Download - Thanks Magazine - March 2012 - Louisville KY


Receive you Healing

He’s My Personal Friend Jesus Still Heals (Book) is at Expression of You at 18th and Muhammad Ali blvd., Abound in Grace Christian Book Store 1226 Krupp Park Drive, Carmichaels Book Store 2720 Frankfort Ave. and Alpha Church Supplies, Inc. 558 South 20th Street all locations in Louisville, Ky. Author Co- Bishop Sharon Polk

Co-Bishop Sharon Polk shares her personal experience of the healing power of God. You can receive His healing, if you just believe.

Call 502-379-3262 to get your copy 15.00 .+ Shipping , tax

Princess Mandisa. Call 502- 379-3262 to buy you Copy Author Wanda Hoosier.

This is a story of a young woman who has thoughts only of her pet and the jungle. One Day the princess is captured. See how this book ends.

Cost $15.00 + shipping and tax. Call 502-379-3262

Journey On The Path Of MIRACLES By Vivian Louise Carreiro

“Will inspire and encourage the reader to go beyond religion, tradition and ritual, to go beyond mediocre Christianity into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the son of the living God.”

Cost $10.99+shipping and tax 502-379-3262









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502-379-3262 OR [email protected]

Table of Contents

The Great people that work at Enterprise By Co- Bishop Sharon Polk Page 1

The Great People that work at Enterprise. By Co-Bishop S. Polk Page 1

Pray for all Ministry. By Paula Hunter Page3

I had to go to Church! By Co-Bishop Sharon Polk Page 6

Pastor Vivian Louise Carreiro by Co-Bishop S. Polk Page 9

Expressions Of You by Co- Bishop Sharon Polk Page11

Update on Courage to Change by Co Bishop Sharon Polk Page 13

Editor Co-Bishop Sharon Polk

Photos by Co-Bishop Sharon Polk and Clip Art

Writer Paula Hunter

Church News

Spirit 0f Hope Ministries Inc. in two locations

Wed. at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at 4410 River Park Drive Louisville Kentucky, in the Flaget Apts. Chapel.

March 2011

March 11, 2012 at 4:00 P.M. we will have guest speakers

March 25 2012 at 4:00 p.m. We will have Bishop Johnson Pastor of Abundant Life Church of God In Christ out of Jeffersonville In.

Every Sunday we will have our Sunday school 10:00 a.m. and Morning Worship 11:30 a.m.

Pastor Bishop Willie C. Polk Jr.

Send in your Church News 379-3262/ [email protected]

All are welcome


The Great People that work at Enterprise

Jordan Levy Katie Nation-Stallons Charles Watkins

I want to give out a big thanks to the workers at Enterprise car rental located at 433 S. 8th street in Louisville Ky. I was up the creek without transportation (my car was in the shop). I was unable to get around town to the places I needed to be at and help my family so I called them and they were so kind to me. I could not get there so they had the driver Charles Watkins pick me up at my house and take me to their location. They get an A+ in customer service. I was very happy with the car I had rented that weekend and they were just as nice to me on my returned.


John Reed Manger Co-Bishop Sharon Polk Alex Page

How you may say they were just doing their job. Well I have been in many places of business and they did their job, but they were rude and very unpleasant. They did their job with a smile.



Pray for All Ministry (P-FAM) Letter, Verse, Thoughts & Prayer to You – Graciously Unworried

Paula Hunter


Pray for All Ministry (P-FAM) Letter, Verse, Reflection and Prayer to You: Do Not Conform to the Ways of This World: Make the Change! Written by Paula Belleza Hunter February 15, 2012 Dear P-FAM Family and Friends, In a world of so much pride, greed, envy, lust and hostility, it is so difficult to focus on the pureness and righteousness of being a person of integrity. We see things around us that justify catering to our selfish desires from commercials to music. Growing up, I can remember my mom saying to me that one day the things that are sinful will be acceptable and the norm; and the things that are good and pure will be frowned upon. When did it become okay to put yourself above God, above your family and above all else? When did it become okay to promote drunkenness, vulgar language and sexual immoral living? When did it become okay to hurt children and animals? After reading the last question, you may say, ―It never became okay to hurt children and animals!‖ So why can we not say ―It is never okay to put myself above all, to be selfish, to lust after men and women or material objects, to be drunk or vulgar‖? Society has filled our heads with garbage for its own gain. The gain of putting money in their own pockets by exploiting women as material objects, selling things we do not need to feel better or be better than Mr. and Mrs. Smith; or the gain to sell their products (music, television, magazines or material goods) to say ―I deserve this to fulfill my selfish desires‖. As ridiculous as these things may sound, it is so easy to be trapped into the ways of the world because we are human. We want to fit in. We want to belong. And we want to feel good. When we remove our morals and values to fit in, belong and feel good, we are actually removing ourselves further from God and His teachings to live a pure and righteous life and not conform to the ways of this world. Ponder on this. If we think about the pleasures of the world and all it encumbers, think about the hurt and pain it causes others. Lust, promiscuity and sexual immorality hurt everyone. Whether you are in a relationship or married, you are sinning against your own body and hurting someone else you love by sexual immoral living and thinking. If you are involved in this immoral living, you are hurting yourself, your body and may even be influencing others to follow. When you are envious of others lives, possessions or relationships, you are robbing yourself of the peace and joy of having a life with God who is always there for you and will never forsake you – and meets ALL of your needs. You become dissatisfied with yourself and your life and hurt those around you with your pain, as well as committing further sin to justify feeling better. When you are angry you hurt those around you with your negativity, your words and your resentment. When you are prideful, you hurt everyone because you find a way to always justify the negative things you do because you feel you deserve it. The pattern is continuous and snowballs until you are in a corner. Then, you need fresh air. You need to get out of the negative circle you continuously go around and around. It is time to stop the madness and realize your worth. It is time to get into the truth and live life and not just exist. If you reflect on those things that are good – gentleness, kindness, love, purity, righteousness, peace, humility – you find that you are satisfying your true soul and purpose. You find that you are helping others, removing the pain and hurt in your life as well as those whom are around you and you love. This is God’s perfect and pleasing will.


So ask yourself, ―If the ways of the world cause pain, why would I want to conform to that? If the ways of the Lord bring joy, hope, love and peace, then why would I not choose that? Of course, it is not always easy making the right decisions. Change is not easy. But we have the perfect instruction book – the Bible. And the perfect teacher – Our Lord and Savior. Take the time today to lift up your prayers for a renewed heart and mind. Pick up the Bible and read it. And start having a personal relationship with Christ today. You will see the changes manifest and the wonderful feelings set it. Reflect now on moments in your life that you conformed to the ways of the world and it brought pain to you or your family. Now reflect on times you did the right thing and avoided the dangers a world full of selfishness…did it not bring you happiness and peace…did it not bless you or your loved ones? Our Lord always has your back. Can you say that about the world? VERSE: ―Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 REFLECTION: In a world so full of “me”, it is difficult to focus on others. Yet, the media shoves in our faces that we should fulfill our selfish desires through materialism, revenge, pride and lust. After reflecting on times that you succumbed to the ways of the world and your true conscious thoughts and feeling afterwards, it becomes a reality that living a life of immorality in our hearts, minds and actions, feels empty and hurts others. We have the opportunity to look at God’s promise for us and renew our minds and hearts with the ability to help others, love others and bring joy and peace to our lives. God is waiting. Let’s start with ourselves today and rally for the norm to be goodness, pureness and righteousness. Let’s be an advocate for change! PRAYER: Lord, I lift to you today the best intentions to change my ways. I ask forgiveness to you and anyone I may have hurt by adhering to the ways of the world. Remove from me any evil desires and lead me away from any form of temptation to fulfill my own selfish desires. In a world so full of immorality, I lift up to you today, Father, our leaders, the media, music industry, entertainment industry, and everyone who is fooled into thinking that living a life of immorality or luring others into that lifestyle is acceptable. Teach them Father. Remove from them these selfish desires and influence their hearts and minds to turn to the good of others and your truth. Help them turn to you. And today, I pray that you will make me stronger in you by my actions, thoughts and words so that I may no longer accept the things of the flesh, but only live a life in your Word and in the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, enter my heart today and guide me – flush out the evil and create in me a pure heart and mind. I am ready to live a life of peace, joy, love, hope, purity, and righteousness so I may be in accordance to your perfect will and reflect a life that is even more enjoyable – a life in you! In Jesus, my Savior’s Name I pray. Amen. Let me pray for you or a loved one today. All requests are strictly confidential. You may email me at [email protected]. Peace and Blessings!


I had to go to Church! By Co- Bishop Sharon Polk

As a child growing up in my home town of Richmond In. when Sunday came you knew were you would be, in Church! My mother and father Elder Thomas J. Burrell Sr. and Ruby Mae Burrell would wake us up in the morning and you would wake up to the smells of bacon, eggs, coffee, and toast. The house was filled with the smell of a great meal waiting for you. She would already have Sunday dinner cooking so when we got out of the first service of the day dinner was ready to eat. We still had two more services to go to that day. At that time in my life I did not want to go to service however the smells that filled the house of a great meal made you want to get up. I did want to eat on Sunday Morning. It was Sunday and that’s was where my brothers, sister and I knew we would be in Church, so we did not talk back we just went. When my father got saved elder Thomas J. Burrell we all went. He was a strong man of God, and the devil wanted him on his side but my father stayed with God and my mother even in her illness she never complained but held on to the Lord till He took her home with Him.


Thanks Mama and Daddy

The late Elder Thomas J. Burrell Sr. and First Lady Ruby M. Burrell Going to church as a child let me know that I was out of the will of God and I needed Jesus to save me from my sins. I came to the Lord early in life but in my teenage years I walked away. I thank God that the teaching I received was so clear that I knew if I came back to the Lord He would receive me and not turn me away. Well He came for me and I run to him. We are living in a time where there are families that let the kids decide if they are going to go to Church or not. I thank God for all the parents of today who are making their kids go to church. Being made to go to church is one of the most important things you can give you child. And worshiping God with them will let them know that if they call on the name of the Lord they will be saved and long after you as a parent is gone to be with the Lord your child will know how to stand because they will not be standing alone Jesus will be standing in them through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Proverbs 22:6 tells us “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.”


Don’t forget to make it to Church this Sunday.


Pastor Vivian Louise Carreiro

Pastor V. Carreiro Will be have a crusade in Pittsburgh. Pa. on April 21, 2012. She is a Mighty woman of God and you will see the power of God working in the room.This is not her first time in Pittsburgh God as moved on her to return in this area. There will be a conference in the Morning and a Miracle Service that evening. The conference cost $20.00 per person. Miracle Service will be free. In our April issue we will tell to the location of the services, or you can call 502-379-3262.


She “is a Holy Spirit filled ,empowered vessel of God. She is the founder of the Jesus Crusade Mircle Ministry, Inc. Vivian preaches the Gospel of the kingdom in the power of the Holy Spirit in Operaton of the gift of miracles, healing, word of knowlegedge and prophesy. Vivian continues to travel and evangelize throughout the U.S.A. and has been a guest speaker on CTV, Pittsburgh Pennsylvannia and TBN.”

Thank for letting God use you.

So sit that day aside for the mighty works of God.


Expressions Of You By Co- Bishop Sharon Polk

Ms. Camille Anderson-Linton

Founder and owner

I made a stop at a wonderful coffee shop Expression Of You

They are located at 1800 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd. in Louisville Kentucky. This coffee Shop serves more than just coffee, they have breakfast and lunch the food is Great. I have eaten there many times. They also provid a table so other can share what they are doing in the community. There are book to read and buy too.


The owner is Ms. Camille Anderson-Linton and she has been on the site for about twelve years.

So why did Ms. Camille Anderson-Linon start this business? God gave her this vision to go forth and bring in to the West end of Louisville a Place that had a great atmosphere, good coffee, good food and great reading.

She most enjoys meeting the people that come in and building a relatoionship with them.

So I like to thank her for opening a place where you can and relax from the busy world that awaits. A place of peace!

“Make your event worth talking about”

Catering Specialist

502-584-6886/Direct Line 502-599-0309/Fax 502-584-6887 E-mail [email protected]


Stacie Crowder is the founder and owner of Courage to Change this is a transitional housing located at 32nd and Hale in Louisville Kentucky. This sitting not only helps persons who are in transition, but she also offers guidance to lead them to Christ. We know that Christ is the one who will change the heart of a person and causes them to be able to stand for what is right in His eyes. She had housing for women and men. She has reach out and touched many people with Courage to Change.


The Lord has also allowed her to get two more building

If you would like to make a difference in the community contact Staci at 502-338-2505

Thanks Staci for carrying