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Recipe Cards

Tests and experiments

**Marie, Hannah and Charlotte**

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This was our first attempt at planning out the layout for are vegetarian recipe cards which gave us the chance to improve on our skills and be able to get back into using the program Photoshop. This recipe card uses the layout of a recipe card which is something we have used and developed into our other design o create a new and different way to format this. The colours that we have used for this design are quiet feminine and is something that we needed to improve upon especially when we are appealing to both the male and female market. We feel that the layout is simple but could be seen as boring with basic fonts and colours which don’t make it eye catching for a reader.

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As we made more of these recipe cards we tried to develop our skills and creating new ways to present the photography of the food. In this case we have duplicated the image and added on edit to one version of the image to black and white which helps to draw the attention of the reader with the small use of colour. We have also used a hand written font which looks rustic and follow through with the theme of the recipe cards because when creating each card which tried to use colours, fonts and layout that suited to that recipe. The font we decided on was made to look like a typewriter, computer style which is simple and clear to read, we have also chosen to add a photograph of the recipe on the back of the recipe card to which makes it look more detailed but not to clutters and busy. We have also made sure that we incorporate the vegetarian logo in to front of the recipe card to suit the brief

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There is a strong theme throughout this recipe card design, using bright colours such as greens and yellows which reflect the image we have used and is also a very citrusy colour which helps to catch the attention of the reader, we have also incorporated the vegetarian society logo into the front of these designs, which is something that the client requested. We like the hand written font to this recipe car because it quirky and gives it that homemade feel, which is appropriate for any age. However we feel that if we were to improve on we could look to change the colour of the background because using that grey/ blue colour which could be seen as a bit gloomy and draining but we do like the use of the close up shot of the lime and blueberry crumble creams as it adds definition and the idea of texture to the photography, which is also a more creative way than the norm.

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When creating this recipe card we deciding to change the way that the title is seen by adding more colour and changing the font to suit that word, which thought worked well but when used in production wasn’t appropriate for the market we were targeting and was different to other recipe cards on the current market. The main font we used for the method and ingredients we would not look to use again as we feel it can be quite difficult to read because of its chunkiness. The sizing of the font is also something to consider as we feel that the ingredients list was too large and in some respects looks quite childish. The placement of text and image is also something that could be improved upon on this recipe card as some of the words become unclear and difficult to read with the darkness of the image behind.

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Overall we are very happy with this design because It looks elegant and sophisticated that isn't to cluttered and busy, such as the one chosen for this recipe card which reflects this theme. The colours that have been used also reflect the colours within the image pulling out the orange tones from the burger. We decided to use a sans serif font for the ingredients and method which is a simple font that is clear to understand. For the image we have tried editing the photograph to break it up a bit which follows through from the front to the back of the recipe card. These stripes help to make it more visually appealing for readers and have taken a approach to this.

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When putting the photographs together we decided to use a black and white strip through some parts if the image which is something that we don’t like about this particular image because the swirls and stripes make it unclear and could be quite difficult to see. However we do like the placement of the text and images on the front pages as if brings your focus to the title of the recipe and by giving them a close of the food if gives them another element and aspect to look at. Another thing that we will need to take into consideration is the fact that there is no image used on the back of the recipe card which mean that there is a lot of text on that page with nothing to split this text up, especially when using blacks and greys making it less visually appealing.

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Overall we like the format and layout to this recipe card, and so we like the use of the checked board to present the image on the back of the recipe card as it makes it look creative and different to other recipe cards we have created, and is also seen as a way to present some of the information on cooking times and serving portions. We also like the title of the recipe card combing all colours of the photographs and tie’s them together. We changed the font of the main body of text from a purple to a black/ grey font which we feel works best because if fits in well with the rest of the recipe card and making it clearer to read. However, the font of the text could be seen as difficult to read as it is as a serif font and is quite scribbly.