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Page 1: The American Revolution 2

The American Revolution 2

SWBAT: compare and contrast different points of view of the Boston Massacre.

Homework: Download a dictionary and thesaurus app on your phone if you have a smartphone.

Do now: What is a massacre? How many people need to die before we can call an event a massacre?

Page 2: The American Revolution 2

Colonists were pissed about

the taxes the British were implementing.

Why? No Taxation without Representation!

Last we left off…

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THE ENLIGHTENMENT! The idea that government exists to protect and serve the people

has really taken root in America. By not allowing colonists representation in Parliament and taxing

the colonies without their consent, colonists see GB as backwards and anti-progressive.

Why is this a big deal?

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Conditions Continue to Deteriorate

Townshend Act and Opposition Customs officials are now allowed to search incoming ships

without looking for a specified item. AKA they don’t need a search warrant.

Could search any vessel, warehouse, or store on suspicion of smuggled goods.

Resistance was strong, and GB decided to send in more troops.

Quartering Act begins ordered the local governments to provide housing and provisions

for British soldiers.

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Boston Massacre

Influx of British troops increases the tension between colonists and GB.

March 5, 1770…

What happens next??

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1. Why did Captain Preston send troops to the customs house? 2. What evidence does Captain Preston give that he did not

intend for his soldiers to fire upon the crowd? 3. In what circumstances did the soldier fire the first shot? Was

it an accident? 4. According to Preston, who ordered his troops to fire? 5. After reading Preston’s account, who appears to blame for

the events in Boston on March 5, 1770? Do you believe his account? Why or why not?

Homework Review

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What does your illustration look like?

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“The Bloody Massacre”Paul Revere

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What are the differences between your picture and

Revere’s? Back to the do now: what is a massacre/how many

people have to die? What do you think was Revere’s motive for calling this

piece “The Bloody Massacre”?

Discussion Questions

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So what happened to the soldiers?

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More taxes (like the Tea Act) lead to more events (like the

Boston Tea Party). The passage of the Intolerable Acts further angers colonists. This brings us to…

From here on out, it only gets worse

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Delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies met in Philadelphia to

discuss the problem with GB. Decided to boycott British goods until the Intolerable Act was

repealed. This paved the way for the Second Continental Congress. Meanwhile, the battle of Lexington and Concord signaled the

beginning of the Revolutionary War.

First Continental Congress

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Met again in Philadelphia to

decide how to proceed forward.

Decided to break away completely from GB and Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.

Second Continental Congress