Download - Test for YLE - starters

Page 1: Test for YLE - starters

Exercise n°1 : Translate

a) Kate è allo zoo? ......................................................................................b) No, non è allo zoo. Eʼ a scuola ............................................................... /2" " " " " " " " " " " " "scimmia =" " " " " " " ippopotamo = capra =" " " " " " " mucca = "pecora =" " " " " " " coccodrillo =lucertola =" " " " " " " ragno =cavallo = " " " " " " " topo / topi= " " " " " " " " " " " " " /10

Exercise n° 2 : Tick the correct sentence and correct the wrong ones

O Have she got a dog? .........................................

O Has she got a dog?" ..........................................

O She havenʼt got a dog" .......................................... /6

Exercise n°3 : Look at the picture and write two sentences using THERE IS and two sentences using THERE ARE. Use prepositions of place too (in, on, under, between.....)

1 - ..............................................................

2- ...............................................................

3- ..............................................................

4- ..............................................................

" " " " " " " " " " " " " /8

Exercise n°4 : unscramble the sentences

havenʼt - new- got - a - they - iPhone ...............................................................................

in - is - green - garden - there - a - the - lizard ..................................................................

got - he - blue - a - kite - has - ? .......................................................................................

have - can- biscuit - I - a - ? ........................................................................................

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! /4