Download - Term , Week 9 February 2019.pdf · Term , Week 9 Tēnā Koutou katoa, Welcome to the 2019 school year. In particular, I wish to extend a warm welcome to all our new students and their


Term 1, Week 3 2019

Tēnā Koutou katoa,

Welcome to the 2019 school year. In particular, I wish to extend a warm welcome to all our new students and their whānau – welcome to Waitaki. Nau mai Haere Mai. A warm welcome also, to our new teachers: Pippa Holdsworth, Anna Cross and Jen Gower. Pippa comes to us from Methven College and is an experienced teacher of Geography, Tourism and Social Studies. Anna is a first year teacher from Dunedin with a background in Physical Education, Athletics and Science. Jen is re-joining us as a part time Science teacher, after some time away being a full time mother, teaching at St Josephs and OIS and relief teaching. It is great having them on the teaching team. We have also appointed Hineau Mackenzie as our Kaiāwhina, supporting our Kapa Haka; mentoring and advising girls learning Te Reo and working in close liaison with Waitaki Boys’ High School Kapa Haka. She is assisted in this by our librarian, Tangiwai Robinson.

We also welcome two new Teacher Aides to the Learning Centre, Katrina Ramsay and Danielle Palatchie. We are now well into the swing of things. We started the year with Student Leader and Peer Support Training and those students were invaluable in helping us with Year 9 orientation and our ‘Big Sister; Little Sister – Tuakana-Teina’ programme. We have also had our Student Leader Badge assembly and recognized the achievement of 88 girls who did exceptionally well in NCEA in our Excellence Assembly. We have also had Sports and Cultural Expo and Welcome to Waitaki Evening. Hopefully, all new students are now feeling comfortable and confident on our campus. If, for any reason, your daughter has some concerns, please contact the appropriate dean. Communication is vital in our relationship with one another. We may not always agree but we need to have the conversation. We continue our emphasis on, ‘Put down your device and Play’ at lunchtime and our Year 13 students have been very pro-active about supervising and initiating lunchtime activities. It was great to see them playing T Ball with the Year 9s on day one and I know they have lots of other activities planned. As usual the Sports Shed is open at lunchtime, as is the Air Hockey Table and there are also lots of board games and jigsaws and books to read in the library. This year we hold our biennial twilight Gala on Friday 15 March 4-7pm. It is a major fundraiser for the school. We hope to purchase two new vans this year and upgrade the hall audio-visual so money raised will help towards this. Please contact our PTA if you can help in any way. Do come to the Gala – enjoy an evening’s meal and participate in the many activities on offer because more than anything, Gala is about whānaungatanga or coming together as a community.

Monday 18 February Athletics Sports prelims

Thursday 21 February

BOT Meeting

Friday 22 February

Athletics Sports finals

Saturday 24 February

Aoraki Touch

Tuesday 26 February

Auckland University visit

Thursday 28 February

Gateway First Aid course

Yr 13 Icebreaker with WBHS

1-3 March

SISS Tennis

SISS Volleyball

Sunday 3 March SISS Triathlon/Duathlon

8-10 March SISS Rowing

Yr 13 Biology & Stats trip

Monday 11 March Otago Polytechnic visit

Tuesday 12 March Canterbury University visit

Yr 11 NCEA info evening

Wednesday 13 March Aoraki Athletics

Friday 15 March WGHS Gala

16-29 March

Mukogawa (GHS) Japan trip

Thursday 21 March

TGHS summer sports exchange

BOT Meeting

Thursday 21 March

Yr 12 Biology trip

23-24 March

SISS Touch

Monday 25 March

Otago Anniversary:


Tuesday 26 March

Teacher only day: NO SCHOOL

Our girls continue to do well in a range of sports and cultural

activities reflecting the holistic belief of the school that we are

preparing young women for the world. Special acknowledgement

to Kira Mortimer – selected for the Under 19 Te Waipounamu

Māori Netball Team and the following girls all representing Otago

age group in the National Secondary Schools’ Touch Tournament in

Rotorua: Millie Roberts, Meadow Neill, Brylee Milmine and

Monique Lewis. Congratulations also to Anna Scott who won the,

“Run the Ridge” a 21km woman’s race in Alexandra and to

Elizabeth Fountaine who has been selected for the St John South

Island squad to compete at Nationals. Tumeke!

Ngā mihi

Tracy Walker (Principal)

Assistant Principal: Christine Williams; Deputy Principal:

Margaret Williams and Principal: Tracy Walker

School will be closed 25-26 March. Monday 25 March is Otago Anniversary and there is a Teacher Only Day on Tuesday 26 March.

Reminder Uniform shop is open every Thursday 1pm - 2pm. or if you want to order an item and have it put in the office to collect. Contact: [email protected]

House Badges also available in the uniform shop - $6 each

L to R: Helen McIntyre (Year 10 ), Anne Bain (Year 12),

Sonia Hudson (Year 9), Judy Sinclair (Year 13) and Jessica Wright (Year 11).

If you have any concerns regarding your daughter the Dean is usually the first person to contact.

HOL The Arts: Anna McIntosh

Guidance Counsellor: Jenny Corlet

HOL Technology: Bronwyn Gillies

HOL Special Needs: Jennifer Devon

Specialist Classroom teacher/HOL Languages:

Jackie Grant

Anna Cross, Jen Gower,

Pippa Holdsworth

Kaiāwhina: Hineau Mackenzie

HOL Health & PE: Di Roberts

HOL Social Science: Sonya Hull

HOL English: Sue Johnston

HOL Maths: Louise Lane

HOL Science: Vicky Lilley

HOL Transition/Careers Advisor:

Viv Hay

Head Girl

Molly Hurst

Deputy Head Girl

Lily Stock

Head Boarder

Kate Paton

BOT Representative

Maddie Forbes

Burn House Captain

Esta Downing

Burn House Deputy Captain

Rebecca McNeill

Ferguson House Captain

Tasi Robert

Ferguson House Deputy Captain

Kira Mortimer

Gibson House Captain

Azra Huffstutler

Gibson House Deputy Captain

Jayde McNamara

Wilson House Captain

Emma Petrie

Wilson House Deputy Captain

Kaylah Rawson

Cultural Captain

Storm Voyce-McCulloch

Health Captain

Sam Trewavas

Peer Support Captain

Simran Sadler

Deputy Peer Support Captain

Tegan von Randow

Sports Captain

Simone Hamilton

Careers Captain

Alyssa Greaney

Waitaki Way Captain

Holly Beazer

Waitaki Way Deputy Captain

Breanna Greaney

Starting at a new school is a very exciting time, as well it can be a challenging time; friendships can change as you are grouped with new students in classes or you may not know any other students at school. Here are some hints to help with developing friendships. There is an important secret to friendship: try to like, rather than be liked. It is important to genuinely like others, and give friendship to others at school. Let people see the real you and be open and honest with people. Everyone likes to make a good impression, but sometimes people pretend to be something they are not or attempt to be a “try-hard” who misses it. Be yourself as it is OK to have your own tastes, likes and opinions. By being friendly you are not waiting for others to be friendly; show them how by taking the initiative, e.g. ask the person sitting beside you about their weekend. Take an interest in people and see conversations as a two way street: listening is just as important as talking. Say good words about the girls you are with and you will find that others like being around positive people. Try to remember names – if you say someone’s name at least four times when you first meet them it helps you to remember it. In year 9 when you first come to Waitaki Girls’ High School it can be overwhelming remembering everyone’s names - it is OK to ask for a reminder! Remember if you are having issues with developing friendships or are feeling lonely at school you may make an appointment with Mrs Corlet our Guidance Counsellor for support.

You may make an appointment to talk with Mrs Corlet the Guidance Counsellor by emailing her [email protected] or text her on the Guidance cellphone 027 9233888. The cellphone is only checked during the school day. Parents may also phone Mrs Corlet’s office 4348429 extn 222. Students may also fill out an appointment slip in the Guidance waiting room.

In counselling you can talk about problems and

concerns in a safe place with someone who will

support you.

A counsellor can help you to:

Improve how you feel about yourself

Think about things in new ways

Do things differently

Reduce your stress

Open new options or directions for yourself

Plan and set goals

Explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviour

Get to know yourself better

Improve your relationships

The following information is available to you through

our parent portal on kamar:

* Important school notices.

* Personal details such as address, medical details etc. If any of these details are incorrect or require updating then please contact Helen Leslie in the school office on (03) 434 8429, or e-mail her the details at [email protected]

* Timetable.

* Attendance records. Please note that you may not view current day attendance.

* NCEA results - both past year/s and current year details.

* Fees summary. Any enquiry regarding fees, or how these can be paid should be directed to

Mrs Sally Grant (Executive Officer). Sally can be contacted on (03) 434 8429 Extn 206 or e-mailed directly at [email protected]

* Library books currently issued out.

* Report details.

The URL for this portal is http:// or click on the

link from our website. If you are unsure of your logon

and password please contact us via the school office.

On Thursday 2 May Student Learning Conferences will take place for all students in an effort to enable students to take responsibility for their own learning and to deepen the conversations that students, parents and teachers have around student learning. No formal timetabled classes will occur on this day as students will be required to attend the conference session at the appointed time. These Learning Conversations will be facilitated by your daughter’s Whānau teacher and builds on our mentoring programme. The focus of these Learning Conversations is about how our students learn, not about their behaviour and at the core of this are our key values of respect, resilience and responsibility.

It is an expectation that parents and/or significant members of the student’s whānau will attend these conferences with the student. Research shows that home-school partnerships focused on the importance of doing well at school have the greatest positive outcomes for the student. Booking will be available (as with all our parent interviews) online from 19 March. If you have been unable to book, you will be contacted by us to arrange for a time on 2 May.

In Term 3 (Wed 14 August) we will run subject-based interviews as last year for all Year 9-13 students, to enable you to catch up with your daughter’s subject teachers and ask subject-specific questions. It is also possible to email any of your daughter’s teachers, or Dean or to request to meet with them, at any time during the year.

We look forward to meeting with you and your daughter on 2 May.

All students are invovled in our mentoring programme. This is based around our Whānau and House system as each Whānau is a vertical group who remain with the same teacher as they move through Years 9 to 13. The Whānau teacher is the key link person between students, families and staff. The Whānau teacher is responsible for this academic counselling, meeting regularly with each student and monitoring their academic progress on an ongoing basis. Further support is available with Year Level Deans who have a pastoral role.

In the next week all senior students will be issued with a copy of our NCEA Information booklet for Students and Parents. The booklet contains information on NCEA that is important for all Year 11 to 13 students to understand. Information about extension applications, re submission, re assessment, appeals, and plagiarism is included in this booklet.

We encourage parents to read this document as well. It is on our website under Curriculum and Qualifications and Assessment.

The link below is to NZQA website and fact sheets they have published. These fact sheets contain valuable information about NCEA at all levels.

Any queries relating to NZQA matters, please contact

Margaret Williams

([email protected])

An updated version of the NCEA Student App can now be downloaded from either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. It is available to use in English and Te Reo Māori, is free to download and can be used from any smart device. This version displays and better supports multiple levels of NCEA and new users can simply add credits from previous years without having to also add standards information first. This means that students can track their progress towards various NCEA levels over multiple calendar years more quickly and easily. The App allows students to plan,

select and set their NCEA credit goals and targets and to see how they are tracking towards NCEA Levels one, two and three, including Literacy, Numeracy and University Entrance.

On Tuesday 12 March an information evening will be held for Year 11 students and parents. This evening will outline key points about NCEA works and highlight what you and your daughter need to know. Requirements for literacy and numeracy plus endorsements will be outlined as well an understanding terminology specific to NCEA. Tuesday 12 March in Whare Mātauranga (Library) - entrance from Thames Street.

Hello everyone, We are Holly Beazer and Breanna Greaney and we are the Waitaki Way Captains for 2019. This is a fairly new role, aiming to encourage learning within the school with reference to the 3 Rs: being, Respectful, Responsible and Resilient. As Waitaki Way Captain and Deputy we will be promoting The Waitaki Way throughout the school and encouraging students to persevere in their learning by applying the values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. We are both members of the school’s Waitaki Way Consultation Group which is a team of staff and students who will meet and consult regularly on how The Waitaki Way is being promoted throughout the school community. This year we are working towards making this group more diverse so we can be inclusive of everyone within our school and the values they hold. We will also be a voice for the students within our school. The Waitaki Way Mission Statement: “The Waitaki Way will enable effective, school-wide teaching and learning to occur in a mutually respectful environment” Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) is a consistent, school-wide system of support which aims to promote appropriate behaviour in a positive way. It aims to minimise problem behaviour and maximise and celebrate positive social and academic behaviours. It has:

A clear set of positive expectations for all students and staff Procedures for teaching expected behaviours A continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behaviours

A continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behaviours At Waitaki Girls’ High School we have taken the PB4L framework and developed the Waitaki Way which encourages everyone to be Respectful, Responsible and Resilient at all times in all settings whether they are in the classroom, the grounds, the sports field or the wider community. This means…

Being respectful by caring and showing consideration for ourselves, others and our school environment Being responsible by making the best decision possible and taking ownership of our actions

Being resilient by being prepared to persevere, to keep trying and to explore all solutions At Waitaki Girls’ High we have expectations rather than rules. These expectations reinforce our school values of Respectfulness, Responsibility and Resilience. We believe that these school values are important for our girls to succeed in life and become well-equipped for the outside world. Our current focus for the beginning of Term One is to learn or be reminded of what the expectations are for each classroom setting. If anyone has any questions or concerns about the Waitaki Way, feel free to have a chat with us. We are looking forward to continuing Julia’s good work by maintaining and further integrating the Waitaki Way within the school. Holly and Breanna.

We have recently had our training days for Peer Support, on the 3rd of December and the 23rd of January. These training days helped prepare and increase not only our knowledge and skills but in our opinion we think it has brought the majority of we Year 13’s closer together to work as a team to help the Year 9’s integrate into the school effectively and smoothly! This is quite important as it helps them feel accepted into the school and that it’s not as big and scary as the Big Bad Wolf!

It was an absolute joy to just spend the first day back hanging with the Year 9’s and starting our peer support sessions. We got into our little groups where we got to learn more about our Year 9’s and let them get to know us, establishing the foundation of the Big Sister /Little Sister relationship. We had activities and energisers planned for the girls to learn about our school and where places are, but also to just have fun and chill together. We handed them a Waitaki Way Booklet, which covers some of the most important information about PB4L, the school timetables, emergency procedures, our school uniform and most importantly the staff within the school.

Peer Support sessions help them get to know one another and confide in each other as they are experiencing this new change from an intermediate level into high school.

It’s our pleasure as a Year 13 to help Year 9 students find their way into the school. Peer Support doesn’t just end after the first term, it continues as the bond we have created is to last throughout the year!

Simran and Tegan!

On Thursday 7 February WGHS held their annual sign up expo for cultural and sporting clubs available within the school. The student representatives did a great job setting up the hall and their displays and making themselves available to answer students questions during sign up. This is a great opportunity for new students to see what clubs and sports are on offer at WGHS. The expo was well attended, with lots of girls signing up they have previously been involved in and also some new ones! Clubs on offer range from Netball, Rugby, SADD and Pasifika to Smallbore rifle shooting, fencing, Young farmers and Astra. All sign ups have been passed on to the teachers in charge of those clubs. If you missed out or would like more information on any of the clubs on offer at WGHS see Mrs Hellier (Cultural) or Mrs Jones (Sport) and they can direct you to the student rep/teacher in charge.

Congratulations to TJ Arlidge, came in at 3rd place in the under 19 individual girls!

Congratulations to the Aoraki Tennis team comprising of Mackenzie Phillips, Simone Hamilton , Abigail Schaffer and Monique Hore. Our two doubles teams got a first place and second place in the competition. Ka mau te wehi!

JUNIOR CHAMPION 1st Place: Gemma Green


1st Place: Alice Petrie


1st Place: Emma Petrie


1st place: FERGUSON! 440 points 2nd place: WILSON, 438 points 3rd place: GIBSON, 317 points 4th place: BURN, 312 points

Congratulations to Brylee Milmine, Monique Lewis, Millie Robert and Meadow Neill for representing Otago in the touch nationals for 2019.

Whare Mātauranga is a cell phone free zone,

come in for quiet time reading, homework,

photocopying, issuing and returning books, also

new to the library are board games and puzzles.

We have chrome books that can be used for

homework or study, and Pods for individual study.

The Library is open during school hours and break


Students are able to issue 3 books for 3 weeks, books can then be renewed. We encourage recommendations for

new book titles.

World book is our online research website it can be

accessed at home. Come to the library for the user name and password.

1. Favourite book? Children of Blood and Bone– Tomi Adeyemi

2. Favourite author? Yūsei Matsui

3. Best book turned into a movie Hidden Figures

4. Reason you wanted to be a librarian being in an environment I love is the most amazing opportunity

5. What do you plan on doing when you leave school? I want to design and make my own games, hopefully

this will then eventually lead to working for Weta workshop in Wellington.

6. How can being a student librarian benefit you in the future? Boosting confidence by talking to a range of

people and reading a wide variety of books.

7. What are you currently reading? Mortal Remains– Kathy Reichs

1. Favourite book? Knife of Never Letting Go– Patrick Ness

2. Favourite author? Patrick Ness

3. Best book turned into a movie Harry Potter

4. Reason you wanted to be a librarian I am a bookworm and I love being around books– its quite calming.

Writing my own stories is quite enjoyable too.

5. What do you plan on doing when you leave school? I want to be an Architect and study at Victoria

University in Wellington.

6. How can being a student librarian benefit you in the future? Being a student Librarian gives you great responsibility and

leadership skills. It shows future employers that you are committed and looks good on your C.V. It is definitely worth your

interval or half hour of lunch once a week.

7. What are you currently reading? The Ask and the Answer– Patrick Ness

The Technology department welcomes a

wonderful and engaged Year 9 group to

Technology for 2019. They are seen here

studying Textiles where they will be learning

construction, screen printing, applique and

E-Textiles. Food where they will learn about

nutrition and design their own breakfast.

And Digital where they learn the skills to

create a brochure and later experiment

with robotics.

An invitation is warmly extended to students and their parents to attend any or all of the

following events:

Event Proposed Date

Visits to School Liaison Officers from these Universities & Polytechnics will be visiting our school. They will talk with senior students and their parents about courses, applications, accommodation and will answer any questions.

Canterbury University Otago Polytechnic Otago University Lincoln University Auckland University Victoria University S.I.T. (Southern Institute of Technology) Massey University ARA Institute of Technology

12 March 2.20pm A1 11 March 8.40am X26 10 April 10.30am S12 9 April 10.00am X46 26 Feb 8.30am X46 5 April, 8:40am X46 TBC TBC TBC

Otago University Law TBC

Tertiary Open Day Year 13 Students visit Canterbury University, Lincoln University, ARA or Dunedin

6 May – All day

Canterbury University Information Day

The University of Canterbury w ill be holding an Information Day (formerly known as Open Day) for 2019 on 11 July. As this is held in university term time, it allows visiting school students the opportunity to experience the campus, to attend special presentations and tours, and to visit the Halls of Residence.

11 July 9am- 5pm

Massey University Open day

Manawatu – Palmerston North Wellington Campus

7 August- 9am – 2:30pm 23 August 9:00-3pm

Victoria University Open Day

Wellington- Check website for more details 23 August

Auckland University Open day

Auckland- Check website for more details 31 August

Lincoln University Open Day

Lincoln- Check website for more details 5 & 6 July

Armed Forces Holiday Experience, each of the Armed Forces (Air Force, Army & Navy) offers adventure and hands on challenges held during the October school holidays this year. Anyone thinking of the Armed Forces should apply for these. Applications information will be emailed to Year 12 & 13 students


Waitaki Girls’ High School Careers Week Dunedin Careers Expo Employment Expo

A school wide focus on Careers Year 11 Students visit the Dunedin Careers Expo where most Tertiary providers throughout NZ have stands. The Armed Forces and most ITO’s along with a lot of private sector trainers are there also. A range of different job options are represented from our local community answering questions about the job and training involved. A light lunch will be supplied for students.

20 - 24 May Thursday 13 June 24 May- School Hall

Dear Parents/Caregivers/Whānau On 15 March this year we are holding our biennial school gala from 4 – 7pm which is our major fundraising event of 2019. Our gala is a joint PTA & School initiative. We have run 4 in the past with 2017 funds going towards seating & landscaping around our school library which looks amazing and all the girls love. This year our Student Council and BOT have identified two needs which benefit our whole school: 1) New School Vans. Our vans are quite old and have been known to break down at times. They get used extensively for sport, cultural, academic, hostel & school events. They are very much a necessity. 2) Data Projection Equipment for our hall. This would bring us up to date with other schools and allow better technology use when running Assemblies, Choirs, Theatrix etc. Our gala caters for all members of our wider community. It gives us an opportunity to promote Whanaungatanga (to come together). All our students and teachers are involved with running a stall. These life learning lessons of a sense of service, participation and contribution are key to our young ladies’ education in our growing world. We would like to offer you the opportunity to help/assist with this event. It could be donations of goods, baking, crafts, plants, garage sale, making stalls, coming on our wee committee, supporting the Whānau teacher, selling raffles or helping on the day, anything is most welcome and all help greatly appreciated. You will be hearing from your daughter’s whānau teacher in what specific items they are looking for. Any donation of baskets, or nice boxes to display raffles in would be appreciated. These can be left at the school office. Each year the students donate something to their House Raffle or for prizes. The themes this year are:

BURN: Lets Go Gardening (seeds, tools, plants, pots, books, bulbs, accessories etc)

FERGUSON: Food and Storage (anything grocery item , grocery reusable bags, recipe book, food storage containers, drink bottles, but not chocolate)

GIBSON: All Things Chocolate (slabs, boxes, easter eggs, sauce, etc)

WILSON: Family Fun or Kitchen/Dining (card games, books, models, sports – balls, games, dvds, serving dishes, glasses, coffee mugs, bowls, serviettes etc) If we all work together, we can fundraise majorly for our school. Please let the school office know if you are able to help out in any way by 15 February. Looking forward to seeing you on 15 March! Any question please feel free to contact me 0276827276 or [email protected] Kindest Regards Robyn Judd PTA Chair

Welcome to town. If you are new to our community sign up at and receive lots of information, opportunities to meet others and assistance if you require it. Otherwise ring Christine on 0272428643 or 4347544. Love to hear from you!

There are two situations vacant:

*N.O Hockey development officer part time (approx. 0.4 of a job) with flexible hours. *N.O Hockey administration part time (approx. 0.3 of a job) with flexible hours.

Please find more information on their website at

We are lucky enough to have secondary student rates for our students at the Rec Centre. Casual rates are: $5.00 WGHS Other schools Terms 1-4 $130 $150 Terms 2-4 $110 $130 Terms 3-4 $85 $110

Term 4 $45 $55 Please refer to their website for a copy of their timetable for classes at