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The Chessboard is the World

The Manifesto of an Insider,

Whistleblower, Researcher, World

Traveler, and Observer of Humanity

June 23rd, 2012

“The chessboard is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of

the Universe, the rules of the game are what we call the laws of

Nature and the player on the other side is hidden from us.”

~ Thomas Huxley

At a young age, I knew only one man who showed me the kind of compassion that can

be categorized as father-like, and with that compassion this man taught me many things. I

would later understand why he felt such things were essential for me to know. One of my many

lessons would seem mundane to most, but within this lesson were layers of intellect, strategy,

knowledge, and understanding. The rules were actually quite simple, but how the individual

utilized those rules and incorporated them into their own psyche is where the layers would

come into fruition.

So, every day when I was able to spend time with this man, we would sit down at the

same table, lay out the old, well used board, and place the pieces in their appropriate positions.

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After a new tutorial in the Rules of Engagement, we would commence, yet again, our game of


Though my opponent was much older and more experienced than I was, I would

manage to win from time to time - which in itself held valuable lessons. Yet what never failed to

surprise me were the even more valuable lessons I learned every time I lost a game. Sometimes

it was due to a foolish mistake, or not forecasting my mentor’s next three moves on the board,

or even worse: a mistake I was led into by a very calculative opponent. With every game played,

no matter how I came out in the end, I learned a great deal. He would tell me "You must

remember this," or, "The most dangerous opponent is the one you underestimate," and

countless more still swimming in my mind. As a young boy I knew that what I was being taught

was important, but how it would impact me later on in life affected my life path far beyond

what I could have ever imagined.

Thomas Huxley was right with his comparative description of Chess concerning this Bio-

Matrix we are currently residing in. Every continent, every country, every government, military,

town, and Human Being, is a piece of the Chess set residing on the board in which we call Earth.

I say this because of the fact that we as a race have created such things as government,

borders, military, social classifications, and so much more that are merely phenomena of the

Universe. Is it all by chance, or design? That, of course, is a heavily debated question - one

which has been burning inside many pondering minds for eons. Rules, to most, are now

considered just 'guidelines'. The concern and outrageous, paranoid fear is about the 'laws' that

create drones out of living beings too frightened to consider free thinking: because that is

simply taboo today. If we are to truly understand who we are and how we are to function

correctly on this planet, then as Huxley stated, we must have an understanding of the laws of

nature which are simply nothing more than rules of common sense in every aspect of life. You

see, nature, as an entity, has laws that it abides by. For example, if a forest becomes overridden

with fallen trees and dead brush, a forest fire is the sensible way to control it, giving new life a

chance to sprout and grow. This is usually done by either a lightning strike, or the spontaneous

combustion of severely dried brush under the hot Sun. It is an absolute Law of Nature which

can be interpreted as a Rule of Common Sense. Another natural event to consider is when

tornados blaze their way through the countryside. What do you do if the floor in your home

gets dirty? Usually the rule is to vacuum up the mess. It is a cleansing, which, if not done, can

have adverse effects.

So, if you have a solid understanding of how the game of Chess works, you can clearly

see the parallels it has with the world we live in. Even beyond that, the concept, strategy,

psychological perspective, and ability to forecast the next move with confidence, is the key to

everything we do. Chess does not work unless at least one of the players understands not just

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these key factors, but also has an intimate understanding of the logic and necessity of one’s

own Free Will.

What a person learns from their experience with Chess is not only important, but it is -

in my opinion - a requirement to be able to tackle endeavors such as war, politics, betrayal,

conspiracy, government, Human nature . . . practically everything.

This all may seem rhetorical to you in some way or another, and others may see no

point to this, but I encourage you to read on, because the points that will be made in this are

not just the random thoughts of a John Doe, but the absolute truths everyone needs to


“The most useless are those who never change through the years.”

~ James Matthew Barrie

Is it Human nature to fear change? Yes, but it was not always like that. In fact, it was not

that long ago in our history that people faced change with excitement. They embraced the

challenge with courage, knowing risks were involved. The early pioneers of America risked

losing everything - including their own lives - but knew that the change also could lead them to

riches and a new life of fulfillment. The first to navigate the vast oceans with nothing but the

stars and the Sun as their guide leaped into the unknown with all of their heart and soul. It was

never certain what their outcome would be, but the change was embraced. In fact, those who

faced the unknown - that which would most certainly change their entire lives - were viewed as

brave heroes, even if they perished during their quest. It was the very essence of inspiration for

countless numbers of Humans across the globe throughout the ages. It has shaped our species

into what we once were but are no longer. It was the pinnacle choice that led to new

discoveries, evolved trading networks, shared customs, and many others. Change means much

more than to just stray from the normalcy of everyday life. Change is evolution. That is, if that

change is done with nothing but the best intentions.

In today’s society, the entire concept of change has been twisted, misconstrued,

manipulated, engineered, tainted, and tattered beyond most Human’s recognition. Change is

ridiculed and considered on the far side of taboo. Well, only being exempted if the person who

has made a 'change' is some Hollywood puppet who creates just another symbolic, illuminated

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pop culture idol for the hive to gather and worship their synthetically created music, body, and

soul. THAT is the change that is now recognized as acceptable. Anyone who even considers

straying off of the fenced in super highway of controlled culture is ostracized in an almost

ritualistic manner. The hive gathers in droves to their portal: cybernetic outlets into the

superficial world of cyberspace, to immediately throw their stones at the ones who attempt to

defy the collective. This can be done so easily because once a Human - or, should I say, Sub-

Human - has locked themselves into their hypnotic cyberspace trance, they suddenly become

invincible in their own prison-mind. This allows them on any terms to defame, taunt, slander,

and conjure up the most outlandish lies which can be released upon those who dare them. Is

this the new form of bravery, or an engineered form of control?

Nothing ever changes if nothing changes. This is why the quote by Mr. James Matthew

Barrie is so poignant. The most useless are those who never change. This world is now infested

with that uselessness - those who once could be called Humans: but that is now a classification

worthy of only a few. Welcome to the new species of Humans which are from now on to be

classified as Sub-Humans. More on that as we continue.

So, how does this apply to the game of Chess? In the game, if a player has a regiment

he/she has developed, and knows it is a safe and almost certain strategy that will make them

victorious over their opponent, then they are, themselves, not a worthy opponent. They have

found their niche, and after having a small taste of victory they become captured in their own

fear, which wraps around their psyche like a python strangling its prey. The brain is squeezed

tight into a fearful suffocation, which, after a while, becomes comfortable for them. Sure, they

may have one stagnant winning strategy which may work for a while, but what happens when

they meet an opponent who is exactly like them with an almost, if not exact, same strategy? It

becomes a boring, stagnant, unproductive game, where each opponent spends hours just

shuffling around the pawns and knights. Nothing exciting happens, and nothing changes.

However, if this player - who has become lost in translation of the true meaning of the game -

meets an opponent who is nothing like them, something else occurs.

The player sits down before the board and lays his pieces onto it in the same manner

he/she always does. Their opponent lays their pieces in the ready position as well. The

mundane, stagnant player goes by the numbers of his/her same old method - but this time

something happens which causes an effect that can be compared to anaphylactic shock. The

opponent who has many strategies, and is not afraid to change them the entire duration of the

game, is confident and fearless. The Sub-Human opponent will then begin to have a common

reaction of the hive: they will begin to sweat and become irritated, they will show anger, and

even go so far as to speak profanities to their calm opponent. When the word, "Check," is

spoken by the calm multi-strategist opponent, the Sub-Human will then fall into the fear that

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controls their false ego. Their hands will shake, and their lips will become dry as they have a

mental short circuit because "This is NOT how everyone else plays!" Then the two most feared

words in Chess are calmly spoken by the opponent, "Check Mate." It is at this point that the

tears of anger and confusion begin to well up in the dead eyes of the Sub-Human. They either

stomp away like a spoiled child denied a second scoop of ice cream, or they flip the entire game

board in a rage, compared only to the temper tantrum of a self-entitled adolescent not getting

the right color they demanded on their Sweet 16 birthday car. Disgusting isn’t it?

On the rare occasion, that same lethargic opponent has something occur within them. It

is as if a switch deep in their subconscious is unlocked and turned on. They realize that the way

their opponent has played the game has some risk to it, but in the end, it gives that person a

true feeling of genuine excitement. The Sub-Human then looks deep within, and only sees the

dark shadows of what once was, or, what could be. They begin to hunger for it, and once they

get a taste of not fearing change they become hooked. It is a positive drug which has no bad

side-effects. It can then be found in abundance, and shared. However, the unfortunate truth is

that most Sub-Humans are so far rooted into the cyber-matrix of this freak show that they will

never allow themselves the opportunity to taste the elixir of change in its purest form.

“Your intelligence is measured by those around you; if you spend your

days with idiots you seal your own fate.” ~ Unknown

When a Human is considered not as intelligent as another, it is usually due to the

environment that the person has grown up in. Intelligence can easily be passed down to the

younger Humans if the understanding of the importance to do so is prevalent. Sure, there are

situations where one person just may not succeed in increasing their own intelligence, and it

could be a scenario where it is not of their own control or doing, which is always unfortunate. In

a well-structured society of free thinking intelligent Humans, this kind of problem is

immediately addressed so as to ensure that every individual has the opportunity to better

themselves if they choose to, without the use of force. This can be done by providing the

proper tools, encouragement, and most importantly, positive feedback and constructive

criticism. If the individual chooses not to take that path then it is by their own will and not the

socially engineered will of the hive society that is occupied by the new species of Sub-Human.

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Free Will versus Socially Engineered Control: take your pick. Is it better to stray from the mind

controlled acceptance of willful ignorance, or is it better to go against the grain of status quo?

“The wise understand by themselves; fools follow the reports of others.”

~ Tibetan Proverb

For a person to honestly say they are free they must be a Human Being, and not a slave.

The Tibetan Proverb above speaks volumes, just as the quote before that does, as well. If you

are to be truly free of the binds of the hive you must follow certain requirements. Those

requirements are to understand and utilize your own Free Will, which will lead to many other

requirements such as expanding your intellect, challenging yourself constantly, never fearing

the unknown, facing opposition confidently, and never settling for the ideology of the

mainstream matrix.

Humans will always stand out in a crowd, whether there is one, or one hundred in that

crowd of thousands. There exists a connectivity and understanding, which pulses an energy that

is sensed by those Humans. It gives us genuine comfort to know that there are others out there

who stand on their own two feet, and understand the importance of Free Will and

individualized creativity. Theses Humans know that once they have spotted each other in the

sea of willful ignorance, they can gather to share new ideas, thoughts, and knowledge, without

fear of being alienated because they are 'different'.

The rest of the crowd, however, is saturated with the unintelligent, willfully ignorant,

blind patriots of the Sub-Human race, who are just happy being 'comfortable' in their little

bubble where they don’t have to face change; because those who control them will continue to

provide these Lemmings with their Bread and Circus. As these Sub-Humans form into their

categorized and designated hives, they become almost frenzied like a school of Sharks feeding

on Tuna. They begin an internal competition amongst each other to see who will reign as the

dumbest, and the coolest, and the most 'attractive' of all the creatures. This is similar to the

Butterfly Effect in which it is theorized that a Butterfly will flap its wings off the coast of

Argentina, and the shift in air will eventually cause the ripple effect to produce a Hurricane in

the Gulf of Mexico. How this effect works in the hive of Sub-Humans is that one member of the

hive will either be chosen, or use what little mind they have, to devise a plan to be the next

focus of attention. This can be done in endless ways which do not matter. What matters is the

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final product of the stupidity. If decided by the controllers, or hive mind, then this will be

granted as the next trend or as they may refer to it, "The new Fad." So, as the Tibetan Proverb

explains, this is when the fools follow. We see this every day with social media, reality

television, mainstream media, pop culture, fashion, the pornographic industry, and everything

else that comes out of the mental mind manipulation factory known as Hollywood. A trend or

Fad is determined and suddenly the Hive, or a sub-category of the hive, adopts that as their

own, and protects/promotes it with blind fury. We even observe individuals in the hive

engineer a persona of their own, in order to level themselves to fit into the new trend - even if

this means they have to put on a persona, and act more stupid then they actually are. This

causes others within the hive to adopt the same, or similar, persona, since none shall dare to

defy flowing with the matrix prison. So the fools follow the reports of others, and this becomes

a never ending cycle. If you have ever had a firsthand experience, or watched a video, of the

new American Hive tradition of Black Friday, you know that the hive thrives when massed

together - and it is a troublesome thought that they feed off of the entire hive’s stupidity.

“Here is true immorality: ignorance and stupidity; the devil is nothing but

this. His name is Legion.” ~ Gustave Flaubert

Ignorance and stupidity in itself is not evil, but the designed control that breeds and

engineers it is evil. Where the Sub-Humans are at fault is that they have discovered a mental

and sexual taste for dark things; which is ignorant and stupid in itself. They themselves have

allowed their lives to become willing collateral damage to the infection of evil. The Legion is the

hive of Sub-Humans.

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“The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for

understanding, because to understand is to be free.” ~ Baruch Spinoza

Sub-Humans are not free, despite what they may tell you. They defend this blindly - no

matter the lack of reasonable proof that they can't provide of their own freedom. They have no

real understanding of what it means to be free. They cannot comprehend the idea of Free Will

and intellectual freedom. They accept what has been told to them: that the freedom of mind,

body, and spirit, is a slippery slope that will only lead them into oblivion. It is complete

nonsense, and the Humans know this - which is why they understand the importance of

embracing their individuality, and understanding how the world is supposed to work: and what

it really means to be free. Imagine if the game of Chess was reconstructed, so you only had

three rules to utilize for your strategy? It would be a mindless, pointless, and boring game. That

is what modern day society has become: mindless, pointless, and boring. It does not have to be

that way, and many Humans are living free because they understand.

Panem et Circenses

(Bread and Circus)

The game of Chess requires patience, intellect, free thinking, and the willingness to take

risks. These days, what board games do still exist, only require the most basic reading level, the

ability to roll dice, and to count. Even these games have now been considered, for the most

part, archaic, and it is preferred to sit in front of a large monitor playing video games that

promote violence and sexual deviance. Little or no thought is ever required, because the hive

would rather have instant gratification than to work hard for the feeling of the earned reward

of victory. This methodology works the same for most television game shows, as well as

professional sporting events, which are the controller’s modern day version of Bread and

Circus. There is a reason the mainstream media gives its followers a News Feed. It does so to

feed the hive with more lies, propaganda, and deception, like the slop fed to Pigs before being

marched into the slaughterhouse. The concept of Bread and Circus was developed during the

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Roman Empire, and focused around the Gladiators ripping each other apart in the center of the

Colossuem. Other times, it may have been slaves forced to fight Lions or other animals who

were given the taste of Human blood. The controllers of Rome knew that as long as the hive

had their bread to eat and circus to watch then they could rule however they saw fit. Appease

the masses and you control everything. We see this so much now in modern times with the

Sub-Humans that it is almost overwhelming for the few Humans still alive and trying to survive.

Most Humans these days have turned off their televisions and have rejected the toxic force of

the engineered society, but have had to do so with a lot of sacrifice. To avoid the Bread and

Circus they have had to move away from the hive networks or live in seclusion within high-rise

complexes. Is that to be considered fair for the Humans? To have to make many sacrifices to

live free in a world that should be eternally free is not fair, but it now has become a necessity.

In fact, the toxicity of the Sub-Human hive has become so rancid that it has even claimed

victims of the Humans. It is an inter-species war where few are left to be guarded against the

many. But they do not care because as long as the bread is abundant, and the circus becomes

more over the top, they are content with their hive life. But in the past 20 years, a new form of

Bread and Circus has been slowly developing, and in the past 5 years has taken to new levels of

distraction. It has become the top venue for a very specific - and dangerous - category of the

Sub-Humans, and one which is tearing further into the desire of truth and freedom the Humans

are fighting so hard for.

“The less reasonable a cult is, the more men seek to establish it by force.”

~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau

There is a movement that has been steadily growing throughout the world, and as any

movement, it has grown so large that within its constructs it has been divided into factions.

With an ever growing uncivil war within, these divided groups blindly defend their preachers

and paupers without keeping a multidirectional outlook on other possibilities and theories. The

overall label for this movement has become known as the Truth Movement. It is as general as

the term of government. As a government has a multitude of agencies, administrations, and

branches of the armed forces, so, too, does the unorganized infrastructure of the Truth

Movement. The basic break down of these separatist divisions are as follows; 9/11 Truthers,

New Agers, Conspiracy Theorists, Libertarians, Freedom Fighters, and what I refer to as the

'Love and Lighters', but the list is ever growing of self-declared righteous groups who claim that

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they hold the key to the way of truth. Of course, these groups that have clearly shown division,

can be broken down even further into sub-groups, within. However, because the specific names

of these networks and key individuals who cart around their agenda and supposed righteous

fight for full disclosure, are not the essential message in this analysis, I have decided to

maintain their anonymity. Those who read this can make a reasonable guess as to some that

will be referred to without names.

As with many great ideas that begin at the grassroots level of free thinking, the

opportunities for these ideas and theories to be infiltrated and compromised - as well as

twisted for nefarious agendas - are rampant. Most times, this is more clearly visible than

accepted by those who have been fooled. Once the internet came into fruition, a whole new

playing field opened its flood gates to allow the crowds of opportunists to seek fame, fortune,

and followings. It did not matter if these individuals and organizations had evidence to back up

their claims; whether the claims were true, or not , they needed consistency - and in order to

maintain that, only one technique would be a viable strategy: allowing witness testimonial

without disclosing said witness’s evidence. That, in itself, is a luring tactic, which gives just

enough to feed the followers - but not too much, as it may cause them to wonder off to the

next feed sack of diversion, and flaunt. Others who jump on the bandwagon, do so to transform

a genuine idea or theory into a money growing tree. They are no better than the sweaty

preacher jumping and yelling on their elaborate stage, spewing the supposed holy words of the

bible, so as to suck as much 'God money' out of their Flock. It is a scheme that works - and

works well - so it only makes sense to transform it into a platform of income in the next great

movement of salvation and enlightenment.

These tactics will slowly evolve into a further venture of increasing the fame, fortune,

and Flock of these organizations and individuals. Perhaps in the beginning, and for several

years, they will create a grandiose website with star studded events, and impressive videos of

exclusive interviews and documentaries. It will lure in the Flocks in countless numbers.

Legitimate researchers, witnesses and whistleblowers will be brought to the venue to speak

and present. All will be in its glory, and shine bright like the legendary Camelot of King Arthur

and his Knights of the Roundtable. But even King Arthur’s Camelot did not last forever, and was

riddled with deception and betrayal. What we then witness are the frogs beginning to boil in

that pot of water. Once the Flock and its notoriety has been established, and the Flock has been

well kept with Bread and Circus, the next step is taken. That step is, of course, financial, and is

defended with claiming that to continue to maintain this level of greatness, the Flock must pay

homage with donations, and the purchase of product. By this time it is too late because the

Flock is sucked into the vortex. Without their food they will starve - and to pay for it seems

almost reasonable. This, of course, does not pertain to those individuals and organizations that

have produced genuine work and research. Things like that do require money to continue the

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outstanding work of those who are the Humans within the Truth Movement, and not the Sub-

Human leaders who have been positioned to feed their designated Flocks. In the tangible world

we reside in currently, it is quite difficult to survive without maintaining a flow of capital, and

until that element changes, people must survive. This is, however, by no means a justifiable

reason to deceive others with malevolent motives, in order to take their hard earned money.

Other individuals and organizations take a slightly different approach to give a more

serious and official persona. They will take the next step to present documented factual

evidence, and produce stunning documentaries. What you will witness, or perhaps already

have, within this faction is that if new or slightly different evidence is introduced by an outsider

which causes any kind of ripple in the already accepted and enforced theory, the Flock will rip

off their Sheep’s clothing to expose their Wolve's teeth. The attack ensues in an unforgiving

manner with harassment, slander, and bullying being spat out rapidly through their cyber-

matrix control network they rarely stray from: the computer. Would the supposedly credible

leaders of these platforms be honorable, and defend those who challenge them, or simply offer

their own insight? More often than not that answer is no. Why? If you do not know the answer

then you have more to seek out about what really goes on behind the scenes of the upper tier

within these factions. I should know, because I have been intimately involved in the discussions

that take place behind the closed doors of every one of these factions. But this is not about

dropping names, because that would be counter-productive to the purpose of this manifest.

Yes, I could have shaken the foundations of several well-known organizations and individuals

with absolute hard evidence - yet I did not. Why? The answer is simple. Imagine if a police

officer who has had an illustrious 25 year career - who has been honorable and untarnished -

suddenly gets caught in a scandal. That police officer, who so many looked up to, has been

caught, red handed, planting drugs on a citizen and arresting that person under trumped up

charges. When the officer is subpoenaed to court for his testimonial defense, it is discovered

that the officer had been deceitful on several accounts. This means that every single arrest in

his/her career is now under massive public scrutiny and must be reviewed. So if I had gone

forward to expose these factions and individuals, then all the Men and Women who are

genuine with their accounts and research could fall to the prey of those waiting with claws

extended. That is a counter-productive tactic that need not be considered, especially for those

who have friends and colleagues who are some of those that are genuine, and have been

featured by such organizations. Could I, or others, still commence such an attack? Yes, but that

is a poor strategy in a world where this game is played, and not conducive to what really

matters. I choose my own values and honor over jumping into the feeding pit of the Sub-


There are a much larger number of Humans actively involved in the Truth Movement,

than in mainstream society, which is a comfort to know, but in the overall numbers, those

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Humans are still greatly outweighed. The Sub-Human factions have now manifested their own

Cults, and designated Cult leaders and chaotic rules of engagement that they utilize when a real

free thinker challenges their holy grail of illusion. It’s a shame really that things are the way

they are in this Truth Movement, because it creates an unnecessary challenge for the Humans

who are trying to remove the blindfolds on the Cultist Sub-Humans. Make no mistake, and even

if you immediately disagree, I promise you, that once you make a sound decision to really

explore the depths of in-fighting, and blind following that occurs in the Truth Movement, you

will understand that the Truth Movement has within it the Cults of the Flocks. A Cult is nothing

more than a group of people who blindly - and in a delusional militant fashion - follow a leader,

or group of leaders, who spout out their message of hope and ascension into the next realm.

How often do you see this within the Truth Movement? More often than most may wish to

admit, I am sure. The transformation of ideas and theories that had benevolent intentions, are

quickly transformed into an ideology which forms the Flock into a Cult.

If one is to approach the theories, speculations, and facts spread throughout the Truth

Movement - and steer clear of the Cults - then they must approach it in a similar manner as

Chess. Chess is a tangible strategy game that you can see and touch. You know where the

pieces are, and how big the board is. What you are uncertain of, is what your player is thinking,

and which move they may make next. So, you approach the game, and your opponent, in an

intelligent manner. You may not be able to read their mind, but by keen observation and

understanding basic Human behavior, you can read their body language in order to make a

better determination of what possible moves they may make next. You can look at the board

and consider the next possible five moves you might make, and those that your opponent may

be considering. The theories, conspiracies, speculations, and even presented facts, all need to

be approached in the same manner as you would in playing Chess: decipher, strategize,

consider, observe. And most importantly, think for yourself. This is an important element in all

aspects of life that separate the Humans from the Sub-Humans.

“When you're born, you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in

America, you get a front row seat.” ~ George Carlin

There is a very special faction within the Truth Movement I have not yet mentioned that

is especially rancid in its practices. That faction attracts the most sinister and despicable Sub-

Humans who gather and run amuck in their Dante’s Inferno of chaos. This faction is known

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simply as the Freak Show, which I will now explain. The same concept of Bread and Circus

applies, but on a darker level of disgust. The Freak Shows are never on a large scale - at least

not as of yet. No, the Freak Shows are low budget, and lower in standards for requirements of

admittance. All that is required is a total lack of reality, no sense of honor, and a complete

pledge of allegiance to the Master of Ceremonies of the Freak Show, who most often enforces

the practice of the Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath, Greed, Pride, Sloth, Lust, Envy, and Gluttony.

Though it is not always expressed by the MC, the sins are always kept in a back pocket, to be

utilized when the opportunity arises. If you want to go to a place where the most disgusting,

ridiculous, and unrealistic - as well as manipulated - claims are made, then the Freak Show is

where to go. The one element that separates this small faction from the rest, is that in other

factions it will be stated that some ideas are indeed theory and speculation. The Freak Show

has no theory or speculation: because the unwritten rule is that everything is fact, and if you

deny it, you will be excommunicated from this church of fools.

I have never been a member of any of these back alley shows, but I have witnessed

them first hand - and it is a sight which will leave you feeling dirty down to the bone. Nothing

describes the word 'vile' more definitively than this debacle of shows. The MC is always a

sociopath with psychotic tendencies, who will stop at nothing to continue growing their fame,

followers, and attempt at fortune; a fortune which is hard to gain, since admission is free and

the price of food is only your dignity and undivided loyalty to the MC. This self-declared Master

of Ceremonies will do anything to gain acknowledgement - even if it means unleashing an

unjustified personal vendetta against someone who has turned their back on them. They will

spread defamation on all the vile social networks that reside in the cyber-matrix. They will

conjure up false documentation and emails so as to make themselves polished, and their

opponent tarnished, in appearance. They will go after their families, and even turn some

against them. They will lastly go after your loved ones, such as your Wife, or Husband, or

children. They will stop at nothing to draw you out and place you center stage for their own

psychotic amusement, and the amusement of their Flock of degenerates and outcasts. The MC,

who is their own King in the rundown back alley tent they call home, will do whatever it takes

to suck the life force out of whomever they choose, in a vampiric fashion, to compensate for

their severe short comings. However, these tactics are severely flawed, and here is why:

The MC of the Freak Show is so severely blinded by their own toxic ego that they

become impaired in every way. Because of this, their Flock can only see what their psychotic

minds allow them to see, and in most cases, the visions that flash before them are conjured up

by their own design, or the design of other Freak Shows. If they are able, for a moment, to

penetrate their prison bubble and view the platforms of other factions of the Truth Movement,

theirs become twisted and mangled to the point of being unrecognizable. So, as a solution, the

MC fabricates it into their own customized fantasy so as to supply their foolish cult with further

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rancid food. Sit one of these MCs in front of a Chess board, and they may be able to play, but

seeing beyond the scope of their own manufactured reality - for the purpose of approaching

the game with sound logic - is almost unobtainable. So, for someone like me - a Human - it is

counter-productive to attempt to play Chess with such a person, because all you will deal with

is unrelenting aggravation. Sometimes the best approach to handling an MC of one of these

Freak Shows, is no approach at all. I have been dealing with this recently - with one of these

mentally unstable MCs - and as I would choose a worthy opponent in Chess, I have made the

sensible choice not to engage. Yes, that person will become more irate and spiteful because the

attention they require is not being fulfilled - and that will cause this person to attempt more

sinister approaches to draw me out - but in the end, it will be to their own ruin. Freak Shows

within the Truth Movement have always been fast, furious, and short lived. The members of

the cult will grow tired, as they have very short attention spans, and they will move on to the

next vile tent, looking for a new leader, and prey. The MC then falls into what is their own

demise: to forever rot in the unknown of what could have been. Check Mate.

“He has honor if he holds himself to an ideal of conduct though it is

inconvenient, unprofitable, or dangerous to do so.” ~ Walter Lippmann

I do not wish for those who read this to think that all my thoughts about the Truth

Movement are negative, because they certainly are not. There is honor among some Men and

Women actively involved in the movement, whether they are a researcher, whistleblower,

witness, or simply a fellow Human seeking further knowledge of the truth. These Humans, I

have the highest respect for, and consider them members of the fight for true freedom. The

unfortunate reality is that the Humans within the movement are outnumbered greatly by the

infectious Sub-Humans who have taken over most factions. Occasionally a Human strays off the

righteous path and is lured into the deception of one or more factions. It is not because they

are foolish: we all have our challenges. It is when they become aware of the deception - but

willfully stay surrounded by the bile - that is the very moment they begin their decent into the

world of Sub-Humanism. With so few Humans walking the planet now, we simply cannot afford

to lose even one Human to the hive, so it is our duty towards our fellow Men and Women to try

and support each other without controlling one’s Free Will. I applaud all those who work

tirelessly to deliver the truth, and those who never rest to receive that said truth. I applaud

those who do not just depend on one source of knowledge, but consider all sources and

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possibilities so as to logically decipher what they feel are helpful, in their never resting quest for

knowledge. I applaud those who challenge information, even if in the end they are wrong,

because without challenge, nothing can evolve into a higher state of intellect. Just as a devoted

and passionate Chess player will constantly evolve their strategies to become more victorious,

so, too, will the Human seeking a higher level of intellect in the search for the truth. In the end

they will be victorious. Even if they are misdirected a thousand times, but never surrender, in

that one moment they stand tall and have become victorious against all odds, enriching their

mind, body, and soul. This is yet another key element that separates the Humans from the Sub-

Humans. Never settle, never give up, and never, ever, submit to the hive. That is freedom.

“Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only

individuals.” ~ Oscar Wilde

In the matrix that has become the world of today, most reside within a subservient

trans-humanistic society filled with degenerate behavior and no morality. Only in remote areas

across the globe can communities be found that have endured the passing times, and

maintained their stronghold of values and wonderful traditions. Most of these communities are

native indigenous people who have remained in seclusion from the techno-maniacal society

that quickly closes in on them. These kinds of communities are on the endangered list, and the

number one location where they are at most risk of extinction is in the now Former United

States of America which has now transformed into the Un-united Police States of America. The

society of today is a lethargic slime, oozing its way through the fog of a false reality most just

happily accept, and go with the flow. It is as if one super brain of control has been divided into

the many, so as to maneuver all in unison. It is quite easy to locate the true free thinking

individuals out of the perpetuating sea of numbness. They seem to shine as if they are the only

buoy lit at sea, so as to allow the other navigators to find safe passage. Two worlds do exist on

Earth, and have for quite some time now. The world of the Sub-Humans who pledge allegiance

to their malevolent masters, and do everything the government and media tells them to do, all

the while, are being poisoned slowly from every single direction. Then there is the shrinking

world of the Humans who know and understand what is unhealthy, and where the lies come

from. They do not eat Genetically Modified Organisms and stay clear of the municipal drinking

water. They refuse to be injected with the biological weapons known as vaccines. They will not

plug into the virtual reality world of television, and they honor and uphold their code of honor,

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and values. The Humans who stand tall as the last hope for saving all that is good on Earth are

the individuals who live in the only world that is real. Tonight, I heard a great line, and would

like to quote it in relation to how I feel about most Sub-Humans while observing their behavior:

"It is the feces that is produced when shame eats stupidity." Thank you Dale Gribble.

Descriptive, yes, but so damn well said, and needs no further explanation. By now, some who

are still reading this are probably disgusted by my opinions of the ones I refer to as Sub-

Humans, and they have the right to their opinions. I have spent countless hours observing these

drones in real life situations. I have been to hundreds of cities, both large and small, and been

in every kind of situation which allowed me to view them as if I was Dian Fossey observing

Gorillas for the first time in the misty jungles; with the exception that, I have no doubt the great

pioneer, Dian, (Rest in Peace) was overjoyed and fascinated when coming face to face with a

family of the Mountain Gorillas. I, on the other hand felt as if I was looking through a

microscope at flesh eating bacteria running rampant upon a micro sample of rotten tissue. I had

no vested interest in these creatures, but was merely curious by their behavior, so I just quietly

observed. My findings and observations can only be classified in my way of thinking as Non-

human. But being a person myself who had a serious lack of emotion, and not a good grasp of

emotions, I needed to conduct further observations of both good and bad behavior. I can now

say, with the utmost confidence, that after 6 plus years of this study there is no doubt my

conclusion is accurate and valid. As time quickly moves into the future, two things I feel are

inevitable: Sub-Humans of this false society will self-destruct, and Humans of unwavering

individuality will rebuild. The question is, what chain of unfortunate events will take place

before, and during, this sea change? Only time will tell.

"Maybe we're about to radically change the operating system of the

human condition. If so, then this would be a really good time to make

backups of our civilization." ~ Bruce Sterling

Bruce Sterling hit the nail on the head with that statement. The operating system of the

human condition he speaks of is the dangerous agenda of Transhumanism. I have studied this

ever growing movement extensively, and know enough about every branch of it to say that it is

a danger to the entire planet. Let me explain what this is to make sure you have a firm

understanding of Transhumanism. I will not go into extensive detail on this invasive movement,

because I would end up writing an entire book just about that.

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Transhumanism, which is also abbreviated as H+, insinuating an improvement of the

Human genome, can be described as, 'an international, intellectual, and cultural movement that

affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally transforming the human condition, by

developing, and making widely available, technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly

enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.' Now, to decipher that, we

have to cover the four main branches of this global pandemic. Transhumanism consists of

Virtual Reality, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence. These, I would

encourage you to research yourself. It gets more complicated, which is by design, as always,

because the architects of control do not wish to have their Flock become suspicious. These four

main branches of H+ can then be broken down again into the following; Artificial General

Intelligence, Mind Uploading, Mega Scale Engineering, Molecular Manufacturing, Autonomous

Self-Replicating Robots, Cybernetics, Space Colonization, Gene Therapy/RNA Interference,

Cryonics, and Smart Grid/Smart Growth. Do any of these leave an uncomfortable feeling in your

gut? Well, they should, because the dangers to our planet are much worse than most

understand, or can even comprehend.

Let us go back to Chess for a moment, because this is important. There have been

famous Chess players that decided to challenge an autonomous opponent - which was a super

computer system - programmed to calculate in mathematical terms every possible move that

can be played on the Chess board. It may seem like an interesting challenge, and I am sure it

was, but this is a slippery slope. The computer does not have a biological brain with

neurotransmitters lighting up with every thought pattern. The computer does not carry the

essential emotions required to play a masterful game. The computer is unable to read the body

language of its biological opponent. Well, at least for the time being, but with Transhumanism

on the cutting edge of interfacing Man with Machine, anything is possible. The machine is a

product of Human design and ingenuity, which can be documented since the beginning of

civilization. Machines have served the Human race greatly for thousands of years. That’s the

key, is it not? Is it Machines serving Man, rather than Man serving the Machine? If the

controllers have their way, the transformation of Machine into Man will be the new paradigm

shift. This is not a conspiracy, or a fantasy; it is a cold hard reality happening right now. Just

take a look around you, and you will know it as clear as day. The age of depending on gadgets is

here, and the Sub-Humans absolutely have embraced it like a long lost lover. If the chessboard

is the world, then the Sub-Humans are overjoyed to sit across the board from a robot. Face to

face interaction is a dying art of communication. With a digital platform in this cyber-matrix all

around us, the creatures feel more comfortable in their shallow skin, typing rapidly away at the

keyboard, and sending instant messages to others they have never met. The next time you go

out into public, conduct your own survey. See what the ratio is of people walking looking

towards the ground as opposed to those walking upright, facing forward, with their head held

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high. You may be troubled with what you discover. Cell phones, iPods, portable laptop

computers, and all the other handheld digital choke chains have literally altered the form of

these creatures known as Sub-Humans, just as Genetically Modified Organisms have done. Take

a good long look at them. Fat has formed in unusual patterns on their bodies. They have

become hunchbacked due to having their faces glued to their digital noose, and the

overwhelming promotion of laziness and instant gratification has caused them to even drag

their feet like they were born lame. This is yet another easy way to pick out the Humans who

walk among them.

A recent survey was done of 13 countries to see which has the highest number of hours

per person per week of time spent watching television. The Former United States and its

Transhumanistic sister, the United Kingdom, were tied at number one with 28 hours per person

per week. That comes out to four hours a day. Another study had the US at 8 hours per day. If

you ask me, one hour is too damn long. Television is a tentacle of Transhumanism which can be

categorized under Virtual Reality. Every 'reality' show on television is scripted. It is not reality as

they claim, but a virtual reality that has been engineered to create frenzy among the Sub-

Humans so they aspire and emulate these actors, which they praise as idols. What is the

purpose of television? It is simply Tele-Vision-Programming. You are told through your eyes,

which are a gateway into manipulating your mind, so that you become programmed further

into the matrix. It is nothing less than mind control.

Here I am going on and on about Transhumanism, which is not what I intended. Look,

this is simple, and I do encourage you to look into this disturbing agenda yourself, because the

knowledge we gain is a tool for our fight against the controllers and their mind controlled mob

of Sub-Humans. The Humans that are still left on Earth know the dangers of this disease, and

they know it is growing with fury by the day. It is a formidable adversary against what we strive

for, so we must restrain this back into our control. I have nothing against certain technology

being developed by the Transhumanists, because I understand that evolution is good and that if

WE control the technology it can be utilized in a benevolent manner for the sick, hungry, and

poor. I do not even hold blame to all of the engineers and scientists who are under the thumb

of the controllers, because they may have genuinely good intentions. It is the controllers who

we must look to as the ones to blame, because they see Transhumanism as the next great

experiment, a new age which creates an 'enlightened' generation of Techno-manipulated Bio-

electrical Sub-Humanoids. Are the controllers solely the ones to blame? I will discuss that later


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“All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with

another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change

you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are

looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration.

You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by

blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you

that is making you unhappy.” ~ Wayne Dyer

The Truth Embargo that was developed by the controllers has been active since the

Elitists have been in existence. For the past 60 plus years it has gone to new heights of secrecy

on all levels of technology, and especially in the Former United States. What we have seen

beginning about 30 years ago, and growing and shifting in every direction, is the Truth

Movement. The past five years, especially, have taken it to levels beyond the basic thought

process of critical thinking, or even agnostic thinking, in order to logically decipher what is

rubbish and what is gold - at least by the majority.

The controllers who have committed such heinous acts upon Humanity are

unspeakable, and the things of nightmares. The Bankers, Politicians, Royalty, Military Industrial

Complex, Multi-National Corporations, Secret Societies, etc., have been the focal point of this

chaotic mess we are spiraling in, which is sending everything into a black hole of hell. These

puppet masters have been producing the most convincing and elaborate puppets to entertain

and put at ease the Sub-Humans for so long that it is hard to see how this all began. The

puppets that have been created are those of every profession known to man, and they have

one task to accomplish: keep the masses occupied and continue the dumbing down, and slow

kill. So as a result we see poisoned drinking water, poisoned food, harmful vaccines,

electromagnetic pollution, mass media/television mind control, transhumanism, chemtrails,

pollution of every kind, and the list goes on. It is easy to focus on blaming the puppets because

they are closer to reach for most, but soon the masses grow tired and begin to develop the

closest to sympathy they can conjure up. So, the shift in blame is directed towards those that

we call the Elitists, or Globalists, or even Illuminati. This is, of course, a more justifiable stance

when it comes to holding the enemy accountable, except that this tactic has, for the most part,

run into a stalemate. It has become, to some extent, an unproductive quest by all in which the

ones within the Truth Movement yell, scream, and chant in circles that the New World Order

will fail. The motives behind targeting these controllers are valid and should be encouraged, but

again we face a problem most avoid like the plague; you see, the controllers do not give a shit

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about any of the ones who gather at their doorsteps with their bullhorns blaring and their signs

waving. They simply sit back in their custom designed chairs and order their knuckle dragging

foot soldiers to go provoke violence within the crowds, and march upon them like storms

troopers on a genocidal war path. The controllers then giggle at the notion that these little

creatures think they can stop them. So the fight wages on, with media labeling these Truth

Movement 'Conspiracy Nuts' as anarchists, and liberals, and domestic terrorists. Yet the

protestors continue to point and blame the controllers for all that has occurred. As a result, we

see the infiltration of agent provocateurs, COINTEL operatives, media manipulations, and the

ever growing police state flooded over us because most Sub-Humans - the ones who are the

vaccinated zombies - are more content to have their TV dinners, reality shows, and dreamless

lives, rather than defy their mighty lords. The Truth Movement Sub-Humans, in almost a

ravenous state of chaos, will not only focus all of their attention towards the controllers, but

will manifest conspiracies in every category in order to get their position in the hierarchy a little

bit higher for some sort of notoriety in the resistance. It could be purposeful disinformation or

the regurgitated non-sense that has been customized so as to gain some sort of attention.

Either way, it all goes back to the blaming of these old elitist bastards who need to be

eradicated immediately for the good of all life.

I am going to be so bold as to say that we have reached a point in this war against the

ruling class where the blame must be shifted yet again. Not because the controllers are not at

fault, but because this is a matter of responsibility, integrity, ownership of the problem, and

taking matters into the hands of the victims. There are roughly 6.8 billion people on this planet

now. Out of that enormous number, less than half of one percent is running the show. Sure the

percentage is larger when you total up the minions who do their bidding, but let us just look at

the Elite. That is a nothing of a number in the greater scheme of things. How does such a tiny

group of people keep so many under wraps? Well, if you don’t know that by now, then you are

in trouble. Revolutions have a definite purpose and they can only be accomplished in one way.

The time of the passive protesting and complaining is, or I should say, must end. In order to

shift the plan of defeating these vile creatures, we can no longer put all the blame on them. The

blame is, and should always have been, focused upon the lame zombie-like creatures known as

the Sub-Humans - both within, and outside the Truth Movement - because we ALL, including

the aid of the awoken Humans, outnumber them and their armies.

If we want to hold a group accountable then we must turn the fingers to ourselves. The

people are to blame, because they continue to willfully pay the unlawful taxes. They continue

to eat and drink toxic waste. They continue to vote for bought and paid for politicians, over and

over again. They think there is a difference between Democrats and Republicans. They actually

believe that if a candidate promises hope and change, that he will deliver on that. They

consider the illegal military occupations and wars in just about every country in the Middle East,

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as well as our 900 plus bases worldwide, as somehow keeping us safe. They tune in to their

lords and masters on the idiot box known as a television, and then they tune out into a mental

state I can only describe as dementia. When it is time for their masters to finger an enemy so as

to conceal their own sinister Globalist Police State agendas, the Sub-Humans follow blindly, and

apparently proudly, crying for blood... So the controllers dish out another helping of Bread and


The Truth Movement is not too far off that pattern for the most part, in my own insider

observations. I know this is not the case for all, and for those people who keep on even keel, I

thank you. When one of these prodigal sons or daughters of the Conspiracy/New Age

movement sound the alarm, you witness the Pavlovian Response occur almost immediately.

The leader of that sect then stands at their podium and begins the hysterical sermon to their

Flock. When the sermon is about the latest and greatest twist on the truth, it always has the

motive of blame in some way. This blame is either directed at a group, or individual, who is

apparently plotting some new nefarious agenda, or it is aimed at another sect within the Truth

Movement for any number of reasons. This then invokes the never ending in-fighting I have

witnessed for far too long. Now, what makes this so difficult for the Humans who are in the

movement, is that we now have the difficulty of filtering what the preacher has said. Is it true?

Are there facts behind the claims? Is there any kind of tangible proof? Is this new conspiracy

partly true and partly false, or is the whole damn thing fabricated? Disinformation is a very

dangerous thing that is a slippery slope for even the most innocent of us. On occasion, I have

seen a Sub-Human have an awakening to this blame game garbage and then they suddenly

make the positive change to transform into a Human. That is a win for us. This, "They did this or

that, and I am better because . . ." garbage blame game is idiotic. The Sub-Humans and Humans

who do not participate in the Truth Movement laugh at this, and their controllers just smile

wickedly because that is exactly what they like to see. A total lack of united people working

together to topple their regimes. Our enemy in this is a lack of self-accountability. The Truth

Movement wishes to blame somebody? Blame each other. The Humans can see this but it is

quite clear that the Sub-Humans either do not see it, or enjoy this blame game so much they

simply wait in line for their turn to spin the bottle of despair.

In the game of Chess it is impossible for the opponent to cheat unless you are not

paying attention. The game is simple with two people face to face. The pieces are always the

same and the board never changes. So, when you lose, is it reasonable to blame your opponent

in a fair played match? No. If you lost, you lost because your opponent was better. You can only

turn the blame to yourself.

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“NIMBY- Not In My Back Yard” ~ George Carlin

George Carlin said it best when he described the NIMBY attitude of the American

people. You hear all these different groups and individuals kick and scream about more of this,

and more of that. When the proposal is made to appease these sometimes reasonable

demands, immediately, those same people cry out, "Not in my back yard!" Well if not there,

then where? They want more government aid, prisons, Emergency Response Facilities (FEMA

Camps), homeless shelters . . . but they just don’t want to see it near them. They just want to

feel the illusion that they somehow contributed in making a difference, so they feel better

about their own downfalls and debauchery. It is kind of like those who are slaves, I mean,

'members', of organized religion who get to play as if they are in Sin City for the week, and as

long as they go to their churches for an hour once a week, they are cleansed of these sins.

Preventative maintenance, I suppose, is what we would classify it as. No problem for them to

go out and sleep with whomever they want, and are a Devil for a night in various kinds of

inhuman acts because they have that one hour to purge. This is no different than the social

crisis of NIMBY that infects this land. NIMBY applies to so many things in the crumbling society

of today, where morals and values are slipping away by the second. The Sub-Humans so

gallantly wish to feel a part of the difference which has been engineered for them to respond

to. Yet, there is another cog in this twisted machine, and that is the one of the social

engineering, which makes such good deeds undesirable to be in close range of them, so the

knee-jerk reaction is to cry out yet again, "Not in my back yard!"

We can see the parallel in the Truth Movement as well, and this one I have firsthand

experience in, more times than I wish to remember. Many times I have been contacted by

individuals asking for my advice related to a number of topics and issues. In every case, I would

assist to a certain extent, and then provide them the tools they would need to research more

on their own. I do not hand feed, but teach how one should feed them self. Nine times out of

ten, the response I would get was indeed a NIMBY response. There are too many different

examples to explain them all, but that is not what is important. What is important, is the fact

that these supposedly awoken 'Truthers', who chant on the cyber-matrix about how we must

return to the earth and be self-sufficient, usually themselves do not wish to do the work, but

rather have it provided. Others I have encountered would want me to share updates on my

research, and if the news was not good, they would turn and run with their hands over their

ears like a child making a fit of it all. They would rather lie down in rose petals in some sort of

pseudo-parallel dimension, while greeting the Unicorns by saying, "Namaste,". Reality,

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accountability, and preparedness is something they will preach, but when it comes to them

doing so, they brush it off so they can go wait at the top of the mountain for their ascension.

The New Age Sub-Humans are the absolute worst of the bunch, even though I have met a few

that I can say had great intentions and were Human. There is this belief that they don’t have to

lift a finger to do anything productive for anyone else. Sure, they will rant and rave about

freedom, and homesteading, or whatever is the hot topic for the day, but if you challenge them

to take action, they yet again imply NIMBY. These Sub-Humans would rather beat their drums

and await their precious Off-Planet Beings to come and rescue them so they can be taken to

their Avalon. I know for a fact that there are other intelligent Beings in the Universe, but none

will rescue us because the Universal Law of Free Will applies.

We can no longer afford the NIMBYs of the world because time is not on our side

anymore. The NIMBY squawkers need to shut up and get up, or get the hell out of the Human’s

way because we have real work to do. Sacrifices have to be made to better our world, and that

means everyone will have to participate. Otherwise, there really will be two separate physical

worlds. They are the desolate world of the Sub-Humans who do the bidding of their controlling

masters, and the world of freedom where the Humans reside. Sure, we are compassionate, but

our immigration laws for our world will be quite strict for the purposes of preservation and

cleanliness. If a Sub-Human wishes to become a real citizen of the Human world, they will have

to prove they are willing to take back their own mind, or else none shall pass. I do hope that

more of the Sub-Humans wake up and come to the side of reasoning because we sure could use

more in this fight. Let us take this fight to ground zero; and by that, I mean the entire planet. If

we do that, then there will be no more NIMBY, because NIMBY will have no place for it to

reside in the minds of all.

“This whole country has a big manhood problem.” ~ George Carlin

Does the above quote really need explaining? Well, considering that George, yet again,

was spot on with his analysis, and the possibility that someone may disagree with it, I will cover

this in detail. Social engineering comes in many forms that have swept across, not just this

nation, but many others on the planet. Is the government to blame for it? I would not be so

quick to assume that this is the case. Should we look towards the Zionist Sect of the controlling

power? Well, perhaps to some extent I would say yes. But what we need to focus our attention

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on first is the evil entity we call Hollywood. The entertainment industry has been leading the

campaign of recreating what it means to be a Man and a Woman for quite some time now. We

see it in music, movies, television, advertisements, and especially with pornography. This could

become yet another topic I could write a book about, but that is not the purpose of this

manifesto. This problem is very basic, and it goes like this: Women are now depicted as nothing

more than sexual objects, who serve only to pleasure the Men who roam like predators looking

for their next prey. The degradation of Women is so vile and rampant that it has literally

desensitized countless of Men into a state of numbness. Sex has been engineered into the

minds of Men to have no emotion, no commitment, and no consideration towards Women. It

has become so bad, that in Japan a recent study showed that most young adults between the

ages of 16 and 30 had no desire to have sex because the pornography was overabundant. I wish

not at this time to go into further details of how Women have been utilized in this horrible

campaign, because I will become infuriated with what has happened.

Men have now been socially engineered to become one of two Sub-Human species. The

first is the Feminized Metro-Sexual. These so called Men enjoy wearing tight pants and spend

more time in front of a mirror than professional hairdressers. They like wearing makeup,

getting fake tans, having unnecessary cosmetic surgery, and crying about everything. Not that it

is bad to cry, but when appropriate. These pseudo-men are encouraged to be weak,

subservient, and ultra-sensitive. The problem with this is that real Women of the Human

species do not wish to have a Man that is more feminine than they are. I know this, because I

have spoken with enough Women to know my statement is true. The other type of disgraceful

Sub-Human man is the over masculine machismo idiots that have adopted the nickname of

'Bro'. These kinds of creatures are the biggest threat towards the good of Humanity because

they grow up to be steroid infected police officers, politicians, bankers, and Hollywood

celebrities. They prey on vulnerable Women, and beat up weaker Men. They look only to eat,

get drunk, and have sex with as many Women as they can. They live for professional sports and

pretend they are mixed martial arts fighters by wearing a 'No Fear' shirt that is way too damn

tight. I have encountered these types of Sub-Humans as well and they do love to try and pick a

fight. Problem is that most of them are as dumb as a rock and so they pick on the weak. When

someone like myself comes along it does become another matter. Oh, the stories I could share

about my interactions with these Troglodytes. In many cases these 'Bros' will congregate at the

local meat market watering hole where they find their counterpart females who actually

embrace the trashy over sexualized stigma that Hollywood has created. In some sort of

primitive mating ritual, these females will hoot and holler while gyrating on the bar, so as to

attract a potential mate for the night. Contests will break out, which are nothing more than a

'who is the most shameless' competition. The grunts applaud the performance and then flex

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their muscles, while discussing their devious sexual exploits to their herd of knuckle draggers. It

is yet another freak show in the Bread and Circus extravaganza.

This illness that has infected the men, specifically, is what George Carlin referred to so

eloquently as Dick Fear. It is basically the need of a man to project his penis into the business of

others, forcefully, in order to have some sort of bragging rights. George has a magically

wonderful way of explaining it, that should be required listening for everybody. Dick Fear

causes war, bar room brawls, rape, road rage, Jackass-like stunts, and just about every other

problem in this corrupt society. All the while, Hollywood is cashing in at a tremendous rate.

To be fair to the Human Men, they do not wish to have these Sub-Human females

either. Real Men only wish to have a bright strong and independent thinking Woman who is his

equal, and not his prize. Some will say that Women killed chivalry, and others blame the Men. I

say both are to blame, because when it comes to chivalry, both must honor its value.

The manhood problem in this country is a serious problem which must be dealt with

swiftly, if we are to maintain any kind of national dignity. Men are to be strong mentally, and

physically. Men are to be honorable, and have a code of ethics that cannot be swayed or

broken. Men are to honor and cherish Women because they are the true Queens of Earth.

Every Man should be so lucky to be with a Woman like I am. She is my foundation, my soul, my

heart, my best friend, my lover, and my soul mate. Men are to not fall to the pressures of

Hollywood or the masses of Sub-Humanity. Men are to defend the honor of Women. Need I go


The Sub-Human females need a little lesson from the Human Women as well. Women

are to be all that Men are in honor and values, plus, be the Feminine side of reason that has a

positive effect on their mate. I will not speak too much more on behalf of Human Women

because I still find so much about them a joyful mystery - especially my own Wife. Real Women

know who they are, and they embrace it like nothing other.

The manhood problem is all around us, and, like any disease, it must be eradicated into

extinction before it carries on any longer. What George must be thinking now when he looks at

Earth . . . I can only imagine.

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“We excuse our sloth under the pretext of difficulty.”

~ Marcus Fabius Quintilianus

That quote you just read was from a Roman rhetorician who died circa 100 AD. That was

over 1,900 years ago, and you would think it was a quote from a more modern time. Laziness

has been around as long as there have been Humans on this planet, and yet, laziness has

continued to evolve when it should have been dissolved entirely. I believe that if Marcus was

alive today, his choosing of the word 'sloth' would be describing the massive amount of

overweight people that have literally changed the socially accepted standards of what fat is.

Even most clothing companies have turned what were once large and extra large sizes into

medium sizes; thereby creating even larger than large sizes, to fulfill the new demand.

Women's sizes have fallen victim to this shift, as well, which also creates an adverse

psychological effect for perfectly fit Women who - without changing a thing - suddenly see the

size of dress they used to wear being no longer suitable because the obesity acceptance has

taken over. Sloth is laziness, and laziness begets obesity, and obesity begets willful ignorance on

many levels. Yes, there have been overweight people since the dawn of Humanity, and we see

this in famous paintings such as King Henry VIII, and portraits of Winston Churchill. But if you so

choose to, take a look at images of overweight people in history and study the shape of their

bodies. Then go take a walk in a populated public place and observe the incredible difference.

In most cases in history, fat people were looked upon as successful and rich because they could

afford the finer things instead of barely surviving. It was actually a symbol of status among the

oligarchs. I have no doubt that these fat people were most likely consuming too much meat and

dairy, which is the root of overweight issues for the body; and in some cases, just perhaps, they

had a genuine medical condition that caused them an inability to lose fat - such as a Thyroid

problem. But these people still had an overweight body structure that was evenly distributed.

Nowadays, we see a whole new level of obesity in the Sub-Humans since their creation,

and huge leap into devolution by the controllers. The new Sloth which has aided in the creation

of Sub-Humanism with the help of Transhumanism has been focused around the 'magnificent'

invention of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) food. I think calling anything that is GMO

processed and started in a laboratory, 'food', is an insult. It is an insult to the naturally provided

sustenance that this planet provides for us. Since microwave ovens, fast food, TV dinners and

instant everything came on the scene, the global pandemic has spiraled out of control. Take

every aspect I have discussed before in this manifesto, and add it all together, then multiply it

by GMO and you get one hell of a grossly obese Sub-Human Sloth. Fat is no longer evenly

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rounded throughout the body, but now you see freakishly disfigured Sub-Humans with skinny

legs, but waists that measure not by inches anymore but by feet. Forearms may be toned to

some extent but a quick look at the elbows will display pounds of extra flesh which strains to

hold the flab of fatty cells. Their lumpy backs display fold upon fold of fatty skin, yet, none

evenly distributed on the body. The controllers have successfully tweaked their recipe of Sub-

Human to now create something that once would only have been spoken of in myths and


Are there people alive today who have genuine medical issues which cause them to be

fat? Of course there are, but due to the diets of their parents, this can be a possible point of

origin to their disease. There is simply no excuse anymore for the sloth-like behavior we see so

clearly around us, and I am speaking for the Humans who are awoken to this reality. Private

research and tests have proven there are cures and ways to fight, not only obesity, but every

disease that causes obesity, such as Diabetes. Diabetes can, and has been, cured by many

simply by changing their diet - and they reaped the rewards. They cured it because they have

heart, and were determined to do whatever it took to break the chains of obesity. I have seen

individuals who were once Sub-Human begin their awakening and realize that they were fat but

didn’t have to be. The ones I respect the most are those who do not accept the lazy way out of

their dilemma, by simply giving up all the crap labeled as food. These are the fighters that

deserve to become free and proudly carry themselves as a Human. Those who take the

unhealthy and lazy way out with such things as liposuction, gastric bypass surgery, or fill their

gullet with pill after pharmaceutical pill, are simply doing it wrong.

I have heard the excuse that eating healthy is too complicated, or doesn’t taste as good,

or too expensive. All of those are excuses, which are nothing more than Sloth, which can be

found in the Webster dictionary between Shit and Syphilis. See my point? Eating correctly and

smartly is EASY, is DELICIOUS and if done correctly is NOT EXPENSIVE. Look, this is the age of

the cyber-matrix which, even though is splattered with billions of terabytes of distractions that

most consider 'entertainment', the world wide web gives anyone who has access to it, the

world’s knowledge at their fingertips. Every possible solution to eat right and cure the global

virus of obesity is available, but people . . . I mean, Sub-Humans, feel that it is just too much

work. Now, apparently, typing - and even a little bit of thinking - is too much work for these


When it comes to food and water, nothing gives me more pleasure than when my Wife

and I pick from that which we grow ourselves, and drink from the water we have which is free

and clear of the toxic municipalities infected with such waste as Fluoride. It’s not hard to break

the pattern of consuming GMO garbage; just as it is not hard to say no to bio-weaponized

vaccinations. YOU can grow your own food if you are willing to make a few small - or large -

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sacrifices, depending on your living situation. It is done in every kind of living situation from the

rural countryside to the tops of high-rise apartment complexes in major metropolitans. Even

finding a still running organic farmers market, or Co-Op, can provide the nourishments that will

give you your health back. But the Sub-Human has to want to change, and unfortunately, most

wish not. I don’t wish for the Sub-Humans to be disfigured with GMO fat, just as much as I don’t

wish them to suffer and die - but if they willfully continue down this path of Sloth and Gluttony,

they will all perish: and their children will as well. It is a slow kill which is written into the Elitist

declaration of depopulation, and they are pleased it is working so well. I plead to my fellow

Humans to continue holding fast and staying strong. Do not fall into the temptation of an easy

meal, because we cannot afford to lose another to the fight.

I have one more thought I would like to share to all the GMO vaccinated Sub-Humans

out there, and I will do this by way of an excellent quote:

“Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”

~ Dean Vernon Wormer

Dean Wormer may be a character from a movie, but the words speak volumes in reality.

So much has been covered already in this manifesto of my thoughts and observations -

both opinionated and fact based - but I wish to shift gears a bit. I know that this paper will be

both praised and criticized by both sides of the fight. I know that many of my thoughts will be

labeled as harsh and controversial. Just perhaps the motives behind this paper are to create

just that; a stirring of the pot in order to spark some sort of debate, and just maybe assist in

waking up those who needed a brisk shake up. The time for kindler, gentler words is over. The

time to be politically correct and dance around any 'sensitive' topic is over. We must face the

facts and hit the harsh reality with full force. The controllers, Sub-Humans, and even Humans in

some numbers, are all to blame for the demise of planet Earth’s biosphere of amazing life. So

what is the solution to all of these problems facing us now? Believe it or not, I have the solution

- and it is the same solution that less than 4% of the Former United States population is aware

of, and even on some levels, preparing for. So, let us discuss that - and please pay attention.

This next piece of information and observation is essential for survival.

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“For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized

and armed militia is their best security.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

The most common practices used in order to gain the attention of those who control,

and their precious puppets who wield limited power, is to sign petitions, write letters, and

protest on street corners with signs. Well, we have seen how well that has been working,

haven’t we. Petitions only carry so much weight when it comes to making big changes in how

things are being run. They can be effective in a more localized area such as small towns, or even

at county level, but once the adversary is too big to fail, then the signatures on a piece of paper,

or signed online, do not contribute a single ounce of influence. Many will go on tangents about

a corrupt plan or legislation being tossed around by the Zionist puppets in Washington DC, and

cry out for their fellow Truthers to write to those who represent their state and demand action.

Considering that on any given day these Senators and Congressmen get perhaps hundreds - if

not thousands - of emails and letters, it is plausible to suggest that most never reach them.

Instead, these letters are screened by his/her watchdogs that filter out any they consider a

nuisance. Lastly, we have the protests, which are an extremely good concept but never done

correctly - and, yes, I stand by that. With the implementation of 'Free Speech Zones', the

National Defense Authorization Act, National Defense Resources Preparedness, Bill H.R. 347,

and other Police State acts inflicted upon us by the Czar Obama and his band of cohorts, the

idea of a peaceful protest is unproductive. At this point, there has been no difference in effect

whether the protest is a dozen people holding signs, or on a larger scale, such as the

unorganized debacle of the Occupy Movement. Since I mentioned it, let me share with you why

the Occupy Movement was destined to fail before it began.

The Occupy Movement seems like a great idea, right? Sure, it does, and even I was

encouraged by it when a colleague mentioned the plan to me months before it began. I not

only supported it, but I promoted it as well, in hoping that this one could be the catalyst for

something greater. Alas, it all became a chaotic mess with uneducated individuals trying to

explain things they did not understand in front of the media. There were agent provocateurs

from the get go infiltrating all branches of Occupy, and especially in New York City. Thugs, Sub-

Humans, idiotic self-proclaimed freedom fighters who were nothing more than anarchists, Love

and Lighters, Opportunists, and unorganized freeloaders all jumped on the Occupy gravy train.

Some even went as far as to preach the heavenly idea of Socialism and expressed that they felt

strongly that Obama is still their last hope. What a crock of shit that is. Of course, the

militarized police forces that have become the dogs of war for the controllers were all too

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happy to do their bidding and get the opportunity to beat, taser, spray, and even shoot some

protestors - because in that vile brotherhood, it is apparently a rite of passage to inflict pain

upon the weak.

The media and the Democrats jumped on the Occupy Movement as well, but not at

once. When the Tea Party came on the scene a number of years ago it started out as a great

idea too. That is, until the Neo-Con Republicans infiltrated it and took it as their own, which did

nothing but destroy the entire party. Now we have seen the Democrats decide they needed

their own new little political toys as well, so they decided to befriend the Occupy Movement,

and suddenly we saw the entire thing go south. The media first ignored Occupy. Then they

heckled it, and spread the propaganda that Occupy was nothing but new age hippies, druggies,

and Domestic Terrorists. As Occupy grew, though, they decided to give it some face time and

granted them spots on the main stream media. However, for Occupy this was the final nail to

their ruin. The media would interview members of Occupy and ask them what their goals and

demands were but it became clear something was wrong. I watched every interview done by all

media outlets, both mainstream and alternative, to see if these Occupiers had some sort of

system of unified goals. Not a single representative of Occupy had clear and concise directives

of what the plan was they were striving for. None could articulate with strong intellect the goals

and purpose of Occupy. It was as if the dumbest ones were interviewed, and that may be

because we know media is damn good at spinning. However, all one had to do was go through

the many Occupy websites to see the flaws in their plans. To try and make a movement like

Occupy, a fair and balanced 'organization' is essential, but when it is constructed the way

Occupy was, it cannot succeed. Let us break this down bit by bit:

Occupy had a standing order, that in their camps if something needed to be voted on

that effected the camp, then everyone was encouraged to participate in the voting process.

When the vote took place if the vote was not unanimous then it was turned down. That means

100% of the participants had to say "Yay", or "Nay", and that is where they failed yet again.

Even if this country had the perfect republic, it is still not possible to make everyone happy.

Imagine if even the corrupted Congress had to have 100% unanimous votes to pass and/or not

pass legislation? Nothing gets done now that is positive, and if it had to be 100% unanimous

even less would be accomplished and this is what has taken place with Occupy. So, right there

you have a flawed system of voting. I could understand perhaps making it a requirement that it

had to be at least 75% but 100% is unreasonable in any situation unless it is a dictatorship with

one ruler. Occupy also has a list of demands which I have reviewed and feel they are

reasonable, but if they expect to apply their 100% unanimous method of decision making then

they may as well demand nothing.

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I watched and studied many of the videos online of the different Occupy camps

throughout the country, and especially when they would march and confront the police. I

suppose my extensive military background kicked into high gear, because I found myself

analyzing what they were doing wrong as far as their approach. You want to conduct a

constructive counter to a police blockade, then you need to conduct counter insurgency.

Basically fighting fire with fire is the only approach in this method and is easily done when

planned correctly. Planning secondary routes of marching and emergency escape routes are key

to this kind of procedure. If the police blockade your path, then you counter blockade theirs

with anything you can get your hands on. This is a more passive aggressive approach to the

conflict. It can be done with a low level of collateral damage, but all instigators of violence must

be vanquished the moment they attempt to invoke violence. Passive Resistance no longer can

apply, with the exception of refusing to pay illegal taxes on a massive cross country scale, and

defying all unconstitutional laws - but that is for discussion another time. If the police begin to

become combative, then the protestor has every constitutional right to defend themselves

within reason. This means that if the police and/or military commence using non-lethal

weapons such as pepper spray, Tasers and batons then you have the right to defend yourself

with equal force. However, discretion is always key to this defense in which the protestor must

know the limitations of this maneuver, or it will get out of control, and then the rules of

engagement change. This is why I feel that it is unwise to encourage protestors to engage with

law enforcement if they do not understand the Constitution and tactics of lawfully organized

Constitutional Militias. But, before I discuss the Militias, I wish to let those reading this know

that I always am happy to offer the tactics I was trained in - and utilized many times - on how to

be properly combative both offensively and defensively against forces who wish to suppress

your rights. You will just have to find me if you wish to know the entire method and

infrastructure it takes to properly Protest against a Police State adversary.

So, in my final thoughts on the Occupy Movement I wish to be clear about a few more

things. I know and understand that there are a lot of smart well-meaning Humans and even

some Sub-Humans trying to better themselves that are involved with Occupy. I commend these

people for giving it their best and trying to make a difference, but I also wish they would see

that Occupy has become a compromised debacle that is now labeled as a Domestic Terrorist

organization. If Occupy is the best that Domestic Terrorists can come up with, then I am not

impressed. Occupy is unorganized and has spun out of control fast. If you want to take on a

powerful force like the bought off government, then you MUST have organization; a well-

planned infrastructure, Rules of Engagement, Contingency Plans, clear and concise demands,

and better logistics. Without a single one of those, failures are inevitable. This is why the best

approach - that is quite frankly our only option left - is the well-organized Constitutional

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Militias. However, this can be tricky as well, because contrary to the belief of most, there is a

big difference between a Militia and a Constitutional Militia. Let me explain why.

There seems to be some confusion and misconceptions about what a militia is in this

country. The government will tell you that militias are rag tag neo-Nazi gangs that deal in drugs

and fight all the time. They will tell the public through their media puppets that militias are

unsanctioned paramilitary groups that want to blow up office buildings, and kidnap politicians

for the purpose of anarchy. The most popular label which has been spewed out by the police

state department of Homeland Security is 'Domestic Terrorist'. Now, when most of the Sub-

Humans hear the word 'militia', they quiver in fear and cry to their government to save them

from the supposed evil gangs of terrorists. What a bunch of bullshit. Ever since the false flag

operation which took the lives of over 3,000 people on September 11th, 2001, the growing fear

tactics have increased exponentially. It has become a society of snoops, surveillance, nosey

neighbors and informants, a 'Hear something, say something' policy, wiretapping, and the list is

ever growing. The word 'terrorist' is a terrorist in its own right, because all the media or

government has to do is say that word and people begin falling to their knees begging for

salvation. How pathetic it has become. But, just to spread the fear of terrorists was not enough

for our dictatorship. They had to raise the bar because they saw a resistance growing, so the

ante was raised and Domestic Terrorists were born. Who better to target then the militias? Is

some of this concern legitimate? It is, and for the reason that what is labeled as a militia is not

always what it is supposed to be. I can say this with the utmost certainty because I am involved

with the militia but MY associations are with the constitutionally legal militia. So, let me tell you

about the militia us legitimate Militiamen and Militiawomen do NOT appreciate.

You all have seen it: the videos on the internet of a darkened room with perhaps a

Gadsden flag in the background. There will be one, or a small group of individuals, who most

likely have their faces covered. They will be donned in military BDUs (Battle Dress Uniforms)

and almost always blatantly holding firearms. Then the one speaker will discuss taking over the

government by force, with the use of excessive force. Other matters will be discussed that any

reasonably thinking person would consider troubling. I have even seen some go as far as to

express how, in an event such as an economic collapse, they will not worry about food or water

because their group of goons will take it by force from the innocent. This is NOT what a true

militia is all about. Let me continue because it gets worse. I, and other members of

Constitutional Militias refer to these groups by several names such as 'Boneheads', 'Wannabes',

and my personal favorite, 'Weekend Warriors'. This is because these groups do several things

which automatically disqualify them from being a part of the real militia, despite what they may

tell you. I will only discuss the three major points that disqualify them because there are too

many to cover right now.

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The three points to disqualify a militia:

The first, and most important, is the willing disregard or blatant ignorance of

understanding constitutional law. In order to qualify as a legitimate militia, all members must

have a thorough understanding of the Constitution, and its laws. They must know how to utilize

these laws, in not just a time the militia is needed, but all the time. A well-organized militia is

not just a militarized unit of citizen Men and Women, but they are well informed intellects who

can explain the Constitution, and why it must always apply to every situation. If a group only

wishes to gather on certain weekends to drink beer, shoot guns, and maybe once in a while

pretend to play out some sort of war game - but not do the homework on the dangerous

current events, how it applies to our Constitution, and layout contingency plans for how they

should respond - then they are not acting appropriately. I have had firsthand experience with

dealing with these pseudo-militia groups and witnessed many troubling things. Upon making

some constructive suggestions on how to improve, my replies were less than I was hoping for. A

great Man once said that you don’t go into battle without knowing your enemy, and you must

not engage unless you understand the Constitution. This is essential advice, and everyone must

find how it resonates with them.

The next disqualifying point which may be even more controversial to some, is the

problem with the internet. I understand that everyone feels they need a website to promote

their business, or cause, or if they just with to rant on a blog; but is it always wise to utilize the

cyber-matrix? I am affiliated with some Constitutional Militias that do have websites but they

are carefully constructed so as to not release too much operationally sensitive information.

Where these other rag tag groups go terribly wrong, is what they divulge in an almost bragging

manner. For example, I have seen several 'militia' websites where the group lists the names of

every member, and their given rank. They might as well just turn themselves into the nearest

DHS Fusion Center. They will have a section where they display the required gear one needs to

apply, such as the type of guns, and specific military equipment. That is just handing over the

intelligence the DHS is thirsty for so they can implement bans on certain equipment sold at

military surplus stores. Then, if all of this isn’t bad enough, they will post a calendar of all their

planned training exercises. I guess they are secretly soliciting for the Feds to set up surveillance

of them. I have even seen other websites where they have unmasked group photos . . . photos.

Have these people ever heard of Face Recognition Software? One click of a button by the

National Security Agency, and the face is linked to every single piece of information concerning

those individuals. Does a website like this, for this purpose, make sense? I am not opposed to a

website for a militia but for fuck’s sake, use some common sense.

Finally, but not the last of mistakes, is the entire infrastructure of how they train. If a

misinformed person thinks that justified training in a militia is getting together once in a while

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and shooting their guns and mouths, and thinks this is good enough, they are dead wrong. As in

the military, a militia must train in all aspects to be, not just battle ready, but, emergency

response ready. To only label a few, the well-organized militias must be well trained in;

Offensive and Defensive Combat tactics, Guerilla Warfare, First Aid/Combat Medicine,

Firefighting response, HAZMAT (Hazardous Material) Response, Disaster Relief, Constitutional

Law, Rules of Engagement/Law of War, Weapons and Equipment Maintenance, Survival, and

much more. A well-organized militia is a well-rounded militia who must have, not only the

strength and endurance, but, the knowledge. So when I see these supposed militia groups only

go to shoot guns and talk about how they will kill all the bad guys, they are speaking from their

backsides. This is not just an opinion that I am preaching just because I can. This is from real life

experience, and having several friends which have founded Constitutional Militias in the

country. They have had very similar experiences which we have all discussed in depth, and

agree that there is a clear and present danger when it comes to the rag tag militias.

Now in order to keep a balance on this topic, I wish to explain what a Constitutional

Militia is all about so that you can understand that there is a definite difference between the

two. Before I do so, let me just say that I have no doubt that there are people involved with

militia groups who are conducting themselves incorrectly but have good intentions. I hope by

writing this that some members may read this and decide to alter how they wish to organize

the militias they are a part of. If a Constitutional Militia wishes to conduct itself in the correct

operational status, then anonymity must be upheld. This means NO rosters, training schedules,

or equipment requirements posted online. This means not bragging about operational status to

anyone who could pose a risk to the entire militia. This means having proper logistics and

infrastructure of the militia, and to conduct extensive training when appropriate, pertaining to

subjects I discussed in the above paragraph. Constitutional Militias are doctors, steel workers,

teachers, veterans, husbands, wives and even honest police. Yet, the community at large will

have no idea who these people are until the time comes when the need for their services is

required. It is not an all exclusive all boys club, but a covert group of dedicated Men and

Women who are ready at any moment to protect and serve in the name of freedom for the

people, and by the people. The Sub-Humans do not understand this and are more at ease to sit

in front of their TV sets drooling over Reality Shows. Militias, to them, are just Domestic

Terrorists who pose a danger to their way of life - but, I can guarantee you that if the situation

came to fruition where they were in desperate need, they would come begging to be saved by a

well-trained militia.

Those of us who are members of the Constitutional Militias are not being covert

because we are hiding a nefarious agenda or planning some sort of draconian coup. We remain

silent, not because we want to, but, because we must. We must, because our most formidable

enemy is our own government and those that control them. If we were to parade in the streets

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to encourage the public that we are the last line of defense which aspires to promote hope for

the people, we would be rounded up almost immediately by the Feds. A smear campaign would

be launched nationally, and our noble cause would be demonized, and the end result would be

complete failure. If we were able to meet at town hall meetings, speak to the media and even

hold conferences to educate and train the public, I am sure most of us would do so happily IF it

was not for the government waiting in the shadows to attack us. So, we wait for now, and

continue to conduct our operational training so that when the time comes and there is a need

for us, we will respond and we will respond in such a way that it will be a conflict far more

difficult than the controllers have ever faced in modern times. I will be so brash as to say that

Rag Tag Militias equal Sub-Humanism, and Constitutional Militias equal Humanism. Who would

you rather come to your aid? To gain a further understanding of what a Constitutional Militia is

then you must first read the Constitution, and then use that cyber-matrix on your computer to

simply look it up. Perhaps it will spark something within you, and if the spark occurs it may turn

into the fire that burns to draw you to your local Constitutional Militia. No one ever said you

had to have military training in order to join, and YES, in a proper divisional militia, Women are

happily welcomed, too. We need more members and we need those who are dedicated to the

Freedom Movement. We need you . . .

I mentioned quite a number of collateral duties of the Constitutional Militias, but the

primary mission is essential to everything we stand for. When the government becomes a

tyrannical entity who defies constitutional law and begins to take away the freedom of the

people, then this is when we apply. Militias were set up to be the last resort militant group who

is ready for a call to arms, and fight against corruption. It has been successful before, and it can

be successful again. It is not glorious, like what Hollywood has so falsely depicted in so many

movies. War is hell that leaves all participants with physical and psychological scars. I have

plenty of my own which remain as the demons in my psyche. We wish not for war - nor will we

encourage it - but if there are no other alternatives we will muster and be ready to unleash

everything we have in our power. Quite a few of us have spoken behind closed doors and feel

that our last resort is not only inevitable, but will be coming soon. Nothing great comes easy,

and freedom is no exception.

A person like me who lived a life that was all about service to the military, and a

childhood not too far from that, has been exposed to so much when it comes to war and

everything that encompasses it. Ancient war history fascinates me and I study it quite often.

The tactics of those who led armies and resistance so long ago revolutionized the tactics of war

from Hannibal’s campaign against the Roman Empire to the Spartan’s stand against the Persian

army at the Battle of Thermopylae. The military tactics that have been, and are used, in modern

times have all been modeled off of such ancient battles. Anyone who has a basic understanding

of Chess knows it is a game of war. The two opponents who act as the general of an army, place

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their pieces on the battlefield in such a way that they can defeat their opponent. Chess is an

intellectual method that can be used to create real life strategy. In a way, some may find it odd

that I see the tactics of war as very philosophical. I always look at it in such a way as to create a

mosaic in my mind, so as to see the entire picture in a multi-dimensional model - which then

allows me to dissect every aspect of how I can utilize it in modern times. One of the best

examples, and known as the first philosophical minds when it comes to war, was Sun Tzu who

wrote still one of the greatest strategy guides to war titled, 'The Art of War'. I would like to

discuss my views on just a few of my favorite passages from his timeless piece, and explain how

they can apply to the difficult times we are facing.

“To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence;

supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without

fighting.” ~ Sun Tzu, the Art of War

The above quote from Sun Tzu can be looked at in two ways when we see how it applies

to the desperate times we currently are dealing with. The duality of this quote is that of an evil

agenda, and that of what could be a well-executed plan of resistance against the controllers.

But first, I would like to explain this by using the game of Chess. In Chess, the ultimate goal, of

course, is to beat your opponent. This can be done in three basic ways. You either take all of

your opponent’s pieces until finally capturing their Queen and King, which deems you the

winner. The other option is to again take as many of your opponent’s pieces until you have

their King cornered into a 'Check Mate', where they have no alternative but to surrender.

However, my personal favorite is to create a scenario on the board where you may not

necessarily have the advantage, but if carefully done you can create a situation that your

opponent sees which gives them the mindset that they cannot win - and they surrender. You

may very well have lost the game, and your opponent may be a better player, but if you are

able to break their intellectual resistance then you come out victorious. I suppose you could say

it is a strategy of Chess Psychological Operations. The key to playing Chess is to be able to know

that a win for you does not always mean a hard playing game of constant advances of your

pieces, but to perhaps sit for a while and allow your opponent’s mind to wonder about what

could be.

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In every country that is under the scaly thumb of the Elite, we see the same play book

being used against the Humans and Sub-Humans. With the use of mind control, police state

tactics, and media controlled propaganda, it wears away the resistance and independent

thinking of the people slowly, like water eroding limestone. The self-declared supreme leaders

who feel their ways are of God-like excellence, have now created thousands of methods to

break any and all resistance among their controlled Flock. So, if we wish to be realistic about

this, then we must say that the controllers have won in accordance with what Sun Tzu

explained so long ago. Can this control last forever? It very well could, but if you look at the

consistencies of empires throughout history, NO empire has lasted forever and none ended

quietly. So what is a viable option for fighting back?

We, as a civilization of Humans and Sub-Humans living together on this spinning rock,

are reaching the climax of toleration towards so much. Most whom I am in communication with

believe that we right now are only left with one final solution and that is a global civil war, if

you will. That is right, a boots on the ground, full scale, bloody revolution. The military mind

side of me says they are correct but the strategic warrior side of me says that we may have a

one last ditch effort of a chance to try playing by Sun Tzu’s philosophy. It is better known as a

Passive Resistant Revolution. This can only be done one way and it can only work if the majority

of the people participate. The great thing about this type of revolution is that the strategy does

not have to change much for other countries. It is a universal offensive attack that has the best

risk assessment, and collateral damage is minimal. So how does it work? Simple, you do

nothing; you do not comply, conform, consume, pay, vote, or follow. By these, I mean as a

united people NO unlawful taxes are paid. No one so much as fills out a single tax form to hand

over to the roaches of the Internal Revenue Service. You do not vote for anyone running for

political office - no matter who they are. You do not abide by any laws that are

unconstitutional. You do not act like sheep that follow their Shepherd into the killing fields. It is

a large scale walkout of the politically corrupted infrastructure. You do not get a driver’s

license, nor do you allow your thumb print to be scanned for any reason. The people engineer a

complete infrastructure freeze on the federal system of ruling. Of course, this in no way means

you have to go on a hunger strike, or even stop working at your job. I am a realist, after all, and

would never expect people to not be able to take care of themselves and their family. This must

apply to the Men and Women who serve in the military as well. They, on a large scale, would

have to openly refuse all unlawful orders given. This means not engaging in falsified enemies of

the State, not fueling up the fighter jets, not operating the Predator Drones, and refusing to

abide while stationed in the 900 plus US military bases worldwide. When you consider that if all

of this was done by the people of a percentage no less than 60-75 percent, it would be a

devastating blow to the controllers in the pentagram of Washington DC. You squeeze them

hard enough, and they will run out of breath. You break their resistance, you topple their ability

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to rule, and you cut off their life line of fiat currency. It is an embargo by the people set forth

upon the true enemy behind the gates. The only flaw in this kind of revolution is, and has been,

the subservient Sub-Humans who wish not to ripple the pond. Being that the majority of

walkers who reside in this country are basically Zombies, it seems a difficult feat to implement

such a strategy. I do not believe it is too late to execute such a plan, and I do see more Sub-

Humans re-Humanizing themselves, which is great. However it is still nowhere near enough,

and I am seeing us creeping beyond the point of no return where other alternatives must be


“He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight. He will win

who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces. He will win

whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks. He

will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared. He

will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the

sovereign.” ~ Sun Tzu, the Art of War

I am quite sure some will read this Tzu quote and be ready with the argument that we,

as the people, do not have the capabilities of fighting the US military because of all their

advanced weaponry and training. I have no doubt many thought and said the same thing in

colonial times when this country was just a settlement being ruled by the superpower of the

world at the time: the British Empire. Yet, even though the King of England had the most

decimating military at the time with the most modern weaponry, there were people living here

who did not care and had had enough of the ruling tyranny. They knew the risks and felt

fighting for freedom far outweighed the alternative. You cannot allow yourself to be consumed

with fear and intimidation by forces greater than yourself. Steel, gunpowder, and arrows can

kill the Human body but if one wishes the slightest chance to live free the rest of their life, then

no weapon can take away that free spirit which is not for the taking.

The freedom fighters during the revolutionary war knew how to pick their battles, and

did it quite well even though most times they were outnumbered greatly. Battles are not

always necessarily won by those who have the better weapons. Throughout history, many

battles and wars have been won because one side carried something greater than any weapon -

and that was the true spirit to fight against evil. If a unified force shares the same ideology and

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spirit, then they can be one hell of a force to reckon with. During the course of the

revolutionary war, many militia armies were formed by farmers, merchants, doctors, and

blacksmiths. They would get word of the British maneuvering closer to their area and so they

would prepare for a surprise attack. This is a type of preparation I believe Tzu was referring to.

So, in conclusion, if a second revolution is to occur, which I believe is to be soon, then our

united forces must have spirit, be well prepared, and choose our battles carefully. Do this, and

we may just see a sequence of events that could be the tipping point many of us long for.

“The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not

coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his

not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position

unassailable.” ~ Sun Tzu, the Art of War

Make no mistake about our current situation; the enemy is not coming, the enemy is

already here. Those known as Preppers, Survivalists, and the well-organized Constitutional

Militias already know this and this is why they work tirelessly to be ready for the worst. Could

some be a bit on the side of paranoid? Sure, they could, but that does not make them wrong.

The time to say that there might be a chance that our government is ready to engage a full

military Marshal Law upon the people, is over. Our government has, and is, taking further steps

to completely encroach all of us. We see it with statements made by members of the Joint

Chiefs and North America Command (NORTHCOM). We see it with legislation approved by the

Congress, and we most certainly see it with the blatant Executive Orders by the Czar President.

The likelihood is here and now. Often, in many situations there is a saying used which is about

'facing your demons'. We all have our own Demons to face at some point in our lives, but until

that time comes we have other Demons to face and we must make it so. You want to get

results which are free and fair, then you must take a stand and make it happen. The only next

option for doing this is a second revolution, which can be labeled as an Active Aggressive

Revolution. Tzu says to make your position unassailable - and he was right. In the glorious times

of the Mariner of the seas, there was a simple two word phrase used, which to me, is a

personal favorite. That phrase was, "No Quarter". No Quarter is in reference to the living spaces

on a ship, which are known as the Living Quarters. However, No Quarter means no prisoners,

no mercy, and no sympathy. I am not saying we need to go on a rampage of slaughter, but we

must stand firm and not negotiate any terms which grant leniency to the criminals ruling right

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now. We must become an unassailable army of resistance which strikes fear at the mere


“To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.”

~ Sun Tzu, the Art of War

So what exactly does Tzu mean by stating something that could be characterized as

unacceptable? We can go in two directions with this quote, but one is not so easily accepted by

most, so I must explain it in detail. First, let us cover the easier side of this philosophical quote

by Tzu:

If a decision is made by an individual or group to form an active resistance against those

who pose a direct threat to their freedoms, they must do their homework on said enemy. It is

an unwise move to just arm the troops of the resistance, and then march into a battle blindly

without having all the pieces of the Chess board studied. I understand the passion to

accomplish a task swiftly, and I understand the concept of rage, but these are the enemies of

any soldier. Though it will seem tedious - and by some, perhaps unproductive - for the purpose

of starting a war it is essential that most, if not, all, participants in the campaign truly know

their enemy. This can be done in several ways which have been time tested successfully since

the dawn of civilization. In documented cases, history has shown shifts on the battle field when

a key member of the opposition force defected to the force resisting tyranny. These defectors

are commonly now known as Whistleblowers: insiders, who know the ins and outs of the

oppositional force, and can give strategic intelligence which can allow an advantage. By

listening to the Whistleblower, if they are not a double agent, it will allow those involved to

have tremendous insight on all aspects of their enemy, which will allow them to counter the

assault, or even plan for espionage of their enemy. We must be careful with these defectors,

however, since they may be not who they claim.

Our next technique for knowing our enemy is to plant a Mole into the enemy’s forces.

When this is done correctly and successfully what you gain is real time intelligence on defense,

weapons, and numbers of soldiers and planned maneuvering. A Mole usually requires a third

person to be involved, which would be your Messenger. This task can be just as dangerous as

the Mole’s role, which deals with being placed into a position that requires the greatest skills.

Yet, if the Mole is successful with their mission, an essential advantage is possible. By getting

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this real-time intelligence about your enemy from the Mole you almost become your enemy

because now you have the opportunity to use their tactics against them.

Finally, is the method in which we see more today with the use of the cyber-matrix and

Alternative Media. With thousands of websites, forums, and blogs in the vastness, there is an

almost infinite amount of intelligence about what the controllers are doing and planning.

Documentation is no longer so difficult to obtain concerning such matters as the Military

Industrial Complex, or that of the global agenda of the evil Zionists. I do always encourage

people to use discretion with what they read on the cyber-matrix, I should say for those who

actually still read. YouTube is NOT the best source for gathering intelligence, despite what

anyone tells you. Documentation that is real and confirmed is a magnificent tool that is still

underrated by so many inside and outside of the Truth Movement. You want to know your

enemy? You must do your homework. You must consider every piece of evidence and you must

always cross reference all material. Too many these days just take the word of others as gold

and choose not to do any of their own leg work. This is a problem and this is the behavior of the

Sub-Humans within the Truth Movement. A friend of mine once explained about the Agnostic

Thinker. I have repeated this method many times over since first hearing it from him. This

means you must not choose a single person to be your Deity of Truth or Demi-God of

Awakening. You must be open minded and consider all, so as to create a more refined mosaic

of who or what exactly your enemy is. So, to become your enemy, you must work just as hard

as the enemy does, and dig deep within the tangled web of intelligence reports,

documentation, and credible witness testimonial. Without fulfilling these requirements you are

just dancing around the burning mulberry bush, and the Weasel is laughing all the way to the

Zionist bank.

Believe it or not that was the easy method to know one’s enemy. This other option is

not an option for most because most simply do not have the background to conduct such a

risky act which is considered suicidal by some. I am not stating that there are Humans that are

better than other Humans who can achieve such things. It is a situation of environment and

how that Human was groomed by either chance or with purpose to be mentally and physically

trained to withstand the most darkest and strenuous of operations. In fact, it is a task I wish for

no Human to have to experience, but the nature of the beast, and the Rules of Engagement

have created a battlefield which forces those of us groomed to jump into the darkest of

abysses. I can speak about this only from my perspective because I am one of those Humans

who was groomed and trained to deal with, and even execute, tasks that night terrors are made

of. We are desensitized beyond the point of what most would be able to comprehend, but not

to our own fault. We are the ones who will, when all has been tapped out for ideas, throw

ourselves into the gauntlet behind, or, on the forefront of enemy lines to risk it all for what is

right. We only ask of our Brothers and Sisters at arms to not inquire too much of the details of

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our endeavor because even we wish to not speak or think of such deeds. I will not go into any

detail of the risks I have taken these past years, because for right now the details must remain

locked away until the time is right. The soldiers of risk and endeavors which may be considered

impossible, have the ability to, literally, become the enemy. The greatest risk of accomplishing

such tasks is to not get so far deep into the abyss that the soldier becomes lost in translation

and totally integrates with the enemy. Many have been lost this way and many more probably

will. Yet, if the soldier is able to overcome and stand against all odds, their knowledge is simply

priceless for the resistance. Many say we are not to be trusted because of the nature of who we

are and what we are capable of doing. Are they right? In some cases, perhaps, but that is a risk

that should be considered. I, myself, have been demonized in many cases, and I have to ask

myself why. Is it because I am willing to go to great lengths to defeat the enemy? Is it because I

have no fear? Perhaps it is because these critics know deep down inside they need Humans like

me - and that scares them to death.

Do not solely rely on this method for gaining information about your enemy because

there are few of us out there, and the number is shrinking. We are around, and we are waiting

patiently to take part in what we unfortunately thirst for, in secret. This is not a psychotic thirst

for the action but you must understand that with all we have been through it does become a

way of life which is not so easily shaken from the forefronts of our minds. When the resistance

is truly ready for war we will answer the call.

This concludes my thoughts on some of my favorite quotes from Sun Tzu's, 'The Art of

War'. I could have picked out more, but instead I feel it would benefit the reader to get a copy

of the book and read it cover to cover. It was excellent when it was first written, and its

excellence is still timeless. There is a reason why military leaders have referenced that book for

so long.

“Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough

knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can

master both . . . and surpass the result.” ~ Tien T'ai

Many enjoy bragging about war and fighting an enemy they have never faced. Those

same, in an almost euphoric way, dream of being on the killing fields - thinking it is glorious -

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and romanticize about how it would be. They find those like me and practically beg us to share

our stories of bloodshed, while all the while they quiver and writhe in ecstasy with anticipation

of hearing the most gruesome of details. They will go so far as to buy the biggest gun, or study

mixed martial arts, thinking this entitles them the right to call themselves a warrior. They are all

severely mistaken. Soldiers are well trained Men and Women who fight within a tight unit, who

obey orders without question. They pledge their allegiance to the leaders of their countries and

go into battle without question. I hold no fault to these soldiers because they are groomed to

act in these ways. They, for the most part, have good intentions and brave the most difficult of

situations any Human endures. Yet they are not warriors as it is truly defined. I wish not to use

real military soldiers for this comparison because it is the false self-proclaimed soldiers who

need to be smacked across the face. They are the ones who I consider a vile disgrace to the real

soldiers. These pseudo-soldiers that think watching fighting on the idiot box or carrying their

shinny nickel plated gun makes them a 'Tough Guy', yet, they are weak minded Troglodytes that

even give the Sub-Human race a bad name. They concentrate only on the physical, but

disregard the knowledge that is required to be a soldier - let alone a warrior.

Warriors are the soldiers who have evolved their philosophy of war. They have, through

experience and time, learned what it means to fight. Warriors only aspire to live in peace and

wish to never have to engage in battle again. A warrior does not ever become lazy in their skills,

however. In fact, a true warrior is always improving upon their physical skills and their intellect.

Going to battle for a warrior is the last resort, but when all other options are exhausted they

will fulfill their duties to fight for what is right. Evolving knowledge and physical preparedness is

the true essence of the warrior who maintains a code of honor, and will never violate the

proper Rules of Engagement.

So it is simple; Pseudo-Soldiers wish only to aspire to be what they cannot because ego

and lack of true bravery are void in their soulless shells of a skin suit. Warriors carry a code of

Chivalry, Honor, Knowledge, and the physical attributes required for any kind of battle on any

battleground - both, in the physical, and mental planes. The balance of knowledge and physical

capabilities are the ultimate decisive factors in victory. There is no alternative to this rule of


By now, I am sure some of you are wondering about the targeted enemy, and which,

who represent the enemy, we must consider the most dangerous. This is where it is difficult to

hone in on the specific figures at the top of the pyramid of control. Not because we don’t know

who the enemy participants are, but because this enemy we face is multi-layered within a three

dimensional pyramid involving many cultures, races, secret societies, and cross connecting

agendas. However, if you look deeply enough into the six degrees of totalitarianism control, you

will be led down one path that is the most blatant, documented, and even publicly promoted

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by their puppets. They are the most dangerous force we as a Human race has ever faced. They

have been in existence for thousands of years. They begin wars, steal money, rape lands, and

commit genocide on the widest scale we may have ever known. This enemy has many faces and

speaks many languages. They have infiltrated all of the main religions, political parties, and

everything else with the beginning title of Multi-national. We are all considered their Mules -

whether talking about the Humans or Sub-Humans. Many brave Men and Women have

attempted to expose and bring down their agendas and almost all have either been killed or

persecuted into oblivion. No matter what name they may use to deceive us, or what

propaganda they may spread to misdirect us, in the end they have only one name, only

comparable to the biblical use of Legion: and they are the Zionists.

“It is only the Zionists who want war.” ~ Dr. David Duke

David Duke has been crucified for his great work, not because it is claimed to be racist,

but because he is right about everything he has researched and explained about the dangers of

Global Zionism. The media will tell you he is a terrible person because he was a high ranking

member of the Ku Klux Klan well over 30 years ago. Everyone has a time in their past which is

regrettable, but as long as they do right by their past wrongs, the past no longer matters. Dr.

Duke is not a racist; he is a Civil Activist for ALL races who wish to preserve their culture,

including the Jews, from the infestation of Zionism. Everyone deserves a chance and Dr. Duke is

no exception. I believe, and strictly stand by the importance of Free Will, therefore you should

consider having a look at the work of Dr. Duke and you will see he has made the enemy quite

clear and dangerously present.

Being a Human who served this government for over a decade I cannot completely

agree that only the Zionists want war. I have been in the throes of battles and military

campaigns that were far from the reach of Zionist agendas. This does not mean that there was

not an interest by a faction of Zionists but to say they had a direct hand in it would be ignorant.

At the same time I do agree with Dr. Duke because a thorough look at countless battles, wars

and military campaigns in history, and especially currently, proves undeniably that Zionists love

to start wars. From the Battle of Waterloo to the illegal occupations of the Middle East, we see

so many connections to the evil empire of Zion. These are the same goddamned creatures who

claim to have been the victims of the worst genocidal massacres in history, yet, they have been

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the masters of one of the worst genocidal campaigns in their own 'sacred' land. The Zionists are

warmongering viruses that must be dethroned, and done so immediately.

“We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell.”

~ Oscar Wilde

If the Devil does indeed exist, then his foot soldiers are the Zionists. It is as if the Devil

anointed the Zionists with the power to manifest hell through their touch. They needed a way

to control their Mules of civilization so as to create willfully ignorant servitude. To do this in a

way similar to boiling a frog, they created Hollywood as we see it today. Hollywood breeds

ignorance, ego, shame, desensitized sexuality, greed, lust, gluttony, and vanity. This is all done

as I explained earlier for the purpose of Social Engineering. Take a good look around you and

see what it has done to our once grand civilization. It has turned this planet into Hell. In order

for the Zionists to deflect attention from them so they can continue their insidious global

agenda, they have turned the evil onto the people from within. The Sub-Humans are their own

enemy because they have passively allowed it to happen. Willful and disgraceful obedience by

all the Zionist puppets whether they are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or other religions, is

unacceptable. They have created a Devil within each Sub-Human to allow each to turn on the

other. This is why we see blind patriotism and racism against all those who allegedly oppose us.

All the while the Zionists continue to put on the biggest marionette puppet show the world has

ever seen, and they will continue to pull the strings as long as the puppets continue to feed on

the rotten fruit of illusion.

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he

doesn't exist.” ~ Charles Baudelaire

The next time you are out in a public place, ask a random person if they are aware of the

Zionist Global Agenda and see how they answer. I am certain that most will have no idea what

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you are talking about and think you are just another one of those 'Conspiracy Nuts', or even go

as far as to call you the ever popular label of 'Anti-Semite'. There is a troubling fact on a global

scale which is the ignorant denial of the Zionist Global Agenda. An extensive look into history of

at least the past several thousand years will show that a faction of individuals who stole the

ideas of the real and genuine Jewish people are what we call the Zionists. These Zionists, which

for many debated reasons chose the Jewish faith, infiltrated and demonized what this old

religion was all about for their own special interests. The result was them being thrown out of

over one hundred countries for being trouble makers. You think that Jesus Christ whipped the

hell out of the money changers in the temple because they were Jewish? Hell no! A detailed

look at what transpired as told by the Bible leads a reasonable person to theorize that he was

whipping the Zionists who were already conducting nefarious business practices. If you wish to

understand the extensive history of the virus known as Zionism then you must do the proper

homework. History proves their wrong doings much farther back than most wish to imagine.

This Covent of vile creatures who are always ready to lash out by utilizing their verbal weapon

known as, Anti-Semitism, were never able to truly express their intentions openly and knew

that for hundreds of years they were being watched carefully. In fact, Zionism is comparable to

a perverted fat man who dips his genitals into the punch bowl at the party so that everyone

unknowingly consumes his filth, and yet, continues to party blindly. They had to restructure

their agenda for dominance and control. They had to completely redesign the infrastructure of

the beast so as to wrap the tentacles they spawn over all whom fall to temptation, or bow out

of fear. To do this they had to place those in their oligarchy in key role positions; from banks, to

government, to multi-national corporations. By doing this, they could appear as aspiring do-

gooders who wish to make the planet a better place. However, what was seen in public has

always been a far cry from what the fact of the matter is when the iron curtain closes.

The Zionists had to go to great lengths to hide the identity of their Covent, and the

ultimate agendas which they claim are in the name of 'God'. There is a term I have been using

for years which seems to only be understood by the Humans. That term is, 'Hidden in Plain

Sight'. This is not a new idea, and has been done for centuries. I aided in utilizing this method of

covertness when I served in the military and it is why now I am able to find so many troubling

facts because all one has to do is crack the code of what is 'Hidden in Plain Sight'. This is what

the Zionists have done. They have hidden themselves in plain sight. How did the Devil convince

the world he doesn’t exist? The same way the Zionists have. The Devil and the Zionists never

left the planet and they were never a myth. Both simply used a very intelligent plan to convince

the world that they are simply Folklore. However, to argue that neither the Devil, nor the

Zionists, do not exist is ludicrous for one good reason; you see, the Devil cannot exist without

the Zionists, and vice versa. Why is that? The answer is simple as well; the Devil and the Zionists

are one and the same. I am not a religious person, and do not believe that there is a Devil/Satan

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running an underworld of hellfire and brimstone; I consider myself a reasonable thinker. Yet I

find the word 'Devil' or 'Satan' fitting to describe the force in the Universe which is indeed, evil

in nature. I also wish people to understand that while I may say that the Devil and the Zionists

are one and the same, and since the Devil is just a name for the force of evil, I also wish to

include many other groups into the Devil Covent. To be fair across the board I would place the

Vatican and its Christian Zionists in that Devil Covent, as well as the psychotic rulers, who, for

over 60 years, turned Burma into a bloody hell on earth. The list doesn’t end there as I am sure

most Humans know, but the biggest slice of that evil pie is undeniably, the Zionists.

Still not convinced? Then get on whatever search engine you use on your gateway into

the cyber-matrix and look up 'Zionism'. That's it! That is all you need to type; one word and you

will find an almost endless list of players from the top tier all the way down to their Goyim

slaves. Look at senior members of the Senate and Congress; look at the CEOs of just about

every multi-national bank and corporation; look at Ben Bernanke; look at the fact that the

European Union simply was not enough for them so they demanded and created the Jewish

European Parliament; pay close attention to such watchdogs of the Zionists such as the Anti-

Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center, MOSSAD, AIPAC and STRATFORT Global

Intelligence, just to name the bigger players. Take the time to listen to the disgusting

propaganda spewed by such big names like Wolf Blitzer of CNN and the Zionist fuck-puppet

Glenn Beck. ALL are utilized to continue the greatest trick of convincing the world they never

existed. It has worked, and worked well, which we all must admit. However, these Devils-in-

disguise forgot about one crucial element to the Human Spirit: Free Will. The battle has now

surfaced, and that battle is becoming more volatile because after being in hiding for so long,

these nasty little Foxes have been stirred out of their holes by those who are fighting the good

fight in the factions of the uncorrupted Truth Movement. This has not been an easy fight, and it

will get worse, but the fact that we have called them out, and yet, they still cower behind their

iron curtain, speaks volumes. The Zionists, much like Dr. Frankenstein, created a monster and

now the monster is coming back to vanquish its creator. Nothing as evil as this lasts forever, so

we must ask one more question. How much longer will we allow this to continue before we

raise the stakes and push the bastards over the cliff into dark oblivion?

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“Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something

and when you decide how to respond.” ~ Jeffrey Borestein

How many of you can honestly say you have a complete understanding of what Free

Will is? The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy describes it as, "'Free Will' is a philosophical

term of art for a particular sort of capacity of rational agents to choose a course of action from

among various alternatives." Not exactly a clear and accurate definition, in my opinion, but of

course it was written by a supposed institution of higher learning.

The truth about Free Will goes much deeper than most understand because most now

on this planet have devolved into the engineered Sub-Human race. Sub-Humans have no Free

Will, but only the illusion of Free Will bestowed upon them by the Controllers. Sub-Humans are

only entitled to two choices for the most part in any given situation; Jail or community service,

Coke or Pepsi, Chocolate or Vanilla, Republican or Democrat, Shit or Syphilis, and so on. It is a

mundane life with mundane choices.

Enough of the Sub-Human discussion, because for them to gain a keen grasp on Free

Will, first they must work out a lot of other character defects - so let us just focus on what Free

Will really is and how it works, as well as how it must be utilized.

The quote above by Jeffery Borestein speaks volumes when it comes to the true essence

of what Free Will is all about. Free Will, when utilized by the evolved Human mind takes

nanoseconds to work. That instant Jeffery speaks of is the action of Free Will kicking in and

triggering the most magnificent effect a Human can experience when done so for the greater

good. So, how does Free Will affect those who understand it, and how is it constructed within

the Human psyche and spirit?

Think of Free Will as a spectrum similar to the color spectrum. In the color spectrum you

have colors stretching from the darkest shades of purples going all the way through to the

much brighter and vibrant colors of yellow, orange, and red. Now, transition those colors into

the Free Will Spectrum, which is about choice, whether from within, or from an outside source.

The spectrum works like this: On the side which is comparable to the dark colors is the side of

total lack of Free Will. This is the side of total mind control; total slavery, whether by choice or

willfully - total subservience. Then as we move up the spectrum, we see such levels as; willful

obedience, pledge of allegiances, socially required behavior, rights versus privileges, and the

common non-descriptive dumbed down zombies who wish to make no decision at all for them,

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but rather have the Controllers decide. Once we have passed the barrier of the negative side of

Free Will, we begin to see a self-empowering side which includes such levels as; passive

resistance, active resistance, active aggressive resistance, self-reliance, non-compliant freedom

fighter, and the true warrior spirit of an evolved Free Will Human. Of course, all the levels I

mentioned, good and bad, are only a few, because this spectrum is quite expansive.

Here is where the spectrum gets a little complicated and creates heated debate: For

someone, Human or Sub-Human, to have a complete understanding of Free Will, a few

different scenarios must take place. It is a case by case situation because no two people are

exactly the same - and that includes twins. I thought long and hard about how to explain this

and finally decided that it must be divided into three sections, which are the top three most

common scenarios that must happen for the understanding of Free Will.

Three scenarios of understanding free will:

1. To have been a slave who had an awakening.

Simple, yet not so simple, is this road to empowering one’s own Free Will. The

choice of the word 'slave' can describe many specific situations that would be an

example of a total lack of Free Will. One can be as easily described as an actual slave

controlled both physically and mentally by tyrant rule, such as the African slaves who

were under the horrible control of primarily European traders. Although in modern

times the African slave seems to always be the focal point of slavery, we must not forget

that since the dawn of time slaves have been made in every culture through war,

invasive trade, and unwanted occupation of another country, and/or territory.

The slave can also be a person who has been the victim of extreme abuse of any

kind (i.e. sexual, physical, and psychological). These people become so battered down

that any Free Will within them is lost deep in their own subconscious - locked away -

and seems an almost impossible task to regain control of. More often than not the

extreme cases are the ones who have been in this prison of abuse since early childhood,

but it does occur with anyone at any age if the abuse is extensive and intense enough.

Some will even categorize prisoners serving long sentences as slaves to the

system, however, this can be tricky to sympathize with. If a person has indeed

committed a heinous crime or multiple crimes, then we must ask if they even deserve

their own Free Will. It is common for a prisoner who is serving a life sentence, or a

person who has been in and out of prison most of their life to become 'institutionalized',

which is when a person actually regards the prison life as comfortable and normal for

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them. They, on many occasions will be paroled, but immediately commit another crime

to be inserted right back into the only system of life they know and understand. This is a

definite example of a slave. If they have indeed made these decisions then we must ask

ourselves an important question. Was this a path they went down by choice, or was it

an end result of their environmental upbringing?

Another great example of the slave would be a person who joined the military,

once reaching legal age to do so. Being still young, with no real understanding of the

world, they are beaten down mentally and physically so as to be groomed in the exact

way the military has chosen for them. I know this from direct experience and I am sure

other Veterans can agree. In the military it is emphasized that a soldier follows orders

and does not challenge that order, even though under the Uniform Code of Military

Justice it states that a soldier may object and deny any unlawful order. This does, and

has, taken place but more often than not that said soldier receives a reprimand in one

way or another. The soldier becomes the slave of the military machine, and this

machine seems to intertwine into the soldier’s subconscious - even after they have long

been discharged from service.

The final example is in regards to the Sub-Humans of this planet. Sub-Humans

seem to be created in one of two ways. Either they are created by birth from two adult

Sub-Humans, or through the social-transhumanistic engineering of today’s society.

Either way, the result is the same, which I covered earlier. These Sub-Humans, in some

cases, seem to have actually been born without any sort of Free Will as if it was literally

bred out of the DNA.

Many other examples could be covered but I feel this is substantial enough to

move on to how being a slave applies to the awakening of one’s Free Will. This type has

the advantage of already being at the lowest end of Free Will, which means they cannot

fall any lower, except for death. Given this advantage, the opportunity which comes in

various ways can allow the individual to experience that one pinnacle moment in their

life that changes everything - if they allow it. Since one of the requirements to truly

understand and utilize the Free Will Spectrum is to have an understanding and even

have experienced both sides of the spectrum, good and bad, these slaves have already

completed the most difficult part of the journey first. It is one thing to journey into the

darkness with an easy way out if one has always been on the side of good, but for one

to have to climb and fight out of the slavery of darkness, it is a feat most dare not

imagine. So, I praise all who fall under the category of slave in the Free Will spectrum,

who defy the odds and break the chains that bind them. Whether they are a prisoner,

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abuse victim, or Sub-Human, if they choose to embrace their own Free Will and return

their spirit in all its greatness to Humanity, then they are, in their own right, a hero.

2. To have always had the understanding, but embarked on an exploratory mission into

the dark side.

There are those who were fortunate enough to come into this world under

circumstances which protected them from the madness that has taken over the planet.

In most cases, it is a child who was born to parents that have long lived in the light of

the Free Will awakening. They eat and drink only what nature intended. They do not

abide by the unspoken laws of the Sub-Human culture controlled by the Elite. They live

as free as possible on this prison planet of chaos and war. These children, if not tainted

by the construct of evil, grow to be completely in control of their entire spirit.

Sometimes, they have been overly protected, and this is a crucial mistake. I do not

speak of those 'New Age' people who think that meditation, and saying, "Namaste," will

fix everything. I speak of those of which have always had a strong grounding on the

importance of life. It is not the fault of these individuals, or even their parents, if none

have ever felt the need to take a well thought out expedition into the dark side of Free

Will simply to observe why it exists. The reason it is important to experience the darker

side is to have true balance. Just as nature can only thrive with perfect balance, so, too,

can Humans only thrive with perfect balance in experiences and understanding.

I am not saying that a person should commit some sort of violent crime or

experiment with drugs. It is never wise to totally engulf yourself in an experience with

no safe way out. To have such an experience can be done safely and with remarkable

results. Some examples of this would be to volunteer to assist victims of heinous crimes,

or to travel to a part of the world to help those who have been placed into desperate

times. Most, though, these days, do not have the money to just jump on a plane and

travel to some desolate, far off land. So, you concentrate your efforts locally. Maybe

seeking a volunteer position to work with combat Veterans who now suffer from Post-

Traumatic Stress Disorder. You may be amazed and shocked by what they share with

you. Even just taking a stroll through the most poverty stricken area closest to you could

land the opportunity to experience the side which most run from. There are no specific

rules to how one begins this journey, but what is important is that one does. It is

important to at the very least expose yourself to the slaves of the dark side of the

Spectrum which will allow you to understand why it is important to always appreciate

what you have fused into your spirit. Good and Evil; Dark and Light; Slavery and

complete Freedom, this is what the Free Will Spectrum is all about and without that

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balance you simply have not tapped into your own potential. One cannot be

appreciated without understanding and experiencing the other. However you choose to

embark on your journey is your choice. Just remember this: the potential you have now

may be great, but the potential you will have after knowing the balance, is


3. To have served in a position of total lack of any level of free will but observed all levels

and chose the side of right.

Around the world there is a type of Human and Sub-Human that exist in such a

small number that very little is actually understood of them. These are the ones which

by very specific design were groomed purposely to be completely isolated from the

Spectrum of Free Will. Many reasons exist for why this is done, and none have

benevolent intentions. In the darkest of corners of our existence you will find those who

have chosen a path to raise these individuals for the purpose of evil doings. You find it in

Sexual Ritual Abuse, Satanic Rituals, Dark Secret Societies, Shadow Government

Operations and Projects - and those are just a few of the more commonly known ones.

What are the reasons for this? Simply put, to breed and groom biological machines that

have no emotion, no conscience, ask no questions, and only obey. No, these are not the

average person you see walking on the sidewalk. These are individuals who have been

selected because of bloodlines they carry, genetic makeup, natural talents, or

otherwise. These are the ones I relate to the most because I am one. I was fortunate,

because in my situation a chain of events took place which made me face that pinnacle

moment. It was the deciding factor where I had to choose a lifetime of servitude and

damnation, or a life of complete freedom; though it was not easy for me to do this, and

in fact, has taken years. I still to this day struggle with many things, but what is

important, is that I broke the bind that held me in that prison of blood.

People like I are unique, but we are not special; and anyone who is envious of

our experience is completely mad. How may this be an advantage to becoming one with

our own Free Will? Think of us as simply observers of the Human race, but with no

vested interest, and completely void of emotion. We, for the most part, are actively

involved with the dark side of things and do it without any feelings of remorse. Just as

we lack the remorse, we also lack the joy in watching others living in the light of life. To

us, Humans are just an object that we take, kill, or ignore - and that is it. I have spent

years observing the behavior of the Humans and Sub-Humans and had to go as far as to

mimic emotions so as to try and integrate into this world. I still do it to this day on some

level, but continue to improve. In a way, we are untainted by either side of the

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Spectrum. We have not been embraced in the side of total freedom and we have not

been subjected to the side of slavery. You may find that contradictory because of what I

described in the paragraph above. Allow me to explain. When you are groomed to be

one of us, it always starts at a very young age. This is done so that the way you are

raised and treated appears normal to you. Nothing else is questioned or missed because

you never had the opportunity to experience it. You do have your level of freedom

because you are a vested interest which not only costs time, but money as well, and an

object like that must be treated carefully. You go through life in a mind controlled fog

where the line between good and evil are blurred into one. We reside in that blurry line

with an inability to reach out. Like ghosts in the darkness, we live in the shadows of

society, conducting what is asked of us that most would have nightmares from

witnessing. To us, we finish the task, go home, and are not affected - because to us, it is

just another day.

A scientist conducting an experiment on an unfortunate laboratory animal feels

nothing towards that living creature. They simply look at it as an object for their

research. This means that whether the animal lives, dies or suffers horribly, they are just

after the results of their experiment. If the experiment fails they simply try again, and if

it succeeds, they conduct it again to see if the results are the same. Either way, there

really is no vested interest in the test animal. That is how it is for those like me; we have,

or had, no vested interest in Free Will. To us, it was something that did not matter

because we were nothing but laboratory animals for those who groomed us into


So, when one of us is confronted with a pinnacle moment of change and we

choose to begin the path of discovering of our own hidden Free Will, we are a clean

slate. It is a discovery filled with confusion, questions, difficulties, and wonders. Much

like when early explorers discovered lands never seen before by their civilization, it is

the undiscovered country which can either kill you, or cause your spiritual rebirth. I am

still on my journey into this new world I have resided in for over six years now; and

every day I discover more. Hopefully this journey of mine never ends, because I am

always searching for the answers I seek.

The subject of the Free Will Spectrum is a massive subject which I have not even

begun to scratch the surface in with all I explained above, but I feel I have given a good

start for those who wish to explore this subject deeper - and I hope you do. Before I

conclude this segment of my manifesto, I wish to mention one more crucial detail of

which is essential to the total art of utilizing it in its entirety. Running parallel to the Free

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Will Spectrum is yet another spectrum that has also been lost within the Sub-

Human/Transhuman world. That spectrum is the Emotional Spectrum. It is not

necessary at this time to go into as much detail concerning this spectrum, but what I will

do is give a brief description.

As I explained, the Free Will Spectrum spans from the darkest levels of Slavery/Mind

Control all the way through to total Freedom and Spiritual Awakening. The Emotional

Spectrum, at its darkest levels, are the emotions of complete hate and loathing. This is

equal on the spectrum to the Slavery/Mind Control of Free Will. On the other side of

emotion is total love and empathy which again is equal to Freedom and Spiritual

awakening. As balance is essential with Free Will, so, too, is it essential with the

Emotional Spectrum. The same system of requirements for the Emotion is the same as it

is for the Free Will, so simply refer above to what I have already explained. You cannot

be void of any Emotion and be evolved to the highest level of Free Will. One cannot

exist without the other.

In conclusion, I just want to once again refer to the game of Chess. Chess is a

perfect example of how true Free Will works. Two opponents sitting across the board

from each other; no coaches, no cue cards telling you how you should proceed next, no

team mates deciding the tactics. You are left to your own mind to decide how you wish

to play this opponent. The Chess pieces do not move for you and will not automatically

tell you where to place them next. It is up to you, and you alone. The intellect of Chess is

brilliant and it is one of few games left that has survived the test of time. Why? Because

it is a game of Free Will in its purest form. It is as simple as two opponents, two minds,

one board, and endless options with no outside force manipulating your every move.

That is what Free Will is all about. Free Will affects the world more than any other force

on this planet, for better or for worse. The Chessboard truly is the World.

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“I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. Henceforth, I will

repeat these words each hour, each day, everyday, until the

words become as much a habit as my breathing, and the action

which follows becomes as instinctive as the blinking of my

eyelids. With these words I can condition my mind to perform

every action necessary for my success. I will act now. I will repeat

these words again and again and again. I will walk where

failures fear to walk. I will work when failures seek rest. I will act

now for now is all I have. Tomorrow is the day reserved for the

labor of the lazy. I am not lazy. Tomorrow is the day when the

failure will succeed. I am not a failure. I will act now. Success will

not wait. If I delay, success will become wed to another and lost

to me forever. This is the time. This is the place. I am the person.”

~ Og Mandino

If that above quote by Og Mandino did not grab you by the soul and make you think,

then perhaps nothing will. We live in a world right now that is being torn apart by war, rape,

pillaging, plundering, pollution, corruption, hate, social engineering, Transhumanism, Sub-

Humanism, genocide, mind control, and too many more to list. Everything is in chaos as society

spirals deeper into a world without morals, honor, or integrity. The controllers and Zionist

rulers have led all of life on Earth to the brink of extinction and if they get their way most

people will be killed off until only a much smaller population exists. They have orchestrated

wars between countries, religions, cultures, sexes, political parties, and even between you and

I. They laugh in their towers looking down at the drones fighting feverishly in hopes to move

one rung up the ladder of illusion. Genetically Modified Organisms, poisoned water, toxic

vaccines, pharmaceutical pills that provide a slow kill, pesticides, artificially controlled weather,

police state tactics, ruling classes, monstrous banking institutions, wiretapping, satellite

harassment, electro smog, corrupt multi-national corporations, and all the rest of the diabolical

pieces to this giant puzzle of death and destruction are leading us into oblivion. Sounds pretty

hopeless right?

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Read the quote above again and perhaps read it every day if necessary, because the

words are indeed powerful. I have had every justifiable reason known to man happen to me,

which would give me the right to turn away from this planet and its resident life, forever. Many

times I have been tempted to do so, and for several years I did just that. Part of me wishes the

whole bloody mess would just finally self-destruct so that life on this planet can start over. That

same part of me considers the vast majority of people on this planet as a destructive virus that

needs to be destroyed. I even participated in that desire while still serving those who controlled

me - but no longer. The other side of me wants to see a much larger scale awakening of the

Sub-Humans. I wish to see a global revolution against the evil bastard Zionists and other

controllers. This side of me also desires to offer my experience, knowledge, and training to

those who decide to actively fight against the Elite. It is a paradox I deal with daily, and I am

always fighting a civil war in my mind on which way to lean. Like I said in the beginning of this

manifesto, I have my own demons I deal with.

For too long have the people fought among themselves; which has always been by

design. This group does not like what that other group is doing. Someone cries blasphemy at

the work of someone else simply because they do not understand it. Factions are created, and

then provoke a campaign of smear tactics against another faction for having a different opinion.

Intelligence agencies and world leaders engineer wars so as to disrupt any chance of unification

among the people. It has all been by design and it has worked almost perfectly. As I expressed

in regards to the Truth Movement; I do not wish to demonize the entire entity, but merely root

out the weeds which are causing the suffocation which prevents it to grow properly. These

weeds that provoke segregation and in-fighting are like Monsanto pesticides wreaking havoc on

the organic crops to suppress the full potential of the direction the Truth Movement needs to

head towards. Can you not see that this is THE number one problem that not only the Truth

Movement faces, but all of civilization?

Unification, as I speak of, is not my way of saying we need this world to be some kind of

New Age utopia, or that we all should live a life in the giant drum circle wishing everyone,

"Namaste," - because I am a realist. I know how Human nature works, and there will always be

disputes, fighting, segregation, and all the other aspects we see with such a diverse number of

cultures and races on this planet. In fact a little bit of fighting is good, because just as nature

uses fires to clear an out of control forest, so will fighting aid in clearing out tense disputes

between neighbors. It is a cycle of the system essential for balance, but it does not mean a full

scale war of genocidal proportions needs to be waged. No one is perfect, and that is a good

thing for civilization. There are people who have extreme viewpoints, stating that at the end of

this year we will see a shift in consciousness, and then everyone miraculously will ascend into a

fourth or fifth dimensional being, and that all will be heavenly perfect, for all eternity. WRONG.

The imperfections we have as a species have been created for a reason, and that is of balance.

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We need this earth to be the melting pot of culture and diversity and we all must respect and

protect each culture. The movement towards this pseudo-multiculturalism is nothing more

than cultural genocide. Each culture, and each race, and each artistic view; each way of life, is

unique. All must be preserved, with, of course, the one exception of the geopolitical agenda of

Zionism - because THEY are not a culture or religion; but thieves in the night.

I do not expect everyone to get along, nor should they have to. This is about respect and

agreeing to disagree. You go your way and I will go mine. It is that simple folks. This is not

rocket science we are dealing with; it is a much more simple challenge to embark upon.

Constructive criticism is healthy because it will allow others to grow. Tip toeing around taboo

subjects is counter-productive and should be confronted in a well-constructed manner. One

should never just follow the voice of one leader who may not have a stable grasp on how we, as

Guardians of the planet, should be allowed to live our lives. Perfection is an ideology that has

always been pushed by those in power. Ask yourself why that is? Is perfection really what we

want to aspire to be? Imperfections are beautiful. Imperfections are what make us so diverse

and unique. Imperfections allow us to tap into the creative side of our brain to figure out how

to benefit from those imperfections and utilize them in our lives. No one should be ostracized

for their imperfections, character defects, or idiosyncrasies. Let imperfections be as they are

and if the individual or group chooses to change them on their own accord, then what we will

witness is just one essential aspect of true freedom. We, as a species, may never get along on a

global scale but we can strive to live in such a way where we have the freedom of choice to get

along - and that is the closest to utopia we should strive for.

Consider one more thing as you ponder what I have discussed about the issue of our

total lack of understanding of how we should co-exist. There has been a very twisted view

created which is now embedded in the mind of most Sub-Humans, and dare I say it, some

Humans. This outlook of who we are as a species, is, in itself, an elitist and ignorant view of our

place on Earth. I have always said that Humans were placed here in a very important role,

which is to be the Guardians of Earth. For the most part, the majority of civilization has lost

complete touch with nature and this is troubling. Most Sub-Humans just stroll through life

never considering our fellow neighbors on Earth and how the collective greed has affected

them. The plants and animals who reside here as well have just as much rights to live free as we

do and we cannot evolve until we honor their place here. Agenda 21 is NOT the answer to

solving this problem as it is nothing more than a tentacle of Transhumanism. No, we need to

just stop all the madness of industrialized greed and the blatant disregard for nature. To co-

exist as a Human Race means we must equally co-exist with ALL life on the planet. Rainforest is

being decimated daily. The oceans are dying at a troubling rate. It is said that once the oceans

die the land comes next. Our skies have changed color and our soil is becoming sterile. How do

you think that makes the animal kingdom feel? Have you even considered contemplating that

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question? This is why I refuse to go to zoos, or sea life aquariums, or even circuses. How would

these droves of Sub-Humans feel if they were taken from all they ever knew and shipped off

halfway around the world, only to be put into an enclosure so that a supposed 'Higher' species

could gawk and stare at them for the rest of their life? If we created a zoo of Humans and Sub-

Humans, all the civil rights organizations would be up in arms. Yet, our conceded way as an

egotistical race thinks that somehow WE have the right to utilize these living beings as an object

for our entertainment? We have a responsibility that only a few still honor correctly, and that is

our responsibility to all life on Earth. The time has arrived where our species must take

responsibility for guarding all the magnificent life on this planet. You have a choice to make

now, and I do hope you choose wisely on how you want to remember your life when the time

for your passing has arrived.

Throughout my three plus decades of traveling this planet I have witnessed, and

personally been part of, the worst Humanity has to offer. I have seen and done things most

could never imagine. I have also seen people at their best in the worst of situations. I know

what we, as a species, are capable of, and because I have been in a position to witness this, I

know without a doubt that those who make the conscious choice to be at their best at all times

DO become victorious.

Have you had enough of the madness that has infected this war torn planet? When is

enough, enough? Who decides when we have reached the point of no return, while others sit

idly by waiting in anticipation of Armageddon? Only when the individual truly gets mad about

all that has happened will they become dangerous - and if done correctly that can be utilized as

the tool of change; but you have to be smart about it. Anger will not alone make proper

change; you have to have the correct knowledge in your weapons cache. The greatest gift we

were ever given as Humans was Free Will, and the greatest weapon has always been

knowledge. The global Elite know this, secret societies know this, and the alchemists know this.

Take back your mind for the sake of yourself, and for all. Never stop learning, and never stop

evolving your own Free Will. Do this, and you will be amazed with what you will accomplish.

One person who embraces this can do amazing things; an entire civilization embracing their

individualized knowledge and Free Will can accomplish the almost unthinkable.

Never before has this species been in such a dire situation on such a global scale. Never

has our species and all other life on this planet been on the brink of oblivion the way it is now.

Most importantly, never has our species been in a situation as unique as we are in now. Not

tomorrow, not a week, month or year from now, because the time to plan a revolution IS now.

Our opportunity is now, and the longer we wait the closer we reach critical mass. If we hold out

any longer to fight back and regain our role as the Guardians of Earth, life as we know it will

explode in a Super Nova and all will be lost for perhaps decades, if not centuries, or forever.

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I see a lot of people taking a cyber-role in the freedom fight by making videos,

selling books or writing blogs, which is fine, but that has reached a climax now and has for the

most part become stagnant. What we need now are boots on the ground. We always need

individuals with a presence of listeners to speak the truth and encourage others to fight; but

more importantly we need YOU to be your own true warrior. Read that quote above again and

really take in the words. I will act now; I will walk where failures fear to walk; I will act now for

now is all I have; Tomorrow is the day when failure will succeed; Success will not wait; this is

the time; this is the place; I am the person. Are you ready to take back control of what was

stolen from us so long ago? The next time you stand in front of a mirror, ask yourself one


What have you done, or what are you willing to do, to regain freedom? Sacrifices will

have to be made, and it will not be easy; it never is. Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy and it

never should, otherwise it would never be appreciated. Evil is easy, because there is no mental

lingering over the consequences one should face. I have fought many senseless wars and killed

those who needed and did not need to be killed. I have stared evil in the face and survived. I did

my part in wrecking this beautiful planet and I have to live with that for the rest of my life. Just

once, I would like to take part in a battle for the right side before I die. Perhaps it is the part of

me who is looking to pardon my own sins against Humanity by doing right. Perhaps it is just the

fire that always burns in me to seek final revenge against those who took everything from me.

Perhaps I still have a small ounce of faith in Humanity and know what we can be capable of and

wish to see that come into fruition. The final hour is not soon to be, but is here now. In the

greater scheme of things, my opinion does not matter. It is only the opinion of the many that

counts because without unification against tyranny, failure is inevitable. For me, failure has

never been an option. I hope you can say the same for yourself. Our time has come now and

the line has been drawn. Which side of the line you choose is up to you. Choose carefully, or

someday you may find yourself on the battlefield Chess board of the world and when you look

towards the opposing force your opponent just might be someone like me.

Earth cannot survive without us and we cannot survive without Earth, so take a stand,

and, once again, regain your title as Guardian of the Planet. Until the time for revolution is upon

us, remember to never give up, live free, stand tall, and most importantly, never forget the

quote I would like to leave you all with until next time.

Where will I be, you may ask? I’ll be around, I always am.

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"The only impossibilities are those that you have been led to believe are impossible. There are no impossibilities. Look

beyond the next horizon and you will Exist Free . . ."

~ Aaron E. McCollum