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Thank God I’m

Alive By: Anand and Calvin

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One summer day, Bob wanted to go hiking for his birthday. He

wanted his best friend, Joe, to go with him, and Joe agreed.

They planned to stay for three days and two nights. Joe was a

little hesitant because he knew the dangers of the wilderness.

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They drove to a national park reserve which allowed campers.

They decided not to take their cell phones because they were

afraid that they would get damaged. When they got there the

forest ranger told them not to wander out to far from their

campsite because the mountain is very large and has many

dangerous animals.

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As they were walking happily through the huge forest, Joe

suddenly stopped. He asked Bob hesitantly, "Do you remember

which way we came from?" Bob looked around and shook his

head. There were lost. "I knew this was going to happen," said

Joe as he was shaking his head. "I should have been smarter

and brought a cell phone. We are never going to make it back."

"It is fine," said Bob confidently. "We can find our way back, I

just know it." So Joe and Bob looked around frantically. After

a long 3 hours, they grew tired and decided to make a camp.

"At least you remembered the sleeping bags and food," said

Bob. That made Joe a little more confident.

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Everyone slept terribly that night. They were very afraid that

some scary and animal would viciously tear them apart and eat

them while they slept. Joe told Bob that they should take

turns watching. Bob said “Yeah, whatever. But the dangerous

animals out there give me the creeps. You’re going first.” Joe

agreed hastily. He felt better that someone would be

watching his back when he slept. During the day, the still

tiredly wandered around the forest searching for an exit. The

day past and still they didn’t find a way to get out safely.

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They searched for any sign of an exit, and found none. But,

they found a map. Their current position was in the middle of

the forest. Joe exclaimed “How did we get here?” The exit of

the forest was 11 miles away, and they had to cross two

creaks, which were as big as rivers. But, there was a forest

ranger post across the first creek, only 5 miles away.

Unfortunately, the post wasn’t on the map. So, they were very


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They started on the long journey. The first day, they got to

the creak. It was long after dusk, so they didn’t want to cross

the river. The next day, they tried to cross the creak. When

they first saw it, they thought it was a mile wide, even though

it was only 100 feet across. As soon as they stepped into the

water, they howled because it was freezing. They decided to

build a raft. They used dead branches and little pieces of

string to make the raft. It took all day, so they had to spend

another night in the wilderness. The next day, they made two

ores, and it was probably noon by the time they finished. They

finished off the last of their food. They needed to cross the

creak fast. They hit the creak, and immediately felt its power.

They struggled for at least an hour against the power of the

creak, and finally crossed it. They knocked on the park

ranger’s door, and he finally took them to safety.

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They rode the helicopter to safety. They decided to start a

TV show. Every month, they ventured out into the wilderness,

changing jobs as a camera man, and talk about how to survive

different wildernesses. They lived until they were 99. They

always remembered their first time in the wilderness.

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