Download - The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles

  • 8/6/2019 The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles


  • 8/6/2019 The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles


    Pagina 2graphic: The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles - Daniel Fromson - Life - The Atlantic

    27.07.2011 15:41:49://

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    Pagina 3graphic: The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles - Daniel Fromson - Life - The Atlantic

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    Pagina 4graphic: The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles - Daniel Fromson - Life - The Atlantic

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    Infographic: The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles

    By Daniel Fromson

    6 Jul 19 2011, 4:37 PM ET 3

    A new Environmental Working Group report on the climate and health impacts of meat is stylish and smart, as this chart makes clear

    You might think about meat differently afterreading "The Meat Eater's Guide to Climate

    Change + Health," out this week from the

    Environmental Working Group. This well -

    researched report on the consequences of our

    animal-heavy diet is probablyone of the most


  • 8/6/2019 The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles


    Pagina 5graphic: The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles - Daniel Fromson - Life - The Atlantic

    27.07.2011 15:41:49://

    significant documents of its kind since

    "Livestock's Long Shadow," the controversial

    2006 document on animal agriculture and climate

    put out by the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture


    It's especially worth perusing because its

    calculations of the environmental impacts of specific foods account for the entire lifecycle of each product, rather than just the production phase (the

    atter is a much more typical but also much less informative approach). And the EWG manages to present its findings stylishly and in a way that people

    can actually relate to, as in the following infographic, which shows how the carbon footprint of a serving of everything from lentils to lamb translates

    nto miles driven in a car. (Click on the image for a larger version.)

    Here's a link to the full report.

    Images: Courtesy of the EWG


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  • 8/6/2019 The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles


    Pagina 6graphic: The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles - Daniel Fromson - Life - The Atlantic

    27.07.2011 15:41:49://


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    1 week agoInfinityBall

  • 8/6/2019 The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles


    Pagina 7graphic: The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles - Daniel Fromson - Life - The Atlantic

    27.07.2011 15:41:49://

    Combining organic foodadvocacy with r educing carbon emissions seems like an odd choice.

    3 people liked this. Like

    Even as a supporter of meat reduction for the sake of the greater ecology, I'm bothered by the implication that 4 ozof lettuce is fit for normalized comparison to 4 oz of lamb. 4 ozof red meat should

    beabout 200-350 calories depending upon the cut, whereas 4 oz of vegetables might total 31 calories. By my math then if we correctfor calories, 3. 5 miles of vegetables would feed you as well as 7

    miles of red meat.

    3 people liked this. Like

    It seems unfair to rate lamb so badly without differentiating between locally grown and stuff imported from Australia or New Zealand. I get my lamb from a farmer that lives less than20 miles away -

    you can't tell me that has off-the-chart emissions. Give the lamb market a break - it' s already the leastconsumed meat in the US (despite its deliciousness).

    Andwhat does eating myturkey skinless have to do with carbon miles?

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    Pagina 9graphic: The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles - Daniel Fromson - Life - The Atlantic

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    Pagina 10graphic: The Carbon Footprints of 20 Foods, Shown as Car-Miles - Daniel Fromson - Life - The Atlantic

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