Download - The BRS Happy Newspaper to... · HAPPY PETS NEWS Lots of praise postcards ready to be posted out for the hard work that students are putting into their Science work. Some of these

Page 1: The BRS Happy Newspaper to... · HAPPY PETS NEWS Lots of praise postcards ready to be posted out for the hard work that students are putting into their Science work. Some of these

The BRS Happy Newspaper



Lots of praise postcards ready to be posted out for the hard work that students are putting into their Science work.  Some of these students have worked so hard they've earned themselves a bar of chocolate too as an extra reward!  We are really impressed with the effort we are seeing from students and would love to send out even more postcards, so keep working hard folks!  Miss Toms and Team Science

Lutcia - Year9 RE

Issue 4 - May 2020

Grace - Year 7

Food & NutritionBraidon - Year 10

Maths Blessa - Year 9English

Leela - Year 8


This lock down is not good for my hair doo!!! I hope mum isn’t thinking of using those clippers on me?I have seen what she’s done to the boys hair with those and its not good!! I would do anything for my Pouch parlour (as mum calls it) to be open! Then I got to go to the Pouch parlour and have my hair cut by ‘A professional’The only thing is none of my friends were there!! I really miss them. Hopefully it won’t be long until I see them again and we can have a good catch up. We will have loads to tell each other, I can’t wait. Mrs.Langston

Page 2: The BRS Happy Newspaper to... · HAPPY PETS NEWS Lots of praise postcards ready to be posted out for the hard work that students are putting into their Science work. Some of these



Noah - Year 9 Lexie - Year 9

As many people know, the whole of the UK is in Lockdown due to the recent pandemic Covid-19. This means that children cannot go to school, adults can’t go to work and going outside is a no go. This has been very hard on many people but I have been finding it particularly easy, I have been keeping to a schedule and have been keeping myself active as many sport and leisure centres have been shut down due to COVID. Although I have been missing the simple joy of going outside, it's nice to be around family and engage more instead of spending 6 hours of your day in a classroom.

There is a downside of not going to school, many people have taken the opportunity to be lazy and not do any of the tasks that teachers have set which can be frustrating. Another negative is that you can't see your friends every day as you used to and that can be very saddening for many people.

This quarantine can be a big struggle for many students as they may not have access to the right resources, they may be struggling with work or worrying about where their future will land. I find it very frustrating when my computer doesn't work or i don't understand a task and cannot ask a teacher, but the main thing is to not worry, it can make an already stressful situation even worse.

Make sure to stay safe and don't worry.

Rayna - Year 7

For the next issue of the happy newspaper please email Miss.Scott or Miss.Crowther a poem describing your time in lockdown.

Check firefly for more information

Eleanor - Year 9