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Page 1: The Amazing Race





Page 2: The Amazing Race


Walk It Out. Talk It Out.Take a few minutes each day to walk and talk with God. Not only will you be exercising your body but your faith too!


SURROUND SOUNDS 1Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

We are all in a race. It’s not a car race or a

track race. It’s not the rat but the human race.

And this race is meant to be the most amazing

race anyone could possibly imagine.

The writer of Hebrews begins the passage

saying that we are “surrounded” by witnesses.

Much like the picture of a crowded stadium of

cheering fans, the author depicts not simply

spectators of the race but former participants of

this very race.

Can’t you just imagine Moses or Noah,

David or Paul, shouting your name, rooting you

on and high-fiving each other as you inch step-

by-step closer to your finish line?

But do you believe they are cheering you

on? Do you believe that you are the only one in

this race? Sometimes life has a way of beating

us down and we can become so dejected that

we forget that there were literally millions who

have lived before us who have not only suffered

as much if not more than we are currently


Hebrews 11 vividly reminds us that there

were people who were sawn in two! This is the

kind of person who is shouting down at us

saying “don’t quit!” Other noted people in

chapter 11 would be shouting back: “Keep

running! It will be worth it!” And then what about


Have you ever wondered what Jesus would

be saying as a runner of this race? What words

does He want you to hear today?


Page 3: The Amazing Race


Prayer Exercise.Imagine you are running this race.

Whose faces do you see in the crowd?

Who is encouraging you? Who is

discouraging you?

Take a few moments and thank God

for those who have been cheering you on.

Also take a few moments and pray for

those who have been sources of hurtful

words and discouragement.

Look back in the crowd and pay

attention to the words you sense God

saying to you. What are those words that

you most need to hear from the cloud of

witnesses? Pray for God to say them

clearly to you now.

Put yourself in the crowd now. Where

are you sitting? What are you doing? Are

you encouraging or discouraging other

runners? What role do you seem to be

playing from the crowd? Ask God to make

it clear about what you need to do as a

member of the “witnesses”.

Are there people in your crowd that

you don’t want there? Why or why not?

Do you view the people in your crowd

as a help or hinderance to your race, focus

or goal?

How can you look at your crowd


When you get the chance to cheer for

someone, do you?

When was the last time you

applauded someone else's efforts?

How engaged are you the race of

others? Or are you only concerned about

your race?

Is there anyone holding up signs in

your crowd? What do those signs say?

Spend the next few minutes allowing

God’s Spirit to direct you and lead you in

your thoughts and reflection. As you do,

journal thoughts, verses or phrases that

come to your heart and mind.

Which Pic Is How You Feel? Take a few minutes and look at the pics above. Do you feel like any of the pics are true for you or depict how you feel in your situation? Why or why not? Which pic best represents your crowd? Which pic best represents how you support or encourage others? Pray for God to speak to you.


Page 4: The Amazing Race


Walk It Out. Talk It Out.Look through Chapter 11 of Hebrews. Pray some of the lessons found there for your life.


WITNESS PROTECTION 1Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

The above passage says that we are

surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. These

are most certainly the saints who have lived

faithful lives before us. Now we are to live our

lives faithfully before them and Christ as well!

The saints surrounding us with their lives,

reputations and testimonies giving weight to

their words of encouragement, challenge us to

not give in or quit or complain or whine.

The chapter just prior to this passage

deliberately outlines story after story of these

witnesses who endured hardship, challenges,

persecution and even death for their faith in our

Lord Jesus Christ.

Moreover, not only are the saints witnessing

us but Jesus Himself. Jesus is taking it all in as

He watches from heaven, urging us onward and

forward in this race. Lest we forget, he endured

more suffering, abuse, ridicule, loneliness and

abandonment than any of us can fathom!

All of these are gathered in heaven shouting

back to us words of encouragement. When we

realize that we are being watched, it enables us

to continue on with endurance. When we

understand that we are in this race and expected

to not only run it but pass the baton along, we

begin to see that the responsibility is heavy!

Throughout the rest of this week, live in

constant awareness that you are being watched.

Jesus is watching. Saints are watching. Others

are watching! This will help protect you from

poor choices. This will guide you on in the race.

The next time you feel weary and run down,

look to Jesus and the saints who endured many

things to get the baton into your hand. Make

sure you make the hand-off! Protect it as a

witness unto God and Christ!

Page 5: The Amazing Race


Prayer Exercise.As you prepare for prayer, sit in silence

for a minute. Notice your breathing. Slow

your pace and your heart.

In what ways has running the race

beat you down?

How have you lost heart?

What words come to your mind when

you think about running another 20 years?

Ask God to show you from His word,

passages that will encourage you to

continue running well. Pray for strength

and endurance.

In what ways do you need to protect

what has been entrusted to you?

To whom are you to pass the baton

to? In what ways are you championing the

next generation of runners?

How are you preparing yourself for the

next leg of the race?

Ask God to show you areas where you

can work on making a better hand-off. Ask

God to show you where you can plug into

to make a greater impact on this


Ask God to surround you with others

who will not only cheer you on but run with

you in this race.

As you sit in silence, allow God to give

you a vision or dream of the race He has

enrolled you in. Is it a marathon? A sprint?


Begin to pray about what will need to

happen over the next several years for you

to finish well.

As you finish your time, thank God for

all those who never gave up or lost heart

and quit. Thank God for their faithfulness

and steadfastness. Pray that you will have

the same tenacity and fortitude to endure

any amount of hardship that comes your


Which Pic Is How You Feel? Take a few minutes and look at the pics above. Do you feel like any of the pics are true for you or depict how you feel in your situation? Why or why not? Which pic best represents life race? Do you feel like you are running alone? In the wilderness? Being chased?


Page 6: The Amazing Race


Walk It Out. Talk It Out.How does this picture differ from the one above it? What does this image portray about the affects of sin?


CLING-ONS 1Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

The passage above talks about two crucial

elements in preparing for and running the race.

The first thing that we are to do is “lay aside” the

weights. A runner wants to be light on their feet,

able to run their maximum speed without any

hinderance or encumbrance.

In the spiritual sense, there comes a time

when the training aspect is over and it’s time to

strip down to just what is necessary. No fluff. No

extras. Nothing preventing the best performance

on the track. This is why runners wear next to

nothing and extremely “breathable” clothes.

From this perspective, this is a willful

decision as to what we want to bring with us into

the race. What is going to benefit and what is

going to hinder. It’s a question of what we are we

going to hold onto?

The second element the writer addresses is

laying aside the “sin which clings so closely.”

The picture I get in my head over this verse is

that of static cling. When clothes are full of

static, they stick together and even make it

difficult to put on or pull off. How so with sin!

If the case with the first laying aside is a

question of what we are going to hold onto, this

is a question of what is holding onto us?

Christians do get messy and suffer from

sins and weights that bog us down in the mire of

life. We would do well to follow the writer’s

advice and rid ourselves of all that we cling to

and all that clings to us. The only thing our grip

should be fixed on is Jesus Christ!

Page 7: The Amazing Race


Prayer Exercise.

As you prepare for prayer, sit in silence

for a minute. Notice your breathing. Slow

your pace and your heart.

What is weighing you down right now?

What sin is bothering you and

affecting your race?

Do you feel it clinging to you? To what

are you clinging?

As you sit in silence, make a grip with

your fist. Perhaps even put something

symbolic of your struggle in your grip. Hold

it tight. Pray about it and ask God to help

you let it go. At the end of your time,

release your grip, allowing the item to rest

in your hand, or fall aside.

Maybe you can take some time out

side and hold some dirt in your hands. Get

them really dirty. Maybe even put mud on

your face or cheeks. As you do, be mindful

of how dirty sin gets us and makes us in

God’s sight. As you “play” in the dirt, as

God to forgive you for “playing” with sin.

Ask God to cleanse you and to forgive you.

After some time of reflection, wash your

hands, face etc or simply get a shower.

Consider how it feels to be clean again.

Notice how nice it is to be rid of the dirt

and mud. Ask God to help keep you clean

and unsullied from the world.

During your time in prayer read

through Psalm 51 and meditate on God’s

goodness and grace.

1Be gracious to me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness;         According to the greatness of Your compassion blot out my transgressions.     2Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity         And cleanse me from my sin.     3For I know my transgressions,         And my sin is ever before me.     4Against You, You only, I have sinned         And done what is evil in Your sight,         So that You are justified when You speak         And blameless when You judge.     5Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,         And in sin my mother conceived me.     6Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being,         And in the hidden part You will make me know wisdom.     7Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;         Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.     8Make me to hear joy and gladness,         Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.     9Hide Your face from my sins         And blot out all my iniquities.     10Create in me a clean heart, O God,         And renew a steadfast spirit within me.     11Do not cast me away from Your presence         And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.     12Restore to me the joy of Your salvation         And sustain me with a willing spirit.     13Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,         And sinners will be converted to You.     14Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, the God of my salvation;         Then my tongue will joyfully sing of Your righteousness.     15O Lord, open my lips,         That my mouth may declare Your praise.     16For You do not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it;         You are not pleased with burnt offering.

    17The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;         A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.     18By Your favor do good to Zion;         Build the walls of Jerusalem.     19Then You will delight in righteous sacrifices,         In burnt offering and whole burnt offering;         Then young bulls will be offered on Your altar.

Which Pic Is How You Feel? Take a few minutes and look at the pics above. Do you feel like any of the pics are true for you or depict how you feel in your situation? Why or why not? Which pic best represents where you are in life right now? Do you see others struggling in the mud of life? Are you coming clean before God?


Page 8: The Amazing Race


Walk It Out. Talk It Out.How does this picture depict a long race? What is important in such a race? How can you embody this picture?


RUN ON! 1Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

We have all heard it said that this race is not

a sprint but a marathon. The passage above

conveys that thought by emphasizing the word

endurance. The race is meant to be run with

endurance which means that there has to not

only be a different physical way to run it as well

as a different mental way to run it.

Physically, a marathon or any long race

must be run at a pace different than a sprint. No

one can sprint, full out for a marathon! Yet, how

many Christians are near burn out because they

have failed to pace their Christian race! Why is it

that we think God is in such a hurry? Did He not

take seven days for creation? did He not take

hundreds of years before Messiah came? Our

hurry pace can be devastating to our bodies. I

love the way Psalm 23:2 is written in The


“True to your word,

      you let me catch my breath       and send me in the right direction.”

Mentally, the Christian race is run differently

too. We have to look at the long-term, eternal

ramifications of decisions. We have to train our

brains to continue for a long haul and not cave in

when we hit the wall of disbelief or unbelief.

When the pain sets in and the cramps of life

nearly bring us down, we have to fight thru the

pain and agony and continue on.

One of the major distinguishing

characteristics for Christians is the way we

choose the “rat race”. We can choose to live for

the short-term or be in it for the long haul. Our

example is Jesus and the passage above tells us

he endured the cross.

Page 9: The Amazing Race


Prayer Exercise.

As you prepare for prayer, notice your heart: are you anxious about anything? How are you feeling mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually?

Breathe deep. Listen. Rest in this moment.

During your prayer time focus on Finisher of our Faith. Picture Christ running this race with you? How is He trying to hand you a cup of water? How is He encouraging you? What words is He using?

What obstacles are in your path now? How must you go over the next hurdles? What are those? What is making it difficult to continue the race for you? Bring that to Christ now. Listen for His response.

Are there people around you who have fallen? How can you help them? What can you learn from them? Pray for those who are struggling as you are or have. Pray for eyes and ears to notice people around you who need someone to encourage them today.

What is it going to take for you to be a finisher? Pray for God to work certain words into your heart and mind: determination, endurance, strength, finish, hope.

What will it take for you to finish well? What kind of commitment do you need to make? How can you become more accountable?

As you finish your time in prayer, be thoughtful of how Christ persevered. Take some time to thank Him for not giving up on the task, not giving in to sin, and not giving up on you. Thank Him for His words to you today and for His continued presence in the race you are running for His glory.

25Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.

 26Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air;

 27but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.

1 Corinthians 9:25-27

Which Pic Is How You Feel? Take a few minutes and look at the pics above. Do you feel like any of the pics are true for you or depict how you feel in your situation? Why or why not? Which pic best represents where you are in life right now? Do you see people around you falling in the race? Do you feel like you will finish well?


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Walk It Out. Talk It Out.How does this picture depict your life right now? What “hurdles” do you need to face in your race?


COACH’S CHOICE 1Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

The race that is set before us is often not a race that we would have chosen to run ourselves.

I remember when I was in high school, our school’s track coach invited me to try out for track one year. Surprised by his invitation, I willingly and enthusiastically tried out for the team and made it!

But the coach put me on hurdles of all things! Evidently he saw something I didn’t see. (And I still fail to see, since I didn’t win one race!)

The fact still remains that in high school and in life there are some choices I don’t get to make. There are some places and positions God may allow me to in to run

for His glory. These may be paths that are “straight and narrow” but they also may be places packed with hurdles and opposition. The course laid before me may have one direct path or may have hills and valleys and obstacles that require not only a great amount of faith but hope and endurance as well.

There were certainly times when in high school I didn’t think I could make it over one more hurdle, but I kept going. It has to be all the more true with life. There are times when I may not understand exactly why God has put me in this race but I have to believe that He sees something I don’t see in me...yet.

Page 11: The Amazing Race


Prayer Exercise.

As you prepare for prayer, notice your heart: are you anxious about anything? How are you feeling mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually?

Breathe deep. Listen. Rest in this moment.

During this exercise, focus on the race God has set before you. Is it a race you would have chosen for yourself? How have you seen God train you for this race? How do you need to better train for the race now?

Can you identify obstacles or hurdles that are part of your race? Do you sense any that have slowed you down or been difficult to overcome? How can you keep them from disqualifying you?

What hurdles do you see in your future? What successes can you look back on to draw strength or encouragement from? Do you know any other “hurdlers” who can give you

advice or train you better for your race?

Read the story of Lolo Jones at the 2008 Olympics here:

How doe that story affect you? Jones went on to say: “It’s hurdles. You have to clear each one. Today is hard. Tomorrow will be harder. I just have to get back up.”

Have you fallen? Clipped a single hurdle and lost your stride? May I encourage you to simply get back up again! Listen to Toby Mac’s song here for some encouragement:

As you close your time with God today, reflect on the God of the hurdles. Don’t fix your attention on your past, present or even future. Fix your attention on Him. Don’t be discouraged by the race He has put you in, rather trust that His image is being formed in you even

though you may not see it. Spend some time giving the race and all its hurdles back to God. Acknowledge that He knows what He’s doing and simply commit to training and running your race with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.

Which Pic Is How You Feel? Take a few minutes and look at the pics above. Do you feel like any of the pics are true for you or depict how you feel in your situation? Why or why not? Which pic best represents where you are in life right now? Do you see people around you falling in the race? Do you feel like you will finish well?


Page 12: The Amazing Race


Walk It Out. Talk It Out.How does this picture depict your life right now? Are you staying in your lane?


EYE ON THE PRIZE 1Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2Races have literally been won or lost by seconds or even tenths of seconds! Speed is not the only thing that is important in a race. Sometimes the race being determined by the slightest and fractions of seconds is due to the focus of the racer.

In any given race, if the racer becomes distracted, not only can he lose the race but he can take out other racers, impairing, inhibiting and injuring them, sometimes permanently. The slightest glance to see where your competition is can cost you the race.

It’s no wonder that the author of this passage says for us to “fix our eyes on Jesus”! When we fail to do so, we run the risk of not only losing valuable time but

causing harm to ourselves, others, and the name of Christ.

Furthermore, when we place too much focus on the race instead of the finish line, we can forget why we are doing what we are doing. It is also easy to focus on our “competition” and forget that we are all in the same race for the same prize: the glory of God!

Running the race and fixing our eyes on Jesus helps us to not only stay in our lane that God has placed us in but it allows us to gain Him in the end. Jesus is the prize, not our own success, fame or fortune. It’s nothing to win at “life” and lose Jesus! We must keep Jesus at the forefront and the focus of our race. Let’s run hard until we see Him!

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Prayer Exercise.As you prepare for prayer, notice your heart: are you anxious about anything? How are you feeling mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually? Breathe deep. Listen. Rest in this moment.

During this exercise, focus on the end. Focus on Jesus. Imagine Him standing at the end of the race, cheering you on. What words is He saying to you?

Now take some time and evaluate where you have been focused lately: work, school, ministry, problems, circumstances, etc. How has that focus affected you and your race?

Has the focus cost you or others in any way that has been hurtful, detrimental, or problematic? How do you need to refocus on Jesus?

How can you pare down your vision and focus more clearly on Christ in the future?

How have you been focused on others and made them competition instead of companions? How has your race become about doing well and not living well?

In what way does God want you to stay in your lane? How have you been drifting into someone else’s lane?

As you take a few minutes to pray, pray for your friends in the race. Pray that they would remain focused. Pray for their success in life and ministry and family. Pray that God would be glorified in the way you run and others run their race for Him.

To close out your time, reflect on the the words from this old hymn and allow Christ to refocus your heart and mind:

Turn Your Eyes on Jesus

O soul, are you weary and troubled?No light in the darkness you see?There’s light for a look at the Savior,And life more abundant and free!

Refrain:Turn your eyes upon Jesus,Look full in His wonderful face,And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,In the light of His glory and grace.

Through death into life everlastingHe passed, and we follow Him

there;O’er us sin no more hath dominion—For more than conqu’rors we are!

His Word shall not fail you—He promised;Believe Him, and all will be well:Then go to a world that is dying,His perfect salvation to tell!

Which Pic Is How You Feel? Take a few minutes and look at the pics above. Do you feel like any of the pics are true for you or depict how you feel in your situation? Why or why not? Which pic best represents where you are in life right now? Do you view others as competition? Or Companions? Are you focused on success or Jesus?


Page 14: The Amazing Race



7701 SW 98 Street Miami, FL 33156


$125.00/person for one week or $230/person for both weeks.*

July 11-15 and July 18-22


9am-3pmEarly or after care available at additional charge.**


Going into 3rd Grade Through 6th Grade

To Register

Wayside is handling all registration here: mention that you are calling or registering for

George Camp.

If you have questions please feel free to contact George at 704-472-5339 or [email protected]

*2nd or more children less $15 per week.

** Check Wayside fees when registering.


Students will play games geared around the TV show Survivor. We will provide lunch on this day. We will be “stranded” on the continent of Africa. So bring anything that has an “African” flare for



Students will play many water activities and also be challenged to invent a new product. Bring lunch and a change of clothes. Bring anything with sharks for points.


Students will not only be decked out in glow-in-the dark garb but see who can actually bring in the most weight in canned/non-perishable food items for us to donate to the local food pantry. Bring

lunch and glow-in-the-dark stuff. Anything glowing or of a race theme for points.


Students will play a lot of very messy, gross games that will not only be memorable but wipe them out! Bring lunch and a change of clothes. Anything Beachy or Hawaiian for points.


Our week will end with a great race that will challenge their team work skills and focus their attention on God’s plan for the world. Lunch will be provided on this day. Anything “global” or

from another country for points.