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Social media is quickly catching up to email as a primary way people share news and information online. Facebook has over 1 billion users, more than 55 million messages are posted to Twitter daily, and many other social networks such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Reddit and more boast millions of regular visitors.

Social media represents a powerful channel for introducing and sharing news and information about your business, brand or service. And the most desirable medium on social networks is video. On Facebook, for example, posts featuring video are shared 1,200% more often than text and link posts … combined.


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Chances are, you already use at least one online social network regularly in your personal life, to connect with friends, talk about hobbies and interests, recommend products, restaurants or movies, and more.

At its most basic, Social Media Marketing is simply taking advantage of these networks and connections to introduce new people to your business, brand or service while engaging your existing audience in an ongoing conversation.

The potential of Social Media Marketing to increase the number of people who know about your business is virtually unlimited. Unlike Email Marketing, in which you are tailoring your message to a known and specific group of recipients, Social Media Marketing allows you to reach far beyond your known audience, and catch the attention of millions who may not otherwise hear about your brand. Each time someone in your network responds to your message, members of their own network can see that interaction, introducing your brand to an entirely new and different audience.

Social Media Marketing also offers the opportunity to communicate with your customers directly, creating an “open line” to nurture relationships and build trust. Customers use social media to ask questions about products, seek a shortcut to customer service, discover sales and specials, and more. And when they find what they’re looking for, they use social media to tell the world about it.


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Talk Fusion’s Video Communication Products let you make the most of social media’s potential for both attracting new eyes and keeping loyal customers engaged. The most watched, commented, shared, “Liked,” etc., posts on social networks are invariably video-based, and Talk Fusion’s Video Communication Products are designed to make distributing your videos easier than ever.

For instance, once you’ve created and sent a Talk Fusion Video Email or Video Newsletter, you can use Video Share to post it to more than 200 social sites, as well as to your own Video Blog and our very own video-driven social media site, the Fusion Wall. Each social network has its own users, and posting to as many sites as possible increases the number of viewers.

Another example: When someone posts a comment or question about your business, why reply with a boring text response? Respond from anywhere, immediately, by creating a Video Email using the Fusion On the Go mobile app (available for Android and iOS devices) to give your communication a unique, personal and attentive touch.

How about being able to showcase your tutorials, product presentations and more? Our Live Broadcast Product lets you record your streaming broadcast and share the link to all of your social networks at any point in the future—a recorded broadcast can be shared to unlimited new viewers for as long as its content is relevant.

It cannot be overstated: Social media users want to see video. And there’s no better way to create a unique, eye-catching, personalized video experience—and engage your audience by sharing it to social networks across the Internet—than with Talk Fusion.

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• Social media is a two-way conversation. Respond to and converse with your customers—and do it using video—whenever possible.

• Social media marketing is not an occasional or “when you remember” endeavor. Think of your group of followers as a garden—it needs careful daily attention to grow.

• Customers often follow brands on social media to get special discounts, deals and offers. Give them what they want! Offering exclusive deals to social media users is a great way to build your followers and inspire customers to spread the word about your brand on their own.

• Always expand your other marketing efforts into social media. Whenever you send a Video Email or Video Newsletter, share it to your social networks.

• Always expand your social media marketing efforts back into your Email and other marketing efforts. Invite followers to visit your site, join your mailing list, visit your showroom, etc.

• Never use your personal social media profiles as your primary business channels. Create brand-specific profiles for your social networks.

• Don’t feel overwhelmed by the need to constantly generate your own content. Sharing, forwarding, reposting and linking to existing content that’s relevant to your brand or industry can be just as effective and appreciated.

• Pay attention to what your followers on different social networks are talking about, and tailor your content accordingly.

• Add links to your social media profiles on ALL of your materials, from your website to all Video Emails and Video Newsletters that you send.

• Never be afraid to ask your followers questions. Invite them to participate in your brand. Find out what they like about it, what they’d like to see more of, etc.

• Most of all, HAVE FUN! Share the things that make you laugh or smile. Creating an entertaining and engaging social-media atmosphere for your customers and followers can do wonders for your business.

Talk Fusion Video Communication Products make any social media marketing campaign more efficient, expansive and easy to execute. Take advantage of all the opportunities they provide for your marketing efforts today!

Learn more about the Talk Fusion Video Communication Products and Join Us at


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