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The Attempt To Detect

Well be back later.11/14/2016Hardik Sharma and Brijesh Bansal It is our small attempt to make your life interesting and this is in normal english which everybody can understand. Actually everyone should read to face some prob;ems. . So have fun in reading.beleive it or not but all the things written in it are true.

Intro to the chracters Jack:- A detective who loves to investigate about mysteries. Jill:- A college child wanting to be a detective and Jacks brother. Jim:-Another college student wanting to become an engineer.

To All My Loving And Honourable People

Chapter - 1The Starting.We were very exited to visit the Great Barriar Reef in Australia. We saw the beauty of many reefs around India but this reef was special as it was the first foreign reef we had ever visited. But our joy was flourished in the tides that were produced near the beach. Due to peoples security the reef was closed till tommorow morning. It was Jills dream to come see the Great Barrier Reef. But what could we do we asked the head of the security guards that if they can give us permission to see the reef just from the starting; we also said that they could let somebody with us and we promised not to shout or through garbage in the area. But the security guard disagreed. We had the evening flight to India back so we reached the airport. I was really worried; I was not worried for our badluck; the reason for my tension was that why were the tides produced. I turned my internet on and seeked answers to my question. There were no proper answers so I left the idea of thinking about the tides and went into the flight.

Chapter - 2Investigation gets green light!When we reached India early morning in Pune we all went to our houses. Jill as being my brother wnd studying in Kolkata went to study there. After a month I was reading newspaper in the morning and I found that the front page was full of pictures and descriptions below them. They were of living in Mumbai.was planning to eat a nice meal of sandiwitches and pastas. I ordered my food and found that they said that due to harsh climate they cant deleiver it before half-an-hour. So I somehow make myself ready to attack the kitchen in making some ridiculous dishes and when any neighbour will come complainting of the smell; I will show him the dish saying its my style. But tyhrough the window I caught the view of a man making a cipher on the STD booth. I was confused about it. I was cooking I throwed utensils that were in my hand and followed that man. I found that he was going towards an unexpected scene in a small park. There was a lot of fogg and he was also wearing white clothes. So, I was not able to see him clearly. Suddenly he disappeared in front of my eyes. I stepped forwardand found that there was no one in the park except me. I was totally confused but was already sure that he had some sort of space in the park. I found myself right when I found a big circle on the ground. I was sure that it was the centre in which he had disappeared. I looked at it carefully. I foiund that it could be opened by removing the upper handle. I removed it and found that there was around 30 feet long tunnel. I jumped into it and was amazed to see that on a wall there were many pictures glued and some of them were pointed with darts. Suddenly I felt that there was someone behind me. There was no one except one door with rusty hinges and many spiders web hanging across. I decided too open it when I reached near it I found that it was smelly. The more I got closer to it the smell also began to be strong. Strong enough to make my eyes shut. I tried to open it through my hands hardly as I was thinking that it wasnt opened for a few months. But it just opened when I touched. I was amazed; there was nothing but many skulls, bones, blood and much more. I closed the door and went back to the wall where all the pictures were glued. I faced the pictures allk of them were the same that I sawc in the newspaper the same day. I took no time to understand what the matter was or whoose inner body was placed in the room. Suddenly I saw the image of my little brother (Jill). I lost my mind as you could feel what will happen to you if you see your brothers photo after knowing all the matter. Suddenly a dart from my backwards stuck the photo of my brother. I looked backkwards as I was keen to know who has dare to see my brother with that point of view. I put on my gloves as they were present in my pocket everytime. I put on my gloves and removed some of the darts into my hanky to have finger prints. I returning back had to face the complaiting neighbours; this time I could also do nothing because the smell was really furious. I ran to the kitchen and throwed that vegetable in the dustbin at once and sprayed one whole bottle of room freshner. But the smell was still present in my mind. Suddenly I remembered all the adventure I have been travelling in the time. So I traveled in the train to go to the Kolkata. When I reached I found that he was ill and was having great fever and headache. I took him to the best doctors in Kolkata and asked them to treat him. Soon he showed sign of improvement and after three weeks he was absolutely normal. I warned him about the criminals and asked him to be attentive in his college. Someday I saw the same cipher that I saw while cooking the dish in Pune. I was very

Chapter - 3Some ProofsI found nothing much. But Jim found a translucent view of some water bumpers and Jill found a submarine like structure. I was somehow guessing that they could be crook or other big party gangsters. But I was confused about how they let the submarine so close to the rivers. I and Jim walked to ministery of defence in India and asked them to unaware Australia about the submarine, but they just said that your work is to detect cases not to interrupt between the defence relationships of Australia. I was totally disappointed on the behaviour of the ministers. Jim screamed,Anonymus I was confused about the word and asked him what the matter actually was. He said that the head of the soldiers in Navy near the Great Barrier Reef is Anonymus. On internet other names are given but they all are not the incharge of the area this and post is of the incharge, and name is Anonymus! I was confused why the name was not given. I sat on the bed turned on T.V to find the pictures of tides. I turned on news chnnels and found the pictures I thought and thought. At once Jill came and asked why Iam leaving the case I asked him that who said Im leaving the case. He pointed towards T.V and said why Im reading the news of Mumbai? I suddenly looked towards downwards of the T.V. I shouted that it is the almost same as we found of the Great Barrier Reefs tides. He was also confused and said that we all three should go to Mumbai and collect proofs and then go to the Ministery of defences office to work on the complicated case. He booked our train tickets to Mumbai. I was still looking at the pictures of Mumbais tides. I was extermely happy when I found a shoe on the beach of Mumbai. I showed the pictures to my young detectives and asked them to find other evidence on their phones. When we reached Mumbai I found the shoe because the beach was also closed and we were keen to go so we were the first to visit the beach after the security closed the beach for a whole day. Chapter - 4My Investigation startedI found the shoe still lying along the shore I came down to the shoe running as fast I can and took the shoe It was of 9 size and of an australian company and in the shoe Manchester was written the shoe laces were dusty and the shoe grip was pure white; the shoe appeared to be weared before 2-3 days as it was looking almost new except the laces. The upper surface of the shoe was wet but the shoe laces were dry, in the shoes there were little drops of the blood. I took the shoe to the forensic lab and checked the blood group; it was O-. I was wondering why will somebody leave his shoes on the beach. Suddenly Jill came running to me, his shoe stucked in a nail of the door; he dropped his shoe and the nail left a wound on his foot and blood fall down on the shoe. I found my answer.Chapter - 5The Doubtful Person Jill said that someone is coming inside and he is saying that he is a Navy officer he wants to investigate the case and he also knows little bit about the submarine and the bumpers. Suddenly the man came and said that he had heard about us and the case we are up to. He said that he came here to collect his blood reports. Doctor Edward came to him and gave him his blood reports. I saw a child of about 9 seeking and hearing our talk from the front gate, he looked a little bit scared. I called him inside. The Navy officer told that he was his son and we could talk to him the.The officer turned his back to us and left the lab; he looked a little bit nervous after looking at his reports. I came running to Dr. Edward and asked him to give me the blood test reports of the Navy Officer. The doctor refused to give me the personal details of somebody else. I came to the room where Jill and Jim were talking to the child they asked him that why is he well dressed? He answered that he was coming from abroad. They asked him from which country; then he answered Australia. I looked at him and asked his Fathers name; he said that he didnt have any name his name is Anonymus. We all three looked at each other. I questionted which mode of transport do they took for reaching to India. He answered a submarine with about 120 people. The Navy Officer was still depressed as I watched him from the window talking to someone else. The child said in a curious way that they travelled many contries throughout the world including Australia, Panama, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan and some islands like, West Indies and they were now going to the Lakshadweep Islands. I asked him about his dads salary. He said that it is not fixed, his Dad gets missions to be completed and according to it he recieves salary. I was sure that any Navy Officer will not get salary as per missions and he also cannot travell to so many countries. The child said they used different transport in different trips; but they most frequently used submarines and planes. I was confused when his mother named Sara came into the lab. I asked Jill to take the child to one corner and ask other questions. I asked the same questions that I asked to the child. The answers were same. I looked at Jill he was writing something and Jim was surprisely looking at the Navy Officer. I called Jim at once and asked him the reason for being so surprised. He said that the Navy Officer was not talking with alphabets but he was spelling many numbers. He said that he throwed one pin to his pant hardly so that when he will scream we may know his mother tounge but the man screamed in numbers as well. I again looked at Jill he was again talking to the child and writing something. Then suddnely he came running to me and told me the whole story he was writing. It was the full map of the submarine. The submarine had two main entry and exit gates respectively that could only open by the living (left eye for entry and right for exit gate) eyes of his father. There was one emergency room in which about 200 lifebags and 200 tubetyres were placed the room also contained an emergency exit and one fire exit the room can only opened by a unique ID code and thumbprint of his dad. There were 60 guards on a main passage from which his dad goes to work. The guards and his father talk in a code language. Which nobody knows, he added. There were two washrooms also and the hall compartment contains his school that was fully based on mechanism he also said that childs father was not so hurtful man because if he gets wounded he igoners it and if we ever touch it he will not scream by pain even he will not look at it. I was sure that he is differently trained and is not a Navy Officer instead he is a smuggler or the groups mastermind. I asked what more did he told. He said that his dad most preferably weared slippers and sometimes when coming to land wears shoes of Australian companeis only. He also listed that his dad didnt talk to anyone from 2o clock to 4o clock. He said all of the people had different codes that they write in their shoe. He also said that no one knows the others code. I turned to childs mother and asked her the name of her husband and child. She answered that her husband do not have any name because because he is a seceret Navy Agent and many call her Anonymus and her childs name is Joe. Many? Who? Who call him Anonymus? I screamed at Sara. She looked angry and said that the people in the submarine; and ran out of the lab. I said Jim to see the mobile company of the man and if it is similar to any of both of you somehow replace it earlier than 2o clock. He came after a while and said that the mans company didnt match any of us. So we should leave the idea of taking his phone. I said Poor Detective and ran to the man. I throwed my phone to Jim and asked him to keep it. I ran to the Navy dressed Officer and said that one of my friend is hospitalized and I urgently need one phone call to be done. I ask him for taking his phone. He gave it to me and I quikly ran to the lab making the excuse of network. I opened my email ID and uploaded all call recordings that were in the mobile. The I dialed one number to Ministery of Defence and told them to whole story; suddenly I saw in the mirror the man coming I first end the call and deleted the history and handed over his phone to the man.

Chapter - 6New DestinationI booked my airplane tickets to Lakshdweep Islands and asked them to come with me. The both agreed and said that what did I do with the mobile phone of the man. I said that its none of your buisness. They began to mutter. Then I shouted, Keep Mum! We were in the flight of Lakshdweep. Then I began imaginating I wrote down everything about the mysterious man and listed them some. Some seceret points that I didnt share with my partners were:1. The shirt of the man was containing the australian flags symbol.2. The time in his clock was the same time of India which I watched while operating his phone.3. The currency in his wallet was Brazilian real.4. The child never said the name of Brazil but he had the currency of it too which means that the gang needs the Brazilian real currency too.

Chapter - 7Agatti Island Beach ResortWe rested that night in the Aggati Island Beach Resort. Right in the morning I found that Jim and Jill sleeping I looked at the wall clock, the time was 6o clock. But I could not take the risk of sleeping again because I knew that if I slep again neither Jill nor Jim will be awaken and I also may not awake due to stress and tireness. I ordered breakfast for three men. Suddenly Jim awoke and his foot fell on Jill and Jim fell on the ground both screamed aloud. After looking at the breakfast they suddenly forget all their pain and jumped to the bed. I said that you are late because the meal was just for me and they could order their meal themselves and I promised to the pay the bill of their meal as well.

Chapter - 8The coding that fused mindI heared all the coded recordings that I uploaded on my e-mail ID. I found that all were with numbres spelled at a very high speed. Suddenly Jim came running to me and said that he is 100% sure that the Navy dressed officer whom we spoke with at night was in the same resort in the room next to us. He said that there was a man of about 20 with him whom he is talking to. I took my phone and placed it right at the top of the window shed from where we could get sound as the man were standing too close to the window. I heard a little bit but there was nothnig except numbers. I found that none of the numbers in the recording or in the conversation of the man excedd the number 26. I was doubting that these were alphabets but was not certain about it. I enquireed about Jill and asked what is he doing. Suddenly I saw Jill running very hardly and his face was frightened. I asked the reason to be so frightened. He said that he was sure that they were smugglers and they also helped criminals who wanted to travel to different countries for their masterplans. I asked Jim to go to the enquiry counter of the resort and find what the mans departure date so that we could have an idea about starting our work. I walked to the other window of the room. As it was a little bit cold starting, there was a little bit water droplets on the window glass. I wiped them out and started looking through suspectfully. I found that both the man first talked nicely both of them were smiling. But suddenly on man screamed in numbers. But the other man nicely sat on the bed and throwed a bag and a document at him. The man opened his almirah and expcet what? To his surprise at the back of the almirah it was another gate. He opened it and entered a high security pin, scanned his thumbprint and the gate opened there was nothing. He kept the bag inside and changed the pin. Then he came up and read the whole document. Signed the document and handed over it to the other man. I was lucky to found

a wound on the mans foot. I took some snaps of the man from behind. Suddenly I got an Idea, I asked Jim to call that man when I will say. I reared the camera picture view and acted as I was taking a selfie. I asked him to call. He called that man and I quickly snapped the pic.

Chapter - 9New Distracting MysteryI found Jim running towards me; he said that the man was leaving tommorrow. I ran towards our room and began to do my pending work. I looked here and there for my phone and remembered the plan. I walked to the window and took my phone. I was shocked when I saw that there were blood drops in a unknown manner on the mobile. The pattern was something like this.I showed it to my young detectives and asked them what it was about. They said that they havent seen any mark like this before. Jim said that it looked like a cipher or a particular language. I also doubted that someone has written it carefully. I took the money I had and get into the cab which dropped me at the laboratory. I showed my identity card of being detective and said that I am here to check one blood sample. I tested; it was O-again. I wondered why is the blood group O-every time. I was unable to understand the matter. I first thought they have some arrangement by which they get the rare blood. But why will they always demanded O-. I was confused. Suddenly I remembered that Jill was saying about their reality and wanted to say that they were smugglers. I looked after my handbook on which I have written all the information about. I remembered that I have kept it in the room while trying to break the code.

Chapter - 10Not So Easy

As I began to walk to the cab. I doubted that someone was following me. When I turned I found something that will help me to understand this case further. I will not tell you what I had found as in reality I didnt tell to my partners. I sat in the cab and payed the bill. I walked to my room and stopped to see that if there is someone in the Mysterious crime point room. I found nothing but some packets of cement and plaster and the same paint as of the wall. I took no time to understand the meaning of this. I asked Jim to show his engineering and open the seceret almirah behind the real one so that we could know the reason why the mans expression changed when he throwed the bag at him. I found that on my diary too there was a cipher was made from blood. It was something like this.

I called my parteners and asked tem who had come to the room while I was away. They said no one and also said that that they didnt move from the room till I went to check the lab. Jim (coming from the mysterious room) said that it is (the lock ) safety protected. There are some small glass pieces sat in a particular manner in english it meant Spider. He said that the password is three lettered and it also wanted finger prints. I ran to the room found

The Attempt to Detect