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Termite Removal in Croydon

Termite Removal means the eradication of termites, also known as white ants. Termites are pale-colored soft-bodied social insects that live in colonies consisting usually of workers and soldiers, which feed on wood. They’re very destructive to wooden structures and trees.

Termite Removal Options

Termite Control Bait

Chlordane for Termite


Home Remedies Termite


Infrared Cameras for

Termite Control

Microwave Termite Control

Termite Baits and Traps

Termite Bonds

Termites cause maximum damage to the buildings & its contents. There are two types of termites, they are:

Dry wood termites are cryptic insects that are difficult to detect. They live deep inside wood; and except during periods when they swarm or when repair work is being done on infested homes, they are seldom seen.

Subterranean termites feed exclusively on wood materials and have strict moisture requirements. With these characteristics in mind, a lot can be done to prevent an infestation by eliminating the food and moisture resources in their environment.

How to avoid Sub Terranean termites?

Repair structural and plumbing leaks.

Remove piles of trash and debris

Remove dead tree stumps from the yard.

Keep gutters clean.

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