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The 5 Best Social Media Books

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. Benjamin Franklin

Page 2: The 5 best social media books

The Whuffie Factor by Tara Hunt1. How to be a social capitalist 2. The power of community marketing 3. Turn the bullhorn around & create continuous conversations with customers 4. Building Whuffie by listening to & integrating feedback 5. Become part of the community you serve 6. Depositing into & withdrawing from your Whuffie account 7. Be notable: 11 ways to create amazing customer experiences 8. Embrace chaos 9. Find your higher purpose 10. Whuffie "in real life"

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Socialnomics by Eric Qualman• Research-based look at the impact of social media on businesses

and consumers around the world, and what's in store for the future

• Socialnomics is an essential book for anyone who wants to understand the implications of social media, and how businesses can tap the power of social media to increase their sales, cut their marketing costs, and reach consumers directly.

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Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuk

• Learn: Why social media has evened the playing field, destroying the “gate-keepers” who had previously dictated the distribution of content.

• Learn: How you can build an online business around your passion without quitting your day job.

• Learn: Why Twitter and Facebook are just tools and not a social media strategy.

• Learn: How to take advantage of the half-billion dollars in advertising that are moving to the internet.

• Learn: Why transparency and being true to yourself are now winning marketing formulas.

• Learn: How to build and maintain an online community around your passion and brand.

• Learn: Why the legacy element of the internet era is so underrated.

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Trust Agents by Brogan & Smith• Social networks and personal connections have far more influence on

consumers than your marketing messages ever will—unless your business knows how to harness them.

• In Trust Agents, two social media veterans show you how to tap into the power of these networks to build your brand's influence, reputation, and profits.

• Trust agents are the digitally savvy people who use the Web to humanize businesses using transparency, honesty, and genuine relationships.

• In an online world defined by its transparency, becoming a trust agent is no easy task, but once you've established your reputation, you can build influence, share it, and reap the benefits of it for your business.

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The New Rules of Marketing and Pr by David Meerman Scot

• Target a specific audience. Create a page that reaches an audience that is important to your organization. It is usually better to reach a small niche market than try to go large.

• Create lots of links. Link to your own sites and blog, and those of others in your industry and network. Everybody loves links—it makes the Web what it is. You should certainly link to your own stuff from a social networking site (like your blog), but also link to other people’s sites and content in your own market.

• Participate. Create groups and participate in online discussions. Become an online leader and organizer.

• Make it easy to find you. Tag your page and add your page into the subject directories. Encourage others to bookmark your page with and DIGG.

• Experiment. These sites are great because you can try new things. If it isn’t working, tweak it. Or abandon the effort and try something new. There is no such thing as an expert in social networking—we’re all learning as we go!