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Memory aidsMemory aids

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Teknik Meningkatkan Ingatan

•Mnemonik•Chunking •Pegging•Lokus•Rantaian

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• The Number/Rhyme Mnemonic- Remembering Simple Ordered Lists

•  • How to Use the Tool:• The Number/Rhyme technique is a very simple way of

remembering lists in order.•  • It is an example of a peg system - a system where

information is 'pegged' to a known sequence (here the numbers one to ten). By doing this you ensure that you do not forget any facts, as gaps in information are immediately obvious. It also makes remembering images easier as you always know part of the mnemonic images.

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1.Mnemonics• A Brief Overview of How Mnemonics Work•      "Mnemonics are based on the principle

that the brain is a pattern-seeking device, always looking for associations between the information it is receiving and what is already stored.  If the brain can find no link or association, it is highly unlikely that the information will be stored in  long-term memory.  Unfortunately, this scenario is relatively commonplace in the classroom" (Wolfe, 200l).

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• Aids to memory such as acronyms, rhymes, linking information by creating visual images or making up a story, are called mnemonics. Mnemonic strategies have been recommended as appropriate for remembering the following types of information:

• shopping lists • vocabulary • appointments • speeches • facts • names & faces • dates • phone numbers • ideas • jokes • dramatic parts • poems • numbers

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Using Mnemonics to Learn More Effectively

When you are creating a mnemonic, e.g. an image or story to remember a telephone number, the following things can be used to make the mnemonic more memorable:

• Use positive, pleasant images. The brain often blocks out unpleasant ones.

• Exaggerate the size of important parts of the image • Use humour (perhaps linked with point 2)! Funny or peculiar

things are easier to remember than normal ones. • Similarly rude or sexual rhymes are very difficult to forget!

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Using Mnemonics to Learn More Effectively

• Symbols (e.g. red traffic lights, pointing fingers, etc.) can be used in mnemonics.

• Vivid, colourful images are easier to remember than drab ones.

• Use all the senses to code information or dress up an image. Remember that your mnemonic can contain sounds, smells, tastes, touch, movements and feelings as well as pictures.

• Bringing three dimensions and movement to an image makes it more vivid. Movement can be used either to maintain the flow of association, or can help to remember actions.

• Locate similar mnemonics in different places with backgrounds of those places. This will help to keep similar images distinct and unconfused.

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Using Mnemonics to Learn More Effectively

• The important thing is that the mnemonic should clearly relate to the thing being remembered, and that it should be vivid enough to be clearly remembered whenever you think about it

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2. Chunking• Chunking is a principle that applies to the effective

communication of information between human beings. It is particularly useful in the domain of written communication.

• It was first put forward in the 1950s by a Harvard psychologist named George A. Miller. He published a landmark journal article entitled "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two". Miller studied the short term memory.

• For example, how many numbers people could be reliably expected to remember a few minutes after having been told these numbers only once. The answer was: "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two".

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Principle All information should be presented in small digestible units.

Digestible unit defined

A digestible unit of information contains no more than nine separate items of information.

Rationale Research suggests that human beings can understand and remember no more than seven plus or minus two items of information at a time. This phenomenon is called the "chunking limit". Further, as the complexity of the information increases the chunking limit decreases.

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Lessons learned

All information intended for human consumption should be presented in unitsthat do not exceed the chunking limit. Thisprinciple can be applied to: •Written documents •Object, data, functional and dynamic models •Computer programs

Benefits By chunking information the author improves the reader's comprehension and ability to access and retrieve the information

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•No more than nine bullet points on a slide •No more than nine bullet points on a bulleted list - classify the information into smaller logically related groups and introduce a subheading •No more than nine bubbles on a single data flow diagram - consider reducing this further if the functions are complex •No more than nine classes in an object model module - consider creation of more super-classes or a more granular partitioning •No more than nine states in a single state transition diagram - consider creation of super-states •This principle statement is chunked into 7 units of information. No unit has more than 6 thoughts or sub-chunks.

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3.Pegging • A version of pegging was first put

forward by a man named Stanislaus Mink von Wennsshein, around the year 1648.

• modified by Dr Richard Gray(1730), Harry Lorayne and Tony Buzan,etc.

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• Basically what pegging does is to turn a number (any number), into a set of phonetic sounds or letters.

• These sounds are then joined together to form words, and these words may then be linked together to form a series of images.

• Finally these images may then be committed to memory. This enables an individual to recall numbers of up to (and above) 100 digits, with relative ease.

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The method• The first thing that you need to do in order to

learn how to peg, is to memorise the basic phonetic sounds that will be used to represent the numbers 0-9.

• To speed up your mastery of this number/letter code, I have offered a few memory aids. With these aids, the code should not take you more than around about 20 minutes or so to commit to your long-term memory.

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• So to summarise. The letters used to represent the numbers 0-9 are:

0 z , s

1 t, d

2 n

3 m

4 r

5 l

6 j, ch, sh

7 k, g, or c

8 f, v

9 b, p

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• For example, if you want to transform the number 74 into a memorable image, then all that you need to do, is to remember that the number 7 and the number 4 are represented in the above code, by the letters c and r. These letters may be used as the first and the last sounds of a word, the middle of which may be filled in with a vowel, or any other letter that is not a part of the number/letter code. If you use the letter a, then you have the letters c, a and r ‘car.’

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• The number 22 consists of two N’s. In order for you to form a memorable word from these letters, you just need to insert a vowel between the two letters. If you use the letter U, then you have the letters n, u and n ‘nun.’

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• The number 27 is made up of the letters n (2) and k (7). By the simple act of inserting the vowel – e, between these two letters, you are able to form the word ‘neck.’

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• So using the above three examples, if you wanted to remember the six digit number 742227, you would simply form a mental image that links together the words car, nun and neck. For example you might try imagining a car being driven by a nun, whose neck is so incredibly long that it protrudes from the sunroof.

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• The usual rhyming scheme is:1. Bun 2. Shoe 3. Tree 4. Paw 5. Hive 6. Bricks 7. Heaven 8. Gate 9. Line 10.Hen

If you find that these images do not attract you or stick in your mind, then change them for something more meaningful.

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4.Method of loci

• Who invented the Method of loci?

• According to Cicero's De Oratore, the greek poet Simonides invented it. The legend says that Simonides escaped a disaster that destroyed the building where he was having a dinner with other dignitaries. He was able to name the victims by recalling where they had been seated.

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• To use the method of loci bring to mind a familiar building, such as your house. Take a moment to conduct a mental walk through the rooms in your house. Pay particular attention to the details , noticing any imperfections, like scratches: anything that makes your mental images more vivid. Make sure you can move easily from one room to another.

• Along your route create a list of "loci" :i.e. well defined parts of the room that you can use later to memorize things.A locus can be a door, a bed, a oven, etc. Be sure that you can easily go from locus to locus as you visit the house.

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• Now, when you are faced with a list of words or ideas to be memorized, you must form visual images for each of the words and place them, in order, on the loci in your route. To recall the words or ideas now you take a mental walk throughout your house, asking yourself , "What is on the living-room door? What's on the sleeping room bed. What's in the oven?" And so on.

• Associating the words or ideas to remember with the loci, you should create surprising images. More striking is the created image, more easily you will remember the thing.