Download - The Call for Islamization of Modern Psychology


The Call for Islamization of Modern Psychology


Dr. Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak

([email protected]) Dr. Yousef Rahath House (Kulliyyah of Education)

Department of Fundamental & Inter-Disciplinary Studies

Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences International Islamic University Malaysia

Presented to:

Academic Centre for Education, Culture & Research

Tehran, Iran

March, 2017

© ACECR & maarji

This presentation on ‘The Call for Islamization of Modern Psychology’ elucidates the nature and focus of psychology in the West and Muslim world. Since the West has gone through a period of shifting of paradigms in its views on man and psychology, and the fact that there exist a myriad of schools in psychology, the presenters would like to restrict their scope of analysis to only three schools from the western mainstream psychology. Among others that include psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and humanistic psychology. In a contrastive manner ideas on Man from the three schools will be compared with what has been conceptualized in Islamic psychology. Due to the fact that at times western schools of psychology agree and complement one another in matters related to man and at other times they are at loggerhead with one another, has created an opportunity for the introduction of Islamic psychology. It is the conviction of the presenters that Islamic ideas on man which are comprehensive and all-encompassing can act as a ‘peace-maker’ to the polemical issues that are prevalent in western schools of psychology. It is believed that ideas provided by Islamic psychology can harmonize many of the differences found in western mainstream psychology


Western Psychology in the Beginning

According to Webster (2003), long before the

emergence of the controversial theory on the origin of

man by Charles Darwin (1809-1882), psychology like all

other natural sciences had its roots in religion. More

precisely, he states that Western psychology had initially

been a branch of the Christian theology. Ideas on man,

presented by Western psychology during that time were

an amalgamated one taken from Plato (428-348BC),

Jesus and Paul (5-67AD) (Mohd Abbas, 2013)


In addition to that, psychologists paid much attention to

the cognitive phenomena like memory, intelligence and

perception which are all related to the human soul. By the

end of the nineteenth century, this trend in the Western

psychology changed when Sigmund Freud (1856-1039)

introduced his psychoanalysis paradigm into the

mainstream of Western psychology. With its emergence,

psychoanalysis started to wreck, and challenge the

traditional outlook of Western psychology (Mohd Abbas, 2013)

Nye(1986), states that although at times many of the ideas on man in the Western paradigms complement one another in answering the intricate questions on human nature, there are also times when they contradict each other

(Mohd Abbas, 2013)



Sigmund Freud

Freud took psychology away from its mere focus and

discussion on certain selected topics, to deal with the

whole issue of human existence. Controversial enough to

state, he gave the topics on sexuality and sexual impulses

great importance in the psychological growth of man.

Previously such topics were deemed as an intellectual

pollution by Plato and other ancient philosophers. Some

even went to the extent to accolade him with praises as the

‘Darwin of the mind’ (Mohd Abbas, 2013)

Painted a negative image of man

There is no difference between man and other members of the animal kingdom

Man is an intellectual beast doomed for destruction

Man is enslaved to his sexual impulses

Man has no freedom to cut loose from the shackles of his psychosexual development

Freud’s concept on man is a pessimistic and deterministic one

Man is driven by two psychic forces; Eros

(Life Instinct) and Thanatos (Death Insticnt) 9








Unlike the psychoanalysts, the behaviorists have a different

concept of human nature altogether. In their concept of

human nature, much emphasis has been laid on explaining

that man is nothing more than an outcome of his own

environment. In the behaviorist concept, the environment

refers to the physical as well as the social condition of

family, society and the country at large. Behaviourism as a

school of thought in psychology has its roots in John

Locke's (1632-1704) theory of associationism (Mohd Abbas, 2013)

Based on the ‘tabula rasa’ theory, man is neither good nor bad

Man is nothing more than an outcome of his environment

Radical Behaviorism: Man and animals can be conditioned by stimulus and response and reinforcement

Man becomes a mechanical being.

They emphasized on man’s learning experience

They do not believe that man is born with innate knowledge





Carl Rogers


Humanistic Psychology

Humanistic psychology was not happy with Freud's concept of

human nature that depicted man as an animal full of sexual and

aggressive energy that drives him wild and reckless in the pursuit

of his selfish motives. As a response to psychoanalysis, humanistic

psychology emphasized strongly on the parts of human nature

that are uniquely of human potentials such as reflection,

reasoning, judgment, self-awareness, rationality and creative

imaginations. Moreover, humanistic psychologists, believe that

every individual has a freedom of choice, a tendency to enjoy

interpersonal relationship, can have his or her own intention and

purpose in life and also able to undergo spiritual experience

otherwise called as ‘peak experience’ in one’s life (Mohd Abbas, 2013)

Man is born with a good nature but reacts negatively due to situations which he gets into

They did not believe that all human actions can be reduced to a stimulus-response type of action

They believe, man has a subjective inner dimension

Man has the freedom to choose either to respond or not to the demands of the environment

Man’s state of consciousness is more important than his unconscious

Man has the tendency for growth to experience

‘Self-Actualization’ and ‘Fully-functioning Person’


Many scholars in the West were and are influenced by what has been conceptualized by Charles Darwin (1809-1882).

Darwin’s idea that states the origin of man goes back to the ape family is lurking in the ideas of Western scholars who appeared later on the intellectual stage of Europe


Islamic Psychology

Unlike the Western schools of psychology; namely the Freudian

psychoanalysis, Behaviorism and Humanistic psychology, which

are based on secular notion on human nature, Islamic psychology

is one that is purely based on the religious ideas on man. In

exploring the contents of Islamic psychology, one would discover

that it caters to answer many of the unattended enigmatic issues

on man by the Western mainstream psychology (Mohd Abbas, 2013)

Nature of Islamic Psychology

Islamic psychology is unique when compared to Western

psychology in the sense that it provides a comprehensive

understanding on man, his true nature, his origin before coming

into this world, his supposed mission and role in this life and also

of his eventual return upon completing this earthly life. In contrast

to this thorough explanation on man by Islamic psychology,

Western psychology only emphasizes matters pertaining to man of

his physical, psychological and socio-cultural needs. Moreover, by

being more concerned with man’s ‘here and now’, Western

psychology does not dwell on what was the state of man before

he was born and what happens to him after death. (Mohd Abbas, 2013)

Nature of Islamic…..cont.

Different to Western mainstream psychology, Islamic psychology

is much concerned about the state of humanness in man and to

the study of his soul/spirit. In its investigations on man and

personality development, Islamic psychology tries to understand

the functions of the RËÍ, Qalb, Nafs and ÑAql. For many Muslim

psychologists the four entities are one and the same thing

referring to the RËÍ. For some, the four act as different entities in

the human body. Yet, the four entities form the spiritual dimension

on man. The knowledge and understanding of these four entities

have helped Muslim psychologists solve many psychological issues

pertaining to human problems

(Mohd Abbas, 2013)

• Man has pre-existed before he came to this world

• Human beings are the progeny of Adam

• Man is the Khalifah/vicegerent of God on earth

• Man was taught by Allah - as such, he possesses the creative intelligence

• Man was created in the best of moulds

• Man was given the natural disposition

• Man is placed on the highest pedestal in the hierarchy of creations

• Man was not the First Creation of Allah SWT

• The world was prepared for Man before his coming 20

At times man’s position can go higher than the angels and lower than animals

Man is forgetful

Man is given the freedom of choice to choose his way, either to be thankful or ungrateful to Allah

Man is given the ‘Amanah’

Man has a dual nature; soul and body

The spiritual dimension of man



And when your Lord said to the

angels: “Indeed, I will make a

vicegerent upon the earth.” They

said: “Will you place upon it one

who will cause corruption therein,

and will shed blood, while we

glorify Your praise and sanctify

You.” He said: “Surely, I know that

which you know not.”

Surah Al-Baqarah 2:30

He is known in the Qur’an as:
















Soul/ Spirit/


Khalifah Khulafah



Vicegerent Administer

Deputy Representative



•Establish a good relationship with Allah,

•This world is given as a trust

•He has to serve Allah SWT and no other deities/gods

• He has to be accountable for all his actions on this world


•Bring out the potentials from the belly of the earth and

used them for his spiritual development

•Nature is a gift from Allah (Flora & Fauna)

•Man should not abuse or cause destruction

•Administer the world well- establish peace and harmony


•Establish a good relationship with fellow human beings;

Muslims and non-Muslims


Born in the primordial nature/ born with his natural disposition

Born without any stain of sin

In Islam, man is not born with the ‘Original Sin’



So set you your face (O Muhammad) towards (this) Faith, inclining to truth. The nature of Allah that upon which He has created mankind. There is no altering in (the laws of) Allah’s creation. That is the right religion, but most of the people do not know

[ Surah Rum30: 30 ]


“We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof. But man undertook it (the Trust);- he was indeed unjust and foolish...” (Surah Al-Ahzab:72)


The word Amanah in Surah Ahzab:72 has several meanings to it

Scholars say Amanah can be the sum total of all the injunctions found in the Qur’an

The Qur’an can be the Amanah

The human intellect or Aql’ can be the Amanah

The Vicegerency can be the Amanah

The covenant between Allah and the whole of humanity in the realm of soul, prior to his coming to this world



We have certainly created

man in the finest of moulds

(Surah Al-Tin 95:4)

And indeed, We have honored the

children of Adam, and We have carried

them on the land and the sea, and We

have provided them with good things,

and We have preferred them above

many of those whom We created, (a

sure) preference (Surah Al-Isra’:70)


Indeed, We guided him to

the way, whether be he

grateful or be he

ungrateful (rests on his


Surah Al-Insan76:3)


And indeed, We made

a covenant with Adam

before, but he forgot,

and We did not find in

him determination

Surah Ta Ha 20: 115


And He taught Adam all the names, then He showed them to the angels and said: “Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful.”

They said: “Glory be to You, we

have no knowledge except that

which You have taught us. Indeed,

it is You, the All Knower, the All


Surah Baqarah2: 31-32














1. Jannah

(Adam& Hawwa)

2. Alam Al-Arwah

(Realm of the Souls)

3. Alam


(9+ months)

4. Alam Al-

Dunya (60-70


5. Alam Al-




(end of


7. Yaumul




8. Al-Mizan

(The Balance)

9. Sirat

(the Bridge)

The Spiritual Journey of Man:

An Islamic Perspective

Jahan-nam (Hell)


Some Analysis on Western & Islamic Psychologies Western Mainstream Psychology Islamic Psychology

1. Based on scientific & secular ideas 2. Method: mainly scientific 3. Focuses on Man’s “Here & Now” 4. It is a “Soulless” psychology which focuses on

the human mind 5. Darwin’s concept on man forms the basis for

many schools of psychology 6. Dichotomous way of looking at human nature

(mind and body) 7. Psychologists, counselors and

psychotherapists take a ‘value-free’ approach when dealing with their clients

8. Over dependent on psychedelic drugs to overcome their clients mental illness

9. No consensus on what is considered to be an ideal personality

10. Absence of a role-model in their theories of personality

1. Based on ideas taken from the Qur’an, Sunnah & medieval Muslim scholars

2. Method: Religious & philosophical 3. Explains Man’s pre-existence, “Here &

Now” & Hereafter 4. Entertains discussion on the nature of

the human soul 5. Its concept on Man goes back to ideas

found in the Qur’an & Sunnah 6. Integrated way of looking at the

relationship between the soul and body 7. Psychologists, counselors &

psychotherapists provide a ‘value-laden’ services to their clients

8. Recommends reading & listening to the Qur’an, meditation, contemplation, prayers, fasting, taubah(repentance), etc. as a form of therapy

9. What is a good personality is well-explained from the Qur’anic and Sunnah perspectives

10. Prophets & his companions & saintly people are good role-models for a healthy personality

Western Psychology is making a U-Turn • As a result of the Renaissance & Secularism, western

psychology left God & embraced science and scientific methods to solve all psychopathological problems

• In the beginning it started to measure human greatness by using IQ= Intelligence Quotient

• After that psychologists said something is missing in human beings, then they came up with EQ= Emotional Quotient

• The latest development, they are calling for SQ=Spiritual Quotient

• This new trend sounds as if psychologists are returning back to religious & philosophical ideas

• But their new concept of spirituality without the presence of God is still not good enough to remedy all psychopathological problems

* The following three slides are my quotes on God


God is like the central piece of the jigsaw-

puzzle of life. Without Him life becomes less

romantic and meaningless

(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)


A day without God in my life will be a

total chaos

(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)



The ongoing tussle between good and evil within me says that God exists

(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)



Limitation of Scientific Approach

Western psychologists at one time used the philosophical

approach and at another time they used the scientific

approach aided by laboratory, scientific tools, and even

computers. The latest developments in Western Psychology

show that psychologists are reverting back to some

philosophical ideas due to their inability to find satisfactory

answers in some areas of psychology by merely using

scientific approach (Mohd Abbas, 2013)

Limitation of Science……cont.

The optimism of fifty years ago has now dissipated and the

social and psychological problems of Western societies are

probably the only variables that have surpassed economic

inflation in their sharp increase. Their failure is not

surprising since the psychology of humankind, with all its

complex variables and spiritual aspects, could never be

reduced to the chemical and physical data of laboratory

experiments (M.G. Husain, 1996, p.xi)

New Trend in Western Psychology Western psychology which evolved from a philosophical approach

to a scientific one in the study of man has somehow neglected the

true essence of psychology which is the study of the human soul.

As such it is now regarded as a ‘soulless psychology’. In realizing

this situation, the latest trend in Western psychology indicates

that psychologists are incorporating some Eastern philosophical

and religious ideas into their existing scientific ideas on man.

Considering this as an open invitation, Muslim scholars and

psychologists have initiated efforts on the Islamization of modern

psychology by sharing ideas on man’s spiritual dimension found in

the Islamic primary sources (Mohd Abbas, 2013)

Islamization of Modern Psychology

The Islamization process is not a total rejection of all

scientific research done by Western scholars. The rejection

of science and scientific research is not the true spirit of the

Qur’an. With this in mind, Muslim scholars, scientists and

psychologists only reject all atheistic, secularist, agnostic

and nihilistic ideas found in the researches done by

Western scholars

(Mohd Abbas, 2013)

Role of Islamic Psychology

Islamic psychology with its comprehensive ideas on human

nature has been seen by Muslim scholars as a new

perspective in psychology that can fill in the lacunae

present in the modern psychological thoughts on man, and

clears the mist that surrounds most Western theories on

man. It is expected that Islamic psychology can harmonize

many of the disagreements found among the different

schools of psychology in the West

(Mohd Abbas, 2013)

What to Retain from Western Psychology

• As stated by Badri (1979) and other Muslims psychologists that

it will be good for Muslim psychologists to adopt and adapt

some of the ideas found in Western psychology so long as

these ideas are not contradictory to their Islamic faith, into their

own system of psychology.

• Psychological tools, measurements to conduct intelligence

tests, behaviour therapy and behavioral psychotherapy which

are found on learning theory can be well incorporated into the

realm of Islamic psychology. Moreover, such psychological

tools have great relevance in the fields of education, military

and medicine (Mohd Abbas, 2013)


Syukran Jazilan

Terima Kasih

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