Download - The Alberta Gazette · 0028 909 844 0111839;1;3 051 011 197 0034 869 842 1112279;1;1 111 180 575 I certify the procedures required under part 4 of the Irrigation Districts Act have

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The Alberta Gazette Part I

Vol. 107 Edmonton, Saturday, October 15, 2011 No. 19


Agriculture and Rural Development

Form 15

(Irrigation Districts Act) (Section 88)

Notice to Irrigation Secretariat: Change of Area of an Irrigation District

On behalf of the Western Irrigation District, I hereby request that the Irrigation Secretariat forward a certified copy of this notice to the Registrar for Land Titles for the purposes of registration under section 22 of the Land Titles Act and arrange for notice to be published in the Alberta Gazette.

The following parcels of land should be added to the irrigation district and the notation added to the certificate of title:

LINC Number Short Legal Description as shown on title Title Number

0021 935 300 4;24;26;12;SE 101 076 161

0021 997 176 4;23;26;30;SW 111 063 176

0030 349 451 4;22;23;13;NE 091 088 195 +1

I certify the procedures required under part 4 of the Irrigation Districts Act have been completed and the area of the Western Irrigation District should be changed according to the above list.

Rebecca Fast, Office Administrator, Irrigation Secretariat.


On behalf of the Western Irrigation District, I hereby request that the Irrigation Secretariat forward a certified copy of this notice to the Registrar for Land Titles for the purposes of registration under section 22 of the Land Titles Act and arrange for notice to be published in the Alberta Gazette.

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The following parcels of land should be removed from the irrigation district and the notation removed from the certificate of title:

LINC Number Short Legal Description as shown on title Title Number

0026 748 830 9611379;3;4 111 223 044

0028 909 844 0111839;1;3 051 011 197

0034 869 842 1112279;1;1 111 180 575

I certify the procedures required under part 4 of the Irrigation Districts Act have been completed and the area of the Western Irrigation District should be changed according to the above list.

Rebecca Fast, Office Administrator, Irrigation Secretariat.

Culture and Community Spirit

Ministerial Order

(Historical Resources Act)

MO 31/11

I, Lindsay Blackett, Minister of Culture and Community Spirit, pursuant to Section 20(1) of the Historical Resources Act, R.S.A. 2000 C. H-9, hereby amend the original Ministerial Order designating the Notre Dame Convent as a Provincial Historical Resource, signed by the Honourable Horst A. Schmid on August 21, 1978 and registered at Alberta Land Titles as instrument 782 206 117, by removing the following lands legally described as:

Plan 1123609 Block B Lot 1 Excepting Thereout All Mines and Minerals

Plan 1123609 Block B Lot 2 Excepting Thereout All Mines and Minerals

Plan 1123609 Block B Lot 3 Excepting Thereout All Mines and Minerals

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Plan 1123609 Block B Lot 4 Excepting Thereout All Mines and Minerals

Plan 1123609 Block B Lot 5 Excepting Thereout All Mines and Minerals

Plan 1123609 Block B Lot 6 Excepting Thereout All Mines and Minerals

Plan 1123609 Block B Lot 7 Excepting Thereout All Mines and Minerals

Plan 1123609 Block B Lot 8 Excepting Thereout All Mines and Minerals

Plan 1123609 Block B Lot 9 Excepting Thereout All Mines and Minerals

Dated at Edmonton, Alberta, this 20th day of September, A.D. 2011.

Lindsay Blackett, Minister

Notice of Intent to Designate a Provincial Historic Resource

(Historical Resources Act)

File: Des. 1258

Notice is hereby given that sixty days from the date of service of this Notice and its publication in Alberta Gazette, the Minister of Culture and Community Spirit intends to make an Order that the site known as the:

Irricana United Church, together with the land legally described as:

Meridian 4 range 27 township 27 section 8 that portion of the north east quarter described as follows: commencing at the north east corner of the said quarter section; thence southerly along the eastern boundary thereof 330 feet; thence westerly parallel

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with the northern boundary thereof 396 feet; thence northerly parallel with the said eastern boundary 330 feet more or less to the said northern boundary thence easterly along said northern boundary 396 feet more or less to the place of commencement containing 1.21 hectares (3 acres) more or less Excepting thereout all mines and minerals And the right to work the same

and municipally located in Rocky View County, Alberta be designated as a Provincial Historic Resource under section 20 of the Historical Resources Act, RSA 2000 cH-9.

The reasons for the designation are as follows: The heritage value of the Irricana United Church lies in its identity as an excellent example of a small rural church built on an Akron plan.

The Irricana United Church is constructed on an Akron plan. This type of church design reflects the importance evangelical denominations, particularly the Methodist church, placed on life-long education and religious training. In the mid-1800s, the Methodist Church adopted the Uniform Lesson Plan, under which all congregants received the same basic lesson. In the late-1860s, Lewis Miller, a businessman, inventor and Methodist Sunday school superintendent in Akron, Ohio, saw a need for a new church and Sunday school design that would accommodate the Uniform Lesson Plan ideal. He developed an innovative layout which included a large auditorium or open space for introductory and closing group meetings. Radiating from this space was a series of classrooms for smaller, more age-appropriate sessions based on the day’s lesson. A further refinement of the Akron plan was the inclusion of diagonally-oriented or auditorium style seating in the main sanctuary, which was intended to optimize space and improve visibility of the altar from the classrooms. By the turn of the century, the Akron plan became extremely popular amongst the evangelical denominations – notably Methodists, Presbyterians and Baptists – and examples were built across the continent. Large urban churches tended to build separate, but adjoined Sunday schools accessible from the main church sanctuary via removable walls or partitions. Smaller, rural churches, which typically did not have the numbers or finances to allow the construction of a dedicated school building, tended to remain closer to the original Akron plan conception. These small churches tended to build a suite of small classrooms that opened directly off the main sanctuary.

The Irricana United Church is an excellent representation of a small rural church built on an Akron plan. Following 1908, members of the Church of the Brethren migrated from North Dakota and began to settle in the Irricana district. The Brethren, more commonly know in Canada as the Dunkards for their practise of full-body, adult baptism, were a group of German, fundamentalist Baptists with theological roots in the Anabaptist and Wesleyan traditions. They built this church in 1919 to replace an earlier, smaller church, which had been in use since 1910. The 1919 building incorporates many aspects of the Akron plan churches that were popular in the United States around the turn of the century. The seating in the sanctuary is arranged in a diagonal manner with the baptismal tank, raised altar and pulpit located in the southwest corner. Additional seating is provided by an upper gallery on the north side. The north and east walls also feature suites of small, irregularly-shaped

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classrooms with blackboards. These rooms are separated from the sanctuary by folding, wooden, five-panel doors. An additional classroom is also located off the gallery. Natural light is provided through sets of flat-headed Trinity windows, which are set in each gable end and line the sides of the church – one set on the west side, two sets on the south side and three sets on the north and east sides. To further facilitate community and church events, the basement contained a kitchen and a large space for gatherings. The wood frame, wood siding-clad building has a cross-gable roof around a crenellated, square, three-storey tower at the northeast corner. This roofing and tower arrangement was a common pattern followed by many Akron plan churches of various sizes.

It is therefore considered that the preservation and protection of the resource is in the public interest.

Dated this 23rd day of August, A.D. 2011.

David Link, Assistant Deputy Minister Heritage Division

Order Designating Provincial Historic Resource

(Historical Resources Act)

MO 30/11

I, Lindsay Blackett, Minister of Culture and Community Spirit, pursuant to section 20(1) of the Historical Resources Act, RSA 2000 cH-9, hereby:

1. Designate the site known as the:

Canadian Northern Railway Station, together with the land legally described as:

Plan 9926518 Lot 9A excepting thereout all mines and minerals

and municipally located in the Town of Athabasca, Alberta

as a Provincial Historic Resource,

2. Give notice that pursuant to section 20, subsection (9) of that Act, no person shall destroy, disturb, alter, restore, or repair any PROVINCIAL HISTORIC RESOURCE or remove any historic object from a PROVINCIAL HISTORIC RESOURCE without the written approval of the Minister.

3. Further give notice that the following provisions of section 20, subsections (11) and (12) of that Act now apply in case of sale or inheritance of the above mentioned resource:

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(11) the owner of an historic resource that is subject to an order under subsection (1) shall, at least 30 days before any sale or other disposition of the historic resource, serve notice of the proposed sale or other disposition on the Minister,

(12) when a person inherits an historic resource that is subject to an order under subsection (1), that person shall notify the Minister of the inheritance within 15 days after the historic resource is transferred to the person.

Signed at Edmonton, September 20, 2011.

Lindsay Blackett, Minister.

Finance and Enterprise

Insurance Notice

(Insurance Act)


The following notice published in the February 15, 2003 issue of the Alberta Gazette contained errors. It should have read as follows:

Effective December 12, 2002, CNA Life Insurance Company of Canada changed its name to Canada Life Insurance Company of Canada (The).

Brad Geddes Deputy Superintendent of Insurance.


Notice is hereby given that Great American Insurance Company of New York withdrew from the Province of Alberta pursuant to section 31 of the Insurance Act.

Effective December 31, 2010

Brad Geddes Deputy Superintendent of Insurance.


Office of the Public Trustee Property being held by the Public Trustee for a period of Ten (10) Years

(Public Trustee Act) Section 11 (2)(b)

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Name of Person Entitled to Property

Description of Property held and its value or estimated value

Property part of deceased person’s Estate or held under Court Order: Deceased’s Name Judicial District Court File Number

Public Trustee Office Additional Information

Undetermined Cash on hand $86,998.84

Estate of Mona Mason JD of Calgary

Calgary file# 094375

Judith Bruhn Cash on hand $2,926.75

Estate of Edward Breen JD of Edmonton ES03 127399

Edm file# 161177

Safety Codes Council

Agency Accreditation

Pursuant to Section 30 of the Safety Codes Act it is hereby ordered that

Alberta Elevating Devices and Amusement Rides Safety Association, Accreditation No. A000248, Order No. 781

Having satisfied the terms and conditions of the Safety Codes Council is authorized to provide services under the Safety Codes Act for Amusement Rides.

Accredited Date: March 29, 1996 Issued Date: September 20, 2011. _______________

Agency Accreditation - Amendment

Pursuant to Section 30 of the Safety Codes Act it is hereby ordered that

Alberta Elevating Devices and Amusement Rides Safety Association, Accreditation No. A000248, Order No. 780

Due to the Order No.change from 781 and having satisfied the terms and conditions of the Safety Codes Council is authorized to provide services under the Safety Codes Act for Elevators.

Accredited Date: March 29, 1996 Issued Date: September 20, 2011.

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Alberta Securities Commission



(Securities Act)

Made as a rule by the Alberta Securities Commission on July 13, 2011 pursuant to sections 223 and 224 of the Securities Act.

Amendments to National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations

1. National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations is amended by this Instrument.

2. Section 1.1 of Form 51-102F6 Statement of Executive Compensation (in respect of financial years ending on or after December 31, 2008) is amended by

(a) deleting “the board of directors intended”,

(b) replacing “to pay, make payable, award, grant, give or otherwise provide” with “paid, made payable, awarded, granted, given or otherwise provided”,

(c) adding “and the decision-making process relating to compensation” after “financial year”, and

(d) adding “and subsections 9.3.1(1) or 11.6(1) of the Instrument” after “objective”.

3. Section 1.2 of Form 51-102F6 is amended by

(a) in the definition of “NEO or named executive officer”,

(i) adding “of the company, including any of its subsidiaries” after “executive officers”, and

(ii) adding “or its subsidiaries” after “company”.

4. Section 1.3 of Form 51-102F6 is amended by

(a) in subsection (1), adding “and for services to be provided” after “services provided”,

(b) in subsection (2),

(i) replacing paragraphs (a) and (b) with the following:

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(a) Although the required disclosure must be made in accordance with this form, the disclosure may

(i) omit a table, column of a table, or other prescribed information, if it does not apply, and

(ii) add a table, column, or other information if

(A) necessary to satisfy the objective in section 1.1, and

(B) to a reasonable person, the table, column, or other information does not detract from the prescribed information in the summary compensation table in section 3.1.

(b) Despite paragraph (a), a company must not add a column in the summary compensation table in section 3.1.,

(c) in subsection (4), repealing clause (c)(i), and replacing paragraph (c) with the following:

(c) If an external management company provides the company’s executive management services and also provides executive management services to another company, disclose the entire compensation the external management company paid to the individual acting as an NEO or director, or acting in a similar capacity, in connection with services the external management company provided to the company, or the parent or a subsidiary of the company. If the management company allocates the compensation paid to an NEO or director, disclose the basis or methodology used to allocate this compensation.,

(d) in subsection (8), replacing “for any part of that” with “at any time during the most recently completed”, and

(e) adding the following subsections and commentary:

(9) Currencies

Companies must report amounts required by this form in Canadian dollars or in the same currency that the company uses for its financial statements. A company must use the same currency in the tables in sections 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2 and 7.1 of this form.

If compensation awarded to, earned by, paid to, or payable to an NEO was in a currency other than the currency reported in the prescribed tables of this form, state the currency in which compensation was awarded, earned, paid, or payable, disclose the currency exchange rate and describe the methodology used to translate the compensation into

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Canadian dollars or the currency that the company uses in its financial statements.

(10) Plain language

Information required to be disclosed under this form must be clear, concise, and presented in such a way that it provides a reasonable person, applying reasonable effort, an understanding of,

(a) how decisions about NEO and director compensation are made; and

(b) how specific NEO and director compensation relates to the overall stewardship and governance of the company.


Refer to the plain language principles listed in section 1.5 of Companion Policy 51-102CP Continuous Disclosure Obligations for further guidance..

5. Section 2.1 of Form 51-102F6 is amended by

(a) replacing subsection (4) with the following:

(4) If applicable, disclose performance goals or similar conditions that are based on objective, identifiable measures, such as the company’s share price or earnings per share. If performance goals or similar conditions are subjective, the company may describe the performance goal or similar condition without providing specific measures.

If the company discloses performance goals or similar conditions that are non-GAAP financial measures, explain how the company calculates these performance goals or similar conditions from its financial statements.


The company is not required to disclose performance goals or similar conditions in respect of specific quantitative or qualitative performance-related factors if a reasonable person would consider that disclosing them would seriously prejudice the company’s interests.

For the purposes of this exemption, a company’s interest’s are not considered to be seriously prejudiced solely by disclosing performance goals or similar conditions if those goals or conditions are based on broad corporate-level financial performance metrics which include earnings per share, revenue growth, and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.

This exemption does not apply if it has publicly disclosed the performance goals or similar conditions.

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If the company is relying on this exemption, state this fact and explain why disclosing the performance goals or similar conditions would seriously prejudice the company’s interests.

If the company does not disclose specific performance goals or similar conditions, state what percentage of the NEO’s total compensation relates to this undisclosed information and how difficult it could be for the NEO, or how likely it will be for the company, to achieve the undisclosed performance goal or similar condition.,

(b) adding the following subsections:

(5) Disclose whether or not the board of directors, or a committee of the board, considered the implications of the risks associated with the company’s compensation policies and practices. If the implications were considered, disclose the following:

(a) the extent and nature of the board of directors’ or committee’ role in the risk oversight of the company’s compensation policies and practices;

(b) any practices the company uses to identify and mitigate compensation policies and practices that could encourage an NEO or individual at a principal business unit or division to take inappropriate or excessive risks;

(c) any identified risks arising from the company’s compensation policies and practices that are reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on the company.

(6) Disclose whether or not an NEO or director is permitted to purchase financial instruments, including, for greater certainty, prepaid variable forward contracts, equity swaps, collars, or units of exchange funds, that are designed to hedge or offset a decrease in market value of equity securities granted as compensation or held, directly or indirectly, by the NEO or director., and

(c) replacing Commentary 3. with the following:

3. If the company used any benchmarking in determining compensation or any element of compensation, include the benchmark group and describe why the benchmark group and selection criteria are considered by the company to be relevant.

4. The following are examples of items that will usually be significant elements of disclosure concerning compensation:

• contractual or non-contractual arrangements, plans, process changes or any other matters that might cause the amounts disclosed for the most recently completed

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financial year to be misleading if used as an indicator of expected compensation levels in future periods;

• the process for determining perquisites and personal benefits;

• policies and decisions about the adjustment or recovery of awards, earnings, payments, or payables if the performance goal or similar condition on which they are based are restated or adjusted to reduce the award, earning, payment, or payable;

• the basis for selecting events that trigger payment for any arrangement that provides for payment at, following or in connection with any termination or change of control;

• any waiver or change to any specified performance goal or similar condition to payout for any amount, including whether the waiver or change applied to one or more specified NEOs or to all compensation subject to the performance goal or similar condition;

• whether the board of directors can exercise a discretion, either to award compensation absent attainment of the relevant performance goal or similar condition or to reduce or increase the size of any award or payout, including if they exercised discretion and whether it applied to one or more named executive officers;

• whether the company will be making any significant changes to its compensation policies and practices in the next financial year;

• the role of executive officers in determining executive compensation; and

• performance goals or similar conditions in respect of specific quantitative or qualitative performance-related factors for NEOs.

5. The following are examples of situations that could potentially encourage an executive officer to expose the company to inappropriate or excessive risks:

• compensation policies and practices at a principal business unit of the company or a subsidiary of the company that are structured significantly differently than others within the company;

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• compensation policies and practices for certain executive officers that are structured significantly differently than other executive officers within the company;

• compensation policies and practices that do not include effective risk management and regulatory compliance as part of the performance metrics used in determining compensation;

• compensation policies and practices where the compensation expense to executive officers is a significant percentage of the company’s revenue;

• compensation policies and practices that vary significantly from the overall compensation structure of the company;

• compensation policies and practices where incentive plan awards are awarded upon accomplishment of a task while the risk to the company from that task extends over a significantly longer period of time;

• compensation policies and practices that contain performance goals or similar conditions that are heavily weighed to short-term rather than long-term objectives;

• incentive plan awards that do not provide a maximum benefit or payout limit to executive officers.

The examples above are not exhaustive and the situations to consider will vary depending upon the nature of the company’s business and the company’s compensation policies and practices..

6. Section 2.3 of Form 51-102F6 is amended by

(a) replacing the section header with “Share-based and option-based awards”,

(b) adding “share-based or” after “grant”,

(c) replacing “an” with “a share-based or” after “under which”, and

(d) deleting “of option-based awards” after “previous grants”.

7. Form 51-102F6 is amended by adding the following after section 2.3:

2.4 Compensation governance

(1) Describe any policies and practices adopted by the board of directors to determine the compensation for the company’s directors and executive officers.

(2) If the company has established a compensation committee:

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(a) disclose the name of each committee member and, in respect of each member, state whether or not the member is independent or not independent;

(b) disclose whether or not one or more of the committee members has any direct experience that is relevant to his or her responsibilities in executive compensation;

(c) describe the skills and experience that enable the committee to make decisions on the suitability of the company’s compensation policies and practices; and

(d) describe the responsibilities, powers and operation of the committee.

(3) If a compensation consultant or advisor has, at any time since the company’s most recently completed financial year, been retained to assist the board of directors or the compensation committee in determining compensation for any of the company’s directors or executive officers:

(a) state the name of the consultant or advisor and a summary of the mandate the consultant or advisor has been given;

(b) disclose when the consultant or advisor was originally retained;

(c) if the consultant or advisor has provided any services to the company, or to its affiliated or subsidiary entities, or to any of its directors or members of management, other than or in addition to compensation services provided for any of the company’s directors or executive officers,

(i) state this fact and briefly describe the nature of the work, and

(ii) disclose whether the board of directors or compensation committee must pre-approve other services the consultant or advisor, or any of its affiliates, provides to the company at the request of management; and

(d) for each of the two most recently completed financial years, disclose,

(i) under the caption "Executive Compensation-Related Fees", the aggregate fees billed by each consultant or advisor, or any of its affiliates, for services related to determining compensation for any of the company's directors and executive officers, and

(ii) under the caption "All Other Fees", the aggregate fees billed for all other services provided by each consultant or advisor, or any of its affiliates, that are not reported under

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subparagraph (i) and include a description of the nature of the services comprising the fees disclosed under this category.


For section 2.4, a director is independent if he or she would be independent within the meaning of section 1.4 of NI 52-110 Audit Committees..

8. Section 3.1 of Form 51-102F6 is amended by

(a) replacing subsection (5) with the following:

(5) For an award disclosed in column (d) or (e), in a narrative after the table,

(a) describe the methodology used to calculate the fair value of the award on the grant date, disclose the key assumptions and estimates used for each calculation, and explain why the company chose that methodology, and

(b) if the fair value of the award on the grant date is different from the fair value determined in accordance with IFRS 2 Share-based Payment (accounting fair value), state the amount of the difference and explain the reasons for the difference.,

(b) in Commentary 2., replacing “board of directors intended to pay, make payable, award, grant, give or otherwise provide” with “company paid, made payable, awarded, granted, given or otherwise provided”,

(c) in Commentary 3.,

(i) replacing “it intends to award or pay” with “to be awarded or paid”, and

(ii) replacing “it intends to transfer” with “to be transferred”, and

(d) in subsection (10),

(i) in paragraph (g), deleting “and”, after “Payment;”,

(ii) in paragraph (h), replacing “.” with “; and”, and

(iii) adding the following paragraph:

(i) any company contribution to a personal savings plan like a registered retirement savings plan made on behalf of the NEO..

9. Section 3.3 of Form 51-102F6 is repealed.

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10. Section 4.1 of Form 51-102F6 is amended by

(a) in subsection (1), adding column “(h)” entitled “Market or payout value of vested share-based awards not paid out or distributed ($)”,

(b) in subsection (3), adding “If the option was granted in a different currency than that reported in the table, include a footnote describing the currency and the exercise or base price.” after “each award reported in column (b).”, and

(c) adding the following subsection:

(8) In column (h), disclose the aggregate market value or payout value of vested share-based awards that have not yet been paid out or distributed..

11. Section 5.1 of Form 51-102F6 is amended by

(a) in paragraph (4)(a), adding “. For purposes of this calculation, the company must assume that the NEO is eligible to receive payments or benefits at year end” after “most recently completed financial year”, and

(b) adding the following after paragraph (4)(b):


For purposes of quantifying the annual lifetime benefit payable at the end of the most recently completed financial year in column (c1), the company may calculate the annual lifetime benefit payable as follows:

The company may calculate the annual lifetime benefit payable in accordance with another formula if the company reasonably believes that it produces a more meaningful calculation of the annual lifetime benefit payable at year end..

12. Section 5.2 of Form 51-102F6 is amended by

(a) in subsection (1),

(i) removing in column (d) “Non-compensatory ($)”, and

(ii) in column (e) “Accumulated value at year end ($)”, replacing “(e)” with “(d)”,

annual benefits payable at the presumed X

years of credited service at year end

retirement age used to calculate the closing present value of the defined benefit


years of credited service at the

presumed retirement age

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(b) repealing subsection (3),

(c) in subsection (4), replacing “(e)” with “(d)” after “column”, and

(d) replacing the Commentary with the following:

1. For pension plans that provide the maximum of: (i) the value of a defined benefit pension; and (ii) the accumulated value of a defined contribution pension, companies should disclose the global value of the pension plan in the defined benefit plans table under section 5.1.

For pension plans that provide the sum of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution component, companies should disclose the respective components of the pension plan. The defined benefit component should be disclosed in the defined benefit plans table under section 5.1 and the defined contribution component should be disclosed in the defined contribution plans table under section 5.2.

2. Any contributions by the company or a subsidiary of the company to a personal savings plan like a registered retirement savings plan made on behalf of the NEO must still be disclosed in column (h) of the summary compensation table, as required by paragraph 3.1(10)(i)..

13. Section 6.1 of Form 51-102F6 is amended by adding the following after Commentary 3.:

4. A company may disclose estimated incremental payments, payables and benefits that are triggered by, or result from, a scenario described in subsection (1), in a tabular format..

14. This Instrument only applies to documents required to be prepared, filed, delivered or sent under National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations for periods relating to financial years ending on or after October 31, 2011.

15. This Instrument comes into force on October 31, 2011.



(Securities Act)

Made as a rule by the Alberta Securities Commission on July 13, 2011 pursuant to sections 223 and 224 of the Securities Act.

Amendments to National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations

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1. National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations is amended by this Instrument.

2. Section 9.3.1 is amended by replacing subsection (1) with the following:

(1) Subject to Item 8 of Form 51-102F5, if a reporting issuer sends an information circular to a securityholder under paragraph 9.1(2)(a), the issuer must

(a) disclose all compensation paid, payable, awarded, granted, given, or otherwise provided, directly or indirectly, by the issuer, or a subsidiary of the issuer, to each NEO and director, in any capacity, including, for greater certainty, all plan and non-plan compensation, direct or indirect pay, remuneration, economic or financial award, reward, benefit, gift or perquisite paid, payable, awarded, granted, given, or otherwise provided to the NEO or director for services provided, directly or indirectly, to the issuer or a subsidiary of the issuer, and

(b) include detail and discussion of the compensation, and the decision-making process relating to compensation, presented in such a way that it provides a reasonable person, applying reasonable effort, an understanding of

(i) how decisions about NEO and director compensation are made,

(ii) the compensation paid, made payable, awarded, granted, given or otherwise provided to each NEO and director, and

(iii) how specific NEO and director compensation relates to the overall stewardship and governance of the reporting issuer..

3. Section 11.6 is amended by replacing subsection (1) with the following:

(1) A reporting issuer that does not send to its securityholders an information circular that includes the disclosure required by Item 8 of Form 51-102F5 and that does not file an AIF that includes the executive compensation disclosure required by Item 18 of Form 51-102F2 must

(a) disclose all compensation paid, payable, awarded, granted, given, or otherwise provided, directly or indirectly, by the issuer, or a subsidiary of the issuer, to each NEO and director, in any capacity, including, for greater certainty, all plan and non-plan compensation, direct or indirect pay, remuneration, economic or financial award, reward, benefit, gift or perquisite paid, payable, awarded, granted, given, or otherwise provided to the NEO or director for services provided, directly or indirectly, to the issuer or a subsidiary of the issuer, and

(b) include detail and discussion of the compensation, and the decision-making process relating to compensation, presented in such a way that it provides a reasonable person, applying reasonable effort, an understanding of

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(i) how decisions about NEO and director compensation are made,

(ii) the compensation paid, made payable, awarded, granted, given or otherwise provided to each NEO and director, and

(iii) how specific NEO and director compensation relates to the overall stewardship and governance of the reporting issuer..

4. This Instrument comes into force on October 31, 2011.



(Securities Act)

Made as a rule by the Alberta Securities Commission on July 13, 2011 pursuant to sections 223 and 224 of the Securities Act.

Amendments to National Instrument 58-101 Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices

1. National Instrument 58-101 Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices is amended by this Instrument.

2. The Instruction of Form 58-101F2 Corporate Governance Disclosure (Venture Issuers) is amended by adding the following after paragraph (3):

(3.1) Issuers may incorporate disclosure regarding compensation made under Item 6 of this Form by reference to the information required to be included in Form 51-102F6 Statement of Executive Compensation. Clearly identify the information that is incorporated by reference into this Form..

3. This instrument comes into force on October 31, 2011.



(Securities Act)

Made as a rule by the Alberta Securities Commission on July 13, 2011 pursuant to sections 223 and 224 of the Securities Act.

Amendments to National Instrument 58-101 Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices

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1. National Instrument 58-101 Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices is amended by this Instrument.

2. Paragraph 7.(d) of Form 58-101F1 Corporate Governance Disclosure is repealed.

3. The Instruction is amended by adding the following after paragraph (3):

(3.1) Issuers may incorporate disclosure regarding compensation made under Item 7 of this Form by reference to the information required to be included in Form 51-102F6 Statement of Executive Compensation. Clearly identify the information that is incorporated by reference into this Form..

4. This instrument comes into force on October 31, 2011.

Service Alberta

Notice of Intent to Dissolve

(Cooperatives Act)

Haymarket Café Worker Owned Cooperative

Notice is hereby given that a Notice of Intent to Dissolve was issued to Haymarket Café Worker Owned Cooperative on September 23, 2011.

Dated at Edmonton, Alberta, September 23, 2011.

Brock Ketcham, Director of Cooperatives.

Sustainable Resource Development

Hosting Expenses Exceeding $600.00 For the period April 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011

Function: Alberta Fisheries Round Table Meeting Purpose: Alberta Fisheries Management Round Table representatives and related stakeholders discuss issues relating to fisheries management. Date: April 16, 2011 Amount: $ 760.05 Location: Calgary

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Function: United States Delegates meeting Purpose: Natural Resource Management discussion focus on forestry. Date: April 18, 2011 Amount: $ 638.20 Location: Edmonton

Function: Alberta BearSmart 2011 Annual Workshop Purpose: Sustainable Resource Development staff and related stakeholders meet annually to discuss ways to reduce human-bear conflicts. Date: May 10-11, 2011 Amount: $ 1,201.00 Location: Pincher Creek


Land Use Secretariat

Hosting Expenses Exceeding $600.00 For the period April 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011

Function: Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Phase 3 Information Session Purpose: Public/Stakeholder session offering a chance to provide feedback on the draft regional plan. Date: April 18, 2011 Amount: $ 957.00 Location: Bonnyville

Function: Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Phase 3 Information Session Purpose: Public/Stakeholder session offering a chance to provide feedback on the draft regional plan. Date: April 19, 2011 Amount: $ 955.00 Location: St. Paul

Function: Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Phase 3 Information Session Purpose: Public/Stakeholder session offering a chance to provide feedback on the draft regional plan. Date: April 20, 2011 Amount: $ 930.00 Location: Cold Lake

Function: Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Phase 3 Information Session Purpose: Public/Stakeholder session offering a chance to provide feedback on the draft regional plan. Date: April 26, 2011 Amount: $ 1,245.00 Location: Athabasca

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Function: Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Phase 3 Information Session Purpose: Public/Stakeholder session offering a chance to provide feedback on the draft regional plan. Date: April 27, 2011 Amount: $ 2,531.66 Location: Fort McMurray

Function: Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Phase 3 Information Session Purpose: Public/Stakeholder session offering a chance to provide feedback on the draft regional plan. Date: May 4, 2011 Amount: $ 3,077.74 Location: Fort McMurray

Function: Lower Athabasca Regional Plan meeting Purpose: Review background documents for the draft of the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan. Date: May 5, 2011 Amount: $ 800.00 Location: Fort Chipewyan

Function: Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Phase 3 Information Session Purpose: Public/Stakeholder session offering a chance to provide feedback on the draft regional plan. Date: May 10, 2011 Amount: $ 822.50 Location: Cold Lake

Function: Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Phase 3 Information Session Purpose: Public/Stakeholder session offering a chance to provide feedback on the draft regional plan. Date: May 17, 2011 Amount: $ 3,808.20 Location: Edmonton

Function: Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Phase 3 Information Session Purpose: Public/Stakeholder session offering a chance to provide feedback on the draft regional plan. Date: May 19, 2011 Amount: $ 5,117.00 Location: Calgary

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Public Sale of Land

(Municipal Government Act)

City of Wetaskiwin

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the City of Wetaskiwin will offer for sale, by public auction, in the City Council Chambers, 4705 – 50 Avenue, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, on Tuesday, December 6, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., the following lands:

Lot Block Plan Certificate of Title

14 47 M8 072626094

19&20 86 1410HW 082100370

14&15 3 M 072347446

15 49 M8 072596736

23 83 M10 072737601

11 9 2193NY 072057744

A 54 1777AM 072364796

22 20A 6051RS 072198449

5 12 M3 932100910+1

22 6 3390HW 022405260

15 10 9522318 952125169+14

2 53 7821171 942324508

6 53 7821171 042212259

Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

The City of Wetaskiwin may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land that is not sold at the public auction.

Terms: Cash or certified cheque.

Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Wetaskiwin, Alberta, September 28, 2011.

Al Steckler, Manager of Finance.

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County of Barrhead No. 11

Notice is hereby given that, under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the County of Barrhead No. 11 will offer for sale, by public auction, at the County Office, 5306 – 49 Street, in Barrhead, Alberta, on Wednesday, December 7, 2011, at 2:00 p.m., the following parcels of land:

1. Part NW 11-59-04-W5M 2.09 acres, more or less Certificate of Title Number 062227288

2. Lot 2, Plan 9926689 within Part NW 6-60-04-W5M 11.17 acres, more or less Certificate of Title Number 072300081

The parcels of land will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing certificate of title.

The land is being offered for sale on an “as is, where is” basis and the County of Barrhead No. 11 makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the adequacy of services, soil conditions, land use districting, building and development conditions, absence or presence of environmental contamination, or the developability of the subject land for any intended use by the purchaser.

The County of Barrhead No. 11 may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: Cash

Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Barrhead, Alberta, October 15, 2011.

Mark Oberg, County Manager. ______________

Camrose County

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Camrose County will offer for sale, by public auction, at the County Office in Camrose, Alberta, on Friday, December 9, 2011, at 2:00 p.m., the following parcels of land:

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Pt. Sec.

Sec. Twp. Rge Mer Acres Lot Blk Plan Hamlet/Sub.

C of T

W ½ SE

22 44 21 W4 27.7 992326786

N ½ NE

11 47 21 W4 73.2 052374777

Pt. SW

30 48 18 W4 17-18

2 8080AF Round Hill


Pt. SW

30 48 18 W4 1-4 5 6537AL Round Hill


Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificates of Title.

Camrose County may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: Cash

Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Camrose, Alberta, September 24, 2011.

Steven Gerlitz, County Administrator. ______________

Cardston County

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Cardston County will offer for sale, by public auction, in the County Office building (1050 Main Street) in Cardston, Alberta, on Wednesday, November 30, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., the following lands:

Land/Description Lot Block Plan C of T Acres

NE 31-4-27-W4 3 2 0113487 071260195 0.20

S 23-2-25-W4 3 3 5652BD 071453222 1.81

NW 28-4-23-W4 SW 33-4-23-W4

13-16 17 604AE 021327325 0.32

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Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

The Cardston County may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: Cash / Certified Cheque

Redemption may be affected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Cardston, Alberta, September 19, 2011.

Murray L Millward B.Mgt. CLGM, Chief Administrative Officer. _______________

Clear Hills County

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Clear Hills County will offer for sale, by public auction, in the County Office, Worsley, Alberta, on Wednesday, November 30, 2011, at 11:00 a.m., the following lands:

Lot Block Plan Legal Description Cert. Of Title No.

NW 32-86-5-W6M 022422214

SE 33-86-5-W6M 962197708

SW 33-86-5-W6M 962197708

A 1217MC 062492296

A 7820773 062084623

1 1 0720996 072217815

Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

Clear Hills County may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: Cash

Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Worsley, Alberta, September 19, 2011.

Allan Rowe, Chief Administrative Officer.

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County of Vermilion River

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the County of Vermilion River will offer for sale, by public auction, in the Office of the County of Vermilion River, Kitscoty, Alberta, on Monday, November 28, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., the following lands:

Sec Twp Rge M Lot Block Plan C of T

NW 09 51 04 4 15 7 8931S 932113879

SW 25 46 02 4 10, 11 3 6110ET 052050177 +1

Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

The County of Vermilion River may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: 10% non-refundable deposit being cash or certified cheque within 24 hours of date of sale and balance within 05 working days of the Public Auction. GST will apply on lands sold at the Public Auction.

Redemption may be affected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Kitscoty, Alberta, September 30, 2011.

Rhonda King, CLGM, County Administrator. ______________

Vulcan County

Notice is hereby given that, under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Vulcan County will offer for sale, by public auction, in the County Administration Building, Vulcan, Alberta, on Thursday, December 1, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., the following lands:

C of T Subdivision Lot Block Plan Roll Number

081216996 1 1 0710474 221712227

041233122 Country Estates 60 2 0012103 311020606

101112737 Mossleigh 7,8 5 8011EF 300950706

041305955 Little Bow Unit 194

0012331 310719406

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C of T Qtr Sec Twp Rge Meridian Acres Roll Number

001116394 NW 8 13 23 4 154.96 231308305

001116394 SW 8 13 23 4 154.93 231308206

The land is being offered for sale on an “as is, where is” basis and Vulcan County makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the adequacy of the services, soil conditions, land use districting, building and development conditions, absence or presence of environmental contamination, vacant possession, or the developability of the subject land for any intended use by the successful bidder.

No bid will be accepted where the bidder attempts to attach conditions precedent to the sale of any parcel. No terms and conditions of sale will be considered other than those specified by Vulcan County. No further information is available at the auction regarding the lands to be sold.

Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid, and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing certificate of title. Vulcan County may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land that is not sold at the public auction.

Terms: Cash or certified cheque, 10% deposit (non-refundable to successful bidder) and balance within 30 days of the date of Public Auction. GST will apply to all applicable lands sold at Public Auction.

Redemption may be affected by certified payment of all arrears and penalties and costs at any time prior to the Public Auction.

Dated at Vulcan, Alberta, September 22, 2011.

Leo Ludwig, Chief Administrative Officer. ______________

Municipal District of Willow Creek No. 26

Notice is hereby given that, under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, The Municipal District of Willow Creek No. 26 will offer for sale, by public auction, in the Municipal District Office, #26 Highway 520 West, Claresholm, Alberta, on Tuesday, November 29, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., the following lands:

C of T Unit Condominium Plan

041205244 1 0112806 (S 15-14-28-W4)

The parcel will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing certificate of title.

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The property is being offered for sale on an “as is, where is” basis. The Municipal District of Willow Creek No. 26 makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the adequacy of services, soil conditions, land use districting, development conditions, absence or presence of environmental contamination, or the potential for development of the subject land for any intended use by the purchaser.

No bid will be accepted where the bidder attempts to attach conditions precedent to the sale of any parcel. No terms or conditions of sale will be considered, other than those specified by The Municipal District of Willow Creek No. 26.

The Municipal District of Willow Creek No. 26 may, after the public auction, become the owner of the parcel of land if not sold at the public auction.

Terms: CASH OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE – 10% deposit provided with the bid submitted, with the remaining 90% payable at close of auction, if accepted.

Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Claresholm, Alberta, October 15, 2011.

Cynthia Vizzutti, Chief Administrative Officer. ______________

Town of Penhold

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Town of Penhold will offer for sale, by public auction, in the Council Chambers at the Penhold Regional Multiplex Building located at 1 Waskasoo Avenue in Penhold, Alberta, on Tuesday, November 29, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., the following lands:

Legal Description Certificate of Title No.

Civic Address

Lot B Plan 1637KS 082 079 680 1229 Edmonton Trail, Penhold, Alberta

Lot 29 Block 4 Plan 7823419 982 109 807 119 Dundee Crescent, Penhold, Alberta

Lot 1 Block 4 Plan 0627215 072 725 556 46 Hawthorne Way, Penhold, Alberta

Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

The Town of Penhold may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: Full payment to be made by cash, certified cheque or other legal tender accepted by the municipality on the day of the auction, or by 10% down with full payment being made within 30 days of the auction.

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Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Penhold, Alberta, September 27, 2011.

R. Binnendyk, CAO. ______________

Town of Vauxhall

Notice is hereby given that, under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Town of Vauxhall will offer for sale, by public auction, at the Town of Vauxhall Council Chambers, 223 5th Street, Vauxhall, Alberta, on Friday, November 25, 2011, at 9:00 a.m., the following lands:

Lot Block Plan Title Number

8 1 760CM 051362664

14 1 5640GD 861126012

4 17 7910157 991014286

3 1 760CM 981391219

These properties are being offered for sale on an “as is, where is” basis, and the Town of Vauxhall makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the adequacy of services, soil conditions, land use districting, building and development conditions, absence or presence of environmental contamination, or the developability of the subject land for any intended use by the Purchaser.

Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title. No bid will be accepted where the bidder attempts to attach conditions precedent to the sale of any parcel.

Terms: Cash or certified cheque payable to the Town of Vauxhall, non-refundable deposit of 20% of the successful bid at the time of sale with balance of 80% of bid due within 10 days.

The notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Town of Vauxhall may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land that is not sold at the public auction.

Redemption may be affected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Vauxhall, Alberta, September 28, 2011.

Barbara Miller, Chief Administrative Officer.

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Town of Whitecourt

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Town of Whitecourt will offer for sale, by public auction, in the boardroom of the Town Office, 5004 – 52 Avenue, Whitecourt, Alberta, on Friday, November 25, 2011, at 1:30 p.m., the following lands:

Lot Block Plan C of T

10 10 4737 KS 062 591 117

15 2 892 2324 082 522 129

Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

The Town of Whitecourt may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: Cash or certified cheque, 10% deposit to accompany auction bid, with sale transaction completion in 30 days. GST will apply if applicable.

Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Whitecourt, Alberta, August 29, 2011.

Judy Hogberg, Director of Corporate Services. ______________

Village of Linden

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Village of Linden will offer for sale, by public auction, in Council Chambers of the Linden Village Office, 109 Central Avenue East, Linden, Alberta, on Friday, November 25, 2011, at 1:00 p.m., the following lands:

Lot Block Plan Title # Linc #

21 1 7910417 831122722 0017199803

Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

Terms: Cash or Certified Cheque of the reserve bid amount payable same day, balance to be paid by December 22, 2011.

The Village of Linden may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

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Redemption may be affected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Linden, Alberta, September 30, 2011.

Joanne Weller, Chief Administrative Officer. _______________

Village of Stirling

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Village of Stirling will offer for sale, by public auction, at the Administration Office, Stirling, Alberta, on Friday, November 25, 2011, at 9:00 a.m., the following lands:


The easterly 140 feet lying to the south of the northerly 55 feet of Lot 8, Block 30, Plan 752J

Lot 13, Block 20, Plan 7711550 excepting thereout all mines and minerals

The parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title. The Village of Stirling may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land that is not sold at the public auction.

Terms: cash

Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Stirling, Alberta, September 26, 2011.

J. Scott Barton, Chief Administrative Officer.

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The Alberta Gazette is issued twice monthly, on the 15th and last day.

Notices and advertisements must be received ten full working days before the date of the issue in which the notices are to appear. Submissions received after that date will appear in the next regular issue.

Notices and advertisements should be typed or written legibly and on a sheet separate from the covering letter. An electronic submission by email or disk is preferred. Email submissions may be sent to the Editor of The Alberta Gazette at [email protected]. The number of insertions required should be specified and the names of all signing officers typed or printed. Please include name and complete contact information of the individual submitting the notice or advertisement.

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