Download - The bermuda triangle Johannes V

Page 1: The bermuda triangle Johannes V

The Bermuda Triangle

Fact or Fiction?All text in this slide is made by Johannesw4

Page 2: The bermuda triangle Johannes V

What’s with the triangle anyway?The Bermuda Triangle is a alleged triangle that stretches between the

southern tip of Florida, the tiny island of Bermuda (thereof the name Bermuda Triangle) and the island of Puerto Rico. It has the surface area of approximately 1 million square kilometers.

Many say this place is cursed, others say it’s a place of freakish natural phenomenons. Yet other say the triangle is a product of human imagination. But what’s fact or fiction?

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There are two VERY famous, or rather infamous disappearances in the triangle. The oldest is that of the collier USS Cyclops. Cyclops was one of four Proteus class ships. She was en route to Baltimore in March, 1918, but never arrived. Even almost 100 years afterwards, no evidence to her demise has been found.

One theory of her ultimate destiny is that of her findingherself in a storm and sank. Two of her sister ships alsodisappeared during WWII in the Atlantic. Due to theseother losses, it has been theorised bothCyclops, Proteus and Nereus sankdue to catastrophic structuralfailure as a result of carrying anoverload of metallic ore of sorts.

USS Cyclops CA-14 : Deaths Gone Unknown

USS Cyclops

USS ProteusUSS Nereus

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Flight 19: The Lost PatrolIn the 5:th of December 1945, 5 TBM Avenger torpedo bombers went aloft

from Naval Air Force Base in Fort Lauderdale (Florida), never to be seen again. They were enroute to Hen and Chickens Shoals to practice low-level bombing, followed by flying back home after passing Grand Bahamas.

Flight 19 was headed by Lieutenant Charles Carroll Taylor. Taylor was an experienced commander of the TBM;s. He had 2.500 hours of flying time under his belt at the time of Flight 19.There are many theories, yet again, about this mystery. Everything from Aliens to Sea creatures. But the most probable is a combination of spatial disorientation and tunnel vision. He didn’t see where he was heading. His tunnel vision made

him blind to the observations made by his crew. They saw his compass was faulty, but couldn’t make him understand.

Page 5: The bermuda triangle Johannes V

You can explain this Doc, right?Well, I’ll sure try. I have two main theories, and then some theories for

sunken cities fans. Let’s begin.

1. Underwater Gas Pockets

Underwater archeologists have found submerged gas wentz in the Triangle. After extensive testing, scientists have found water full of bubbles, like those from these underwater gas pockets, could sink ships through the reduction of the waters density, and thus lowering said ships buoyancy. But, even though it’s food for thought, this does not explain the disappearances of all the aircrafts, like Flight 19 and their PBM Mariner rescue plane (though it’s thought the PBM exploded in mid-air).

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2. The Rogue Wave (a.k.a The Monster Waves)

Rogue waves, a.k.a. The Monster waves, are a very dangerous and spontaneous waves whom often come out of nowhere and sinks anything in theirsdestructive paths.

You may know from science class at school, if you manage to vibrate a object, like a steel bar, in it’sown wavelength, it will experience enhanced fatigueand crack quite sudden. That’s, in a sentence, creates rogue waves. It’s all about wave patterns that coincides with what we said above. One small wave,followed by a little bigger, and suddenly, a monsterwave comes at you! Look out!

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Crazy Weather: The Surprise Killer from HeavenThis is probably the most probable and hardest to foresee. Even though

meteorologists can “predict” the future weather, they have no power in the Triangle. Weather here can change faster than a heartbeat. From sunny beach weather to a “heavens open” downpour in five minutes flat is not uncommon.

Magnetic activity and Electronic fog are onlytwo of many strange natural phenomenonsthe triangle harbours, and they strike whenyou never expect them. Electronic fog is not dangerous in itself, but it makes your compass go heywire, and that can kill you,just like it did Flight 19.

Page 8: The bermuda triangle Johannes V

But why can’t you find the wrecks?One word: Seabed. The seafloor is really crazy in the Triangle. From

Florida, it slopes gently downwards, and suddenly fall several thousands meters into a dark abyss. Most of the seafloor is around 5.700 meters down, so if you disappear here, you don't have an very good likelihood of being found again. Some of the deepest trenches in the world is off the coast of Puerto Rico. It says something when the deepest trench in the Atlantic is that off Puerto Rico’s coast!Don’t forget people, the underwater currents.

Ocean currents can drag ships many miles before they sink. If the ships stay somewhat floating for any period of time, currents will drag the ships around. That can (and probably does) explain why so many ships have not been found. They, most probably, was moved by the currents many miles from the supposed place they sank.

Page 9: The bermuda triangle Johannes V

Atlantis: The Never-solved MysteryI said I would give Atlantis-fans something to chew on, and here you go.

In 2012, a group of underwater scientists from America and France found two strange underwater pyramids, around 610m under the triangle, off the coast of Florida. They measured 300 meters wide at their base and 200 meters tall. At the top, they have 2 holes, circulating water at high speeds. This can cause mists and bigger waves at the surface. Could this be the lost city of Atlantis, maybe even it’s advanced power source?

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Let’s summarize what we’ve said so far

●Many, MANY ships and plane have vanished here.

●The Triangle is a place of crazy weather patterns, that can change in an instance.

●We have Rogue waves that come out of nowhere and can swallow a ship whole, leaving no trace of it or the ship behind.

●There are gas pockets and undersea volcanoes on the seafloor.

●Strong currents reside throughout the Triangle, crisscrossing it everywhere.

●There are 2 submerged pyramids of Florida’s coastline

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Trivia & Fun Facts

Scientist are unsure wherever there is a Triangle, or if it’s just a figment of our imagination

The Triangle is also called “ The Devil’s Triangle”

Pilot Bruce Gernon time traveled through a ”time warping cloud tunnel” from Grand Bahama Island to Miami Int. He was gone from radar during the time in the tunnel

Christopher Columbus was first with reporting the triangle. He said his compass wasn’t working and he saw a fireball flying through the sky

Some think Flight 19 went down in the Everglades Swamps

Around 4 planes and 20 yachts are, on average, lost in the triangle every year

Inside the Triangle, your compass will show true north, not magnetic north, and that is confusing

Page 12: The bermuda triangle Johannes V

I sure hope you’ve had a blast in the “Devil’s Triangle”!

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked my work, and you may use my work for references,

as long you give me credit where credit is due.

I wish you a good day, and a calm tomorrow!

Made by Johannesw4 ([email protected])