Many people use bicycles or horses. The odd motorized vehicle travels the street and there are a few modest modern buildings.

Aiden and I walk by a white building. The light rain begins to increase so we pull up the hoods of our rain coats. The sign says Nicretia General Hospital.

“It would have been nice for Mom to have had the baby here,” I say.

Aiden says, “Too obvious, this is the first place Jago will visit.”

I say, “I think we have another traitor in the Underground, someone high up.” A woman wearing a hood which partly covers her face approaches and calls my name softly.

A chill runs down my back and I stiffen. I say, “Mara? What are you doing—”

Mara says, “Follow me.”Mara takes off, but I hesitate. Aiden is

already a few paces ahead walking stride for stride with Mara.

Mara guides us to a small laneway behind a row of buildings. She is carrying a leather satchel over her shoulder. Has Mara turned to our side?


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Aiden, Mara and I enter an abandoned store, the room has exposed brown and gray brick. In places the mortar has melted away allowing shoots of light to penetrate. Within the shafts of light I’m not sure if the particles are just dust or bugs. I try not to breathe too deeply. Near the wall furthest from the small windows there are eight large hooks suspended from the ceiling. A cash register lies on its side beside the door. The large hooks are metal with clumps of brown-red tissue clinging to them. The smell now hits me: decayed flesh. This is an old meat shop.

Mara gives Aiden a big hug, “Aiden, it’s so good to see you.”

Mara is obviously very, very happy to see Aiden; she can’t let go of him.

“Why are you here?” I say.Mara smiles, “To kill you.” Good honest answer.Mara continues, “Jago knows where you are

planning the birth of the Unum.”I say, “How?”“I have no idea.” “Who’s with you?” I say. Mara says, “No one.”Jago can’t know where the delivery will take

place. He can’t? Is Mara working with Jago to find out where we are headed? The center of the room has one chair on its back; I turn it upright and take a seat. In front of me is a


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wood crate with half filled bottles of black liquid topped with foul green-blue fuzz.

Mara puts the leather bag on the wood crate, “Merrick gave it to me. I was supposed to give it to you. It’s a bomb. After I’m a safe distance, I press this,” Mara pulls out a cell phone, “then I go to eighteen Ellesworth. Centurions will take me back to Brehn.”

“Really?” I say.Mara says, “I can’t do it. Demalynn, I

orientated you. You are the Helper.”I want to burst out laughing. Mara never

missed an opportunity to put me down. Why else did she call me ‘little pony’? I should have stood up for myself, but never did. That was then. I will never trust this woman. Should I ask her why she lied to Aiden about warning me when her man Jago was sending Centurions to kill me after the mine escape? This woman is just one lie after the next.

“So you’ve come to help me?” I say. Mara nods. “Leave the package here. When

you’re out of the store, I’ll detonate it and tell them the job is done.”

This woman is nothing but a tall, thin, walking lie. Mara never liked me. Little comments here and there, always like a joke, but they were done to destroy. Mara has no effect on me anymore. I am no longer in awe of Mara’s beauty, her height or her ridiculous clothes. Well, maybe the clothes. The way she’s pawing at Aiden right now, it’s pathetic.


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“Why would we trust you?” I say.Mara says, “I was going to do it, but I just

can’t. Look, come with me to my extraction point, eighteen Ellesworth. You’ll see I’m not lying.”

Aiden looks over my shoulder into the satchel, there is a large electronic box.

Aiden says, “I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure we don’t want to be too close to this thing.”

Mara says, “Take me with you.”“With us? You’d miss your pairing,” I say.Aiden looks hurt at the mention of Mara’s

pairing. Mara looks at Aiden and then bows her head.

Mara says, “I’ve recently learned that my life has all been a lie. I want to go with you.”

“We can’t take you with us,” I say.Mara says, “I want to go with you. Aiden?”I say, “No. You are not coming.” The rage and the hate consume each word I

utter. I feel my Ki and suppress it.Aiden says, “Should we think about this

Demalynn?” Are you serious? We’re on our way to

witness the first birth on Saffire and you want us to lead Mara right to my mother. It's obvious Jago is behind this trick.

I control my voice, “Sorry, you’re not coming Mara.”

Mara frowns.


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I say, “Aiden and I are going to leave. Aiden take off your raincoat.”

I pull off my rain jacket and throw it on the ground, “ As soon as we leave, you blow the bag. There will be nothing left of this place but they’ll find traces of our raincoats. Go to eighteen Ellesworth and tell them the job is done.”

Mara says, “My instructions are that I must remain after the explosion for a while to make sure the police identify your body.”

“Why?” I say.Mara says, “Merrick wants all to be know

that you are dead.” She says it in such a cold, matter-of-fact

way that I shiver.Mara says, “Please Demalynn, take me with

you?”The great Mara begging? She must really be

up for Aiden. I walk to the door and turn, “No Mara. Are

you coming Aiden.”Aiden and I walk down the alleyway.Aiden says, “Why did you do that?” “We can’t take her with us. Why would you

even ask that? If you want, go back with her.”The ugliness in my voice repulses me. I

don’t care at this stage. I’ve had enough Mara and I’m not going to take it. Enough.

Aiden says, “There’s nothing between us. ”


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I stop and turn to Aiden, “I couldn’t care less. Now either come or go back with her. I don’t care.”

We hurry along the laneway. The rain has stopped.

Aiden says, “I know how she can play with the truth, but I believed her.”

Give it a rest. The sound of glass shattering and wood splintering mercifully cuts off any need for conversation. Within a few minutes sirens are blaring.


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Of all the places Atticus could have chosen for my Mom to deliver the baby, this place is second last on my list. There must be somewhere worse, but I can't think of it right now. This barn at the back of an abandoned farm looks so shaky I don’t think I’d deliver a horse in here, definitely not the Unum. Mom sits on a bench covered with straw and a blanket. Mom has delivered two healthy girls, one more kid shouldn’t be a problem. Right?

Mom takes in a big breath and even though I know it’s coming, the moan still causes me to grit my teeth. A deep-down sound that builds to fill the entire barn. Mom has been moaning like this for some time. Sentius wipes sweat from Mom’s brow with a towel. Sentius is dressed in the white uniform we use for Concetar practice. The white pants looks freshly ironed. I somehow knew Sentius would


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be here, his shoulder length white hair blends with the uniform. The other person I thought would be here, Atticus, is missing. He deserves the credit for getting us to this point and I was sure he would come to witness the birth of the Unum.Provo sits behind Sentius and will not leave Jana. I am full of anger, Provo is taking Dad’s place. My response is silly and childish. I don't care.

Every time Mom moans I move farther and farther away and now I am wedged between two bales of hay in the corner of the barn; I can go no further. Hopefully as long as the Helper is in the same room it counts as being present for the delivery because I'm not going any closer. Who is present at the birth of their own sibling? I was just a one-year-old when Mom and Dad came home with Sophia. I remember my recurring dream and have this foolish fear mom will deliver a small baby that balloons to take up the entire barn.Lately I haven’t had the dream and I sleep well.

Sentius says, “The contractions last about 60 seconds and are two minutes apart.”

Provo says, “Are they regular?”“Yes.”I massage the bales of hay; the coarse

straw on my hands is comforting. I control the urge to flee as far from this barn as possible.

Sentius says, "The doctor is on her way."


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Sentius looks around from door to window and back again. Provo uses a towel to wipe the sweat from Jana's forehead. Dad would have loved to be here, he’s good at this. Dad’s told me many times about my birth. I came into the world with eyes wide open looking at everyone and I didn’t cry. There are no animals, but this barn has a stink to it. Worn metal buckets with red rusted handles and wooden stools are scattered everywhere.

I smile. A baby born in the most humble of places will lead Saffire. The Coming is coming. I laugh at my play on words. My sense of humor can be dry.

Jana screams, “I can’t take this much longer.”

Provo kneels by her side, his forehead almost as sweat-drenched as Mom's. He rubs her hand, “I’m sure it won’t be long.”

Jana says, “When is the baby coming?”Sentius says, “When it's ready.”Classic Sentius answer. Not sure Mom’s in

the mood for classic Sentius.Aiden paces up and down at the far end of

the barn; he’s as frazzled as I am. He avoids looking in Mom's direction, instead he stares out a window at the other buildings scattered around the farm.

Sentius holds Mom’s hand and times the contractions.

Provo caresses Mom's back, “Jana you’re doing well.”


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Jana says, “Thanks, dear.”Dear? Mom’s calling this guy ‘Dear’? I take a

few quick steps out of my hiding spot between the bales of hay to reach Provo. Dad is waiting for us at home and Mom needs to be told who she is right now. Aiden touches my shoulder and pulls me back. Provo is so focused on Mom he doesn’t notice.

Aiden whispers, “Now is not the time.” Now is the perfect time. Mom needs to

know who she is, she needs to know about Dad.

Aiden says, “Jana's in the middle of labor. Don't tell her, not now." Mom gives a faint moan.

Aiden says, “You will need to tell her soon, but not now.” When will I tell Mom who she is? I’ve had many chances to tell her and I haven’t been able to do it. Aiden is right, in the middle of her delivery is not the time, even if she is getting a little too close to Provo.

Jana says, “Provo, we need to get this baby out of here.”

We? What work is he doing? Provo strokes her forehead. I resist the urge to vomit.

Provo says, “Jana, you’re doing great.”I nudge Provo out of the way, “I’ll take

over.”Provo stares at me for a moment. Jana has

her eyes closed; another contraction is coming.


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I nod to Sentius and then to the back room. I want to be alone with Mom.

“Jana I’m so proud of you,” I say.Mom smiles at me, “We’ve come so far from

that night we clacked.”I stroke her head, “Yes, we have.”Mom's black hair is matted on her forehead.Jana says, “Thank you. Demalynn you’ve

been helping me from the moment I landed on this planet.”

You don’t know who I am. A tear rolls down my cheek, “It’s almost over.”

Jana says, “Then what?”A marvellous question. Another contraction

comes and Mom moans. She is an attractive woman, she and Provo have spent a great deal of time together. It’s only natural that feelings are developing. As soon as I tell Mom who she really is and about our amazing life back home it will all come right. Aiden and I are now close, but what does it mean? Mom was always there for me to sort out my feelings. There is so much going on in my head that I’d like to share with this woman staring up at me blankly from her straw bed. I sigh.

Jana says, “That was quite a sigh.”“It certainly was.” Jana says, “Anything I can help with?”“No, it's something I have to work out,” I



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I smile, a polite smile that hides a hundred truths.

Sentius, Aiden and Provo re-enter the main room of the barn. Sentius remains by the bale of hay at the back and signals me to come. Aiden and Provo take my place with Mom.

Sentius and I stand side by side looking out the window. White buildings scattered across the landscape.

Sentius says, “These farms all look the same.”

I nod.Sentius says, “Aiden told me that Mara met

you in town. She packed quite a punch.” Sentius loves his joke and gives a high

pitched squeal. Even Mom jerks her head around to see where the squeal comes from.

Sentius lowers his voice, “Packed quite a punch. Get it?”Aiden has already told Sentius the story and I confirm the details. Sentius leads me into the equipment room at the back of the barn.

Sentius sits cross-legged on a wooden stool, “I’m worried Mara may be in danger. What if she is telling the truth?”I give a nervous laugh, “Mara tell the truth. That’s the one thing no one needs to worry about.”

Sentius says, “Mara recently found out that Jago killed Jon.”

I sit on a wooden stool.“How?” I say.


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Sentius says, “How is not important. Ella and Mara were close, they clacked around the same time. Jago killing the man Ella was to pair with may have caused her to see things with a different shine. Atticus was trying to get Mara to stay with Jago, but work for the Underground.”

“Did she agree?” I say.Sentius says, “No."

Then why are we having this conversation?Sentius says, "I think you need to go check on her. She told you she was heading to eighteen Ellesworth.”

I sit and cradle my hands in my head. Sentius says, “You may be right, she could

be trying to get you to lead her here to kill the Unum, but what if you're wrong?”

The anger and rage that filled me when Mara asked to come with us was ugly. Was it because of my concern for Mom and the baby? Or was it jealousy? Aiden was happy to see Mara, it stirred something in me.

“I’ll make sure she is safe,” I say.Sentius says, “Go to eighteen Ellesworth

and observe. The Chief of Intelligence Services, Merrick, most likely planned the operation to blow you up. He’ll be at eighteen Ellesworth. Remember the most important thing is that you live to make the birth of the Unum possible. If you die the Unum cannot be born. It may be a trap, so stay hidden. If she is in trouble and you can do it safely, help her.


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If it’s too risky just watch and leave. The only thing that matters is the Unum. Do you understand?”

“The Unum must be born at all costs to save Saffire,” I say.

“Don’t forget it.”I stand and nod.Sentius says, “I will go to the front gate, I

must stand guard. You exit from the back.”


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I make my way to eighteen Ellesworth with little trouble. It is a large one-storey wood farmhouse at the end of a dirt road.The white paint on the veranda needs to be refreshed and the untrimmed bushes press against the large windows at the sides of the house. Was this Mara’s plan all along, to lead me to this isolated house to be killed?

I stay hidden behind a large tree in a wooded area not far from the house. The trees provide good cover and I can easily approach the house unnoticed when needed. There are large windows with heavy curtains along the side of the house. One window at the side is open but other than that, there are no signs anyone is in the house. I focus on the room with the open window but all I can see is blackness, there is no movement inside. I stay


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in the shadows and decide if I should get any closer. Mara approaches.

Mara knocks at the front door. No one replies, she turns the handle and enters. I hide in the shrubs near the open window. Merrick planned the operation to bomb me, there is no doubt. It’s just the type of deceptive cowardly thing he would do. At this stage Merrick will be under intense pressure to have success so he will definitely be at eighteen Ellesworth to debrief Mara.

Mara is standing in the dark hallway. Mara says, “Is anyone here?”Mara senses danger. There is someone in

the blackness but the room is silent. Why would Merrick wait in the house with all the lights off?

A familiar voice greets Mara out of the dark.“Mara, so nice to see you. Come in, dear.” I stay below the window and have my back

to the wall. Jago’s voice is without emotion; he carefully pronounces every word. It is the same tone he used when he killed Jon.

I peak my head up and look through the window. Jago turns on the lights; he is lounging on a black velvet love-seat in the living-room just off the entryway. He is wearing all black and almost melts into the seat.

Jago smiles, “How’d it go?”Mara has taken a half step back. A metal

table is in front of the black love-seat. On the


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other side of the table is an elegant red upholstered three seat sofa. Mara gives Jago her most inviting smile. I duck under the window and try to control my breathing.

Jago says, “What’s wrong dear? You seem nervous.”

“I wasn’t expecting you. No worries.”Jago says, “How’d it go?”Mara stays frozen in the middle of the room. Mara says, “Good. Job done.”Even from where I am I can tell she is lying.

Her body language is all wrong. Mara tries to sit beside Jago on the love-seat but he points to the red sofa across from him. Mara walks towards it.

Jago says, “Demalynn is dead?”Mara stops in front of the red sofa and turns

away from Jago, “Yes. It’s done.”Jago says, “Demalynn and Aiden are dead?”Mara says, “Yes. I stayed at the scene as

Merrick asked me to do. The police found parts of the raincoats for both in the debris.”

Mara is holding her hands together behind her back to keep them still.

Jago says, “Really?”“Yes, I did everything Merrick asked me.”Jago says, “They didn’t sneak away in the

back alley?”The blood drains from her face.Jago says, “I think you let them go.”“I—”


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“Shut. Up. I can’t stand the sound of your voice.”

“Jago, I—”Jago says, “Save your last breath.”Jago’s face is fierce. He will kill her. I need

to challenge Jago now to save Mara but I remember the words of Sentius, I need to stay safe.

Jago says, “Time to die. The only question is how painful.”

I feel very cold and my hands are sweaty.Mara begs, “Please.”Jago raises and lowers his hand quickly.

“Sit.”Mara is forced into the sofa by the invisible

hand from Jago. Mara looks at Jago and then lowers her eyes. I’m sure he’s never used his Ki on her.

Jago says, “You warned Aiden, Demalynn and Sentius. That’s how they escaped the Palladium after Kikuyo told me they helped the miners escape Gallenhurst. I always wondered who could have tipped them off; who would have known we had Kikuyo and she gave them up?”

Mara says, “I only warned…” Don’t say it! To tell Jago you only warned

Aiden will drive Jago mad; he will kill you in the worst way possible.

Jago jumps up and yells, “Silence!”Mara tries to flee. Jago flicks his hand

towards the seat. Mara is pushed back into


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the sofa and her legs flop up in the air when she lands. Mara sits up and is calmer. She has accepted her fate.

Jago sits in the love-seat, “Was any of it real?”

Mara says, “Jago, I’m sorry, I—”Jago raises his hand. “Enough of your lies.

You wanted me for what? The Eminence? My vallerian?“

Jago shakes his head and answers his own question, “The spotlight.”

Mara says, “No. It was not—”Jago shakes his head looking up at the

ceiling, “Aiden. It was him you wanted. The way you look at him…. You never look at me that way.”

Mara says, “I never intended—”Jago says, “You wanted the handsome

Aiden. Not this scarred, twisted face.”Jago stands; he walks away from Mara and

then returns to his love-seat. Mara’s eyes open wide.

Can I take Jago? No. The brute force of his Ki is primal. If Jago kills me, Mom’s baby will not be born. I am the Helper and must get back to the Gravidarum. I need to be present at the birth. Mara is a liar and deserves what she gets.

Mara holds her neck. Jago is choking her. I don’t activate my Ki. Mara's Ki is working, without it she would already be dead, but her Ki is no match for Jago.


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Jago says, “For whatever I thought we had, I will make it fast. Maybe in the next life you’ll be with Aiden. Know this: after I kill you, I will kill him.”

Does he know where Aiden is or is he bluffing? If he knows where Aiden is, he will find Mom. I need to leave now and warn the others. I stay, paralyzed watching the horror unfolding in front of me.

Jago’s aura bathes the room in bright white light. The room warms up and Mara's gasps are becoming weaker. Jago is squeezing Mara’s windpipe closed.

Mara falls to her knees. Jago comes up to her and bends over. His eyes bulge and his lips quiver. He brings his face so close it is almost touching Mara. I can see the blood throbbing in the scar that slices across his face.

Jago says, “I loved you.”He walks away and releases Mara from his

Ki. Mara breathes deeply. Jago’s back is to me, Mara is looking my way but her eyes are hazy. Jago is now sitting in the love-seat.

Jago says, “I asked you to pair with me. You said yes. Did that mean nothing?” Jago’s eyes go lifeless, he grits his teeth.

Mara holds her throat. I want to jump in but I cannot; there are too many lives at stake. I don’t have the stomach to see the end. Merrick come out of the shadows. He is sucking a bright yellow gobstopper. I duck


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under the window. I want to cry. I want to scream.

I hear Jago say, “I truly loved you Mara. Did you ever love me?”

I feel his Ki activate. I run.


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I hurry back to the barn. Jago is a monster and I can't be blamed for what he did to Mara but I don’t feel great. I stood by and watched another person get choked out. Jon, and now Mara. Mom and the baby are so important, not only for me, but for Saffire. For Dad. Everything is justified to make sure the Unum is born. The hardest person to lie to is yourself.

I am surprised at how the delivery room in the barn has taken shape. Fresh towels are on a stool beside Mom. Two large bowls of warm water are on either side. A tray of surgical instruments lies unopened on a wooden stool.You wouldn’t know it was a barn, except for the animal stink that permeates everything.The mood is more relaxed. Dr. Fisher has arrived: a thin woman in green


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surgical scrubs standing beside Mom. I put her in her early twenties. She has short curly black hair, large dark brown eyes, and full lips.

“Hi Jana,” I say.Mom opens her eyes, “Hi Demalynn. We lost

you for a bit?”“Had a few things to attend to,” I say.Jana laughs. A deep, whole laugh. Just like I

remember it. Provo comes over and puts a cool rag on

Mom’s head. I control the urge to slap it away. Jana smiles at Provo. I walk away and join Aiden at the far end of the barn. We sit facing each other on bales of hay.

Aiden says, “Where were you?”Sentius has not told him he sent me to

check on Mara. Now is not the time to tell him Mara is dead.

I say, “Sentius wanted me to check on a few things.”

Aiden says, “He’s out front standing watch.”Sentius is an old man with no Ki, but I still

would not bet against him keeping us secure.Aiden says, “What’s wrong?”“Nothing.”Well everything, actually. Each lie stands on

the next lie and eventually you’re crushed. I get up and turn my back to him.

I lie, “The delivery has me on edge.”Aiden stands and puts his arm around me,

“Relax. Jago has no way to find us.”


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He’s coming. I can take anyone else, but I can’t take him.

This sad truth is facing me. I didn’t try to save Mara because I couldn’t. Jago is too strong. He’s evil, and that evil fuels him. I stare out the window.

The sky opens and a ball of fire hits the ground. The noise is deafening. Shangoka! The Coming predicted this at the time of birth. The sky is blood red. I've not seen this kind of sky and I’m sure no one will ever see it again. Continuous streams of fire rain down. The lightening casts strange light and shadows across Dr. Fisher’s face. Every few minutes I hear a loud thunder clap. The boom shakes the earth.

Dr. Fisher says, “Push harder.” She sits at the foot of the straw bed on

which Mom lies. Even the thunder cannot drown out mom’s moans.

Provo holds Jana's hand, “Push harder.”Jana pulls her hand away, “Push harder?

You think it’s that simple, Provo? Do you want to switch places?”

Dr. Fisher says, “We’re all here to help, Jana. The baby is almost here.”

Mom scowls and moans again when the next contraction takes hold.

Dr. Fisher moves Provo aside, “Leave us now; the Helper must stay.” Dr. Fisher puts my hand in mom’s.


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Provo joins Aiden at the far corner of the barn behind the bales of hay.

A loud clap of thunder almost drowns out Dr. Fisher, “Jana, we will deliver this baby. Two more pushes.”

The fire balls rain down. Sweat pools in the hollow of mom’s neck.

I say, “Dr. Fisher, how many of these have you done?”

Dr. Fisher says, “About five hundred million.”

A silly question, must be my nerves. I nod. Dr. Fisher says, “I can confidently say I’ve

delivered every baby born on Saffire.” Jana smiles and Dr. Fisher caresses her

forehead. Dr. Fisher says, “Keep pushing.”I stare out the window. The fury with which

the lightning is hitting the ground is startling. Every few seconds the light brightens the room, it looks like it is almost on top of us and then a roar of thunder sounds. The intensity of the rain pelting the roof increases, it sounds like bullets hitting the roof. A moan seeps through mom’s lips.

Outside as the streaks of fire hit the earth. The thunder roars and the earth shakes.

Dr. Fisher whispers, “And the heavens shall bear witness to tell all who will listen that the Unum is being born. The Coming: chapter five, verse two.”

A clap of thunder makes me jump.


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We watch through the window. The field is taking a beating.

Sentius is out there.


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Dr. Fisher is busy with Mom in the main barn. The rest of us are cramped in the equipment room. Dr. Fisher wanted me to stay but I couldn't. I keep thinking about the Dream. The one where the baby is born and just keeps getting bigger and bigger until it fills the whole room and crushes me. I’m happy to be out of the delivery room.

The old wood around the window is worn and smooth, it provides the perfect frame for the old wise man. Sentius is walking back to the barn. Fire streaks down, burning patches of grass. Black splotches cover the ground. The fire streaks around him but nothing touches Sentius. He is dressed in white and moves as if he is strolling on a warm sunny day unaware of the fury with which Nicretia is being battered. This is a Shangoka like no


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other. I open the door and hand Sentius a towel.

“Aren’t you supposed to guard the gate for Jago?” I say.

Sentius says, “He will not come at us from the most obvious way. What will be, will be.”

Aiden says, “This is very special. I feel it.” The fury of the Shangoka is appropriate.

The sound of the rain pounding on the roof reminds me of a certain drummer in a heavy metal band— me two years ago. Loud, out of control and a tad scary. We all stare out the window and then the rain and fireballs stop.

Sentius says. “It is done. The Unum is born.”


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Dr. Fisher holds the newborn baby wrapped in a clean white towel. We all gather round the small bundle in her hands in the main barn. Mom has her eyes closed on the straw bed.

Dr. Fisher says, “We’ve never seen one so little.”

At least I didn’t get crushed in the delivery room. I put my hand out and the little fingers grab; the baby coos. The baby has a few wisps of black hair and big blue eyes. She looks like Dad and just by being here she has taken hold of everyone in this room. Nothing exists except for this little marvel. I look over to Mom who is sleeping on her straw bed. The process was exhausting but this little girl makes it all worthwhile. Dr. Fisher walks back to Mom and puts the baby in the wheelbarrow lined with straw.


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Dr. Fisher looks at Jana resting and the baby lying close together. Dr.Fisher's thin shoulders are rounded and her arms are folded on her chest. She sits on a stool beside the wheelbarrow, barely able to keep her head up. Provo sits on a bale of hay his head against the wall. Aiden lies down on the dirt floor and Sentius stares out the window.

I now have two sisters. Perfect. Dad will be overrun with girls when we get home. Sophia will be thrilled.

I make my way to Dr. Fisher, “Great work, doctor.” My voice is low so Mom and baby are not disturbed. A slight nod of Dr. Fisher’s head is all that shows she has heard my comment. No one has ever delivered a baby on Saffire. It must have taken great courage to agree to come here.

Dr. Fisher stands, “I will make my way out. Baby and mother can travel if absolutely needed, but if you can stay here another 24 hours it would be best. Good luck. This is a special girl.”

As long as Dr. Fisher follows the instructions precisely, no one will know of her involvement in this birth and Dr. Fisher will be safe.

Dr. Fisher pauses at the barn door, “The moment she came out, the Shangoka stopped and it was still. I’ve never experienced silence like that ever…. and I felt something… something coming from her directly into me. I


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know it sounds foolish, but she was telling me, relax this is going to be fine, I’m here.”

“The Coming is fulfilled,” I say.Dr. Fisher says, “I don’t know how many

more years I have before I am taken to the Infantotel. No matter what I do, nothing will top this day. Each year as I get younger, I will never forget, not one single detail. When she came out she looked around, eyes wide open; she never cried.”

Dr. Fisher leaves.The family is finally going to be put back

together. I take a stool and sit beside my new sister. I love her big round face and fat cheeks. The little hands and toes are cute.

Aiden gives me a hug, “Behold the Unum.”Provo is right behind him, “The Unum is

destined to lead Saffire.”Mom opens her eyes; she's happy, that’s for

sure, but there’s something else there. Something deeper, something I can’t read. Sentius is still near the bales of hay looking out the window.

Jana says, “Thank you, everyone. Don’t think I don’t understand what you’ve done for me and my new baby girl.”

Jana sits up staring at the baby girl as if she expects her to tell her something. The baby coos, and I remember the babies of the Infantotel.Provo knows the Way Back and Atticus


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promised I could leave after the Unum was born. I’m going home.

Mom is staring at the baby girl but her thoughts are somewhere far, far away. I have seen that look many times. Things have changed since I first clacked. The one thing that has never changed is my wish to return home. Aiden is back on the bales of hay resting. There is something I must do now, I’ve been putting it off for too long.

I shake Aiden, he is awake but keeps his eyes closed.

Aiden says, “What?”I hesitate and he knows something is wrong;

he opens his eyes and sits up. Tears roll down my face.

“Mara is dead,” I say.I tell him the whole story. Aiden buries his

head in my chest.I say, “She begged to come with us. I

refused.” Aiden says, “You couldn’t lead her right to

the Gravidarum. Demalynn, you have nothing to be sorry about. You couldn’t risk taking on Jago at eighteen Ellesworth. Sentius was right, the birth of the Unum was the most important thing.”

I’ve been telling myself the same things. In life sometimes every choice is bad and you just have to take one of the bad choices.

Aiden wipes the tears from his eyes, “Mara was not playing us. She risked her life to save


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us. She warned us at the Palladium when the Centurions were coming to kill us after the Gallenhurst mine escape. Then she refused to detonate a bomb to kill us in Nicretia. She saved us twice.”

Mara did not warn me about the Centurions coming after the Gallenhurst mine escape. Neither did she warn Sentius. Mara only warned Aiden. l never told Aiden and now what’s the point. Why ruin Aiden's memory of Mara?

I put my hand around Aiden's shoulders. Sentius pulls me away from Aiden.

Sentius whispers in my ear, “Jago is coming.”


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Jago and Merrick are using the back trail and making their way to the barn. Aiden and Provo are glued to the window, I stand slightly back. I’m the Helper and the baby’s been born. The recurring dream that at one time made me panic now makes sense. In the dream the baby is born and gets bigger and bigger until it fills the room and I get squashed against the window. Sophia yells for me to get out but the baby takes up all the oxygen and I don’t get out. The dream is a metaphor, it tells me what is to come. I am not panicked and my breathing is even. It is time to meet my destiny.

I say, “Aiden, you are to protect the Unum and Jana. Go to the house. Provo and Sentius will help.”

Provo and Sentius run to Jana.


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I hold Aiden back, “Aiden, wait at the house for fifteen minutes. If I’m not there by then, follow the escape plan.”

Aiden says, “No. We’re waiting for you.”“No matter what, don’t come to help. The

Helper must complete her last task.” Aiden says, “Demalynn, I love you. Come

with us. Run.” My eyes grow big and my heart races. There

is so much I would like to say in this moment. Funny, sometimes the best moments happen at the exact wrong times.

I say, “This is my final chapter.”

All the others leave and I sit on a bale of hay in the barn. I’ve had a good run. The miners from Gallenhurst now have hope and new lives in Out towns. It’s been all good, the journey with Aiden is something I wouldn’t change. I stare at the door.

Jago enters from the equipment room.“Well, well, well. You are expecting me. We both knew it had to come to this, our fates are intertwined. I knew that as soon as you destroyed Aiden in Concetar.”

I stand and bow mockingly, “Your Eminence.”

Jago returns the bow and looks around, “The Unum draws breath?”

I don’t answer.Jago says, “No worries. He will draw breath

for not much longer.”


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There is a strong metallic taste in the air. I say, “So nice that you have come to pay

your respects to the Unum. But I must correct your Eminence, the he is a she.”

Jago spits, “A girl?”“Yes, a girl. I’ll remember to squeeze you in

for a meeting next week. She’s busy but I’m sure she’ll make time.”

Jago laughs, “You’re pretty funny. Anyone ever tell you that?”

“As a matter of fact….” I say.Jago says, “Where are they now?” Jago is hoping I give him a hint by turning, I

keep staring at the equipment room. A young face peeks out from the door.

I say, “Merrick, the faithful puppy, hiding behind Jago as always.”

Merrick steps out with a gobstopper lollipop in his mouth.

I say, “What will you do when your protector is gone? You’re not thin enough to hide behind a Gobstopper.”

Merrick takes a step forward and tries to choke me. It is a weak, amateurish move. I wave my hand and Merrick hits the wooden wall with a thud. The gobstopper lollipop drops out of his mouth. Merrick tries to speak but all that comes out is a high-pitched squeal.

“Save it, squeaky. Reverse puberty sucks,” I say.

Jago looks at Merrick on the ground.


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I am relaxed. This may be how it ends, but I'll write the final chapter. The baby has Mom’s eyes.

Jago has the same look he had when he battled Jon in Concetar: focused. I clear my mind and remember how Jago defeated me in the cottage, his Ki hits with fury. My new baby sister brings hope for Saffire. If it ends now, Sentius will tell Mom that I was her daughter and help them get home. Sentius will keep his promise.

Rage radiates from Jago. It makes my skin tingle. No one has attacked yet, but we are already battling. Jago begins circling. Sentius has trained me for this moment. I can do this.

“From darkness can only come darkness,” I say.

Jago replies, “Conflictions, the fourth book of the Octavo. Chapter six, verse one. Did Sentius teach you that? He trained me, did you know that?” Jago thinks I will fight as like I did at the red cottage but he will be mistaken. He will feel my fury.

White light bathes the barn. Jago tries to choke me. He opens and closes his hand. I effortlessly fend off the attack.

Jago shrugs his shoulders, “It was worth a try.”

We both have very similar Ki; this battle will need to be won with physical contact.


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Jago charges, knocking me to the ground. In an instant, he is on top of me. My Ki provides protection and his punches land in slow motion, but each blow from Jago’s fists stings. Besides the scar that cuts across his face, Jago has finer scars across the rest of his face and neck. No doubt the work of Ubel Baun. I blast Jago to the other side of the room. He lands on his feet. I stand and takes two quick steps back.That move should have ended it. Jago's face turns into a vicious snarl, “It won’t be that easy Demalynn.”

Jago runs to me and grips my neck. My energy just flows around Jago; it is not counteracting his attack. The snarl on his face turns into a lopsided smile. Jago's Ki is overpowering me. He tries to lift me into the air but I resist. Jago grabs me around the waist. He lifts me high over his head with both hands and throws me across the room. I land with a thud against a bale of hay.

Jago smiles, “Aiden’s not here to save you.” I am dazed and shake my head. Jago lifts

me up again and throws me to the opposite end of the barn. I land on the makeshift delivery bed covered in straw. The wooden bench underneath breaks in two with a crack.

A shooting pain goes through my back. I take some straw out of my mouth, it tastes like cow dung.

Jago says, “You have not been able to deliver any blows. Worse than last time. I


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have learned your Ki. Now you see why I am the Eminence.”

Jago stands above me. It feels like he has his hand inside me and is squeezing harder and harder. An invisible rope tightens around my chest.

Jago smiles, “Only a few more minutes.”I try to counterattack, do something

unpredictable. I can barely keep breathing. Jago is much more powerful.

Merrick says, “Well done.”I am bent over sucking air. Merrick’s squeaky voice is annoying.Jago points to the house, “We’ll find them there.”

Jago is so certain I am finished he is not even bothering to do it right away. He is torturing me and prolonging my pain. I am forced into the air. Jago flicks his hand and my head jerks up. The scar across his face is pulsating red.

Jago says, “You’ve got good Ki. I’ve never had someone last like you. You’re right, I’m in no hurry, it feels great.”

The room turns dark and the air cools. Jago makes a low rumble like a wild animal. The rage, the hate, the evil; they have all joined to amplify his Ki. He grabs my neck with both hands and applies pressure. I am now on the ground. I put my hands on Jago’s and try to rip them from my neck, but I am paralyzed. Jago walks away and then turns around; he


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puts out his hand and raises it. I am lifted off the floor and then slammed into the ground, three times: bam, bam, bam.

Merrick stands in the corner and says, “Beautiful.”

I am fading in and out. Jago is now right in front of my face. I think about my new sister. It can’t end without us ever knowing each other. That round smiling face has already captured my heart. Dad and Sophia are back home. I must live to tell Mom that I'm her daughter and she has a family. We love each other. I think of Aiden.

The air hisses. I am standing up and fully alert. The force field around me is so powerful the room turns a bright white. Merrick shields his eyes. Jago's eyes open wide and his mouth drops. I raise my hand and flick it towards the wall.

Jago is catapulted across the room and smashes into the wall with a tremendous bang. It’s over.

Jago has a contented smile on his face and looks peaceful. The fine scars on his face tell a thousand stories of torture.

“I’m sorry, Jago.” I stand over the body and wait, he deserves this much. There is a loud clack.

I say, “We are the children of Saffire. Clack to clack. So we begin, so shall we end.”

Jago’s body disappears, I turn around. Merrick is gone.


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It has been one month since I killed Jago and nothing has turned out like I expected. Removing Jago should have made it easy for everyone to recognize the Unum. Everyone should be celebrating the birth of the first child on Saffire. It hasn’t quite worked out. I’d love to talk to Sentius, but he has disappeared. Just left one night, no one knows where he went.

Jago worked hard to make sure few people knew of the existence of a pregnant woman. If Jago had succeeded he would have eliminated the baby and few on the planet would have known. Jago guessed correctly that most on Council would not want to lose power. Zebulon has told Grand Council that the Unum has been born, that Jago is dead and Merrick has disappeared. As expected, all Grand Council (except Henry), decided to continue to


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deny the existence of the Unum and hold onto power at any price. Henry has disappeared and although Atticus cannot confirm it, he feels Henry was murdered because he opposed killing the Unum. Ella was a favorite on Grand Council and Zebulon has spread the false rumor that I killed Ella. I’m told he even cried when he broke the news. Ella is still in hiding and cannot risk showing herself. Centurions have instructions to terminate me on sight. I smile at the irony: Jago’s death has not improved anything, it has made things worse.

Zebulon has been elected Eminence and has broken all ties with the Underground. Atticus feels there is still one more traitor in the Underground who is still feeding Zebulon information. Zebulon is so full of himself that he has no idea that Atticus was ever onto his game. When does confidence become narcissism? Zebulon has been effective in squashing awareness of the birth of the Unum on Saffire but rumors are percolating. Zebulon wants the Unum dead and the Grand Councillors are in full support so they have teams of police secretly searching all of Saffire. Miners are agitating for better treatment, non-violent protests are erupting for freedom.

Atticus has decided that I will stay and protect Mom. I’ve told Atticus we need to hold a public event to let everyone see the Unum


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but he feels at this time that would be dangerous. After I help capture Zebulon at the Black and White Ball, Atticus will allow Provo to take me to the Way Back. It is one extra month on Saffire but I probably need it since I’m beginning to accumulate a bit of a ‘to do’ list: tell Mom who she is so she can come back with me, tell Atticus that Jana is my mother, tell Atticus that the Unum is also going back. Just a few minor things to get settled.

The rhythmic up and down riding in the saddle is like a pacifier. It also helps me think about all the moving parts in this game. The regular clop clop of the horseshoes hitting the road is soothing; I try to let the thoughts that swim in my head just rest.

A woman on a horse passes me. We are dressed alike in standard Out town clothes: short-sleeved white tunic and long brown pants. We smile at each other.

Mom is in a horse drawn carriage with the baby. Provo sits on the outside seat up top and drives; Aiden is behind me, also on horseback. I lead the group and follow the road for a few hours until I see our rest spot: a patch of open grass circled by tall thin trees. The broad purple leaves give off the smell of honey with a tinge of musk. We’re all happy to be off the road and I take water for Mom and baby.


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Jana says, “Thanks. It’s very dry in this carriage.”

I hardly hear Mom, all I can see is the baby. My baby sister is beautiful. That’s the only word to describe those pink rosy cheeks. Jana looks at me and then the baby.

Jana smiles, “She really does look the angel now, but sometimes it seems all she does is eat and cry.”

I enter the carriage and sit across from Jana. The seats are firm boards and thick brown curtains cover the windows. The kind of carriage an O-30 might own; nothing fancy but it does the job.

The baby coos and opens her eyes. I smile and the baby gives me a huge toothless grin. Maybe she knows we are sisters.

I take the baby and rock her, “Go stretch your legs Jana.”

Provo is giving a horse water; Jana walks over to him. The stream undulates through the tall trees and I imagine I can hear the stream tinkling as it makes its way down the slight slope. Watching Mom and Provo the words ‘familiar’ and ‘comfortable’ come to mind. I must tell Mom who she is as soon as possible but I’m not even sure I think of Jana as my mother these days. They are two separate people who share the same body. Is one of them lost forever? I have delayed so long that now I don’t know when to tell Mom. I stare at Provo and Jana until the baby is


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asleep. The baby’s lips are delicate and a ridiculous bright red. How will Mom react to the news she has a husband and family back home? A knock on the carriage door interrupts my thoughts.

Aiden pops his head into the carriage, “Some sister bonding going on?”

I smile, “Come on in.”I put the baby in his arms.Aiden says, “What if she poops?”“Diapers are under the bench in front of

you.” I say.Aiden says, “I’m not trained.”“You need to spend some time in the

Infantotel, but don’t sweat it, you’ll figure it out.”

Time to talk to Mom.


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Jana and I walk along the water. The red sun is scorching, but the stream helps cool us. The wild flowers are at the water’s edge smell like lemons.

Jana and I sit side by side on a big log and watch the white foamy spray come off the larger rocks.

“She’s a beautiful baby,” I say.Jana says, “Yes, she really is.”“Have you thought about what you’ll do?” I

say.“Not really, right now it’s just stay alive,

keep moving and do what you say.”I rub my hand on the coarse bark of the log,

“Are you happy?”Jana says, “Never been happier. The baby

makes it perfect.”We’re on the run, trying to stay alive, and

you’re happy? I guess a baby can do that.


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Jana says, “Remember when we first clacked and you were in the cell beside me? I just cried and cried. You tried to comfort me but I just couldn’t stop crying.”

“I always wondered why you couldn’t stop crying,” I say.

Jana says, “I hated not knowing where I came from.”

“And now?” Jana says, “Now I think I’m lucky not

knowing. I wanted to know who and what I left behind. Now I realize not knowing is the best thing.”

I swallow and paste a smile on my face.Jana says, “You wanted to talk?”“Why do you think that?” I say.“That’s why we’re here isn’t it?”Mom is still able to read me. Even if she

doesn't know who I am. I give Mom a big hug, “I’m so very happy for

you. You and your daughter.” I get up and leave. Mom is happy and for

the first time she can imagine a future. I cannot tell Mom the truth. The knot in my stomach tightens. Aiden meets me on my way to the horses.

“Who’s with the baby?” I say. Aiden says, “Provo asked to stay with her?”Great. Just great. Provo. You left my baby

sister with Provo.Aiden says, “How’d it go?”Silence.


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Aiden says, “How’d she react?”I say, “It was almost like she didn’t hear a

word I said.”As soon as the words come out of my mouth

I laugh. I remember Josh at the mall and how I had to explain when I got home that I didn’t tell him we were breaking up. It’s deja vu all over again. Aiden is looking at me like I’ve lost it.

Aiden says, “What’s so funny?”“I didn’t tell Mom. I just couldn’t, it

reminded me of how I handled something in my past, that’s why I was laughing.”

“You didn’t tell her. You can’t be serious.”“Now is not the right time,” I say.Aiden says, “Jana must decide. We’re

almost at Brehn. After we capture Zebulon at the Black and White, you are free to leave if you choose. Jana needs to know about home to make up her mind.”

“I know,” I say.Aiden says, “Demalynn, you need to tell

Jana now.” Aiden is right, but I can’t. Why? I’m

searching for the reason but I can’t find it. I say, “She’ll know the truth in plenty of

time to make a decision,”Aiden says, “What about the Unum?”Questions, questions. Aiden is really starting

to annoy.I say, “That’s my mother’s baby. Baby goes

with Mom.”


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Aiden says, “Atticus may feel Unum stays with Saffire.”

I say, “Mother and child will go back home and my mother will resume her life. Mom owes Saffire nothing. I agreed to free the miners and allow the child to be born here. The Unum has fulfilled her role; we are free to leave. I’m even staying an extra month to capture Zebulon.”

Aiden looks at me. He opens his mouth and then closes it again. We walk together is silence along the stream for some time. Aiden takes off his shirt and wades into the water. The water rolls across his rippled abdomen.

Aiden smiles, “Join me.”“Not in the mood,” I say.Aiden says, “When are you going to tell

her?”I twirl my fingers in my hair, “Soon.”Aiden says, “You realize every time you’ve

had the chance to tell Jana the truth you’ve found an excuse not to do it.”

He's right. Aiden creeps to the water’s edge and pulls me in. The cold water feels good on my face and I dive under the water. I take a few more strokes in the water and then stand, “Have you thought about what happens when I go back home?”

Aiden says, “You’re sure you want to do this right now?”

I look into his bright blue eyes, “I’m leaving and Aiden—.”


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Aiden holds me close. The cold water on my face makes my body stiffen; Aiden presses into me,“I’m here to support you.”

I snap, “I’m telling you I’m going back and all you can say is I’m here to support you?”

I’m not sure what I want him to say or even what I’m saying. I pull away and turn my back to Aiden. I don’t want to have this conversation with him. It always ends badly in my head. Then why did I start the conversation?

I say, “I can’t stay. Dad and Sophia are back home.”

Aiden says, “You have a mother and a sister here.”

“You think I don’t know that?” I say.Aiden says, “And you have me.”“Do I?” I say.Aiden pulls me closer, “I love you

Demalynn.”Aiden kisses me. I think he says some other

words after that but I’m not sure. My hands are trembling, I hope he doesn’t notice. I turn my face to the left but I wanted the kiss to last. The cold water sharpens my senses.

I cup Aiden’s face to bring it close, “I love you too.”

I’m so happy I said it. Those three magic words you only say to someone and mean once in your life. And that’s if you’re lucky. Aiden, my one and only, for now, for keeps. I love you.


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Aiden says, “I will follow you.”“Back home there is no Ki. You’d be just a

regular guy. A really good-looking guy, but just a regular guy.”

Aiden says, “No problem,”“I haven’t figured out how I explain you to

Dad,” I say.“No Ki is weird.”“There’s nothing like that. And no one gets

younger. We will get old together and die.” I say.

Aiden says, “It’s like in the Octavo, the old world.”

I laugh, “It’s even worse: we’re not in charge. The people in charge are old.”

Aiden says, “Thirty-year-olds?”“Worse: they are fifty, sixty. And they

control things: the government, the important jobs.”

Aiden says, “Wow, that’s really upside down.”

“Now you see why I’m so confused. You can’t know what you’re giving up.” I say.

Aiden says, “I love you.”The sound of those words make me tingle. I

want him to say it one more time. And one more time after that.

“Can I ask you to give up your life?” I say.“You’re not asking me to do anything. I

want to do it. We have to be together.”My soaking wet clothes bring me back to

the here and now. I swim away from Aiden


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and stand, “Aiden, I’ve got to get this right, but I keep thinking I can’t ever get it right. I want my family to be back together. What if my Mom wants to stay? She can’t remember Dad. She has no clue about home. Do I leave her here with my new baby sister? And Provo.”

Aiden says, “Would staying here be so bad?”

I thought he just said he was coming with us. Now it seems there is some doubt. Staying here is not an option.

I say, “You want to know the real reason I stop before I tell Jana who she is? I’m afraid of what she’ll say when I tell her. I’m deep-down scared comatose.”

Aiden walks over and takes my hand under the water. Aiden says, “We’ll figure it out together.”


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Usually a huge masquerade party with fabulous costumes would have my name all over it, but not this time. The Black and White Ball is in a few days and I’m not sure the plan Atticus has will work. It’s smart, but it may be so smart it’s dumb. It relies on deception on top of deception in the middle of the biggest society gala on Saffire.

This is our last night in the forest before we slip back into Brehn to prepare for the Black and White Ball. Another week has gone by and I still haven’t told Mom who she is or asked her to come back home. Mom now senses there is something off. Sometimes when I think I’m alone, I turn around and Mom is watching me.

Aiden is riding at my side. The horses saunter along the path through the Fray. The thick trees and dense green bush smell like a large greenhouse; it’s glorious.


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The dirt path gives way to a field. Short stubby trees with thin green leaves rim the perimeter. A few red and orange wild flowers are scattered on the ground.

Provo, Mom and I set up a tent. She is talkative and willing to laugh at Provo’s lame attempts at humor. Aiden feeds the horses. The sun burns low in the sky, but today it looks like a bright red plum. I’ve always hated Saffire’s sun: a big red ball of fire, something that brings an oppressive heat. In my mind the sun is a symbol of Saffire, cruel and overpowering. Today, the sun is…. nice? Saffire is a beautiful tropical place. The sun hasn’t changed; the heat hasn’t changed. Then what?

The tent is up and I follow Mom. I know where she’s heading: to water. Mom follows the sound of the bubbling water down a narrow path to a stream. She sits on a log, the bassinet with the little baby girl at her side. I can’t put this off any longer, Mom has a right to know her past. She will decide if she wants to go back. I’m no longer afraid of the answer.

Mom has always liked to sit by the water’s edge back home and just watch the water. She always talks about the power of water: to cleanse, to heal, to erode whatever stands in its way. On holiday a couple of years ago the big tourist attraction was a massive white rock in the sea that had a twenty-foot-wide hole in the middle. It was called donut-in-the-


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sea, a very original name. Hundred of years of water eroded the center. All I saw was a big white rock with a hole in the middle. The name was just for tourists because the country that named the rock had no donuts in their own language, when I pressed our guide on this he turned his head away and ignored me. Mom couldn’t get enough photos and she kept saying slow but relentless pressure leads to change. I break out of my day dream and realize Mom’s been watching me the whole time.

Jana smiles, “Come join me.”She pats the area beside her on the large

rock. I don’t take the offer. Instead I stand at the water’s edge and pick up a flat black rock and try to skip it across the stream. The rock hits the water and sinks. I sit beside mom and look straight ahead.

Jana says, “I always had this strange hope that after the Unum was born we’d have cool weather.”

The baby is babbling happily. “I guess the Unum can only do so much,” I say.

“If the temperature stayed at the level it is during Shangokas we wouldn’t need to cool Saffire, and there would be no need to abuse the O-30s in the mine to bring out thallamite.”

“Correct.” I say.My sister is the cutest baby ever. Rosy red

cheeks, smooth pure skin and full red lips. An


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incredible sense of joy overcomes me; I’m sitting with family. A big smile fills the baby’s face. Maybe she’s thinking the same thing.

Jana says, “We’re somehow connected. I don’t mean this Helper and Gravidarum thing. I mean something deeper. You’ve been wrestling with this for some time, actually from the first time we met. I feel it so clearly now,” Mom puts a hand on my shoulder and brings me close, “whatever you have to tell me, just tell me.”

I laugh.“What’s so funny?” Jana says.“That’s what you would say if we were back

home, Mom.”Jana looks at me, “Mom?”“Mom.” I say.Jana says, “I’m your mother?”“Yes?” “How can you know that?” Jana says.“When I clacked I didn’t lose my memory of

home. At Provo’s cabin in the Gallenhurst mine, that was the first time I saw you Mom.”

Jana says, “That explains a lot. The funny look you had from the moment you saw me. Your hate for Provo. I couldn’t figure it out.”

“I was confused,” I say. Jana says, “Is Atticus aware?”“No,” I say.Jana nods her head, “Aiden knows.”It’s not a question. Mom is sure I’ve told

Aiden. I nod.


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Jana says, “So you remember where we came from?”

“Every last detail.”Mom gives me a big hug, the kind of hug

she gives people who she loves. Not the hug she gave me the first time we met at Gallenhurst mine.

Jana is crying, “Demalynn, it must have been so painful for you. I’m sorry you had to go through that by yourself. Why didn’t you tell me as soon as we met?”

I say, also through tears, “You were adjusting to Saffire. Then we learned we were part of the prophesy The Coming. Then we were trying to free the miners. Then we were spending our time trying to stay alive. Then—”

Jana says, “Okay, I get it.”Mom is back.Jana says, “You know what is so strange.

From the moment we met I felt a connection to you. I’ve never let on, but it is always there. Every time we’re in the same room I feel it: the bond between mother and daughter, it cannot be broken. No matter where we are.”

We hug. Jana says, “Tell me about life back home?”I say, “You have another daughter a year

younger than me, Sophia.”“Where did I live?” Jana says.


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“We live near a large national park. It’s a gorgeous place. A place very much like this, but not as hot.” I say.

Mom listens intently to my stories about life back home. The baby falls asleep partway through the conversation.

Jana points to the baby, “So this is your sister.”

Sophia was looking forward to this birth. Dad was so happy to have another child. I just nod yes.

I say, “You are paired at home. We call it married.”

Mom looks at the baby, “I was paired?”“You are married,” I say.Jana says, “Did I love my man?”“Yes, you love dad. He’s amazing.” Mom nods. My stomach tightens. Mom is

using the past tense to describe life back home There is no energy in her voice when she talks about Dad.

Jana says, “Was I happy?” “Yes, very.” I fill in the details: the family trips, the

barbecues, the late nights eating wings on the porch. Mom listens to everything but shows no emotion. I tell her about our chocolate lab Buddy. How she’d give her steak at Christmas. Buddy is the only person in our house who shared Mom’s love of water. She’s now too old to swim much but she’d sit with Mom at the lake just watching waves. We talk


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for I’m not sure how long until we both stop and just look at each other.

Jana says, “Both you and I left a great deal behind.”

“I’m going back. I’d like you and the baby to come.”

Jana says, “I never worried about you trying the Way Back. That was when I didn’t know you were my daughter,” Jana pauses, “this changes things.”

“Mom, come back home with me.” Jana says, “What would I be going back to?”“We have to get back to Dad, Sophia.” I will not tell Mom that Dad needs her liver.

If she wants to go back home she must do it because it’s her choice, not because she feels guilty.

“I don’t remember these people,” Jana says.“We’re your family. Provo is just some

random guy.” I regret the words as soon as they leave my

mouth. Mom cuts me a nasty glare.“He’s not Dad,” I whisper.“I don’t remember your father. He is

nothing to me. I know I should feel something but I don’t.”

“You don’t want to feel.” We need to go back to save Dad. I miss

Sophia and strangely enough I was beginning to like life at College. My stand-up routine was getting noticed. Dad needs your liver. Should I tell Mom to give her a nudge in the right


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direction? I will stick to my plan. Mom must return home for herself, not for any other person. The only sound is the water gurgling.

“Are you in love with Provo?” I say. “You have no right to ask me that

question.”We both stare straight ahead until at last

Mom says, “I don’t know what I feel. About a lot of things. It complicated.”

Jana rocks the bassinet, “You realize that this girl is the Unum.”

“The Coming has already been fulfilled. Mom, you have a life back home, a husband, a daughter. These people are violent. Leave them to kill each other. Look at the wonderful cities like Brehn, the glimmering towers. It’s all fake.” I say.

Jana says, “It’s all I know.” I swallow hard. She doesn’t remember

home and has no memory of our life, but she understands how much I want her to remember. Mom has to understand what we left behind, it may be painful, but she must understand.

I say, “This place is built on the bodies of the miners. Look at every gorgeous tower and you’ll see a miner’s tired face in the glass and steel. You’ve worked the mines: you know. Remember Yaz? What happened to you happens ten times worse to others, every single day. When they’re not killing the


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miners, they’re killing each other. We need to go home.”

Jana says, “To go back to what? A place I have no idea exists.”

“Dad needs you.” Jana says, “The man would be a stranger.”I stand up, “I’m going back home, you are

free to come or stay.”Jana says, “What’s my name?”“Melissa. Your name is Melissa.”“And you?” “Emma,” I say. It sounds strange to say my

name. It no longer seems to belong to me. Emma is someone from another time.

Jana nods, “Emma. It’s a beautiful name. Did I choose that?”

“Dad says you vetoed his first choice, Emily, but you let him keep the E M.”

Mom laughs. The baby gives out a loud cry. Mom picks her up, “The baby’s hungry. Please leave us.”

I pass Provo reading the Octavo near the tent. Aiden sits on a tree stump, focused on something in the distance. Two horses are coming up the path. Atticus is the front rider, no one can mistake the red corkscrew hair. The second rider is hooded. Provo stops reading and glances up for a moment. Aiden and I run to meet the horses.

“Atticus,” I say.Atticus dismounts. He smiles and the

reddish-brown freckles on his nose crinkle.


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Atticus says, “I’ve brought a friend.” The woman on the horse behind him is

wearing a hood, but even in shadows I would never forget that face. I can’t believe it. The woman dismounts and removes her hood.

“Mara?” I whisper.Mara says, “I’m back.”There is no doubt Mara is alive and standing

in front of me. Aiden is looking at me as if to say, ‘you told me Mara was dead’.

“Jago killed you,” I say.Mara says, “I went to eighteen Ellesworth

and Jago was ready to kill me. In the end he couldn’t do it.”

I was certain that Jago had killed her but I remember I turned away from the window before Mara was killed. I smile, Jago’s love for Mara wouldn’t allow him to finish her. Within Jago there was a sliver of humanity that hadn’t been snuffed out by Ubel Baun.

Mara says, “I felt a tight grip around my neck and I knew Jago would kill me. I had no fear, my time was up and I was happy to go. Jago had killed Jon. I finally saw him for what he was. How could he kill my best friend's fiancee? I was to be Ella's maid of honor. Just as I was prepared for the end, he released me. Jago said, I truly loved you Mara. Did you ever love me?”

Mara looks at Aiden, “I did not answer. I was not going to lie anymore, not even to save my life. I waited for the end.”


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Mara is telling the truth. Her pain and confusion come through in every word. I am shocked at the honesty. Mara has changed; she’s in disguise so she’s not wearing the great clothes or nice shoes, but that’s not it. Her voice is softer, less arrogant.

Mara says, “I made my way to the Underground.”

I’m relieved Mara is alive, an anchor has been taken off me but why did Atticus bring Mara here?

Aiden gives Mara a hug, “I’m sorry.”Mara says, “You have nothing to be sorry

for.” Aiden says, “I’m so happy you’re alive. Let

me show you around.”Aiden and Mara walk away. Mara takes

Aiden's hand and he doesn’t resist.Atticus turns to me, “Let’s go into the tent;

we have a kidnapping to plan.”My head is still spinning from seeing Mara

alive. I take a chair. Provo sits beside me. Atticus says, “As I have already told you our

plan will rely on illusion. I’ll review the details.”

Through the gap in the tent I see Aiden and Mara sitting close together on a large rock. Their bodies brush together as they speak on the grass under a large tree. They almost have their heads together. What are they talking about?


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It is early evening and the sun is low in the sky. The warm air makes my shiny white mask stick to my face. I don’t like my costume: a loose fitting blouse tucked into a black and white pouffy pair of pants that stop at the knee. Tight red socks complete my look: court jester. Back in the day, the court jester was a big part of Saffire. This costume will allow me to blend in and for the plan that Atticus has created to work that will be key. The holes for my eyes and nose are too small so I’m looking through pinholes and can barely breathe. If I didn’t have to capture Zebulon, if I didn’t have to wear this ridiculous costume, if I wasn’t forced to stay on Saffire, this would be a fun experience. Aiden sits across from me in the horse-drawn carriage with Mara at his side. Atticus is already at the Black and White ball with Ella. The carriage


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moves at a leisurely pace. The wood is painted black with intricate carvings accented in gold around the doors. The O-30 coachman who sits perched up high outside is wearing a black suit, with a tall black top hat. The sound of the horse hooves on cobblestone tells us we are close.

Aiden taps the front of the carriage. “Stop here. We will walk.”

Fantastic, I can’t see much through this pinhole mask and Aiden wants us to walk in.

The coachman says, “We’ve just entered the grounds of Allwick castle.”

We pass through the fancy black gate and a man dressed identically to the coachman opens the carriage. The footman offers a white-gloved hand for us to exit. Thick trees with black bark and broad, brown-orange leaves line the cobblestone path that leads to Allwick castle.

Aiden says, “Watch your step.” He helps Mara go up two small steps, I

brush his hand aside when he offers it. Aiden says, “Can you see in that mask?”“Perfectly,” I lie.

We round the corner and the blue-grey stone castle is in front of us. The castle was built with the same stone as the cobblestone pathway. The main rectangular block of the castle rises high into the sky, perched on the edge of a cliff overlooking a magnificent waterfall. I see why Aiden wanted us to walk.


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Mara says, “Great to be back here.”Mara looks stunning in a purple gown with a

sparkling crown. The hint of a smile on the shiny black mask is playful and a bit naughty. Mara is tall and the dress clings to her well. She is definitely a beautiful woman. Aiden seems to be all too happy to help her along the cobblestone path.

Aiden says, “Amazing. That's the only word to describe Allwick castle.”

A large cylindrical tower anchors one end of the castle to the side of the mountain. I get a better view of the waterfall that flows into the river far below. The smell of the water clears my mind. It’s refreshing.

We approach the twenty-foot double doors of Allwick castle and the black iron doors swing open. For tonight, the great hall of Allwick castle is a massive party palace. The brightly costumed guests in masks sway to the live music. There are about fifty private tables tucked into the wall beneath individual concrete arches at the far end of the hall. The semicircular tables are built into the wall with concrete curved seating. With each table recessed into an alcove, there is ultimate privacy. We walk to our private table. I can only make out a flickering candle when I pass each table; the guests are completely secluded.

Ella is at the table with Atticus. Like me, this is the first time Mara has seen Ella in some


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time. Mara removes her mask and grabs Ella. They embrace and speak into each other’s ear. Atticus is careful to make sure this is done at the back of our seating nook so no one can see these two women. I take a seat, pour a drink and stare at the entrance.

A man wearing a striped purple tunic with silver embroidery at the neck takes the card from Zebulon and ushers Catalina into the castle. The announcer wears black leotards and green velvet shoes with pointed, curled toes. He rings a gong and the band stops playing; the room of over five hundred people goes silent.

“Announcing Zebulon the Eminence, and his pair Catalina.”

Everyone looks. Zebulon raises Catalina’s hand above her head and bows to her. Catalina is wearing a wig with gold and silver medallions. Small wires in little J loops hold each medallion in place. Catalina turns her head from side to side; The medallions tinkle together like chimes. The crowd erupts in applause.

Zebulon and Catalina greet some of their friends who crowd around them and then they all move to the bar. All of our eyes are locked on Zebulon.

The white dress Catalina wears flatters her figure, tight to the hips and chest, a perfect hourglass. The wig reaches her mid-back. Fine curved black wires that look like strands of


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hair hold each medallion. Every time her head moves the medallions chime. The shiny white mask has a huge smile on it. Ella is a perfect match. The same wig, same dress. I remember at Ella’s farmhouse that the two of them looked like sisters. Now dressed in the same costume I cannot tell them apart. The plan just might work.

Zebulon hands a drink to Catalina. The body language is clear: they are here to just chill and let it all hang out among friends. Zebulon’s mask has large holes for the eyes. I can clearly see his different coloured eyes: one green, the other blue. Zebulon pulls Catalina to the dance floor.

“They move well together, always in sync,” I say.

Mara says, “They make a great pair. Since Zebulon is the Eminence, Catalina will get to make the welcoming speech.”

I have to remind myself that this man is hunting my mother and her child. Zebulon double-crossed the Underground and as leader of the Grand Council will probably order countless O-30s to spend their lives in thallamite mines. Right now he just looks like a man with someone he cares about, enjoying a night out.

Mara says, “If things had turned out differently I would have been giving a speech at this ball.”


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Mara is sitting on the end beside Aiden. We are about to kidnap the Eminence and all Mara can think about is how she got cheated out of making a speech.The candle in the center of the semicircular table casts shimmering light on Aiden and Mara, their faces are close together.

“Who knows what’s in your future,” I say. Am I saying this for Mara or more for myself.

Aiden takes a sip of his drink, “Ella, you are a perfect match to Catalina.”

That’s obvious, that was the plan. I grit my teeth. Everything Aiden says these days rubs me the wrong way.

Aiden says to Ella, “You can pull this off.”Atticus says, “As long as we all do our jobs

everything will go as planned.”Atticus is wearing a navy blue jumpsuit that

covers him from head to toe. His red hair is pulled tight under the hood. There is a black cape around his shoulders and his face is completely covered in a blue mask. I’m not sure who or what he is.

Atticus raises his glass, “Tonight Zebulon answers for his crimes.”

We all raise our glasses. Aiden says, “Demalynn, would you like to

dance?”I turn my head away, “No.”The venom in that ‘no’ even made me feel

sick. I don’t know why I just said that; yes was on the tip of my tongue. Aiden looks very


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handsome. He is wearing a black leotard and a tailored navy blue sequined jacket. Aiden's height and athletic build fit his costume, a nobleman. His full face mask is all white.

I have not spoken much to Aiden in the week since Mara began travelling with us. Aiden seems content to spend his time with Mara. In the last conversation between Aiden and I, he said he owed Mara; he felt responsible for not letting her come with us. I regret the words I used that night. I’ll never forget his eyes; the words cut deep. I was angry and should have apologized the next day. I didn’t. Who cares: I’m leaving this place. Alone, if no one else wants to come. Mom has given no hint; is she staying or coming home? She’s at the safe house right now with the baby. I’m cool with her decision either way. I’m going back and if Mom is not with me, I’ll find another liver donor for my father.

The stairway on the other side of the great hall leads to the private balcony. All Ella has to do is get Zebulon to follow her up that stairway and out onto the observation deck. Her costume is identical to Catalina so as long as she doesn’t speak Zebulon should be fooled. Giant stone blocks form the stairway. The soaring fifty-foot ceilings, the wide marble arches, the large bouquets of flowers everywhere make this a magical place.

“When was this place built?” I say.


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Aiden says, “It’s all in Conflictions: read the Octavo.”

I say, “Enlighten me, o’ wise one.”Mara says, “Sir William Gellghane led the

final battle against the old people, the O-30s. It wasn’t much of a battle: we had Ki and they didn’t. Sir William became Eminence. The young ‘uns, as we were called back then, the under thirty people, built this castle for him as a reward. The O-30s were forced to work the mines.”

Atticus looks from Mara to me to Aiden but remains silent. Mara grabs Aiden’s hand and pulls him onto the dance floor. He doesn’t resist.

Aiden and Mara make a good dance pair. The tall, broad-shouldered Aiden and the tall, elegant Mara. They glide around the floor. Would it be too much to ask for her to trip and fall in her high-heeled shoes. She’s obviously not planning on doing much in the way of capturing Zebulon: who wears four inch heels like that? Whatever Aiden chooses to do is fine. How could I ask him to give up his life on Saffire for who knows what back home? Maybe all I thought we shared was just nonsense, just two kids thrown together in a strange situation. No worries: tomorrow I will be on the road to the Way Back. When I first clacked I thought I was in a crazy dream: standing naked in front of that restaurant. I take a long drink. This dream will end soon.


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Atticus says, “Would the most beautiful woman in Allwick castle do me the honor of a dance?”

I am surprised by his remarks since I am the only other person in the booth beside Ella, who obviously must remain hidden. I turn to Ella.

Ella says, “Go ahead, enjoy.”I love to dance and Atticus is surprised to be

following my lead. I’m a great dancer and enjoy being in the crowd. The room is alive with colored costumes. The Centurions are all over but they fit in perfectly with their white armor and massive size. The black visors they wear are the perfect face masks for the Black and White ball.

I say, “For a fourteen-year-old kid you’re pretty smooth.”

Atticus says, “Too kind. But it’s obvious who is the real dancer between us.”

One couple in matching black and white body suits seem to be having a seizure. They are swinging their hips and shaking their arms. They’re doing the jitterbug. It reminds me of a scene cut out of my favorite film, the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy and the friends she met along the way begin to dance insanely due to a spell sent by the wicked witch. I’ve seen the cut footage of the film and these two look just like Dorothy and the Scarecrow dancing wildly. The two people in the black and white bodysuits are having so much fun I have to


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smile. I’m not sure what they are dancing to, the music playing is more suited to waltzing. Continuous hand-in-hand twirling. Everyone else is moving in circles, in perfect harmony to the music. I manoeuvre us on the dance floor until we are beside Zebulon.

Zebulon and Catalina are totally into each other and not aware of all the people dancing around them. After a few dances I hear what I have been waiting for.

Catalina says, “I need to go to the washroom.”

Atticus squeezes my hand. He nods.Zebulon says, “I’ll get a drink.”I follow Catalina into the washroom. Atticus

goes back to Ella. The plan is on.


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The bathroom at Allwick castle is exactly what I expected: grand. Large marble sinks with ornate platinum fixtures. A huge makeup area with even bigger red velvet seats. Thick white towels are neatly folded beside every sink. I make my way to sit beside Catalina. It’s funny to see all the women touching up their makeup at the mirrors. No one will see their faces behind the masks! Most of the women are talking in small groups. Catalina is staring in the mirror.

“Your costume is beautiful,” I say.Catalina says, “Thanks. I like yours too.

You’re a court jester, right?”“Yes.” Catalina says, “It’s great, goes right back to

the early days of Saffire.”“You look striking; I look like a striped pear.”

I say.


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Catalina laughs hard, she removes her mask, “That's funny, I was thinking the same thing, but I didn’t want to say it. You do look like a striped pear, but in a good way.” She rubs my shoulder.

Instantly I like Catalina. It’s the same feeling I had at Ella’s farmhouse. There is nothing fake about her. I don’t feel great about helping capture Zebulon, her pair. Catalina doesn’t deserve this but Zebulon is evil.

Catalina says, “The thing about the Black and White ball is since we’re all so young, everyone looks fantastic.”

“The killer costumes, the colours: it all rocks.” I say.

Will Catalina recognize my voice? She’s only met me once, and the Black and White Ball is chaotic. I’m sure Catalina at this point has no idea who I am. Ella will be doing her best to lure Zebulon to the observation deck. I must keep Catalina in this washroom. Mara takes a peak in the washroom, in an instant Mara is gone. That is my signal that Ella has taken Catalina’s spot at the ball. I must keep Catalina in the washroom.

Catalina puts out her right fist, “I’m Catalina.”

The correct thing to do is to put out my right fist and bump, then remove my mask. Most of the women have their masks on the table, a few keep their masks in place. I can't risk taking off my mask.


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“I’m Emma,” I put out my right fist and turn my head to the left.

Catalina stares at my mask. She hesitates for a fraction of a second before we bump fists. She knows something's wrong. I was supposed to just keep an eye on her to make sure she stayed in the washroom long enough for Ella, who is in an identical costume, to lure Zebulon to the observation balcony. I was improvising when I spoke to Catalina. I’m not very good at improv.

“I need to use the loo. Wait, I’ll be back,” I say.

I run and slam the door to the bathroom stall. Who uses the word ‘loo’? I’m not even sure that’s a word. I peek through a slit along the door. Catalina is getting up to leave. Atticus was clear, if Catalina tries to leave the washroom she must be restrained. This is my job because I have the strongest Ki and can easily restrain her. I can’t do it. I can’t bring myself to overpower her with my Ki. Catalina leaves the bathroom and I follow. She is frantically searching the crowd for Zebulon. Catalina pushes dancers aside and pulls off masks. The room that before was a pleasant gathering of citizens out for some fun, now seems like a noisy, confusing mob. I follow Catalina.

A short, heavyset man in tight green leotards approaches Catalina. His red mask covers his entire face. With a drink in hand,


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he teeters towards Catalina and points to the staircase leading up to the observation balcony. He is looking at Catalina and also pointing to the stairs. I am positive he is telling her that he just saw her on those stairs.

The man teeters in one spot; he has had too much drink. Gravy stains his tight red shirt. The man tries to grip Catalina around the waist. Catalina looks up the many flights of stairs to the observation deck and rips his hands off her. She bounds up the staircase and I follow. Catalina screams Zebulon’s name.

Two men dressed as soldiers in black masks are on either side of the door that Catalina bursts through. I rush in behind her. She turns and tries to attack me. Her Ki is weak. The men in black masks block her passage.

Catalina screams, “Demalynn, traitor to Saffire. The second you didn’t take off your mask it clicked. You killed Ella. You’re worse than scum.”

Zebulon is further into the observation deck. Atticus stands in front of him and two soldiers block his path to Catalina. Ella is standing behind Atticus, she still has her mask on. Zebulon looks at his pair Catalina and then back at the woman he followed up the stairs. They are identical. Everyone is silent. Mara sits on a large stone bench with a massive planter of bright red flowers to her


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side. The only sound is the noise from water rushing over the falls, it hits the rocks two hundred feet below.

Ella takes off the mask. Zebulon whispers, “Ella?”He looks at Catalina.Catalina says, “Zeb, you told me Demalynn

killed Ella?”Ella smiles, “I’m not dead Catalina, never

was. But you already knew that Zeb.”Atticus has removed his mask, “As the

Octavo says: the day will come when all people must answer for their sins. And that which is hidden must become known.”

Zebulon says, “Atticus, let Catalina go.”His tone is menacing. Zebulon gives more

an order than a request.Atticus responds lightly, “I know you were

the leak in the Underground, Zebulon.” Zebulon shows no reaction, “I am not sure

what game you’re playing at little boy, but let Catalina leave now,” Zebulon pauses, “whatever you think, this is just between you and me. Let Catalina leave.”

Atticus says, “You were playing us, the same way you played Grand Council. I was on to you for some time, you didn’t fool me.”

Zebulon and Atticus are talking past each other.

Catalina says, “Ella, how could you do this, you led him here?”


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The only sound is the harsh chime of the metallic gold and silver wig Catalina wears as her head moves from side to side. Ella bows her head and a soft shimmering reply is heard from her wig.

Atticus says, “You weren’t supposed to come Catalina. We only want Zebulon. Your pair has much to answer for.”

Aiden is standing near the stone railing over-looking the falls.Zebulon begs, “Catalina knows nothing. Please let her leave."

Atticus nods, “Catalina, go back to the party.”

All eyes are on Catalina. The soldiers continue to block the exit. Catalina cannot just leave; Atticus is speaking with his heart, not his head. There is no way Catalina is going to just go without Zebulon. Even if Catalina were to go by herself, she would sound the alarm as soon as she got downstairs. Centurions would storm the observation deck. From a simple kidnap of Zebulon, things are going sideways quick.

If the Centurions storm this observation deck our only way out would be over that railing and a two hundred foot drop to the waterfalls. Ouch. Atticus has no choice; he must take both Zebulon and Catalina. The soldiers know it, I know it. Everyone on this balcony knows it and deep down Atticus knows it.


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Zebulon charges and knocks Atticus to the ground. Zebulon’s Ki is strong. I have grown tired of the familiar metallic aroma. I have smelled Ki too often; someone always dies.

Catalina tries to make her way to Zebulon but the guards have an iron grip. Catalina wriggles free and kicks one of the guards holding Zebulon. Atticus grabs Catalina and pulls her back. Catalina’s Ki rips the hand of Atticus from her side. Atticus tries to pick Catalina up, but with her Ki she frees herself and pins Atticus to the ground. She punches him in the face.

Zebulon has freed himself from one guard. Zebulon tries to grab Catalina’s arm and head for the exit. I put my hand up and force Zebulon backwards.

I will not hurt anyone. Catalina grabs me. Before I have time to use my Ki, Catalina is ripped away. I turn around and see Mara in her high heels.

“I didn’t need your help,” I say.Mara says, “You're welcome.”A soldier grabs Catalina from behind with

two hands around her waist and lift her into the air. He walks backwards, away from the double doors.

Zebulon has powerful Ki and he will not leave without Catalina. I will hurt no one so it is much more difficult to restrain Zebulon. I have to act in many different areas with just the right touch. A soldier is moving


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backwards with Catalina in his arms. She wriggles violently and kicks her legs back. The soldier hits the stone railing and loses his grip. Catalina hurtles over the balcony. Everyone rushes to the stone wall. Catalina hits the water far below. The splash is softer than I would have imagined.

Zebulon lets out a scream looking over the balcony. He is standing right beside Atticus. Catalina’s body bobs in the water and goes over the falls. The silver and gold wig is now all that can be seen. Zebulon runs out the door. Aiden goes to follow but Atticus stops him.

Aiden says, “We have to capture him! Zebulon knows who all the traitors are in the Underground.”

Atticus is silent. Mara has her head in her hands and is sitting. Ella and I stare at the falls. Ella’s wig make a slight tinkling sound.

Aiden says, “He'll alert the Centurions; they will capture us all.”

Ella says, “Zebulon will leave this place in silence and alert no one. He is too smart, too disciplined to make that mistake. Demalynn is with us. She has taken on Jago and won, she has made her way in and out of Brehn escaping the finest Centurions. Zebulon knows he and every Centurion in Allwick castle are no match for Demalynn.”


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Atticus says, “A kind and decent woman has been killed. Let Zebulon go. Enough blood has been shed tonight.”

Aiden says, “In war honest mistakes are made.”

Atticus says, “Catalina was an innocent. She was part of no war. Her only crime was her deep and pure love for that man. Her only mistake was to try to save her pair.”

“No one planned for this to happen,” I say.Ella says, “Zebulon will now dedicate his life

to seeing each one of us pay for this. He will not rest until every one of us in this room meets a very painful and slow death. Zebulon will wait, and he will plan, and then Zebulon will strike.”

Although Ella’s words are very soft, the power of the words makes us all strain to listen. Aiden and I look at each other. Mara and Ella hug, they are both crying.

Ella looks at the waterfall far below, “I’m sorry, Catalina. You were a true friend.”

I walk to the double doors and then turn to Atticus. I don’t speak.

Atticus says, “What is done cannot be undone.” He pulls out a phone and speaks briefly. He puts the phone back in his pocket, “Ella is right. Zebulon is gone. The party continues.”

Ella asks, “Is my transport ready?”Atticus nods, “As promised. Safe journey.”


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Ella rips off her wig, brushes past me and leaves from the double doors.

I make my way back to the party in Allwick castle. The people are all dancing and enjoying themselves. The short, heavyset man in the green leotard and red shirt is watching the observation balcony staircase. He is very steady for someone who earlier appeared full of drink. His costume is designed to make him appear heavy. I walk up to the man and pull up his mask for a second. Merrick.


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I’m on a wild ride that is now out of control and I’m not sure how it will end. A cliche but that’s how I feel. The death of Catalina weighs on me. She knew nothing about Zebulon’s nasty games. Zebulon is to blame for what happened to Catalina; his pursuit of power and his desire to kill my baby sister caused this innocent woman to die. I thought I was being kind by not using my Ki to restrain Catalina in the bathroom, it’s just wrong to hold a person against their will, but if I had restrained Catalina she would she be alive and the plan would have worked.

We are going to the Way Back.The news of Catalina’s death hit Provo and Jana hard. There was no time to break it to them gently and we just hustled out of Brehn. The horse-drawn carriage we transferred to after exiting Brehn is moving at a brisk pace and we are in


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deep Fray. The last Out town was a few hours ago and it’s dark. Now we move from one dirt road to another. Mom sits directly across from me, the baby in a bassinet. I keep staring at mom and she knows what’s coming next.

“You must decide now,” I say. The baby is wearing only a diaper. She

sleeps with a smile, unaware of all the drama.Jana says, “It’s the middle of the night.

Suddenly we have to run for our lives. An innocent woman was killed. I can barely think, let alone make a decision.”

Jana is right, the original plan was to leave in an orderly fashion a few days after Zebulon was captured. After Catalina’s death it was decided to go immediately to the Way Back. Atticus has said little and rides his horse alone in the rear.

I say, “I feel badly leaving at this time Mom, but I' m going back.”

No reply.The image of Catalina going over the falls is

stuck in my head. As soon as I didn’t take off my mask, Catalina knew something was up. If I had taken off my mask, maybe Catalina wouldn’t have recognized me and we could’ve talked in the washroom for a little longer. Zebulon would have been removed from the Black and White Ball quietly; Catalina would have been unhurt. The plan Atticus created was decent. Am I the real reason Catalina is


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dead? No, that’s just silly I couldn’t remove my mask. I could have restrained her.

Mom’s forehead wrinkles and she purses her lips, “Zebulon will be even more ruthless on the O-30s than Jago was. The only thing Zebulon loved is dead.”

Mom strokes her baby’s curly blond hair. “He will stop at nothing,” as if Mom reads my thoughts, “getting you off Saffire will do nothing to stop his plan to kill us all.”

“You have to leave with me,” I say.Jana says, “Now what choice do I have?” That sounds like a yes. Not the most

enthusiastic yes, but I’ll take it. Mom is correct: by killing Catalina any hope of Mom being able to stay on Saffire has vanished. Aiden is riding right beside the carriage on horseback. Where is Mara? Usually she is right beside him. Mara is riding just in front of Atticus and her eyes are red from crying.

I am about to speak to Mom but Provo’s loud voice interrupts, “We’re here. We’re at the Way Back.”

The carriage stops and Mom jumps out with the baby. The early morning sun provides faint light to illuminate the grassy clearing surrounded by the shadows of trees.

“What is the Way Back?” I say.Provo gets off his horse and ignores my

question, “We rest here.”


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What is the Way Back? I imagine a tunnel. Provo has given nothing up. Atticus will keep me in the dark as long as possible.

Atticus ties his horse to a tree, “Aiden and Mara, set up a tent over there.” He points to the far end of the grassy clearing. “Demalynn and I will set up the other tent here. Provo feed the horses.”

Mara and Aiden go off together.Atticus has something he wants to say but

he just looks at me from time to time and works in silence. I can’t stop myself from wondering what Mara and Aiden are doing.Finally the tent is done.

Atticus says, “Wait here, I’ll be back.”Mom and Provo are off with the baby. Just me in the tent. Atticus reappears with Aiden, he points to a large tree. “Beyond that tree is a small path: it’s a circle and that leads right back here. It’s still not fully light so don’t go too far. Talk to each other.”

Atticus goes into the tent. Aiden and I walk to the large tree. I’m glad it’s not fully light; my head is permanently twisted left and Aiden can’t see my bright red face. I try to keep my voice steady and casual, “Sun will be up soon.”

Aiden says, “This is a nice time, the day hasn’t really started and the night hasn’t ended, you don’t know what’s coming. Anything is possible.”


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Has Aiden turned philosopher? His words seem carefully chosen. I’m sure it’s Catalina’s death. Everyone is quieter, more thoughtful.

I say, “Stay close.” Aiden moves in tighter. He's warm. The little

boy with the red corkscrew hair is right: I need to talk to Aiden. Things must not end the way we left them. I’m heartbroken to leave Saffire without Aiden and I must let him know. Aiden is my one love, no matter how long I live there will be no one else. This is my last chance to tell him before I leave. My hands are trembling.

It’s much easier to talk hidden in this half light. I control my breathing and look around. It feels like we are on a strange new planet. Only us, in this moment—together. We have to stay close just to see each other’s faces and keep to the narrow path. This will make it easier to say what needs to be said.

Aiden breaks the silence, “We’ve been through a great deal together, you and I.”

“Correct,” I say.Aiden sits on a tree stump and I sit beside

him, but keep my back turned away.Aiden says, “Through everything I have

always been able to talk to you. Let’s talk about us— that’s what matters.”

“Correct,” I say.This is not going as I planned. ‘Correct?’

Who talks like that? I had a big speech


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prepared in my head. So far I can’t say more than one word.

Aiden says, “You always hated Mara.”Mara. You said you wanted to talk about us.

Well here I am. Why can’t it be about us? I take a deep breath, “No, I didn’t always

hate her. It was an acquired taste.” Aiden laughs.I say, “When I first came to Saffire I idolized

her. The beautiful clothes. She’s tall, elegant.” Aiden says, “And?”“I’m not doing this,” I say.“Doing what?” Aiden says.This is the last time we’ll be together, I’m

not going to talk about Mara. I walk away.Aiden yells, “Tell me what you have against

her?”Aiden runs to catch up, “She warned you

the night we freed the Gallenhurst miners. She saved your life.”

I stop and turn. For a split second I want to blurt out the truth. Mara did not warn me about anything. That night when Jago sent his men after Kikuyo gave us up, the only person she warned was Aiden. Mara would have been more than happy if Merrick had captured me.

I say, “If she’s the girl for you, great. No worries. All the best. Really. You don’t need to justify it to me. Go live a great life together.”

I walk away.Aiden says, “She never warned you?”


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I stop. Aiden talks into my ear, I don’t turn around.

Aiden says, “That night. Mara came to warn me. Mara said she warned you as well?”

I stay silent. Aiden says, “She lied?”What’s the point of all this? Later today I’m

out of here. I start walking.Aiden says, “I remember saying something

that night about being lucky Mara warned us. I didn’t understand the look on your face, not until now. She didn’t warn you.”

Aiden is walking at my side, “You really felt it when you thought Jago had killed Mara.”

“Correct,” I say.We walk together in silence. We are so close

I can smell him but we’ve never been more separate. I spend the entire walk back to the tent thinking about Aiden. How does Aiden really feel about me? I never asked him what’s his favorite color, his favourite food. All the things you learn about someone you love, things that you don’t need to ask, you just spend time together and learn them. Aiden and I will never have time together. I was going to ask him to take the Way Back with me. I have said nothing during this walk, my chance is gone. ‘Correct?’ What kind of lame word is that? What happened to my idea of baring my soul, letting Aiden see how much he means to me? I grit my teeth and think of things to say. I’m glad it’s not yet day so


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Aiden can't see me opening and closing my mouth. When we arrive at the tent, I realize the moment is gone.

“Are you coming into the tent?” I say.Aiden replies, “I will stay out here a bit

longer. You’re going in?”“Correct,” I say.My planned speech for Aiden that was going

to convince him to come back with me turned into one word, ‘Correct.’ When you clack onto Saffire you lose your memory of where you came from, at least for most people. I hope I don’t remember this night when I clack back home.

I say to myself, “I love you Aiden and I always will only love you.”

I’m glad the tent is dark so no one can see the tears pouring down my face.


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The morning is hot and sunny. I lay awake re-playing the horror show of a conversation I had with Aiden. More properly, the conversation that I didn’t have. It was all planned out but in the moment it just didn't come out. No matter, it’s decision time. I'm not certain Mom is coming but it doesn’t matter, I’m leaving.

The Way Back is further from the camp than Provo led us to believe. I am behind Provo moving carefully along the dirt path which is hemmed in by tall bushes and full of large uneven rocks.

Aiden is behind me, “Now I see why we couldn’t bring the horses.”

Provo stops and looks around, “We’ve almost arrived.”


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Mom is behind Aiden and she carries the baby in a sack strapped to her chest. Mara and Atticus are at the back.

If this wasn’t my last morning on Saffire, if I wasn’t leaving the only man I’ll ever love, if I wasn’t leaving my mom and new sister behind: I would enjoy this hike. The sun isn’t that hot, and wild flowers fill the air with a lemon citrus aroma. The rolling green hills are alive with color. The hike is fifteen minutes, not too killer.

Aiden and I haven’t spoken this morning. Our early morning disaster rolls through my head. I have the perfect things to say now that I’m not with Aiden. I cannot face him and am much better off not trying to tell him how I feel. Correct.

Provo says, “This way.”As we get closer, the sound of water

becomes louder and more frenzied. Provo runs ahead and disappears behind a stand of trees. When we reach him there is a large river with an expansive pale yellow sandy beach. The water is flowing rapidly at only one particular area.

Provo points to two large rock steps that lead to a large rock outcropping about ten feet above the whirlpool.

Provo is very solemn, “The Way Back.”He jumps up the two massive rocks that

form the steps that lead to the outcropping. These steps must have been made for


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Centurions and almost reach my knee. Provo waves us to join him on the ledge. I am the first up. The outcropping of rock is about ten feet wide; I walk slowly to the edge.

“A whirlpool?” I say.Atticus is right behind me, “No, it’s a

vortex.”Mara and Aiden are close to Atticus. Jana

holds the baby and stands a few feet behind.Provo says, “The Way Back is neither vortex

nor whirlpool: it’s a wormhole. The Way Back connects Saffire to the other world. It is precisely twenty-one feet from that step,” Provo points to the last step and then he points to the rock edge above the wormhole, “to the end to go into the Way Back.”

“Just twenty feet, it seems longer,” I say.Provo, “No. Twenty-one feet.”The water below swirls violently.Mara walks back to stand beside Mom.Mara says, “How do you know the people

who jump in don’t just drown?”Provo says, “Believe.”Mom looks at the baby, “She’s slept the

whole way.”I go back and join Mom. My baby sister has

a big round face with huge rosy cheeks. Some of the water is misting and clear droplets cover her cheeks. This baby is always smiling.

Jana continues, “And all we have to do is jump in and we’ll be pulled through this wormhole and back to our previous life?”


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Provo looks at Mom, then looks at the swirling water. The water is spinning at such a speed it is hypnotic; it wants to pull you in. I resist the urge, and step back.

Mara says, “Jump in and drown. That’s what it looks like. This whirlpool will pull you under so far no one will find you.”

Provo says, “I will sit on that rock.” He points to a rock on the beach a good distance away from the Way Back. When you are ready to jump, you just go off this rock ledge. Jump into the middle of the wormhole; the swirling water will take you down and you will come out the other side. Remember, it is a one-way trip. No one comes back.”

Atticus says, “I will join Provo.”I watch Provo walking away. He and mom

have spoken privately. It's obvious he wants Mom to stay but I have no idea which way she’s leaning. Mom remains on the rock face with the baby.

Provo and Atticus walk along the water’s edge to a large rock and sit side by side. Aiden and Mara leave the Way Back and sit on some rocks farther down from Provo and Atticus. Aiden and Mara are talking. Now that the moment is here, my decision doesn’t seem that easy.

I step down the large stone stairs and walk along the river to get away from everyone. The river gurgles between large boulders. I sit on a large smooth rock and lose myself in the


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moment. The flow of the water relaxes me and my mind clears. I am startled back to the here and now with a familiar voice.

Aiden says, “Demalynn.”I open my eyes and smile, “Emma.”“Emma?” Aiden says.“Emma. That’s my real name.” Aiden sits down beside me on the rock,

“Emma… It’s a strong name.”“I have a sister. Sophia is a year younger

than me. We run mountain trails around our home together on weekends; she must be worried sick. My dad is great. Dad is sick. He needs Mom’s liver or he won’t survive. Dad couldn’t wait for the delivery of that girl, now he may never see his new daughter.”

I take Aiden’s hand and look into his eyes. Even though I don’t say the words, he understands.

Aiden breaks the silence, “Saffire is all I know. I have Ki. You’re asking me to give that up. Each year I get younger, I don’t want to grow old back in your world.”

I now understand why I had so much trouble expressing myself to Aiden; I can’t ask him to come. I release his hand. Endings are always ragged.

Aiden turns away and looks into the river. “Let’s walk along the water. One last time,”

I say.Aiden extends his hand and I take it. We

walk hand in hand. The sun is hot and the


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water is calm. The pressure of Aiden’s hand in mine feels good. We no longer need words to communicate. I understand him and he is a part of me. That will be there for always. Happy endings are great, but in life choices are made and we deal with them. Aiden and I look at each other and we smile. I don’t see the beautiful boyish smile, the radiant blue eyes. I only see someone who wants everything for me; and someone I want everything for. We walk back to the group. Provo is sitting with my mother and it is clear things are not going well.

Aiden says, “I’ll head back to find Atticus. You go and make it right with your mother. And remember: Provo loves your mother.”

Aiden’s right of course. Provo is in love with Mom. Does she love him?

There is a hard set to Provo’s jaw, his lips quiver. There are more flecks of gray in his hair than I recall when I first saw him; that feels like a long time ago. Provo's a good man, I need to keep that in mind.

Jana says, “It’s nice of you to join us Demalynn. I’ve told Provo you’re my daughter. Don't worry, he won't tell Atticus.”

Provo says, “Jana must stay on Saffire with me.”Before I can say a word Mom comes to the rescue.

Jana says, “My pair back home is probably worried sick about Demalynn and I.”


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Provo says, “You have no memory of him.”Jana says, “I promised my life to that man.”Provo says, “After all we’ve been through?”Jana says, “I’m sorry, Provo. This is the way

it has to be.”Provo says, “Jana, I—”Jana says, “I need to talk to my daughter.” Provo stares at Jana and then walks away.

Mom has no tears in her eyes, no regret. The baby sleeps peacefully beside her. We’re going home and we will all be a family again. Mom needs time alone. I walk down the river and stand at the water’s edge. I’m surprised that Mom follows.

“Can I hold her?” I say.My sister has Dad’s lips. Full and red. I can

see Mom in the baby’s eyes.“So you’ve decided,” I say.Jana nods. I rock the baby. “Mom, I thought I had it all figured out. All

that’s happened. Freeing the miners, keeping one step ahead of Jago. In my mind it was all for this moment; to get back home. You, me and this baby. Now I don’t know.”

Jana says, “You are a woman now. It’s not as easy as being a girl. When you were a girl, people made your decisions; now you must decide. I know the one thing that drove you on through this whole crazy time was the idea of going home. Now that it is possible, it doesn’t seem so easy.”

“Decisions suck.” I say.


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Jana says, “What about Aiden?”Mom is back. This is the first real thing she’s

asked me. Mom knows Aiden and I are close but I’m not sure how much to open up to Mom just yet.

“My feelings for Aiden are solid. Our relationship… let’s just say… it’s not straight and narrow.”

Jana says, “Would he consider coming with us?”

“I would love for him to join us, but I don’t think it’s fair.”

Jana says, “Did he tell you that?”“No.” I say.Jana says, “He should speak for himself.”I say, “I think it’s time to end the

relationship before it even begins.”Jana says, “Then you did the right thing

Emma. In matters of the heart, if you’re not feeling it, let it go.”

I say, “You said that to me once before.”Jana says, “I did?”“It was back home. A different relationship,

his name was Josh. A different time.”I’m not sure what I’m feeling. I’m trying to

think about what Aiden has told me. It hits me: I haven’t listened to him. I listened to the words, but not what they mean.

Jana says, “Feelings are always confusing. Give him a chance. Let him tell you what he wants, not what you think he wants.”

I hug Mom, “I miss Sophia and Dad.”


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Jana hugs me, “I wish the pain would go away for you, but it won’t. Have you thought maybe we should stay on Saffire?”

What? You just said you’re coming with me.Jana says, “Maybe we were sent here for a

reason. Maybe this is where we need to be.”“I miss my life back home. I really do,” I say.

Mom pulls me close to her chest, "I know you do."

The baby is tight between us. A hard silence falls between Mom and I.

Jana says, “I don’t have the answers. But we are a family, you and me and this baby.”

“You’re willing to try the Way Back?” I say.Jana puts the baby back in the sack,

“Whatever we do, we stay together.”“Let’s do this,” I say.We walk to the Way Back. Aiden and Mara

join us and we climb the two huge steps to get on the rocky ledge.

Aiden, Jana, Mara and I walk a few steps to the edge. The water seems to make a louder hiss with every step closer. Mara takes a step back and watches the rest of us move to the water’s edge.Twenty-one feet from the edge. Twenty-one feet from home, but it is an awful long walk to cover those twenty-one feet. The water swirls so rapidly that the centre looks like a black hole. White droplets of water spit up from the centre of the whirlpool. I see our front porch, the big red door.


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Aiden, Jana and Mara are behind me. Atticus and Provo sit on a rock in the distance. Provo has his head down and is not looking at us; he is crying. Atticus is staring directly at me.

Provo was used. Atticus had Provo protect Mom from the moment Atticus realized she was the Gravidarum back in the mine. Atticus knew Provo would fall for Mom; he was counting on that to make sure Provo did everything to protect her. Now the woman Provo loves will leave him. Atticus doesn’t care who he uses. There’s only one thing with him: the objective. Use anyone and do anything to achieve your goal.

I turn to the group, “Let’s be sure we want to do this and we’re doing it for ourselves.”

I look at all the faces. Who is coming with me, if anyone? No one is sure, and this is a decision each of us needs to consider carefully.

I lead everyone off the ledge.


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We hike back to our base camp, the physical exertion takes my mind off everything. Every single one of us has something to think about and there is no conversation on the way home. Everyone crowds into one tent. Not sure why because we have set up two tents. After a few hours I’m left to listen to the rhythmic breathing of all the people stuffed in the tent. It’s been a long day. Mara has curled up in a small ball on one side of Aiden. I lie on the other side. His chest rises and falls and he has a smile on his face.

It is a few hours before daylight and a beautiful time to be outdoors on Saffire; I leave the tent. The temperature is cooler than the day but still warm. The water nearby gives an extra coolness to the air and a dampness


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that feels good on my skin. I use a flashlight and hike to the Way Back alone.

How many others have taken this path before? Provo might know, but he isn’t giving much up. He doesn’t have to decide anything; it doesn't matter to him. I am being unfair because Provo will miss Mom severely. Is Mom better off staying here? I get to the next ledge of rock and now I can see the whirlpool. The red sun will not rise for at least a couple hours and I just stare into the swirling water. I cross the twenty-one feet of rock to get to the edge and shine the flashlight into the middle of the whirlpool; the deafening roar reminds me of what lies below. Eventually the noise fades and I lose myself in thought.

Dad is the best man alive because he puts every one of the family before his own needs. When I was younger there were a few years when Mom and I would butt heads every day. I was in my own world. Dad was the peacemaker. He’d listen when I practiced drumming. Looking back I can’t imagine how he took that noise, but he always encouraged me. If I wanted to do it, then do it. Dad deserves to see the baby. And so does Sophia. My sister always gives the best advice. She’d just pop into my room and know what was going on with me. I’m empty without Sophia. She’s taking Dad to his doctors visits now. Some of the cool mist from


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the Way Back is on my lips; the water tastes bitter.

There is no choice, I must go back home. Mom and the baby must return to re-unite the family. Mom may take some time to re-adjust to home, but she will. Axel and Weig sacrificed their lives for me to get to this point. I have to go home. My journey on Saffire has come to an end. Miners are free. The Unum has already changed Saffire. Jago is gone. There will be unrest on Saffire but we’ve done our part.

When the sun comes up I will tell Aiden. This is his home so Aiden will stay. He is a warrior. A gentle, kind and beautiful warrior. To make him leave Saffire to grow old with me is selfish. I love Aiden. I love him with everything in me and as long as I live I will never love another. There is only one true love in a life, and that’s if you are lucky. Aiden is that love. He has been my rock, he’s been that shoulder to cry on, he’s believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. All the overused things people say about love, that’s Aiden. With Aiden they are all true. To repay that love, I must leave him behind.

I swallow hard and wipe tears from my eyes. I fantasize that he will jump in and follow me, but that would be wrong. He’ll hate me for doing it for the rest of his life, but I will use my Ki to stop him just before I jump;


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that’s the price I must pay. Saffire is his home. He will find love again.

In her own twisted, manipulative, way, Mara loves Aiden. Mara is selfish and petty but she risked her life to warn Aiden that the Centurions were coming to get him. At Concetar I would have been forced to take his life if she hadn't used her position in the royal box to spare his life. Maybe they’ll have a life together. I would never have been able to think this even a few months ago but I wish them both happiness. Together or separate. Aiden and Mara have earned the right to be happy. I killed Jago, the man Mara was to pair with, and Mara watched her best friend Ella go over the waterfalls. Mara was to be Ella’s maid of honor. There is a new quietness about Mara. I was surprised when she got up on the ledge with us; she’s worried Aiden will come with me. Mara's good with the baby and the baby doesn’t cry when she holds her. This whole experience has changed Mara for the better.

I stand, grab a pebble and throw it far into the river. The pebble skips along the water. The plop is the only sound I can hear over the whirlpool. Sophia will just love this story. I can’t wait. We’ll sit on the veranda and I’ll tell Sophia about this whole adventure. I can picture the look on her face, the laughter, the tears when I tell her everything. She’s going to flip out hearing about Aiden.


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In a few hours when morning comes I will jump into the whirlpool and take the Way Back. I walk down the two steps and sit on a large rock by the water.

I hear a rustle behind me and feel my Ki power up.

“No need to be scared, it’s me, Atticus.” Atticus is wearing a white three piece suit,

with a white shirt and a white tie.I say, “Did you bring that suit with you all

the way from home.”Atticus says, “As a matter of fact, I did.”“Just for this occasion?” Atticus says, “I knew I’d have this

opportunity, I wanted to be dressed for it.”“Opportunity for what?” Atticus says, “To help shape the greatest

decision the Helper will ever make.”He takes my hand and leads me to a rock

on the river’s edge. Atticus says, “The decision you make will

affect the lives of so many people. I’m sure you’ve considered those close to you, but don’t forget the lives of all the people of Saffire.”

Atticus takes a seat beside me on the rock. For a good long time we both just stare out onto the blackness of the river. There is a hint of light now and I put the flashlight in my pocket. His shoulder is warm next to mine.

Atticus looks straight ahead, “My first images of you are the most powerful and


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enduring. I remember looking into those eyes across from my restaurant and thinking, I’ve never witnessed someone clacking, this is bizarre. But I had the strong sense that this was special, not because I saw someone clack, but because of you. This woman is one of a kind. I don’t know why I had that feeling, but I did. Others felt it too.”

I look at Atticus, “Jana is my mother.” Atticus opens his mouth but is no words

come out. He stays silent for a long time.Atticus stares at me, “I never put that together. It seems so obvious when you say it. That makes your decision much more difficult,” he keeps staring at me, “I see why you didn’t tell me.”

I nod.Atticus says, “Does your mom want to go

back and take the Unum with her?”I say, “If Mom wants to go back and take

the baby, it’s her choice. I will let nothing stop her.”

Atticus laughs, “Demalynn, no need to threaten. I can’t stop you from doing whatever you want. Your Ki is off the charts.”

I immediately regret my words. I should not have threatened Atticus. He has done a great deal for me and Mom and without him my sister would not have been born.

Atticus says, “For a long time I had worked on a plan to keep your mother and the baby on Saffire. I had no idea you were related, but


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I somehow had the feeling that Jana might want to take the Way Back. Especially to spare her baby from being hunted by Zebulon,” Atticus looks at me smiling, “You’re right, I wanted Provo to fall for your Mom and I wanted her to fall for him. It would keep her here. But I didn’t know she was your mother.”

I embrace the honesty of his words. Atticus says, “Demalynn, you should stay.

Saffire needs you more than you’re needed anywhere else.”

Is he trying his best to manipulate me? Atticus says, “You’re right, I am a

manipulator.”“I never called you that.” Atticus says, “Not out loud but you’ve

thought it a thousand times.”Probably a thousand and one.Atticus says, “You’ve earned the right to do

whatever you think is proper. And you’re correct, I’ve calculated that there is nothing I can do to stop you so I’m trying to make you want to stay.”

Is this just more manipulation from Atticus? Is he out here in his crazy duds to get me to keep Mom and the baby on Saffire?

“Thanks,” I say. Atticus gets up and goes the edge of the

river, “Think of all lives equally. Think of the miners still underground. And think of your people, the children of Saffire. The citizens especially need the Unum, life doesn’t have to


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be so violent, the O-30s don’t need to live their entire lives underground. The Helper’s work is not yet complete. The Helper is not mentioned after the birth of the Octavo because your story is not yet written.”

Atticus makes his way towards the path back to the tents. He does not turn around.

I am alone again and stare at the water. Finally the red sun begins to rise. The light dances off the sand and the rocks. The water looks blue; the day has begun. I walk to the Way Back and stand directly on the edge. The white foam of the water pops and spits. My skin tingles. I wipe the wet hair off my forehead.

The Octavo was a silly collection of words to me for the longest time. Reading The Coming in the holding cell on my first night on Saffire, the words were like a bad fairytale. A story but nothing more. Now?

After The Coming, the Helper is not heard about again in the Octavo, everyone assumes that she died after the Unum was born. Is Atticus correct? Her chapter is not yet written, or is it because the Helper goes back home? There is no doubt my Ki is the strongest on Saffire. Mom would probably like to stay; she can’t remember the wonderful man who is her husband back home. If only Mom could remember, she would not hesitate in returning home. Dad needs a liver. Should I tell Mom about Dad’s liver failure and guilt her


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into going back? No, if she is to return home it must be because she wants to resume the life she left and bring the family together.

If I stay I will be with Aiden. I’m not surprised Atticus didn’t mention this fact. He’s too smart to be so obvious. I take a deep breath. What to do? I am sure I will go and the next instant I am positive I will stay. What would Sentius do?

Back to the whirlpool. The water swirls into a deep dark hole and I stare into the water expecting Sentius to appear. I’d love to see him. Sentius could then help guide my decision. Sentius is kind and wise and rises above everything. The image of him dressed in pure white walking back to the barn in the Shangoka will stay with me forever. Lightning all around him but there was never a chance he would be struck. It was at that moment I understood who he was.

Should I stay and fight for a better Saffire? Should I go home and re-unite my family? On our last night of training I was surprised that Sentius chose Axel and Weig for the final honor of combat. It made no sense when I was the star student. Somehow that white-haired young man knew Weig and Axel would be sacrificing their lives for me and he wanted to give them the honor. Can Sentius see the future? Speak Sentius. The bubbling of the whirlpool gives no answer.


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The sun has now risen and I look to the sky. I feel my father’s presence. ‘Demalynn make the decision, you know in your heart what’s right?’ My father and Sentius in many ways are the same.

I stand and say out loud to no one, “Sentius, you are not here. Are you telling me something by not being here?”

I wait for a reply but none comes. Just the water flowing and the day brightening.

Everyone is still sleeping, including Atticus, when I arrive at the tent. Why did it take me so long to see what is right in front of me?


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When I finally wake up, I go outside and shield my eyes from the bright red sun that is high in sky. I have butterflies in my stomach and remember Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I just have to click my heels together and say there’s no place like home and I’ll be magically transported back home. In my case it will be jumping into a whirlpool, but just the same, I’ll be home soon. Unfortunately, this was no dream.

Aiden comes up to me, “You really were tired.”

I take his hand.Aiden says, “I can’t wait to jump into the

Way Back with you.”I want to apologize for what I will do to

Aiden in a short time but I can’t.Mom walks up with the baby on her chest in

a sac.


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Jana says, “Today’s the day. We’re going home.”

I nod and play with the baby. I love hearing the baby babble. She is happy, the baby knows we’re going home.

Atticus has all the gear packed and is dressed in clothes for an Out town: loose fitting pants and a white short sleeved shirt. Atticus knows I have decided and today is travel day. Atticus will continue the good fight.

Atticus says, “Whichever world you end up in will be a better place for it.”

He kisses me on both cheeks and walks away.

Mara is dressed in clothes for the Out town. She stands with Jana and plays with the baby.Mara makes funny faces and the baby laughs. The decision has been made and there is no point in wasting any more time.

We hike to the Way Back and I walk to the rocks. I am followed by Aiden, and Mara. Mom brings up the rear with baby in a sling on her chest. Provo and Atticus take up the same position on the rock as they did yesterday.

I’m not sure why, but I remove my sandals when I get to the tall rock steps. I take the next step forward and the others follow. The red sun beats down on my face; it is warm and relaxing. We all look over the edge. There is no way to change course now. Mom is


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afraid, her eyes are open a little too wide. Is she afraid of how it will feel to jump into the water or is she afraid of what will come when she gets to the other side?

The water swirls and I put out my hand. Mom grabs it and cradles the baby’s head with the other hand. The baby’s eyes are wide open but she makes no sound, she is content in the sac. Aiden is on my other side and takes my hand. We all stare into the Way Back. All we can hear is the roaring of the whirlpool. Aiden takes one last look at Mara, who is standing a half step back. She gives him a smile and squeezes his hand.

How cold is the water? We all take a step forward. Mom and Aiden look at me. The next step will take us over the edge into the whirlpool. I smile at Aiden, I will soon blast him backwards with my Ki. I will send him onto the shore not far from Atticus and he will not be hurt, at least not physically. This is my biggest regret. I will deceive someone I love and hurt them. It’s not the greatest way to end a relationship. Endings are always ragged.

I am ready to jump. The swirling of the water is mesmerizing. I remember the first day I clacked, all I’ve gone through on Saffire. I remember Dad and Sophia.

“No,” I say and pull back.Jana says, “You’re sure?”


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I say, “Our life is here. Whatever life we had back home is gone.”

I hug Mom, then Aiden. I sit on the rocky step and burst into tears because I will never see Dad and Sophia again. Buddy will never sit on the edge of my bed, never slobber on my face; and I will never stroke her rich chocolate fur. The decision is right, but the decision stings. Mom sits beside me and cries. They all surround us.

Aiden says, “I can’t say I miss jumping into that thing.” He sits beside me and wipes the tears from my eyes.

I gaze at sky. Maybe there are more Shangokas in my future but for now the day looks bright.

Aiden says. “It would have been nice if you had told us before we nearly jumped. That whirlpool is scary.”

“I’m a comedian, remember. Timing, it’s everything.” I say.

Aiden snorts, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re the most unfunny comedian I’ve ever met.”

I have to agree with Aiden. I haven’t been that funny, but then again, I’ve had an unfunny time on Saffire.

Aiden stands and looks back to the rock ledge above the whirlpool, “Mara!”

Aiden and I run back to the edge. The whirlpool is swirling. Mara is nowhere to be seen. Atticus and Provo join us.


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Atticus says, “Did she take the Way Back?”I stare down into the water, “I didn’t see

her.”Jana says, “She was behind us. After that I

lost track of her.”Aiden stares into the Way Back, “Mara, I

hope you find comfort.”“Did she drown?” I say.Jana says, “Maybe she wandered off; no one

saw her jump.”I stare up and down the shoreline but

cannot see Mara. I stare into the roaring whirlpool.

Provo says, “Let us leave this place. The Way Back will never reveal its secrets.”

Aiden puts his arm around Provo and gives him a smile. We walk in silence. Atticus leads.

Jana says, “What was our family name back home?”

I say, “Jones.”“Ava W.A. Jones. That’s the baby’s name.”I recognize the two initials, “Two middle

names? Really?”Jana says, “Weig. Axel.”“Lucky she’ll have no little classmates.

They’d tease her about those middle names,” I say.

Jana says, “Ava would not be here today without them, I don’t want her to ever forget that.”

“We will never let Ava forget,” I say.


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Jana says, “Demalynn, we will be hunted forever?”

“I know. Zebulon will not rest,” I say.Jana says, “Catalina's memory will torture

him.”“We'll have to spend the rest of our lives

trying to protect Ava. But we can make a difference here. I believe we were put here for a reason,” I say.

Sentius walks out of the bushes, “You made the right choice Demalynn.”

No greeting. Sentius just joins the group like it’s the most natural thing in the world to come out of nowhere in the middle of nowhere. Atticus is as surprised as the rest of us to see Sentius. Same white hair and bright eyes. I try to hug him to death.

Sentius releases me, "Demalynn my child, you will now begin your next journey." He hands me the red glove.

It is the glove I wore when I defeated Aiden in Concetar. Sentius smiles.

Aiden laughs, “I think she’s pretty much done with Concetar.”

Sentius says, “The struggle, the real Concetar, is only beginning.”

I put the glove to my face, it feels soft. I put the glove on my right hand, it fits perfectly.