Download - The Battle Of The Web - PHP OR ASP.NET

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The Battle Of The Web PHP OR ASP.NET

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Cost Factor

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To quench the thirst for affordable web development, PHP wins the battle over ASP.NET in terms of cost. PHP is open source and completely free. Hence, PHP developers can very easily provide you with low cost web applications. ASP.NET developers will have to consider their investment in purchasing proprietary software when pricing their final products.

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Scalability & Flexibility

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Well, for scalability and flexibility PHP Application development as well as ASP.NET are equally scalable and flexible. Although the common perception is that open source offers more scalability, and flexibility, ASP.NET provides for an equal competition.

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For most of the web applications, the performance is as good as the underlying infrastructure. For PHP, the infrastructure consists of a Linux based server, Apache Web Server, a MySQL database, and PHP scripting language. For ASP.NET, a Windows based server, Microsoft SQL database etc. Well, the performance also depends on the OS and file system too.

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For support, the PHP development community is very cooperative and has a great support facility. ASP.NET being a proprietary software of Microsoft has a reliable support from a technical standpoint. There is a central support for all your queries. Well, PHP is just about finding the right PHP developer. Support should not be a problem both places.

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Availability,tools and Editors

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Tools for PHP are not very difficult to find. Same goes with ASP.NET. There’s a tie here. Tools and Editors for both ASP.NET and PHP are easily available.

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Language Popularity

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Where popularity is concerned, PHP is more widely used than any other programming language. It currently powers millions of websites on the web and can solely support a lot many functionalities for future development too.

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