Download - THE ACE TEAM We all achieve, create and enjoy because ... · THE ACE TEAM – We all achieve, create and enjoy because together everyone achieves more. Our vision will be achieved

Page 1: THE ACE TEAM We all achieve, create and enjoy because ... · THE ACE TEAM – We all achieve, create and enjoy because together everyone achieves more. Our vision will be achieved

This is what Southwood and Downs Barn are all about.

THE ACE TEAM – We all achieve, create and enjoy because together everyone achieves more.

Our vision will be achieved through outstanding teaching and learning within our school communities. This culture will be developed through a personalised approach which meets each child’s individual needs. We aim to develop the capacity of all pupils to become independent and reflective learners. We aspire to learn together in a caring partnership with all stakeholders in both our own and the global community. Our broad, balanced and creative curriculum will promote the enjoyment of lifelong learning, develop the whole child and create a sense of well being within a safe, dynamic and sustainable environment. This will enable our pupils to be successful, responsible and respectful citizens of the future. Gateways

Outstanding teaching and learning

Personalised approach

Independent and reflective learners

Caring partnership(s)

Global community

Broad, balanced and creative curriculum

Safe, dynamic and sustainable environment

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Page 2: THE ACE TEAM We all achieve, create and enjoy because ... · THE ACE TEAM – We all achieve, create and enjoy because together everyone achieves more. Our vision will be achieved


EVERY CHILD MATTERS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES for PUPILS The BPP promotes high achievement and learning for life by creating an environment where children:



Develop high self-esteem Pupils feel confident and are willing to take risks

Pupils feel happy and comfortable with themselves

Pupils are fit and healthy

Develop a sense of well-being

Eat healthily

Adopt healthy lifestyles

STAY SAFE Understand their rights and responsibilities Pupils feel safe

Pupils know where to go if there is a problem

Pupils respect the rights of others

Learn and play in a safe environment

Are free from bullying and discrimination


Develop thinking skills and creativity across the curriculum

Pupils have a positive attitude to learning

Pupils understand what they need to do to learn.

Pupils use a wide range of strategies to improve their learning

Become learners and not simply ‘knowers’

Are able to work independently and interdependently

Have access to a stimulating and inspiring environment


Understand that people have different needs, views, cultures and beliefs that must be treated with respect

Pupils show respect and fairness

Pupils take responsibility

Pupils are confident to make decisions

Pupils are able to modify their actions to varying social situations

Are responsible for their own actions

Develop life skills including creativity and self-awareness

Engage in decision-making


Participate in a culture of success Pupils have a questioning and inquiry based outlook

Pupils have an opportunity to be successful

Pupils experience success.

Develop enquiring minds and a sense of curiosity

Develop a positive work ethic

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Be an ACE TEAM member-collaborate with


Create, achieve and enjoy

Show respect

Be resilient

Be reflective

Take responsibility

Always do your best

Always try your hardest

Know what you want to achieve-be aspirational


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Good, better, best,

Never let it rest

Till your good is better


Your better is best....

Page 5: THE ACE TEAM We all achieve, create and enjoy because ... · THE ACE TEAM – We all achieve, create and enjoy because together everyone achieves more. Our vision will be achieved

School timetable

Please note the following reminders about arrangements for the start of the school day.

8 am Breakfast Club opens

8.40 am The back entrance gate will open for pupils. Pupils enter class directly or take part in 'Wake and

Shake' on the playground (Tuesdays and Thursdays).

8.50 am Morning registration for all

10.20 to

10.40 am

Morning break

12.15 pm Lunch

1.10 pm Afternoon registration

3.15 pm School ends

Please ensure that your child always arrives at school on time. The gate opens at 8.40am and is closed at 8.50am

as this is when school officially starts. However, we are encouraging children to be in school as soon after 8.40am

as possible so that they can join in our early morning activities and maximise learning time. After 8.50am your

child will need to enter through the front entrance and wait at reception to be entered in the late book.

PE Kit

Children will need their PE kit in school on the following days:

Year 3 - Wednesday and Thursday

Year 4 - Monday (Swimming or PE) and Thursday

Year 5 - Tuesday and Friday

Year 6 - Monday and Friday

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The Year 3 Curriculum

Writing Toolkit is taught three times each week in ability groups. These lessons are where the children are taught writing skills such as grammar, punctuation, use of vocabulary, handwriting etc, which they are then able to apply in their cross curricular writing. There will be an occasional short piece of Writing Toolkit homework.

Word Wizards is taught twice each week in ability groups across years 3 and 4, and is an opportunity to learn and rehearse the sounds that we need for reading and spelling, and other letter patterns and rules that we need to know to support our reading and writing sessions.

Book Club happens twice each week. These sessions focus on teaching children the skills of reading and responding to reading, and are taught in ability groups. Some children also read individually to adults in addition to Book Club sessions. All children have a school reading book and are expected to read at home 3 times each week, recording this on the reading diary pages of their contact book.

Topic sessions are where we learn about Science, History, Geography, Art and Design and RE, but also where we practice using our writing skills through cross curricular writing, and maths skills through real life application of maths.

PE & Games are taught on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure your child has their full PE kit with them on these days.

Music, ICT, PSHE & Spanish are taught weekly. Children also visit the school library weekly.

The Year 4 Curriculum Maths is taught daily in ability groups across years 3 and 4. All children get a short piece of maths homework each week, with the expectation that it is handed in on time, and all children know which times tables they should be practicing for our Times Tables Challenge. Writing Toolkit is taught three times each week in ability groups. These lessons are where the children are taught writing skills such as grammar, punctuation, use of vocabulary, handwriting etc, which they are then able to apply in their cross curricular writing. All children get a short piece of Writing Toolkit homework each week, with the expectation that it is handed in on time. Phonics is taught three times each week and is an opportunity to learn and rehearse the sounds that we use for reading and spelling, and other letter patterns and rules that we need to know to support our reading and writing sessions. Children who have completed the phonics programme progress onto using and applying their skills with more complex vocabulary. Book Club happens 3 times a week. These sessions focus on teaching the children skills of reading and understanding text. As a motivational tool, the children are taught in gender groups, as pupil interview highlighted a vast difference in preferred reading materials. The children also visit the school library weekly. Topic sessions are where we learn about Science, History, Geography, Art and Design and RE, but also where we practice using our writing skills through cross curricular writing. Swimming is on a Monday, where each class swims for 1 term, with the summer term reserved for children from both classes needing additional support. You will be notified in advance of your child's swimming times. PE is taught on Mondays for any pupils who are not swimming. Games are taught to both classes on a Thursday. Please make sure your child has their full PE kit with them on those days (a list of which can be found in their contact book). Music is taught by a visiting teacher from the Milton Keynes Music Service. During the Autumn term, the children are learning to play the recorder.

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RE, ICT, PSHE and Spanish are taught weekly in class groups.

The Year 5 Curriculum

Maths is taught daily in ability groups across year 5. All children know which times tables they should be practising and in addition to this, receive a short piece of numeracy homework.

‘The writer’s craft’ is taught daily in ability groups. These lessons are always linked to our topic and allow the children time to develop their writing skills, punctuation, grammar and handwriting. Children receive a short piece

of literacy homework each week. It is expected that homework is completed on time and we run a homework club to support this.

Phonics and guided reading are taught 3 times a week. Children who are still working through the phonics programme are taught in small groups, focussing on rehearsing sounds and applying them in writing and reading lessons. Those children who have completed the phonics programme, have weekly spelling tests and are taught guided reading in small groups.

Book club happens once a week. In these sessions we focus on providing engaging texts and work on interpreting

them effectively. We also run a peer reading programme and promote a love of reading throughout the year group. The children are expected to read at home to an adult 3 times a week. All children are listened to read in school and make regular trips to the school library.

Topic sessions usually run for half a term and are taught weekly. These topics are linked to various curriculum areas, including literacy and maths,

Science, Art, Spanish, RE and PE are taught weekly.

The Year 6 Curriculum

At the end of year 6, children are required to sit statutory tests in reading, grammar, spelling and punctuation and maths. With this in mind, much of our learning is focussed on preparing the children for these important tests, ensuring that they feel confident to do their best. As they near the end of their primary education, we do all we can to prepare them for the secondary stage of their education. By working closely with their chosen secondary school, we endeavour to ensure that transition is comprehensive and seamless.

Maths is taught daily in ability groups across year 6. All children know which times tables they should be practising and in addition to this, receive numeracy homework each week, which relates to the learning that they have done. This is recorded in contact books. Homework club is available for those children who, for whatever reason, do not manage to do complete their homework at home.

‘The writer’s craft’ is taught daily in ability groups. These lessons are linked to our topic and allow the children time to develop their writing skills, punctuation, grammar, spelling and handwriting. Children receive literacy homework each week. In addition to this, children are given weekly spellings to learn and are tested on these regularly. It is expected that homework is completed on time and, as with numeracy, we run a homework club to support this.

Phonics and or guided reading are taught as appropriate during the week. Children who are still working through the phonics programme are taught in small groups, focussing on rehearsing sounds and applying them in writing and reading lessons. Those children who have completed the phonics programme, are taught guided reading in small groups. In both phonics and guided reading, engaging texts are provided and the emphasis is on interpreting them effectively through both discussion and written responses, while focussing on enjoyment and enrichment. The children also visit the school library on a regular basis. We encourage the children in year 6 to read for pleasure at home to an adult as well as at school. We also run a daily peer reading programme.

Topic sessions usually last for half a term and are taught weekly. These topics are linked to various curriculum areas, including literacy, maths, science, history and geography.

Art, Spanish, RE, PE and ICT are taught weekly.

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Admissions Southwood is a 7-11 junior school. There are eight classes with a total school population of approximately 180. Entry to the school takes place in September when year 3 pupils will be admitted. The school does not operate a selection process and places are available for pupils in line with our

Equal Opportunities and Social Inclusion policies and irrespective of where a pupil lives.

The Defined Area

City Centre North, Conniburrow, Downs Barn and Downhead Park.

Admissions Procedure

Children will be admitted to Southwood School at the age of 7. Any parent/carer, wherever the family lives,

wishing for a place at Southwood must complete the Local Authority’s application form. The completed form

should be returned to the child’s current school.

Requests for admission are considered by the Governing Body. Decisions on admissions are usually made in March

when parents will be informed and offered a place by Milton Keynes Council on behalf of the Governing Body.

If a place is required during the school year, for example when a family moves into the area, parents should still

apply via the Local Authority.

Admissions Criteria

Priority will be given to children with a statement of special educational needs naming Southwood, in the normal

round of admissions for children transferring at 7 +.

If the school is over-subscribed, places will be allocated using the following criteria:

Children in Care

Pupils attending a school in the defined area (i.e. Germander Park and Downs Barn)

Pupils with siblings attending the school at the time of admission

Pupils who live in the defined area

A sibling is a brother or sister, which for admission purposes means brothers and sisters of whole or half blood or

any other child (including an adopted child) who permanently resides at the same address and for whom the

parent also has parental responsibility.

In the case of multiple births, places will be offered in priority according to alphabetical forename order.

In the event of over-subscription, once places have been allocated under the above criteria, the remaining places

will be awarded according to the proximity of the child’s home to school as measured by the nearest available

route. This is from the child’s front door to the school gate.

If it is not possible to offer your child a place at this school then you will be advised about how you can appeal

against that decision. The Local Authority will also let you know about available places at other schools.

The official limit for admission to the school at the beginning of Year 3 is 75 pupils. The capacity of the school is


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Equality of Opportunity, Gender, Ethnic Origin and Religion Principles We are committed to tackling the barriers which could lead to unequal outcomes so that there is equality of access and the diversity within the school community is celebrated and valued. We believe that equality at our school should permeate all aspects of school life and is the responsibility of every member of the school and wider community. Every member of the school community should feel safe, secure, valued and of equal worth. At Southwood and Downs Barn schools, equality is a key principle for treating all people the same irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, disability, religious beliefs/faith tradition, sexual orientation, age or any other of the protected characteristics (Single Equalities Act 2010).

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Behaviour At Southwood our children demonstrate high standards of behaviour. They show respect to others and we have very high expectations of good behaviour. ‘Discipline is not merely an end in itself. It is a process to enable a pupil to come back on-task with their learning, allow self-control and give a sense of choice over their own behaviour.’ ‘The dignity of the individual and the fundamental nature of human rights… is pivotal in the practice of effective discipline.’ ‘As long as we embrace due rights, ensuring the minimalising of embarrassment, maintain respect and give choices we maintain the dignity of the individual.’ Bill Rogers PRINCIPLES OF BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT are based on

Rules, rights and responsibilities

Minimalisation of hostility and embarrassment

Climate of choice

Disciplining respectfully

Positive expectations

Follow up

Collegiate and parental support

Restorative Principles We use Restorative Principles as the foundation of improving relationships and behaviour management. The impact can be seen in terms of the behaviour and positive ethos within the school. The framework sets out explicit principles which align and strengthen existing good practice in building relationships; adding significantly to the development of social responsibility and, as a consequence, the effective management of tension, conflict and wrongdoing.

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ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is vital to children’s success in school. The school therefore places a high priority on encouraging GOOD ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY

STATEMENT OF INTENT In order to improve levels of attendance and punctuality the BPP will employ key strategies: • Ensure that all telephone communications from parents/carers about non-attendance are formally recorded for evidence purposes. • To address non-attendance strategically through ‘first day absence’ contact using Absence Call. • The BPP through the work of LAB/Pastoral Manager and headteacher will analyse attendance data to assess patterns of absence and lateness. Once patterns have been established contact will be made with parents/carers • Follow a stepped approached using clear supportive strategies to address levels of attendance below 96% • Produce Persistent Absentee data and seek strategies to regularly address this area of concern • Refuse to authorise regular non-attendance where patterns of sporadic illness occur. Absence will only be authorised by way of a medical note from the family GP. • The use of Attendance Panels to which Parents will be invited to attend. The Attendance Panels will have the authority to set Fixed Penalty Notices and consider fast tracking cases to Court.

We would like to make parents aware of the new regulations concerning term time


The school is not permitted, under the Education Amendment Regulations 2013,

to grant leave of absence for holidays. All holidays will be marked as

unauthorised and be subject to a £60 fine if paid in 21 days or £120 if paid in

28 days. A fine can be incurred if a child is removed from school for 10

unauthorised sessions (five days).

Parents will only be allowed to take their child out of school, at the discretion of

the headteacher, for exceptional circumstances. If you require your child to be

absent from school it is essential you make an appointment to discuss the


We are striving for each child to achieve 100% attendance. If your child is too ill

to attend school it is essential you ring the school during the first morning of

your child’s absence in order for the register to be correctly marked.

We are also closely monitoring punctuality – school opens at 8.50 and learning

commences at 9.00. If your child is late, they will have to enter school by the front

entrance, and their lateness and reason will be noted. We are aiming for every child

to arrive on time each morning.

Thank you for your support in improving attendance and punctuality.

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The Learning and Achievement Base (LAB) The Learning and Achievement Base was set up in 2001 and has been very successful in helping to create a positive climate for learning. The LAB is run by Jennie Phillips and Maria Grace. It supports pupils with social, emotional, behavioural difficulties ((SEBD) through a variety of methods. We use the kaleidoscope approach (for all children) which is colour, light and sound therapy to build children’s confidence, self-esteem and emotional well-being. We also use visualisation and relaxation techniques and use social skills groups for reinforcing expectations and learning to work collaboratively. The children enjoy the experience of working in the LAB and it generally helps them feel good about themselves, happy, safe and content. The LAB co-ordinates behaviour management throughout the school. Mrs Phillips works closely with parents and external agencies (eg. educational psychologist and Behaviour Support Team, etc.). Mrs Phillips also looks at attendance on a weekly basis and tracks pupils’ absences. Parents will be contacted if there are any issues or problems regarding lateness or poor attendance.

The School Council

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Pupil Voice is very strong in Southwood. It gives children the opportunity to have their say and influence

the way the school is moving forward. The pupils’ views are represented by the School Councillors. A

governor is attached to the council to ensure their views are heard.

The School’s Council consists of 12 pupils from years 3-6. They are elected annually. They work very

closely with the Downs Barn School’s Council and have received training from an MK Council Youth

Worker. Their main job is to represent the other pupil’s views and to come up with ideas to improve the

school. They act as excellent role models for the other children. They help on the playground and act as

friends to the other children.

What does it take to be a school councillor? Several people believe that school councils are not responsible for improving the standards of a school. Well, I’m here to prove them wrong! The school council should be appreciated for the work they have done, and still continue to do. Read on… A school councillor is an elected pupil (voted for by his/her class) who will try and come up with ideas to promote the school. They are often popular pupils, that enjoy speaking and listening. Elected students are often loved by their class and teachers, try hard in all subjects and live by the ‘4Rs’. Every week, a school council meeting takes place to discuss different areas needing improvement and to ask their class for their opinions. Frequently, they have worked out what is wanted by the school and are responsible for making it happen. So, there should be no confusion about what the school council does!

School uniform

Page 14: THE ACE TEAM We all achieve, create and enjoy because ... · THE ACE TEAM – We all achieve, create and enjoy because together everyone achieves more. Our vision will be achieved

We are very proud of our Southwood school colours and we require all children to wear them. All uniform and

equipment must be clearly named.

Our dress code is:

White or green polo shirts.

Black or green sweatshirts, jumpers or cardigans.

Black or grey trousers, shorts, skirts or dresses (green & white gingham dresses are also suitable for girls in

the summer)

Sensible shoes

P.E. kit:

White t-shirt

Black shorts

Tracksuit trousers for outdoor games during the winter

Plimsolls or trainers

Earrings must be removed or taped with child’s own tape

School logo sweatshirts, fleeces and polo shirts can be bought from the school office which is open until 5pm each

day during term time. If you wish to see any of the items, please call into the school reception.

We strongly advise the use of book bags and we have some Southwood School logoed bags available from the school

office. These are very useful for the children to carry homework/reading books/contact books etc to and from

school. Black PE bags (plain, no logo) are also available from school.

Details of sizes and prices are available from the main website and office.

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Health Matters

Infectious illnesses are notifiable to us and you should keep your child at home until they have fully recovered. If your child catches head lice they should be treated before they return to school.

The school may agree to administer medication when this has been prescribed by a doctor for administration at least four times daily. In such cases, parents or carers should collect a ‘Request for school to administer medication’ form from the school office. This should be completed and returned with the medication (plus a spoon, where appropriate) to the school office.

We cannot be held responsible where in some circumstances medication has not been administered. Parents or carers are welcome to come into school and carry out the prescribed dose at the times required.

Parents of children suffering from asthma or a similar condition requiring the use of inhalers are requested to provide the school office with an inhaler and photograph of the child. They will also be given a ‘Request for School to Administer Medication’ form to complete.

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Clubs Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is open from 8.00am until the start of school. Children can attend Breakfast Club on an ad-hoc

basis and pay each time they attend.

The cost is £1.00 per session or if you prefer to pay weekly in advance, £4.50 per week.

The club serves a healthy selection of cereal and toast, juices and milk and is open Monday to Friday, term time


Afterschool Club

Southwood School does not run a daily after school club. For parents requiring after school care, we suggest The

Netherfield Children’s Play Centre, a purpose built centre which offers a wide range of activities such as arts and

crafts, sports, games and much more.

The Play Centre operates a pick up service from Southwood School. They also offer play schemes during school

holidays. For further information, please call 01908 678144 or contact the school.

Extra-Curricular Clubs

The school offers a variety of extra- curricular clubs which change each term. Most of these are run by the school

staff at no cost but for some, where the provider is shown below, there is a small charge.

Details of current clubs are available on the mail website.

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Charging and Remissions Policy The Law The Education Reform Act 1988 sets out the law on charging in all Maintained, Community, Voluntary controlled, Voluntary aided and Foundation schools. The legislation restricts the activities for which charges can be made and makes provision for the remission of charges, specifically for the provision of board and lodging costs in respect of school visits and journeys. School Activities The Governing Body approves the policy of inviting voluntary contributions from parents in support of activities organised by the school. The school will generally make up any shortfall but reserves the right to cancel the activity if there are insufficient voluntary contributions to cover the cost. Breakages and Damage Parents may be charged for the cost of repairs or damage to school property as a result of their child's misbehaviour. Books/Equipment etc. Pupils will be charged the cost of replacing damaged or lost books.

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Home School Agreement We ask all our pupils and parents to review our Home/School agreement, to ensure that every pupil and parent is

aware of what is expected from Southwood School and what the school expect pupils to do. Details of our

agreement are listed below. If you would like another hard copy of the agreement, please contact the school


A child attending Southwood is expected to:

Follow the Golden Rules and the 4Rs (respect, responsibility, reflection and resilience.)

Wear school colours with pride

Respect each other in the classroom, in the playground and on the way to and from school

Complete class-work and homework to the best of his/her ability

Look after his/her belongings and those of other people

Arrive at school on time

Attend all lessons properly equipped- including PE kit

Bring in and take home the Contact Book every day

Take good care of Southwood-its building, grounds and equipment

Tell an adult if they feel uncomfortable or threatened

Be responsible for their own actions

Never give up

Southwood staff will:

Base our actions on respect, fairness and equality of opportunity

Support, value, appreciate and respect each child and their family

Provide positive learning and playing environments where children are praised and encouraged, and their

success rewarded and celebrated

Provide a balanced curriculum that meets the needs of individual children

Provide, as part of the curriculum, social, moral and spiritual education

Achieve high standards of behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of

responsibility in the children

Resolve conflicts promptly and fairly

Be available and welcoming and encourage you to become involved in the life of Southwood School

Care for the children’s safety and well being

Keep you informed about school life and your child’s progress

Parents will:

Ensure that your child attends school regularly and arrives punctually

Ensure your child has the correct equipment/kit for lessons

Support the school’s dress code policy

Provide a note or contact the school by phone to explain an absence from school

Support the school’s policy and guidelines for behaviour

Encourage your child to complete homework tasks to a good standard

Encourage your child to read and be prepared to listen to them on a regular basis

Discuss with the school any concerns you have regarding behaviour or learning

Attend termly parental consultation meetings to discuss the progress of your child

Read and sign your child’s contact book weekly

At Southwood School we are mindful of our pupils with parents who are separated. We ask that contact books are

signed weekly by either parent and invite both parents to assemblies, parent consultations etc. We also send

copies of reports to both parents so they are kept up to date with their child's progress.

We operate an open door policy and once a term hold parent consultation evenings on 3 evenings between

3.30pm and 7pm, to encourage as many parents as possible to come along and get an update from the teachers

about their child's progress.

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The Boulevard Primary Partnership Governing Body

Co-Chairs of Governors Elna Ball

Vice Chair Tara Lovelock

Headteacher Bryan Schram

Community Governors Archie Robinson, Cathy Shaw,

Local Authority Governors Elna Ball

Parent Governors Abdi Abdullahi, Atinuke Adelowo

Partnership Governors Simon Carter, Sue Semple, Tara Lovelock

Staff Governors Ian Cowper, Elaine Hawkins, Iain Farrington & Sharon Slaven

Headteacher : Bryan Schram

Deputy Head : Elaine Hawkins

Office Manager : Melanie Hornshaw

Receptionist / Assistant Administrator

Teresa Walker – am / Marion Moran - pm

Year 3

Sarah Scott/Mary Meehan (Robins)

Samantha Turvey (Starlings)

Year 4

Dianne Williams (Frogs)

Nicky Harvey / Sophie Wyeth (Dragonflies)

Year 5

Sharon Barnes (Hedgehogs)

Joanne McCaffrey (Rabbits)

Year 6

Andrea Mearns (Golden Eagles)

Ian Cowper (Red Kites)

Learning and Achievement Base : Jennie Phillips, Maria Grace

SEN Administrators/ TA’s : Angela Hough, Jacki Dickens

Teaching Assistants

Shirley Brady, Lorraine Misdom,

Sharon Slaven, Hazel Wright, Misey Capell, Teresa Walker, Susan Harlow,

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Lorraine Marsland, Fiona Felce, Catherine Clifford

Sports Coach

Jarrod Pretorius

Language Assistant

Emilia Olczyk (maternity leave), Atinuke Adelowo

Midday Supervisors

Jeanette Cameron-Clarke, Catherine Clifford, Maria Grace,

Wendy Mawdsley, Mary Wright


Eileen Clifford, Catherine Clifford, Wendy Mawdsley, Jeanette Cameron-Clarke

Caretaker: Stephen Roe

Page 21: THE ACE TEAM We all achieve, create and enjoy because ... · THE ACE TEAM – We all achieve, create and enjoy because together everyone achieves more. Our vision will be achieved