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  • 8/12/2019 The Brain, Music, and the Church


    Dent 1Emory Dent

    Cosmin Ritivoiu

    English 101

    18 October 2013

    The Brain, Music, and the Church

    Like a dark, enveloping storm cloud, poised to release

    yet another havoc-educing lightening strike, the

    controversial subject of musical style and methodology in

    Christianity seems ever-present. How to worship in song

    collectively and publically, promoting unity and Biblical

    soundness, while trying to please as many as possible, has

    proved to be a rather daunting task. Sermons have been

    preached, seminars have been televised, and articles have

    been published by means to shed light upon this shady area.

    Ultimately, however, these attempts seem to produce little

    benefit when faced with personal experience and

    evangelistic efforts, for as long as God is being portrayed

    to those involved, the musical method seems valid. Thus,

    another way must be analyzed.

    In light of scientific study, this paper seeks to

    portray how music in a Christian liturgical setting should

    be conducted, by means of promoting optimum brain function.

    With the possession of a brain being a mutual facet of

    every believer, the research compiled here will be a

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    Dent 2database of principles for all in search of a deeper, more

    unified liturgical experience through music, one that

    follows the guidelines God has placed in the minds of all.

    These principles include: the paradigmatic balance between

    emotional and intellectual enjoyment, spiritual and carnal

    mindedness, and proper frontal lobe, limbic, and

    hypothalamus function. To begin, the brain, its functions,

    and reactions will be discussed, as well as how music is

    processed when a brain is exposed to its incoming


    On September 13, 1848, a horrific accident took place

    near Cavendish, Vermont, which few could consider

    profitable for quite some time (Fleischman, 1). However, as

    the greatest scientists and physicians of the day went to

    work, in search of an explanation to its intriguing

    outcome, the incident produced revolutionary discoveries

    concerning brain science and function. Phineas Gage, a

    foreman on a railroad construction site, was good with

    his hands, and good with his men, possessing an iron will

    as well as an iron frame (Fleischman, 1). After a tamping

    rod, used to pack blasting holes in preparation for

    explosions, was rocketed through his frontal cortex, Gage,

    though still a fully functioning human after some much-

    needed first aid and recovery, underwent a drastic change:

  • 8/12/2019 The Brain, Music, and the Church


    Dent 3Phineas is just not his old self. His old employers on

    the railroad quickly come to the same conclusion. The

    new Phineas is unreliable and, at times, downright

    nasty. He insults old workmates and friends. He spouts

    vulgar language in the presence of women. He changes

    his mind and his orders from minute to minute.

    (Fleischman, 20).

    Closely observing his patient, the doctor who dressed

    Gages wounds, Dr. John Martyn Harlow, noticed these

    clashing characteristics with the Gage he formally knew.

    With the aid of Henry J. Bigelow, professor of surgery at

    Harvard Medical College, and many other scientists and

    physicians, research concerning Phineas Gage aided

    immensely in the establishment of the sound neurological

    principles upheld today.

    Though the irons blow was eventually fatal in Gages

    case, its impact in the scientific realm of today is

    undeniable. Students of neurology or psychology study his

    case because it illustrates how the lobes of the frontal

    cortex-the two halves of your brain that meet in your

    forehead-are the seat of executive functions. Those are

    your abilities to predict, to decide, and to interact

    socially (Fleischman, 65). Housed in the cranial mass

    behind your forehead, the frontal lobe determines and

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    Dent 4expresses onespersonality and character traits, thus

    making an individual who they are: To act human, you mix

    emotions, actions, routines, customs, manners, words, and

    expressions in a predictable way. Thats what Phineas seems

    to have lost (Fleischman, 63). When Gage lost the self-

    control and discernment needed to mix these vital

    components, he could no longer express the character and

    personality he once possessed: The case of Phineas Gage

    suggests that we are human because our frontal lobes are

    set up so we can get along with other humans. We are hard

    wired to be sociable. When we loose that ability,we end

    up like Phineas. His closest companion was an iron rod

    (Fleischman, 70). By his degrading remarks toward co-

    workers and on-lookers, Gage was undoubtedly being

    sociable; however, he could not express himself in a

    logical way, because the iron tamping rod had created a

    chasm between his social potential and his ability to

    practically express it.

    In light of Gages frontal lobotomy, the placement of

    this crucial lobe in our thinking process is worth

    discussing. Scripturally, two different patterns of thought

    can be identified in the book of Romans: For to be

    carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is

    life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against

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    Dent 5God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither

    indeed can be (Rom.8:6-7). Diving into the Greek, this

    carnal mind possesses the adjective Sarx, which relates

    to the fleshy, sensual nature of man (Lexicon, G4561). This

    description denotes mere human nature, the earthly nature

    of man apart from divine influence, and therefore prone to

    sin and opposed to God (Lexicon, G4561) On the contrary,

    the spiritual mind Paul is speaking of is described with

    the word Pneuma, that is, pertaining to the Spirit

    (Lexicon, G4151). This spiritual mind is the disposition

    or influence which fills and governs the soul of any

    onethe rational spirit, the power by which the human being

    feels, thinks, decides (Lexicon, G4151).

    Expounded upon by Pastor Leroy Moore, this passage

    serves to demonstrate and contrast proper, Godly frontal

    lobe function, and the lack thereof. Spiritual mindedness

    allows for the frontal lobe to decipher the inflow of

    information through our senses first, allowing it to act as

    the control center of the thoughts and actions. Then, after

    a conscious decision has been made, the responsive and

    emotional zones of the brain act according to what the

    frontal lobe has instructed, in light of sound discernment.

    Carnal mindedness, on the other hand, directs sensory

    information to be discerned first by the Limbic System, the

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    Dent 6brains emotional center.Thus, any judgment made or action

    performed has been adapted to produce the highest amount of

    emotional pleasure, in order to bring the most desirable

    emotional response (Moore). Through the degradation of a

    spiritual to a carnal mind, Gods original andideal plan

    is twisted; the controlled becomes the controller, the

    lower nature rules the higher, and the emotions reign

    supreme, as in the case of Phineas. Becoming a physical

    manifestation of this spiritual state of carnal mindedness,

    Gages condition isnt, however, only caused by a severe

    injury. As discussed in the next section, musical input

    into the brain possesses the same degrading potential, if

    utilized outside of our Creators guidelines.

    Scripturally, the carnal mind is obviously something

    to be avoided, but scientific and psychological findings

    uphold this principle as well. In 2007, a group of Italian

    scientists representing the Institute of Neurology and the

    Don C. Gnocchi Foundation embarked upon an experiment to

    test the claims and capabilities of music:

    It has been reported that music may have physiological

    effects on blood pressure, cardiac heartbeat,

    respiration, and improve mood state in people affected

    by anxiety, depression and other psychiatric

    disorders. However, the physiological bases of these

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    Dent 7phenomena are not clear. (Angelucci, Ricci, Padua,

    Sabino, & Tonali, abstract)

    Pursuing to clarify theses claims in particular, these

    neurologists focused their studies on a specific region of

    the brain, called the hypothalamus, for answers. Serving as

    the area of the brain that produces hormones that control

    body temperature, hunger, moods, sex drive, sleep, [and]

    thirst (PubMed), the hypothalamus is also involved in the

    regulation of body homeostasis and in the pathophysiology

    of anxiety and depression (Abstract), thus a vital

    component in the endocrine system. With this control center

    of the bodysemotional and physical balance playing such a

    key role in oneswell being, the scientists exposed their

    rodent test subjects to monitored levels of musical

    stimulation, and later sacrificed and dissected their

    brains to inspect the various hypothalami. In their

    recorded results, the neurologists explain that, due to the

    musical input in the lives of the selected mice, the

    production of several different protein complexes

    (neurotrophins), each playing a vital part in the function

    of the hypothalamus, experienced either a drastic increase

    or a significant depletion. Thus, their findings also

    suggest that [the] physiological effects of music might be

    in part mediated by [the] modulation of neurotrophins

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    Dent 8(Angelucci, Ricci, Padua, Sabino, & Tonali, abstract) as


    This scientific premise relates to the carnal and

    spiritual mind comparison in that, in light of our bodys

    desire to maintain a balanced and emotionally-controlled

    existence, certain aspects of music can cause the carnal

    mind to demonstrate its effects. When homeostasis is swayed

    to one side or the other, the limbic systems acts as if it

    needs to fight back, taking control and possessing dominion

    over the thinking process in light of the degradation.

    Truly, the limbic and endocrine systems do need to issue

    this response; for without it, the incoming strain would

    degrade biological functions at full force, uninhibited.

    Yet, the act of unnecessarily stressing these reactions to

    gain hormonal stimulation, despite our bodys ability to

    adapt, proves to be far more detrimental than the listener

    may perceive.

    A vital aspect in any liturgical experience, music

    plays a crucial role in effecting the brain. For many

    individuals, a musical experience consists of simply

    listening to songs most favorable and enjoyable in light of

    their personality and life experiences. As these two

    aspects change in an individuals life, music is adapted to

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    Dent 9fit their desires. However, a very different approach to

    music appreciation is proposed in the following article:

    The ability to listen to music rather than merely to

    hear it is not, as such, a natural capacity, but one

    that has to be acquired and developed by active,

    continual, and highly pleasurable observation. The

    power to cultivate this listening skill varies as does

    any other human accomplishment, but no cultivation is

    possible without guidance. (Discovering Music v)

    Musical appreciation isnt constructed overnight, not is it

    natural to our human capacities and capabilities. Instead,

    it is something that develops from cultivation, involving

    physical and mental effort, just as one would care and tend

    for a garden. Spiritually speaking, this principle stands

    valid as well. No appreciation for Godly music is possibly

    obtained without Divine guidance, just as no earthly music

    appreciation can grow without Satans orchestration.

    Carnal music is appreciated by carnal minds, while

    spiritual music is esteemed by spiritual minds. Thus, just

    as a process must ensue for a carnally minded individual to

    obtain a spiritual cranial implant, the musical

    appreciation of this carnal nature must be gradually

    replaced, as well, with the values and tendencies of a

    spiritually musical mind. To further clarify, to appreciate

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    Dent 10is to recognize the full worth of something or someone

    (Oxford). A daily-occurring battle between good and evil is

    constantly taking place, each side desiring the worth of

    their ways and mentalities to be fully recognized and


    Two prominent, powerful factors of musical enjoyment

    can be harnessed and utilized by each side in this

    controversy. Emotional and intellectual enjoyment stand as

    the two factors discussed, and can be either detrimental or

    beneficial to the listener. Any imbalance or lack of

    temperance in one or the other can be harmful to the

    harmonious, balanced development in both ones musical

    appreciation and spiritual walk. Discovering Music further

    clarifies this concern:

    unless it [music] provides us with a sense of

    enjoyment it will be of very little value to the

    listener. There are, of course, various ways of

    enjoying music, just as there are of enjoying life. We

    may approach it through the senses, in the manner of

    those who seem to feel that sensual enjoyment in the

    great end of all existenceOn the other hand,we may

    enjoy our music primarily from the intellectual

    standpoint through realizing how it is constructed,

    how logically it develops through various stages to a

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    Dent 11final climax, how well it succeeds in varying its

    constituent parts so as to provide variety and achieve

    unity. This sort of enjoyment is like that of the

    intellectual who derives his greatest pleasure in life

    through the process of his mind and who distrusts the

    pleasures of his senses. (Discovering Music 35-36)

    Spiritual mindedness towards music is achieved through

    balancing both the emotional and intellectual enjoyment

    factors being portrayed in a song. Seeming to resonate with

    this idea of balance, Job links it to his integrity: Let

    me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine

    integrity (Job 31:6). Not solely appealing to emotions or

    the intellect, our Heavenly Father desires a combination of

    the two. An imbalance occurs when this mixture is unequal,

    whether the intellect or the emotions are excited and taxed

    in excess; either way, carnal mindedness results from this

    bias. This principle is crucial, yet deficient, in the

    Christian music culture today. Music that encourages

    spiritual mindedness doesnt solely have to be

    intellectually appealing or sound, bringing about little to

    no emotional response. Lyrical content is vital, especially

    as it corresponds with Biblical principles, but if

    emphasized to an extent where Gods love is not felt

    through the song, ones musical experience will become dry

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    Dent 12and formalistic quite rapidly. As stated in the following


    We must learn to recognize and apperceive the

    different emotional and mood reactions engendered by

    music and to evaluate these in comparison to their

    other elements This is a matter of nice discrimination

    and avoids the extremes of being completely swept away

    in a state of emotional hysteria on the one hand, and

    of entirely abjuring the emotional significance of

    music on the other. What the music does to us is one

    of its important powers and should be neither

    overemphasized nor neglected. (Discovering Music 25)

    Although there may be times in which one may experience

    such an overemphasis, whether it be from God instructing us

    in regards to a higher standard, or through Satans

    discouraging endeavors, decided effort ought to be made to

    emerge through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. When the

    devil tempts along a path of such an imbalance, Ellen

    White, a popular Christian author, states, When tempted,

    instead of giving utterance to our feelings, let us by

    faith lift up a song of thanksgiving to God (254).While

    Satan is enforcing an imbalance towards sensual emotions or

    formalistic intellect in our music, Gods children can

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    Dent 13respond in a song swayed in the opposite direction, and

    thus oppose such satanic forces.

    Amidst the dark, confusing realm of music in the

    Christian church, principles God has outlined in the brain,

    especially the frontal lobe, hypothalamus, and limbic

    system cannot be overlooked. Through correctly utilizing

    these organs, treating them as Gods dwelling place, the

    Christian may obtain spiritual mindedness, being able to

    balance both the intellectual and emotional aspects of

    their musical experience. And that is just what music ought

    to be, an uninhibited experience with our Heavenly Father,

    the Creator perfectly in tune with His creations.

  • 8/12/2019 The Brain, Music, and the Church


    Dent 14Works Cited:

    Angelucci F, Ricci E, Padua L, Sabino A, Tonali PA. Music

    exposure differentially alters the levels of brain-derived

    neurotrophic factor and nerve growth factor in the mouse

    hypothalamus. PubMed National Center for Biotechnology

    Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine. 18 December

    2007. Abstract. Web

    "Appreciate." The New Oxford American Dictionary. 2nd ed.

    2005. Computer Software.

    Fleischman, John. Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story

    About Brain Science.Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002.


    "Greek Lexicon G4561 (KJV).Blue Letter Bible. Sowing

    Circle. Web. 5 Nov, 2013.

    "Greek Lexicon G4151 (KJV).Blue Letter Bible. Sowing

    Circle. Web. 11 Nov, 2013.
  • 8/12/2019 The Brain, Music, and the Church


    Dent 15Hypothalamus.PubMed Health. National Center for

    Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of

    Medicine. Web. 11 December 2011

    McKinney, Howard D., and W. R. Anderson. Discovering

    Music.New York: American Book, 1962. Print.

    Moore, Leroy. The Nature of Man. Weimar College. Room

    225, Weimar, CA. 11 October 2013. Keynote Address.

    The Holy Bible, King James Version.New York: Oxford

    Edition: 1769; King James Bible Online, 2008. Website.

    Torres, Louis R., and Carol Torres. Notes on Music.

    Gaston, OR: Torres LC Ministries, 2004. Print.

    White, Ellen. The Ministry of Healing. Mountain View, CA:

    Pacific Press Publishing Association. 1942. Print.