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Textual Analysis of 3 Music Videos

My 3 examples• Adele Hello soul released 22nd October, 2015. Female artist


• Evanescence everybody’s fool alternative metal released June 7th 2004, band male and female.


• Stormzy shut up grime released 17th May, 2015


Hello- Adele

The artist also makes herself a cup of hot tea which is a sign of comfort. extreme close-ups are used to give the audience a sense of Adele's vulnerability and uncertainty. While the pathetic fallacy in the wind is Adele's power struggle against herself and her decisions and the rain signifies her boyfriends feelings in the breakup and how it destroyed him.

Pathetic fallacyTea represent comfort and is out of context in this video as there is a lack of any of it.

Extreme close up ECU

The Hello video by Adele is shown in dark colours all the way through, it interprets the lyrics well by creating a melancholy sense about a historical breakup that now haunts the artist.

Hello- Adele2)The opening image of the window comes into clear view while the ledge becomes out of focus, this is because the artist wanted the audience to focus on the car coming towards the building which carries Adele, and not the decay of the window ledge, this shot is important as it connects the darkness and pitiful loneliness of the building with the artists arrival and interpretation of the place.

3)Throughout the beginning of the video Adele's face is not shown. Until 1 minute 15 seconds, where she looks directly into the camera. In this image Adele is standing outside the house conducting a conversation with an unknown individual perhaps the man seen later on. She says “I just got here and I think losing signal already, hello can you hear me now. Sorry.” The wind is blowing in her hair which is frustrating factor but she sounds apologetic. Facial expression is hidden.

4) Adele walks into the building which she seemingly opens (no keys appeared,) which looks to be a house, hers perhaps. However instead of making herself at home she stands momentarily as though she is lost in thought before the film cuts to the next shot . The darkness on either side of her may represent her conflicting minds in what she wants to do. Her sunglasses make her seem fed up and reserved as there is no sun that she is protecting her eyes from and maybe it is the destruction that she caused which is the reason she wears them. Maybe she is ashamed of herself. Again the furniture is dusty, old and lacks in anything other than dullness and sadness.

1)This is the opening image to Adele's hello music video. It is a close up shot of a window. The view from the window is out of focus, however the pane is in clear view, It is dusty and has a collection of dead bugs. This gives the video an emotional and melancholy feel. The dark colours suggest an immediate lack of happiness and love, suggesting loneliness or break up, which is the theme of the song.

Hello- Adele

7) This is the image displays when Adele begins to sing The fact that even the fire is dark shows the level of loneliness and despair Adele is feeling. Fire can represent anger, Adele is angry at herself for making decisions that she now regrets.

6) This is a close-up shot. At 1 minute and 15 seconds Adele shows her face, she opens her eyes for the first time in the whole of the video, this effect is as though she is coming clean and she no longer feels the need to hide behind glasses, hair or other bleak images. Her expression doesn't change while the shot is playing, showing that she is miserable. The singing had still not started at this point

8) Another character is introduced, her ex. Adele is trying to contact as she is upset by her actions although seemingly historical. She seems hurt by his cold reaction or the lack of any at all. Perhaps it is that he has not seen Adele’s attempt. She then attempts yet again to contact him. The chorus plays from 2:22-3-11 and a montage of him between clips of Adele singing is shows.

5) This is a long-shot In the next shots it appears that Adele is waving the dust that has gathered on the sheets. Like she is revisiting her past and realised she's sorry for what she has done. This is because she is making an effort to clean it up and revisit the place which she has clear neglected for a long time.

The artist also makes herself a cub of hot tea which is a sign of comfort. extreme close-ups are used to give the audience a sense of Adele's vulnerability uncertainty. While the pathetic fallacy in the wind is Adele's power struggle against herself and her decisions and the rain signifies. Her boyfriends feelings in the breakup and how it destroyed him.

Hello- Adele

Someone like youRolling in the deep

Hello is a video which is very alike to Adele’s other music videos. A lot of artistic shots and dark colours are used to convey emotions such as despair, hate, love. Hello runs with common themes Adele displays which means it is again within the genre and what the artist wants to convey, it is not used to gain attention by dances or sex appeal or to advertise massive brands but to be the way the artist intended it.

Adele and her ex are not filmed together and the speech is played over the song which is effective as it shows they did communicate although they were not.

Stormzy Shut UpReleased 17th May 2015Grime genrePerformance style music videoMassive group of supporters

around him typical of grime videos, to show the artist is respected and has a lot of associates to help him out. Also for protection and to give a tough exterior.

The film has not been cut at any point again making for a clear live performance style video

Instead of using lighting, camera angles and settings to convey emotions, hand movements and facial expressions are used. As it is a live action music video, voice is used to convey emotions as well. For example when they all shout

Stormzy Shut Up

The music video starts with the artists Stormzy warming up, he laughs and jokes with his friends before introducing himself . He mentions that his name is Stormzy and he will be rapping in the park, this is also typical of a performance music video, because it is not only the song but extra footage.

The music video is a live performance type, this means that it is filmed as though the artist is performing at a particular place or venue at one time. It differs from other music videos because events in the video only happen in one area as though it is live. This type of video is good at highlighting the work of a particular artist and often shows audiences enjoying the music

A lot of performance style videos are of rock bands, this is because they are not expected to make colourful and fun videos. Also live performance style music films may show clips of their previous tours, performances or even just a fake one. It shows that a band has a lot of fans. And also giving coverage to all members of the band as a group, rather than showing the lead singer.

Hailstorm I miss the misery- performance style music video (Rock)

Wearing popular branded streetwear

Stormzy Shut Up

Skepta ft Devlin 50 grandSkepta Shutdown Stormzy where do you know me from

Grime is a relatively young style of street music. This means that most grime artists are not well known, therefore they cannot afford to make expensive videos to promote themselves. Most Grime videos are quite similar. Artists are shown rapping while walking round their area, mostly in an urban setting and usually with some friends. They look tough to show that they need to be taken seriously as an underground rapper.

Everybody’s Fool

• : Evanescence Everybody’s fool -Narrative music videos are that which almost directly interpret the lyrics. The characters in the video act the situations explained in the lyrics. there is mostly no hidden meaning as it is the straightforward views of how the artist wanted the audience to envision the story. In this video the inner pain of the main character is shown by the darkness and irritability of her actions, and how she tries to pretend that she is happy in her separate public life of being famous which is narrating the lyric “You know that I'm everybody’s fool.”

Everybody’s Fool

The video features as advertisement model, who is deeply unhappy with herself for selling lies to people and not being this perfect individual that she is made out to be. Lighting plays a massive part in this video when the model is working she is well lit and looks excessively happy. However in her day to day life, she secretly hates who she has become, this is portrayed by how dark it is. When she is shown on her own, she has bags under her eyes and she cries. The “beauty,” is seen to be the work of lighting and makeup.Wearing a hood indoors shows she is embarrassed of herself, also she faces away from the other people in the lift again meaning she lacks confidence. She also avoids the light again showing how worthless she feels she has become. She can not handle living a lie.

Everybody’s Fool• The video could be the bands response to being portrayed in

the media although it is documented that the singer of the band Amy Lee that “the song talks about celebrities like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, who strip and sell their bodies. ”