Download - Testing Ansible Roles with Test Kitchen, Serverspec and RSpec

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with Test Kitchen, Serverspec and RSpec

Testing Ansible Roles


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Insertimage here Martin Etmajer

Senior Technology Strategist at Dynatrace

[email protected]


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Linz, Austria

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We Ansible

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We Ansible

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We Ansible

On-Premise Public Cloud


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Why test?

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You write code!

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“Make it work. Make it right. Make it fast.”

Kent Beck, Creator of Extreme Programming and Test-Driven Development

Get the code to

operate correctly

Make the code clear,

enforce good design Optimize

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The Red, Green, Refactor Cycle of TDD

Write a Failing Test

Make the Test PassClean Up your Code

Small increments

Able to return to known working code

Designed and

tested code

Protects against regressions

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Agile Infrastructure

Undone WIP Done

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Test KitchenKey Concepts

Pluggable Architecture

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Drivers let you run your code on various...

Cloud Providers

» Azure, Cloud Stack, EC2, Digital Ocean, GCE, Rackspace,...

Virtualization Technologies

» Vagrant, Docker, LXC

Test Kitchen: Drivers

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Platforms are the Operating Systems you want to run on.


» Linux- or Windows-based (since latest Test Kitchen 1.4.0)

How to manage dependencies?

» Automatically resolved when using Vagrant or Docker

» Build your own and link them in the configuration file

Test Kitchen: Platforms

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Provisioners are the tools used to converge the environment.


» Ansible, Chef, CFEngine, Puppet, SaltStack

Why cool?

» Useful if you need to support multiple of these tools

Test Kitchen: Provisioners

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Test Suites define the tests to run against each platform.

Test Frameworks

» Bash, Bats, Cucumber, RSpec, Serverspec

Test Kitchen: Test Suites

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Test KitchenInstallation

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$ gem install test-kitchen

Test Kitchen: Installation

$ kitchen version

Test Kitchen version 1.4.0

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Test KitchenConfiguration

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Create an Ansible Role Directory

Initialize Test Kitchen

$ mkdir –p ansible/roles/foo

$ cd ansible/roles/foo

Test Kitchen: Testing an Ansible Role

$ kitchen init [--driver=vagrant] --provisioner=ansible_playbook

create .kitchen.yml

create test/integration/default

Configuration goes here!Tests go here!

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.kitchen.yml (as provided via `kitchen init`)



name: vagrant


name: ansible_playbook


- name: ubuntu-12.04

- name: centos-6.4


- name: default



Test Kitchen: Testing an Ansible Role

Naming Convention:

Opscode Vagrant Boxes


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.kitchen.yml (slightly adjusted)



name: vagrant


cpus: 2

memory: 2048

cpuexecutioncap: 50


name: ansible_playbook

hosts: test-kitchen

ansible_verbose: false

ansible_verbosity: 2

Test Kitchen: Testing an Ansible Role


- name: ubuntu-12.04

- name: centos-6.4


- name: default

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$ kitchen list

Instance Driver Provisioner Transport Last Action

default-ubuntu-1204 Vagrant AnsiblePlaybook Ssh <Not Created>

default-centos-64 Vagrant AnsiblePlaybook Ssh <Not Created>

`kitchen list`: List Test Kitchen Instances

Test Kitchen: Installation

This will change...Test Suite Platform

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Test KitchenWrite an Integration Test

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Create an Ansible Playbook for Test Suite ‘default’

Test Kitchen: Testing an Ansible Role

$ kitchen init [--driver=vagrant] --provisioner=ansible_playbook

create .kitchen.yml

create test/integration/default

Configuration goes here!Tests go here!

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- hosts: test-kitchen




- foo



Test Kitchen: Testing an Ansible Role

Create yourenvironment

Ansible Playbook

Test Suite

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Serverspec and RSpecA Short Primer

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RSpec is a TDD tool for Ruby programmers.


require ‘foo’

describe Foo do

before do

@foo =


it ‘method #bar does something useful’ do eq ‘something useful’



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Serverspec are RSpec tests for your infrastructure.


require ‘serverspec’

describe user(‘foo’) do

it { should exist }

it { should belong_to_group ‘foo’ }


describe file(‘/opt/bar’) do

it { should be_directory }

it { should be_mode 777 }

it { should be_owned_by ‘foo’ }

it { should be_grouped_into ‘foo’ }


describe service(‘bar’) do

it { should be_enabled }

it { should be_running }


describe port(8080) do

it { should be_listening }


describe command(‘apachectl –M’) do

its(:stdout) { should contain(‘proxy_module’) }




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require ‘serverspec’

describe user(‘foo’) do

it { should exist }

it { should belong_to_group ‘foo’ }


Test Kitchen: Testing an Ansible Role


Test Suite Do Serverspec!

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`kitchen test`: Run Test Kitchen Test

Test Kitchen: Testing an Ansible Role

$ kitchen test default-ubuntu-1204

$ kitchen test ubuntu

$ kitchen testregex!

$ kitchen list

Instance Driver Provisioner Transport Last Action

default-ubuntu-1204 Vagrant AnsiblePlaybook Ssh <Not Created>

default-centos-64 Vagrant AnsiblePlaybook Ssh <Not Created>

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Test Kitchen: Actions

Test = Converge Setup Verify

Instance createdand provisioned

Instance prepared(dependencies installed)

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`kitchen test`: Run Test Kitchen Test

$ kitchen test ubuntu


User "foo"

should exist

should belong to group "foo"

Finished in 0.14825 seconds (files took 0.6271 seconds to load)

2 examples, 0 failures

Finished verifying <default-ubuntu-1204> (0m37.21s).

Test Kitchen: Testing an Ansible Role

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`kitchen list`: List Test Kitchen Instances

Test Kitchen: Testing an Ansible Role

$ kitchen list

Instance Driver Provisioner Transport Last Action

default-ubuntu-1204 Vagrant AnsiblePlaybook Ssh Verified

default-centos-64 Vagrant AnsiblePlaybook Ssh <Not Created>

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Test Kitchen with AnsibleAdvanced Tips

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Resolving Role Requirements

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name: vagrant


cpus: 2

memory: 2048

cpuexecutioncap: 50


name: ansible_playbook

hosts: test-kitchen

requirements_path: requirements.yml

ansible_verbose: false

ansible_verbosity: 2

Test Kitchen: Resolve Role Requirements


- name: ubuntu-12.04

- name: centos-6.4


- name: default

Declare required roles

on Ansible Galaxy, GitHub,

or Git, Mercurial, etc. repos

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Testing Ansible Rolesin Amazon EC2

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name: ec2

aws_access_key_id: "<%= ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']%>"

aws_secret_access_key: "<%= ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']%>"

aws_ssh_key_id: "<%= ENV['AWS_SSH_KEY_ID']%>"

region: eu-west-1

availability_zone: eu-west-1b


ssh_key: "<%= ENV['AWS_SSH_KEY_PATH']%>"

username: admin


Test Kitchen: Testing Ansible Roles in EC2

Environment Variables

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Testing REST APIswith RSpec

Not supported by Serverspec

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Serverspec are RSpec tests for your infrastructure.


require ‘serverspec’

describe user(‘foo’) do

it { should exist }

it { should belong_to_group ‘foo’ }


describe file(‘/opt/bar’) do

it { should be_directory }

it { should be_mode 777 }

it { should be_owned_by ‘foo’ }

it { should be_grouped_into ‘foo’ }


describe service(‘bar’) do

it { should be_enabled }

it { should be_running }


describe port(8080) do

it { should be_listening }


describe command(‘apachectl –M’) do

its(:stdout) { should contain(‘proxy_module’) }




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require ‘json’

require ‘net/http’


describe ‘Server REST API’ do

it ‘/rest/foo responds correctly’ do

uri = URI(‘http://localhost:8080/rest/foo’)

request =, { ‘Accept’ => ‘application/json’ })

request.basic_auth(‘foo’, ‘foo’)

response =, uri.port).request(request)

expect(response.code).to eq 200

expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq { ‘bar’ => ‘baz’ }



Test Kitchen: Testing REST APIs

Do RSpec!Could use serverspec!

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