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TheAntiTerrorist & Velluminous Press would like to take this opportunity to point out that in these litigious times it's easy to lose sight of the fact that we—as a community of kindred souls—once valued common sense. So cast back in your memory to that long-forgotten concept and embrace the fact that the TheAntiTerrorist & Velluminous Press stand above all for freedom and personal responsibility. Simply stated, how you apply this information in your own life has nothing to do with us. These transcripts are for education and entertainment purposes only.

TheAntiTerrorist on the Real Prison Without BarsBroadcast on 5 December 2007

Hello friends, I am TheAntiTerrorist. Thank you once again for all your messages of support, your emails and your questions. I believe this broadcast is the most important I will ever make. It certainly has a lot of information in it that you need to know and that you need to act on. I hope you will listen to it in full, and pass it on to as many of your friends and associates as you possibly can.

Over the past century, we people who were once independent, capable and able to manage our own medical, financial and legal affairs, have now been reduced to dependence; reduced to incompetence. We have been made wards of powerful commercial, financial, medical and legal corporations, and bureaucratic institutions of the modern industrial society, and we have been taught to rely upon these professionals like bankers, to manage our financial affairs, doctors to manage our health problems, lawyers to direct our business and legal affairs, instead of relying on our own good common sense. We’ve come to the point now where the government has to do everything for us. In fact, we have been taught to go to the state or the government every time we get a stomach ache or every time we’re hungry. We are no longer able to take care of ourselves. If you turned a westerner loose with a live chicken they’d make a pet out of it and starve to death. They couldn’t kill that chicken, pluck it, cook it and eat it, they have to go to macdonalds for macnuggets. The government takes responsibility; takes good care of us—like FEMA takes good care of you people in N’awlins. God bless FEMA—aren’t they wonderful. They’re just out there working their hearts out for you, aren’t they. You pay your taxes and here’s what you get: graft and corruption and theft on a scale unimagined until Hurricane Katrina.

You know, a few years ago we appointed the labour party, and you elected republicans in ‘94 to clean up the graft and corruption that had been brought on by about 40 years of democratic control in congress—you remember that, you American’s? You have more graft, more corruption, more bribery today in 2007 than you had under the Democrats and that we had under the Conservatives, and that’s because the Democrats and the Conservatives think small; The Republicans and the Labour party think big.

Yes, it’s true that the the Democrats and the British Conservatives were criminals, they were crooks, they were liars, they were thieves, they were bribe-takers, but they were small-time compared to the Republicans and the Labour Party.

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My friends, we Brits and Americans do not live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, we live in the land of admiralty, where the captain decides—that is, your guardian decides—what’s good for you. And we’ve agreed to that in advance. The government has usurped the power of the people, because the people evidently did not care, or didn’t understand what their powers were. Government is not the servant of the people, government is the absolute master of the people. You people out there cringe when the government agent comes over, you don’t sit there and say to the government agent, “What are you doing here? What do you want?” We say, “Yes sir, no sir.’ We’ve been taught to be subservient to the government, and we are. We, the voters, see ourselves as being sovereign, we elect our representatives. We’re the boss and they’re our servants. Now that’s absolute nonsense.

Bush is not your servant, he’s your master. Brown is not our servant, he’s our master. We haven’t elected a servant, we’ve elected a guardian, and as guardians, they go to Washington or Parliament and make the laws that they determine are good for us—the wards. That’s the way the game is played, that’s the way it works. You know it as well as I do.

You can sit there and write letters to your representative all you like—till you’re blue in the face, but they’ll just pass whatever legislation that General Motors, Microsoft and IBM tell them to.

Now if these guys are really our servants—you’ve got your chauffeur, your butler and your cook making your laws for you, and telling us when to get up, when to go to bed and what to do in between. They rule over us with a rigor. We complain about being in The People’s Republic of London or The People’s Republic of New York... Come on, people, we are the sovereigns and we’re the masters, and our kitchen help are making our laws for us and telling us how to live? We call this freedom? We call this liberty?

Well what would you call tyranny? What would you call slavery? What greater tyranny can there be than a legislative body and a justice system working together in a jurisdiction called admiralty to compel you against your will and over your objection to do that which you do not want to do? You call that freedom? We call America and Britain the free -est nations on earth... what the hell is free about that? And we’re over there in Iraq trying to force that on the Iraqis and call it democracy. No. We’re not spreading freedom and liberty to the Iraqis, we’re bringing tyranny upon the Iraqis; we’re bringing the admiralty upon them. The Iraqis didn’t even have an income tax until we forced our way in there and imposed it upon them. They didn’t have gun control either, we forced that upon them, too. We brought upon the Iraqis the same tyranny we brought upon ourselves with this process of admiralty jurisdiction.

You see, unknowingly, we the people of America and Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have been cunningly coerced out of our common law rights and forced into this admiralty jurisdiction, and the method of persuading the people to volunteer into

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this civil law in the 20th century is accomplished by social security cards, drivers and business licenses, marriage licenses and other contractual entanglements with the government. It’s done by our consent. We give up our unalienable rights under the common law and our constitutions for privileges under the civil law of the state.

Now for those of you who don’t know what I am talking about, allow me to enlighten you. We have two forms of law on this planet; the rule of the sea and the rule of the land. The common law is the rule of the land, and the people on the land. Historically, common law has only dealt with land, labour and substance; it’s the law of property. It’s predicated upon the ten commandments. I don’t want to get into a whole religious thing here, but I think even an atheist would agree that the ten commandments provide a fairly reliable moral compass. There are certain aspects to the ten commandments that work for society—thou shalt not kill, though shalt not steal, etc.

The civil law is the law of the ruler, the rule of the sea, the rule of money—admiralty jurisdiction. It is predicated upon the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto, and the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto are simply a reincarnation of the ancient Babylonian mystery religions that have been around for about 5000 years. Admiralty law deals with profits, taxes, contracts. You don’t have to be on a ship at sea to come under admiralty jurisdiction. The jurisdiction can attach merely because the subject falls within the scope of maritime law, such as the use of bills, notes, cheques and credit. All of these fall under the scope of admiralty jurisdiction.

You can call it communism, you can call it socialism, you can call it admiralty, you can call it the Roman civil law, but it is the exact opposite, the diametric opposite of the ten commandments, 180 degree opposite to The Bill of Rights and your Constitution. If there’s a contract involved, then basically you’re in admiralty.

Now there are 2.5 million laws in the west, and they’re all done by contract. You agreed to this. Maybe you didn’t make an express agreement, but we have a thing called adhesion contracts. An adhesion contract—that’s maybe a contract you don’t know anything about—you don’t have to know anything about the terms and conditions of these contracts to be bound by them. A warranty, for instance, that’s an adhesion contract. A driver’s license, marriage license, business license, social security, the dole—they’re all adhesion contracts. Now of course we Brits and us Americans, and us Canadians and New Zealanders and Australians, we contract all the time. We contract with our government and with corporations, and the corporations contract with the government, and the government contracts with the corporations—it’s a very incestuous relationship.

So what exactly is a contract? What exactly are we talking about here? The definition is an offer with acceptance, plus consideration, over time. So there has to be consideration, consideration is money—it doesn’t have to be money, it could be a mutual exchange of some sort. There has to be acceptance, there has to be an offer and there has to be a time frame. If any one of those elements is missing you don’t have a contract. But every one of those

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elements is in place with a driver’s license, yet if you go to a dictionary and look up ‘license,’ it says the license is not a contract, and they’ll say social security is not a contract but, excuse me, there’s an offer, we accept it, there’s a time frame and there’s consideration ... isn’t that a contract? They tell you it’s not a contract, but still, a rose by any other name. You put any label you like on it, but for all practical purposes, ladies and gentlemen, when you have an offer over time with consideration, you’ve got a contract, and when you have a contract, it’s going to sit in admiralty. It’s really that simple.

Now these contracts have consequences. When you sign up for the drivers license, you’re inviting the traffic policemen to come into your life, When you are taken to the traffic courts it’s alleged that you breached your contract—there’s a duty that you had that you didn’t perform. When you sign up for that business license, when you’re acting in trade, commerce, business and industry, then you;re asking the state to butt into your life. When you join the army you’re asking someone to butt into your life—they tell you when to get up in the morning, when to go to bed, and what to do in between.

There’s little or no freedom involved with these admiralty contracts. Admiralty requires seaman’s papers. Seaman’s papers are what you receive when you join the contract—when you join the union,

your social security account number serves as your seaman’s papers in admiralty jurisdiction, in that regulated activity that is called social security.

Your drivers license serves as your seaman’s papers in that regulated activity called driving.

When you go to the national forest and you get a camping permit, that serves as your seaman’s papers for the activity of camping.

When you get a marriage license, this serves as your seaman’s papers in that activity called marriage.

When you get a business license, that serves as your seaman’s papers in that regulated activity called business.

Now if there are 37 of these regulated activities, 37 activities that you may be involved in which will bring you into admiralty jurisdiction. And so we are on The Great Ship America and The Great Ship Britannia, and George Bush and Gordon Brown are our captains. Now once you’ve signed up on that ship, you’re a crewman on that ship, and the second mate comes along as says to you, “Hey, swab the deck, fella,” and you give him the finger, that’s insubordination, that’s punishable.

Don’t talk to the first mate about having rights. Crewmen on a ship in a maritime adventure do not have rights. Rights don’t come from George Bush, they don’t come from Gordon Brown, rights don’t come from Congress or Parliament—they don’t come from FEMA, rights

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don’t come from General Motors either, or IBM or Microsoft... so when you’re complaining about The People’s Republic of New York or The People’s Republic of London, you’re complaining about the contracts that you have made.

Now all contracts are voluntary. There isn’t a single obligatory contract on the entire planet, there is nothing that you are obliged to contract to. You have the right to contract and the right not to contract. You see, it’s a bit like joining the army—that’s a voluntary action joining the army. But what goes on after you’ve joined and you’ve signed the contract is mandatory.

Let’s suppose you’ve joined the army, and you;re sitting on your bunk and the sergeant comes in and he says, “Hey, open up your footlocker, I want to inspect it, and you look at him and you say, “Sarge, have you got a search warrant?” do you believe the sergeant needs a search warrant to search your footlocker?

Here we ar complaining about being in The People’s Republic of Montreal, that we have no rights, but we waived all of our rights when we got a national insurance number, when we got our social insurance number or our social security number. We waived our rights when we got the employment contract. We waived our rights when we got our drivers licenses and our marriage licenses and we registered our children with the see we can’t complain about the government trying to vaccinate our children, we can’t complain about social services getting involved with our children’s lives and dragging them off to foster homes. We can’t complain about the social worker knocking on our doors to check on our children, because they're not our children, they belong to the state. If you don’t believe me, look it up.

This is serious stuff. When you registered your child you got a birth certificate. Look up the word ‘registration,’ what that actually means, what you have done, what have we done to our children in registering them for the benefits—who’s children are they? They’re not ours, they belong to the state. You belong to the state, and until I can resolve the situation, I belong to the state, we all are wards of the state. We registered as children. Seriously, that’s the state’s kid you’ve got there. And they let you raise it, they let you put braces on their teeth, they let you wipe his bum, they let you take care of him until he’s old enough to go to war, and then they take him and send him off to Iraq as cannon fodder.

You know how we say we have babies, and we say to ourselves, ‘This is my kid...’ no it’s not, your child belongs to the state. And you say, ‘This is my car...’ no it’s not, it belongs to the state. I can see that you are in possession of it and I can see that you have the keys to it, and I can see that you’re driving it, but I don’t think that’s your car, because on the front and the back of it is a piece of tin called a license plate or a registration plate, and I think that car is registered. Registered.

Now if you look up registration... property... ownership... chosen action and equitable interest I think it will be clear to you that the state owns that car.

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Well if you say, ‘That’s my wife,’ no it’s not, it’s the state’s woman and you just have an equitable right of use. Vice versa for you ladies. Social worker doesn’t need a search warrant. You got to have a marriage license, a birth certificate and citizenship to get the social worker to come and knock on your door... come on people it’s time to wake up.

Our ship’s captains have wartime powers now. War Time Powers, granted to them by Congress and Parliament. George Bush can suspend habeus corpus tomorrow morning [transcriber’s note: since accomplished] and he can institute martial law tomorrow morning at eight o’clock, and I don’t have any reason to believe he’s not going to that at any point in the very near future. In fact, when he gets to the point where he comes to the end of his term and he can’t be re-elected anymore, I think that’s exactly what he’s going to do. Just like Adolph Hitler did.

Oh, we’ll have elections, just like we did in 2000 and 2004, elections that are done primarily on computer, with no paper trail, and they can be controlled.

You know, Joseph Stalin was a very wise man—he was also a very naughty boy. He was a brutal tyrant, he was a wicked, evil fellow. That doesn’t mean he didn’t have street smarts, doesn’t mean he was particularly intelligent in terms of common sense but he made a very wise comment once, and he said, “It’s not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes that counts.” And our governments know that.

And everyone’s complaining about there being no justice in the world at the moment, but I know that, I told you it’s not a justice system, we’re an adversarial system. When Congress and Parliament enacts legislation like the patriot act or corpus juris, they’re not acting in the interest of the common law or the course of the common law, they’re action in the course of admiralty because that’s where the money is. The state doesn’t make any money from the common law, that’s a service that costs money.

You know, state and local governments, traffic courts and marriage licenses, that’s money-making stuff right there, that’s where governments rake in a fortune—taxation is what it boils down to. Bush isn’t wrong about all these searches from the intellectual prostitutes on the media, and all of this nonsense about rights, that’s all just political bull and smokescreen. There isn’t anything that Bush is going after or has been going after that he needs a warrant for. The president’s not in violation of any laws, that’s all been adjudicated long ago. You see, George isn’t running a country, he’s running a corporation—he’s running The United States, which is a corporation. He doesn’t have to bow down to the Constitution—that’s why he said it was just a piece of paper. He doesn’t have to worry about the constitution or your rights because they’re not a part of his corporate charter. The constitution has been tolerated since The United States was incorporated all those years ago. The elements of the constitution that you hold so dear have been tolerated all this time and now he is just stripping them away, because they are just impeding his commercial progress, the progress of his corporation. He can remove any element of the constitution he wants, and he wouldn’t be breaking any laws, because he is not operating in the common law which the constitution

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is based on.

Iraq was a corporate takeover. It’s nothing personal, it’s just business. There’s oil there, and we want it. We’re a corporation and we are going to buy you out—in a fashion.

He’s operating in a admiralty jurisdiction, as a businessman running a corporation. We have left the common law jurisdiction. We have volunteered ourselves into admiralty jurisdiction for the benefits. We waived our rights for the benefits. You don’t have any rights at all when it comes to admiralty jurisdiction. You don’t have a right to privacy—there is no contingency to privacy in admiralty jurisdiction, none whatsoever. There’s no rights to have a gun in admiralty jurisdiction, and that’s why all you guys out there in the States with licensed weapons, you’re the guys who are going to lose your weapons first because you registered them, and as I said earlier, once you register something, it is no longer yours, you hand over ownership of it to the government. The government now owns your weapon and they can remove it from you anytime they like because it’s theirs. They have a share in the contract with you, and they can call in that share at any point and take your weapon from you, and you guys out that who have unregistered weapons and unlicensed weapons... you’re gonna be fine as long as you don’t register them.

If you want to belong to the government, go ahead, register them, get a license.

You are not obliged to register for anything. You are not obliged to get a license for anything. At all.

You see, the words they use is ‘must’—you ‘must’ register for this and you ‘must’ register for that. ‘Must’ is legally synonymous with ‘may,’ if you look it up in Black’s law dictionary. They cannot oblige you to do anything because they do not have that power because we are dealing with statutory legislation. You’re not obliged to register your children. You’re not obliged to register your vehicle. You’re not obliged to have a drivers license, but unfortunately they are buying up all of the land, and so even if you drive an unregistered vehicle without a drivers license, you are still driving your private property on theirs, and they can enforce their policy upon you for that reason.

So you are going to try to drive you unregistered, unlicensed conveyance of the day on their private roads, you’re gonna have some trouble there. These contracts that you’ve been coerced into making can be annulled, because they’re fraudulent. And there’s a way of doing that.

The key here is for us to realise this very fact—this is a very tangible prison we are in, there is nothing invisible about it. As soon as you start to get a feel for the tyranny we’re involved in here, the contracts that we have been coerced into making under false pretenses, you can get to feel the bars and get a sense of what it’s going to take to bend them and get out. And so we all need to agree, and come together and deal with this situation that is now out of control, that we are all in the hands of corporations. We are in the hands of corporate entities

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because of these contracts that we have made—in some cases without our knowledge.

Now what I would advise you to do is stop contracting. Do not contract with the government. Do not contract with anyone that you feel might be taking too much information from you.

When you are talking to the police and you give them your name and your date of birth—that’s a contract. That’s you agreeing to a contract with the police.

These mortgages we are signing up for. You are talking about something that will bind you for the rest of your life. We need to leave the corporation. Give up your national insurance number. Give up your drivers license. Give up your marriage licenses, yes, you’re going to lose the benefits, you’re going to lose your dole, you’re going to lose your child benefit, but it’s time we stood on our own two feet again.

If you need a guardian, if you need the government to look after you, change your nappy for you, fine, no one’s going to force you to change your lifestyle. But if you’re complaining about the situation we’re in right now—this prison without bars we’re in right now, this is what’s causing it. Now if you think government’s going to solve your problems, get after it—go and vote three times in the next election if you think government can save you.

Government’s not your solution, government’s your problem. I would just as soon that I don’t pay those 19 taxes and that the government but out of my life and if I want something, I’ll provide it for myself.

Now you can complain about The People’s Republic of London till hell freezes over, but the solution to your problem is not more government, it’s less government, and they way you get government out of your life is you drop out of social security, drop out of the licenses. Now I know someone’s going to write me a little email saying, ‘That’s all very well and good for you Mr AntiTerrorist, but I need my drivers license because I’ve got to get into suburbia into London. How am I going to live with my marriage license since my wife won’t hear about it and she’ll probably divorce me and I’ve got to have a business license because I’ve got to make some money and I’ve got to have an NI number because that’s how I borrow money from the bank....’

There’s 55 reason why not, why you can’t do this, and I’m not suggesting that you change your lifestyle, I’m just here to tell you this is what’s causing your problem and if you want to fix it then you’ve got to get after it. If you don’t then fine, sit back, ride the back of the bus and shut up.

You see, people are complaining about having to ride the back of the bus, but has it ever occurred to you to just get off the bus and go and buy your own?

The bottom line here is that when America goes insolvent and it can’t pay its debts, you are

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going to be sold to the Ethiopians, the Libyans and the Egyptians for your debt.

Now that’s why I suggest that you get the hell out of Dodge while you still can.

I feel a little bit like we are on the Titanic . Fortunately, for all of us, there’s a little time to get off this ship, and the time to get off is when it stops at an ireland. Most people won’t get off at ireland, they’re going to carry on to New York thinking they’re on a luxury cruise. On the luxury liner Titanic.

So I’m telling you now in advance that’s what’s gonna happen. You need to take action. You need to get off the ship. The next stop is the bottom of the ocean, the bottom of the Atlantic, and I’m telling you, that’s where we’re headed. We’re headed to the bottom of the Atlantic on the Titanic and there’s not going to be a vast majority of people getting off this thing.

The bright spot in all of this, if we ever wake up—and most of us won’t—there is a solution to this and it’s going to be based on individual initiative. If we ever wake up and say to ourselves. ‘Well, I would like to trade in all of my privileges and franchises just for plain, pure freedom of choice ...” we can do that. We can still do that in The United States and England. I suspect you can that in Australia and New Zealand, France, all Anglo-Saxon countries.

My understanding is that one of the ways out of this is the contract laws, because you cannot be party to any contract that you did not volunteer into or that you have no knowledge of. So for instance, the contract that is your NI number—I’m pretty sure that none of you, when you were 18 knew that you were signing a contract, an adhesion contract that would bind you to their regulations for the rest of your life. Did you know that? I’m pretty sure you didn’t. Did you know that you weren’t obliged to apply for a drivers license ? Did you know that you were not obliged to register your children? But you assumed that you were obliged because of the wording they used.

You can’t just turn up at the DVLA and throw your license at them and say. “I’m not using this anymore, I’m going to drive without it,” because you’ll be in a lot of trouble. You can’t just turn up at the social security office and say, “I don’t want to do this anymore, please free me from my obligation.” You can’t just turn up at the registrar’s office and say, “I’d like my child back, please,” because they’ll look at you like you’re from Mars. There’s a very particular process you have to go through to extricate yourself from maritime admiralty jurisdiction.

Now this is a massive, very intricate subject, and I couldn’t possibly cover it all in three blocks of 10 minutes, but I was hoping to paint a broad picture and get you intrigued enough to look at the other links which I will provide for you at the end here. I will provide you with some videos which will explain the situation and make it more accessible to you.

Firstly, go to a site called

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get to the homepage and scroll to the bottom and you will find some hidden files, some MP3 files. Listen to those, particularly two; one is called gary_this_is_kevin and the other one is called collapsing the trust. You need to listen to those very carefully and you will find a lot of information in there that will help you extricate yourself from admiralty jurisdiction.

Now it’s going to take a lot of courage and it’s going to take a lot of resourcefulness and a lot of responsibility on your part, because essentially what your doing is your stripping away all of your benefits, so if you are on the dole, you can’t do this. If you are on the dole and you have the resources to be able to look after yourself, then you can. But if you are under the government’s wing, and you’re quite comfortable, no one’s going to force you to leave.

But if you want to get government out of your hair, this is the way to do it.

Listen to those two files, then you want to go to a site called

where Robert-Arthur: Menard has created a graphic novel that will explain the whole situation in very, very graphic details [pun intended] and will make it very accessible to you. He’s charging for it, but of course this is very valuable information, so there’s no reason why not. He’s not charging a great deal, but it will certainly be well worth every penny you spend. He’s a very open, honest guy and he will answer your questions as long as they are intelligent questions.

Now you need to understand what a person is.

As Robert-Arthur: Menard, Russel Porisky and Jordan Maxwell will tell you, you are not a person; you have a person. A person is attached to you by virtue of these contracts, and it’s this person that the police are acting upon. They’re not acting upon you—the flesh-and-blood human being, man on the land, they are operating on this legal fiction called “a person.” This legal fiction does not exist in reality. You cannot contract with a flesh-and-blood human being, so what they do is they pull you into their arena, this fictional arena of contracting, of business and commerce, by creating a person, and attaching it to you, and they do that by virtue of your birth certificate, so when you’re registered, a person is created, a legal fiction. What the police do when they’re talking to you is they try to create joinder between you and your person by asking you your name and your date of birth. Without your name and your date of birth, they have no way of linking you to this legal fiction. Without your signature under your name in block capitals a contract does not apply to you. That is why you will see on any legal paperwork or anything that comes to you from the government or a corporation, the name is always in block capitals. That is not you, that is your person. That is something that you use, something that you have, it is not you. It is

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something that exists entirely outside of yourself. It is a legal fiction.

You need to understand the words they are using to dominate and control us, and they way you will do that is by watching ‘Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception,’ ‘The Occult of Commerce,’ ‘The Magnificent Deception,’ and by listening the the MP3 files on

You need to have all of your boxes in a line, you need to make sure that you do this process perfectly. It is not difficult when you have the right information and there is no reason why you and I and everyone else can’t do it. I’m in Britain, so I am still researching the matter as it applies to this country, but I am fully aware that in The States and Canada, New Zealand and Australia it’s perfectly possible.

Now if any of you big-brained fellows out there now how to do the process in the UK, do get in touch with me and let me know.

I think it’s absolutely essential we get this information out there and free as many responsible people as we can before this ship goes down—this ship under admiralty, maritime jurisdiction.

HEO 9 February 2009

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