Download - Template docx file for Accurat deliverables - 2012-11-30 Marko Tadić (FFZG) Initial skeleton of the document 0.5 2012-01-30

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CESAR Central and Southeast European Resources

CIP-Pilot actions project no. 271022

Deliverable D5.2 Awareness, mobilisation and dissemination actions –

annual report

Version No. 1.0 2012-01-31

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Contract no. 271022

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Document Information Deliverable number: D5.2 Deliverable title: Awareness, mobilisation and dissemination actions - annual

report Due date of deliverable: 2012-01-31 Actual date of deliverable: 2012-01-31 Main Author(s): Marko Tadić Participants: Tamás Váradi, Svetla Koeva, Radovan Garabik, Duško Vitas,

Piotr Pęzik Workpackage: WP5 Workpackage title: Outreach, awareness and sustainability Workpackage leader: FFZG Dissemination Level: PP: Restricted to other programme participants (including the

Commission Services) Version: v1.0 Keywords: outreach, awareness, dissemination, communication,

sustainability, target audience, web site, dissemination channels

History of Versions

Version Date Status Author (Partner)

Contributions Description/Approval Level

0.1 2012-11-30

Marko Tadić (FFZG)

Initial skeleton of the document

0.5 2012-01-30

Marko Tadić (FFZG)

Draft for inspection before submitting.

1.0 2012-01-31

Tamás Váradi RILHAS

Supervision Final copy.


This deliverable provides a report of dissemination, awareness and mobilisation activities during the first year of the CESAR project. The report is following the general structure set out in D5.1, i.e. the defined channels of communication that are being used to convey the information about the project, to raise the awareness of its achievements and to present its results to the target audience, i.e. stakeholders in LT at national level: research community, industry professionals and political decision makers.

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Table of Contents

Introduction .......................................................................................................4

1. Dissemination material .................................................................................5

1.1. Visual identity........................................................................................................................... 5 1.2. Public web-site ......................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Fact sheet ................................................................................................................................... 7 1.4. Paper publications ..................................................................................................................... 7 1.5. T-shirts ................................................................................................................................... 11 1.6. Cups and banner ..................................................................................................................... 12

2. Dissemination and awareness rising by public appearance ...................13

2.1. Participation in conferences ..................................................................................................... 13 2.2. Exhibitions and showcases ...................................................................................................... 14 2.3. CESAR organised events – CESAR Road Show ...................................................................... 15

3. Media appearance: printed and electronic media ....................................17

3.1. Web presence.......................................................................................................................... 17 3.2. Video lectures ......................................................................................................................... 17 3.3. Journals and conference proceedings ....................................................................................... 18 3.4. Professional portals ................................................................................................................. 18 3.5. Press releases .......................................................................................................................... 19 3.6. Media coverage ....................................................................................................................... 19 3.7. Social media ........................................................................................................................... 19

4. Conclusion ...................................................................................................20

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Introduction Dissemination of information about the projects is one of activities that rises the awareness about the project itself, its goals, achievements, partners involved as well as funding part(ies). Although it does not produce tangible results that are produced by the main research activities of the project, the Outreach, Awareness and Sustainability work package (WP5) with its results that convey information about the project is considered as important as other WPs. The overall goal of WP5 is to disseminate project results and to transfer the project knowledge, technologies, lessons learned and best practices to interested communities and thus to ensure their national, European and global impact and sustainability beyond the project duration. The dissemination activities will be tracked in the form of the reports. The report should detail dissemination activities in scientific & non-scientific circles; print & electronic publications, (inter)national events (science, technology, media, professional, policy) as well as CESAR supported events, dissemination channels & relays. This deliverable D5.2 reports on the dissemination, outreach and awareness activities within the communication channels and using methods that were defined by D5.1 to spread the information about the CESAR project during the first year of the project. The targeted audience in this first year was primarily research community and closer to the end the focus is shifted towards the industrial communities and govermental officials who will receive our full attention in the second year of the project.

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1. Dissemination material

1.1. Visual identity Visual identity elements that were defined in D5.1 were applied to different communication means to ensure that CESAR will be clearly recognizable between many similar projects. Presentation template: The CESAR PowerPoint and LaTeX presentation template has been produced conforming the predefined META-NET visual identity and it can be accessed from the internal project web site within the category Documents→Archive→Presentation-templates. The usage of official CESAR presentation template for partners on the project is obligatory when presenting and disseminating the information about the project. At the beginning of the presentation template there is also acknowledgment to EC and ICT-PSP programme that fund this project: “Co-funded by the ICT PSP Programme of the European Commission through the contract CESAR, grant agreement no.: 271022.”. Deliverables template: The CESAR deliverables template is provided for preparing and issuing deliverables at the project. Its design is visible from this very deliverable because this template has been used for providing deliverable D5.1.

1.2. Public web-site It has been decided that CESAR public web site will be a separate web site from the domain so that project-specific dissemination activities can be conveyed through this channel. Public web site has already been designed obeying the predefined META-NET and CESAR visual identity rules. It will be technically supported and maintained by HASRIL. The domain that has been reserved and parked before the official start of the project, was activated and is now the central CESAR means of assuring web-presence. The website will also be maintained by HASRIL at least 2 years after the official end of the project. The functional specification was produced and applied to a web site design. It includes two types of web page elements within the public part of the web site:

• static elements o navigation bars (left and top); o fixed pages: about the project, list of partners, contact, links, members login;

• dynamic elements o current news (on the homepage); o list of events; o workplan o list of deliverables; o list of documents; o list of partners o links to web sites of interest o information for

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media • announcements • flyers, posters • media coverage

researchers • ucoming events • publications • video lectures

industry general public

• LT Glossary (taken over from site and adapted). All public results of the project were published at the website. The graphic design was done by a web designing company (screen-shot of a web design can be seen below) following the reccomendations and visual elements from META-NET, but also introducing some specific visual elements according to the defined CESAR visual identity. The public web site is a dynamic and growing entity and new sections and functionalities will be added through iterative releases and updates. As the project progresses, newer versions of the website will extend these features to CESAR members and the targeted audience.

Fig 1: CESAR public web site

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1.3 Fact sheet The Fact sheet with the basic general information about the project has been produced and submitted to EC. It is accessible publicly at the following web page:

1.4. Paper dissemination material As a complement to the public web site, the initial flyer and poster has been produced. Their purpose was to give an overall introduction into the project, its goals and expected results. The flyers are A4 twofold full colour flyer that yields effectively six pages. Posters are be 70x100 cm in size and in full colour. The flyers were printed in offset technique in quantity of 1800 copies. The flyers and posters are following the general visual identity rules of CESAR and META-NET. Preparations for mid-term flyer and poster are in progress.

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Fig 2: CESAR initial flyer

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Fig 3: CESAR initial poster v1.1 in English

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Fig 4: CESAR initial poster v1 in Bulgarian

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1.5. T-shirts Two versions of T-shirts were produced in order to raise the awareness about the project at the conferences and other occasions of live appearance:

Fig 5: Front and back of a black CESAR T-shirt

Fig 6: Front and back of a white CESAR T-shirt

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1.6. Cups and banner Additional promotional materials were produced – CESAR coffee cups and banner – and were presented at LTC2011 conference.

Fig 7: CESAR coffee cup

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2. Dissemination and awareness rising by public appearance

2.1. Participation in conferences The project disseminated towards the national, EU and the global research community by presenting project results at conferences and workshops and by publishing them in conference proceedings. Project partners primarily gave these presentations personally either as oral or poster presentations of papers or presenting general CESAR initial poster. Project progress was presented at conferences, seminars, colloquia and workshops attended by the partners as shown below:

1. FASSBL2010, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-6 October 2010, HASRIL gave a presentation of the CESAR project while still in preparation, but knowing that it was accepted.

2. Presentation of the project to Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 9 March 2011.

3. Presentation of the project to Croatian Language Technologies Society and other potential language resources and tools contributors, Zagreb, Croatia, 4 April 2011.

4. FLaReNet Forum 2011, Venice, Italy, 26-27 May 2011, presentation of the Polish CESAR resources poster by IPIPAN and CESAR initial poster by FFZG.

5. NooJ2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 13-16 June 2011, presented CESAR overall introduction by HASRIL, a conference paper presentation by FFZG and initial poster.

6. META-FORUM2011, Budapest, Hungary, 27-28 June 2011, CESAR had the whole Session 7: Case Study: The Central and South Eastern European Perspective devoted to its languages and technologies. Four presentations and a discussion afterwards was held. Polish CESAR resources poster by IPIPAN and CESAR initial poster by FFZG were exhibited.

7. EuroLan2011, Iaşi, Romania, 24 August-4 September 2011, HASRIL held a tutorial on NooJ, initial poster and flyer were presented.

8. 41st International Slavistic Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, 2-16 September 2011, UBG presented two papers.

9. SlaviCorp2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 12-14 September 2011, FFZG presented two papers, IPIPAN one paper, UBG two papers, LSIL presented a paper. Also initial poster and flyer were presented.

10. CLARA Career Course, Dubrovnik, Croatia 20-23 September 2011, FFZG presented inital poster and flyer.

11. 10th National Conference New Technologies and standards: digitization of national heritage, Belgrade, Serbia, 22-23 September 2011, UBG gave presentation on Serbian resources within CESAR.

12. Translation Management Europe 2011, Warsaw, Poland, 28-30 September 2011, ULODZ presented CESAR language resources for translation.

13. META-NET meeting, Berlin, Germany, 20-21 October 2011, CESAR initial poster and flyer were presented by FFZG.

14. Slovko2011, Modra/Bratislava, Slovakia, 20-21 October 2011, CESAR initial poster was presented by LSIL.

15. InFuture2011, Zagreb, Croatia, 9-11 November 2011, FFZG presented CESAR project in plenary and initial flyer.

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16. LTC2011, Poznań, Poland, 26-27 November 2011, joint paper by all partners was presented by FFZG, ULODZ presented a paper, UBG presented a paper, joint demostation by all partners was presented, initial flyer and poster by FFZG, as well as CESAR coffee cups and poster on Polish CESAR resources were exhibited by IPIPAN.

17. Eighth Conference on Hungarian Computational Linguistics, Szeged, Hungary, on 1-2 December 2011, the results of CESAR project were presented by HASRIL.

18. Natural Language Processing Seminar, Warsaw, Poland, 9 January 2012, CESAR language resources available through META-SHARE were presented by ULODZ.

The actions have been taken to assure CESAR participation at the most important community event, i.e. LREC2012 where CESAR is involved in:

1. organization of LREC2012 tutorial on NooJ (incl. presentation of the CESAR project by HASRIL)

2. organization of LREC2012 workshop on advanced treebanking (incl. presentation of treebanks that exist for different CESAR languages).

It is also expected that CESAR will have quite a number of conference papers at the FASSBL2012 conference since three languages (Bulgarian, Croatian and Serbian) are covered by this conference (i.e. South-Slavic or Balkan Languages) while other partners could be invited to give a plenary presentations.

2.2. Exhibitions and showcases CESAR project participated on project exhibitions that took place in conjunction with events in the field (FLaReNet2011, NooJ2011, META-FORUM2011, TM-Europe2011, SlaviCorp2011, CLARA Career Course2011, LTC2011, etc.). This exhibitions represent a very convenient opportunity to promote our activities and spread our results to a wider audience. The CESAR’s WP5 will be prepared for engagement in such cases. Details about presenting CESAR posters and flyer can be found in the previous list of participations at conferences. Here we list the participations at exhibitions, festivals and showcase manifestations:

1. Exibition of European projects at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 22 March 2011 – 22 March 2012.

2. Researchers Night, Bratislava, Slovakia, 23 September 2011, LSIL presented CESAR and language technologies for Slovakian.

3. Festival of Science – researchers’ night, Budapest, Hungary, 10 November 2011, Géza Németh: Gépi beszédeloállítás; lehetoségek és korlátok (Speech synthesis: possibilities and limits),

4. Festival of the Science – researchers’ night, Budapest, Hungary, 17 November 2011, György Szaszák: Beszédadatbázis érzelmek felismeréséhez (A speech database for automatic emotion recognition), beszedadatbazisok.pdf.

For 2012-02-09 a presentation of CESAR project is scheduled within the ICT-PSP Days that are organized by the Ministry of Administration of the Republic of Croatia in Zagreb. FFZG is invited to present CESAR and its achievements so far.

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2.3. CESAR organised events – CESAR Road Show Beside the activities targeted to research community, the most important means of enhancing awareness in different communities, i.e., business, society and government will be a series of nationally organized high-level awareness events (a „road show“) that will take place in each country at least once in the project duration. We find this form very suitable for local governmental officials and industry leaders in this region of Europe for getting acquainted with the CESAR project, META-NET NoE and the role of LRT in general. The format of this awareness rising events is given in D5.1, so here we present the tentative schedule for this events: 9:00-9:30 Registration 9:30-10:00 Opening and introductory speeches by minister of science and/or minster of

economy and/or minister of administration, president of the research council and/or economic council/agency, president of academy and/or rector of the university

10:00-10:30 Keynote speaker on LT in general and META-NET in particular with mentioning the Language Whitepaper series + handing over the Language Whitepaper to the highest present government official (suggested speaker: META-NET coordinator Hans Uszkoreit, if possible)

10:30-11:00 coffee break 11:00-11:20 EC InfSo official on the role of LT in multilingual EU and the role of

META-NET within 11:20-11:40 National/foreign CESAR representative on CESAR and its role in

META-NET 11:40-12:00 slot for industry leader 12:00-12:20 slot for government body/agency leader 12:20-12:45 discussion 12:45-14:00 lunch 14:00-14:20 industry/research/government presentation 1 14:20-14:40 industry/research/government presentation 2 14:40-15:00 industry/research/government presentation 3 15:00-15:20 industry/research/government presentation 4 15:20-16:00 coffee break 16:00-17:40 panel discussion (ca 6 participants) on future development of LT for a national

language and perspectives for industry on national and EU level (involving national CESAR leader, representatives from the ministries of science,

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economy, communications, culture, etc., economy chamber/council/agency, etc., leading industry player etc.)

17:40-18:00 general discussion and closing In parallel a demo session and exhibition of LT products by industrial partners and sponsors, and research projects at both, national and international level is planned. This regular series of events is considered crucial in the dissemination and outreach actions at each national level. These events will be organized by local organizers, but the logistics will be centrally co-ordinated from the WP5 and supported by funds reserved for dissemination to each partner. The target audience will be invited, but not limited to, on the basis of the collected internal database (D5.5) of all relevant stakeholders at different national levels. The consortium agreed on the following schedule of road-shows:

2012-04 Sofia, Bulgaria 2012-06 Bratislava, Slovakia 2012-06 Zagreb, Croatia 2012-09 Belgrade, Serbia 2012-10 Warsaw, Poland 2012-11 Budapest, Hungary

This schedule has been derived upon discussion on different aspects that could influence the impact of the event, such as national elections, summer vacations etc. and we see this schedule as the most appropriate. However, it is not strictly fixed and it can be adapted for organizatorial reasons. The preparations for the first three events are well on their way, so we believe it will run on schedule. The IBL, FFZG and LSIL have already made contacts with the venue managers, there is a price estimation for organization of the whole event. In the case of LSIL, nice occasion is taken into account, namely, the 10th anniversary of the Slovak National Corpus as the most important language resource for Slovak language. The invitations to foreign lectures were sent already and the schedule is shaping up.

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3. Media appearance: printed and electronic media

3.1. Web presence A focus on the web presence is of particular importance in the dissemination process and our public web site plays the main role in this respect. Beside the general static information and publicly available deliverables, CESAR web site also has several innovative means of dissemination:

• Video lectures: where available, project presentations were digitally video recorded and made viewable with accompanying slides;

• Special areas with information for different target groups o Media: announcements, flyers and posters in PDF; o Researchers: upcoming events, project publications; o Industry: announcements, demos; o General Public: list of Q&A covering the most expected points of interest, a

multilingual glossary of language technology; • Short Guides: two-page short PDF documents which will contain concentrated

explanations of designated terms/points/problems in the project and their solutions (planned for the second year).

3.2. Video lectures Web-based video lectures represent a chanell of disseminating information about the project that has no time and/or space limitation. They are available 24/7 for anyone having access to a modest computer. In this way the ideas and results covered by CESAR can reach around the globe. The following talks by CESAR participants were video recorded and are available at following URLs:

1. META-FORUM2011, Budapest, Hungary, 2011-06-27 (Session 7): a. Tadić 1:

etailpage b. Tadić 2:

detailpage c. Ogrodniczuk 1:

player_detailpage d. Ogrodniczuk 2:

ayer_detailpage e. Koeva: f. Váradi:

etailpage g. Q&A:

lpage These video lectures are also available at the dedicated page of the most popular web video lectures portal metaforum2011_budapest/

2. SlaviCorp2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia a. Przepiórkowski: mms://

v b. Garabík: mms:// c. Katunar: mms://

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d. Koeva: mms:// e. Utvic: mms://

3. LTC2011, Poznań, Poland a. Tadić: mms:// b. Pęzik: mms:// c. Krstev: mms://

3.3. Journals and conference proceedings The following papers were published:

1. Váradi, T. (2011) Introducing the CESAR Project // Infotheca (2) Vol. XII, pp. 71-74. (

2. Garabík, R., Koeva, S., Ogrodniczuk, M., Tadić, M., Váradi, T., Vitas, D. (2011) Detecting Gaps in Language Resources and Tools in the Project CESAR. In: Vetulani, Z. (ed.) Proceedings of the 5th Language & Technology Conference, LTC2011, Poznań, pp. 37-41. (

3. Garabík, R., Koeva, S., Krstev, C., Ogrodniczuk, M., Pęzik, P., Przepiórkowski, A., Stanojević, M., Tadić, M., Váradi, T., Vicsi, K., Vitas, D., Vraneš, S. (2011) CESAR resources in META-SHARE repository. In: Vetulani, Z. (ed.) Proceedings of the 5th Language & Technology Conference, LTC2011, Poznań, pp. 583. (

Six CESAR papers presented at the SlaviCorp2011 were selected for publishing and are invited to proceedings that is in preparation. Also another joint paper by all authors has been submitted to journal Infotheca for issue that will appear in 2012. Beside the journal or conference papers, articles about CESAR project appeared in Projects magazine, that presents different successfull EU-funded research projects, and The Parliament, a journal that is addressing EU Parliament MPs on new developments in research:

1. Language Technology to tackle the Multilingual Challenge, In: Science, Technology and Innovation. Insight into Hungarian research excellence. June 2011, p. 36–37. (

2. CESAR, In: The Parliament. Politics, Policy and People, 13 June 2011, p. 71.

3.4. Professional portals CESAR also appeared at portals specialised for news in science and technology or portals of daily newspapers:

1. CESAR, Success Stories, Poland

2. Večernje novosti, Beograd, Serbia, 2011-02-18

The portals of professional association dealing with language, e.g. translator’s associations, LT societies (like Croatian Language Technologies or Computational Linguistics in Poland, etc.) are supplied regularly with information from the CESAR project.

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3.5. Press releases Related to META-FORUM 2011 in Budapest and European Day of Languages 2011, CESAR partners (FFZG, IPIPAN, HASRIL, LSIL) issued press releases and sent them to national press agencies in order to raise the awareness about the project and its results in general public on these two important occasions:

1. Culturenet, Croatia: 2. Hungarian News Agency:

3.6. Media coverage Beside the cases mentioned above, different media republished information about CESAR:

• Language and Science,, 2011-06-29 • Administration and Informatics, eGOV, 2011-06-29 • Hungarian online,, 2011-06-29 • Slovakian online and printed media, Szabad Újság, 2011-06-29 • Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Linguists in the digital world, 2011-07-06 • Informatics for the Society Association,, 2011-06-27 • Informatics for the Society Association,, Youtube video Meta-Forum 2011 • Interview with Tamás Váradi about Language Technology, Radio Q 99.5, 2011-07-15 • Summary of the Meta-Forum 2011 with interviews, Hungarian National Radio-

Kossuth Radio, 2011-07-07 • Nyelvtechnológiai újrahasznosítás kalákában: CESAR,, 2011-06-11 (in

Hungarian) However, CESAR is also being mentioned with other LT projects on TV broadcasts in two occasions:

1. Kornai, A., Words make us understand…? Man, computer, language technology. In Mindentudas TV series, broadcasted 2011-02-08, Hungarian TV. (óból-ért?-–-ember-gép-nyelvtechnológia.html)

2. Tadić, M., Language Technologies in Translation. In eHrvatska TV series, 98, broadcasted 2011-10-14, Croatian TV. (

3.7. Social media Since the social media presence was coordinated with META-NET to avoid the potential confusion of our target audience, we did not take any particular actions towards any of social media except YouTube where some of our video lectures can be seen.

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4. Conclusion With this deliverable a detailed inventory of dissemination activities for the CESAR project in its first year is being provided. The report is describing how the expected channels of communication were used to convey the information about the project, to raise the awareness of its achievements and to present its results to the target audience, i.e. stakeholders in LT at national level: research community, industry professionals and political decision makers.