Download - Telehealth Client Registration Module--Staff Training


Introduction to Client Registration in the AMC Health Web Portal

With AMC Health, registering your clients into our system is an easy, interactive process


Table of Contents


Getting Started 3

Client and Provider Information 5

Saving Client Information 14

Client Monitoring and Insurance 16

Priority Limits and IVR Templates 21

Medications, Allergies and Hospitalizations 31

Assigning Care Managers, Priority Recipients and Additional Information 35

Completing Client Registration 38

Starting the Client Registration Process

Access the Administrative MenuClick on Registration/Referral


Registering a New Patient

Click here to start registration


For a client who has previously participated in telehealth, enter the

Client ID and click ‘Re-Register’

Page 1: Client and Provider Information


Select type of referral


Referral Source

Select ‘division’ (usually your location)• The field is

customized according to your needs

• Not all organizations opt to identify clients by division


Company Division

The options are selected by your organization


Program Type

Select the primary Client ID number. (In this case it is the Health Information Number). You may add a second number.The drop-down menu will prompt you for the type not already selected.


Client ID

The choice of designation is based on your organizational needs

Enter the client’s title, name, DOB, gender, primary language and spoken language

The pop-up provides a wide choice of primary languages


Client Information

Complete address: type, street, city, state, zip code and time zone

The Phone #1 must correspond to the number where the client can be contacted and devices will be installed.

If there is an alternate contact number, enter it and the type as Phone #2.

Recommended: entering Provider information….


Client Demographics

A provider can be the primary care physician, or any other type. • Enter last and first names, phone

numbers, email address• Select provider specialty (pop-up menu)• Check if provider is primary• Select if provider should receive

priorities, notes or both from the drop-down menu

• Click ‘Add’

Provider listings once completed can be edited or removedAny number of providers can be listed at any time


Provider Information

Do not make changes here.

To move to Page 2, click ‘Next’By doing this, all entered information will automatically be saved


Provider Information

Saving information…and how to find it later!


At any time, after you’ve clicked ‘Save’, you will be brought to the Registration Page

You can review and print your client’s completed information

‘Edit’ will return you to the corresponding section


Page 2: Patient Monitoring and Insurance


Setting up monitoring devices for the patient

It is on this page you select devices and connectivity for the patient, based upon their program, clinical requirements and home situation

• Select the modem and either the landline or wireless option• The blood pressure device, scale and glucose meter (if selected) need to be

identified for either a wired or Bluetooth connection• For blood pressure devices, the cuff size needs to be identified. The upper arm

circumference is noted in parentheses.


If Glucose Meter is selected, then Glucose Testing Information will be requested based on patient requirements and their current meter type

At a minimum, the following information needs to be completed before moving to the next page:• Insulin Dependent• Has Glucose Meter• Glucose Meter Type• Testing Frequency


Glucose Meter Selected

Entering patient insurance information

Enter insurance information: Type (in pop-up menu), Check if primary, member ID and group numberWhen completed, click ‘Add’


If a glucose meter is selected, this section needs to be completed

Glucose Testing and Insurance completed:

• Additional insurance types may be added

• Information on TelehealthInsurance Episodes is optional

• Click ‘Next’ to move to the next section: Priority Limits


Page 3: Priority Limits and IVR Templates


Clinicians have the option of changing these according to understood clinical needs. Default is clinical parameters based on standard guidelines.

Understanding priority limits and setting up IVR


What appears on this page corresponds to devices selected and IVR


Target and priority ranges appear at default settings. They can be adjusted by clinicians based on each patient’s need.

If the scale is selected, the Delta Weight Priority Range is the default setting. Users have the option to select Delta Weight, Reference Weight, or both

Target and priority ranges


Setting up IVR Autofills with Phone # listed on page 1 of registration; if another number is to be used, enter information.

Enter phonetic spelling if name is unusual

Available Templates are pre-set by customer


Users have the choice of setting up number of call back attempts and timing :• Same day• Next day

Preferred language autofills with client’s selected language. One of three depending on customer setup

IVR Call Back Attempts


Setting IVR Templates

Select template for client, e.g. HF Weight Gain, by

using the Add button


• Recurrence pattern: how frequently • Range of recurrence: select start and end dates, or number• Template type: if IVR is scheduled for a time, or after a

device is used (device triggered) and frequency• Click ‘Save’ to retain your selected information

Setting Scheduling Pattern


Another Example of IVR Settings

Select template #4 for Caregiving demo CHF1


This is set as Daily (every 3 days), starting 3/15/2011 (does not end) and triggered by the device reading

Setting Scheduling Pattern


After IVR setup is completed, it is available for• Edit, view or to

trigger an IVR call directly

• Click ‘Calendar View’ to view template scheduling, or “Send Call Now’ to generate a call immediately

Click ‘Next’ to move to the next section, Medication, Allergy , Hospitalization List

IVR Setup Review


Page 4: Medications, Allergies and Hospitalizations


Medications, Hospitalizations, Time Away

Information in this section is usually entered by clinical staff. These fields are optional.

ImportantHospitalization and time away information cannot be entered prior to device installation and activation


Select allergic drugs and foods from the drop-down menu and click ‘Add’

Food and Drug Allergies


Patient diagnosis may be added at time of registration. Select from the drop-down menu, add onset year (if known), check box if it is a primary diagnosis, then click ‘Add’

When completed

Click ‘Next’ to move to the next section, Case Managers & Patient Contact


Page 5: Assigning Care Managers, Priority Recipients, and Additional Information


Assigning Care Managers, other priority recipients All authorized care managers are listed for your organization. These may be assigned or reassigned based on patient need—click ‘Remove’ or ‘Edit’. • You may designate a care

manager as “primary” by clicking the box.

• You may designate who will receive priority/alert notification emails by checking the box.

If any additional (not already designated) people are to be notified of priorities, add them here


Adding other contact information and comments

Add alternative contacts such as family members or other caregivers here. Use drop-downs for phone type and relationship type

Add any pertinent comments about the client in this field. This may be related to device installation, days available, patient physical condition (e.g. ROM), limitations, name of caregiver to be present, etc.

This is useful information for clinicians and service support personnel to reach out to clients

By pressing ‘Save’ at the end of this page, the user is able to bring up a summary of all entered information


Completing Client Registration


Review all patient information prior to final registration.Scroll down for complete record Click ‘Edit’ to correct or add.

Client Information Review


Client Information Review


Client Information Review


Client Information Review



To complete registration….Return to top--click ‘Change Status” and select ‘Registered’


The patient record will not register if mandatory information is not completeThis is missing Client Address Type

Click ‘Edit’, save your work and use the Administrative drop-down, select Status Reports, click on Referred/Identi-fied Report. By the patient’s listing, click View/UpdateThis will return you to the Registration Page.


To complete registration:Return to top--click ‘Change Status” and select ‘Registered’ again to completeThe screen will reload and your work will be saved

Tip: To confirm if Registration is completed, click Change Status. Only the Registered option will appear.

Status Reports

In ‘Administrative’ on any page, drop down and click ‘Status Reports’


If you are looking for a client with a previously incompleted registration, use the Status Report

Click on ‘Referred/Identified Report’



Until clients are fully registered, all saved information can be found on the Referred/Identified Report

In the list of Referred Clients Reported, click on ‘View/Update’ for the patient (Mr. Platter)


To access this information


Returning to your registered client

• Select Status Reports in the Administrative menu at the left• Click on ‘Registered Report’ to view all Registered clients


Your client is now registered and listed in the‘Registered Report’ section

The Enrolled/Active Report shows all clients currently active in the programThe Disenrolled/Inactive Report shows former clients who are no longer active