Download - TEM Map Code Site Association CDFmm Site Series Wf52 Sweet ...

  • TEM Map Code Site Association CDFmm Site Series

    Wf52 Sweet galeSitka sedge fen 00SITE DESCRIPTION SITE CHARACTERISTICS Sweet galeSitka sedge sites are uncommon in the CDFmm, but occur in a variety of landscape positions that are

    shallowly flooded during part of the year. Wf52 sites are characterized by low species diversity, dominated by sweet

    gale, Sitka sedge, and Sphagnum mosses. This fen ecosystem has a closed and dense thicket of sweet gale and hardhack. Sitka sedge dominates the herb layer. Terric Humisols and Mesisols most common.

    This unit is mapped only on Texada Island and in the northern portion of the Cowichan Valley.

    Assumed modifiers: N/A Modifiers used: p

    Elevation (m) Slope (%) Aspect () Surficial material Drainage SMR SNR

    0 0 999 Ob p-v 6-7 C

    No photo available Plots: A213, A223, CXV038, JCV021, V986

  • pDistribution of Map Units Containing Wf52 Units

  • TEM Map Code Site Association CDFmm & CWHxm Site Series

    Wf53 Slender sedgeWhite-beak-rush fen 00SITE DESCRIPTION SITE CHARACTERISTICS These fens are richer than Wf51 and Wf52 fens. These sites require permanently saturated soils and are tolerant of

    prolonged shallow inundation. Lake margins are the most common location but some isolated basins may also have

    suitable conditions. These sites are characterized by low species diversity dominated by slender sedge, white-beak

    rush, and scattered sweet gale low shrubs. A variety of water mosses and hook mosses may also be present. Terric

    Mesisols and Humisols are common.

    These ecosystems are mapped only on Saltspring Island and Saanich.

    Assumed modifiers: N/A Modifiers used: d, s

    Elevation (m) Slope (%) Aspect () Surficial material Drainage SMR SNR

    0 0 999 Ob p-v 7 D

    No photo available Plots: C180, C181, C186, C184

  • pDistribution of Map Units Containing Wf53 Units

  • TEM Map Code Site Association CDFmm Site Series

    Wm05 Cattail marsh 00SITE DESCRIPTION SITE CHARACTERISTICS The cattail marsh ecosystem is widespread and locally common throughout the study area in protected embayments

    at open water areas and permanently saturated wetlands. Cattail dominates the vegetation layers with few other

    species. Cattail marshes are often a result of nutrient loading adjacent to human development and agricultural lands.

    This marsh ecosystem occurs on well decomposed organic veneers or saturated mineral soils (Gleysols).

    From plot data dominant species included common cattail and common rush, while associate species included slough


    These marshes are distributed throughout the CDFmm mainly on Vancouver Island south of Nanoose, Sechelt, and

    Texada, Lasqueti, and Thormanby Islands.

    Assumed modifiers: N/A Modifiers used: p

    Elevation (m) Slope (%) Aspect () Surficial material Drainage SMR SNR

    0 0 999 Ov, Ob p-v 7-8 D

    Plots: DHV030, DHG038, DHV052, DHV054, DHV064, HRV217, CHV202,


  • pDistribution of Map Units Containing Wm05 Units

  • TEM Map Code Site Association CDFmm Site Series

    Wm06 Great bulrush marsh 00SITE DESCRIPTION SITE CHARACTERISTICS The Great bulrush marsh ecosystem overlaps with cattail marshes (Wm05) along lake margins and wave-exposed

    lake embayments with significant water movement. Bulrush species dominate the vegetation layers with few other

    species. Soils are mostly Gleysols and Humic Gleysols.

    This unit was mapped only in the Cowichan Valley on Quamichan Lake.

    Assumed modifiers: N/A Modifiers used: N/A

    Elevation (m) Slope (%) Aspect () Surficial material Drainage SMR SNR

    0 0 999 Ob v 7-8 D

    No photo available Plots: N/A

  • pDistribution of Map Units Containing Wm06 Units

  • TEM Map Code Site Association CDFmm Site Series

    Wm50 Sitka sedgeHemlock-parsley marsh 00SITE DESCRIPTION SITE CHARACTERISTICS The Sitka sedge Hemlock-parsley marsh ecosystem is very uncommon in the study area. Sitka sedge is always

    present with a number of other forb and grass species, depending on the substrate and amount of flowing water.

    Wm50 sites develop on organic veneers and marine deposits along streams and ponds near coastal waters.

    From plot data dominant species included common rush, small-flowered forget-me-not and slough sedge, while

    associate species included common green peat-moss and hardhack.

    This ecosystem was found on Lasqueti Island, Parksville/Qualicum area, Sechelt, Saanich and on Somenos Lake in the

    Cowichan Valley.

    Assumed modifiers: N/A Modifiers used: N/A

    Elevation (m) Slope (%) Aspect () Surficial material Drainage SMR SNR

  • pDistribution of Map Units Containing Wm50 Units

  • TEM Map Code Site Association CDFmm Site Series

    Wm51 Three-way sedge marsh 00SITE DESCRIPTION SITE CHARACTERISTICS The Three-way sedge marsh ecosystem occurs along protected margins of shallow lakes or sluggish streams on mucky

    substrates. Wm51 sites are transitional between fen ecosystem interfaces. They occur in permanently flooded

    conditions on degrading peat or soft muck.

    Several Wm51 ecosystems are mapped in the Cowichan Valley and Saanich.

    Assumed modifiers: N/A Modifiers used: N/A

    Elevation (m) Slope (%) Aspect () Surficial material Drainage SMR SNR

  • pDistribution of Map Units Containing Wm51 Units

  • TEM Map Code Site Association CDFmm & CWHxm Site Series

    Ws50 Pink spireaSitka sedge swamp 00SITE DESCRIPTION SITE CHARACTERISTICS Pink spirea-Sitka sedge swamps are a common CDFmm wetland type. The shrub layer is dominated by pink spirea

    with minor components of willows and red-osier dogwood. Sitka sedge may not always be present, depending on the

    density of spirea and amount of open water. Ws50 sites typically occur on organic veneers of poorly decomposed

    plant residue formed over gleyed mineral soil.

    From plot data dominant species included hardhack and slough sedge, while associate species included bluejoint

    reedgrass and red alder.

    This ecosystem is the most common wetland in the CDFmm. It is distributed throughout the entire project area.

    Assumed modifiers: N/A Modifiers used: p, s

    Elevation (m) Slope (%) Aspect () Surficial material Drainage SMR SNR

    30-500 0 999 Ov, Ob, WGu, Lp p 7-8 B-E

    Plots: CHV041, CHV046, CHV050, CHV066, CHV073, CHV082, CHV128, CHV203, CHV216, CHV266, HRV008, HRV104, HRV105, HRV211,

    HRG022, HRG033, HRG080, DHV021, DHV053, DHV063, JCV024

  • pDistribution of Map Units Containing Ws50 Units

  • TEM Map Code Site Association CDFmm & CWHxm Site Series

    Ws51 Sitka willowPacific willowSkunk cabbage swamp 00SITE DESCRIPTION SITE CHARACTERISTICS The Sitka willow-Pacific willow-Skunk cabbage swamp ecosystem occurs throughout the study area. Sitka and Pacific

    willow are common tall shrubs with a diverse understory of herbs and mosses. Skunk cabbage and lady fern are

    common herbs that thrive in the rich organic soils. These sites may develop near floodplains or marshes, and are

    often flooded for many months of the year.

    From plot data associate species included slough sedge, willow, red alder, salmonberry, skunk cabbage, highbush-

    cranberry, Pacific crab apple and salal.

    This wetland type is common throughout the CDFmm and is distributed throughout most of the Vancouver Island

    portion. It is rare on the Gulf Islands, as well as in Powell River and Sechelt.

    Assumed modifiers: N/A Modifiers used: p

    Elevation (m) Slope (%) Aspect () Surficial material Drainage SMR SNR

  • pDistribution of Map Units Containing Ws51 Units

  • TEM Map Code Site Association CDFmm Site Series

    Ws52 Red alderSkunk cabbage swamp 00SITE DESCRIPTION SITE CHARACTERISTICS The Red-alder Skunk cabbage ecosystem was found in the northern portion of the study area near Powell River and

    on Texada, Denman, and Galiano Islands at low elevations. Ws52 swamps are uncommon, but when present occur

    adjacent to small creeks and floodplains.

    Red alder and salmonberry are dominant shrub species with occasional tall willows. A diverse understory of herbs, such

    as skunk cabbage, lady fern and Sitka sedge may be present with variable amounts of moss. These sites have high

    watertables and lack elevated microsites that allow for conifer development (MacKenzie and Moran, 2004).

    Assumed modifiers: N/A Modifiers used: N/A

    Elevation (m) Slope (%) Aspect () Surficial material Drainage SMR SNR

  • pDistribution of Map Units Containing Ws52 Units