Download - Telemedicine system. Our Goals Record and monitor patients medical vital signs and other parameters continuously by various devices Facilitate communication.

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Telemedicine system Slide 2 Our Goals Record and monitor patients medical vital signs and other parameters continuously by various devices Facilitate communication between patient and medical staff including video conferencing Eliminate distance, location and time barriers Relieve anxiety and reduce stress for the patient and caregivers (relatives, ) Eliminate unnecessary patients travel and visit to physician or hospital Reduces patient hospitalization which result considerable reduction on health budget burden. Great tool during natural disasters ( Earthquake, Flood,) to save lives Slide 3 Supported devices Blood pressure monitor Blood sugar monitor Non contact thermometer Body Composition Analyzer SPO2 Spirometer ECG GPS Tracker with GPRS connection Digital Stethoscope Imaging systems (X-Ray, MRI, CT Scan, Ultrasound) Video conference Slide 4 Softwares PC Application to monitor medical devices and receive measurements over Bluetooth (Teleclinic Hub) Social networking and CMS software on the website ( Slide 5 Bluetooth Internet Medical staff Relative Slide 6 Blood Pressure Reports Slide 7 Blood pressure report and doctors comments Slide 8 Charts Slide 9 ECG Device Slide 10 ECG Graph Slide 11 GPS Tracking device Slide 12 Tracker data on map Slide 13 Blood Sugar Monitor Slide 14 Non touch thermometer Slide 15 Spirometer Slide 16 SPO2 Slide 17 Body Composition Analyzer Slide 18 Digital Stethoscope Slide 19 Imaging Systems (x-Ray, MRI, CT Scan in DICOM format ) Slide 20 Tools for doctors Patients list Medical History Patients vital signs and other recorded data in real time or by store and forward method Video Conferencing Prescription Order Laboratory Test Order Imaging Test Order Patients contact info Slide 21 Patients List Slide 22 Slide 23 Online prescription Accessible by the doctor, the patient and a drugstore Sent automatically to the drugstore Drugstore can add comments Drugs will be delivered to patient by member drugstores Slide 24 Slide 25 Online Laboratory Test Order