Download - The American Constitution€¦ · 1. “We the People” in Preamble of U.S. Constitution 2. 15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments extend right to vote to more people 3. 17th Amendment

Page 1: The American Constitution€¦ · 1. “We the People” in Preamble of U.S. Constitution 2. 15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments extend right to vote to more people 3. 17th Amendment

Name ______________________________ Date __________________ Pd ________

The American Constitution II. Independence and a New Government under the Constitution A. With independence, the United States needed a __________________________________________ to unite the new nation

1. The founding fathers created a “____________________” system that created a _________________________ gov’t but allowed the 13 states to keep _________________ & make their own laws

2. Many of the ideas of the Enlightenment served as ____________________ for the new national government of the United States

B. Constitutional Concepts Inspired by the Enlightenment

Guess Notes What does it mean? Who’s idea?

Idea: ______________________________________________ 1. The framers of the Constitution created a ________________________________________,

a form of government where the people _______________ their leaders a. The U.S. Constitution was inspired by ________________________ idea that gov’t power

comes from the “____________________________________________________” b. The Constitution also used ____________________ idea of a ______________________

because Congressmen & the president are elected directly by the people (majority rule) What does it mean? Who’s idea?

Idea: ______________________________________________ 2. The founding fathers were afraid of giving the national gov’t ___________________ power

so they stated exactly which powers the gov’t had & all other powers were left to the _____________ gov’ts or to the __________________ a. Both ____________ & _____________________ shared the idea of limiting gov’t power b. Locke believed that a limited gov’t was the only way to protect individual ____________

What does it mean? Who’s idea?

Idea: ______________________________________________ 3. The Constitution uses _________________________________________________ to divide

the powers among _______________________________ a. The _ branch consists of a Congress that ______________________ & taxes b. The executive branch consists of the __________________________, vice president, &

bureaucracy that __________________ laws passed by Congress c. The judicial branch is the ______________________________________ & other federal

courts that _________________________ laws, settle disputes, & decide guilt d. This idea was inspired by ____________________________

What does it mean? Who’s idea?

Idea: ______________________________________________ 4. To keep one branch from ___________________ all power, the framers of the Constitution

used a system of ______________________________________________ a. Each branch of gov’t holds ________________ over the other two branches as a means

to ________________ their power b. This idea was inspired by _____________________________

What does it mean? Who’s idea?

Idea: ______________________________________________ 5. The founding fathers added a __________________________________ to the Constitution

in order to guarantee that the gov’t could not violate ________________ a. Among these liberties are the freedoms of ______________, press, and _____________ b. The framers of the Constitution were inspired by the ideas of ______________________

What does it mean? Who’s idea?

Idea: ______________________________________________ 6. The Bill of Rights includes a number of protections of the rights of ______________ people

a. The Bill of Rights guarantees Americans freedom from ___________________________, right to a ___________________________, & protection from _________________ and unusual _______________________

b. These protections of accused people were supported by __________________________

IV. The Impact of the American Revolution A. The American Revolution was an important event in world history

1. It was the first time a colony __________________________ its mother country

2. It was the first time a gov’t was created using Enlightenment ideas of _________________________ & individual _____________

3. The success in America inspired _________________________________ in Europe & Latin America

Page 2: The American Constitution€¦ · 1. “We the People” in Preamble of U.S. Constitution 2. 15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments extend right to vote to more people 3. 17th Amendment

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Grievances from the Declaration of Independence

How they are Addressed in the Constitution / Bill of Rights

“He [King George III] has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.”

Judges’ salaries cannot be cut during their term in office. (Article III, Section 1)

“He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.”

Congress can override a presidential veto. (Article I, Section 7)

“He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislatures.”

Soldiers cannot be quartered without consent in people’s homes during times of peace. (Third Amendment)

“...depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury...”

A person accused of a crime has the right to a speedy and public trial by jury. (Sixth Amendment)

“...imposing taxes on us without our consent...” Congress has the power to collect revenue. (Article I, Section 8)

The military was made superior to the civil government

(Constitution) The President, a civilian, is Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

Kept a standing army among the colonists (Constitution) Congress is the only branch which can raise and support/fund the army.

How were the Constitution and Bill of Rights influenced by

the Declaration of Independence?

Page 3: The American Constitution€¦ · 1. “We the People” in Preamble of U.S. Constitution 2. 15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments extend right to vote to more people 3. 17th Amendment

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Checks and Balances

Each branch of government is restrained by the other two in several ways. For example, the president may veto a law passed by Congress. Congress can override that veto with a vote of two-thirds of both houses. Another example is that the Supreme Court may check Congress by declaring a law unconstitutional.

Separation of PowerA fundamental principle of the United States government, whereby powers and responsibilities are divided among the legislative branch (creates laws), executive branch (enforces laws), and judicial branch (interprets the laws).

FederalismThe national or federal government is the supreme power of a country that shares power with state governments. The Constitution delegates certain powers only to the national government, reserves powers for state governments, and allows for certain powers to be shared.

RepublicanismForm of government where the head of state is a representative of the people who hold popular sovereignty rather than the people being subjects of the head of state. The head of state is typically appointed through elections.

Individual RightsIndividual rights include life, liberty, and property. The Founders believed that individual natural rights include freedom of speech, religion, and press, as well as freedom from unreasonable searches. Individual rights also encompass political, economic and civil rights.

Limited GovernmentGovernment has only those powers delegated to it by the people. Several articles and amendments to the Constitution create a limited federal government: one restrained to specific, enumerated powers.

Popular SovereigntyThe authority of the government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives (Rule by the People), who are the source of all political power.

Controles y Equilibrios

Cada sección de gobierno está controlada por las otras dos secciones de varias maneras. Por ejemplo, el presidente puede vetar una ley aprobada por el Congreso. El Congreso puede dejar sin efecto el veto si dos terceras partes de sus miembros mantienen que si quieren aprobar la ley. Otro ejemplo es que la Corte Suprema puede controlar al Congreso declarando a una ley como inconstitucional.

Separación de PoderesUn principio fundamental del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, a través del cual poderes y responsabilidades se dividen entre el poder legislativo (hace las leyes), poder ejecutivo (hace cumplir las leyes) y poder judicial (interpreta las leyes).

FederalismoEl gobierno nacional o federal es el poder supremo de un país que comparte el poder con los gobiernos estatales. La Constitución delega ciertos poderes para sólo el gobierno nacional , reserva poderes para los gobiernos estatales y permite que ciertos poderes sean compartidos.

RepublicanismoForma de gobierno donde el jefe de estado es un representante de las personas que detentan la soberanía popular en lugar de las personas siendo sujetos del jefe de estado. El jefe de estado es nombrado típicamente a través de elecciones.

Derechos IndividualesLos derechos individuales incluyen vida, libertad y propiedad. Los Fundadores creyeron que los derechos naturales individuales incluyen la libertad de expresión, religión y prensa, así como libertad de búsquedas irrazonables. Derechos individuales también incluyen los derechos civiles, económicos y políticos.

Gobierno LimitadoEl gobierno tiene sólo esos poderes delegados a el por la gente. Varios artículos y enmiendas a la Constitución crean un gobierno federal limitado: uno refrenado a específicos, poderes enumerados.

Soberanía PopularLa autoridad del gobierno es creada y sostenida por el consentimiento de su gene, a través de sus representantes electos(gobernado por la gente), que son la fuente de todo poder político.

Los Siete Principios de la Constitución

The Seven Principles of the Constitution

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Page 5: The American Constitution€¦ · 1. “We the People” in Preamble of U.S. Constitution 2. 15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments extend right to vote to more people 3. 17th Amendment



Definition A form of government where the leaders are elected to power by the people. Elected representative serve at the will of the people, and government is based on the consent of the governed. What are examples of republicanism?

1. Government leaders are elected by the people (at national, state, and local levels)

2. House of Representatives is based on population of each states

3. Government leaders have a specific length of time to serve the people (term of office)

4. Elections are held on a regular basis so the people can express their will

5. People may have power to remove an elected government official (recall)

6. People can change the government through a new constitution or a constitutional amendment

Page 6: The American Constitution€¦ · 1. “We the People” in Preamble of U.S. Constitution 2. 15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments extend right to vote to more people 3. 17th Amendment

Limited Government

Definition The powers of the federal government are limited to those stated in the Constitution. The Constitution and laws define the limits of those in power so they cannot take advantage of their elected, appointed, or inherited positions. Everyone, including all authority figures, must obey the laws (rule of law). Government is restricted in what it may do. What are examples of limited government? 1. A written constitution limits the powers of

government 2. Government prohibited from doing certain things

(for example, tax exports, prohibit religion) 3. Everyone, including the leaders, must follow and

obey the law (rule of law) 4. Powers of government divided between

governments (federalism) or the branches of a government (separation of powers)

5. Different branches of government have checks on each other (checks and balances)

6. 22nd Amendment limited the time a person can serve as President of the United States

7. Rights of the individual are protected from abuse by government and its leaders (individual rights)


Definition Powers of government are divided between the national government and state government. What are examples of federalism?

Page 7: The American Constitution€¦ · 1. “We the People” in Preamble of U.S. Constitution 2. 15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments extend right to vote to more people 3. 17th Amendment

Popular Sovereignty

Definition The people rule or the people hold supreme power. The people are the final authority and the source of all governmental power and can create, alter, and abolish government. People express themselves through voting and free participation in government. What are examples of popular sovereignty?

1. “We the People” in Preamble of U.S. Constitution 2. 15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments extend right to

vote to more people 3. 17th Amendment provided for direct election of

U.S. Senators by the people 4. 23rd Amendment gave residents in District of

Columbia the right to vote for President 5. 24th Amendment removed a restriction on voting

(poll tax) 6. Initiative and referendum are methods for the

people to approve legislation directly 7. People voting on constitutional amendments 8. People participating in government and politics

(political campaigns, serving on juries, etc.)

Separation of Powers

Definition All the powers of government are divided equally between the three branches. What are examples of separation of powers?

Page 8: The American Constitution€¦ · 1. “We the People” in Preamble of U.S. Constitution 2. 15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments extend right to vote to more people 3. 17th Amendment

Checks and Balances


The Constitution gave each branch ways to stop or “check” the other branches, to ensure that not one branch gets to powerful. What are examples of checks and balances?

Individual Rights/Amendments

Definition Rights of the individual person that government cannot take away. Many individual rights are found in the Bill of Rights. What are examples of individual rights?