Download - THE BEECK BRIEF – 21ST OCTOBER 2015 · 2015. 10. 20. · THE BEECK BRIEF – 21ST OCTOBER 2015 FEVERS & CHILLS! The first thing we think of when anyone in our family is sick with

Page 1: THE BEECK BRIEF – 21ST OCTOBER 2015 · 2015. 10. 20. · THE BEECK BRIEF – 21ST OCTOBER 2015 FEVERS & CHILLS! The first thing we think of when anyone in our family is sick with



The first thing we think of when anyone in our family is sick with fevers and headaches is malaria! Even though we’d been back for two months and I’ve never had it before, it was at the top of the list when I was struck down with sudden onset fevers, chills and headaches last month. I went to the GP for a test but it was negative… maybe just a virus they said. I had another one at the hospital a few days later after being taken there by ambulance at midnight one night, but that was negative too… maybe just a headache they said. But a few days later with unresolved symptoms at I went back to ED again. My doctor was a star – he investigated all sorts of weird and wonderful African diseases and then finally after sending off blood for more testing we got a positive malaria result. This probably sounds ridiculous but despite feeling pretty ordinary – it was quite a nice hospital experience. There were so many caring, concerned, interested people. The initial treatment worked well and I’ve almost finished the second one to knock off any remaining nasties in my liver. I’m pretty much back to full health… maybe not quite 100%, but pretty close. Thank you so much to everyone who was praying for me and helping take care of my family! After a bit of a holiday up north the week before last, we’re back into the swing of things this week. You know what I’ve discovered just now looking at the calendar… last weekend marked the halfway point of our home assignment! We have had a blast visiting friends, family, lots of our wonderful supporting churches and some of our favourite places in Australia. The kids are still really enjoying school and Cam and I are going well with our studies. While we plan to keep making the most of our time here, our thoughts are starting to turn towards heading back to Mozambique. We’re really going to need some help to get back there... keep reading to see how you can be involved. Photos L-R: Visiting Gloucester tree with Walt White (Global Interaction Consultant) and his lovely wife Jeanine. Hanging out with our besties

Darren, Steph, Judd, Scarlett and Lewis in Melbourne. Visiting Tom Price Baptist Church with pastor Gavin Douglas.

Page 2: THE BEECK BRIEF – 21ST OCTOBER 2015 · 2015. 10. 20. · THE BEECK BRIEF – 21ST OCTOBER 2015 FEVERS & CHILLS! The first thing we think of when anyone in our family is sick with

We spent a week up north exploring Karijini National Park, Ningaloo Reef and Coral Bay.

GETTING BACK TO MOZAMBIQUE Some wonderful news is that our house-building project is almost fully supported and work on the house has been able to continue in our absence. We hope to be able to move in when we return next year! Thank you so much! We don’t yet have our visas sorted out but we’re pursuing a few different options and we’re confident that God will make a way. Please continue to pray with us about this. We hope to leave Australia on January 30th next year. Before we can book our tickets to go back, we need to have 100% of our financial support pledged and we would love to be able to do that by December 18th. One of our favourite sayings in Chiyawo is “penandi, penandi” meaning “slowly, slowly” and that’s certainly how we would describe our support raising journey so far. In the time we’ve been home our support has increased by 0.04% so we still have a long way to go with it. We still need approximately 60 people willing to sign up to give $50/month.

If you would like to join our support team but can’t start supporting until we leave – please let us know as soon as you can. If you’d just like to make a one off donation – you are very welcome to do that! Every little bit helps! If you’ve been thinking about it but you’d like to know more about where your money goes – please get in touch with us. Please pray that God will provide all we need in order to book our tickets back home to Mozambique. If you’d like to join our support team click on the link below or give our Melbourne office a call… w: p: 03 9819 4944 If you’d like us to visit your church or home group or just catch up 1:1 – please be in touch. All of our contact details are listed below. With love, Cam, Kath, Jack, Tilly, & Sydney xx

Contact: Cam & Kath Beeck Address: 28 Bursaria Cres, Ferndale, 6148 WA Email: [email protected] Web: Cam: 0420 795 512 Kath: 0451 072 053