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The 54 Names of GodAnd the Master Key to the Book of Life

byRev. James Bulls

“The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals – a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like Wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces.”–The Kybalion

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The 54 Names of God

The 54 Names of God copyright © James Oliver Buhls, 2011. Some rights reserved.

ISBN 978-1-257-05837-2

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Bulls, James Oliver. (2011). The 54 Names of God. Sault Ste. Marie: The Hermetic Fellowship of Friends (


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The 54 Names of God


The world is changing. The way we share information is changing. The Mystery Schools of antiquity have vanished, replaced by radical new technologies which favor greater dissemination of knowledge to greater numbers of people almost instantly. Leaders have risen to power on the wave of Aquarian technology, but so too have leaders fallen to the Aquarian lightning strike of unpredictable change and innovation.

For better or for worse, there are no more secrets – the apocalypse has already happened and an age of awakening and total awareness is upon us. I have chosen to make this text available in digital format at no cost so that it operates harmoniously within the Aquarian spirit now presiding, but that does not mean the text is free. In the Aquarian spirit of equity, if you find value in this text I ask that you return it: please visit or

and make a $5.00 donation as your way of saying thank-you. The Rule of Law is give and take: if you fairly take, it is appropriate that you fairly give.


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It is the reader's responsibility to review local laws and ordinances regarding divination and pastoral counseling through cartomancy. If you choose not to investigate these laws and how they may affect your use of cartomancy – that's your problem.

Be honest with others: unless you're a licensed professional in these respective fields, you have no business assuming the responsibilities of psychologists, mental health counselors, financial advisors, or estate planners. If you choose to assume such responsibilities, be aware that you may suffer severe legal penalties (not to mention the pain of your conscience.)

Be honest in your work: if you wouldn't peep in somebody's window, dig through their closets, or secretly listen in on their conversations, don't do those things with your cards either. It's rude to snoop around where you're not invited, so don't do it.

Be honest with yourself: card reading is best used only to gain spiritual insight and perspective into difficult matters and to aid one's spiritual growth and development. If you really have psychic abilities, then you should have no trouble catching dangerous criminals, preventing terrorist attacks, preparing for deadly disasters, finding missing children, playing the stock market, winning the lottery, or claiming the $1,000,000 prize offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation.


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I am an ordained minister of the International Metaphysical Ministry and registered Reiki master practitioner and teacher affiliated with the International Association of Reiki Professionals. I have practiced cartomancy since 1996 and practiced Reiki since 2008. I am the founder of Hermetic Reiki, author of 54 Names of God, master instructor of the Path, and pastor of the Hermetic Fellowship of Friends.

My primary goals are the unification of mind, body, and spirit; development of the 12 Noble Virtues of the Zodiac; application of the 7 Hermetic Laws; and observance of the 3 Essential Things: truth, beauty, and love. Come study with me at! I love to meet new people, learn new things, and work on exciting projects – contact me today at and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

This book is for you, Jen: I love you very much and I'm grateful that you allow me so much time to write – I couldn't have done it without you. This book is also for you, Evangeline: I used to think I was really smart, but you taught me humility and patience (you'll know what I mean when you get older.) Love and hugs,



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1. Introduction pg. 62. The Hermetic Law of Mentalism pg. 83. The Hermetic Law of Correspondence pg. 94. The Hermetic Law of Vibration pg. 125. The Hermetic Law of Polarity pg. 136. The Hermetic Law of Rhythm pg. 167. The Hermetic Law of Cause and Effect pg. 198. The Hermetic Law of Gender pg. 219. The Master Key pg. 2410. The Book of Love pg. 2711. The Book of Self pg. 3112. The Book of Change pg. 3613. The Book of Plenty pg. 4114. Inquiry pg. 4615. The Sacred Union pg. 4716. The Open Road pg. 4917. The Hand of God pg. 5118. The Millennium Clock pg. 53


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The greatest possible application of cartomancy is to gain spiritual or personal insight. By reading the cards as the microcosm of our very lives we gain objective insight into our own reality, needs, habits, desires, and paths (open, closed, or otherwise.) The magic of cartomancy is that – unlike astrology or numerology – it is different every time you read. I firmly believe regardless of one's astrological natal chart or numerological life path nothing may prevent one from exercising free agency. Indeed, the importance of free agency and one's ability to rise above base limitations and material stricture has always been at the front of my teaching philosophy.

Cartomancy and other occult sciences exist not to bring untold wealth and riches but to aid the practitioner in his efforts to escape the spiritual confines of the material world! Unlike the Gnostics I do not believe that the universe as we know it is an imperfect creation from which we must escape, but I do believe that our perception of it as place of base material and gross matter is a restriction we must escape. The degree to which we live harmoniously with and learn from the challenges and obstacles given to us is the degree to which we find harmony, spiritual enlightenment, and personal prosperity in our own lives on a daily basis.

As human society has grown and developed from the earliest tribes of prehistory to the incredible civilizations of the modern era, the greatest struggle is that of governance. Who will govern whom, and who shall sit on the highest throne and dictate to others so that social order may exist? Forms of governance both religious and secular have appeared through the ages: from simple social mores and taboos did grow the Code of Hammurabi and the Ten Commandments, and much later the great civil and criminal codes of modern civilization.

Always the belief has been that rules codified into laws make us safer, and to an extent I think that is true. I am grateful to law enforcement agencies who respond to emergencies and who guard our streets at night. I am grateful for the legal protections which permit me to make my work available for free in digital format without fear of losing losing ownership; however, I also believe that rules and laws make a poor substitute for a moral compass.


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The reason I believe most people choose to obey laws and behave in certain ways is because of the same threat given to children: if you choose this course of action, you will be sorely punished. In an ideal world, I believe people would choose to behave harmoniously because the understood that they are always free to choose their actions, but are never free to choose the consequences.

In a perfect world all people would be fully aware of the consequences of their actions – not just to others in an immediate sense, but also to the greater world community and their own spirit and spiritual progress. In a perfect world, all would know the consequences of their actions and choose to make the best choices which benefit the most people. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that there are people in this world who do not think about the consequences of their actions, or if so do not care how their actions affect others.

I can't say if ever a time will come when the laws and rules of society will no longer be enforced at the point of a gun, but I can say that the time is now for each of us to do our best to live as if that future has already arrived. The content you'll find in this book is neither a code nor is it a set of rules: it is the means by which you can gain the perspective and the knowledge to see the possible consequences of your actions and to gain the insight necessary to make the best choices for your spiritual growth.

No monarch dictates the rules to you, and no high court governs what is permitted. You learn perspective, become aware of the natural laws, know the best path for spiritual development, and because you see the possible consequences choose on your own to make the best choice for yourself. Following the Book of Life will never lead to violence, self-destruction, or extreme conflict – the enlightened student will choose to learn and apply the lessons in this book to live peacefully and naturally as he ascends the planes of existence within the infinite mind of THE ALL.

And even though it's not grammatically correct, to avoid the awkward “he or she,” “his or hers,” and “him or her,” I use only the masculine or the feminine but not both at once. This doesn't mean anything except that I'm a lazy typist.


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"THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental." — The Kybalion.

Seeker beware: reading is dangerous. Nations have risen and empires have fallen all from the reading of a book. Reading begets knowledge, knowledge begets insight, insight begets desire, desire begets action, action begets change. The greatest knowledge leads to the greatest change, and the greatest knowledge is held in the greatest mind: THE ALL, the one eternal spirit in whose mind all things exist. Outside of THE ALL there is nothing – THE ALL is everything that ever was, everything that is, and everything that ever will be. It is above base matter, transcends the boundaries of mortal life and death, and is the essence of life, vitality, and movement. THE ALL is your breath and awareness. It is both the anima and the animus – it is the life energy and one true reality. Nothing is outside of it, and everything is within. Just as a sleeper dreams into existence untold phantasy, so too does THE ALL mentally create all things within its own infinite mind. THE ALL is everything and is in everything: there is only one mind, one spirit, one reality.

The transcendent perfection of the infinite mind of THE ALL expresses total unity. Symbolic of the perfect, unified mind of THE ALL is the Book of Truth. The Book of Truth is written in just 54 pages, but its living, changing pages record the past, observe the present, and predict the future. When you open the Book of Truth, you read not the individual words of single moments but the annals of infinity. All that has been, is now, and ever will be is accessible to him who has learned to read the 54 pages of the Book of Life.


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"As above, so below; as below so above." — The Kybalion.

From the smallest to the largest, the grossest to the subtlest, the basest to the finest, and the lowest to the highest, all are connected. The masters did teach, do teach, and will teach that what is below is like that which is above, and that what is above is like that which is below. Nothing is solitary, nothing is disconnected: indeed, the very pattern of the stars in the Heavens and the passage of the greater lights through the window of eternity above map the same pattern of life and passage of movement on the Earth below. THE ALL exists within 12 sacred Houses, indeed in palaces the likes of which no mortal mind has yet exceeded.

The 1st House of the Self is the palace of one's physical appearance and exterior personality. It is the palace of the Ego, self, and identity. It is the place from which all beginnings are made – the noble virtue Initiative is engraved above the temple door!

The 2nd House is the House of Wealth. The 2nd House of Wealth is the palace of all material pleasures, all things of value both tangible and intangible, money, substantial property, and worth in whatever form it takes. It is the palace of consolidation and enjoyment – the noble virtue Patience is engraved above the temple door!

The 3rd House is the House of Communication. In the 3rd House of the Spirit are found brothers, sisters, siblings, experiential learning, and short travel. It is a place where equals exchange ideas and talk favorably of the future! It is the palace of the highest mind and the place where no words are discouraged – the noble virtue Honesty is engraved above the temple door!

The 4th House is the House of Family. It is the palace of the mother, all compassionate caregivers, and she who maintains the home. It is the palace of both beginnings and endings, the root and the death. The 4 th

House is the palace of natural rhythms and eternal cycles – the noble virtue Kindness is engraved above the temple door!

The 5th House is the house of Vanity. It is the palace of children, lovers, and others who depend on the gifts one has to bestow upon them. It


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is a house of pleasures, both the simple and the carnal. It is the very palace from which all creativity flows and the source of all creative inspiration – the noble virtue Integrity is engraved above the temple door!

The 6th House is the house of health. It is the palace of routine, habit, and schedule. The 6th House is the abode of the humble servant who gives to others with no thought of himself. One's work and daily occupation as well as practiced abilities all descend from the 6th House – the noble virtue of Modesty is engraved above the temple door!

The 7th House is the house of Partnership. It is the house of marriage, unions, partnerships, and all close, intimate relationships (both for good and for ill.) It is the house of dedicated friends and devoted enemies, as well as the house of agreement. All things done hand-in-hand appear in the 7th House of the Spirit – the noble virtue Compromise is engraved above the temple door!

The 8th House is the house of loss. It is the house of change, transition, loss, death, sex, and transformation. Shared wealth as well as shared loss live side by side! It is the palace of all occult powers – the noble virtue Discipline is engraved above the temple door!

The 9th House is the house of intellect. It is the house of optimism, hope for the future, and all things which broaden the mind to encompass greater awareness: religion, philosophy, higher education, and travel to distant lands. The 9th House is the palace of realization which teaches that all things share a common thread. Law, justice, morals, and all ethical behavior reside in the 9th House of the Spirit – the noble virtue Faith is engraved above the temple door!

The 10th House is the house of the victor. It is the palace of status, reputation, motivation, and goals. It is the palace of the father, and also authority and ambition – the noble virtue Effort is engraved above the temple door!

The 11th House is the house of friends. It is the palace where all those of shared desires congregate: clubs, social circles, gatherings, sacred brotherhoods, holy sisterhoods, and all groups appear here. The 11th House is also the home of teachers, guides, mentors, and those with lofty aspirations who wish to improve society by giving aid to others and promoting their hopes and wishes – the noble virtue Equity is engraved above the temple door!

The 12th House is the house of defeat. It is the palace of


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withdrawal, seclusion, isolation, and exile. It is the place where all unknown enemies gather and where all the traps one laid for oneself wait to spring. All manner of hidden activity is performed in the 11th House, but also all manner of self-sacrifice – the noble virtue Empathy is engraved above the temple door!

These 12 Houses, the palaces of the infinite mind and spirit of THE ALL, are the halls of eternity echoed in the mere 54 pages of the Book of Life.


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"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." — The Kybalion.

The great Hermetic Law of Vibration teaches the eternal truth that all things vibrate: from the basest to the finest all things are in motion. Even the solid granite is not still: at the atomic level it too dances to the song of THE ALL. Everything which exists, can be perceived, or is said to be real is a moving thought in the mind of THE ALL. The difference between the basest matter and the subtlest spirit is only the degrees of separation, the difference being that base matter vibrates slower than subtle spirit.

In obedience to the great Hermetic Law of Correspondence, the Book of Life illustrates the variations of subtleties of spiritual vibration. All which is written in the Book of Life is either cardinal, fixed, or mutable, and may be named as modalities. The cardinal modality is that of initiative, action, and movement. Cardinal vibration is the frequency of authority, power, and leadership! The fixed modality is that of consolidation, appreciation, and solidity. Fixed vibration is the frequency of industry, insistence, determination, and deep strength! The mutable modality is that of adaptability, transition, and cooperation. Mutable vibration is that of followers, transitions, changes, and segues from one period to the next! The Law of Vibration is simply stated but contains great truth: study with care.



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"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.— The Kybalion.

The great Hermetic Law of Polarity is the key to solving many riddles and reconciling what confounds the ages: it is the eternal truth that opposites are connected and that mutual opposition is the method by which the poles define themselves. Without dark, no light. Without doubt, no faith. Without greed, no love. Without inertia, no death. Without the void, no vitality. Without enmity, no friendship. Without the feminine, no masculine. The one on the left defines the one on the right, and vice versa. The great Hermetic Law of Mentalism teaches that all that is exists within the infinite mind of THE ALL: this is the truth that nothing is separate and all exists as One. The great Hermetic Law of Polarity teaches why, how, and for what reason nothing is separate and all exists as One. Without duality and the polarization between masculine and feminine we would experience no variety or variation of the spirit. Those who dichotomize THE ALL into gods and goddesses fall short and neglect the Hermetic Law of Mentalism but still succeed in grasping the Hermetic Law of Polarity: they understand that through the interplay of masculine and feminine is the substantial reality defined – THE ALL manifests as the sacred Anima and Animus!

Opposition is necessary in all things – at the level of the mental spirit but also at the level of gross matter and the raw elements of creation. THE ALL expresses this dichotomy in the Book of Life and its 54 Names as the Black and Red Jokers. Laugh not at THE ALL's designation as a Joker: Hermes of Greece, also Mercury of Rome, also the Thrice-great Trismegistus, is the trickster and holy jester who lowers the mighty and punishes prideful claims of perfection! None are above THE ALL – those who value themselves greater than the infinite are a wonderful joke indeed! At The End when THE ALL draws itself together and concludes this perception of reality, all the works of men will amount to a pile of salt


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– be not the joke of the Joker but the open ear to the Joker's laughter!Obedient to the great Hermetic Law of Vibration, the Law of

Polarity exists at all planes and variations of spirit: the cardinal modality opposes the mutable modality, and the fixed modality opposes other variations of the fixed modality. Obedient to the great Hermetic Law of Polarity, all which exists below THE ALL is divided between the four elements of creation: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. The masculine face of THE ALL is expressed within the elements of Air and Fire which are written into the Book of Life as the Spades and Clubs. The feminine face of THE ALL is expressed within the elements of Water and Earth which are written into the Book of Life as the Hearts and Diamonds. Even within the masculine and feminine halves of THE ALL does the Hermetic Law of Polarity operate: within the masculine elements, the element of Air is the passive masculine, and the element of Fire the Active masculine; within the female elements, Earth is the passive feminine, and Water the active feminine.

At the beginning, there is no division: THE ALL exists in perfect unity within the Book of Life and fully encompasses all of its 54 Names. At the first division, THE ALL exists as either masculine or feminine as expressed in the masculine Black Joker and the feminine Red Joker, the Anima and the Animus, respectively. At the second division, THE ALL exists as the four elements of creation laid in order from finest to grossest accordingly: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Air, the passive masculine, opposes Earth, the passive feminine; and Fire, the active masculine, opposes Water, the active feminine.

As it expresses the variety and variation of the spirit, the elements of creation find unity, friendship, neutrality, and hostility among themselves. By degrees the relations between the elements – unity, friendship, neutrality, and hostility – illuminate the polar connections and nuanced aspects of both the feminine and the masculine, as well as how and why those two poles join.

The active elements rise above the passive elements and in this opposition define and unite each other. Each element finds unity within itself and friendship with its neighbor of the same gender: Air with Fire, and Water with Earth. Each masculine element finds neutrality with the source feminine element from which it grew, and each feminine element finds neutrality with the risen masculine element which it birthed: Air with


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Water, and Fire with Earth. Each masculine child opposes the mother from which it could not descend, and each mother opposes the child it could not deliver: child Air opposes mother Earth, and child Fire opposes mother Water. Regardless of these relationships, all elements exist as one unified expression of life – absent any one, total unity between all elements and both poles of THE ALL is unattainable!




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"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."— The Kybalion.

The great Hermetic Law of Rhythm is the natural order and schedule in which all things move within the infinite mind of THE ALL. Like the ocean tides, the currents within THE ALL wax and wane according to their natural pattern. This numeric progression from the first through the tenth count numbers 40 of the 54 pages of the Book of Life and Names of God, and also names the natural swing of the pendulum: he who learns this pattern and identifies it within himself has learned much. The swing of the pendulum forward and back again across the span of the elements is counted and named as follows:

The first count is that of unity, harmony, and continuity. It is the source and a place of beginnings: like the primordial ocean in which all life developed, or the womb in which the fetus gestates and matures, the first count is marked by bounty, surplus, and the promise of unending tomorrows! The first count is the perfect unity and unbroken integrity of THE ALL. The first interval is written into the Book of Life as the Ace of Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds.

The second count is that of desire, curiosity, and productivity. It is self-awareness, demand, and independence! The second count is the fracture, division, and separation which pulls apart the perfect unity of the Ace and begins the creative process. The second count is written into the Book of Life as the 2 of Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds.

The third count is that of order, refinement, and perfection. The explosion of activity and the gross productivity in the second count is ordered in the third count: calmness prevails and all things take their respective place in the universe! What was created before is here improved, refined, polished, and perfected! The third count is written into the Book of Life as the 3 of Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds.

The fourth count is that of dedication, commitment, and


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determination. What was formed in the second count and refined in the third count does here in the fourth count elect a path and affirm its future. The fourth count is written into the Book of Life as the 4 of Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds.

The fifth count is that of potential, opportunity, and open roads. The whole world balances on a single decision: what choices will be made and how will they impact the traveler? The fifth count is the crossroads and a place of uncertain futures! The fifth count is written into the Book of Life as the 5 of Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds.

The sixth count is that of success, attainment, and generosity: what was chosen in the fifth count matures in the sixth count! The seeds were sown, the crops were grown, the harvest collected, and the bounty piled for all to see. The sixth count is that of personal satisfaction and prosperity! The sixth count is written into the Book of Life as the 6 of Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds.

The seventh count is that of teamwork, cooperation, and synthesis: development beyond the sixth count is now only possible by including others and learning to compromise one's own ambitions in favor of the community's interests. Much can be accomplished but the needs of the individual must be weighed against the needs of the many! The seventh count is written into the Book of Life as the 7 of Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds.

The eighth count is that of protection, defense, and community. What many hands have built together is now also protected and defended by the same! The eighth count resists change and desires nothing more than to keep all of what was earned – this is the count of resistance and reluctance! The eighth count is written into the Book of Life as the 8 of Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds.

The ninth count is the count of totality and completion: it is the fruition and fulfillment of all the counts which came before it! The ninth count is the time of review when one looks at what he has accomplished, but is also the time of finality when one must move forward with the fruit of his labors. The ninth count is written into the Book of Life as the 9 of Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds.

The tenth count is that of dissolution, transition, and final surrender: it is the count where all which was attained in the ninth count is put aside in order to pursue further growth! Growth and elimination work


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hand-in-hand and when the knowledge and lessons of the ninth count are assimilated, the remainder is cast off in preparation for the next journey. As a caterpillar grows and builds its chrysalis, it learns that the day will come that it must leave it all behind so that it may spread its wings and ascend to new heights. The tenth count is written into the Book of Life as the 10 of Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds.

The rhythmic count of the passage of time is the back-and-forth swing of the pendulum between the Masculine and the Feminine and is drawn as the sublime Enneagrammaton:

ANIMA2 9 46 1 87 5 3



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"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."— The Kybalion.

The great Hermetic Law of Cause and Effect is the truth that exchange between the elements of creation and the numeric passage of the pendulum-swing produce results: be these results favorable or hostile to your present circumstance is beside the point, the truth being that because all things are in motion and vibration and are moving according to the swing of the pendulum your perceived reality will always be subject to and affected by greater forces. The extent to which you are able to identify these forces and either work with them or move away from them is the extent to which you will apply this Law in your life and consequently create the reality you prefer.

When you find that the pendulum-swing strikes you badly, consult the Book of Life to identify its element, count, and modality: having done so you may now adjust yourself to express the proper element, count, and modality to create the change you wish to see. When the pendulum-swing acts against you, it is the cause and you are the effect; however, when you read properly the Book of Life and adjust yourself accordingly, you may rise above the effect to become the cause itself. Never mistake the effect for the cause: once you identify the cause, you may do with it as you wish to create any effect at will.

The Law of Cause and Effect defines the passage of time itself and illustrates the interplay between different planes of vibration. Identify the cause, predict the effect, and exist at the plane of vibration most suited to your goals! The Past is the only Truth: from the moment a thing is thought it has happened, and that which has happened is in the past. The Present is the only Beauty: all which exists is ephemeral, beauty is fleeting, and the only reality is found in the process of creation! The Future is made by Love: what we desire in both nobility and wickedness shall come to pass, therefore it is up to each of us to choose our desires wisely. May the


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Future become a work of Love reflected in the Beauty of the Present which turns eternal Truth cemented in the Past!

ANIMAPast Truth Cardinal

Present Beauty FixedFuture Love Mutable



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"Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles Gender; manifests on all planes."— The Kybalion.

The great Hermetic Law of Gender is the spiritual intercourse of opposing elements and the creation of all variety and variations of life. The element of Air (the passive masculine) and the element of Earth (the passive feminine) sit at the far left and right ends of the balance of the spirit and are the female source of all generative and regenerative properties.

The element of Air is the very breath of life itself, the mind, the spirit, and the presence of THE ALL in its finest, most subtle state. Opposite the element of Air is the element of Earth: it is the gross, base manifestation of creation and is the material perception of reality. It is the fertile bed which sustains life and the tangible substance which imparts form and depth. The element of Air invites transcendence, whereas the element of Earth grounds the mind and focuses it on the practical and the mundane.

Between the Air and Earth are the elements of Fire and Water: Fire, the active masculine, and Water, the active feminine. The element of Fire is the expression of finite mind and the mortal awareness which begs education, learned knowledge, and adventure – it is the hot vital energy of mortality! The element of Water is the vacuum and the void, it is the vessel into which extroverted Fire inserts itself! Where Fire and Water come together is the place where all opposites unite and all creation occurs. At the level of perceived reality, this is evident in the creative union between mortals: be these mortals men coupled with women, men coupled with men, or women coupled with women, the creation is not of the gross physical but of the fine spiritual – all creation is a product of mental activity!

THE ALL expresses itself through 12 mortal faces, these being written into the Book of Life as the Jack, Queen, and King of Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds. Those faces of the masculine half of THE ALL are the pages, fathers, and sages; and those faces of the feminine half


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of THE ALL are the maidens, mothers, and crones. The 12 mortal faces of THE ALL possess unique characters and individual identities but do share common traits.

The essential qualities of the Jacks, Queens, and Kings are found in the fixed modalities, and their variable attributes found in the cardinal and mutable modalities. The cardinal modalities are named the Hero, and mutable modalities the Shadow aspect. Neither the Hero nor the Shadow aspects may be simply classified as either “good” or “bad:” they are simply variable character traits which may only be judged according to the degree of either harmony or discord they create in relation to other elements present. In the presence of friendly and complementary elements, the 12 mortal faces of THE ALL express their heroic qualities; and when in the presence of neutral or hostile elements, the 12 mortal faces of THE ALL express their shaded qualities.

The essential quality of the pages and maidens of THE ALL, also called the Jacks, is the sixth count: pride, ego, satisfaction, and personal prosperity. The pages and maidens of THE ALL do not yet appreciate limited resources and imagine in their youth that they possess all the answers within them – which can in itself be its own form of magic. In their Hero aspect, the pages and maidens of THE ALL wax strong in their ambitions and desire to create their own world through independence and willpower. In their Shadow aspect, the sons and daughters of THE ALL look for others to lead them: they ask for direction, neglect their own goals, and let others' interests and desires carry them along. The Jacks are the natural rulers of the 2nd, 6th, and 7th counts of the Law of Rhythm.

The essential quality of the fathers and mothers of THE ALL, also called the Queens, is the first count: agreement, continuity, and harmony. The fathers and mothers of THE ALL do not yet fully recognize the immanence and frailty of mortality, but they are aware that somebody must work to achieve peace and plenty for all despite material limitations. In their Hero aspect, the fathers and mothers of THE ALL express the ninth count: they work to find peace with what they have and move forward with what they've attained. They have grown and know that it is necessary to live with a greater degree of patience than the pages and maidens of THE ALL. In their Shadow aspect, the fathers and mothers of THE ALL grow dissatisfied: they preoccupy themselves with thoughts of what could have been, what might be, and instead of taking action spend


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their hours imagining how to alter the direction of their futures. The Queens are the natural rulers of the 9th, 1st, and 5th counts of the Law of Rhythm.

The essential quality of the sages and crones of THE ALL, also called the Kings, is the eighth count: communal achievement, strength, and reluctance to change. The sages and crones of THE ALL know full well the frail limits of mortal reality and work hard to protect and preserve all that they've attained. Their wealth is not just in material goods, but also in relationships, knowledge, and spiritual power! In their Hero aspect, the sages and crones of THE ALL are firmly settled in their life path: they are aware of who they are, what they've accomplished, and also of their limitations. The sages and crones have devoted themselves to a single interest even to the point of cutting themselves off from other paths! In their Shadow aspect, the sages and crones are compelled to make, create, or impose order not just on their own environment but also on the environment of others. More, they fail to accomplish real movement and instead spend their time organizing, re-organizing, refining, perfecting, and re-ordering that which they have previously accomplished. The Kings are the natural rulers of the 4th, 8th, and 3rd counts of the Law of Rhythm.




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Once in possession of the 7 Hermetic Laws, the seeker has only begun to learn the language of the Book of Life and the means by which its knowledge is translated from the tongues of Angels to the words of Men. The method by which the seeker unlocks the gates before the Temple of God is the Master Key, but woe to him who expects to find a mundane key of brass and copper! The Master Key is no material thing created by the hands of mortals but a Mental creation of the illuminated Mind – it is both the Key and the Lock!

The Master Key is complete within itself: there is nothing more outside of it – all that ever was, is, and will be is contained within it! As above, so below, and as below, so above: the 12 Great Houses of THE ALL reside within the Master Key and welcome the seeker who grasps the truth of it! All variations and expressions of the Spirit appear within the Master Key: the cardinal, fixed, and mutable are the handle, shaft, and head of the one key which opens all doors! The Master Key is formed with the very elements of creation: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth were formed in by the Master Smith in the forge of the Infinite Mind and bathed in the Quintessence! 12 noble mortals waited 10 holy days: with the passage of day into night and back again, each in turn smiled upon the Master Key. What the seeker unlocks with the Master Key may never again be sealed: it is the Supreme Cause known by few but whose Effects are felt by all!

Seeker beware: reading is dangerous. Nations have risen and empires have fallen all from the reading of a book. Reading begets knowledge, knowledge begets insight, insight begets desire, desire begets action, action begets change. Do not grasp the Master Key to turn the lock upon the gates of the Temple of God and think nothing will come of it!


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Behold the Master Key, the answer to all riddles

and the key to the Temple of God:

ANIMAAIR Jack Queen King FIREPast 2 9 4 CardinalPresent 6 1 8 FixedFuture 7 5 3 Mutable


The Master Key exists in perfect balance, for if otherwise it could not be the answer to all riddles – it is the microcosm of the World in which all is revealed! All that exists is between the Masculine and Feminine poles of THE ALL, the Masculine Anima and the Feminine Animus – the Quintessence and very spirit of the Divine! The four elements of creation form the body of the Master Key and preside at the four corners: Masculine Air and Fire above, Feminine Water and Earth below. Arrayed as they are, they stand side-by-side in friendship, one above the other in neutrality, and at the diagonals in enmity.

The Master Key is the key to all locks, no matter the plane or time of existence: the past, present, and future correspond to the cardinal, fixed, and mutable modes of Spiritual vibration. What has already happened is in the Past; what is fixed is the true Present; and change is the only path to the Future. Two triplicities – the past, present, and future; and the cardinal, fixed, and mutable – form the third triplicity: Truth, Beauty, and Love. What has already happened is true; what exists is beautiful; and the path we travel is formed by love: be careful whom and what you adore.


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The 12 noble, mortal faces of THE ALL are divided into two groups: one the masculine, and one the feminine. The masculine mortal faces of THE ALL are the Jacks, Queens, and Kings of Spades and Clubs and they reside in partnership with the elements of Air and Fire. The feminine mortal faces of THE ALL are the Jacks, Queens, and Kings of Hearts and Diamonds and they reside in partnership with the elements of Water and Earth. All 12 mortal faces of THE ALL stand as they did on the first day to watch the pendulum swing through the process of Creation: 10 measures of the swing of the pendulum in all rows and columns add to 15, that being the first count of Unity and the fifth count of Opportunity, and taken together form the sixth count of satisfaction and prosperity: for God looked on what he created and it was good.


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The first chapter of the Book of Life is the Book of Love. The Book of Love is the tangible expression of the element of Air! The breath of life breathed into the mortal body by THE ALL is the very breath we share! Upon this breath is carried the mutual thread of unity with which is sewn the tapestry of friendship. The Book of Love grows from the Book of Change, feeds the Book of Self, and restrains the Book of Plenty. The Book of Love is the book of cardinal, fixed, and mutable Air: the 7th, 11th, and 3rd Houses of THE ALL preside here!

The 1st count of the Book of Love is written as the Ace of Spades: the source of friendship, the place of infinite knowledge, and the residence of helpful mentors. From equity is derived Spiritual prosperity! The wise teacher shares his infinite equity with others regardless of their ability to return payment. The wise student associates himself with groups who will positively contribute to his growth! Ultimately, the student and teacher find great knowledge and insight in pursuit of their aspirations together.

The 2nd count of the Book of Love is written as the 2 of Spades: personal desire, interest in another, and the first hand extended to the first partner! The student studying with his mentor realizes the existence of others and what they offer: a new adventure, a new teacher, and also a new invitation to new kingdoms. The scholarly unity of the 1st count is replaced by curious exploration and mutual compromise in search of new boundaries! The student learns the first application of the Law of Gender: the finest creations are produced by two like minds. Though the student moves further from the Source and closer to conflict the farther he progresses from the 1st count, he gains freedom, independence, and the right to choose his partners and the people with whom he associates.

The 3rd count of the Book of Love is written as the 3 of Spades: calm speech, ordered thought, and clear understanding. What the student hastily produced in the 2nd count is now refined in the 3rd count where he honestly appraises himself and the connections previously made. Partnerships formed feel more like family ties, and formerly romantic interests soften to be regarded as brothers, sisters, and friends. The mutable Spirit of the 3rd count of the Book of Love eschews egoic inflation and false values – it throws open the windows of the Temple of God to


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cast light on shadows of mania and confusion! The honest changes made during the 3rd count of the Book of Love clarify that which was produced during the 2nd count and prepare the student for the 4th count!

The 4th count of the Book of Love is written as the 4 of Spades: here the seeker finds devoted partners, long commitments, and determined agreements. The clarity and honesty achieved in the 3rd count make way for the student to make an informed decision regarding the path he walks and who he walks it with. Long-term compromise is the key to happy long-term growth!

The 5th count of the Book of Love is written as the 5 of Spades: it is honest words spoken in the hope of something more. If I am honest with you, and you are honest with me, and we both share our knowledge equally there will be none among us who could predict the new paths we would create!

The 6th count of the Book of Love is written as the 6 of Spades: it is the satisfaction of achieved equity and the spiritual prosperity which comes from what one has to offer others! The 6th count of the Book of Love is the happiness of teachers who – secure in their own skills, knowledge, and abilities – confidently give themselves to others.

The 7th count of the Book of Love is written as the 7 of Spades: it is the natural consequence of the open exchange in the 5th count and the confidence of the 6th count! The confident student of the 6th count acts on the possibilities of the 5th count and joins with others to attain a common goal! The 7th count unites many people behind a common message and those who are honest with themselves and others may find they learn the most valuable knowledge of all.

The 8th count of the Book of Love is written as the 8 of Spades: it is the count of community, the value of many over one, and the guard before the gates of the library of knowledge! What was discussed in the 5th

count, made possible by the 6th count, and achieved in the 7th count is now protected and defended in the 8th count – what many hands built together is invested with great equity! The community will not uproot itself, and no teacher possessed of status and position will easily undo what he has gained – beware the measures to which authorities will go to defend the fruit of their Mind!

The 9th count of the Book of Love is written as the 9 of Spades: what began in the 2nd count and matured in the 4th count has reached its


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apex in the 9th count! Partnerships begun have now completed, relationships created are now cemented, and all which has been attained is all that will be attained. More can be had beyond the 9 th count, but only after prior foundations are dissolved. For now, the 9th count is the truth that totality and completion are only possible through compromise and that unless one is willing to undo the past then no further growth can happen. The 9th count's cardinal spirit moves ever into the future, but also ever looks over its shoulder wondering what else could have been.

The 10th count of the Book of Love is written as the 10 of Spades: it is the means by which all that was attained in the 1st through 9th counts of the Book of Love are passed into the void! The 10th count is the end of words – it is the final conversation in which bonds to others are cut, the Book of Love is closed, and the Book of Self is opened!

Three of the 12 mortal faces of THE ALL are written into the Book of Love: they are the Jack, Queen, and King of Spades. These three mortal faces are of the masculine Anima and express the noble virtues of compromise, equity, and honesty.

The first mortal face of THE ALL as expressed in the Book of Love is the Jack of Spades. This is a confident, satisfied man who finds within himself the greatest teacher of all. He is confident of his abilities and certain that he is able to help others. In his Hero aspect, he is eager to meet new people, form new connections, and build bridges to further his aspirations. In his Shadow aspect, the Jack of Spades loses focus and surrenders his initiative to others: he expects others to take the lead and neglects his own personal desires – he ceases to be a true individual and permits himself to be carried along by others! The Jack of Spades is the natural ruler of the 2, 6, and 7 of Spades. Where the 2nd, 6th, and 7th counts of the Book of Love appear, they are the direct influence of the Jack of Spades!

The second mortal face of THE ALL as expressed in the Book of Love is the Queen of Spades. This is a man whose primary concern is maintaining longevity and continuity: he works tirelessly to provide for others and ensure that each receives respect and equitable treatment. Freedom of information is the highest aspiration! In his Hero aspect, he finds contentment: because he respects the equity of all, he sees no reason to impose his will on others. He carries forward seeing all others as whole and complete as himself, but also restrains his desire to interfere. In his


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Shadow aspect, he is consumed by regret and often wonders what could have been or what he might have created had he been more intrusive or altered the continuum. What should he have done? What could he have done? What else might have happened? What else could yet happen? In his nervous mania he forgets others and neglects the tender relationships he previously kept so close to his heart. The Queen of Spades is the natural ruler of the 9, Ace, and 5 of Spades. Where the 9th, 1st, and 5th

counts of the Book of Love appear, they are the direct influence of the Queen of Spades!

The third mortal face of THE ALL as expressed in the Book of Love is the King of Spades. This is a man of influence and intangible wealth, a man who knows and is known by many. He is the cornerstone of his community and wants very much to keep it that way: both the community as it is but also himself where he is. He is resistant to new ideas and reluctant to offer his advice, but always willing to help and support his friends. In his Hero aspect, he is a committed partner and somebody whose support will never be doubted. Once he speaks his mind or makes his choice, the issue is settled: there's no going back, both for better and for worse. In his Shadow aspect, the King of Spades becomes defensive and feels the need to explain himself. He won't change his course of action without extreme pressure and he will justify to himself and others and the choices he has made. The King of Spades is the natural ruler of the 4, 8, and 3 of Spades. Where the 4th, 8th, and 3rd counts of the Book of Love appear, they are the direct influence of the King of Spades!

Beware in your kindness that you don't give yourself away entirely: inconsiderate flames will consume all the breath you're willing to breathe and give nothing in return but a request for more. Exhausting your breath will leave you with no foundation except the watery abyss and the dark night of the soul. Choose the things you bring into your life wisely, for they will define you both for good and for ill.


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The second chapter of the Book of Life is the Book of Self. The Book of Self is the tangible expression of the element of Fire! The spark of Fire within the burning breast is fed by the breath of life fanned into us by THE ALL. Absent the burning spirit of vitality and self-awareness, there is nothing for the breath of life to animate! Together with the Book of Love, the Book of Self is the full expression of extroverted and projected life Spirit! The Book of Self grows from the Book of Plenty, is fed by the Book of Love, and restrains the Book of Change. The Book of Self is the book of cardinal, fixed, and mutable Fire: the 1st, 5th, and 9th

Houses of THE ALL preside here!The 1st count of the Book of Self is written as the Ace of Clubs: it

is the unending Fire of confidence and bottomless well of happiness. He who resides in the Ace of Clubs is he who burns brighter, longer, and with greater intensity than any other! His is the glory of the noon-day Sun and untiring stamina! The radiance of the Ace of Clubs shines brightly on children and welcomes the loving hands of intimacy. The beauty created by the Ace of Clubs is that of the fully animate Self – its works of art are to be appreciated by others and made for the benefit of those ready to receive them!

The 2nd count of the Book of Self is written as the 2 of Clubs: it is the pure Ego and the joy of living! Be not carried away by the exuberance of the 2 of Clubs: it is residence of the Demiurge, before whom nothing exists and after whom nothing is as important. When passing through the 2nd House of the Divine, live fully and in the moment, but remember that the Fire which burns before all others is the first to be extinguished. Use the 2nd House of the Divine as the place to make your self and your identity in that which you desire – you are both the creator and the creation!

The 3rd count of the Book of Self is written as the 3 of Clubs: after the jubilant eruption of the 2 of Clubs subsides, the 3 of Clubs reveals what more exists beyond the first realization of Self! The seeker having established his identity in the 2nd count recognizes the length and breadth of his initial creations and puts them in order. The 3 of Clubs is the seeker's first effort to achieve balance and understanding – both with that


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which he has created but also with that which he discovers outside of himself!

The 4th count of the Book of Self is written as the 4 of Clubs: it is both the commitment and the covenant the seeker makes to and with himself. Fully aware of the scale of his own works but also with where he does and doesn't fit into the works of others, the seeker selects an identity and moves forward with firm determination in his selection.

The 5th count of the Book of Self is written as the 5 of Clubs: the seeker who walks firmly in his chosen path naturally wonders what he may have left behind and feels attraction to those things he has not yet attained! As the sheep will ask if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, so too will the seeker wonder what knowledge he may gain from stepping off his chosen path and selecting a new direction. The world is full of limitless opportunities – how might the future be different if the second path was chosen instead of the first? The seeker expands his knowledge and gains greater appreciation for himself when he considers where he could have gone, where he is now, and how other paths might improve his present direction.

The 6th count of the Book of Self is written as the 6 of Clubs: the seeker who has considered his place in the world through the 3rd count, chosen his place in the world in the 4th count, and gained an appreciation for the full opportunities offered by others even in faraway lands in the 5th

count gains self-confidence and integrity in the 6th count. Like the 1st

count, the 6th count expresses constancy and fiery joy, but here only the joy of the individual self! The seeker's happy face reflects the inner joy he gains from the attention given to him by others and the kind deeds he does for friends and lovers – the word in his mouth is that of thanks, gratitude, and eager service to others.

The 7th count of the Book of Self is written as the 7 of Clubs: the seeker's confidence and exuberance grow into a Fire of change! The self-confidence and exuberance gained in the 6th count teaches the seeker to identify those same qualities in others and as an extension to see that many adepts of the 6th count may together create great change in the 7th count. Many hands make light work and those voices which speak the greatest message together express the same unified truth! Individual identities may lose their solitary egoic message in the process, but one beautiful voice will certainly rise above the din of individual desires.


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The 8th count of the Book of Self is written as the 8 of Clubs: holy sorority and sacred fraternity exist side-by-side in the 8th count where husbands and wives, parents and children, artists and creators stand hand-in-hand to defend the communities, families, and prides wrought by their collective hand. All pleasure and happiness can be found within their borders – facing no threat to their security from the outside, wrathful ego and individual lust are easily restrained. None who find loving hands, appreciative hearts, and accepting ears would find need for violence and anger!

The 9th count of the Book of Self is written as the 9 of Clubs: the seeker is complete within himself! The identity he crafted in the 2nd count, ordered in the 3rd count, and to which he committed himself in the 4th

count gained perspective in the 5th count and confidence in the 6th count so that he could learn to accept others' knowledge and views in the 7th count. The mutual understanding and cooperation of the 7th count built the community of the 8th count in whose protective, loving arms the self-awareness and identity of the seeker grew to maturity and full stature. The seeker reaches his apex – he can go no further unless he is willing to undo his mind and break apart the very foundation on which he established himself!

The 10th count of the Book of Self is written as the 10 of Clubs: the end is nigh! The seeker having traveled the length of the Book of Self learns precisely for how little his knowledge counts – he knows certainly the words of the sage who wrote, “what has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the Sun.” The doors of the temple close and the tree of knowledge burns to the ground – but be not afraid! The door will be built again, and the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil will bloom once more, but neither the door nor the tree appear as they were before: the seeker must decide if he will walk the new path or if he will lay down his rucksack and conclude his travels.

Three of the 12 mortal faces of THE ALL are written into the Book of Self: they are the Jack, Queen, and King of Clubs. These three mortal faces are of the masculine Anima and express the noble virtues of initiative, integrity, and faith.

The first mortal face of THE ALL as expressed in the Book of Self is the Jack of Clubs. This is a man who believes his word is his bond, but


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he is short-sighted and easily forgets others' needs. Despite his short-comings, he is kind-hearted, good-intentioned, and lives to be of service to others. In his Hero aspect, he is a jubilant eruption of the Self: he is both his creator and creation! His confidence and belief in his own abilities lead him to believe he may accomplish anything, but also fool him into overestimating his strength. In his Shadow aspect, the Jack of Clubs surrenders his own desires and prefers the direction of the collective: he still expresses great strength and creates change, but instead of accomplishing his own goals he plays as a member of a team to accomplish the goals of others – many hands working as one achieve insight inaccessible to the individual! The Jack of Clubs is the natural ruler of the 2, 6, and 7 of Clubs. Where the 2nd, 6th, and 7th counts of the Book of Self appear, they are the direct influence of the Jack of Clubs!

The second mortal face of THE ALL as expressed in the Book of Self is the Queen of Clubs whose chivalry knows no bounds. He is passionate in his love, strong of heart, and would give all that he has to provide for the widows and orphans of the world. His is the rising Sun and the harvest plenty! As long as there are others to thank him for his efforts his strength shall never wane. In his Hero aspect, he is a patient man not easily tempted into over-reaching himself – the Queen of Clubs responds, “I am what I am and that's all that I am!” In his shadow aspect, the Queen of Clubs regrets the choices he didn't make and the paths he didn't travel: he accomplishes very little and spends his time wondering what might have been and what other people have which he has failed to grasp. The Queen of Clubs is the natural ruler of the 9, Ace, and 5 of Clubs. Where the 9th, 1st, and 5th counts of the Book of Self appear, they are the direct influence of the Queen of Clubs!

The third mortal face of THE ALL as expressed in the Book of Self is the King of Clubs, a man of restraint with a wounded heart. The King of Clubs is proud of his family – tangible, intangible, real, or imagined – and is willing to defend them at any cost. He is capable of restraining his pride and ego to a degree not attained by the Jack and Queen of Clubs, but the hard shield with which he defends himself may also crack under duress – if so, he may erupt violently! Both the King's rigidity and restraint stem from his Hero aspect in which he is totally devoted to his path and strongly vested in his interests – he would rather be wrong than to be inconsistent! In his Shadow aspect, the King of Clubs continues to


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maintain his position: if he walks into the town square naked and causes a stir, he will proceed to educate the masses as to the fine attire he wears. Even unto his destruction and the terror of others the King is never wrong! The King of Clubs is the natural ruler of the 4, 8, and 3 of Clubs. Where the 4th, 8th, and 3rd counts of the Book of Self appear, they are the direct influence of the King of Clubs!

Beware how you live: the unchecked vital flame of the Self may become a cancer that consumes others' breath. Obsession with oneself and ignorance of others burns away cool, watery sensitivities, and slowly but surely degrades one's material resources. Do not let a flame grow larger than is safe or else find yourself caught up in the firestorm.


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The third chapter of the Book of Life is the Book of Change. The Book of Change is the tangible expression of the element of Water! The melting ice under the waxing Sun feeds the primordial wellspring of life, the very womb of all creation. This simmering cauldron is both the beginning and the end of life: fear the Great Flood's destruction, but also give thanks for the renewal that follows! The Book of Change gives foundation to the Book of Love and restrains the Book of Self – The Book of Change is the book of cardinal, fixed, and mutable Water: the 4st, 8th, and 12th Houses of THE ALL preside here!

The 1st count of the Book of Change is written as the Ace of Hearts: it is the bottomless vortex in whose centrifugal forces all artificial, cosmetic, and superficial devices are stripped away. In the words of a great warrior-philosopher, “It's not about daily increase, it's about decrease – hack away the unessential!” Another sage famously proclaimed, “He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it.” The Divine exists only within your very thoughts – abandon your false self, be cleansed in the 1st count of the Book of Change, and find that which is true and eternal in what remains after the flood!

The 2nd count of the Book of Change is written as the 2 of Hearts: after the 1st count strips away all that was previously attained, the seeker must create her home anew in the 2nd count. In the emptiness the seeker must act quickly to recover her base or else suffer the privation of the void; likewise, the seeker must act to care for the destitute and those unable to care for themselves – in the waters of creation, all are one and the hand extended to the drowning woman is the hand the seeker extends to herself!

The 3rd count of the Book of Change is written as the 3 of Hearts: this is the order the seeker creates within herself. Following the exodus from the void of the 1st count and the rescue efforts of the 2nd count, the 3rd

count is the seeker's first opportunity to calm her mind and face the fears which remain. The seeker in the 3rd count does not conquer her fears or remove them from her life but simply acknowledges their presence in her life. The first step to avoiding a trap is knowing that it is there: in the 3 rd

count the seeker observes the dangers around her and takes the first steps


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to ensure she remembers where they are.The 4th count of the Book of Change is written as the 4 of Hearts:

the only constant in the Book of Life is rhythm and vibration – nothing rests, everything is in motion. The 4th count is the seeker's conscious decision to plant roots despite the certain knowledge that all she'll attain will soon be taken from her: the home she makes for her life is also the hospice she makes for her death! The roots planted by the seeker will be certainly ripped out by the hands of fate, but from the wound created grows compassion for the wounded and the awareness that what was once begun and undone can be begun again.

The 5th count of the Book of Change is written as the 5 of Hearts: the acknowledged enemies of the 3rd count are not what they appear! The seeker given time in the 4th count to reflect on her travels sees the remnant dangers of the void not as threats to her very security but as the keys to the next great stage of evolution. In her fear of the unknown she believes these keys to be knives of despair brought against her by varied foes, but in the 5th count she discovers the truth that the only enemies are the ones within herself and that she has been holding the secret to her own transformation all along.

The 6th count of the Book of Change is written as the 6 of Hearts: the seeker willingly casts away what she no longer requires and finds within her self the permanence she sought all along! She revels in her own simultaneous destruction and rebirth, the process being of her own discipline and the knowledge being that all she was, is, and will ever be descends from within her. The mother dies to birth the child, but the child is the mother herself reborn! No greater satisfaction is to be had than to be at peace with one's natural transitions.

The 7th count of the Book of Change is written as the 7 of Hearts: having unmasked the previously feared enemies of the 3rd count and seen them for what they are in the 5th count, the seeker becomes one with her Shadow. Her united spirit consciously navigates the waters of the unconscious – hidden enemies come into the light and past foes become present allies! The 7th count is that of many minds praying together under the admonition of Henry Cornelius Agrippa who taught, “Now that is the best prayer, which is not uttered in words, but that which with a religious silence and sincere cogitation is offered up to God.”

The 8th count of the Book of Change is written as the 8 of Hearts:


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the raging floods and hidden enemies of the 1st through 7th counts serve no purpose than to teach the seeker to harness the same indomitable powers of transition for her own! Having emerged from the vortex of the 1st count, the seeker creates firmament in the 2nd count to shelter her from the terrors of the 3rd count. Deciding to endure the certain ravages of time the seeker renews her firmament in the 4th count to gift herself the perspective in the 5th count and unmask the externalized faces of her own Shadow. In the 6th

count she willingly casts away her firmament in order to mount and saddle the night-mares of her soul in the 7th count.

The 8th count is that of the great master, the seeker who has internalized the forces of change present in the 1st through 7th counts: she opens her third eye, sits firmly on the tower of her own creation, and casts her gaze upon the world around her. She has gained the supreme power to still the forces of chaos and fix her reality to single point in time! But oh seeker of the 8th count, fall not victim to the lure of supreme spiritual power: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Use this power to do the tasks which have been charged to you, and surrender the 8th count or suffer the consequences which come from disobedience to the Law of Rhythm.

The 9th count of the Book of Change is written as the 9 of Hearts: the seeker's work is done and she herself is the very foundation she thought was taken from her in the 1st count! She has been here all along – true permanence is an illusion, and the deeds she does for others are the reality! She can be the alpha and the omega – her loving arms both create and undo her own reality and that of others! Home is where the heart is, and the heart is where her mind directs it to be.

The 10th count of the Book of Change is written as the 10 of Hearts: the seeker no longer has any need for secrets or hiding herself away from the world! She has defeated all the false enemies within her because she knows now that she herself was their very progenitor! Having gone into the recesses of her spirit, she discovers that she is exactly within as she is without – there is nothing for her to hide because it has been here all along. She surrenders her secret places, makes peace with her enemies, and knows that she and she alone is the only force which may undo her. Exit the shadows, enter the light, and embrace the open spirit!

Three of the 12 mortal faces of THE ALL are written into the Book of Change: they are the Jack, Queen, and King of Hearts. These three


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mortal faces are of the feminine Animus and express the noble virtues of kindness, discipline, and empathy.

The first mortal face of THE ALL as expressed in the Book of Change is the Jack of Hearts. The Jack of Hearts is the daughter of surrender who rides the waves of personal transformation – no matter what changes around her and within her, she ever retains the awareness that she creates herself anew each morning. Just as she creates herself day in and day out, in her Hero aspect she readily creates her home from whatever she finds at hand. In her Shadow aspect, the Jack of Hearts cloisters with others in holy silence: hand-in-hand together in holy sisterhood the Jack of Hearts and her sisters shall enter into the Spirit to accomplish commonly what none may achieve singularly. The Jack of Hearts fears commitment and definition, favoring instead the freedom of unbounded self-purification. The Jack of Hearts is the natural ruler of the 2, 6, and 7 of Hearts. Where the 2nd, 6th, and 7th counts of the Book of Change appear, they are the direct influence of the Jack of Hearts!

The second mortal face of THE ALL as expressed in the Book of Change is the Queen of Hearts. The Queen of Hearts is the great purifier and harbinger of the great flood – she rides her stately carriage atop the waves of change to fell the towers of men and awaken the sleepers blinded by the fires of idolatrous self-worship. Her fell hand is feared by the short-sighted who built themselves on the mere material, but welcomed by those who seek the cleansing flood and purification of true harmony. In her Hero aspect, the Queen of Hearts is patient in her care and love for others – she has always been the great mother and provider, and knows that there is time for her to accomplish all she desires. In her Shadow aspect, the Queen of Hearts fails to appreciate the urgency of now. Deafened by her imagination, she dwells in thought while her pleading children are washed away by the river of time. The Queen of Hearts is the natural ruler of the 9, Ace, and 5 of Hearts. Where the 9th, 1st, and 5th counts of the Book of Change appear, they are the direct influence of the Queen of Hearts!

The third mortal face of THE ALL as expressed in the Book of Change is the King of Hearts. The King of Hearts is the dam against which the floodwaters lash in vain. She resists the vortex, stoppers the flood, and grants a blessed if illusory reprieve to those cast upon the ocean. In her Hero aspect, she commits herself to the preservation of others and protecting the wounded – she will even allow those in her care


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to believe they have truly escaped the dark night of the soul. In her Shadow aspect, the King of Hearts speeds her hands to preserve the illusion she built for herself and others. No matter how many fingers she uses to plug the holes in the fabric of reality, it must eventually come crashing down upon her and those who believed in her promise of unending safety. The King of Hearts is the natural ruler of the 4, 8, and 3 of Hearts. Where the 4th, 8th, and 3rd counts of the Book of Change appear, they are the direct influence of the King of Hearts!

Beware that you don't drown amid the waters of change: the fluid spirit of transformation may fool the novice seeker into extinguishing her the vital personality in favor of languid expectation. The waters of the great vortex may hasten the movement of Earth and promote material change, but they will also dissolve whatever foundation you may possess leaving you with no choice except to cry out to others for a hand in the darkness. Change happens that progress may occur – when the flood recedes, immediately step out into the new world!


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The second chapter of the Book of Life is the Book of Plenty. The Book of Plenty is the tangible expression of the element of Earth! The Book of Plenty gives foundation to the Book of Self and restrains the Book of Love. The Book of Plenty is the book of cardinal, fixed, and mutable Earth: the 2nd, 6th, and 10th Houses of THE ALL preside here!

The 1st count of the Book of Plenty is written as the Ace of Diamonds: the seeker's larder is stocked to full and the days of plenty are without end! The farmer harvests his crops in the morning, and each evening they again grow to full. The days of pleasure and prosperity reign supreme – cattle grow fat, children sup on milk and honey, and parents savor the intimate company of each other's arms. Now is the time to sow the seeds of industry – woe to her who finds herself in possession of wealth but not the sense to apply it to her future security!

The 2nd count of the Book of Plenty is written as the 2 of Diamonds: if you want something done you have to do it yourself! The 2nd

count of the Book of Plenty is the captain of industry – blessed is she who takes action and creates for herself the very path others believe is outside their reach. Reach out your hand, daughters of THE ALL, and pluck the fruit from the fabled tree – nobody will give you what you don't take for yourself! The cows sit fat in the pasture, the children laze in their beds, and the lure of physical pleasure disables the willpower of lesser men. Know, o sacred daughter, that it is within your power to create your own wealth only if you are willing to expend your foundation and leave the Eden of the 1st count!

The 3rd count of the Book of Plenty is written as the 3 of Diamonds: the harmony of the 1st count is broken by the industry and self-interest of the 2nd count – now here in the 3rd count the seeker must order her dealings and achieve for herself the perfection and security she lost after departing the collective. All dealings follow the swing of the pendulum – patiently rest, eagerly pursue, and now modestly live. No farmer would plow fields in the dark, and no seeker on her path to greatness would ignore the need to look after herself and her accomplishments.

The 4th count of the Book of Plenty is written as the 4 of


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Diamonds: the perfection and order attained by the seeker in the 3rd count opens the long path to her in the 4th count! The seeker did by her deliberate choice leave the security of the collective in the 1st count, set and pursue goals in the 2nd count, and calm her mind and body in the 3rd count to develop the strength, determination, and resources to set her hand to the great work of her life in the 4th count. The seeker knows who she is, what she wants, where she's going, and the fame she will achieve – the final step is to attain it through long patience and unrelenting effort: the 4th

count of the Book of Plenty is that solid determination and long march to the finish line!

The 5th count of the Book of Plenty is written as the 5 of Diamonds: following the long effort of the seeker in the 4th count, she attains the wealth to live the life she likes. Being a woman of means she is free to choose how she will apply her fortune and what direction it may take her. The seeker of the 5th count is the shop-goer who looks all day but purchases nothing: anything is within her means, but nothing – not even her desires – will compel her to purchase without reason or forethought. The 5th count of the Book of Plenty is the truth that there is nothing sweeter than freedom coupled with ability in the absence of necessity to choose any direction!

The 6th count of the Book of Plenty is written as the 6 of Diamonds: it is good and right for the seeker to find pleasure in what she has attained – what other reason is there to plant crops than to bring in the harvest and enjoy the fruits of one's labor? The seeker's own body is the field and her successes are the harvest she brings in – she revels in her beauty, admires what she has attained, and invites others to feast at her table. She is the very gift she gives to the world – there is no person who will value her accomplishments as highly as herself!

The 7th count of the Book of Plenty is written as the 7 of Diamonds: cooperation is better than competition! The seeker has accomplished as much as she may by her own power and now must cooperate with others to achieve anything more. The goals the seeker attains beyond the 7th count may not be her own goals, but instead a common goal of service to many. The successes of the 7th count are of little value to the individual but of enormous value to the group – the modest seeker moves beyond herself and directly into the future!

The 8th count of the Book of Plenty is written as the 8 of


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Diamonds: the seeker and her company together harvested the crops and laid the table to fete their accomplishments. Wine flows from every vessel, meat and fruit cover every plate, music echoes in every hall, and all manner of physical pleasures delight the senses, but the doors to the great hall are shut to the outside world. Says the seeker, “I plowed the Earth! I sowed the seed! I nurtured the crop! I harvested the grain! I organized this great host of laborers! And you who gave nothing are not invited!” The quiet pride and satisfaction of the 6th count continues, but the open spirit of the 1st count is replaced by the locked gates and crossed arms of the 8 th

count. It is right for those who labored to take the first choice of the crop, but o seeker of the 8th count do not lock the fruit of your labor away from the world else suffer the consequences of the Law of Use!

The 9th count of the Book of Plenty is written as the 9 of Diamonds: the seeker has reached the end of the path and may reflect on all which she has accomplished! The fruits of her labors have grown to maturity, she has tasted the choice of her crop, shared herself with others, and now may move forward in happy confidence that her reputation is established and there is nothing left for her to prove – neither to others, nor to herself.

The 10th count of the Book of Plenty is written as the 10 of Diamonds: the seeker in long reflection sees what she has attained in both the material and immaterial and upon the realization that it has served its purpose releases it. What use does the long-withered Spring harvest serve in the dead of Winter? What defense do the relics of early conquest serve in late age against the reaper's scythe? Fixation to base materialism is the final obstacle which once overcome opens the temple doors to the discovery of true equity and the breath of the divine!

Three of the 12 mortal faces of THE ALL are written into the Book of Plenty: they are the Jack, Queen, and King of Diamonds. These three mortal faces are of the masculine Anima and express the noble virtues of effort, patience, and modesty.

The first mortal face of THE ALL as expressed in the Book of Plenty is the Jack of Diamonds. The Jack of Diamonds is the eager achiever and proud body of success! She loves herself for who she is, what she does, and what she will do – her greatest goal is not to produce any other good but to produce herself! She is patient with her own growth, and in her own goals is not pressured by others: she alone sets her pace and


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she alone decides what that is. In her Hero aspect, the Jack of Diamonds is the mover and shaker of the ages – she respects no restraints and will do whatever is necessary to achieve her goals. The ends support the means, and if lacking a moral compass Jack of Diamonds could become the terror of many. In her Shadow aspect, the Jack of Diamonds is still not deterred: if she is unable to make the way on her own, she either finds or creates the company to help her do so. The Jack of Diamonds is ever moving forward and none who wish to challenge a landslide should oppose her. The Jack of Diamonds is the natural ruler of the 2, 6, and 7 of Diamonds. Where the 2nd, 6th, and 7th counts of the Book of Plenty appear, they are the direct influence of the Jack of Diamonds!

The second mortal face of THE ALL as expressed in the Book of Plenty is the Queen of Diamonds. The Queen of Diamonds is the mother of Eden, the voice of supply, and the one who will ever ensure that all who sup at her table will be fed. The past is of little value to the Queen of Diamonds, only the patient happiness of the moment and the sure knowledge of the succession of days into the future. In her Hero aspect, the Queen of Diamonds is eternally patient and not easily baited into conflict: she is sure of what she has attained, confident in her works, and lives only to see that all she loves continues. Life is not worth living if it is not lived pleasurably! In her Shadow aspect, the Queen of Diamonds lazes in her efforts and follows the path of least resistance. She sits still, going nowhere, yet expecting doors of opportunity to open on their own! The Queen of Diamonds in her Shadow forgets that luck brings only that left behind by the successful. The Queen of Diamonds is the natural ruler of the 9, Ace, and 5 of Diamonds. Where the 9th, 1st, and 5th counts of the Book of Plenty appear, they are the direct influence of the Queen of Diamonds!

The third mortal face of THE ALL as expressed in the Book of Plenty is the King of Diamonds. The King of Diamonds both the frugal saver but also the greedy miser – she is cautious to spend without cause, reluctant to give up her resources, and ever fearful that she will lose what she has gained not because she could not regain it but because of her intense love for it. She may share generously with those she counts among her friends and family, but is rarely ever observed sharing even a single cup of water with those who beg her favor. In her Hero aspect, the King of Diamonds is the wise budgeter of resources be they time, energy, money,


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or materials. She can be trusted to stretch whatever is available as far as it may be needed. She is planner and enforcer of generational progress! In her Shadow aspect, the King of Diamonds does not suffer shortfalls: each decision, every process, and the destination of all available resources come into question and if errors are found they will be corrected by whatever means possible. The King of Diamonds is the natural ruler of the 4, 8, and 3 of Diamonds. Where the 4th, 8th, and 3rd counts of the Book of Plenty appear, they are the direct influence of the King of Diamonds!

There is no other conclusion to the count of the Book of Plenty than the words of the Three Initiates whose wisdom guides the enlightened: The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals – a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like Wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces.


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The Book of Life is a sacred repository of knowledge. Do not mistake a deck of cards, paper and ink, nor the raw material which you handle to be the Book of Life, for the book itself is the divine thought presence of THE ALL within your own mind. When one opens the Book of Life to read sacred knowledge, it is not a reading but an inquiry – mundane books may be opened with the hands and read like any common message, but the Book of Life is as alive as any sentient being; therefore, the Book of Life is not strictly read, but inquired!

When inquiring into the Book of Life, because of mortal frailties and the fact that a finite mind cannot comprehend an infinite truth, a viewing lens is necessary to frame the response in such a way that it may be understood. According to the four elements of creation Air, Fire, Water, and Earth, four inquiries follow: the Sacred Union, the Open Road, the Hand of God, and the Millennium Clock. Use these inquiries well and listen for the voice of THE ALL as it echoes out from within you: the response you receive may not be what you desire but it will always bring perspective and present choices.

To conduct an inquiry, first remove the Anima and the Animus and place them on the left and right sides of the table or reading area before you. Next, hold the Book of Life in both hands, clear your mind, and allow the presence of THE ALL to awaken within you. While holding your mind clear of all else except the matter of the inquiry, shuffle the Book of Life three times, cut it with your non-dominant hand, and lay out the cards from top to bottom and left to right to complete the inquiry. All that remains is to read the pages – read cautiously and remember always that knowledge is dangerous.


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Any place where two meet, there is a union. Be this union between ideas, nations, cultures, organizations, groups, families, or people, there is a connection and a point of convergence. The element of Air is that of communication, exchange, and partnership and in the Sacred Union the inquiry is made to know how the combination of two separate elements will appear. The inquiry of the Sacred Union is best used when comparing and contrasting any two items to determine compatibility: lovers seeking a perfect union, workers seeking the best employer, or entrepreneurs seeking the best partners may all use this inquiry.

Any thing or creature may exist peacefully given relative freedom of movement, but when two separate elements are unified and made to exist in close proximity anything may happen. Will the two form a cohesive whole? Will the two find peace and harmony, or might they instead find conflict and disagreement? If they do find peace and harmony, is it certain they will have a productive relationship? If they do find conflict and disagreement, does it follow that that nothing useful will come of it?

After the pattern of the sublime Enneagrammaton, this inquiry uses only nine cards. The nine cards in this inquiry are divided into three planes: the first plane is the duration; the second plane is the identity; and the third plane is stimulation. In any plane, the card on the left is named the first position; the card in the middle the second position; and the card on the right the third position. Thus, the second card in the top row would be the second position of the first plane, and so on.

The first plane of the Sacred Union is duration, or in other words, the period of time to be considered. One of the following sets of three time periods may be included: distant past, recent past, present; past, present, future; present, near future, distant future; or beginning, middle, and end. The inquirer may also substitute years, months, weeks, days, or even hours: last year, this year, next year; last month, this month, next month; today, tomorrow, the day after; and so on. The first position should be the earliest point, the third position should be the latest point, and the second position should be the point halfway between.


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The second plane of the Sacred Union is the identity, or in other words, who or what enters into the union. The first position is one element of the Union, and the third position is the second element of the Union. The second position is representative of the Union itself, or in other words, if both elements of the Union were combined what product would result?

The third plane of the Sacred Union is stimulation, or in other words, what motivates the elements present to act. The first position is what the first person desires, the third position is what the second person desires, and the second position suggests the highest purpose for the union itself.

Past Present Future

First Person The Sacred Union Second Person

First person's desires Best directionfor the Union

Second person's desires

When reading the Sacred Union, begin with the second plane: identify each element of the Union individually, explore the measure of harmony or disagreement between the elements, and then consider the measure of harmony or disagreement between each element and the Union itself. Following the identification and characterization of the elements and the Union itself, follow with the first plane: read the duration and see the story it tells. How do the individual elements fit in and where do they encounter the greatest stress? How does the Union itself fit into the duration specified and is the presiding spirit harmonious, neutral, or hostile? Last, explore each element's desires and the Union's best suggested direction in context to the first, second, and third positions of the first and second planes. What story is revealed? What details emerge? Listen closely and consider the results of your inquiry carefully before making a decision.


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The Open Road is the path each person walks every day. The Open Road is not just what happens after rising in the morning and retiring in the evening, but also the in-between of the Dreamtime and the crossroads of the mind, body, and spirit. It never ends, and even when we take respite in our homes or in sleep, we are still but travelers on the Open Road. The element of Fire is that of the Self, identity, vigor, vitality, and exploration – in that pattern, the Open Road is the inquiry best used to examine a subject singularly, what the subject is doing to help or hinder his spiritual growth, and the choices he may make to determine himself.

After the pattern of the sublime Enneagrammaton, this inquiry uses only nine cards. The nine cards in this inquiry are divided into three planes: the first plane is the duration; the second plane is the identity; and the third plane is decisions. In any plane, the card on the left is named the first position; the card in the middle the second position; and the card on the right the third position. Thus, the third card in the bottom row would be the third position of the third plane, and so on.

The first plane of the Open Road is duration, or in other words, the period of time to be considered. One of the following sets of three time periods may be included: distant past, recent past, present; past, present, future; present, near future, distant future; or beginning, middle, and end. The inquirer may also substitute years, months, weeks, days, or even hours: last year, this year, next year; last month, this month, next month; today, tomorrow, the day after; and so on. The first position should be the earliest point, the third position should be the latest point, and the second position should be the point halfway between.

The second plane of the Open Road is the identity, or in other words, who or what is the subject of the inquiry, and what motivates or restrains the subject. The second position is Habit, or the broadest expression of the subjects general behavior. The first position is the subject's greatest needs, and the third position is the subject's greatest desires.

The third plane of the Open Road is decisions, or in other words, three of an infinite number of choices the subject may make. The first


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position is No, the second position is Maybe, and the third position is Yes.

Past Present Future

Needs Habits Desires

No Maybe Yes

When reading the Open Road, begin with the first plane. What story is told by the duration? What are the first themes to appear? What are the greatest trials, struggles, and celebrations encountered in the journey? Next, read the second plane starting with the subject's habits. Show how the subject's habits help or hinder the progression of the duration, and then how the subject's habits do or don't balance the needs and desires. Balancing one's needs and desires is the eternal battle and conquering this battle is the means by which one rises above the simple obedience to laws and rules into the realm of true responsibility and spiritual awareness.

Finally, examine the three choices presented in the third plane. The first position, No, indicates a poor choice which would not promote positive growth. The second position, Maybe, is a choice which could be positive or negative but is usually only a temporary solution. The third position, Yes, is the best possible decision which benefits the most people. In reviewing the three decisions, consider how they impact the story presented in the first plane. Also consider how these choices impact the habits of the subject and if they help the subject satisfy his needs (which should always come before desires.)


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The element of Water is that of change and chaos. The waters of the vortex are merciless: all artificial structures are torn away and only the core truth is left behind. The Hand of God inquiry is a totally open-ended invitation to THE ALL to speak what it will. Clear your mind, ask nothing, and let your only inquiry be a searching gaze into the abyss: you will not inquire of THE ALL, but THE ALL will inquire of you.

After the pattern of the sublime Enneagrammaton, this inquiry uses only nine cards. In this inquiry there are three rows, but just one plane: duration. The duration, or the time frame, is read by columns: the first column should be the earliest point, the third column should be the latest point, and the second column should be the point halfway between. One of the following sets of three time periods may be used: distant past, recent past, present; past, present, future; present, near future, distant future; or beginning, middle, and end. The inquirer may also substitute years, months, weeks, days, or even hours: last year, this year, next year; last month, this month, next month; today, tomorrow, the day after; and so on.

The positions of the Hand of God are not laid out one after the other but in the natural order of the sublime Enneagrammaton: after shuffling, remove nine cards from the top of the Book of Life and lay them out according to the following pattern:

Jack(Clubs, Spades)

Queen(Clubs, Spades)

King(Clubs, Spades)

2 9 4

6 1 8

7 5 3Jack

(Hearts, Diamonds)Queen

(Hearts, Diamonds)King

(Hearts, Diamonds)


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Place all Jacks, Queens, and Kings of Clubs and Spades in their positions above the first plane. Place all all 2's, 9's, and 4's in their positions in the first plane. Place all 6's, Aces, and 8's in their positions in the second plane. Place all 7's, 5's, and 3's in their positions in the third plane. Place all Jacks, Queens, and Kings of Hearts and Diamonds in their positions below the third plane. If it appears, lay the 10's of any Book horizontally across whatever card preceded it. For example, I draw a 5 of Spades and place it in the second position of the third plane. If next I draw the 10 of Diamonds, I place it horizontally in the second position of the third plane over the 5 of Spades; the coupling of a 10 with any other card elevates that cards status above others. Because only nine cards are drawn and the inquiry provides 12 positions, give as much attention to a thing's exception as you do its inclusion: the Hand of God speaks both directly and indirectly.

The challenge of this inquiry is to identify broad themes and influences. Open your mind and broaden your gaze – many possible perspectives will reveal themselves to you! To begin, read the first column: this is the earliest point in time and represents how things began. Is there a firm beginning? Is there a clear direction? Are people willing to cooperate? Do leaders compete for recognition? Next, read the second column: do the people or elements in the inquiry have the patience to cooperate with others? Do egos prevent others from communicating? Are elements of the reading competing for resources? Does it appear that the subject or other participants are second-guessing their decisions or uncertain how to proceed? Last, read the third column: has a firm direction been established and are all parties satisfied with it? If not, why? Has something of worth been attained, or have the fruits of all labors been consolidated into the hands of the few? Does anybody present feel the need to explain their actions or tidy up a mess? Look closely, concentrate, read patiently, and see what is moved by the hand of God.


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The element of Earth is the most solid of the elements and the one most resistant to change. The layers of sediment in the Earth's crust as well as the rings in trees reflect the long, slow passage of time. They testify to the truth that all planes change and progress through their natural movements, the difference being that some move faster and others slower. The relative speed of the passage of different planes exists only to enable the finite mind to identify the lessons each period of time imposes upon the observer. The Earth, trees, and very matter of reality all testify to the passage of time in their quiet way. In that pattern, the Millennium Clock is the method by which the passage of infinite spirit is measured in lessons, challenges, and other finite descriptive terms.

The first step to time the Millennium Clock is to select the cards for the present millennium, century, decade, and year. The passage of time is quicker as the period observed becomes smaller; likewise, the larger the period observed the slower the passage of time. With respect to the elements of creation, they are assigned from slowest to fastest according to the unit of measurement: Earth to millennium; Water to century; Fire to decade; and Air to year. According to the great Hermetic Law of Polarity, opposites are connected and define one another: the earthy millennium opposes the airy year, and the watery century opposes the fiery decade. The elemental suit and numeric value of the cards chosen match the element and number of each respective year. For example, the year 2011 would be:

• 2 (millennium, Earth): 2 of Diamonds• 0 (century, Water): 10 of Hearts• 1 (decade, Fire): Ace of Clubs• 1 (year, Air): Ace of Spades

The second step to timing the Millennium Clock is to select the cards for the month, triadic aspect, and day. The month is selected not according to its numeric value but according to the signs of the Zodiac as found in Tropical (Western) astrology; however, unlike in astrology where


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the advent of the individual signs is marked anywhere from the 19th

through the 23rd of a given month, the Millennium Clock observes each sign's advent as occurring on the 22nd of each month. The number 22 is elected to this position by virtue of its value as a master number (22/4) whose reduction equals the four base elements and the four measurements of time (millennium, century, decade, year), because it falls on or near the solstices and equinoxes, and is within the cusp transition point of most signs as observed by Western astrologers. Each member of the Court is matched with a sign of the Zodiac: cardinal Kings, fixed Queens, and mutable Jacks pair with their respective counterparts. Thus, the progression of the 12 natural signs of the Zodiac is as follows:

• King of Clubs – Aries (cardinal Fire): 22 March – 21 April• Queen of Diamonds – Taurus (fixed Earth): 22 April – 21 May• Jack of Spades – Gemini (mutable Air): 22 May – 21 June• King of Hearts – Cancer (cardinal Water): 22 June – 21 July• Queen of Clubs – Leo (fixed Fire): 22 July – 21 August• Jack of Diamonds – Virgo (mutable Earth): 22 August – 21

September• King of Spades – Libra (cardinal Air): 22 September – 21 October• Queen of Hearts – Scorpio (fixed Water): 22 October – 21

November• Jack of Clubs – Sagittarius (mutable Fire): 22 November – 21

December• King of Diamonds – Capricorn (cardinal Earth): 22 December –

21 January• Queen of Spades – Aquarius (fixed Air): 22 January – 21

February• Jack of Hearts – Pisces (mutable Water): 22 February – 21 March

The great Hermetic Laws of Rhythm and Vibration teach that everything moves and does so according to a particular rhythm which if identified may be avoided or even dominated. The faces of the Zodiac – the Jacks, Queens, and Kings of the deck – also move according to the Laws of Rhythm and Vibration. The faces of the Zodiac move in periods called triads (groups of three). Each triad has three aspects (cardinal, fixed,


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and mutable) and the order in which these aspects are expressed depends upon the face of the Zodiac in question.

For the masculine faces (Jack, Queen, and King of Spades and Clubs), these cycles are expressed in periods of 10 days each starting with the cardinal aspect, transitioning into the fixed aspect, and ending in the mutable aspect. For the feminine faces (Jack, Queen, and King of Hearts and Diamonds), these cycles are expressed in the same periods of 10 days only they begin with the mutable aspect, transition into the fixed aspect, and end in the cardinal aspect.

Each aspect is the number and element of its respective ruler; in this case, the triad of the Queen of Spades would be the 9, Ace, and 5 of Spades. Each aspect runs for a period of 10 days, though the final aspect (either mutable or cardinal for masculine or feminine, respectively) will run shorter or longer depending on the days remaining before succession by the next sign of the Zodiac on the 22nd.

In the instance that an aspect is already used as either the millennium, century, decade, or year, then the next most suitable card is selected: a card of the same number in a complementary element. Returning to the example of the Queen of Spades, this means that if the 9 of Spades already appears as the year, then the 9 of Clubs should be selected instead. If the 9 of Clubs is not available, then the same number from a neutral element is selected (the 9 of Hearts.) If a neutral element is not available, then the hostile element is chosen (the 9 of Diamonds.) If no 9's are available, then the same pattern continues with the Aces (Air, Fire, Water, Earth), and so on.

The cards which follow the cardinal, fixed, or mutable aspects are the individual days of the month. With respect to the process as a whole, the 22nd of each month is the beginning and marks the advent of each sign. The suit of each card is selected according to the Hermetic Laws of Rhythm and Polarity: the first card of the cycle is drawn from the same element as the presiding sign of the Zodiac. The Jack, Queen, and King of Spades and Clubs always begin with their respective cardinal aspect: the Jack begins with 2; the Queen begins with 9; and the King begins with 4. The Jack, Queen, and King of Hearts and Diamonds always begin with their respective mutable aspect: the Jack begins with 7; the Queen begins with 5; and the King begins with 3.

Following the chosen card the numerical value of each following


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card increases: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on. When the 9 appears it is followed by either the Ace or the 10 of the scheduled suit. The Ace takes precedence over the 10, and the 10 is only used if no Aces are available. The reason for this is that the Millennium Clock – like the material reality in which we perceive ourselves – winds down and experiences diminishing returns. Progressing upward through the numeric value of the days, the Law of Rhythm dictates the successive movement from the fastest element to the slowest and over again. The pendulum swing always moves in the following direction: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. When this swing is completed, it transitions directly out of the final element of Earth and straight into the first element of Air. Consider the following example:

• 9 of Spades• Ace of Clubs• 2 of Hearts• 3 of Diamonds• 4 of Spades• 5 of Clubs• 6 of Hearts• 7 of Diamonds• 8 of Spades• 9 of Clubs

The Millennium Clock teaches the lesson that no material thing may extend into infinity: no page of the Book of Life may be used twice in the Millennium Clock and in the natural course of events not all pages will be available. The absence of a particular card indicates important change and transition outside of the ordinary progress and passage of time. These days which are characterized by cards outside of the scheduled pattern are momentous and should be considered as having greater significance both for good and for bad. As stated above, in the instance that the pattern cannot be completed for a given period of time, the first step is to select a card of the same numeric value from a friendly element; second from a neutral element; and last from a hostile element. If no cards of the specified number are available, the process repeats with the next highest number.


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Combining all the elements given above, the span from 22 November - 12 December 2012 would appear as follows:

• 2 (millennium): 2 of Diamonds• 0 (century): 10 of Hearts• 1 (decade): Ace of Clubs• 2 (year): 2 of Spades

• Sagittarius (November 22-Dec 21): Jack of Clubs◦ November 22 : 2 of Clubs ( Sagittarius enters his cardinal

aspect and the first 10 days of his cycle. ) ▪ November 23: 3 of Hearts▪ November 24: 4 of Diamonds▪ November 25: 5 of Spades▪ November 26: 6 of Clubs▪ November 27: 7 of Hearts▪ November 28: 8 of Diamonds▪ November 29: 9 of Spades▪ November 30: Ace of Spades (the Ace of Clubs should

appear here, but already occupies the Decade. The Ace of Spades, complementary to the Ace of Clubs, appears instead.)

▪ December 1: 2 of Hearts (The 2 of Clubs should appear here, but already occupies November 22. The 2 of Spades and the 2 of Diamonds are second and third, but already occupy the Year and Millennium. The last option within the 2nd count is the 2 of Hearts.)

◦ December 2 : 6 of Spades ( Sagittarius enters his fixed aspect and the second 10 days of his cycle. The 6 of Clubs should appear here, but already occupies November 26. The complementary 6 of Spades is the next choice. ) ▪ December 3: 7 of Clubs▪ December 4: 8 of Hearts▪ December 5: 9 of Diamonds▪ December 6: Ace of Hearts (The Aces of Spades and Clubs

are the first and second choices but already occupy


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November 30 and the Decade. The neutral Ace of Hearts is the first available option.)

▪ December 7: 3 of Diamonds (Nothing from the 2nd count is available; the Rhythm skips into the 3rd count and the element of Earth.)

▪ December 8: 4 of Spades▪ December 9: 5 of Clubs▪ December 10: 6 of Hearts▪ December 11: 7 of Diamonds

◦ December 12 : 7 of Spades ( Sagittarius enters his mutable aspect and the third 10 days of his cycle. )

The Millennium Clock may be timed and read in the same manner as an astrological natal chart or a numerological life path, but its greatest strength lies not in predicting future events but in predicting future challenges. It is wise to read the clock each morning and meditate on the message for the day.

When reading the Millennium Clock each day, reflect on the following questions: What challenge does the planet face for the present millennium – what grand obstacles lay before the spiritual development of all sentient beings? What challenge do the nations of the world face in this century – as the world culture grows and develops, what forces impel its growth and behavior? Including the century, but more specifically regarding the decade, what challenges and obstacles are presented to the present generation? For those passing their formative years in this decade, what influences predominantly shape their attitudes and mind-set? What rapid currents are in movement this very year? What broad challenges sweep the globe at this very moment and demand the attention of all for the present year? How do the forces of the millennium, century, decade, and year cooperate? How do they oppose one another?

For immediate concerns and insight, turn your attention to the year, month, triadic cycle, and day: what do these currents of events have in store for you? What challenges, lessons, obstacles, and opportunities for growth are presently available? What can you do in this very moment on this very day to change the outcome favorably? Never forget to wind the Millennium Clock daily, watch the passage of time, and learn the lessons given to you.


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