Download - Temporal Tap + I Am - Harrison Klein


Potent Visualization Technique From Harrison Klein Potent Visualization Technique from Harrison Klein If Youre Suffering, Angry, Confused, Or Lost to Financial Crisis TAKE HEART We Show You EXACTLY How to Transform the Universal Laws Of Success Into Your Own Personal Accomplishment A Heartening Message From: Underground Master Harrison Klein Dear Friend, Ill be honest: when times are tough its hard to make any idea of spiritual fulfillment feel real in our lives. There are a lot of big promises out there but most of us arent looking for billions of dollars or sweeping mansions. We just want the bleeding to stop. We want to feel safe and happy and secure. What if I told you There is a simple method that will transform ALL the laws of the universe into your personal miracle workers. Theyre already operating. I can get you plugged into them in a precise way that rapidly dissolves your stress and effortlessly engages each law to produce the results you WANT. Now dont think I havent already heard every excuse out there because I have... This stuff wont work for me. Ive tried it all before. This just isnt in the cards for me. I cant do thisit wont work. Well guess what: It did work. It worked easily and it overcame tremendous amounts of stubbornness and sticking points and excuses all the reasons why people just like you were positively certain they couldnt change. Many believed God or fate had it in for them or they were just too far gone. I can tell you now it wasnt true. I for example suffered from 30 years of depression and yet All My Suffering and Grief Vanished in a Heartbeat When I stumbled onto that one-way ticket out of there. I cant guarantee that itll happen for you in a blink as it did for me. But I can tell you that time after time after time people Ive dealt with have had this same epiphany and it usually happens quickly. Its one thing to know that theres hope in the world; that things like The Law of Attraction are out there and we can get something out of it. BUT the bottom line the real difference here is that someone has to make it real for you. You have to see it in your own life or it gets really hard to be the captain of your own fate. Now Im not saying that you cant use the Law of Attraction and the other universal laws on your own. You most definitely can. The power lies directly in you. But heres the glitch: Your power is buried beneath what is probably decades of fear, doubt and self-abuse not to mention the subconscious beliefs youve racked up since birth that keep most people locked into a spiritual choke-hold. How about we get you out of that choke-holdb Discover The Potent Visualization Technique That Will Have YouManifesting Your Hearts Desires in 17 Seconds Flat That's right....visualization. I know what you may be thinking: I tried visualization before. It didn't work for me. Well you didn't try this potent visualization technique. This is a game changer. This mp3 audio quickly teaches how to visualize. Right now - and for a very limited time - you can get The Potent Visualization Technique.. As soon as your payment is processed you will have immediate access to the product page where you can listen to The Potent Visualization Technique streaming right on your browser. You can also download the mp3 audio from the page right to your computer. I want to make every step of this transformation as easy and simple as possible for you. To that end I am more than happy to tell you I will shoulder ALL the risk here. Grab your Potent Visualization Technique. Check it all out for an entire 30 days. If you are unhappy with it-- for ANY reason at all -- then I will gladly refund your $47. That's a... 30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee... No Questions Asked. That means... you essentially get to see and try out everything enjoy a full month of The Potent Visualization Technique for FREE, if you choose. If you have any


questions or need to reach us, send an email with your questions/topic to supportthemastersgatheringCopyright 2012 The Masters Gathering

Tuesday, October 13, 200911 Steps to understanding how Universal Principles workIs it possible to understand how Universal principles work, and use them to create the lives we desire? Absolutely! The 11 Principles of Being is a system I developed for helping others understand and integrate the Universal concepts that govern our earthly existence. Heres a very brief overview of my 11 Principles of Being coaching course, giving the blueprint of how our lives are actually created: Principle 1 The Principle of Identity Your State of Being creates your life or your external reality. Your State of Being is announced with an I AM statement. I AM followed by (preferably) a noun. Saying, I AM health announces that you choose to express, out of everything you could be choosing, health. Saying, I AM joy announces your identification with all things resonating with the vibration of joy. It works like that for any subject, in any area of your life. Principle 2 The Principle of Alignment The alignment that must happen in order to create your desired reality is the alignment of your Conscious, Subconscious and Super-Conscious minds. Once your three consciousnesses are aligned, your thoughts, words and actions automatically follow suit, and easy manifestation results. Principle 3 The Principle of Mind Blueprint Your mind's images are the blueprint from which your world is built. So life is, literally, the images of the mind expressed. Understanding how these thoughts formulate your life will free you up to consciously create the life you desire. Principle 4 The Principle of Karma, or Cause and Effect Everything that you see in your life at this moment originated with (was caused by) a thought you had. Your thoughts are the cause, and the effect is the life you see around you. Thoughts are the creative


energy from which your world is built. If you just set the right cause into motion, then the effect is exactly what you desire. Principle 5 The Principle of Certainty Certainty or Faith is a necessary part of the creation process. You cannot become a State of Being without Certainty. For example, you cannot be wealthy if you are unsure of whether you're wealthy. Contradictory thoughts of what you want or who you are delays the process of creation. Put your attention on creating the State of Being you desire, using your I AMs and your visions, and do not deviate. Dont look externally for markers of your success. Persist in your belief that all things are possible. Principle 6 The Principle of Conditions The conditions of your life are caused by your own thoughts, not by external forces. With this understanding comes the ability to use conditions to show you where your thoughts have been, and then to change your thoughts so as to change your conditions. Principle 7 The Principle of Higher Self Your Soul or Spirit or Higher Self is the originator of everything that you are. It is the bigger, wider, all-knowing, vast and eternal part of you. The rest of you besides the soul your personality, body, mind and life experience are just temporary tools put into place so that your Higher Self can learn and expand and grow. As you become more aware of that eternal part of you, you will understand more clearly how your Higher Self directs your life, and that the manifestations around you are simply what you are allowing to appear. Principle 8 The Principle of Time Time does not exist. It is a concept invented by humans to categorize and explain their life circumstances. The only time that exists is now. Since all things exist simultaneously in the Field of All Possibilities, anything that you choose to focus on is possible. And since the only moment available to you is the moment of Now, its an important part of the creation process to fully engage with and appreciate each moment. Principle 9 The Principle of Overcoming Obstacles Whatever you give your attention to will manifest. Resisting and fighting something that you dont want to experience will only 3

strengthen its presence in your life. Give it zero attention. Re-focus instead on your desired manifestations. Principle 10 The Principle of The One You are one with God or Source Energy, existing in the field of all possibilities. The One is all there is, and we are all free to experience any part of the Oneness we choose, while we are in this Earthly life. When you approach life from the position of Oneness, you start seeing that you already are one with all the things you desire and that anything is possible. You are the Experiencer and the Experienced, simultaneously. Principle 11 The Principle of Happiness and Abundance The natural state of the Universe and everything in it is abundance and joy. You are worthy of all the good things in this world, just by being here as a child of the Universe, an extension of Source Energy. You are from the Creator, and all of Creation is available to you. There is no such thing as scarcity; that is a human misperception. The Universe has more than enough for everybody in every way possible. The 11 Principles of Being is a self-transformational tool allowing you to understand how Universal principles affect the creation of your life experience. For more information on the in-depth course covering all eleven principles (and much more), please visit Posted by Harrison Klein at 10:41 AM No comments:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009The Magical Formula: I AMThere is a perfect Universal system that allows us to create anything we wish to experience. It starts with a decision of what we truly desire in our life and then declaring it with two simple words: I AM. This declaration we make to ourselves and to the Universe is our state of Being. We are Source Energy in a physical body, having an earthly experience. The expression of that experience is our state of Being. This is articulated through the statement, I AM followed by whatever we choose to express. Our I AM statements set the stage, so to speak, of what our life experience will be in any given area. I AM sends a message to all the cells of our being and all the levels of our consciousness about what we choose to express at this point in time. Everything lines up then to help us express that state of Being. Having 4

comes after being. We must BE something before the physical manifestations appear in our lives. Its like a magical formula: Every I AM changes our vibrational frequency, which causes instantaneous internal transformational shifts that generate new thoughts followed by new speech patterns followed by new actions followed by new results. The Universe doesnt make judgments on what we decide our lives will be. So its up to us to choose our state of Being, our I AMs, to set Universal forces in motion to deliver to us that which we desire. The choice is endless: I AM wealthy. I AM poor. I AM sick and tired. I AM vibrant and healthy,... I AM creating millions of dollars. Or, to put it even more powerfully, we use nouns instead of adjectives: I AM wealth. I AM vibrant health. For example, the simple statement of I AM vibrant health, sends a message to your conscious, thinking mind that you are choosing health as a way of life. It sends a message to your subconscious mind to line up experiences which allow you to express this health and vibrancy. This I AM alerts the superconscious mind, your Soul or Higher Self, that you are actively choosing the expression of health and vibrancy, which puts Universal principles of cause and effect, as well as the Law of Attraction, to work for you. Additionally, this statement of I AM vibrant health sends a message to your body, at a cellular level, that health and vibrancy are the expectation. The cells immediately begin aligning themselves to express vibrant health. Your subconscious and conscious minds begin coming up with ways in which you can practice and express this vibrant health, such as eating superfoods and exercising. What a marvelous system! Once we decisively declare what the expression of our life is going to be, everything in our lives moves in that direction to make it so. The angst and hard work are taken out of our hands. The how is not our concern. All we need to do is decide what life expression we want to experience on any given subject, declare it to ourselves and to the Universe, and then take inspired action. Yes, thats right, there are going to be action steps to take. The I AM statement is the all-important decision and declaration of choice, and the how is the province of inter-related Universal forces, then its up to us to take action steps as inspired by our Higher Self. The messages that come to us through intuition and synchronicity, among other forms, are the inspiration that will move us into our desired physical life experience.


To continue the example of deciding to have a healthy and vibrant life experience, if we are trying to decide what to have for breakfast one morning, either a donut or some granola with bananas, we may feel a tug-of-war within: Theres a side of us that craves the donut, and another side of us that thinks granola may be the healthier choice. Getting back into the space of declaring ourselves to the Universe through the statement, I AM vibrant health! lines us up with choices that will express this state of health and vibrancy. From that declarative state, the choice between granola and a donut is easy. And lets talk about the occurrence of really inspired action steps. From that feeling of BEING healthy and vibrant, and wanting to express it in every way possible, we go on with our daily life. Out of the blue, a co-worker mentions starting up a kickball team. Something inside of us says, Yes! That would be a fun way to be healthy! Thats our Higher Guidance talking. The inspired action step of this equation is to go ahead and sign up to be on the kickball team. The formula is very clear in this example: 1) I AM statement expressing what we choose to experience 2) Our mind and body, along with the Universe, gear up to create opportunity for us 3) We are presented with steps to take that will support us in creating the state of Being that we declared To have a radically new lifestyle, to create bigger and better things, it clearly follows that a radically new state of Being must be created. New, empowering I AM statements must be declared. We then allow the Universe to handle the hows, and follow Divine Guidance with inspired action steps. The dedication involved with clearly declaring an I AM statement creates a state of Being with leads to transformations in our external, physical life. Thats the message behind the statements, As within, so without, and First, Know Thyself. Go ahead, dont be shy. Declare what you envision for your life experience using clear and powerful I AM statements, and prepare for some wonderful, dramatic changes. ------------------------Harrison Klein is the principal creator of The Masters Gathering and is a Transformational Coach teaching self-mastery and the I AM Principles. You can visit Harrison at:


Posted by Harrison Klein at 10:57 AM No comments:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009If you know a child, read this now!Every once in awhile I'll endorse a book that I believe will cause a big shift in your thinking. My dear friend and best-selling author Teresa de Grosbois (Canada's Dr. Seuss) has written a fantastic new book: "Fiona's Fortitude". Commissioned by UNICEF, this exceptional children's book teaches children to put aside their fears and focus on their goals. Imagine what a world we would live in if all adults had learned this skill as a child. We all know children who need to learn this skill. This brilliantly written book teaches children that hard things can be easy when you learn how to put aside your fear. Click here When you get the book today you get over $3000 in FREE gifts to help empower your life, from thought-leaders who are supporting the launch of this book. Click here to check it out: Please help get this email to families who need it! This book will make a big difference. Thanks for letting me contribute. Posted by Harrison Klein at 12:24 PM No comments:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009All-encompassing AbundanceLack. Scarcity. Poverty. All of these are conditions that stem from a mindset of false, limiting beliefs. Any kind of scarcity is not part of the natural order of our world. People who are poor are actually 7

experiencing a state of consciousness that lacks wealth. The Universe has more than enough for everyone in every way possible. Just a glance at our Earth tells us that we are surrounded by the natural abundance of sunshine, water, vegetation, and pure life. Its allencompassing. Truly, the only limits we have are those that spring from our own minds. Abundance, prosperity, and wealth are our birthright. Whenever we get into a place where we feel that something is lacking, the key is to understand that, in truth, we already have everything we desire in the Field of All Possibilities. It is not a matter of creating what we want, its a matter of realizing and remembering the fact that we originate from and are made up of Source Energy and we already have anything we desire. Once we remember this, we can experience who we truly are, which is an extension of joyous, abundant Source Energy. Scarcity is a human misperception. In addition, there is a poverty consciousness going on we hear about it all day long in our news. Heres the fix for that: We can choose not to participate. We can simply choose to express a wealth consciousness instead, a mindset in which we understand that we already have everything we desire. Where does desire come from in the first place? Desire comes from our Inner Being. Inherent within the desire are the components and mechanics for its fulfillment. Just by virtue of having the desire in the first place means that the mechanics for making it a reality are possible. We wouldnt be able to conceive of a desire unless we also had the ability to bring it forth into our life experience. Ideas have an energy of their own, and any idea we have is capable of becoming reality, simply by holding the image with consistency, belief and certainty, and then taking inspired action. Thats the act of creating. Abundance is the natural order of the Universe, and so it is our natural birthright as well. And were not talking about just money, but allencompassing abundance, in all areas. Posted by Harrison Klein at 10:59 AM 1 comment:

I'm an individual, who has walked both the rocky road of despairand the path of abundance. The first half of my life was spent battling through anger and depressionthe result


of being raised by parents who had survived terrible atrocities during World War II, and sadly, lived out the remainder of their lives in bitterness. That harsh burden was crushing to me as I grew up, and I struggled tremendously. That is, until I was blessed with the most incredible gift of his life a gift that changed everything for me, and for those fortunate enough to be guided and inspired by me. You see, I've discovered the secret to lasting joy and abundance and even better that it is available to ANYONE simply by moving into your most perfect alignment with the Universe. When I experienced this first-hand, I became a man on a mission. I knew instantly, and beyond doubt that my purpose in life was to share this with others, and in turn transform THEIR lives the way my life was transformed. I can literally help you do this without any tedious books, assignments, or programs to study. Your transformation will be instantaneous and effortless.

The Temporal Tap

Hey All, I just wanted to call attention to what has become my favorite Donna Eden technique, The Temporal Tap. You


tap in a half-circle on the side of your head (around your ear from your temple down to next to your earlobe) while saying any affirmation phrase. If right-handed, when doing the right ear, say a positively-worded phrase such as "I am prosperous." When doing the left ear, use 'negatively'-worded phrases such as "I am never worried about money." (The reason for this is that the left brain processes negatively-worded things better, the right brain processes the positive better. Note: This is switched in left-handed people, right=neg, left=pos.) It's like a "reprogramming" technique for your brain. Why does it work? Apparently it stimulates receptors responsible for hanging onto our core beliefs, and by tapping this location while intending the belief we want, we can "update our brain's operating system." (So much of this stuff is all about Intention!) I find that I feel an immediate "tingling" when I do it, there's definitely something going on. I've noticed attitude changes already... It's so easy to do, you can even do it while driving. See this article for more, and a diagram of the tapping location: The Temporal Tap Yet another tool for the manifesting arsenal.

TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE WITH THE TEMPORAL TAP by Gwenn BonnellTo read this article in German => Gestalte dein Leben neu mit Temporal Tap

(translated by A. Schieb) => (translated by G. Stiehler)


I was skeptical when I first heard about the Temporal Tap from Dr. Larry Nims. Then I saw Donna Eden endorse it, and I began to think maybe there was something to this technique. I began experimenting using the Temporal Tap with an affirmation to increase self-esteem and attract abundance. Five days later, I was handed a totally unexpected check for over $18,000! Within two weeks, our investments went up over $75,000 AND we bought a house on the beach. I was sold on the power of the Temporal Tap! This energy technique helps break old habits, attitudes or emotional responses and establishing new ones. Simply tapping on the head around the top of the ear calms the part of the nervous system that fights to maintain your current belief systems and patterns of behavior. The brain is then more receptive to learning new beliefs and instilling new affirmations. Begin by identifying a habit, attitude, or condition in your life that you would like to change. Then describe the change in a single sentence, and state it as an affirmation in present time as if the condition already exists. For example, you could say, "I always have more than enough money to pay my bills," or "Right now, I am prosperous." Affirmations can be anything you wish to become true and operative in your life. They can be specific or general, and in your own language, your own lingo, and aligned with your own values. For easy recall, make them short and to the point. To perform the Temporal Tap, start tapping at your right temple in front of the ear canal and continue tapping on the scalp around the top edge of the ear until you reach the back center of the ear, just opposite where you started. The active spots are only along the upper half of the ear, from front center to back center. Tapping with all your fingertips bunched together ensures that all the points along the Temporal-Sphenoidal (T-S) line are stimulated. Say your affirmation while you tap; repeat this procedure three times. Do this several times a day, waiting at least 30 minutes before repeating the same affirmation. You can tap for as many different affirmations as you wish as long as you can easily address them all several times a day. Reinforcement is part of the process. Once your affirmation has become a part of your life, you can replace it with a new one.


Temporal Tapping has helped people build confidence, optimism, and self-esteem while replacing old habits with constructive behavior. It can be used for almost any area of your personal life, including mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, occupational, domestic, and social. People have used it to lose weight, to improve job performance, and even to stop fingernail biting. It is a simple yet powerful way to change many patterns or habits. Focus on what part of your life you most want to change, and create a simple affirmation that reflects your highest ideals. -Gwenn Bonnell is an International Energy Coach & Trainer who uses Energy Methods (including the Temporal Tap and EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques) to help you empower yourself. Discover how to Remove Your Blocks To Success With EFT - Gwenn Bonnell, All Rights Reserved (954) 370-1552 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=The information in this article is for educational purposes only. This technique is not intended as a substitute for the medical recommendations of physicians or other healthcare providers. Rather, it is intended to offer information to help the reader cooperate with physicians and health professionals in a mutual quest for optimum well-being.

THE SECRET PATH TO ABUNDANCE with the Temporal TapBy Gwenn Bonnell Published Quality Life Magazine, Jan. 2002

I was skeptical when I first heard about tapping in positive statements to increase the flow of money into my life - affirmations were not my cup of tea. But I'll try almost anything once. So when a good friend of mine shared a powerful affirmation proven to increase selfesteem and attract abundance, I changed the wording around a bit to make it mine, and then experimented with my statement using the Temporal Tap technique.


Five days later, I was unexpectedly handed a check for over $18,000.00 and told to do with the money as I wished! And I mean this was TOTALLY unexpected, out of the blue. The day after that, our house was appraised at $75,000.00 more than we bought it for a few years prior. Within three weeks, my husband and I became proud owners of a condo on the beach - without having to pay cash up front. Now, although I have an abundant life, this was a pretty unusual four week period, even for me! I was totally sold on the power of the Temporal Tap. The "Temporal Tap" is a recently rediscovered ancient energy technique that is enormously effective in breaking old habits, attitudes and emotional responses and establishing new ones. Simply tapping around the top of the ear is a simple, direct and powerful tool that makes the brain more receptive to learning new habits and instilling new attitudes. It calms the part of the nervous system that fights to maintain your current belief systems and patterns of behavior, making it easy to instill new beliefs and attract success and prosperity into your life.

WANT TO ATTRACT PROSPERITY AND SUCCESS? TAP HERE!Begin by identifying a habit, attitude, or condition in your life that you would like to change. Then describe the change in a single sentence, and state it as an affirmation in present time as if the condition already exists. For example, you could say, "I joyfully receive abundance in my life," or "Right now, I am prosperous," or even "I always have more than enough money to pay my bills." Affirmations can be anything you wish to become true and operative in your life. They can be specific, such as, "I easily and successfully attract 5 new customers every day," or general, such as "There are plenty of customers for my services." And they can be used to increase success, no matter what your career choice: "I am making good money being a writer, artist, mechanic, hairdresser, etc." It is important that the statements are in your native language or the one you are most comfortable with, in your own lingo, and aligned with your own values. For easy recall, make them short and to the point. To perform the Temporal Tap, start tapping at the right temple in front of the ear canal and continue tapping on the scalp along the top edge of the ear until you reach the back center of the ear, just opposite where you started. The active spots are only along the upper half of the ear, from front center to back center. Tapping with all your fingertips bunched together ensures that you contact all the points along the TemporalSphenoidal (TS) line. You do not have to tap too


hard, just firmly enough to stimulate the energy. Perform three tapping repetitions, each time repeating your affirmation.

Since the effects of the Temporal Tap last about thirty minutes, wait at least that long or more before repeating the tap with the same affirmation. Doing the procedure several times a day can speed up the installation of new behavior and attitudes since reinforcement is an important part of the process. I tapped in my statement seven times a day at least. The more you tap in the affirmation, the quicker and stronger the effect and the easier your habits will change. For increased effectiveness, write down your affirmation to make sure you are using the exact wording each time. However, if you think of a more appropriate statement, write down the new version and use that instead. Temporal Tap separately for as many affirmations as you wish as long as you can easily address them all at least several times a day on a daily basis. Once your statement has become a part of your life, you can replace it with a new one. Pay attention to what is going through your mind while you are saying the affirmations. For example, if you are stating, "I deserve prosperity and abundance in my life," and your self talk replies, "This is useless, I'm not educated enough to be rich," your statement isn't ringing true for you and needs to be changed. Perhaps saying, "I now have the ability to recognize and take advantage of opportunities that create prosperity," would be more effective. If you are stating, "Money flows easily into my life," and you hear the words, "My parents lived from paycheck to paycheck and so will I," then try something similar to, "I am more abundant than my parents because they want it that way." Be creative with your affirmations; find one that really resonates for you and that you can believe in.

ISN'T IT TIME TO INCREASE THE FLOW OF MONEY INTO YOUR LIFE?Affirmations could be stated as, "I constantly do everything necessary to establish a positive flow of money in my life," "The universe always


supports me," or "Everything I touch is a success." One student of mine used "My income increases whether I am working, sleeping or playing," and got hired at the next job she applied for. Another student's affirmations included "I'm helping lots and lots of people," and "I'm making oodles and oodles of money." Soon after, she took advantage of an opportunity to increase her client base and her income. She is now tapping in "I'm making a minimum of $500.00 a week." The possibilities for constructive affirmations are endless. Temporal Tapping has helped people build confidence, optimism, and selfesteem while replacing old habits with constructive behavior. It can be used for almost any area of your personal life, including mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, occupational, domestic, and social. People have used it to lose weight (I enjoy eating healthy foods in the proper portions), to improve job performance (Right now, I complete my tasks easily and correctly), and even to stop fingernail biting (My fingernails are growing long and strong.) It is a simple yet powerful way to change many patterns or habits. Focus on what part of your life you most want to change, and create a simple affirmation that reflects your highest ideals. What affirmation did I instill to bring newly found abundance into my life? "Right now, I deeply and completely accept myself in the presence of other people." You are welcome to experiment with this statement if it resonates with you. If you ever feel the Temporal Tap is not working, try changing the wording of the affirmation. Remember, it is important that the statement is comfortable for you and clearly reflects your goals. Use the language you are most familiar with, and words that are aligned with your values and feelings. Go for it: this is your chance to attract abundance into your life, right now! -Gwenn Bonnell is an International Energy Coach & Trainer who uses Energy Methods (including the Temporal Tap and EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques) to help you empower yourself. Discover how to Remove Your Blocks To Success With EFT - Gwenn Bonnell, All Rights Reserved


Affirmation Installation (Temporal Tapping)1.Think of an affirmation which needs to follow the P P P guidelines: (i) ) be Personal = you use I, (ii) be in the Present tense = have, (iii) be Positive (no negatives)= beautiful long and strong nails 2. Add Right now at beginning of the affirmation = Right now I have beautiful long and strong nails 3. State the affirmation aloud (to begin with) whilst 4. Tapping repeatedly around your right ear on your head ( position = starting in front of your right ear - at your jaw level ) 5. Continue tapping around the ear (on the scalp) to the bottom of the back of your ear tapping until you have finished your affirmation statement 6. Repeat your affirmation and tapping three times only on each occasion 7. Have a gap of at least 30mins after tapping three times BEFORE you repeat this particular process 8. You can use several affirmations of this type each time you tap An example of using several at one time might be:


Right now I have beautiful long and strong nails Right now I am creating successfully Right now I am sleeping all through the nightUSE 1 - RIGHT NOW I AM 2 PRESENT TENSE 3 - NO NEGATIVE WORDS 4 INCLUDE INTENSE FEELINGS OR WORDED EMOTIONS WITH AN AFFIRMATION