Download - tftoHl sllJ:lN:ls snpilpdsuoc snuecalad Nvcllfd Nvl ... · Semeniuk: Australian Pelican benefits from behaviour ol Pied Cormorant Corella 26(11 1130 t i t. n a c b T dr si c(to sv

Page 1: tftoHl sllJ:lN:ls snpilpdsuoc snuecalad Nvcllfd Nvl ... · Semeniuk: Australian Pelican benefits from behaviour ol Pied Cormorant Corella 26(11 1130 t i t. n a c b T dr si c(to sv


'EelE 3Ur[S Aql Ur Sut8ulo] selceds laqlo Jo aSElue^p[

elel ?lqr aq ol ueql sesodslpold uos?J eql lE ssJnlJnllsutunq punol€ eullgroqs eql 8uolu acuaserd snonutluoJfprau .suecrled eqJ eloqs uo seqlle. lleql Suuedeldpue sdr:l uror; Sutu:nla.t ueuuaqsll l?uolltaJlel ,{q slnopuvq

Luog sp IIa^\ sE 'uorlJulatul tsrlnol JoJ sulqdlop 'lJgles

Surtairrl sre8uur,{q Sutpaog uoltJtJlsrP ulo{ souelslsqns

lleq] Jo auros ulPlqo spllq eseql lloser 3ql qll,{\ uolll?lJoss€

esolc ur {11unsn ere su€clled ucrlEllsnv 61-9 1o dno:3e 'punor rte{ ytasetd aotptpuollaD^ort sntD'l sllnC la^llssnoleunu aql ol uoorpplt uI Suf,unq ,{q pep:o31e ;e11aqs

pu? pooJ .+o secrnos 1et1uelod eqt ot splq ,{ueru s,tt;:p'Eerr eql uI Surqsg llrc:aruruor e[EJs IJ[uIs qll,{\ p?ulquloJ

sreluoq pue sroqsu leuollualceJ Jo lPql o] uolllpPeur ',(lr,rrtre vq1. sn)1!npD sdors;l; sutqdloq esouglllogplr,{\ lo sreluno.ue dn esolr pue Sutpea; peztplsqns-ueunqssautr,t fru-r otlqnd aqt ereq,tr PIlurlsnv ul suolleJol ,{\eJ

?q] lo auo s] slql, (,'\\,00.911 's,00oz/) elnsulued uored

lo epr5^ urelsEa aql uo pel?Jol '(t 3t,t) t,tt^t '{eluotr^{ ul

uose: urqdlop aqt tu Klletcedsr'aJueseld untunq IPIluctsqnsf, slsrxa eraqt 'e1g a8etr:e11 plroi[ 1? sE Pe]srl qinoqll€'ra^e,\\oll (666; re11n1 puE eSprqlng) lutlourJoJ pordpue utJrled uEIINrlsnV eqt Jo seluoloc Surpeerq Surpnlcul'3urtsr1 altg espluoH pltoy'{ r q8norql pelrelord setrads

{urur ol euoq sr ursEq eqi'uolllppE ul (6361 ta11e161

pUo^\ aqt ur s,l.lop?oul sserBues lseirul eql Sululeluocursrq ,rofl€qs '(,lu)t OO0 tI) 33rPl D sl (T 3ll) fEg lrrqs

atts iPnls

s(oHJsr r

'urstltsertdotdel>1 ot Plt

,{Eur srqt r'Aoq gonpollur ,{Uarrq puE uollctJoss? Jo 3dr

srql ot puel ueJ qJlq,{\ srolf,EJ lEJnor^€qaq pu? Ir 8ol0li

eql ssnf,rp oslP ed\'sr?.rr^ {D)oJolJDlDqa IUETOUIIOJ pll;

SurBEloJ ? uo snlDlltJldsuo) snuDJaPd uE.!led uelltJlsnl

ue ,{q pelrqrqxa rnorAeqeq eq1 ssnJslp !r!

'(9661 tD la uosuqol :I661 uosrspuv :686I UeH :f861

su€^E puu ^elltty{.O)

sDlpor?4 paPlv suorcH enlql[ !puB sttltt11o tDJoJoJJDlnqd slul?lourloJ pelsall-elqn0[

's 1aDr[,\ norpuo4 sfatdstl se II3^\ s€ sJIJIJeds!01

Surzrlrsnredoldell puu Sutztltsered pe^lasqo usii

stq sarJads slqJ (966T ?tl la uosuqol) soqJtl^4.Io.t11trl)

snuDJapd upcrled al!qll\ uEJIJeurv eql 'selJldi

auo ,{1uo ur pgtuouncop ueoq sEq eeplu€Jrlad eql ll

rnor^eqeq rrlrseredoldall '(L661 tD ra raleeqs:0661 lrJl.{aqsrel :986I reu€rJ pur? Io!€J :t86I lo J, II?u!)sp?rpnls Il3,'u u?sq s€q seltstred dds ,t/aJS ulel plll

dds srlz7 11nB rteqt pue sllDiuaPlJJo stluDJaPd surrlliu,\\oJg uea,\\leq suoIlBlJosse JIIIs^Irl8dO1d?11 pull Jlllslllieq1 q8noqtly (6/6I prDur8g pul urtulJoia) suorlpur

Itrnor^f,qeq pur: 1uct8o1o:tr lueleJ1lp Jo lequllru :

rapun esrJp u1?il rnol^lqrq clllseled 'uolllppe uI ($l]lilJol 6/61 prEurf,g pul, uEtu{Jojg ees) solJods pllq lulLr

ur SuulnJJo {3a1rr1s Sur8rrtl uoruruQJ fllrsl e sl qJl{r

'1;eq] pooJ:o 'tusttrstrudoldell ot p[al ,{eru suorlrrlos!:

Surpeal qon5 (tg6l pu€U) .3ut1ceq, se u^\oul rnol^rqt;

r 'ferd ue1qBt.t1 qJIq,tr sJeurlu€ raqlo Jo selll,\llli

SurpeeJ aqt lo e8?tut^pe alEl 01 u,lrou{ eru spllq luxl\



's r



tftoHl sllJ:lN:ls snpilpdsuoc snuecalad Nvcllfd Nvl-IVHISnv NV













a00z !aq1ua)2o lz :pa^tDa\

'?rqrunroJ qsulrs trqsurns ''^uc ^,,**,"n

,JJr"Tr'*-:":l"Xtf,",, "",u', 'saruot's lrr'otorfl ro ru'rur*dec

xnlNahtgs c v Jputai.o-I d o

t/usfilsvuvdord:l-tv oI HosuncfHd 3-tslssod Y :snue^xerocotcepqd INVHol lHoc of ld v lo HnolAVHSs cNlIVf s 3Hl

'sarnlcn4s rlotll pue sueulnq to ecuoselo lecls^qoeql

^q poploJJe uotlcelold aql Iq poleldlcord seM uolercossE oql leql

^ltJtqrssod oql sl se 'passncslp

^uellq are serceds qioq rol uo'te'cosse srq] to sltleuoq pue slsoc leBuelod uaql pooJ lo 'Luslusel€doldall ol bulpeel

uorlercossP 6urpoe, srq] lo ^ltltqlssod

eql s! se 'suollE lesqo aseql ol uo|lelel ul pessn3slp erP '.6ulleoq sE qcns

lnorrer.leq cltlsered ooernocuo ol uMouti slolcEl lelnol^eqeq pue lecloolocf odPaso lou plnoc qclqa pool uo

ourzrlElrdEc lo ^leraur

lou pue ueclled eql Iq ^ald

lo uolldaclalul lo ouo Alealc sPM lnol^eqeq po^losqo aq-I Jnoq

ue lo .rauenb e ro^o lleM lol lueloLuloc eql q]l^\ uollelcossP ul paulELuol pue luEloulloc oql ,o le^ule oql ol

ror.rd pael ol ldLueue ou opeul ueclled oql Ellellsnv ur€lsaM ,{eg llEqs 'Ely! Io)juoy\l u! sm./P'' xaocoJceleqd

luErorlroo peld e uo snlP///J/dsuoc snuecapd ueclled uellerlsnv uE Iq slnoq c llseled aloLlsul lo solles esaqucseplrodeJ 6urr,rollol aq. .u^ oul ale suectpd

^q ^6ale4s 6urpeeJ sLql lo sorpnls pue slunocce Ma, 'Ll.rsrlrseled

eteirlrcel ol uMou)i sllerl lecrboloco pue lelnol^eqoq ^ueul

uqqxa eepluecrJod oql q6noqllv palueulncop pue

,"ourt ll"^ sr dds pu-lals pue snJPl ^llPlcodsa

'spl q lo sdnolb ^ueLu ^q

salceds ueclled uo Lrlslllseled pool

OE- LZ.\t)gZ'2002'e eioo(!)

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28 O. P Love and C. A. D. Semeniuk: Australian Pelican benefits from behaviour ol Pied Cormorant Corella 26(11






IcoIobsThtocctorAlltobthemadbotlforalintoccathe \endof clobselende<greatlcontllto nol


B ircbehavisuch s



Figwe 1. bQtion nwp, showing the position of Sha* Bay on the West Australian coastline and the obsenation site (*) Monkey Mia.

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secuuqmlstp u€unrl Jo ,{Jol€peJd ou eJ3,\\ eloqJ .uoDErcoss€

eqt Suunp Suqrgeueq peepur se,r uecrlad aqt 1eq1elpJlpul ol uraes plnol\ uorlzrcossp eql Burpua luproulloceql qlr,r peldnoc slueure,{oru s.lupJoruJoJ eq1 o1 uucrladaql Jo SullJteur osolJ aqJ sarcads eseql :og ,{e.rd;o acrnosl.ueserd luupodurr ue aq,{eur srql puE (€lsp .lqndun ,a,lo1)Aero lerJoc ol saJnlEal ueurnq ol esoJt eurleloqs eql azlJDnol pa^Jesqo ueeq e^Eq,{?q eql ur slupJoruloJ pue suectJedqlog. eJUJ_seld ueurnq asolJ elelalol upJ qrrq,n .tr8r:o1crlenbu 'a8re1 :o; s:olrleduoc pue sroluperd Ierlualoilsoru salnpel seJnlJnJls lraql puls su€runq go acuasa.rd eqlput eurlaJoqs eql Jo ,{trurrxoJd eql .uoDrppe u1 .,{etd rraqllcloJ ol sluoq paJoou pup sSur-roou_r sE qJns sJlnlJnJtsep€ru ueurnq ;o a8uluu,rpe o{el reqtJnJ uEf, splrq aqJ'IxsrusEl€doldeJl loJ suorlrpuoc JEepl ssleelt qctq,r u-Ie1ud6urpsoJ elqEltrrpald e ,tro11og ,{aql ,slueI,uellles u€ulnqqlr^\ uorlcrJossE ur,{llurcedse .(ulEp .lqndun .e^o.I) prl{AaIUoIAI punoE aurleloqs eqt 3uole puuq

^\orrEu E urqlr,r

ad€JoJ ol uees useq a^pq sluPlorujoJ pard ecurs .l?lrqEqSurBero; s,tsoq eql Jo flllrqplJrpard :o uorleiol paxgaql sr rnor,{Eqaq crlrseredoldelq 3o uoDnlo,\e eql BuDutrTrcuJsuorlrpuoJ aqt Jo euo ,(616I) plEurpg pue ueurlco:g ,{qpelels sV uoqprJossc leqt ur epq,r ,{ltuapuedepur a8erol o1Surs€aJ'Jeqtouu ,{q pauatq8rrg Jo dn pesuqJ poog uo ,{liJossarlar sarceds auo se dole,rep uEJ JnorAaqsq c4rseredoldely'u-rs nrsu.redoldall Jo lueurdole^ep eql ol ros.rnce:dE sE pe,ror,\ eq u€c puu rusrunl.roddo l€nseJ utql erorusr o^oqE peluerunJop uorl€lJossE eW ,G661 elooJg puE

^_relJr1 :6/6I prpuJeg pu€ ueuDlcorg) taqtoue ,{q lq8nuc

ueeq Apeerlp srq qJrqd pooJ Jo leturut auo ,{q Burleots3q1 ol sleJer ssuss lculs aq1 ur tustlrseredoldal{ q8noqllV

.lnor^eqaq pe^losqo eql uo a8el:oqsp,,oJ q]|\\ taqtaSot totrel slql Jo JJuenuur Jql Ju[uJJtepol pepf,Ju st {pnls laqunJ pup JJtut,\\ s,erlr:t.ny 3ur.rnpacrld loor suorlE^rasqo eseqJ .(0/6I s,(EH :996I Bur):096I u€ur8reg :g96l .4\ous :6t61 orunl l :116I reulEd)sqluou retur^\ aql Suunp _ro seprl .a8uloqs poo;3ospor:ed Suunp sasra.rcut sarcads,(uuru,{q rustlrsu.redotdalll[ql sloqlne leJ?^es,{q petou ueeq seq 1r,,{lleurg.uecqadaql ,{q pelsa,lur .{8:aua puv arurl Jo tunorrle eql saJnpeJuJnl ul srqJ pooJ pelEJol lou seq qJrq,r lsorl luEloulo, p Slrlseq3 uerrled aql Jo saJu"qr aq1 Burenpar .e1qrsr.l

^lqirq eJ? Slu€lotuloJ Sut8erOg go slnor,\Eqeq BurceJJnsu

pue .8ur^rp eqt ,,{1p'trq1 .uucrlad aqt puu eu,feroqs

eqt ^q

pelrulrl luorue^oru eprs ol eprs qlr,{ aurl lq8ruJls?- sseJ ro a.rour ur sa8erog lu€rourJol ?qJ .elqelcrpald re^ ere aseJ srqt ur tsoq eql Jo strq€r{ eqt ,,(lpuoce5'eb?tuelpp 3{el ol eJqp sr u€Jtl?d eql ecuaq pue tuvJotulocduIbEroJ I€npr^rpur uE

^q pat3elold ro pezqodouour

eq touu€a 'eullaJoqs eql JBau luproruJor aqt,{q papreqqsu Jo slooqcs s€ qcns ,pool

Jo sanDurnb eSrrl go ecuese:deql 'AIlsrrC Jnor^uqeq cqrsered elelrlrcey plnoJ uorlurJoss?luerourroc-uectlad srql ul sJolcEJ Jpmor^Eqeq pur lerr8oloceJo raqunu p (6a61) pl€urrg puD uEru]IJorg f,q petou sV

ut8eq sler8e eqr prp 'ueql Jo luo4 ur urn ,. ,1:tj;;*iur^rrp 'eurlaloqs eql psqJ€oldd€ s:esuu8jeur erJl ueu^\{1ug lerrtte .sLosue3Lau aqt o: -ror.rd paay ot tduattu ouepstrj ster5e aql eleq,r .qsg urElqo pu? etEf,ol ot totD as.trtrrJ,t/ s.resue8Je1^{ pelseerq-peg Jo sIJoU uo Bur,{1erDlnry o atSg stor8g ,{mou5 ur uoltprcoss€ snlt po^Jasqo

(0Z6I) asorqulv puE ruolurA .u,ro slr uo peel ol Bunduauecrlad eql lnoqtr,r lut lorrrJoJ aqt ,4q pepreq puE pos?qlpooJ alols uecqed eql (tS6I pupg) .Buneaq, su u,r,routrnor^pqeq u ',{a.rd uotq8r.rg rlJrq,r sJJqlo Jo sarlr,rr)lu Burparlaql Jo abElu8^pE e{pl spJlq uaq,$ sr uorlezrlerceds qcnr

;o alduruxe euo .(61_6T pJ?ulpg pup uEuDlroJg) rnor^Eqrqcrlrse.nd ,(11urcos Jo e8u€t E urqlr,tr azrlerceds uuc sp.rrg


pue Burlsoor suzcrled 3o d"ors " ,,ri;,q;;rqj"[tHTil

qlnos €_ ur aurl?Joqs aql Suop qtud leur8uo s1r uo panurtuoiuucqed aql ,{eq eq1 olur lno sereur gge ueql JelraJiacuElsrp € ol .A\au pup pacpJJns lu€loruloJ aql u€q,r pepu!uorlErJossE aqJ .selnutur gI loJ palsDl porjed uorlE^lrsqileql tuplolxloJ SurBEJoJ eql ql^\ uonplJosse JsolJ u

uleuIar ol Suluurr,rs sll dn peads plno,tr uecrled aq1:uorrSurBe:o; elerperuurr eql ur Burumua:

"1q^ .unc,1"d1q

1,Jlssll plJ ol ldruellu tue.uddu ur ur sdeqred.a,rrp r ur Burpul'ret€,^\ eql lo lno ,{poq lsoJ€d puE pl]eq slr gtl,{\ JalE^\ oql

Jo ecuJlns eqt lE,{llJrnb tut,\\s luelourJoc oqt .suorssitl

IpJe^es uO uollJgJrp quou ol qtnos AuruJueJ eqt rli

stnoq eerql puu uorlcalrp qlnos ot quou r ur stnoq Bu6tro;moJ_ Jo lElol 3 apEur lueJouJoJ aq1 .parnldet sptrq qtoq

AeJo Jo reqrunu tJ€xe eql eurulelap ot llncuJlp ]t epuutstnoq iurpaeJ eql Jo peeds qlrm peldnoc stuatr ,{erd orl

Jo eTrs.llEurc eqt rJ^anoq .qsu ltEq {uJ 0l L) llErrs ?q0pereadde luerou:oJ aql ,{q poJnldeJ pue peseqr ,{e:d i1i'seqJl?J qsrJ-sldqlnur :o e13urs eJe,r eseql Jeqleq,r e10u 0l

llntrr.JJrp se^\ lr q8noqlle ,uorlerloss€ eql Burrnp suorsrrl61 uo ,{ard 3ur,$ollE,rs pe,\lssqo sEA\ luEJorrrjoc aul'suorseJJo esrql Jo Juos Sullnp {a,rd Burmollcnr poat:<q-sE,r pu€ soutrl elEedas /I seqcluc l€rluelod s.luElorut0legl ldacJelut ot ueas se,\\ uecrlad eql .por:od srql Buung'aurloJoqs eql pue lupjorruoJ Sur8ero; aqi uee,nleq ,{us ot

pouru oslp uecrlad eql ,plp tl sV uoqce:rp elrsoddo eql u

lnoq Sutpeej raqlouu urSoq ol .0gT urnt puu ecglrns pln6)1r euJll qJrq^ le seleur St ,(lelEurrxoJdd8 Jo eJuptsDrre^o ra-uuetu slql ur a8ero; plno,r tuprourJoJ oqJ .pe,roll0l

uucrled eql se Sur8u:o3 talp,rlepun slr peunset pul

rre roJ paapJJns lu€JourJoJ oql ,turod stqt lV .qJte, oWJlr

lJud tseel le Surldec;a1ur luEroluloJ eql Jo luo+ ul ru[^1rpue pelelalocc€ ,{11crnb uerrled aql .aurlaroqs eql sprl,n0lqsrJ Jo looqss IIeurs € peseqJ puE pelBJol lurrou!0J3ur8€IoJ eqt uaql6 lr purqeq ,4pq8rls pe13ue put tr lo oprr-eroqs eql ol sellatu Z-I Sutdao{ salleu]lluoJ ge Jo qld4lolp,r 0 ur luplolrrloJ eqt ot lalprrd rue,ns uecrlad aqi'eroqs eql o1 1alFnd

,lelE,\\ Jo sallsurrluac 0g ur Jnor^tqtil

Sur8uro; :alr,trrapun ur pa8u8ue sp,\\ qJrq,r lutJouJlctpord aW ?ur,,trolloJ pe,\J?sqo se,r uecrled eq1 ,1z,tul^Jasqo eql legp uoos .sJq ggtl lE Burrrncco sorruyy 7 go epp-q€1q u qrr,,r,r Surslr-q8rq su.r uortf,^resqo Jo rureqt ls etruenbes lEprl eqJ lroseg urqdloq Erji\tr ,{e)iuo

JJo tu€JoruloC per4 Sur8uroj r Butqouordde eutleroqs Elulo4 serteu 0I pe^lasqo sEAt uBcrled uerle:1sny eliunl'0002 eunl Jo qlgz eql uo .srq00tI ,{lelourrxo:dde 1y


.,{ug 4zq5 ut ,{pn1s raqloue Buunp peploll

s€,r qcrq,r uotldrrcsap 8ur.\\olloJ eql roJ slsvq aqt s! pesr

eJe,r suorlE^Jesqo sJEJlns tuo{ setou plelJ etuu_leaf,

lueroLljoc pald ,o rnol^eqaq ulolJ stllaueq uectlad uetle4snv :rnuawos o .v.c pue a^o.l d .o

zoaz'wem (L)92 E

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30 O. P Love and C. A. D Sem€nlukr Australian Pelican benefits lrom behaviour of Pied Cormorant Corella 26(1)


The fNSWServ



Pacill1 I-1





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Red-tr(a) 20G.


(This is

(b) 200-on;PIaclafter

(This is

Masker(a) 131-

(1r ":of Pi

(b) l3l-Norf{band2001,




noted at the point at which the cormorant left theassociation. Furthermore, as the pelican joined the alreadyforaging cormorant, it is possible that the associationfavours the pelican to an extent where it seeks out a shore-foraging cormorant. The pelican exerts no energy insearching for prey and can easily assess cormorants ingood feeding areas due to their conspicuous foragingbehaviours. Under certain circumstances, even when a

pelican is present, it may pay for the cormorant to remalnforaging. It is entirely possible that in this case thecormorant may have been benefiting from ltsh scared backto it by the parasitizing pelican. If conditions exist whereincreased competition both within and between these twospecies during a feeding association such as 'beating'occurs, kleptoparasitism may develop as resources andforagers become increasingly clumped (Brockman andBarnard 1979).

Further detailed observations are necessary to determineif this is a recurring behaviour and under which conditionseither of the birds decides to join or to leave the foragingassociation. In addition, there is the need to quantify thedegree of foraging success or failure for each of theparticipants in order to properly understand the balance ofcosts and benefits involved for each member. Since PiedCormorants and Australian Pelicans are locally common inMonkey Mia, combined with their common practice offoraging close to shore in this area, the study of thisassociation in Shark Bay is possible. In addition, a

comparative study of the degree and success of parasitismand possible kleptoparasitism between sites close to humanpresence and those in more traditional habitats should be

undertaken. This will determine whether this behaviour is

in fact a natural tactic of the pelicans or has arisen due tothe close presence of human counterparts.


We would like to thank the Department of Conservatiotr and LandManagement in Western Australia. the Monkey Mia Resort and the

rangers of Monkey Mia. Thanks also to two anotrymous r€f€rees whoreviewed ttus paper.


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