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  • 8/12/2019 Tell Nothing But The Truth


  • 8/12/2019 Tell Nothing But The Truth


    Tell Nothing But The Truth

    Levi Ben Rubin Page 2

    Free up occupied spaces in your mind:

    1. Cast out from a place. Is heaven a geographical place? Can somethingdwelling in the timeless realm be expelled from it?

    2. Gods realm, heaven, is the kingdom of total peace. Gods blessing (AaronicBenediction of Numbers 6:24-26) ends with the word Shalom.

    3. Since God knows our thoughts even before we think them could He not dothe same in His own heaven before Lucifer started to think?

    The LORDbless you, and keep you; The LORDmake His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; The LORDlift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.

    These subjects are worth studying:

    [1Chronicles 28:9] The LORD searches all hearts, and understands everyintent of the thoughts.

    [Ezekiel 11:5] Then the Spirit of the LORD fell upon me, and He said to me, Say,Thus says the LORD, So you think, house of Israel, for I know your thoughts.

    [Matthew 9:4] And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Why are you thinkingevil in your hearts?


    We have assumed that certain things we must accept blindly, or by faith because we

    are unable to rationally explain them. One of those inexplicable things is the Trinity,

    three being one. Yet, when we study the premise we discover that the Almighty Godwants to be understood and known as He really is. God did not create mysteries, but

    rather man. And that in turn is to bind people on the man-made mysteries in order

    to make their kind of religion a way to God. Result? - Sacraments and all sorts of

    rituals, which God permits, but does not want. Religion leaves out attainment to the

    knowledge of God. Religion makes itself into a god and something final.

    [Jeremiah 24:7] I will give them a heart to know Me, for I am the LORD; and they

    will be My people, and I will be their God, for they will return to Me with their whole


    God will give us a heart to know Him. When will He do it? He is doing it right now,today.

    [1Samuel 2:3] Boast no more so very proudly, do not let arrogance come out of your

    mouth for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and with Him actions are weighed.

    It pleases the LORD when we explore and seek Him, when we increase in the

    knowledge of Him and that of His Kingdom. Burning an incense stick and bowing to

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    Tell Nothing But The Truth

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    a statue of Buddha is not what Buddha wanted. Buddha was a seeker, but did not

    find what he set out to find. Buddhas writings are quite interesting yet very basic;he sought peace and harmony, which is Gods gift to us. Nature and God are not one

    and the same. How can created things be the creator? True peace comes from the

    realm of the perfect peaceheaven, which is not of this war ridden natural world.

    The chief peacemaker (John 14:27) dipped His pail in the heavenly realm and said,My peace I give to you, not as this world gives. Jesus did not want to be kept as astone statue to bow to or kiss his feet.

    [John 14:23] If anyone loves Me, hewill keep My word; and My Father will love him,

    and Wewillcometo him and make Our abode with him.

    So what happens when the Father and His firstborn Son make their abode in us?

    Would our knowledge not increase? Would we not have fellowship with our Father,

    the Word, the Holy Spirit and the angels? (Angels only minister to us, but do not

    teach us. They watch over us, and assist us in our attainment. Holy Spirit teaches,

    guides and reminds us). The Father; His firstborn Son; the Holy Spirit; the angelsand usGods childrenwe are part of divinity. We are not some strange creaturesaccidently called Gods children. And if Jesus is the only son then who are we?

    [Ephesians 1:17] that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give

    to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.

    Is it too much to think this way? Nothing is too much, but rather too little. We are

    too slow and even slothful when it comes to knowing God and His character. And the

    culprit is the mans invention of religion with all the elaborate and often silly rituals,processions, burning of incense, candles and special chants, etc., which only steal

    from us the space.

    Our brain is composed of cells. These units are interconnected and do communicate

    on different levels. They exchange high caliber of information as well as low and

    unimportant. If low calibers of thoughts occupy brain cells a person sinks

    intellectually. When high thought qualities occupy brain cells a person using them is

    elevated. Unlike anything infinite cells have borders, because they are physical; they

    are limited in size. If those enclosed particles use only ritual, mystical even dumb

    information then the true and life transforming knowledge is locked out. The

    occupied with foolishness space becomes the lord of that particular range. Today,

    many hold on to those packed with falsehood spaces and are unwilling to part with

    them. Popularly it is called indoctrination. Yet, the new wine eventually becomes oldand another batch of new wine must be made. A new garment also becomes old and

    a new garment has to me made (Matthew 9:16-17). What happens next is clear. One

    must part with the old wine and with the old garment by acquiring the new, and

    again the new until one attains.

    Why is it so difficult for people to part with anything old and outdated? Why people

    honor their dead predecessors and avoid the now freshly given food? Why people

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    Tell Nothing But The Truth

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    become even furious upon hearing words like these, [Luke 4:21] Today this

    Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.Many do not believe in the today living

    God who sends prophets and apostles for today. Instead, they believe that God has

    stopped it all as if He no longer moves, as if we have already received too much of

    Him. Some limit themselves, because they do not want to know the NOW living God

    the fresh way. Yet, the Scripture clearly states that in latter days God will sendprophets, witnesses, teachers, apostles or new shepherds (read Jeremiah 3:15-18).

    The Good God would never hurt you for He is love, so why do we avoid anything

    new He channels through His servants today? What are we trying to protect, or

    perhaps someone (on purpose) destabilized our sense of security?

    [Isaiah 48:7] They are created now and not long ago; and before today you have not

    heard them, so that you will not say, Behold, I knew them.

    Obviously, God is after the new for if he sends His servants, in these modern days,

    then we must be present minded and recognize His doings now.

    [Colossians 1:10] so thatyou will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please

    Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the

    knowledge of God.

    Increasing in the knowledge until we attain. Are you afraid of attainment?


    God permitted the Israelites to have their national symbol like the Ark of the

    Covenant with physical tablets of stone, with the Ten Commandments, manna andAarons rod that budded. The people were very proud of this overlaid with gold holybox. And so we tend to do the same thing over and over again. We want our God in a

    box and we will even overlay it with gold for Him and then say, Look at us, we areso good to you. We want God to be shut up in something man -made and man

    controlled. Thats is a quite accurate description of religion.

    God permitted religion, but this permission comes with a price. Each time He

    permits us to have our way, the further He drifts away from our consciousness and

    from our life. He becomes increasingly distant and mystical. Is that what man always

    wanted? Is our Father hurt? Yes He is. Gradually God withdraws from us. As He

    becomes more distant we seek intercession and the go-betweens. Finally we settleon being sinners and in need of some more of comforting ceremonies. We find

    ourselves in need of this soothing syrup, which is not an angel but a religious

    monster. With religious observances we oppress ourselves even more. As our trust

    in the Living God shifts toward our own religious practices the miraculous gift of

    faith becomes inactive. As a result we are the poor losers and when we die from this

    (spiritual) poverty we make up our own philosophy, explaining that death is part of

    life; if that is so then why not seeing Satan as being part of God? When it suits us we

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    go one way and when it suits us again we go in another. Result? We act as gods but

    foolish as if we have no need of the Almighty God who made us. The illusion of

    independence rules over our thought processes as if we birthed ourselves. No one

    chose to be born and although one can commit suicide one has no right to destroy

    (life) Gods gracious gift. It is indeed very sad. Here is another example of how we

    depart from freedom and are drawn to bondage.

    [1Samuel 8:4-9] Now appoint a king for us to judge us like allthe nations.But the

    thing was displeasing in the sight of Samuel when they said, Give us a king to judge

    us. And Samuel prayed to the LORD.The LORD said to Samuel, Listen to the voice of

    the people in regard to all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but

    they have rejected Me from being king over them. Like all the deeds, which they

    have done since the day that I brought them up from Egypt even to this dayin that

    they have forsaken Me and served other godsso they are doing to you also. Now

    then, listen to their voice; however, you shall solemnly warn them and tell them of the

    procedure of the king who will reign over them.

    Our Creator is not only our Father but also our King. We can hear His voice and

    enjoy His presence day and night, just as the Israelites did in the wilderness. He

    walked among His people day and night and it only could have gotten better, but

    instead it became worse. Did God give us too much of the free will? Or perhaps we

    choose the wrong thing being beguiled by self-importance. The strong self-identity,

    when paid too much attention to becomes a ruler. In time it outmaneuvers the real

    you, which is the God-dependent god. God permits us to have our way knowing very

    well that it is not good for us and that it would get even worse in time. But His love

    for His children is everlasting and never dies, so He sends His Firstborn (unique and

    special) Son Yeshua (Hebrew, salvation) to save a few. I am one of the few, are you

    too? Does God not care about the masses? Yes, He does, but He delights in thechosen few so much that He allows the masses go their own way. Therefore, the

    field will fulfill its mission on this planet, so will the tares also, but only His seed He

    will gather into His barn. As our knowledge increases we become triumphant and

    glorious, and that delights Him.

    As we redeem the lost spaces in our mind; squeeze out from our brains these

    useless occupiers; and fill the space with the true knowledge of God we then

    conform to the image of His firstborn. There is no other way. The old traditional

    concepts of God versus Satan and usthe caught in some cosmic squabblecreatureswont do anymore; for as knowledge increases so do we in it.

    [Daniel 12:4] Many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.

    In the past and today people still perish for lack of knowledge. But the worst is the

    resistance to anything logical, wise and exalting.

    [Isaiah 5:13] Therefore My peoplego into exile for their lack of knowledge.

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    The knowledge of God brings complete peace and healing. Eventually this

    knowledge will come to all. We are forerunners of this prophecy.

    [Isaiah 11:9] They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth will

    be full of the knowledge of the LORDas the waters cover the sea.

    The way of pain, which sin is, will be no more. No more hurting, no more war and no

    more suffering, but why not starting this way already today? What holds you back,

    why resisting, why trying to agree theology with the living relationship with our



    In John 14:27 Jesus told us that He was about to give us His kind of peace. Whence

    would He get this peace; certainly not from man-made theological heaven, where in

    the timeless and immeasurable space or a geographical location plots, intrigues and

    wars are possible? He told us to love our enemy and not hate (Matthew 5:44). IfSatan or the (Greek unknown) devil were our enemy then this loving of your enemy

    would make no sense, would it? In Philippians 4:7 apostle Paul spoke of the peace

    that surpasses all understanding. So, whats going on? Perfect God, perfect peace,

    perfect love, perfect joy and perfect heaven are not so perfect after all? Whocreated this ludicrous mess in our heads? Where are the beauty, order and

    harmony? We create mess and so we must answer for it. Just as we clean our houses

    so we must do the same to our head. Lets create beauty, harmony and order.

    There is much to say here and in order to cleanse it all one must know history of the

    Jewish people first, without which confusion will remain. This confusion made it all

    the way to the top, even inhabiting the official Christian creed. In Judaism Jewsreturned to the Torah and left Satan alone. Hence, Satan remains where he originally

    wasunder Gods full control for so it is also being portrayed in the Book of Job.(The Book of Job first appeared in Babylon). In Christianity Satan gained a

    disreputable, and yet in a weird sense, prestigious place.

    No Satan or the devil is mentioned in the books written before the Babylonian exile

    of (mainly) Judeans and Levites. At that time Israel (the ten tribes) was already

    dispersed (by the Assyrians) among the nations and lost its identity.

    The Book of Chronicles was written in Babylon and it differs from the books of

    Samuel or Kings. 2Samuel 24:1 speaks of Gods anger and that same anger is calledSatan in 1Chronicles 21:1. This discrepancy should be noted.

    History. What happened? Exposure to Zoroastrianism in Persia impaired the

    monotheistic Jewish thought. Further impairment took place under the Greek rule.

    Through Hellenization the monotheistic Jewish mind dabbled with Greek mythology

    and philosophy. When the Hasmoneans appointed Prusheem (the cast of Pharisees),

    many of which were Greek (converts to Judaism) proselytes, they introduced

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    dualismGod vs. Satan and Diabolos (Greek, devil) also called Beelzebub. Beelzebul(lord fly) and other mystical trash became very popular and it occupied the

    imaginations of the by then de-Hellenized Jews. Then it passed on to Christianity via

    Greece. The Pharisees supposed to restore the monotheistic Jewish thought, but

    instead they created their own doctrines with which they burdened the people.

    The New Testament came to us in Greek, which points to this pollution of the

    original monotheistic mind.

    God permitted this for a season only to cleanse it all in due season, which has

    already arrived. We call it the Last Reformation, for the Bride of Christ must be

    without spot or wrinkle. The Bride also is compared to the five wise and the five

    foolish virgins. Those who reform their mind regarding Godsabsolute Sovereignty,Omnipresence, Omniscience and Omnipotence are the wise virgins. There will also

    be a split between sheep and goats. The goats (the unwilling to change) will be on

    the left and the sheep (they hear His voice) on the right.

    The Holy Spirit does not teach mythology, legends or folklore, but the Truth for He is

    the Truth. The apostles used legends and folklore in order to connect with the Greek

    mind and sow the Seed of Truth in them. Holy Spirit is logical and very wise, to put it

    simply. This wisdom is for us, if we are ready to forsake the old foolishness and

    anything outdated.

    Catholic theology, or more fittingly said mythology; deals with the supposed fall of

    Lucifer (Latin for the Hebrew name Hillel assigned to the king of Babylon). The

    supposed fall, or expulsion of angels from heaven; is mythological and yet believed

    to be true.

    Now lets look at heaven for a while and understand its true nature.

    [Deuteronomy 30:11-14] For this commandment which I command you today is not

    too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach. It is not in heaven, that you should say, Who

    willgo up to heavenfor us to get it for us and make us hear it, that we may observe

    it? Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say, Who will cross the sea for us to get it

    for us and make us hear it, that we may observe it? But the word is very near you, in

    your mouth and in your heart, that you may observe it.

    [Luke 17:20-21] Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom

    of God was coming, He answered them and said, The kingdom of God is not comingwith signs to be observed; nor will they say, Look, here it is! or, There it is! For

    behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst.

    [Matthew 3:2] Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

    Luke 10:9, 11] and heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, The kingdom of

    God has come near to you. [11] Even the dust of your city which clings to our feet we

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    wipe off in protest against you; yet be sure of this, that the kingdom of God has come


    The Kingdom of heaven is among us, within us and it comes nearer with the

    proclaimed Word of God. Hence, it is not geographically located from which only

    physical beings can be expelled. Angels are spirits (Ps. 104:4 & Hebr. 1:7, 14). EitherGods fire can utterly annihilate an angel, as if it has never existed, or they remain asthe eternal part of Gods Kingdom? How can you expel a spirit from a boundless andtimeless spiritual realm? To make things even worse: one would have to count the

    innumerable numbers of angels in order to subtract one-third from a myriad. One

    imbecility leads to another and when no one questions it then this absurd fallacy

    occupies an area of the human brain. The door to that jail is only opened when yet

    another novel or a movie hits the market feeding this unnecessary incarceration. To

    change it is difficult, for the rebel within the human soul wants to keep things intact.

    It suits most religionists quite well. The keeping of people in total ignorance only

    greases the wheels of an organization, but shows neither love nor care for the little

    lambs. The love, which Peter was asked to display, was not for Peters lambs, but forthe Good Shepherdssheep.

    Why people do not question this myth as if they dont care?Something resides in uskeeping us away from the true knowledge of our Father. We seem to like gaps in our

    intelligent mind but only in reference to God. Those gaps are filled up in other

    departments, like mathematics, chemistry, biology or science. We have advanced in

    medicine, genetic research and we keep on filling those formerly filled with

    ignorance blanks. But we left these blanks in religion intact as if it suits us; and as if

    on purpose and for some curious reasons we tolerate and accept absurdity? Has

    humanity stopped caring about THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD? Are we too far

    gone that there is no more love left for the ALL Mighty Father of us all?

    Some houses are beyond repair and so they have to be completely torn down and

    build anew. This house is faulty from the start and why should I honor those who

    came up with these ideas. I think that they would gladly turn over in their graves

    and thank me for it. The dead would be more willing to do so than the living today.


    The interpretation of spiritual things with the accustomed to physical perceptions

    mind creates religion. Mysterious rituals mixed with the fear of the dead and evil

    spirits make people practice outrageous things. It all comes down to beliefs withoutthe knowledge of the Truth, which is here. It is plain and straight.

    [Deuteronomy 32:39] See now that I, I am He, and there is no god besides Me; It is I

    who put to death and give life. I have wounded and it is I who heal, and there is no

    one who can deliver from My hand.

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    But no, we tell God that He is only good and the devil only bad and so we have a nice

    self-made religion that does not bother God nor provides any need to know Him in

    truth. Thus mortals define the immortal Almighty God. Suit yourself, but as for me I

    have already crossed the line. What I write comes from Him and this is my walk with


    [Isaiah 45:5-7] I am the LORD, and there is no other; besides Me there is no God.I

    will gird you, though you have not known Me; that men may know from the rising to

    the setting of the sun that there is no one besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is

    no other, the One forming light and creating darkness, causing well being and

    creating calamity; I am the LORD who does all these.

    Can this be any plainer? The owner of light and darkness and all mysteries wants

    you to know the (plain) Truth. He is the one and there is none other. Anything

    obscured in darkness is there for a reason and that reason is light.

    Darkness exists for the glory of light.

    Once you turn on the light of Truth, darkness will vanish leaving but nothing to

    speculate about, to be scared of or write a bestselling novel about. There are higher

    and much more glorious things to pursue. Why settle for a cheap and short-lived

    entertainment that only pollutes your brain with faulty wiring? Once falsely wired

    one must then get disconnected and then rewired. Thats what Gods Truth does tous.

    Geographically, where is your mind and where is your brain? If it is located in no

    precise place then the location of your mind is nowhere to be found. A state of limbo

    is a terrible place to be suspended in, but can you afford it?

    If 2 plus 2 is not 4 then no matter how much math you have studied you cannot go

    beyond the basic truth. Multiply these numbers: 30, 4567.89X123,

    457.90=37601312106.831, which some can do it in their heads, but when it comes

    to spiritual things they find themselves in a limbo state. Yet, we are Gods (theSpirit) children. We are spiritual beings first and then (also) physical.

    Adam was predominantly spiritual and so where all His children and they lived

    almost 1000 years. Enochs son Methuselah lived 939 years and he died (Gen. 5:27),but he lived so long because his father did not die. The grace, which Enoch extracted

    from God, was also meant for his children. Enoch extracted Gods grace because it iswritten that Enoch walked with God and not God with Enoch. God took the one who

    faithfully walked with Him. Thats the point.

    [Genesis 5:24] Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.

    Gods offspring must cling to the Father and then He will come closer to you.

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    [Malachi 3:7] ReturntoMe, and Iwillreturntoyou,

    It is quite interesting to read about fathers age and their childrens age and then wecome upon words like these, and he died making it all sound as a final failure(Genesis 5:5-31 & 9:29). So what is in Gods mind really? He does not age and

    changes not. He is eternal. If God meant for all of us to die then why saying and hedied instead of, [Gen. 25: 8] Abraham breathed his last and died in a ripe old age,an old man and satisfied with life;and he was gathered to his people?

    With the progression of time the biblical language (about dying) has also changed.

    But which is truer, the earlier or the latter? We admire Abraham and we would not

    want him to turn in his grave, but even that was not Gods perfect will for Abraham.Again, why settle for less when there is so much more?

    Numbers have been created only for this physical sphere when the Creator counted

    days. One week contains seven days. Sunday is the eighth day, a new start and a new

    beginning, which is also the first day of the week. This will never change. A cross ismade of four laths, and each lath points in one direction. These four directions speak

    of new choices, changes, new decisions, etc.

    All is so logical and perfect, but when we leave the physical realm numbers play no


    Can our mind be so renewed with the spiritual cognizance that we will fathom all

    things in existence in a split second? The answer is yes, but to explain it all in one

    split second is impossible. For this reason God asks you to work on self-discipline,

    patience, but above all on the inner and outer peace. Grow in knowledge for He gives

    it today in abundance. Make strides with leaps and bounds as you return to yourMaker bypassing time and all that occurred during its course.

    Finally. Someone influenced the development of your mind and you have allowed it;

    and perhaps even froze things as something final and immovable. Some people grow

    up in nonreligious environments while others in churchgoing families. The

    churchgoers hardly ever speak about God and His Kingdom outside their church

    where they quietly hear sermons. They speak about church structures; who is in or

    who is out; who is high or who is low, names, fame and perhaps about religious TV

    shows. But discussing God, His laws and the mysteries of life in casual settings is

    hardly ever done. Religious folk leave these things to the experts their pastors or

    theologians. Gods name then becomes Sunday or Theology for no one dares to stepon anyones turf or undermine authority. As if knowledge of our Creator and Hisways requires professional expertise. Religious camps, build fences around their

    doctrines and laypeople are not even allowed to study God on their own lest they

    fall trap to the devils scheming, etc. So they are warned and taught. As a result theyshut up and only piously listen to the so-called experts.

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    Does God need someone between you and Him, and if you do then you keep on

    erecting multifaceted religious walls. Does God really need our definitions and some

    specially prescribed approach? In Catholic Christianity it is the holy mass, the

    kneeling, confessionals, crossings and congregational prayers, then come other

    ceremonies. Kissing the Bible, special intonation while reading selected verses,

    waving of incense, myrrh or frankincense. Evangelicals tend to create their ownrituals and come up with all sorts of ideas about God and His creation, but it is mixed

    with dualism, God vs. Satan. People imagine that God wants them to fight with the

    enemy using different strategies taught by some imbecile. High worship, fasting or

    prayer battles against the enemy; a lot of books have been written about this trash.

    It is alarming. I have been exposed to it all and even took part in it, thats why I canaffirmatively say that it is indeed trash. The enemy is already under our feet, but we

    are admonished to keep on putting him, her or them (depending what occupies your

    imaginations) under our feet, repeatedly. We are taught to be religiously involved.

    Staying busy with religion takes away the time that could be better spent on gaining

    the true knowledge of our God.

    Look at it all from Gods point of view. Is God really so stuck-up? The earthlymonarchs are self-important, but not our Heavenly Father. A snobbish or arrogant

    view of our God is a downright insult to Him. No wonder that He wont answer manya prayer, His ears cant hear prayers with such attitudes and views. We must learnfrom Him and for this reason He sent His firstborn Son Jesus. Study Jesus and you

    will never see Him playing religious games, nor do any ceremonies. Jesus was

    always normal, straightforward and uncomplicated, simplifying the by-religion-

    complicated things. He was abolishing mans traditions and spoke against them. Hespoke about the religious folly and here are few examples:

    1. Example

    [Matthew 24:15] Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you travel

    around on sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he becomes one, you

    make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.

    The Pharisees invented hell, in which Christianity saw a profit (political and

    financial). In heaven God does not need scared of hell people for His perfect love

    casts out fear and the same love perfects us. Each time Hades, or (Hebrew) Sheol is

    mentioned the translators used hell (Hebrew, Valley of Ben-Hinnom Gehinnom,

    [Yiddish] Gehenna, and Greek Gahanna). This was invented in *Judaism in order to

    ensure the survival of the Jewish people, and prevent the Hellenization process,which was gradually erasing Jewish identity. Hence, this concept was borrowed

    from Persia (Paradise) and Greece. I suppose, to keep people in fear to the Almighty

    God and prevent defection.

    * In Judaism Gehinnom or Sheol is not hell. According to most sources, the period of punishment or

    purification is limited to 12 months, after which the soul ascends to Olam Ha-Ba or is destroyed (if it

    is utterly wicked). Jewish eschatology is concerned with events that will happen in the end of days,

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    according to the Hebrew Bible and Jewish thought. This includes the ingathering of the exiled

    diaspora, the coming of Jewish Messiah, afterlife, and the revival of the dead Tsadikim (the

    righteous). [Source:].

    **Gehinnom or Sheol come from an ancient tradition and is an imaginary place of spiritual

    punishment or of purification for a period of up to 12 months after death. After death there is no time

    so how can we count 12 months? A lifeless corpse knows no time, nor does the created by thetimeless God soul. The spirit of life returns whence it came; back to heaven, which is amongst us, here

    and now. Hell is a place of spiritual punishment for the wicked dead.

    Traditional Judaism firmly believes that death is not the end of human existence. However, because

    Judaism is primarily focused on life here and now rather than on the afterlife, Judaism does not have

    much dogma about the afterlife, and leaves a great deal of room for personal opinion. It is possible

    for an Orthodox Jew to believe that the souls of the righteous dead go to a place similar to the

    Christian heaven, or, that they are reincarnated through many lifetimes, or that they simply wait until

    the coming of the Messiah, when they will be resurrected. Likewise, Orthodox Jews can believe that

    the souls of the wicked are tormented by demons of their own creation, or that wicked souls are

    simply destroyed at death, ceasing to exist. [Source:]

    In Christianity these 12 months turned into eternity, and this amplified the fear ofhell. If one left the church one would also go to hell (politics). Jesus alluded to Hell

    in one of His parables (about the poor Lazarus and rich man). He used that dayspopular beliefs to emphasize His point that what we do here and now determines

    our position in the afterlife. People maintained beliefs as those of passing through a

    body of water or a lake of fire (as seen in subterranean caves of molten lava). Jesus

    never taught about hell, but only alluded to peoples beliefs, (Read Is Hell Real).

    2. Example

    [Mark 3:22-26] The scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, He is

    possessed by Beelzebul, and He casts out the demons by the ruler of the demons. And

    He called them to Himself and began speaking to them in parables, How can Satan

    cast out Satan?If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a

    house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. If Satan has risen

    up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but he is finished!

    [Sources] Beelzebub or Beel-Zebub which originally meant "Lord of everything that flies"); Greek:

    , Velzevol; Latin: Beelzebb), with numerous archaic variants, is a Semitic deity that wasworshiped in the Philistine city of Ekron. Other beliefs: 1. The Devil; Satan. 2. One of the fallen angels

    in Milton's Paradise Lost. Beelzebub was next to Satan in power. 3. An evil spirit; a demon.


    The Almighty created Satan as His prosecutor in the court of law, fully subject to the

    Creator. Man loosened this tie by making Satan independent from God and even a

    god in his own right. God created all angels, but He created them. His firstborn Son

    was born in heaven and born on earth, spiritually and physically. We were also born

    in heaven (as souls) and born on the earth making us the siblings of Jesus. We are

    Gods children. Perhaps we have gone astray and in need to be brought back to God,

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    this assignment Jesus received and so do I. These most wonderful discoveries we

    must study further for indeed it is a sublime education.

    3. Example

    [Luke 11:46] Woe to you lawyers as well! For you weigh men down with burdens hardto bear, while you yourselves will not even touch the burdens with one of your


    Obviously Jesus did not expound on theology because in time all theologies became

    too complex. Jesus concentrated on His mission, which was to lay His life down and

    take it up again in resurrection (John 10:17-18). He came to simplify things.

    We can go on here mulling over religion. The reason I speak about it is to show the

    difference between religion or religiousness and the living God, even our parent.

    God too often is confused with religion as if His Name is Religion.

    I am asking you to move things out of their place and make room for the new.

    The renewal of our mind has nothing to do with battling with principalities and

    powers of darkness or with demons or Satans supposed strongholds. Why? If youwant to start any faith battle then you must first read Romans 13:1. When you have

    based your belief on Ephesians 6, then you must also read verse 15, which will make

    a complete sense out of the entire chapter. Anything else is a waste of time.

    Remove that heavy chip from your shoulder first. The moment you change,

    everything around you will also change. But above all God will affect your brain. He

    did it to Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4:33) once, and He can do it again to anyonedesirous to change for Him. You will create new realities with the by then cleansed

    mind. When you are free; you create freedom. When you draw grace; you will also

    share that grace with others. When you fall in love with your Creator; He will also

    fall in love with you and through you with everyone that listens to you. Anyone you

    fellowship with will be drawn to Gods inner circle of not just ignorant believers, buteducated children. He wants this radius to expand, for He wants to be known in

    truth and not according to mans definable theology.

    God knows your thoughts. He understands your feelings, and there are no secrets

    for Him. He cares and His love comes to you even as we speak right now. The

    healing begins first in your mind. Unlike man, He will never enslave you nordominate you. He is neither violent nor forceful. He is very gentle and sensitive. The

    more sensitive you allow yourself to be the closer you approach Him. There is no

    distance between Him and you for God does not dwell in some far away cosmos. He

    is omnipresent. The reason why He seems so far is only in your mind taught by

    those before us. Practice the new mind. Learn to attract His presence by making a

    room for Him. Gradually make more room for Him with less and less fear. Your trust

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    will increase and your footing will become surer. Do not expect anything magical or

    instant. Take your time.


    The animal world is filled with grazers and predators. Birds eat birds, animals eatother animals, etc., and their bodies are replaceable. Predators often eat flesh of

    grazing animals like antelopes or deer. This world therefore runs in cycles as one

    dies in order to sustain another, but with humans it was never meant to be so.

    Although some tribes, like in Papua New Guinea until recently, have practiced it

    today we do not hear about it anymore. Humans are not animals. We do not know

    much about peoples that existed before the creation of Adam if they were human in

    the full sense of the word. God teaches us. He gave us His law and the sole purpose

    of it was to create peace between people.

    Blessed are the peacemakers Aarons blessing is crowned with peace Why

    peace? Before Moses and before the giving of the law the earth was corrupt andfilled with violence. The Bible teaches us that because of this violence some peoples

    had to be wiped out (Genesis 15:16), but violence and corruption must reach

    completion. Until that tipping point God is gracious giving us extra space to return to

    Him. The story of Jonah portrays it quite well. God relented when the Assyrian

    people humbled their wicked pride by repenting. Nineveh was spared. Where does

    it all lead?

    Grasp the concept of time and grace. God gave extra time to the Canaanites, (about

    470) years. God gave the Nineveh people 40 days to repent and they did, the

    Canaanites did not. Jesus comes at the height of violence after God dealt with kings

    of Babylon and Persia. He showed them that there is no one else beside Him, He isthe one who creates life and He takes it away; He creates darkness and light; He is

    the ALL MIGHTY and ALL POWERFUL GOD. Rome valued a deliberate violence

    through their well-trained army, which they had to sustain financially and for this

    they had to conquer and enslave. Romans did not care about God or religion; their

    god was the military might. Thus they subjugated many peoples who then cried to

    God. After John the Baptist was born Zacharias, being filled with the Holy Spirit,

    prophesied, saying:

    [Luke 1:68-71; 79] Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for He has visited us and

    accomplished redemption for His people. [69] And has raised up a horn of salvation for

    us in the house of David His servant[70] as He spoke by the mouth of His holyprophets from of old[71] salvation FROM OUR ENEMIES, and FROM THE HAND OF


    SHADOW OF DEATH, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

    The pattern is clear and well established in the Bible. Israelites cried to God in their

    affliction and God sent them Moses the liberator. In the same line of liberators we

    see, Gideon, Samson, Elijah and finally Jesus the Christ. Liberation creates more

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    time, space and grace. This time, grace and space must be redeemed and never

    wasted. Thus Jesus came to save us from another destruction. Gods nostrils werefilled again with the same just as it is written.

    [Genesis 6:11-12] Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth

    was filled with violence.God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for allflesh had corrupted their way upon the earth.

    But the most intriguing statement is this, [Gen. 6:3] Then the LORD said, My Spirit

    shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall

    be one hundred and twenty years.

    This limit of years or extension for some has much to do with time, grace and the

    space in which one can change and even overcome all evil. The people of Noahstime took the time to abase (corrupt) themselves rather than to (morally) elevate



    After the mix between Adams descendants and other peoples instead of triumphingover the other genes in Gods sons (Adamic people) they succumbed to them. ThewordALSOonly applies to the fleshly, even animalistic-like people and those who

    carry divinity. Adam also became flesh like all the rest. But throughout the entire

    Bible we see that God seeks His (lost) sons; and through His Firstborn He gets to us

    today. Jesus prodigal son story portrays this fact. For inexplicable reason, perhapsbeing satisfied with mere religiousness only a fool would fail to see it and avoid this

    subject. We are here to open our eyes and understand Gods heart. Do you feel Him?

    Adam, with whom I identify, was created to rule over this planet. Jesus plainly stated

    that to those to whom the Word of God comes God calls gods (John 10:34-36)

    because they are His extensions. The Son of God is the Firstborn, the one who opens

    the spiritual as well as the physical womb on earth. Therefore, He is THE SON. We

    are sons of God. But the wisdom is not for us to rely on our own (imaginary)

    godhood, but on the source of all thingsour Father God. The moment we gulpdown our own greatness we start to corrupt ourselves. Jesus therefore depended on

    the Father. He said, the Father is greater than I (John 14:28). The born of God

    depends on the One who was never born or had any beginning. This concept must

    be firmly established in your mind before you understand this message: Adam was

    to dwell on earth and never physically die.

    Death did not come because of Adams fall, for he did not fall, but only transgressed

    a commandment, which he did not yet understand. Education and again education

    my dear friend Education brings knowledge, which liberates.

    The born of God does not sin (1John 5:18) for such are not even able to sin, or harm

    anyone. Such is a true peacemaker abiding in peace, creating peace, grace, and space

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    for others. Space speaks of freedom. Grace is an undeserved and unearned favor

    and this makes for peace, which is heavenly. This kind of peace Jesus gives. If heaven

    does not have this peace then religion messed us up big time.

    Since Gods sons do not harm themselves or others their way of peace is not the way

    of pain, is it? This fruit we were to bring forth upon this planet. Adam failed after hehad learned the difference between the yes and the no, light and darkness, pain and

    peace. The entire law speaks of choices, which lead to something most today lost

    any faith in simply because they lack spiritual education. The truth of the matter is

    that the more you fill your mind with the original plan God had for you; and with the

    knowledge of our departure from this plan; the sooner you will know. This

    knowledge is glorious. I used many words shooting at you from different angles only

    to reach you, but I have no need to show off what I know. I know. Period. And I can

    keep it all to myself, but that is not the Fathers will. He chose me to do what I doright now and I must be obedient.

    Animals recycle themselves. This spring birds arrive at our place and one particularbird comes back to the same place under our roof to weave her nest and lay eggs.

    Last year she had two eggs, but the chicks fell out of the nest and died. The mother

    birds failure is not really a failure, for instinctively she returns to the same placedoing exactly the same thing again. This time she laid four eggs in her new nest. All

    nonhuman creatures must propagate their kind for instinct dictates them so. We are

    not instinct driven creatures. We understand and gain knowledge and then make

    rational choices. Any resistance, to what God wants to tell you, comes from

    religiousness, which you must forsake for your own good. If you want to live forever

    starting right now then you must walk with God in truth. Enoch did it, why not you?

    Time in this regard plays no role. God has not changed and did not forget His

    original plan for you.


    The veiled in absurdity truths are being revealed now. A brighter light penetrates

    any dark crevices of your mind, but you must embrace that which this light reveals.

    You must run with these truths for only these truths contain the power of true

    immortality. Religion contains a mixture, bits of something true and bits of

    falsehood, but once this mixture is sorted out then gratitude erupts. I call it the

    active volcano of gratitude. It must erupt, voiced and shared with others, for without

    this movement and power no transformation is possible.

    Enoch did not have to deal with what we deal with today. Enoch did not know

    anything about Satan, devils, hell, fire and brimstone, seven headed dragons,

    lucifers, beasts or antichrists too long to list it all here. Enoch did not have toscratch his head before he would blindly gulp down yet another new (messed up)

    doctrine. Just in case it would have come from the devil or from one of his demons

    from hell it is safer for some to stay in their denominational doctrines and belulled into sleep by illusions.

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    Instead of bemoaning Adams supposed falland blame his failure for your ownstudy Adams divine (heavenly) birth first. It is clear that Adam had ALSO become

    flesh because he was not flesh. If he also is flesh like all the rest then that speaks of

    Gods displeasure and disappointment because He gave us the free will with free

    choices. And yet He knew that (beyond eons of time) He would take pleasure in metoday. Will He take pleasure in you? Do you ALSO want to be the ALSO?

    How blessed I am to know it. How blessed you are to read it.

    If I have opened your eyes, and broadened your horizons then do not forget me. I

    need you as much you need me for in this union we become one, not with the God of

    War, but with the God of PERFECT PEACE.


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