Download - The Ichthus...1 The Ichthus September 2017 Issue PRODUCTION TEAM ARTICLES A Note from The Rev. Stinson A Word from the Curate From the Deacon Mission to Seafarers 2017 A little Beauty

Page 1: The Ichthus...1 The Ichthus September 2017 Issue PRODUCTION TEAM ARTICLES A Note from The Rev. Stinson A Word from the Curate From the Deacon Mission to Seafarers 2017 A little Beauty


The Ichthus

September 2017 Issue



A Note from The Rev. Stinson

A Word from the Curate

From the Deacon

Mission to Seafarers 2017

A little Beauty Lenten Devotional

Do you know a child who loves to

sing? Send them our way!

Disaster Planning - Preparedness

In the Spotlight: Jean Kernen

Daughters of The King

Food Bank News

Classics Potluck Luncheon

Kids in The Kingdom of God

Feeding Body & Soul - Fall Series

Mary Jean Fischer - Chair Yoga

MOPS - Returning to St. Mary’s

Ecumenical Community Events

Tract Rac...In the know

Youth Programs Gear Up

Opening doors to strangers ... Opening minds

to understanding ... Opening hearts to Jesus.

Schedule of Events

September 10 - Blessing of the back packs Commissioning and blessing of ministries

Altar Guild, Choir, Front Desk Volunteers etc.

September 10 -9:20 to 9:40 am Kids in The Kingdom of God

In the Narthex with Doug

September 11 - 5:30 pm Daughters of the King resume meetings

All women are invited to attend!

September 13 - Classics Potluck Luncheon

September 19 - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Mary Jean Fischer instructs Chair Yoga Classes

October 1 - Blessing of the Animals great and small.

October 4 - Feeding Body & Soul Series launches

November 19 - 12:00 p m to 4:00 pm Mission to Seafarers

Ditty Bag Event

December 2 - Music Program Fundraiser Featuring Lu La Roe clothing line

Visit the website at

Check out the scrolling calendar for information on all activities

Pat LeRoy Kathie Forbes

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Dear Friends, I love symbolism! Maybe it has to do with my love of reading, or maybe my love of parables and other thought provoking stories that I find challenging! Everything is open to interpretation in my mind, and there are no right answers. Recently, I've been musing on the many symbols around St. Mary's. Now you would think I would focus on the cross or the baptismal font or some other religious symbol, but my mind has been drawn to the building that we refer to as the Church. Technically "Ecclesia" the Greek word that gets trans-lated into English as the Church actually means "those who are called together and those that are sent forth". When we think of the Church only as a building we severely limit it and our calling! But we at St. Mary's are renewing and literally rebuilding our container. The soon to begin (I prom-ise) reconstruction of the South Wall will literally give us the opportunity to remove some structural rot and consciously begin again. LOL. The strength and vitality of the new wall will protect St. Mary's from future storms as well as predict-ed earthquakes, etc. St. Mary's is a strong and vital community with a rich history and promising fu-ture, but we need to pay attention to practical details. Elsewhere in the newsletter, you will see that we have many programs and activities planned for the Fall, including the reintroduction of MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and a chorister program for children. Worship is also being renewed with the addition of an acoustic guitarist to the praise band. Hospitality, work in the community, faith renewal, children and youth, are all being enhanced and renewed. The true richness of St. Mary's lies in her people, and your responsiveness to the Call of God to love one another as Christ loves us. Prayerfully,


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A Word from the Curate

The word is “Welcome.” It means “to receive gladly into one’s companionship.” It’s the greeting we always extend to visitors, attempting to turn strangers into guests. It’s the gift you’ve given to me and Kathy - a sincere welcome. You’ve smiled, told us your names - even worn a nametag - and offered us hospitality with many kind gestures. You’ve invited us to join you in conversation over coffee, and allowed us to be ourselves. You’ve given us space to find our own way into the life of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. And I bet I know what you’ll say when I say, “Thank you.” You’ll probably say what I’ve heard you say in so many ways: “You’re welcome!” Your new Curate, Doug



On November 19, 2017 St. Mary’s will host a Mission to Seafarers (MTS) Regional Ditty Bag

Event from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Congregations from the Rainier Region are being invited to par-

ticipate. Ken Hawkins, Executive Director for MTS will be our preacher at both services and will

be with us for the day as well.

In 2015, we stuffed 185 ditty bags for the seafarers. We also donated $580.00 to Mission to Sea-

farers. Let’s strive to exceed this number. I know we can do it. Please mark your calendars now

for November 19, 2017, from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm for this Ditty Bag Event. Watch caps will be

needed as well. Hopefully you have been knitting this summer. If not, there are copies of the pat-

tern available on the table in the Narthex. Also, now is the time to begin collecting the items for

the ditty bags.

A collection box will be in the hallway outside the Parish Hall for you to place the items in. Items

needed are: bars of soap, or liquid bottles of soap – full size; full size bottles of shampoo; deodor-

ant; pens, notepads, decks of cards, shave cream and razors, appointment calendars. If any of you

are sewers ditty bags will be needed to hold the items. Copies of the pattern for the Ditty Bags are

also on the table in the Narthex.

Talk this up with your friends, young people and parishioners. St. Mary’s Youth – talk to your

friends at school. See how many items you can collect and turn in. See how many of your school

friends you can encourage to join you on Sunday, November 19. This is a fun event and a great

way to build community. So you can have a list of the needed items there will be a sheet on the

table in the Narthex.

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Marcia Ott gave me this little cabbage rose last

spring before she and John moved to Portland,

It bloomed late into the fall, some this spring and

this morning, September 1, has 17 blooms.

I sent this to Marcia to share with her. I think of

her often and fondly as I tend this little lady.

Pat Le Roy, Parish Administrator

Lenten Devotionals? by Kathie Forbes

You may be asking why I would bring up Lent at this time! Well, we all get busy now with the children

returning to school, Halloween will be upon us followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years!

So at this time, I would like to ask you to start discerning if you would like to participate in The Daugh-

ters of the King Lenten Devotional that we will publish before Lent starts.

Our hope is that many of you enjoyed reading the devotions, as part of your Lenten reflections and would

like to contribute to the final product. More information on how to participate will be forthcoming. For

questions contact Kathie Forbes at 253-988-1196 or Doris Steeg at 253-906-5199.

The individuals we are providing these bags for sometimes are not able to leave the ship when they are in

port simply because they do not have a passport. This may be their only connection to the outside world.

So, the ditty bags offer hospitality to these seafarers.

Let us live out of our abundance and share with these seafarers so that they may know the healing power

of God’s love and the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Thank you, St. Mary’s for all that you do and are doing to make this world a better place.

Deacon Gen Grewell

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Do you know a child who loves to sing? Send them our way!

At long last, St. Mary’s will again offer a youth music program beginning in the Fall of this year. We will welcome young-people from ages four through eight-een. Rehearsals will begin in September. The groups will be divided so that groups of similar ages will work together at different times. Younger-aged students will take part in music games, movement, and singing of easily-accessible music with the goal of developing mu-sic skills and performing on several occasions through-out the year. Older students will follow the curriculum developed by the Royal School of Church Music and will begin to perform on a regular basis with the singers of the Parish Choir of St. Mary’s as well as on their own beginning in December. Rehearsal times for various groups are as follows: Ages four through eight on Tuesday afternoons from 4:00 to 5:00 PM. Ages nine and up on Thursday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30. This program is free of charge. We are welcoming of stu-

dents of all faith and no faith at all. We hope that this program will be a place where any young person can experience making music together. All groups will be taught by Fred McIlroy. If you know of a younger person in your family who loves to sing and would like to take part, put them into contact with Fred McIlroy through the office or by email at [email protected]

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Disaster Planning - Personal Preparedness and Community Resilience

No doubt you have seen the recent news, the local wildfires and those in 10 other states, Hurricanes

Harvey and Irma. Are you ready to evacuate or shelter at home for up to 7 days? Emergency plan-

ners used to recommend preparedness for 3 days, not so any longer. Individuals and families need

to be prepared for longer term events. Here in the South Sound we are more likely to be dealing

with earthquake, flooding, fire or evacuation due to a hazardous material spill.

You and your family will cope best by preparing for disaster or any emergency before it strikes.

One component of preparing is to assemble an Emergency Supplies Kit. Once a disaster hits, shop-

ping or searching for supplies is too late. But if you have gathered your supplies in advance, your

family can endure an evacuation or home confinement.

There are 6 basics you should stock in your home: water, food, first aid supplies, clothing, bedding,

tools, and emergency supplies. Be ready to evacuate with a smaller version of this kit that also in-

cludes important family documents or a thumb drive with stored information.

Planning should also include family members with special needs such as infants or the elderly. Also

ensure pets are included in the plan. Adequate food, access to water, any medications or special

items they require.

Working with neighbors can save lives and property. Meet with your neighbors to plan how the

neighborhood can work together during a disaster until help arrives. Document who has what types

of skills (medical, technical, ham radio) tools and equipment. Consider how you could help neigh-

bors who have special needs, such as disabled or elderly persons. Make plans for child care in case

parents are not able to get home.

Other things to think about, always keep your gas tank at least half full. Keep a minimum of $100

in cash on hand in case the ATM’s are down. Have a battery powered or hand crank radio on hand

for communication. A manual can opener, batteries, flashlight, gloves, and sturdy shoes will serve

you well.

If you are not certified in CPR, First Aid or Basic life savings skills, this is something to consider.

Being able to save the life of a family member or a stranger is an incredible gift. American Red

Cross Disaster Planning brochures are available in the Narthex. You can also visit the American

Red Cross at or Pierce County Emergency Management at www.

for additional information.

Pat Le Roy

Parish Administrator

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St. Mary’s spotlight shines on….Jean Kernen.

By Linda Collins

I had the opportunity to sit and visit with Jean Kernen in her home recently to discuss this upcoming ‘Spotlight’. Before we began, however, I was invited to see her family gallery of photos. And what a gallery it is! One would be honored to have so many photos of family, love and connection. Her family of four children --Kristy, Kerry, Kevin, and Keith, her six grandchildren and eight ‘greats’ with one on the way-- are all well represented in her gallery. Jean’s commitment to family is quite similar to her devotion to St. Mary’s and the larger Episcopal Church. Jean has been a member of St. Mary’s since she and her late husband Bill visited our church and were greeted by Ross Mitchell (Teddy Mitchell’s late husband) in August, 1960. With McChord being Bill’s last Air Force duty assignment, they were searching for a church home where as one might expect, Jean wanted to get involved. They were asking for Sunday School teachers, so Jean volunteered. While she got involved with the Women’s Group (Vesper Guild), Bill ran for Vestry, and their St. Mary’s leadership began. In those days, to become a member of Altar Guild, one had to wait for an invitation to join. Likewise, Eucharist was offered daily, so AG members were expected to be available every single day. It was routine that young people came daily to St. Mary’s for com-munion, then went on to school. Among her activities, Jean has served as a board member of the National Episcopal Churchwomen (ECW) as well as a Province VIII ECW delegate and Parliamentarian. At the Diocesan level she has served as ECW President, UTO representative, and as convention delegate several times. Jean was the recipient of the Bishop’s Cross in 1997. She has served St. Mary’s in countless ways: Diocesan convention delegate, Junior Warden, Vestry member, Sunday School teacher, Usher, Lay Reader, Eucharistic Minister, Altar Guild Directress (two 5-year terms), WOSMS (ECW), Daughters of the King (President), and Acolyte coordinator. She is currently serving as Chair of our Communications Committee and our Crisis Pray Chain Co-ordinator. One of her fondest memories (of which she has many) was when she had lunch with the wife of one of our presiding Bishops while Jean was involved at the national level. When asked about something the parish might not know about her, Jean replied,” I am a voracious reader!” Having learned to read when she was three and received her first library card at five years old, her reading interests are eclectic—mysteries, fiction, non-fiction, etc. To my question, “What part does St. Mary’s play in your life?” Jean’s response was, “Outside of my family, all of it!” At 93 years old, Jean Kernen continues to care deeply for St. Mary’s and its well-being. She chal-lenges us all to look for ways to contribute to our church.

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Daughters of the King Resume Monthly Gatherings

The St. Mary’s Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King will resume their monthly meet-

ings on Monday, September 11, at 5: 30 pm in the Parish Hall. All interested women are welcome to

attend. DOK meetings are held the first Monday of each month with the exception of holidays. For a

meeting schedule, see the calendar on the website at

This month the featured speaker, Ginny Rawlings, will share photos of her husband’s burial service.

Col. Jim Rawlings was buried at Arlington National Cemetery on August 30, 2016 with Full Honors.

For women interested in becoming a Daughter of the King, Roberta Newell will be forming a group

for instruction. Contact her (253)753-5958. This is a three month discernment/instruction process

beginning January 2018. Once the process has been completed, new members are "installed" during

a regular Sunday Service.

Food Bank News

Our local food bank’s name has changed from “F.I.S.H.” to “Nourish” Not to worry, Donations in

either name are gratefully accepted. Did you know for each dollar received buys $6.00 worth of

food such as dairy, “meat”, fruit and vegetables?

It’s heartening to see so many more donations in our food wagon. Hopefully everyone will continue

to make every Sunday “Food Bank Sunday” and have our wagon overflowing. Third quarter do-

nations include: 145 pounds of food, 666 diapers and 90 non food/sundry items.

We are designating September as P. B. & J. month. With the kids going back to school this would

be a welcome addition to their cupboard. Peanut butter and jelly/jam is almost a necessary staple. Of

course all nonperishable food is welcome at any time. Also remember pets are hungry too. Both

canned and dry kibble is needed, treats are welcome as well.

If you are interested in touring the food bank contact Pat LeRoy at the office so she and Doris Clay-

pool (Food Bank Coordinator) can organize this.

Remember your food bank donations for Sundays. Donations are also welcome every day dur-

ing business hours.

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Classics Potluck Luncheon

With the ending of summer, and the beginning of the new school year, programs suspended for sum-

mer will resume. One of many parishioner's favorite happenings is the Classic Potluck Luncheon.

Our first one will be on the second Wednesday in September - which will be Sept 13th. Fred Weekes

will present interesting information on our 14th President, Franklin Pierce. Did you know that Wash-

ington became a state in 1889? Our county was named Pierce in 1853… how’d that happen?

Come and find out. Join the group each month for lively fellowship, interesting and educational top-


Kids in The Kingdom of God

Doug Dornhecker will be hosting a series of focused conversations about kids in the Kingdom of God.

The series begins Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017, from 9:20 am to 9:40 am. The group will meet in the Nar-

thex (near the reception desk). Interested youth and adults are invited. Bring your coffee and snacks

and join the discussion.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven be-

longs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

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Immigrants and Refugees:

Neighbors Among Us

Feeding Body and Soul-Fall Series

If you want to better understand the scrambled information we are receiving from the media and other sources about immigration issues, and if you strive to discern God’s vision for us in these divisive times, we pray that this series will be of help to you.

This will be an informational series, not a forum to debate immigration issues. We intend to offer factual in-formation via printed handouts and presentations from professionals working in the field with immigrants and refugees.

Feeding Body and Soul will be held Wednesday evenings at 6:15 pm. Bring your favorite hors d’oeuvre to share. Wine and coffee will be available. The program will begin at 7:00 pm with presentation and opportuni-ty for questions and answers.

The series begins on Wednesday October 4, for 5 weeks and runs through November 1. Topics will include an introduction of Immigration, Refugees and the issues we are facing as a Nation. We’ll learn about Immi-gration casework, the congressional inquiry process and a DACA update from the Office of Congressman Dennis Heck. Mid-series we’ll learn more about Immigration Law and deportation. Closing out the series the focus will be on Refugee Resettlement and family sponsored immigration programs.

Speakers and more information will be available in the next two weeks. Please watch for the sign up sheets in the Parish Hall. If you have questions, call Pat Le Roy in the office at 253-588-6621 during business hours.

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Mary Jean is feeling excited and joyful about go-

ing back to being a health and fitness professional full time.

She will be leading a 6 week free chair yoga at St. Mary's for older folks or people with disability

and/or injury.

Besides working at the Y, Mary Jean has also joined the Crunch team as an instructor.

Crunch is the new gym opening where SAARS Grocery Store used to be in the Lakewood Towne


MOPS returns to St. Mary's!

We are calling on all of St. Mary's to join us in this great ministry for young families! MOPS will hold

their first meeting on Thursday, October 5,2017 at 9:30 am. ALL people involved in MOPS need Safe-

guarding God's Children. If you have questions about MOPS or the SGC class, contact Beth Bowen at


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Ecumenical Community Events

Community Baby Shower

Hosted by The TEARS Foundation. Saturday, Oct

21, 2017 from 2 pm-4 pm. in the Parish Hall at St.

Mary’s Episcopal Church.

This FREE event offers parents a wonderful, edu-

cational opportunity to learn from local TEARS

representatives and gain knowledge about safe

sleep for their baby. New parents

attending will be entered to win a

brand new Pack N Play for their


Each expectant/new mother will

receive a gift bag, pack & play crib, Halo Sleep

Sack, & safe sleep training. Food and beverages

will be provided. Please

Register today"

2017 Fall Concert Series -St. John's Olympia

Fall 2017 begins with a Jazz program on Sun-

day, October 8, 3 p.m., featuring Vendredi's

Bag, a local ensemble led by James Schneider.

Donate as able.

Sunday, November 5, 3 p.m., we will hear the

Sonoro Women's Choir, based in Tacoma, di-

rected by Jeremy Shilley (who performed last

October on the Organ & Bagpipe concert). Do-

nate as able.

Thursday, December 21, 6:30 p.m., St. John's

3rd Annual Advent Lessons & Carols service,

featuring all our musicians and led by our Bish-

op Greg Rickel. Donate as able.

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Holy Eucharist on Sundays at 8:00 am and 10:00 am

Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church 10630 Gravelly Lake Dr. SW Lakewood, WA 98499

(253)588-6621 [email protected]

Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.

TRACT RAC the know

Jean Gray manages the Tract Rac and invites you to come

by and look at all the information available.

Featured are items such as the Forward Day by Day devo-

tional, both in small and large print.

You can also find brochures for community resources such

as the Alzheimer’s Association and other social services.

You might also be interested in the various seasonal wor-

ship pamphlets.

If you are looking for something and don’t see, check with

the office or ask Jean, the librarian.

Donations are appreciated to offset the cost of materials.

Youth programs are gearing up!! Sunday School has been going all summer and contin-

ues. High school and middle school groups will start back up in September! Blessing of the

Backpacks for all students and teachers is 10 September!

Do you know that high schoolers and middle schoolers are ALWAYS hungry?? Do you

want to help? They would LOVE to eat YOUR food! It would be great if people would

bring snacks for the 5-10 Rite 13 kids who meet each Sunday during the 10 am service. Al-

so, high schoolers will be meeting once a month after the 10 am service and would eat pretty

much anything kind volunteers bring! Interested? Talk to Beth Bowen!