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The Cell Cycle & Cell Division

Page 2: The Cell Cycle & Cell Division

Most cells in an organism go through a cycle of growth, development, and division called the cell cycle.

The cell cycle allows organisms :

to grow and develop replace old or

damaged cells produce new cells.

The Cell Cycle

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There are two main phases of the cell cycle:1. Interphase 2. Mitotic phase

Phases Of The Cell Cycle

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Interphase is a period of growth and development for a cell.

It makes up most of the cell cycle

During interphase, The DNA of the cell is called chromatin


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During interphase, cells go through three stages:


1. Rapid growth and replication of the organelles. (G1 stage)

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Interphase2. Replication of DNA . (S stage)

The cell replicates its strands of chromatin

Sister chromatids are the two identical strands of DNA that make up the duplicated chromosome.

They are held together by a structure called a centromere.

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3. Growth and final preparation for cell division (G2 Stage


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Mitosis- The process of cell division that results in 2 identical cells(daughter cells) with the same number of chromosomes.

Only happens in body cells

Sub-stages of Mitosis: Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase


Mitotic Phase

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Duplicated DNA condenses into chromosomes


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Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell


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Sister chromatids in each duplicated chromosome separate and are pulled in opposite directions by the spindle fibers


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Chromosomes begin to uncoil, and 2 new identical nuclei form


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Cytokinesis divides a cell’s cytoplasm forming a new cell membrane around each daughter cell.

In animal cells , a furrow in the middle of the cell gets deeper until the cell membrane comes together to divide the cell.


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In plants, a cell plate grows outward toward a new cell wall until 2 new cells form


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The cell cycle is important for : for reproduction in some organisms growth in multi-cellular organisms replacement of worn-out or damaged cells Repair of damaged tissues