Download - Thanksgiving Service - Fairview Presbyterian Church

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Daylight-Saving Time ends, Nov. 1 Veterans Day, Nov.1 Thanksgiving Service Nov. 25 Thanksgiving, Nov. 26 First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 29

Thanksgiving Service

We will be having a Thanksgiving Service on

Wednesday, November 25 at 7 pm.

Harvest Dinner

The Dinner brought in about $3,700!!!!!

Thanks again to everyone for all their hard work,

making it so successful!

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Per Capita WE'RE HALFWAY THERE------in raising the almost $6000 of the Per Capita assessment due from

Fairview Presbyterian Church to the larger Presbyterian Church. If you haven't already done so, the

Session is encouraging you to make a special $30 offering for each church member living in your

household to help pay the administrative costs of the governing boards of the Presbyterian Church. Per

Capita checks should be made out to Fairview Presbyterian Church. Indicate "Per Capita" on the check.

You may use the offering envelopes in the church pews. Please check "Special Offering" or write "Per

Capita" on the envelope. Thank you for your continued support.

Pledge Cards Just a reminder to please return your pledge cards ASAP. If you did not receive yours in the mail,

please see Amy for them. It is important for the Administration Committee to have these to prepare the

budget for next year. Thank you!

Outdoor Sign The panels and lettering of the outdoor sign

were replaced! It looks great!

Snow Removal Help is needed removing snow off the sidewalks

and entrance ways during the week (daytime hours)

and Sunday mornings before Church. If anyone is

able to help, please call Amy at the office.

Christmas Cookie Sale Our annual Cookie Tray Fundraiser begins

Sunday, November 8!! A tray of 5 dozen

assorted Christmas cookies is $20. There are

order forms and envelopes on the table in the

Lobby. Please fill out a form, put it in an

envelope with your money and either leave it

in the offering basket or on Amy’s desk.

Orders need to be in by December 6.

WE NEED BAKERS!!! There will be a meeting Wednesday,

November 11 at 7 pm in the Conference

Room for anyone who would like to help

bake the cookies. Thank you to Edie

Leuschen for heading this fundraiser up this

year! If there are any questions, please call her

at 474-2851.

Hanging of the Greens Wow! It’s almost that time already!!!! Help is

needed immediately after worship on November 22

to decorate the church for Christmas. Whatever is

left to do will be finished the following day.

Sandwiches will be provided by the Coffee Cart

volunteers. Join us for a fun time of fellowship as

we prepare for Advent.

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Care Packages

The Sunday School classes will once again

send out Christmas care packages to college

students and people in the military. If you

have a student or serviceman, please contact

Linda Tobolewski at 774-9706, or

[email protected]. with the name and


Our new cookbook has 250 delicious

recipes!! The cost is $10, and can be

purchased after church or during the week

at the office. It will make a great

Christmas or wedding gift! Get them

before they are gone!

Kairos Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc.

(Kairos) is a Christian faith-based ministry

which addresses the spiritual needs of

incarcerated men, women, youth, and their

families. By sharing the love and forgiveness

of Jesus Christ, Kairos hopes to change

hearts, transform lives and impact the world.

Kairos will be using our facilities November

20 - 21 for an overnight meeting, and

December 3 – 6 for their weekend in Albion

SCI. 20- 24 men will be participating. On

Saturday, December 5th

there will be a Holy

Hour at 7 pm where there will be prayers,

music, and a speaker - an ex -inmate who was

transformed by this ministry. We are invited

to come.

Then Sunday, December 6 there will be a

time after our worship service to join them in

the Fellowship Hall for snacks, as a thank you

for the use of our facilities. This will be a

great chance to meet the outside team and ask

any questions about this important ministry.

A Trip to Lancaster, PA September 21-23, 2016

Penny Qualls is organizing a bus trip to

Lancaster, PA in the fall of 2016. It will be a

two night three day stay of sight-seeing,

shopping, Amish food, and a Sight and Sound

production of “Sampson.” Men and women

alike will enjoy this trip! Penny hopes to get

about 30 people. Based on that number costs

for the bus, tour, theatre, hotel, and food, will

be about $500, excluding two lunches, room

tips and souvenirs.

If you are interested there is a sign-up sheet on

the information table in the Lobby. In February

or March, 2016 Penny will get formal sign-ups

and deposits, with the balance due a month

before the trip. If there are any questions,

please feel free to call Penny at 474-2357, or

call the church office. Spread the word to your

friends and family for a fun time

in Amish Country!

Check out show footage from Samson!



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People to Pray for

Mike Mucciarone is recuperating from surgery. Barb tore her meniscus in

her knee and will soon be having surgery. Healing for both.

Nancy Pickens - spots were found on her liver. She will be having a


Eleanor Sample passed away on October 1. Prayers for her family.

Kelly Hetz's friend, Katie, a mom to a son with very severe special needs,

who is starting her life over.

Lily O'Brien's mom is having heart issues and is depressed.

Ken Milewski is having health problems, having tests done.

Joan Fiesler was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Her husband Dave

is recuperating from a stroke.

Heather Adams' neighbor Debbie Reddinger was diagnosed with

advanced kidney cancer.

Ron Ferringer - losing his eye sight from macular degeneration.

Dan & Theresa Weber - continuing health problems for Dan.

Anna Mae Traut's son-in-law Carl Schnaufer has a malignant brain tumor

that is inoperable. Prayers for peace for him and his family.

Continued prayers for Hagan Hetz and his family.

Jackie Ostergaard has Alzheimer’s and is at Sarah Reed.

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All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a

part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. Anatole France

The soul unto itself

Is an imperial friend—

Or the most agonizing spy

An enemy could send.

Secure against its own,

No treason it can fear;

Itself its sovereign, of itself

The soul should stand in awe. Emily Dickinson

I believe much trouble and blood would be saved if we opened our hearts more. Chief Joseph

To encounter the sacred is to be alive at the deepest center of human existence. Sacred places are

the truest definitions of the earth; they stand for the earth immediately and forever; they are its

flags and shields. If you would know the earth for what it really is, learn it through its sacred

places. At Devil’s Tower or Canyon de Chelly or the Cahokia Mounds, you touch the pulse of the

living planet; you feel its breath upon you. You become one with a spirit that pervades geologic

time and space. N. Scott Momaday - Native American author of Kiowa descent. His

House Made of Dawn won Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1969.

Of all the religions, the best religion is to repeat God’s Name and do pious deeds. Of all the

religious rites, the best rite is to remove the filth of evil intellect by association with the saints.

Sikh Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaaj; Hymn - Ashtpadi, Ang 266 (can be played on internet)

20: I do not ask in behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word;

21: that they may be all in one: even as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may

be in Us; that the world may believe that Thou didst send Me. Jesus - John 17: 20, 21

In a Different Voice

(A monthly column written and submitted by Judith Johnston)

Strange, interesting, weird, charming, scary—as America becomes

increasingly diverse, we are confronted by more & more people

whose ways are not our ways. Yet, God seems to have spoken to His

children in many different places at very different times. Some of

these diverse views will be featured each month to encourage a

healthy curiosity about other spiritual writings and to open us up to

possibilities for a larger spiritual awareness.

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The Spirituality Revolution The emergence of contemporary spirituality


David Tacey, Ph.D.

It is mainly our youth who have left religion and church membership behind and are seeking

a spirituality to address the angst of living in an empty world bent on self-destruction.

According to Tacey the challenge for religion and organized churches is to “dislodge from

the rigid liturgy and creeds and fundamentalism and an anthropomorphic God in Heaven

and invite Him/Her back into the mystical and sacred and primordial inner space of our


This, he asserts, would not result in a brand new religion but a return to the real spirituality

that was lost—the mystical, the sacred, the holy. People would sense, feel, and experience a

personal God in the care of their being, and clergy would be guides, not magical counselors

to “the Man upstairs.”

Tacey suggests that the future of religion may have been orchestrated by the Spirit itself,

who, tired of our external faith, is pushing us into a deeper experience of spirituality.

Perhaps God is saying, “I don’t want blind belief or worshippers who are content with a

mere rumor of my existence. I want people to experience me in their hearts and lives; I

want transformation, conversion and encounter.”

While religion is good at ritual and a container of spiritual wisdom, today’s sciences, the

arts, and medical and mental health practices are returning to the acknowledgement of the

mystic and the sacred.

The crisis of diminishing main-line church membership is an opportunity for new thinking

and new ways of “doing” religion, since desperate measures to shore up traditions that no

longer feed the spirit have sorely failed.

Tacey presents a well-researched and clear challenge to the church—to either adapt to the

changes in our society and meet new needs in new ways, or die.

Judith Johnston

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Visit the Angel Tree in

the Lobby Angels (pink for girls and blue

for boys!) will be on the tree

and ready for you to choose.

Wrapped gifts with angel tag

attached are due back at the

church by Sunday, December

13th. That gives you 3 weeks to

shop, wrap, and return!

Thanks in advance for your

participation. Isn’t this what

Christmas is all about?!

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Enjoy the colors of the season

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November, 2015

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1 Robert Lewis

2 Ken Krause Jr.

5 Jackie Ostergaard

6 Jim Comstock

Janet Harvey

Julie Wagner

Hunter Jageman

7 Bill Joseph Sr.

Paula Paden

8 Dolores Buell

9 Don Loomis

10 Mason Vogan

11 Paul Ostergaard

Sally Swanson

12 Marjorie Corbett

13 Tom Brozell

Joe Grimaldi

16 Brian Madara Sr.

18 Natalie Brosig

19 Keven Lewis

20 Harper Hetz

21 Brian Jageman

24 Molly Papson

25 Paul Case

Jesse Young

26 Alexandra


29 Caden Cammarata

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Editor’s Page

Anxiety hit me pretty hard 2 weeks

ago. Mike had surgery in Pittsburgh

and the five-hour wait was

excruciating until we heard that the

surgery had gone well and Mike was

in Recovery. It was still a couple of

hours until Libby, Jenna, and I were

able to see him and reassure ourselves

that he was okay. The three of us

stayed in what’s called Family House

Shadyside. It’s similar to Ronald

McDonald House with minimal cost

to families and was located just across

the street from the hospital. It

couldn’t have been more convenient,

and the staff did everything they could

to make our stay comfortable. Christ

surely guided their hands.

I don’t think it was a coincidence that

Libby and Jenna are both home with

us. I have torn the meniscus in my

right knee and have been nearly

incapacitated for the past month. I’m

seeing an orthopaedic surgeon next

week for a

consultation and to schedule surgery.

One result of the knee problem is that

I can’t drive. So, Libby and Jenna

have taken over the roles of chauffer,

cook, maid, laundress, and general


We could never have survived these

past weeks without them. It’s easy to

take for granted those who we see

daily. But this has taught me that my

daughters really step up to the plate

when needed. I know each of them

would like to be out of our house and

living their own lives, but I have to

think that their being here at this time

was directed by God. They have

shown themselves to be extraordinary

young women who have ministered to

us with tender and loving hands and

hearts. What a special gift.

I learned lately that anxiety can only

be relieved by prayer. How good is

our God.

Barb Mucciarone


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