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NEWSLETTERThe American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc.


Annual Newsletter To Diplomates � February 2011

As Chair of The American Board of Plastic Surgery, I wish tocongratulate the 164 new diplomates of the ABPS who achievedthe status of ABPS Board Certification by passing the last phaseof the certification process, the Oral Examination given inNovember 2010. You now join 7,779 other diplomates whohold this great distinction. Because of the highly selective anddiscriminating process of certification, achieving this status isindeed an honor and an indicator of quality that is valued bypatients, payors, hospitals, and other physicians. It is a status tobe proud of, but also a standard to uphold, maintain, andprotect, both for you and for the specialty.

The mission of The American Board of Plastic Surgery is, “topromote safe, ethical, efficacious plastic surgery to thepublic by maintaining high standards for education,examination, certification, and maintenance of certificationof plastic surgeons as specialists and subspecialists.” As alldiplomates know, demonstrating that you are a safe andeffective plastic surgeon is at the core of the examination andcertification process and is what defines a “Board certified”plastic surgeon. The third factor, the ethical practice ofplastic surgery is one that gives great consternation tocandidates for certification, but is also one that nearly alldiplomates hold as the most important aspect of theirpractice, and of their ABPS certification. In the past year,the Board has focused on encouraging a culture of ethicalpractice for the specialty.

But, what constitutes the “ethical” practice of plastic surgery?Or, more importantly, what constitutes an “unethical”practice of plastic surgery? This issue has consumed,probably more than any other single issue, the deliberationsand actions of the ABPS and our associated professionalsocieties, in particular the ASPS and the ASAPS in recentyears. Sometimes it is clear. To achieve and maintain ABPScertification, one must have a full and unrestricted license to

practice medicine. If that license is ever revoked, suspended,or restricted due to an ethical (or other) violation, the ABPSis notified via the Disciplinary Alert Notification System(DANS) process from the Federation of State MedicalBoards through the American Board of Medical Specialties(ABMS), and Board certification is either withheld orrevoked. Often, however, it is not so clear.

One area where both the Board and the professional societieshave focused is unethical advertising: print, video, andonline, including both personal and third party websites.For ABPS candidates, this includes any reference to Boardcertification status prior to certification. Violations of thiswell-publicized rule result in a mandatory one-year deferralfrom the examination process. More difficult to evaluateare some of the claims and the nature of the advertising itself,where it is important to draw a distinction betweenunethical and simply bad taste advertising. Frequentcomplaints include false claims of superiority, e.g. the “best”or “only,” the use of models that are not one’s own patients,and offers or raffles for free surgery. What about advertisingthat is overtly sexual, suggestive, provocative, or otherwiseunprofessional? Although the ASPS code of ethics has adetailed list of unethical activities that might, or might notencompass that class of advertising, because it is oftendifficult to specifically enumerate every possible unethicalor unprofessional act, the ABPS has chosen instead to adhereto a simpler, more straightforward code of ethics whereinthe first stated principle is, “The failure to maintain themoral, ethical and professional standing satisfactory to theABPS... may be sufficient cause for the Board to bar thecandidate or diplomate permanently or…to revoke thediplomate’s certification.”

Not all ethical issues revolve around advertising, of course.

Chair Report - Continued on Page 4

2010-11 Advisory CouncilMembersSee Pg 2

From the Executive DirectorR. Barrett Noone, M.D.See Pg 2

News From the SecretaryTreasurerThomas A. Mustoe, M.D.See Pg 4

2010-11 Officers and DirectorsSee Pg 6

New DirectorsSee Pg 7

Examination StatisticsSee Pg 8 & 9

New Board DiplomatesSee Pg 10

MOC-PS® DiplomatesSee Pg 11

Diplomates in Hand SurgerySee Pg 11

MOC-PS® ProgramSee Pg 12

Revoked CertificatesSee Pg 12

An ABMS Member Board

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Chair ReportNicholas B. Vedder, M.D.

Ensuring the ethical practice ofPlastic Surgery

Inside ThisEdition



2010 – 2011AdvisoryCouncilMembersThe Advisory Council Members listedbelow were nominated from the AmericanAssociation of Plastic Surgeons (AAPS),the American Society of Plastic Surgeons(ASPS), the American Society forAesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), theAmerican Association for Hand Surgery(AAHS), the American Society for Surgeryof the Hand (ASSH) and the AmericanSociety of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS).In addition, there are two Directors of theBoard on each Council. The Boardacknowledges the significantcontributions of each of the followingAdvisory Council Members:

Comprehensive PlasticSurgeryCharles E. Butler, M.D. (AAPS)

Roberta L. Gartside, M.D. (ASPS)

W. Thomas Lawrence, M.D. (AAPS)

Michael F. McGuire, M.D. (ABPS), ChairSheri Slezak, M.D. (ABPS)

Cosmetic SurgeryFelmont F. Eaves, III, M.D. (ASAPS)

Roxanne J. Guy, M.D. (ASPS)

Jeffrey M. Kenkel, M.D. (ASAPS)

Thomas A. Mustoe, M.D. (ABPS)

Charles H. M. Thorne, M.D. (ABPS), Chair

Craniomaxillofacial SurgerySteven R. Buchman, M.D. (ASPS)

Arun K. Gosain, M.D. (ABPS), ChairDonald R. Mackay, M.D. (ABPS)

Seth R. Thaller, M.D. (ASMS)

Henry C. Vasconez, M.D. (ASMS)

Hand SurgeryJames Chang, M.D. (ABPS)

Kevin C. Chung, M.D. (ABPS), ChairJames P. Higgins, M.D. (ASSH)

David T. J. Netscher, M.D. (ASPS)

Michael W. Neumeister, M.D. (AAHS)

This column in our Annual Newsletter to ourdiplomates allows me to review some of the highlightsof the many important activities of the Board in 2010.


As previously announced, plastic surgery residencyprograms will be lengthened to three years, effectiveJuly 1, 2011. This requirement will apply to theindependent residency programs who acceptapplicants upon completion of full training inGeneral Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Thoracic Surgery,Otolaryngology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Neurosurgery,Urology or Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Therequirement will also include the last three years ofan integrated program into which applicants matchdirectly out of medical school. In concert withlengthening the residency, the Board voted toeventually eliminate the combined (coordinated)programs. This residency pathway is a variation ofthe independent programs and allows matching outof medical school into general surgery for three years,with the understanding that plastic surgery would be provided in the same institution. Because of thegrowth of the integrated programs and the desire byboth the Board and the Residency ReviewCommittee to establish a planned curriculum inplastic surgery training for those medical schoolgraduates who had early motivation andcommitment to the specialty, the Board, trainingprogram directors, and the Residency ReviewCommittee worked together toward a common goalof transitioning the combined programs intointegrated programs. Such change, voted forimplementation by 2015, will provide moreuniformity and consistency in following acurriculum of plastic surgery education. Transfersinto integrated programs before the beginning of thefourth year of the integrated program will beallowed, pending approval of the resident’scurriculum by the program director and approval ofthe individual resident’s training by the Board.


Case Requirements: The Board reinstitutedminimum case requirements for admission to theOral Examination, beginning with the examinationof November, 2010. This initiative was to assure thepublic that the candidates who receive the stamp ofcertification by the ABPS have demonstrated

satisfactory capability in all areas of the specialty,rather than in one specific subspecialty area.Accordingly, candidates were required to fulfill bothanatomic and category requirements whensubmitting case lists for examination. At least onecase was necessary in four of the six categories,including congenital, cosmetic, generalreconstructive, hand, skin and trauma; and in threeof the five anatomic areas, including breast,hand/upper extremity, head & neck, lower extremityand trunk/genitalia. A minimum of 50 total casesmust be completed during the nine month collectionperiod. Although broad training and experiences arerequired for initial certification, the Board realizesthat subspecialization becomes more focused as apractice matures. Accordingly, subspecialtyexaminations are provided in the Maintenance ofCertification program.

Analytical Scoring: Before 2007, the Board useda holistic scoring system for the Oral Examination,whereby each of six examiners recorded a “Pass” or“Fail” grade based on the overall impression of thecandidate’s ability and safety. In an effort to arrive ata more objective “Pass” decision on an individualcandidate, an analytical system was beta-tested withthe holistic method in 2005 and 2006. We learnedthat this analysis, in which a total of 176 ratings arerecorded for each candidate, gave the Board and thecandidates a judgment which is objective and morefair. Of course, candidate ability is the first facet usedin the analysis, but other important components arethe severity of the examiner, theory and practice casedifficulty, and clinical skill difficulty. Adjusting forexaminer severity allows a “level playing field” for thecandidates. The Board voted to use the analyticalsystem exclusively beginning in 2007, and after fourexamination administrations remains committed tothe decision and comfortable with the results.


The Growth of Practice Assessment Data: PartIV of the Maintenance of Certification program,Performance in Practice, requires the diplomate tolearn from his or her practice by selecting one of 20tracer procedures and entering data from 10consecutive cases of that operation on the Board’swebsite. The program was instituted in 2007, anddata entry for the first year was completed in 2008.

From the Executive Director - Continued on Page 3

From theExecutive DirectorR. Barrett Noone, M.D.


From the Executive Director - Continued from Page 2

As of December 1, 2010, a total of 2,217 plasticsurgeons have completed the practice assessmentassignment. They all received benchmarking datacomparing their 10 cases to the continuallyupdated statistics submitted by their peers.Augmentation mammaplasty (28.7%) was themost frequently selected module. This wasfollowed by reduction mammaplasty (24.3%),breast reconstruction (10.1%), carpal tunnelsyndrome (8.66%) and abdominoplasty (5.68%).As the data grow on an annual basis, PracticeAssessment modules will become a more powerfuleducational vehicle for the practicing surgeon tocompare techniques and results with those of peers.

MOC-PS®: The EducationalComponent: Assessing and measuring one’soutcomes on an operation is the first step inimproving practice. The next is completing aneducational requirement specific to that surgicalprocedure. Maintenance of Certification coursesare regularly presented at the Annual Meetings ofthe American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)and the American Society for Aesthetic PlasticSurgery (ASAPS). For the first time this year,MOC courses were also presented at the AmericanSociety for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) and atthe Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Societyof Plastic Surgeons, the first regional society toinstitute MOC courses. These courses arespecifically designed to complement the structureof the Practice Assessment in Plastic Surgery (PA-PS) modules. The Board has given permission tothe course instructors to use our compositebenchmarking data on the specific procedures fortheir presentations.

Evidence-Based Plastic Surgery: The othercomponent of education that may be used inMaintenance of Certification is completion of aCME article that corresponds with the specifictracer procedure and is published in the journalPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PRS), or in theAesthetic Surgery Journal or the Journal of HandSurgery. The inaugural 20 articles, written byDirectors of the Board, were published in Januaryand April, 2008 in PRS. Because of the growingemphasis on providing the best available evidenceon each operative procedure, the subsequentpublications on the 20 topics, also written byDirectors of the Board, are a series of review articlesdocumenting the accepted levels of evidence foreach of the areas covered in the article. This projectwas developed and coordinated by Donald H.Lalonde, M.D., Chair-Elect of the Board, who hadthe unique perspective of serving as Chair of theMaintenance of Certification Committee of theBoard as well as the CME Editor for PRS. The first10 articles were published in the December, 2010issue of PRS and the remaining 10 will be

published in the MOC section of the February,2011 publication of the journal. Reading theevidence-based article on the specific procedure,answering the CME questions at the end of thearticle, and reflecting on the data learned frompractice through comparison with thebenchmarking data from peers will give theindividual an opportunity to change and improvepractice. Repeating the same PA-PS module as apart of the program in three years will then give thesurgeon a “yardstick” to measure improvement.

Are we improving practice?: At thecompletion of the practice assessment process, thediplomate is requested to complete an Action Planfor improvement. To date, 2,142 diplomates haveentered a plan of action. The Board was pleasedthat 55% have registered intention to change somefacet of practice, having learned from caseevaluation, comparison with benchmarkingregistries and completion of the educationalcomponent. Changes in patient selection,preoperative discussion with the patient,preoperative analysis, preoperative management,operative technique and postoperativemanagement were all identified by diplomates.Particularly impressive was that 13% of plasticsurgeons in practice 10 or more years areintending to change operative techniques. TheBoard remains gratified with these results ofpractice assessment, and is assured that the MOCprogram is achieving its goal of improving thequality of plastic surgery practices for the bettercare of our patients.

Publication on MOC: Aside from theevidence-based articles published in PRS by theDirectors of the Board, a comprehensive article onMaintenance of Certification, entitled Adherenceto Practice Guidelines Based on American Board ofPlastic Surgery Maintenance of Certification Data,with one of the directors of the Board, Kevin C.Chung, M.D. as the lead author was accepted forpublication by PRS.


All candidates for Certification or diplomatesapplying for Maintenance of Certification whooperate in independent surgical facilities mustprovide documentation of accreditation of thosefacilities by one of the major accreditingorganizations. Such documentation is required forsurgeons who perform operative procedures underconscious sedation or general anesthesia in afacility not accredited by The Joint Commission.A corollary to this requirement is that diplomatesof the Board who wish to comply withMaintenance of Certification requirements mayoperate only in accredited facilities.


In our continuing effort to follow the mission ofassuring the public of our high standards forMaintenance of Certification, effective January2011, the Board’s website www.abplsurg.orghighlights a link documenting an individualsurgeon’s date of initial certification, and status ofparticipation in the Maintenance of Certificationprogram. The site will note if the plastic surgeonis participating in MOC-PS®, and whether thesurgeon is current or not current with MOCrequirements. Lifetime Certificate Holders willhave a listing in the MOC-PS® Column only ifvoluntarily participating, otherwise that columnwill remain blank. There are approximately 165Lifetime Certificate Holders currently enrolled inMOC-PS®. The website is in continual use byconsumers, with an average of 21,745 hits permonth. “Is your surgeon certified?” hadapproximately 3,545 visits per month in 2010.


The American Board of Plastic Surgery wasfounded in 1937 by a group of surgeons fromdifferent specialty backgrounds who desired toissue examinations and provide certification forsurgeons practicing what was then a relatively newfield of surgical specialization. In celebration ofthe 75th anniversary of its founding, the Board willhold a special recognition ceremony in April, 2012in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of theBoard and the Annual Meeting of the AmericanAssociation of Plastic Surgeons in San Francisco,California.


Thomas A. Mustoe, M.D., Secretary-Treasurer ofthe Board, is now the representative from theABPS to the Board of Directors of ABMS. He isin his first year of a two year term.

R. Barrett Noone, M.D. and James H. Wells,M.D. are representatives of the ABPS to theAssembly of the ABMS, with Nicholas B. Vedder,M.D. and Dr. Mustoe as alternate representatives.Dr. Wells continues to serve on the Committee onCertification and Maintenance of Certification(COCERT). Dr. Noone remains as Chair of theMember Board Executive Caucus of the ABMS.This group is comprised of the chief executives ofall 24 certifying boards of the ABMS.

News from theSecretary-TreasurerThomas A. Mustoe, M.D.

The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc. extends sincere appreciation to the following Directorsfor their dedicated service to the Board:

John W. Canady, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2004-2010Iowa City, IA Secretary-Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2008-2010

Jack A. Friedland, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2004-2010Scottsdale, AZCosmetic Surgery Advisory Council Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2007-2010By-Laws & Publications Committee Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .November 2006 - May 2010

Jeffrey B. Matthews, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2007-2010Chicago, ILCredentials and Requirements Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2007-2010Ethics Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2007-2010American Board of Surgery Representative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2007-2010

A. Michael Sadove, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2003-2010Indianapolis, IN Craniomaxillofacial Surgery Advisory Council Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2000-2004Vice-Chair of the Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2007-2008Chair-Elect of the Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2008-2009Chair of the Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2009-2010

Chair Report - Continued from Page 1

As all candidates know, their CPT coding andbilling practices are reviewed by their oralexaminers, and sometimes questioned duringthe examination process. In that process, theactual fees are neither transmitted nordiscussed. What, however, would the ethicalplastic surgeon think of the practice of billingand collecting from an “out of network” payor,$50,000 for suturing a 1-cm. laceration in theE.D.? This is an actual complaint that wasrecently brought to the ABPS. Is this ethical?How do such billing practices reflect on ourspecialty, especially in the current climate ofpayment reform? We trust that our diplomatesexpect ABPS to respond thoughtfully butdecisively?

Ethical transgressions come to the Board throughseveral avenues. First, all candidates forexamination are evaluated with respect to theirprofessionalism documentation. This includestheir advertising, their entire “web presence” andany comments sent to the Board by diplomates,other physicians, or the public. If concerns arefactually valid, the issue is referred to the EthicsCommittee of the ABPS. After careful review thecommittee may decide to deny or delay theirentry into the certification or Maintenance ofCertification process. This year, the Board has alsoinstituted a requirement for participants in theMaintenance of Certification process (that willeventually include all ABPS diplomates) tosubmit all of their advertising and their “webpresence” as part of their MOC part Iprofessionalism documentation. All Directors ofthe Board and ABPS examiners must fulfill thissame requirement.

The Directors of the ABPS have long recognizedthe ability and dedication of our professionalsocieties, specifically the ASPS and ASAPS, toinvestigate alleged ethics violations through theirrespective ethics committees and judicialcouncils. But, what of the nearly half ofgraduates of plastic surgery residency programswho are initially NOT joining ASPS or ASAPS?We appear to be entering the generation of the“non-joiners.” How does the specialty upholdour ethical standards with those diplomates?There have been recent serious discussionsamong the leadership of ABPS, ASPS, andASAPS regarding this challenge. It mayultimately require increased collaboration andthe integration of the disciplinary process by andbetween the certifying organization of the

Special Recognition

specialty, the ABPS, whose certificate holds professional value above all, and our professional organizations, includingthe ASPS and ASAPS.

Every diplomate of the ABPS has a deep-rooted interest in ensuring that the ethical standards of ABPS certificationare upheld, not only for the integrity of the certificate, but also for the future of our profession. The certificate isonly awarded after a candidate has demonstrated character, integrity and excellence in practice. Defending thecontinued value of your certificate is our mutual duty. We, the Directors of the ABPS, value your input into howwe, as a specialty, can best address this significant challenge. The most important lesson I have learned in my lifeis that every challenge is an opportunity. Working together, we have the opportunity to develop, refine, andpromote a culture of ethical practice for the specialty, beginning in residency, carrying through the certificationprocess, and continuing throughout the entire career of an ABPS certified plastic surgeon.


In Recognition

The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc. gratefully acknowledges the contributions and commitment of those plastic surgeons who served as QuestionWriters for the Written Examination and Hand Examination and those who served as Examiners and Evaluators for the Oral Examination.


Charles E. ButlerDavid T. W. ChiuMark A. CodnerLawrence B. ColenMark B. ConstantianNeil A. Fine Glenn W. JelksJeffrey M. KenkelWalter T. LawrenceKant Y. K. LinThom R. LoreeMartha S. MatthewsWyndell H. MerrittMichael J. MillerKenneth A. MurrayDavid T. J. NetscherWilliam C. PedersonJoseph M. SerlettiSeth R. ThallerAnthony P. TufaroCharles N. VerheydenRobert L. Walton, Jr.William A. Zamboni


Benjamin ChangKevin C. Chung William W. DzwierzynskiRobert J. HavlikArshad R. MuzaffarScott N. OishiDouglas E. SundeThomas A. Wiedrich


James ChangKevin C. ChungWilliam W. DzwierzynskiRobert J. HavlikClyde J. IkedaJohn W. SappDouglas E. SundeNIcholas B. VedderThomas A. Wiedrich


Bernard S. AlpertGregory A. AntoineScott P. Bartlett John D. BauerMichael L. Bentz Keith E. Brandt Steven R. BuchmanCharles E. ButlerEugene C. CarrocciaBala S. ChandrasekharDavid W. ChangJames ChangKevin C. ChungMark A. CodnerMimis N. CohenJohn J. Coleman, IIILawrence B. ColenE. Dale CollinsBruce L. CunninghamLisa R. DavidSteven P. DavisonJorge I. de la Torre Joseph J. DisaDavid B. DrakeGregory A. DumanianWilliam W. DzwierzynskiWalter L. Erhardt, Jr.Elof ErikssonGregory R. D. EvansR. Jobe FixJack A. FriedlandThomas J. GampperRoberta L. GartsideArun K. GosainLawrence J. GottliebLisa J. GouldJames C. GrottingKarol A. GutowskiBahman GuyuronJuliana E. HansenRobert J. HavlikWilliam Y. HoffmanLarry H. Hollier, Jr.Ronald E. IversonCraig H. JohnsonLoree K. KalliainenAlex A. KaneSteven J. KastenJeffrey M. KenkelDebbie A. KennedyCarolyn L. Kerrigan

Gabriel M. KindLawrence C. KurtzmanWilliam M. Kuzon, Jr.Roberto D. LachicaDonald H. LalondeDavid L. LarsonMark D. LarsonW. Thomas LawrenceW. P. Andrew LeeL. Scott LevinJoan E. LipaThom R. LoreeJoseph E. LoseeAdam D. LowensteinEdward A. LuceDennis J. LynchDonald R. MackayMartha S. MatthewsMary H. McGrathMichael F. McGuireStephen M. MilnerJohn H. Moore, Jr. Raymond F. MorganRobert X. Murphy, Jr.Thomas A. MustoeFoad NahaiDavid T. NetscherMichael W. NeumeisterR. Barrett NooneDennis P. OrgillChristian E. PalettaFrancis A. PapayLinda G. PhillipsAndrea L. PozezLee L. Q. PuC.Lin PuckettNorman H. RappaportDebra A. Reilly-CulverNeil R. ReismanEdmond F. RitterGeoffrey L. Robb W. Bradford RockwellRod J. RohrichJeffrey L. RosenbergRobert L. RubergA. Michael Sadove Amorn N. SalyapongseJames R. SangerJoseph M. SerlettiMichele A. ShermakRandolph ShermanNavin Singh Sheri SlezakAnthony A. SmithDavid J. Smith, Jr.

David H. SongRajiv SoodThomas R. StevensonJames M. StuzinWilliam M. SwartzAnne TaylorSeth R. ThallerCharles H. M. ThorneNicholas B. VedderAron WahrmanRobert D. WallaceRichard J. Warren James H. WellsBradon J. WilhelmiS. Anthony WolfeWilliam A. WoodenRoss I. S. ZbarJames E. ZinsElvin G. Zook


2010-2011DirectorsMichael L. Bentz, M.D.

Keith E. Brandt, M.D.

James Chang, M.D.

Kevin C. Chung, M.D.

Gregory R. D. Evans, M.D.

Arun K. Gosain, M.D.

Bahman Guyuron, M.D.

Robert J. Havlik, M.D.

V. Suzanne Klimberg, M.D.

William M. Kuzon, Jr., M.D.

Donald H. Lalonde, M.D.

W. P. Andrew Lee, M.D.

L. Scott Levin, M.D.

Donald R. Mackay, M.D.

Michael F. McGuire, M.D.

Thomas A. Mustoe, M.D.

Janice Savin-Williams

Thomas A. Shannon, Ph.D.

Sheri Slezak, M.D.

Charles H. M. Thorne, M.D.

Nicholas B. Vedder, M.D.

James H. Wells, M.D.

Executive DirectorR. Barrett Noone, M.D.

Board Staff


Theresa M. Cullison, RN, MSN

Examination and ProjectsCoordinator

Gwen A. Hanuscin

MOC-PS® Coordinator

Melissa A. Karch

Administrative Assistant

Maria K. Paley

Oral ExaminationCoordinator

Melissa M. Rinnier

2010-2011 OFFICERS

Donald H. Lalonde, M.D.Chair-Elect

W. P. Andrew Lee, M.D.Vice-Chair

Thomas A. Mustoe, M.D.Secretary-Treasurer

Nicholas B. Vedder, M.D.Chair

First Row – L to R – Sheri Slezak, M.D.,Arun K. Gosain, M.D., R. Barrett Noone,M.D., W. P. Andrew Lee, M.D., Nicholas B.Vedder, M.D., Donald H. Lalonde, M.D.,Thomas A. Mustoe, M.D., BahmanGuyuron, M.D. and V. Suzanne Klimberg,M.D.

Second Row – L to R – James Chang,M.D., Kevin C. Chung, M.D., Michael L.Bentz, M.D., Robert J. Havlik, M.D., KeithE. Brandt, M.D. and James H. Wells, M.D.

Last Row – L to R – L. Scott Levin, M.D.,Gregory R. D. Evans, M.D., Donald R.Mackay, M.D., Charles H. M. Thorne, M.D.,William M. Kuzon, Jr., M.D., Janice Savin-Williams and Michael F. McGuire, M.D.

Absent from photograph is Thomas A.Shannon, Ph.D.

Directors of the Board 2010-2011 Phoenix, Arizona


Alert to SeniorPartnersAboutAdvertisingCandidates are not permitted toadvertise any status with the Boarduntil certification is achieved. Thisincludes use of the term boardqualified, board eligible or boardadmissible. Senior partners andpractice managers should check alladvertising with new physicians inthe practice. The Board deferscandidates in the examination processfor one year for misstatements,however inadvertent, of board status.Candidates are responsible formisleading advertising, no matterhow inadvertently placed.

The Board welcomes its Diplomatesto report any false, misleading ordeceptive advertising to the BoardOffice. For example, use of theBoard’s trademarked logo on awebsite. Refer to the Logo noticelater in this newsletter. is now the centrallocation for all residents, candidatesand diplomates activities. Log in viayour physician profile. Keep youre-mail address current.

Medical School: Yale University School of MedicineGeneral Surgery Residency: Stanford University Medical CenterPlastic Surgery Residency: Stanford University Medical CenterFellowships: Hand & Microsurgery, UCLA Medical CenterCurrent Academic Appointment: Professor of Surgery (Plastic Surgery) and Orthopedic

Surgery Stanford University School of MedicineAdministrative Titles: Chief, Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Stanford University School of MedicineLeadership and Editorial Positions: Member, Plastic Surgery Residency Review Committee,

Research Director, American Society for Surgery of theHand, Associate Editor – Microsurgery, Associate Editor –Journal of Hand Surgery, Associate Editor – Annals ofPlastic Surgery, Associate Editor - Hand

Board Certifications: Diplomate, American Board of Plastic Surgery – 1999Certificate of Added Qualification in Hand Surgery - 2002

Congratulations!ELECTED TO SERVE ON THE BOARD FROM 2010 - 2016The Board welcomes the following New Directors elected in May 2010 in Philadelphia, PA

James Chang, M.D.Stanford, CA

Medical School: University of Florida at Gainesville, Gainesville, FLGeneral Surgery Residency: University of Florida at Gainesville, Gainesville, FL Fellowships: Diseases of Breast, University of Arkansas for Medical

Sciences, Little Rock, AR Current Academic Appointment: Professor of Surgery and Pathology, Muriel Balsam Kohn

Chair in Breast Surgical OncologyAdministrative Titles: Director, Breast Cancer Program, Winthrop P. Rockefeller

Cancer Institute; Director, Diseases of the BreastFellowship Program

Leadership and Editorial Positions: Director, American of Board of Surgery; Secretary-Treasurer, Society of Surgical Oncology (SSO); Member,National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers(NAPBC); Board Member, American Society of BreastSurgeons (ASBS); Editorial Boards for the Annals ofSurgery, Journal of Surgery, Journal of Surgical Oncology,Breast Disease Quarterly; and Breast Section Editor, Annalsof Surgical Oncology.

Board Certifications: American Board of SurgeryOther: Past President, Association for Academic Surgery (AAS)

V. Suzanne Klimberg, M.D.Little Rock, AR

Medical/Dental School: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, SouthAfrica 1980;Dental School: University of theWitwatersrand, Johannesburg South Africa 1976

General Surgery Residency: Johannesburg Teaching Hospitals 1982-1986Plastic Surgery Residency: Penn State Milton S Hershey Medical Center 1993-1995Fellowships: Research Fellowship Hershey Medical Center 1989Current Academic Appointment: William P Graham III Professor of Plastic Surgery,

Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics, Penn State Hershey,College of Medicine

Administrative Titles: Chief Division of Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery ResidencyProgram Director, Vice Chair Department of Surgery

Leadership and Editorial Positions: President, Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons 2010. President,Ivy Society 2006, Editor ASMS/Plastic Surgery Hyperguide

Board Certifications: American Board of Plastic Surgery 1997, ABPS – MOC-PS®2006

Donald R. Mackay, M.D.Hershey, PA

Medical School: Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New YorkGeneral Surgery Residency: University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)Plastic Surgery Residency: University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)Fellowships: Research Fellow, Plastic Surgery, Stanford University. Traveling

Fellow, Plastic Surgery, Canniesburn Hospital, ScotlandCurrent Academic Appointment: Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery, UCLAAdministrative Titles: Chief of Plastic Surgery, Saint John’s Hospital and Health Center,

Santa Monica Visiting Staff, UCLA Medical Center, Los AngelesLeadership and Editorial Positions: California Medical Association, Past Specialty Delegate.

California Society of Plastic Surgeons, Inc., Past President.American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Past President.Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine, London, England. The Foundation for Surgical Reconstruction, Founderand President. American Association for Accreditation ofAmbulatory Surgery Facilities, Past President, Trustee.Lumetra, Past-Chair, Board of Directors (Medicarequality improvement organization for California

Board Certifications: The American Board of Surgery, Inc.The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc.

Michael F. McGuire, M.D.Santa Monica, CA




YEAR TAKERS PASS FAIL %FAIL2000 242 186 56 23.1%2001 241 190 51 21.2%2002 242 186 56 23.1%2003 230 177 53 23.0%2004 214 178 36 16.7%2005 237 191 46 19.4%2006 242 195 48 19.8%2007 235 189 46 19.6%2008 251 207 44 17.5%2009 243 204 39 16.0%2010 230 195 35 15.2%


2000 279 227 52 18.6%2001 236 182 54 22.9%2002 222 192 30 13.5%2003 206 173 33 16.0%2004 209 169 40 19.1%2005 203 162 41 20.2%2006 241 198 43 17.8%2007 229 180 49 21.4% 2008 230 189 41 17.8%2009 256 209 47 18.4%2010 210 164 46 21.9%

Oral Examination Failure Rates 2000-2010

ABPS Diplomates 2000-2010 Recert withTOTAL Surgery of Total #

YEAR TAKERS PASS FAIL %FAIL the hand Recertified

2003 102 99 3 2.9% 4 1032004 122 118 4 3.3% 11 1292005 159 151 8 5.0% 5 1562006 153 142 11 7.2% 15 1572007 216 204 12 5.6% 20 2242008 274 261 13 4.7% 8 2692009 260 236 24 9.2% 9 2452010 233 225 8 3.4% 6 231ALL 1519 1436 83 5.2% 78 1514

Total Number Certified Diplomates & Number Certified by Year

Written Examination

Oral Examination

Diplomates Certified Over 10 Years MOC-PS® Program Examination


Written Examination Failure Rates 2000-2010


















2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Certificate in the Subspecialty of Surgery of the Hand - SOTH

Certificate of Recertification in the Subspecialty of Surgery of the Hand - SOTH


Maintenance of Certification Examination in Plastic Surgery (MOC-PS®)April 1, 2011 through April 30, 2011 - Computer Based Test atPrometric Test Centers throughout the United States and Canada

Hand Surgery Examination and Hand SurgeryRecertification ExaminationSeptember 12, 2011, Monday – Initial Hand Surgery ExaminationSeptember 12, 2011 through September 24, 2011 - Hand SurgeryRecertification Examination Computer Based Test at Prometric TestCenters throughout the United States and Canada

Written Examination October 17, 2011, Monday - Computer Based Test at PrometricTest Centers throughout the United States and Canada

Oral Examination November 10, 11, 12, 2011 - Thursday, Friday and Saturday inPhoenix, Arizona

Certificate in the Subspecialty ofSurgery of the Hand (SOTH)


2000 39 38 1 2.6%2001 19 15 4 21.1%2002 17 13 4 23.5%2003 13 11 2 15.4%2004 18 15 3 16.7%2005 13 9 4 30.8%2006 11 10 1 9.1%2007 8 5 3 37.5%2008 19 16 6 31.6%2009 19 18 1 5.3%2010 22 17 5 22.7%




2000 25 22 3 12.0%2001 23 21 2 8.7%2002 28 21 7 25.0%2003 28 21 7 25.0%2004 44 35 9 20.5%2005 22 13 9 40.9% 2006 24 19 5 20.8%2007 32 24 8 25.0%2008 19 19 1 5.3%2009 34 30 4 11.8%2010 37 28 9 24.3%

ABPS Surgery of the Hand Failure Rates 2000-2010

ABPS Recertification in Subcertification of Surgery of the Hand 2000-2010





















2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


Tommaso Addona  Francisco Jose Agullo  Robert Gil Altman  Kahlil Jihad Andrews  Anuja Kandanatt Antony  James Robert Arteaga  Bradley Lane Ashpole  Katherine Au  William Troy Austin  Michael Alan Bain  Regina Yun Baker  Nia Danielle Banks  Patrick Louis Basile  Michael Aaron Baumholtz  Amy Louise Bekanich  Gustavo Enrique Bello-Rojas  Shawn Arthur Birchenough  Robert Pearce Bolling  George Broughton IIRichard Joseph Brown  Terrence Weston Bruner  Samer William Cabbabe  Matthew Jonathan Carty  Wilson C. Chau  Eva Patricia Chavez  Constance Marian Chen  Ritu R. Chopra  Sharon Lindsay Clancy  Brian Stuart Coan  Kambiz Jacob Cohen-Kashi  Christopher Michael Craft  Marcus Harrell Crawford  Tracey Anne Culbertson  Wellington Joseph Davis IIIJoseph Henry Dayan  Joseph Cart deBrux Jr.Michael Sean DeWolfe  Michael Dobryansky  Andrew Roger Dodd  Sean Timothy Doherty  Jeffrey Hugh Donaldson  Amarjit Singh Dosanjh  Alan James Durkin  William Miguel Epps  Christopher Pell Fender  Robert Edward Hugh Ferguson Jr.Eric Kojo Fynn-Thompson  Patrick Bryan Garvey  Dawn Jennifer Geisler Wang  Daron Geldwert  Jennifer Ann Geoghegan  Cory Scot Goldberg  Kyle Patrick Gordley  Jeremy Goverman  Lorelei Jean Grunwaldt  

Ameen Anton Habash  Matthew Jason Hancey  Michael Stephen Hanemann Jr.Cherrie Ann Heinrich  Charles Leroy Hendrix  Steven Leonard Henry  Todd Leander Hicks  Ryan Samuel Hoffman  Raffi V. Hovsepian  Robert Thomas Howard  Ronald Edward Hoxworth  Patrick Wei-Te Hsu  Eric Chaoko Hu  Scott Downs Imahara  Rajiv C. Iyer  Shayan Alireza Izaddoost  Azul Shiraz Jaffer  Sonu Abhishek Jain  Brian Andrew Janz  Luis Alejandro Jaramillo  Christopher Carson Jeffries  Christopher Jonathan Jensen  Daniel Kaufman  Alison Elaine Kaye  Gerald Jerry Khachi  Elizabeth Mikyoung Kim  Shane Christopher Kim  Ergun Kocak  Bill Gus Kortesis  George James Kouris  Brian Richard Kreul  Kenneth Robert Lee  Mark Young Lee  Jarrod Alexander Little  Yuan Liu  Maria Margaret LoTempio  Candis Michelle Lovelace  Daniel Paul Luppens  Ian Frazier Lytle  Sheina Anne Macadam  William Preston Magee IIIRamsey Kevin Majzoub  Joseph Michaels VGeorge Guiho Min  Pradeep Sharma Mohan  Farid Brad Mozaffari  Sarah Elizabeth Nargi  Timothy Scott Neavin  Minh-Doan Thi Nguyen  Fadi Nukta  Eric Avram Odessey  Vivek Panchapakesan  Dhaval M. Patel  Munjal P. Patel  Nikesh Kirit Patel  

Ramiro Perez Jr.Chad Adam Perlyn  Jason Dayne Petersen  Emily Ann Peterson  Warren L. Poag  Jason Harris Pomerantz  Beth Aviva Preminger  Landon Scott Pryor  Ariel Niroomand Rad  Puli Pravin Reddy  Edward Martin Reece  Chun Hyoung Rhim  Bruce Allen Rodgers Jr.Pedro Rodriguez  Kendall Renee Roehl  Tal Teddy Roudner  Alireza Sadeghi  Moises Salama  Dennis Kenneth Schimpf  Scott Timothy Schmidt  Jeffrey Robert Scott  Jesse Creed Selber  Subhro Kamal Sen  Alex Senchenkov  Jerome Sepic  Emran Salahuddin Sheikh  Jaimie Troyal Shores  Mark Sisco  Mia Evangelia Skourtis  Matthias Solomon  HanJoon Michael Song  Michelle Andrea Spring  Phillip John Stephan  Erez Gabriel Sternberg  Rebecca Marie Studinger  Stephen Robert Sullivan  Paul John Syribeys  Bruce Jackson Taylor  Helena Olga Beatrice Taylor  Marissa Morningstar Tenenbaum  Brinda Thimmappa  Charles Y. Tseng  Sue-Mi Tuttle  Julie Vanille Vasile  Tito L. Vasquez  Jon Peter Ver Halen  Kyle Reece VerSteeg IIJeremy Patrick Warner  Jonathan Ernest Weiler  Aisha Dalila White  Joseph Allen Wolf  Alex Keung Wong  David Yan  David Chuan-wei Yao  

TO OUR NEW BOARD DIPLOMATESThe American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc. certified 164 diplomates in November 2010. To date the Board has certified 7,943 plasticsurgeons. Those certified in 2010 are:



Valerie Jean Ortt AblazaJohn Thomas Alexander, IIMazin Sultan Al-HakeemMohammad Azhar AliDaniel Bradley AllenMilind Kishore AmbeRichard   ArabitgBalvantray Parashram AroraEric Robert AshbySrdan BabovicNorma BaciliousJillian Elizabeth BanburyDennis J. BangHaven Jesse Barlow, Jr. Randall Dean BarnettAndrea Paolo BasileJose Alberto BastidasMichael Scott BeckensteinFarhat Jabbar BokhariLisa Brittany BootstaylorMark Thomas BoschertDavid Tyler BowenJames Paul BradleyDavid Austin BranchJeffery Lee BrandeStephen David BresnickPeter Mark BridgeDavid Michael Brown*Brian Keith BrzowskiEdward Wayne BuchelElisa Anneli BurgessFernando Monserrate CaleroTheodore Arthur Calianos, IILucie CapekCharles Brett CarlinLloyd Paul Champagne*Mark Edward CharikerPierre-Yves Masaki ChevrayMichael Francis ChiaramonteJames Ming ChuiSheldon Ray CoberEric Lowry ColeBrian Allen CoxStefan Blythe CraigJames Ernest CraigieWilliam Thomas CullenAthanasios Thomas Dalagiannis

Andrew Louis DaLioJohn Joseph Danyo, Jr.Lisa Renee DavidLisa Ann DavisKenneth Dell Dembny, IIPatricia Angelica DePoliRichard Andrew deRamonJohn Philip Di SaiaChristine Anne DiEdwardoJacqueline Marie DiPierroRyan Edward Dodde, IIDaniel Neil DriscollLucie DuclosSepehr EgrariDov Israel EidelmanDina Areti EliopoulosMarc Jeffrey ElkowitzJuan Ramon EscobarAnn Leilani FaheyRobert David FosterElizabeth Loretta FoxGary Lyle GallagherGloria Mabel Gamboa-GonzalezJuan Carlos GarciaBahram GhaderiGiovanna GhafooriTodd Philip GinestraRebecca Ann GlasserChristopher Paul GodekFlorencio Jorge GonzalezGayle Marietta GordilloChristopher Burnside GordonWendy Ruth GottliebSanjay GroverJoseph Leonard GrzeskiewiczLaura Ann GunnKarol Artur GutowskiWesley Walker HallWarren Tracy HankinsAlan Scott HarmatzPhilip Pierre HawnerWilliam James HeddenBrian Vassar HeilLeonard Mark HochsteinJames Alan HoffmanMark Pieter HonigJeffrey Donald Hopkins*

Michael Alan HornDavid Ben HuangMichael   HuenekeCharles Scott HultmanChristopher Jacques HussussianSohel Mohammad IslamRobert Daniel Jablonski, Jr.Mark Anthony JaborMichael Allen JanitchKelland Keith Jeffords, Jr. Robert Bruce JetterMelissa Ann JohnsonDavid Mark KahnAlex Avram KaneRobert H. KangSamuel Da-seng KaoSteven Michael KatzKevin Metz KellerRobert William KesslerKamran KhoobehiClifford KingMarc Howard KleinLaura Katherine KnoxBrian John KobieniaJoseph Raymond Kolb, IIIChristopher John KovandaSteven Jerome KronowitzDonna Marie KrummenAnthony Nunzio LaBrunaLewis Thomas Ladocsi, IVJorge David LatoniCharles Sung-Chull LeeBrett Edward LehockyJoan Elizabeth LipaMichael Thornton LongakerJoseph Edward LoseeJames Benjamin Lowe, IIIAdam David LowensteinStephen Anthony MadryKevin MaguireMichael Stephen MargiottaSandra Lee MargolesEric Robert MariottiPatricia Navarrette MarsJeannette Yvette MartelloBenjamin Mark MaserMark Edward Mason

John Kendrick McKissockJohn Gerard MearaDaniel Alexander MedalieRobert Michael MenardRigoberto Joseph MendozaJohn Joseph MinoliMarie Elizabeth MontagM. Eugene Moor, IIIBufford Don MooreAlbert Morrill MorrisonGregory Paul MuellerJames Eugene Murphy, Jr.Peter Ngoc-Nhi NewenPatrick Joseph O'Neill*Kimberley Lloyd O'SullivanKitti Kiattikunvivat OutlawArvind Narayan PadubidriDean A. PageKeith Thomas PaigeAmelia Arianne PareJames Arthur ParkerHenry Paul, Jr. Richard Emil PeckFrancis Rockland PelhamGalen PerdikisJohn Anthony PerrottiSteven Leroy PetersonTracy Marlene PfeiferJohn Michael PierceCharles George PolsenBart RademakerJoseph Raniere, Jr. Elsa Maria RaskinBrian Joseph ReaganDon Ray Revis, Jr. Paul Hyung RheeJames Andrew RiegerBenjamin John RodriguezLuis Francisco RodriguezStephen John RonanRichard Scott RosenblumAndrew Mark SchneiderKaren Lesley Shorrock-

BirminghamRonald Paul SilvermanKenneth David SiporinDavid Sterling Slatton

Brendan Edward SmithAndrew Warren SmithJeffrey Dean SmithPaul David SmithMichael Garrison SmockJoel Stuart Solomon*Aldona Jedrysiak SpiegelChristopher Joseph SpittlerPaul Maxwell SteinwaldEric Jason StelnickiBrian David StenbergMitchell Andrew StotlandMichael Joseph StreitmannSamir Mohammed SukkarAdam Neal SummersGregory Michael SwankMia TalmorEllis TavinDavid Joseph TeplicaRudolf Carl ThompsonVictoria Thuy-Lam TranAnthony Paul TufaroGregory Daryl UrbanRoy Douglas VanderpoolChristopher Scott VerbinPatrick Joseph ViscardiDavid John WagesForrest Preston WallVirginia Ann WardSteven Hansen WarnockEric Edward Wegener*Daniel Benjamin WestawskiSteven Harris WienerPaul WigodaBradon Jay WilhelmiWilliam Geoffrey WilliamsTodd Edward WilliamsJon Scott WilliamsonGranger Bradford WongHenry Po-yen YangMarshall Ross YellenJamal YousefiHenry Daniel ZegzulaMichelle Joan Zweifler

TO OUR DIPLOMATES WHO SUCCESSFULLY PARTICIPATED IN THE MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (MOC-PS®) In April 2010 the following 225 diplomates successfully completed the MOC-PS cognitive examination in addition to 6 diplomates using the Surgery of the Hand Examination orSurgery of the Hand Recertification Examination (SOTH) to complete the process. To date, 1,514 diplomates have been recertified including 78 via SOTH*.

Jonathan Juin-Jen ChengSimon Hong-Suk ChinLoretta Coady-FariborzianKamil ErfanianIda Keiko FoxRichard Young-Jin KimGiliel Stefan KrygerShankar LakshmanWong Kyun Moon

George D. PapanicolaouBauback SafaMichel Saint-CyrJames David Schlenker, Jr.Alexander Marcus SpiessAmir Hosein TaghiniaDouglas Robert TrzcinskiAsaf Yalif

CONGRATULATIONS To Our Diplomates whowere Certified orRecertified in theSubspecialty of Surgery of the Hand (SOTH)In 2010, The American Board of PlasticSurgery, Inc. certified 17 diplomates inSOTH and recertified 28 diplomates inSOTH. To date the Board has certified638 diplomates and has recertified 302diplomates in Hand Surgery.



Jesse Orlando BasadreDavid Michael BrownRobert Taylor BuchananFrank Emile CampanileLloyd Paul ChampagneDavid Tak Wai ChiuMihye ChoiHoward DashRichard Jobe FixNeal Lewis GorlickJeffrey Donald HopkinsPeter Christopher JonesHani S. MatloubKathleen Marie Meyer

Norbert Louis MingJoseph Andrew MolnarScott Douglas OatesPatrick Joseph O'NeillFrank Robert RogersRobert Charles RussellDaniel Shane SellersJoel Stuart SolomonWilliam Everett StarrRonald Hector Stefani, Jr.William Michael SwartzEric Edward WegenerPeter Douglas WittWilliam Joseph Wyatt


Change of Address to the ABPS Help the Board keep our records up to date. Enter yourchange of address via your physician profile by logging in

Change of Address to the ABMS Update your listing in the ABMS Directory by faxing ormailing a notice on your stationery directly to:

The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS)222 North LaSalle Street, Suite 1500Chicago, IL 60601Attention: Database DepartmentPhone Number: 312-436-2600Fax Number: 312-436-2700Website:

The Board’s Trademarked Logo The use of the Board’s Logo is notpermitted for any purpose.Diplomates should remove this logofrom all practice websites. Pleasenotify your web vendor. The Boardappreciates the cooperation of alldiplomates.

Newsletters and Booklets ofInformation are on the Board’sWebsiteThis and past years Newsletters are posted on the Board’swebsite. The Booklets of Information are published annuallyand contain the established requirements, policies andprocedures of the Board relating to residency training andthe certification, MOC-PS® and SOTH processes.

2011 Diplomate Dues andMOC-PS® Annual Contribution Enclosed is one of two forms for reference: a 2011Diplomate Dues Remittance Form for Lifetime CertificateHolders or the 2011 MOC-PS® Annual Contribution Formfor Time Limited Certificate Holders.

Time-limited Certificate Holders – The MOC-PS® Feeis mandatory for diplomates with time-limited certificateswho are participating in the MOC-PS® Program. Log into the Board’s website to complete the form on-line and payby credit card. You must use your username andpassword. If you have not already created a username andpassword, your username is your six digit board numberwhich can be found on the remittance form. Your passwordis your last name (this is case sensitive, first letter should becapitalized, e.g., Smith).

Lifetime Certificate Holders – The Diplomate Dues of$200.00 is requested of lifetime certificate holders who electnot to participate in MOC-PS®. Credit Card payment isthe preferred method for remittance. However, if necessary,you can complete the form and forward a check for $200.00made payable to The American Board of Plastic Surgery,Inc. and return to the Board Office by April 15, 2011.

The ongoing support of the Diplomate Dues request hasbeen gratifying. Since 1999, approximately 70% of ourdiplomates have responded. The income from the dues hasgreatly assisted the Board in its operations and its mission,and has been especially helpful in defense of the standardsrepresented by the ABPS certificate and development ofweb-based procedures.

MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFICATION (MOC-PS®) PROGRAMThe Board is now reporting MOC-PS® Participation status to credentialers and consumers. Certification datesand MOC-PS® Participation status are reported through the “Is your surgeon certified?” link available on thehome page of the Board’s website. Board status for MOC-PS® will be reported as “not current” if a diplomateis at least six months overdue with one or more requirements. All diplomates should log in to the Board’s websiteto review their individual MOC-PS® Tracking page to ensure they will be reported as “participating andcurrent.” The tracking page outlines MOC-PS® requirements by year and lists deadline dates, status andcompletion dates. Please contact [email protected] if you need assistance.

Review the general timeline below for an outline of requirements within the 10 year MOC cycle:

This year for MOC-PS®

Diplomates certified in 2002, 2003 and 2004 are eligible to submit the on-line Application and Clinical Case Log forthe April 2012 MOC-PS® Examination. The Application and Clinical Case Log must both be finalized by September1, 2011.

Diplomates certified in 1995, 1998, 2002, 2005 and 2008 are required to finalize the MOC-PS® Activities byDecember 1, 2011. Diplomates certified in 2002 and 2005 are completing the MOC-PS® Activities for the secondtime during their 10 year certification cycle. The Board encourages diplomates to re-measure in 2011 by selecting theprevious tracer procedure completed in 2008. The new benchmarking report will include data from 2008, 2011 andthe national statistics for a full self-assessment of practice improvement.

Plan now for your MOC-CME. Look for new, evidence-based tracer-related MOC-PRS articles published inDecember 2010 and February 2011 and for MOC-approved courses when attending educational meetings this year.Only one MOC CME activity is required with each tracer procedure.

E-mail [email protected] if you did not receive your MOC information for 2011-2012.

Once the MOC-PS® requirements are met in any calendar year, look for the ability to download the following: 1-Confirmation of Participation letter; 2-Certificate verifying the MOC-PS® requirements have been met; and 3-The ABMS MOC Starmark logo. This logo (below) may be used on your website, letterhead, advertisements and business cards.

NOTE: The Board Office will send mailings and e-mail notices to the applicable diplomates prior to any deadlines.Be sure that your e-mail address is updated in the “My Profile” tab available once logged in to the Board’s website.

RENEWAL CERTIFICATESRenewal certificates are mailed December 1st of the expiration year rather than at the completion of the MOC-PS®

examination. All MOC-PS® requirements must be met to receive your new certificate. Look for frequent e-mailreminders regarding outstanding requirements.

REVOKED CERTIFICATESThe Board continues to review and assess diplomates who have had sanctions, revocations, etc. on state medicallicenses. In 2010 the following ABPS certificate was revoked. To date, a total of 70 certificates have been revoked.

Teresita Y. Geraldez Mascardo, M.D. CT

10 YEAR CYCLE: MOC-PS® Annual Contributionrequired each year


STEP 1: Practice Assessment in Plastic Surgery (PA-PS) Module including: tracer procedure,benchmarking report, MOC-approved CME, action plan.

STEP 2: Professional Standing Update including CME report(s). Additional documentationrequired if selected for audit.

YEAR 6 STEPS 1 & 2: PA-PS Module & Professional Standing

YEAR 7, 8 OR 9 Examination Application and 6 month Case List compilation.

YEAR 9 STEPS 1 & 2: PA-PS Module and Professional Standing

YEAR 8, 9 OR 10 MOC-PS® April Computer Based Test (CBT)

YEAR 10 MOC-PS® Certificates mailed to those who successfully completed the 10 year cycle


American Board of Plastic SurgeryAmerican Board of Plastic Surgery