Download - teza-12E-17.03.2015



1. Complete the second sentence with three to eight words so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. (30points)1. Youd be better off doing what he suggests without arguing.adviceI recommend____________________________________________________argument.2. They say it is likely the police will catch him soon.chancesThey say the__________________________________________________by the police.3. Nowadays, smoking is forbidden everywhere in the building.permittedNowadays, no-one________________________________________________in the building.4. She can deal with any difficult situation.capableShe____________________________________________any difficult situation.5. It isnt obligatory to wear a seat belt in the rear of the car in all countries.sittingIn some countries you____________________________________ in the rear of the car.6. Although at first people were uncertain, they are now beginning to accept the use of genetic fingerprinting.acceptanceThe use of fingerprinting is _____________________________period of uncertainty.7. They couldnt have escaped from her if they hadnt run so fast.onlyThey_________________________________they ran so fast.8. Did all the students have to wear a uniform?necessaryWas__________________________________________________for all the students?9. You dont have to decide now.makeIts_______________________________________________now.10. Im convinced that she was speeding when the car crashed.drivingShe_____________________________________________ when she crashed.

2. You have had a class discussion on the importance of learning foreign languages. Your teacher has given you this quotation: One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way. (Frank Smith) and has asked you to write an opinion essay expanding on the quote. Write your essay in 180 - 200 words.(60points)